All the world's leading magazines write about her with constant delight - from Forbes to Vogue. When her husband, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, abdicated the throne in June of this year, mourning was declared in the fashion world, because it seemed that now she would no longer be seen in the world. But Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned made it clear to everyone that she does not intend to give up her position as the most brilliant, bravest and most influential woman in the Arab world.

On her wedding day, Moza bint Nasser al-Misned, an 18-year-old sociology student and daughter of a prominent Qatari dissident, did not look happy. Actually, there was no reason for her to glow with happiness. She was more beautiful than all the other women at the ceremony. She married a real prince. But she didn’t choose her groom. It’s just that her future husband really liked her, and her future father-in-law, Emir Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani, thought that such a marriage could be useful. Moza's father, Nasser bin Abdullah al-Misned, a merchant from the city of Khor, was the head of one of the most influential families in the country and also a prominent dissident who challenged almost any decision of the emir. By the time Moza got married, he had already served time in prison, and then emigrated with his family. However, even from afar he managed to ruin the emir’s life. Marriage, according to the emir, was an excellent way, if not to end the hostility, then at least to silence Nasser. Of course, neither Nasser nor his daughter could even think of refusing the emir. When an offer comes from a prince of the blood, it is not simply dismissed. So Moza became the second wife of the Crown Prince of Qatar, and after another 18 years, together with her husband, the almost absolute ruler of her country.

On the afternoon of June 27, 1995, the phone rang in a room at one of the most luxurious hotels in Zurich. The conversation lasted only a few seconds. The caller, the heir to the Qatari throne (and, remember, the husband of Sheikha Moza), informed his father, Emir Khalifa bin Hamad al-Thani, that he should not return to his homeland, since he had been overthrown from the throne. The emir hung up the phone silently. It is quite possible that at that moment he was recalling the events of 23 years ago, when he became the head of Qatar in much the same way, overthrowing his uncle from the throne. Emir Khalifa tried to regain his throne, but to no avail. So Moza became the emir’s wife.

And my beloved. The new emir had three wives, but only Moza became a public figure. Hamad bin Khalifa divorced his first wife, Sheikha Mariam bint Muhammad, even before marrying Moza. The emir married the third, Sheikh Nura bint Khalid, much later. Both the first and third wives of the emir were his distant relatives. Little is known about them, and few have seen them.

Moza, on the contrary, was always next to her husband. She accompanied him on official and unofficial visits, and traveled a lot and often on her own. Moza appeared either at the opening of a school, or at a charity organization dinner, or at a social reception. She herself chose where to appear and most often was the initiator of the construction of the objects that she opened. And if in Europe the principle of a working monarchy does not raise any questions, then in the Middle East, even in progressive Qatar, no one had ever done this before Moza.

Her social work is amazing. She seems to do everything at once. She oversees the improvement of public transport in a country where it is used mainly by servants and foreigners. She is making efforts to build Christian and other non-Islamic places of worship, and supports the opening of the region's first charitable shelter for victims of domestic violence. Finally, it was at her instigation that branches of the world's leading universities - Georgetown, Carnegie Mellon and some others - opened in Doha, the capital of the country.

In Qatar they almost pray to her. "Her Highness is the best thing that happened to Qatar," says Qatari student Ezra al-Ibrahim. "She is an inspiration to us all. Qatar has changed 100% since she came to power."

Moza bint Nasser herself says that she has her own source of inspiration - her husband: “I lived with my husband longer than I lived with my parents. I live with him, I know his problems, what his soul hurts about, I know him dreams." Just how close they are is now evidenced by the fact that very often they finish each other’s sentences, and it doesn’t matter what they’re talking about—art or international politics.

The wife of one of the richest rulers in the world can afford to help not only her own subjects. Moza bint Nasser is considered the main sponsor of a number of charitable organizations operating in Palestine. Every year, hundreds of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs receive grants from it to study at universities and colleges. Moza is one of the most active philanthropists in African countries. She became an international public figure, and in 2003 she was UNESCO's Special Representative for Basic and Higher Education. She ranks 79th on the list of the most powerful women in the world. And many believe that the editors of Forbes magazine underestimated Sheikha Moza.

