Mysterious and unusual mushroom fun having non-scientific names: upstart, devil's egg, witches' egg, shamer, mentioned in many ancient legends and ancient healing books and recipes. According to the scientific classification, it is a cap mushroom-gasteromycete, class - basidiomycete, order Phallus and Veselkovy. Its maximum height is a maximum of 30 cm.

In alternative medicine it is widely used for various diseases. Many believe that it can even cure oncology, and constant consumption of it guarantees absolute health. But, despite the positive reviews about the properties of this mushroom, fans of fungotherapy should especially carefully consider treatment methods and not refuse professional medical care, do not waste time so that the disease does not become fatal.

A mature mushroom looks very unusual and fascinating. At the beginning of growth, it is very similar in shape to an egg, measuring 6 cm in diameter. It is called mushroom eggs, it is very similar to a young puffball with a dense mass, but is distinguished by a more delicate, gelatinous pulp, and contains maximum amount healing substances. Some people associate it with overripe plums. It smells like radish or fresh radish, the shell is smooth, white and creamy.

After 7 days of egg growth, the shell (peridium) bursts into three parts and the mushroom itself grows - a stalk-like receptacle, shaped like a hollow cylinder with yellow or white spongy walls, up to 25 cm high and up to 4 cm wide.
The cap looks like a bell, the surface is cellular, mucous, dark in color with an olive tint, up to 5 cm high. On top of the cap there is a disk with a hole. An overgrown mushroom emits an intense, unpleasant, putrid smell of rotten meat, which attracts flies that carry spores, the size of which is 3.5-5 x 1.5-2 microns, yellow in color. For this specific aroma, it is known in some areas as stinking morel.
Another special feature of this mushroom is its unique growth rate. It grows literally before our eyes, in 20-30 minutes, the speed does not exceed 5 mm in one minute, but after 3 days the end of “life” occurs.

Veselka growing areas

The Veselka mushroom grows in many regions of our country, from Western regions of Europe to the Far East, the Caucasus and Siberia. Mixed or broad-leaved forest types with rich soil are preferred. Among the trees it is adjacent to oak, beech, hazel and bushes. The harvest season is from spring to late autumn, but the maximum harvest occurs at the end of June, when the mycelium is more active.

Veselka does not grow in one place all the time, thereby creating great difficulties for collecting a massive harvest. Healers selling medicines use even immature spores and create problems for the reproduction of these fungi.
When going on a search, you should remember the existence of the inedible Hadrian's fungus, a false variety of this mushroom.

Procurement rules

The correct time to collect the Veselka for food and making potions is when it is shaped like an egg. The harvested crop is thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth and cleaned of dirt and leaves.
Dry the mushrooms in a dark and ventilated place, having previously strung them on threads and hung them at a distance from each other.
Properly dried product is stored in the dark, tightly closed jar from glass for at least two years.
In some countries, for example in France, veselka is used in cooking exclusively in its raw form.

Medicinal qualities

Veselka has a very positive effect on the immunity of a sick person, causing persistent rejection of viruses and infectious agents. An extract from this raw material is successfully used in the treatment of immunodeficiency and AIDS.
It has a known antihistamine effect, reduces swelling and irritation, and treats allergic attacks in patients.

Composition of unique healing substances:

  • Antioxidants - improve metabolism and have a rejuvenating effect on the body.
  • Phytosteroids - restore sexual function in men, normalize hormonal levels.
  • Polysaccharides - stimulate the immune system through the production of lymphocytes and proteins, and have a negative effect on malignant formations.
  • Phytoncides - destroy various bacteria and viruses, effective in epidemics and complicated diseases.
  • Amino acids and minerals have a beneficial effect on the skin, stimulate wound healing and its rejuvenation.

Active compounds contained in mushrooms stimulate nervous and cardiac activity, as well as all body functions. They have a general tonic effect on humans.

Indications for use

  • malignant and benign formations in the body;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver and the entire digestive system;
  • pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis;
  • varicose veins, atherosclerosis;
  • arthritis, salt deposits;
  • diabetes and circulatory system diseases;
  • gynecological diseases and infertility;
  • sexual disorders in men;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • loss of strength after illness and stress;
  • powerful aphrodisiac.

Contraindications for use

The advantage of the drug from these mushrooms is complete absence contraindications, unless of course there is a particularly negative reaction from the body. The value is considered to be the absolute combination with all drugs, herbs and mushrooms.
What is known is that an overdose causes baldness in men, so in case of sexual disorders, you should especially carefully adhere to the norm. It is also recommended that pregnant and nursing mothers and children under adolescence avoid consumption.