These obvious achievements in a world ruled exclusively by men would be enough to call Moza bint Nasser the bravest or even the most controversial woman in the entire Middle East. However, taking into account Islamic traditions and cultures, Moza bint Nasser has certainly become an Arab woman who not only follows world fashion, but is its trendsetter. Every time she appears in public, not to mention official ceremonies,— a real holiday for fashion journalists. For example, they still remember with pleasure what was perhaps the most ambitious fashion war recent years, which was led with smiles by the indispensable participants in the list of the best dressed women in the world according to Vanity Fair - Sheikha Moza bint Nasser and Carla Bruni, the wife of former French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Wake up any fashion observer in the middle of the night, and he or she will, without hesitation, name the dates of the main battles of this war. The first happened on July 14, 2008 in Paris at a parade and reception on the occasion of Bastille Day. Sheikha Mozah, in a chartreuse pantsuit and silver jewelry, completely outshone the First Lady of France. The war ended with the crushing defeat of Carla Bruni after the second battle - on July 20, 2009, during a dinner in honor of distinguished guests from Qatar at the Elysee Palace. Moza appeared there in a dark red dress with a belt with diamonds and pearls. Literally all fashion critics awarded her the victory on points. Moza and Karla met later, but these meetings did not change the situation.

Sheikha Moza has her own tastes in fashion. She really loves the Valentino brand. In July 2012, the Qatari The Royal Family bought the Valentino fashion house for €700 million. They say that the deal was completed at the insistence of Her Highness. Another passion of Moza is fur heels from Chanel.

This year, Sheikha Mozah began releasing her own fashion line. That is, formally the company Qatar Fashion Group (QFG) is engaged in this. But it is clear to everyone that, like QFG itself, Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned is personally behind the QELA trademark. At the same time, people who know Sheikha Moza well say that there is nothing unusual in her direct participation in the creation of clothing collections: she has long been giving recommendations on observing Islamic traditions fashion houses when they make dresses and suits especially for her.

International respect and recognition, as is usually the case, does not mean that Sheikha Moza has no problems at all. They were always there and only, paradoxically, after the husband’s renunciation, they seemed to disappear. So, despite all his influence on her husband, Sheikh Moz for a long time could not secure the position of crown prince for her eldest son Tamim. After all, he was her first, and the emir’s was only the fourth. But in 2003, she managed to convince her husband, and Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani officially became crown prince. Sheikh Moza also had a main political rival - Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani, a relative of the emir, who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs since 1992, and in 2007 became Prime Minister of Qatar. While he was in office, many experts said, the position of Sheikha Moza's son as crown prince could not be secure.

At the end of June 2013, everything changed. The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, unexpectedly announced his abdication and, just as important, the resignation of Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim. Moza's son became the new emir.

Moza has four children in total and, as everyone who knows her says, she raised them perfectly. James Reardon-Andreson, dean of the diplomatic school at Georgetown University in Qatar, knows this for sure: "I know three of her children, and I'm actually shocked. They could be smoking weed somewhere in the south of France, as so many people do, but they are completely others. As a father, I admire the way this couple raised their children."

"We tried to raise our children as normal people. When I return home, we talk to them about everything: what I did, what I saw, what they think, what they want to do. Listening to the opinions of young people is very useful. Everything we do is for them,” says Sheikha Moza.

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned is the second of the three wives of the third emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, a mother of seven (!) children, one of the most stylish first ladies on the planet and, no matter how surprising it may sound, a political and public figure.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and Sheikha Mozah

The story of her life is quite in the spirit of oriental fairy tales, and if someone decided to make a series based on Moza’s biography, I think it would turn out something in the spirit of “The Magnificent Century”. Only instead of Sultan Suleiman it is the Crown Prince of Qatar, and instead of Hurrem it is Moza, the daughter of a prominent Qatari businessman.

Sheikh and sheikha at official events

At the age of 18, Moza received a “lucky ticket” - she met the future crown prince, but was in no hurry to marry him. First, she entered the University of Qatar to study psychology, then interned at prestigious American universities. And only then she got married. Early years family life a woman who is now called neither more nor less " eminence grise» Persian Gulf, gave it to the children. And Qatar at that time was not as influential a state in the Arab world as it is today. The situation changed in 1995. Then Moza’s husband carried out a bloodless coup and seized power in the country, overthrowing his own father. The coup was supported by the Anglo-Saxon world, people started talking about Qatar in connection with its oil and gas complex, and the new emir introduced the world to his second wife, the beautiful and educated Moza.

Sheikha Moza began to oversee humanitarian and charitable programs and increasingly appear in public in stunning outfits from the world's leading fashion houses.

The sheikha wears both trousers and dresses that suit her figure. By the way, she is a fan of clothes from.

In Moza’s progressive images, as experts note, there is no hint of the true “fashion situation” in Qatar, where women wear abayas (floor-length black dresses), headscarves or niqabs (black headdresses that cover the entire face with a narrow slit for the eyes) - in general, like everywhere else in . Moza wears only a turban, but free time Maybe he can take a walk in his pants.

Moza is also criticized due to her aggressive economic policy Qatar, a small country in the Persian Gulf, is accused of dumping gas prices and trying to capture the maximum segment of the gas market around the world. In addition, Qatar sponsors radical groups around the world, which, of course, does not really fit with the sophisticated image of the sheikh.

Sheikha Moza and Prince Albert II of Monaco

Sheikha Mozah visiting George HW Bush and his wife Barbara

Mosa with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and Sheikha Mozah

Sheikha Moza, which is rare for the wives of rulers of other Gulf countries, has a number of government and international positions, including honorary ones: she is the head of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Social Development, president of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs; Vice President of the Supreme Council of Education; UNESCO Special Envoy. Moza created the Arab Democracy Fund, to which her husband made a first contribution of $10 million. The main goal of the foundation is to promote the development of free media and civil society.

Sheikha Moza is also the initiator of the creation of the Qatar Science and Technology Park, which opened at the end of 2008. The park has attracted 225 million investments, including from leading global companies such as Microsoft, Shell and General Electric. Moza built an “Education City” in the suburbs of Doha, the capital of Qatar, a university campus where leading professors from American universities give lectures to students.

Sheikha Mozah herself holds honorary doctorates from Virginia Commonwealth University, Texas A&M University, Carnegie Melon University, Imperial College London and Georgetown University. Since 2010 she has been a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Dame Commander with the Queen of Great Britain

Moza is 54 years old. Looks amazing. Someone calculated that at 12 plastic surgery she spent about $2 million. Those who have had the opportunity to deal with the sheikh's foundation admire her ability to work and determination, noting her perseverance, authority and - imagine! - feminism.

Moza accompanied her Sheikh on all official trips requiring the presence of the First Lady

It was one of Moza's five sons, Tamim, who became the heir of Sheikh Hamad, Moza's husband. And this is a very important touch to her portrait, because in addition to Moza, Hamad has two more wives, and total his heirs are twenty-seven. But it was Tamim who became the fourth ruler of Qatar last June, displacing his father. More precisely, the father himself, without revolutions or unrest, transferred the reins of government of the country into the hands of his son Moza.

After this, the influence that Moza has on her husband and, accordingly, on state affairs is legendary in Qatar.

And not only in Qatar. Moza was included in the list of 100 most powerful women in the world according to Forbes magazine. They even say that Sheikh Hamad married for the third time not out of passion, love or profit, but to spite Moza, to show that her power is not unlimited. But still, no other woman could take the place of Moza, who became an expert in diplomatic protocol and international etiquette and, apparently, found the “key” to the heart and mind of the sheikh, during whose reign little Qatar began to prosper.

And finally, a few words about Sheikha Moza’s project called Educate A Child (“Give an education to a child”). The foundation was created under the patronage of Moza for the purpose of financing and organizing primary education for children living in poor countries, as well as in zones of military conflicts (a total of 34 countries, including Chad, Bangladesh, Kenya).

Sheikha says: “Seeing with your own eyes how these children live is not at all the same as hearing or reading about them. (...) These children are forced to fight for the simplest human rights, for example, to study and live in normal conditions. I assumed that schools might lack teachers or equipment. But these classrooms, you can’t even call them that! (...) Whatever we say and do, it will not be enough, but I want to create at least one school that will become a model, a standard. Children deserve it!”

Sheikha Moza is unique. But she .

The love story of a simple girl and a prince is a classic plot for fairy tales and has been popular since time immemorial, so not only little girls, but also well-established adult women dream of marrying a handsome, rich and intelligent “prince on a white horse.” And miracles happen, the main thing is to know where to look for him, this prince. We present to your attention the five most beautiful and richest heirs of the Muslim world.

1. Crown Prince of Dubai Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum Son of the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum and his wife sheikhs Hind bint Maktoum bin Juma al-Maktoum. Sheikh Hamdan- a very popular person in the United Arab Emirates. He received an excellent education in Great Britain, graduating military school ground forces Sandhurst, as well as the London College of Economics and the Dubai College of Administration. The sheikh gained popularity due to his charitable activities: the prince directly supervises a number of foundations that organize fundraising for the treatment of seriously ill children.

Sheikh Hamdan belongs to the al-Maktoum dynasty and officially holds the position of head of the Dubai Executive Council, that is, he heads the government of the emirate of Dubai, but he has time for numerous hobbies. Born on Valentine's Day, the prince is fond of romantic poetry, has the creative pseudonym Fazza, and even publishes collections of poetry. Sheikh Hamdan loves horse riding and has a large collection Arabian horses and regularly takes part in numerous equestrian competitions.