Ways to use mushrooms

Veselka is used for healing purposes in various forms, depending on the state of health:

  • For diseases of the stomach and intestines, arterial hypertension, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis, water tincture helps.
  • If you eat half a dried mushroom a day during a period of mass flu, you can easily avoid this serious illness, dangerous for its complications.
  • When fresh, adding veselka to a salad dressed with sour cream, you can overcome cancer problems.
  • Alcohol tincture is considered universal and its use is extremely wide.

Properties of the tincture

Recipe vodka or alcohol infusion of mushrooms: take 50 grams of fresh raw materials, chop finely, pour into a glass jar and pour one glass of vodka. Place this jar in a cold, dark place or in the refrigerator for half a month or three weeks, without straining the mushroom mass.
This tincture has a very strong action. When infused, vodka plays the role of a preservative for the active substances released by the mushrooms. The versatility of this drug is proven by positive results in the treatment of external and especially internal diseases.

When it is used, the following processes occur in the body:

  • Reducing the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and stabilizing blood pressure.
  • Accelerated healing of wounds and ulcers.
  • Destroying viruses and healing bacterial inflammation.
  • Reduction of cancerous and benign tumors.
  • Stabilization of hormonal levels and reducing the risk of infertility.

Tincture regimen

The administration procedure is simple, but it is necessary to follow it in order to achieve progress in treatment:

  • From 1 to 10 and from 15 to 24 days - one teaspoon on an empty stomach, with a drink raw egg or eat honey.
  • From 11 to 13 days - no medication.
  • Days 14 and 29 - one tablespoon on an empty stomach and also washed down or eaten.
  • From 25 to 28 days - no medication.

Veselka mushroom for oncology

Since ancient times, information has been preserved about the extraordinary effectiveness of these mushrooms in the treatment of various tumors and neoplasms that tend to degenerate into cancer.

An ancient recipe for tumors

Collect mushrooms along with the egg, clean them of debris and dirt, but washing them is strictly prohibited. Take a 3-liter jar, put six mushrooms in it and fill it with high-quality vodka. Keep in the dark for at least ten days.
Take a tablespoon three times a day and wash down with a raw chicken egg.

Use for skin diseases

External diseases can be treated with this medicine prepared different ways. Here is one of them: in a glass of alcohol, 10 grams of dry and 100 grams of raw mushrooms, at least two weeks. From the unfiltered infusion, lotions are made on sore spots twice a day.
For acute and chronic sinusitis, rhinitis and severe runny nose, the locations of the frontal and maxillary sinuses, as well as the nostrils, are lubricated.
For cervical erosion, a mixture is made with chamomile infusion in a ratio of 1 to 2, the soaked tampon is kept in the vagina all night for a week.
Treatment with fresh Veselka eggs

  • in case of severe chemical poisoning and diarrhea, eating a piece of bread with fresh mushroom mucus spread on it will provide quick and effective help;
  • for diabetes of any type, to reduce blood sugar, eat half a mushroom a day on an empty stomach;
  • for dry facial skin and wrinkles, make a mask of jelly with sour cream and apply it to the face for 15 minutes;
  • for psoriasis, allergic rashes, wounds and ulcers, the skin is lubricated with mucus several times a day.

One teaspoon of dried mushrooms is mixed with a glass of boiling water, infused for at least eight hours in a dark place, and filtered. Take the resulting solution three times a day, 1/3 cup, for stomach diseases.

Side effect of treatment

Over the entire history of observations of treatment with these mushrooms, it has been noted that the fungus is easily tolerated and without any side unpleasant moments. Rarely, slight discomfort in the stomach and nausea were noticed, which quickly disappeared when you stopped taking Veselka.

In case of serious illnesses, experiencing a strong desire to be cured, having read a lot of positive reviews about healing and unique properties Veselki, having started a course of treatment, a sick person hopes for a quick and positive result. But often there is actually an increase in pain and worsening general well-being, especially in cancer patients. There is an explanation for this condition, a sharp exacerbation of the disease: the components of mushrooms actively fight cancer, destroying the integrity of harmful cells and causing their death. And it is quite understandable that this struggle cannot be painless.

Therefore, it is very important to understand that first there will be a relapse of the disease, and a noticeable improvement will not happen soon. It is necessary to have the right, positive attitude towards recovery, not to interrupt and methodically follow all treatment recommendations.
Also, no studies have been conducted on the effects on children and pregnant women. Therefore, it is better to avoid the risk and stop using mushroom preparations and be treated with more traditional, proven methods.
It should be remembered that before using the veselka, you must consult directly with your doctor to evaluate all the possibilities and chances of success. Of particular importance is compliance with all treatment regimens, dosage, duration of the course, and the form of the medication taken. If you do all of the above, the amazing healing effect will be real.

Drugs from the pharmacy

The pharmacy chain widely offers various dosage forms containing mushroom components: dietary supplements, suppositories, powder, capsules and creams. Their effect has not been fully proven and their effectiveness is rather conditional. The decision to take these drugs can lead to various consequences.

Write reviews about the use of these mushrooms and new methods of treatment.

(morel smelly)

or gouty morel, immodest phallus

- conditionally edible mushroom

✎ Affiliation and generic characteristics

Common Veselka(lat. Phallus impudicus), according to scientific, - immodest phallus, stinking morel, gouty, popularly - scoundrel, upstart, devil's egg, witches' egg, despite the “bizarre” forms, is considered a cap mushroom and belongs to the genus Phallus of the family Phallaceae and the order Phallales, which is part of the group gasteromycete fungi.
The common fungus mushroom is unique in its own way and is perhaps the only mushroom that can simultaneously be an edible, conditionally edible, inedible, and poisonous mushroom!
At its young age, when the mushroom is still in the peridium (shell or “egg”), it is certainly edible. And at the moment when its fruiting body comes out of the shell (egg) and begins its rapid growth, it is conditionally edible. When it has grown and its flesh begins to emit a foul odor (stink), then it is no longer edible. And when it is even slightly overripe, it is poisonous and can cause quite serious gastrointestinal poisoning.
And the common veselka is considered conditionally edible only because in its mature state it emits a very sharp bad smell(hence the second name - stinking morel).
Many sources contain information that the growth rate of the common fungus is one of the fastest in nature and can reach 5 millimeters per minute, and this figure exceeds the growth rate of bamboo, which is cited everywhere as a textbook example of absolute achievement of growth rate in the plant world.
The name Phallus, in relation to a specific mushroom, was first used by Adrian Junius (or Adrian de Jonge), a Dutch physician and scientist, in 1562.
But in 1729, Pier Antonio Micheli, an Italian botanist and mycologist, “the father of cryptogamy,” published a work in which he noted independent genus Phallus, with two species included in it.
And in 1753, Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish naturalist (botanist, zoologist, mineralogist) and physician, gave these two species binomial (consisting of two words) names:

  • Phallus impudicus (common beetle).

Nowadays, these two species are classified as different sections of mushrooms.

Already in 1801, Christian Hendrik Person, a Dutch botanist and mycologist, who significantly supplemented the Linnaean taxonomy of fungi with his work, introduced the following species into the genus Phallus:

  • Phallus esculentus (edible, tasty);
  • Phallus impudicus (common beetle);
  • Phallus cancellatus;
  • Phallus indusiatus;
  • Phallus caninus;
  • Phallus mokusin;
  • Phallus hadriani.
  • Phallus hadriani (Adrian's or Hadrian's merry);
  • Phallus ndusiatus (bamboo fungus, bamboo mushroom),

even later, in 1811, another species was added to the genus Phallus:

  • Phallus duplicatus (double networt).

And today the genus of phalluses (phalluses) has about 40 species, the vast majority of which live outside of Russia, are not suitable for consumption and are interesting only from a medical point of view.

✎ Similar species, medicinal and nutritional value

Fun mushroom bears little resemblance to other mushrooms, and perhaps to their fellows from the same family and, in particular, to:
- Hadrian's merry (lat. Phallus hadriani),
which in the “egg” stage with a more elongated shape is completely inedible, and is almost never found in Russia.
Since ancient times it has been known that the fungus mushroom is a strong aphrodisiac (or male potency enhancer). And as medical research has shown, this mushroom contains a unique series of compounds called phytosteroids, which in their effect on the body are similar to male sex hormones - androgens and have a beneficial effect on immune system.
In folk medicine, water and alcohol tinctures from fresh and dried plants were previously used. fruiting bodies fun mushroom. Vodka tinctures were used for abdominal pain, they washed wounds with them, and also, with their help, treated gout and kidney diseases. That is why the fungus mushroom is directly related to the so-called mushroom medicine and has been recognized as medicinal in almost all countries, including Russia.
Veselka is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

Malignant tumors: breast cancer, also prostate cancer, gastrointestinal or lung cancer and brain cancer;
- benign tumors: breast cysts and uterine fibroids, prostate adenoma and pituitary adenoma, mastopathy or polyps;
- various diseases of the uterus in women, sarcoma and melanoma, leukemia and other similar diseases;
- cardiovascular diseases: heart failure or hypertension;
- joint and skin diseases, treatment of hard-to-heal wounds and skin ulcers (for external use);
- rehabilitation in post-infarction and post-stroke conditions.