The Crown Prince is not married, but, alas, even before his birth he was engaged to a maternal relative. However, don’t be upset - no one can forbid a sheikh to have as many wives as he wants!

2. Crown Prince of Jordan Hussein bin Abdullah

Crown Prince of Jordan Hussein bin Abdullah The King's eldest child Abdullah II and queens Rania, 20-year-old crown prince Hussein bin Abdullah since 2009 he has been heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Jordan. Belongs to the Hashemite dynasty.

In 2007, the prince entered the Royal Academy in Madaba, then, as usual, went to study in the West, and he is currently studying political science in Washington, at the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. In addition to his native Arabic, the Prince of Jordan is fluent in three foreign languages: English, French and Hebrew.

Hussein bin Abdullah is involved in charity work, runs a foundation to support the development of science among youth, and also has a number of hobbies, including football and collecting motorcycles.

Although Jordan is a country with more high level openness and more “Western” values ​​than neighboring UAE and Saudi Arabia, no information about the personal life of the heir to the throne is publicly available, it is only known that he is not yet married.

3. Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnun al-Nahyan

Sheikh Sultan bin Tahnoun Al Nahyan Son of the President of the United United Arab Emirates Caliphs bin Zayed al-Nahyan, sheikh Sultan bin Tahnun al-Nahyan is a member of the oldest ruling dynasty of Abu Dhabi - al-Nahyan. He received a bachelor's degree from the UAE University in Engineering and Architecture, then studied international relationships at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Massachusetts, USA.

Sheikh Sultan oversees many issues of national importance. He is involved in investments in the development of sports, architecture, and also serves as the head of the Committee for the Development of the Eastern Region. In addition, the work of government agencies is under his control. charitable foundations, and large quantity organizations dealing with cultural heritage issues.

Among the sheikh's many hobbies are many sports, collecting art and traveling.

There is no information about the personal life of Sheikh Sultan either on the Internet or in the media.

4. Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Sixth son of the former ruling Emir of Qatar Hamad bin Khalifa and the fifth son of his second wife - sheikhs Mozy bint Nasser al-Misned, sheikh Mohammed is a representative of another major dynasty of the Arab world, ruling family Katara - al-Thani.

He studied at the Qatar Academy, received a bachelor's degree from the Diplomatic School of Georgetown University in Qatar, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard University. Sheikh Mohammed is fluent in Arabic, English and French.

According to the laws of Arab monarchies, the eldest son of the ruler of the state is considered the crown prince, so Mohammed, being the sixth son of the emir, will most likely never become the head of Qatar. But this does not mean that the younger children of rulers do not take part in managing the affairs of the state. Typically, the children of emirs occupy positions in the cabinet or head numerous committees overseeing issues of national importance. This happened with Sheikh Mohammed. A former captain of the Qatar equestrian team, he is very passionate about sports, and is therefore directly involved in the leadership of the Committee for the preparation of the FIFA World Cup, which is to be held in Qatar in 2022.

According to unconfirmed reports, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani is not married.

5. Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani Brother sheikh Mohammed al-Thani(not only by father, but also by mother), sheikh Jasim is definitely on the list of the most handsome Arab men. By the way, the appearance of two brothers in our rating today al-Thani not surprising. The fact is that their mother is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful women Muslim world. Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned- the second wife of the former emir of Qatar is known not only as a beauty and a style icon, but also as a very gifted politician, who takes a hidden, but quite significant part in many state issues. And therefore, it is not at all surprising that such a woman gave birth to such attractive and gifted children.

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani was Crown Prince of Qatar from 1996 to 2003, but subsequently, realizing that he was unfit to fulfill this role, renounced the status of heir apparent in favor of his younger brother, the current Emir of Qatar Tamima al-Thani.

He was educated at the British Royal Academy at Sandhurst, then returned to his homeland and became involved in charity work. He is now the honorary president of the Qatar National Cancer Society (QNCS) and is also involved in environmental issues.

Unfortunately, Sheikh Jasim has already chosen his first wife. She became a representative of the same dynasty, Sheikh Buthaina bint Ahmad al-Thani, daughter of the sheikh Hamada bin Ali al-Thani. The couple already have three children. But, as we know,

stylish woman Islamic world">

Sheikha Moza: The story of the most influential and stylish woman in the Islamic world

At all times, there was always a woman in the world who attracted the gaze of men and aroused the admiration and desire to imitate women. Today there are many such beauties, but the brightest of them stand out for their unique personality and charisma.

Even if you know nothing about the rulers of eastern countries, most likely you have at least once heard of Sheikh Moz. Her full name sounds like Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned. Yes, she is the recognized style icon and, as the world media say about her, the first fashionista of the East. Indeed, this woman deserves respect.

The most stylish beauty of the Arab world.

Who is Moza: short biography

Sheikha Moza was born into the family of a wealthy Qatari businessman in 1959. Her life is like an oriental fairy tale. Having lived a prosperous childhood and adolescence, at the age of 18 Moza met the future prince, but was in no hurry to get married and get bogged down in household chores. At first, the purposeful girl entered the local university at Faculty of Psychology, then went to America for an internship. Then, already educated and ready for family life, the girl got married.

First years in status married woman Moza spent time with the children. She devoted a lot of time to them and spared no effort. Just imagine: this fragile lady has 7 children! Then Moza’s life became brighter and more eventful in terms of career and social activities.

Looks good in all outfits.

In 1995, Moza’s husband organized a bloodless coup in the state and seized power, overthrowing his own father. This coup was supported by the entire Anglo-Saxon world, after which Qatar began to be talked about all over the world because of its rich oil and gas potential. Soon after this event, the new emir of the country introduced his second wife to the public - the stylish and educated beauty Moza.

Today, Sheikha Moza is one of the three wives of the 3rd Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad. Like Sultana Roksolana, well-known to many, she won the trust of her husband and was admitted to government affairs. The husband also allowed his beautiful wife to appear in public without a veil, which is unacceptable in the Muslim world.

Sheikha is an active public figure and is a UNESCO Special Ambassador for Basic and higher education. The woman is well educated, has undergone internships at famous higher education institutions educational institutions U.S.A.

One of the most educated women in the Arab world.

Moza devotes a lot of time and energy to the rights of women and children in Qatar. Thanks to the emir's wife, women in the country received much more rights than in neighboring eastern states. She is also included in the top 100 most influential women in the world according to famous magazine Forbes has no plans to slow down, it seems.

Sheikha Moza's influence, femininity and style

For the Arab world, Moza's style is pure audacity. She wears dresses, skirts, and trousers. From national clothes The Katara woman prefers only a turban. And he is often replete with bright colors and unusual decorative elements.

Moza and Sheikh.

The sheikha could easily give a master class on how to look sexy, relevant and fashionable without violating the rules of decency. She has a wonderful figure and a beautiful well-groomed face. She knows how to highlight her assets, preferring fitted outfits and a minimum of makeup. Moza boldly steps out in high heels, always maintains her royal posture, and looks stunning in any situation.

On her face you can only observe self-confidence and harmony with outside world. She knows how to present herself beautifully, as befits the first lady of any country.

Like any wealthy woman, Sheikha Moza prefers dresses and suits from the collections of designers Chanel, Dior, Armani, Carven and others in her wardrobe. A fashionista cannot do without outfits from the fashion house Valentino: the Moza family owns the majority of the shares of the brand.

Under the wing of her husband, but not in his shadow.

Such an extraordinary personality, of course, inspires other representatives of the fair half with her example. The Qatari first lady's flamboyant and understated style has spread far beyond the borders of her homeland. And this is not surprising: every time the sheikha looks restrained and does not violate the traditions of her country, but at the same time everything looks fashionable, original, bright.

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Sheikha Moza is the second wife of the former Emir of Qatar. She is an unprecedented example of how a woman, living in such a conservative eastern country, was able to become a style icon and one of the most influential people in the political arena.

Sheikha Moza ( Moza bint Nasser al-Misnad) received an excellent education and has a bachelor's degree in sociology. This woman is considered a high-profile specialist in matters of external and domestic policy countries. Sheikha Moza became one of the first wives of the emirs, who accompanied him to all official receptions.

The time when Moza's husband, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, was in power is called by some the “matriarchy of the emirate.” They say that he married a third time only to show Moza that her power was not unlimited.

Another clear confirmation of the sheikh’s strong influence on the political situation in Qatar was the fact that in 2013 her husband voluntarily abdicated the throne, and her son Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani became the emir. But he is not the eldest son in the family, and according to Eastern laws, he would never be the heir to the throne.

Sheikha Mozah is considered a style icon and a cult figure in the fashion world. Looking at her perfect figure, it's hard to believe that this woman has seven children.
It is admirable that Sheikha Moza manages to look elegant and impeccable without deviating too much from the religious requirements of her country when choosing clothes. Her wardrobe includes stunning floor-length dresses, wide trousers, and jackets. A turban is required on the head.

She even has her own page on Instagram, where Sheikha Moza regularly posts photos from her Everyday life. Numerous subscribers never cease to admire her impeccable taste and sense of style.