Our ancestors have known about the super-healing properties of the fungus for a long time. And the conducted Scientific research showed that the common fungus mushroom contains quite a few beneficial substances that have a pronounced medicinal effect, such as, for example:

Polysaccharides that have antitumor effects (neutralize various cancer cells by making holes in their membranes with their substance);
- alkaloids, which are natural or natural analgesics (or pain relievers);
- antihistamines, which eliminate various allergic and edematous reactions;
- substances that suppress dermatomycosis and fungal skin infections.

According to consumer and food parameters, the common mushroom is considered a mushroom of low quality and is classified as a conditionally edible mushroom of the fourth category, due to the presence of a strong specific odor.

✎ Distribution in nature and seasonality

Veselka vulgaris is a common saprophytic mushroom and feeds on the remains of organic matter, but it can also act as a symbiont, forming mycorrhiza with broad-leaved trees: oak, beech, even with some shrubs.
The common moth is found everywhere, singly or in families, especially often in deciduous forests, preferring soils rich in humus and distributed throughout Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia and Far East.
Its ripening season is quite long, lasting from May to October.
Veselka is a mushroom that is unique in its own way, and very rare, it is almost impossible to find it in our area, it grows in the soil, in the form of an egg, which is somewhat similar to a puffball mushroom, for which people call it “damn egg" and "witches egg".
When the mushroom is completely ripe (after about a week), a small bud grows from it, which quickly turns into a fruit stalk, rapidly (literally “before our eyes”) growing upward. This happens in just 10 - 15 minutes, sometimes in full view of some astonished observer, bringing him into furious delight or instilling quiet horror from this spectacle!

✎ Brief description and application

Veselka vulgaris belongs to the section of unspecified mushrooms and reproduces, like other mushrooms, by spores, which are usually spread by flies or other insects attracted by its smell.
The young fruiting body of the common veselka is ovoid and the size of a chicken egg. The egg shell (peridium) is leathery, smooth, white or cream. When ripe, it breaks into two or three lobes, having the appearance of a volva (like many fly agarics), and the fruiting body sprouted from the egg consists of a leg-like receptacle (container, storage) of a cylindrical shape, hollow, with spongy walls, white or yellow color, Very big size. At the top of the receptacle (leg) there is a non-complex bell-shaped cap with a cellular surface, covered with a mucous dark olive glebe (the inner part of the fruiting bodies of basidiomycetes, as a receptacle for their spores). At the top of the cap there is a dense disk with a passage. The unripe pulp of the fruiting body is gelatinous, with the smell of radish, and the mature or overripe mushroom has a very strong and unpleasant stench of rotting remains or carrion.

Veselka vulgaris is absolutely suitable for consumption, even in its “raw” form, if, of course, the outer shell is first removed from it. At a young age, when the mushroom is still in the soil, in the form of an egg, it is considered tasty or even delicacy.
For example, in our time (in France) it is consumed directly in its “raw” form, like radishes. And in ancient times, “raw” young fruits of the Veselka common spruce with sour cream and salt even in Rus'. And the main thing here was not to forget to remove the outer shell from the mushroom before eating it.

A young Veselka mushroom is used as a medicine. Eggs, juice and jelly of the mushroom have been used for medicinal purposes.

Veselka is credited with truly unprecedented healing effects! Effects similar to the medicinal properties of Japanese tree mushroom shiitake, has an effect on the body and our Veselka - mushroom , therefore it is considered effective against herpes viruses, influenza, hepatitis, oncology and even AIDS.

What else does Veselka treat? It has long been used to eliminate high blood pressure, migraines, gout, treated joints. An infusion of Veselka was used externally for burns, trophic ulcers, bedsores, fistulas and animal bites. It is no coincidence that the fungus looks like a male sexual organ: according to the stories of village old-timers, male inferiority was eliminated with the help of the mushroom. Studies have confirmed that the mushroom contains phytosteroids, properties similar in their effects on the body to androgens (male sex hormones).

Indications for use are also:

  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Veselka mushroom for oncology: a miracle remedy

Fungotherapy is a field of alternative medicine that specializes in the treatment of mushrooms. Japanese scientists have found that some mushrooms (especially shiitake) contain polysaccharides that stimulate the production of perforin (a special protein) in the human body. Perforin is part of a group of leukocytes - natural killers that penetrate the cytoplasm of cancer cells and destroy them. A high dose of polysaccharides is also found in mushroom fungus . It is recommended to use special mushroom mixtures, such as Veselka, Reishi and Shiitake. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chance of getting rid of it using natural remedies. Fungotherapy can also be used in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation. In addition to its destructive effect on cancer cells, fungotherapy helps reduce pain and strengthening the immune system , which is very important in the fight against oncology .

In addition to studying the anti-cancer effect, research is being conducted on the ability of veselka phytoncides to destroy HIV. In addition to destroying virus cells, Veselka also helps maintain the immune system. As you know, with HIV, even a common cold is dangerous. As a result of the use of fungotherapy, the virus is suppressed and the risk of developing AIDS is reduced.

Unlike chemotherapy, fungotherapy not only prevents toxins from accumulating in the body, but also removes them.

Veselka mushroom also cures

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders

Of course, the treatment of oncological diseases with Veselka is a great benefit for sick people and the main merit of the Veselka mushroom. Veselka, thanks to its chemical composition, regulates metabolism. In particular, this mushroom treats thyroid disease , both with decreased and increased function, resolves nodes on the thyroid gland, eliminates disturbances in the endocrine system. When mentioning the treatment of thyroid diseases with Veselka, I often remember one case. One woman took a tincture of Veselka to treat her mother, who had, as people say, a goiter. Her mother had already been switched to hormones and was mostly in bed. After using one liter jar of Veselka mushroom tincture, she felt much better, so much so that she even went to the dacha to work, and after taking the second liter jar, the doctors did not find a goiter when examining her. Of course, not everyone will be so lucky right away, but a fact is a fact. Veselka also resolves various growths, compactions, edema, papillomas, polyps , removes excess (harmful) from the body cholesterol, due to which it reduces arterial pressure . Speaking about the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders with Veselka, one cannot fail to mention the treatment diabetes. Here the fun also has its regulating effect. In particular, she treats how type 1 and type 2 diabetes . In all these cases, you can use Veselka tincture, taking it for 3-4 months with short breaks after each month of use, as in the treatment of cancer. It is possible and even necessary to supplement this treatment with an appropriate diet and the intake of medicinal herbs indicated in the treatment of this disease. For example, when treating thyroid diseases, it is good to drink preparations from white cinquefoil, and when treating diabetes, preparations from Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear).

Viral and infectious diseases

The fungus mushroom successfully treats viral and infectious diseases, in particular flu, hepatitis, herpes (including herpes zoster), even with such a disease as AIDS, she provides help. Official medicine claims that such a disease as cytomegaly, caused by cytomegalovirus, is practically not treated, and only symptomatic treatment is possible, i.e. bringing down the temperature, lubricating rashes, hormonal regulation of body functions, etc. The disease is quite common and very insidious. A description of it would take more than one page. This is practically a slow death of the body from diseases of many of its systems. However, people, as they say, do not sleep. And there were reports on the Internet that cytomegalovirus can be treated with Veselka. One day, a woman whose daughter at a very young age (about 25 years old) suffered from cytomegaly and was in a very depressed state because of her illness. She refused (for fear that she might have sick children and that she herself might eventually become a burden to the family) to marry her beloved guy. At present, the treatment is still ongoing, but after taking 3 liters of tincture, the girl began to feel much better, the symptoms of the disease gradually disappeared or greatly decreased, and vigor, confidence, and cheerfulness appeared. This once again confirms the presence of substances in veselka that kill various viruses and infections. Veselka is natural antibiotic , improves immunity well and stimulates the immune system, heals smallpox, chickenpox, respiratory and bacterial infections. In all these cases, use a tincture of the Veselka mushroom three times a day, from one dessert spoon to a tablespoon, depending on the complexity of the disease. In addition, for smallpox, chickenpox and other skin infectious diseases, you can make lotions (not compresses) from the tincture 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. It would be even better to rub oil (subcutaneous layer) or fermented Veselka juice into the skin.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

The Veselka mushroom turns out to be very useful in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Firstly, it removes excess cholesterol, thereby cleansing the vessels and getting rid of atherosclerosis, hypertension . To do this, it is enough to take one teaspoon of tincture twice a day 20-30 minutes before meals. You can, if desired, replace the tincture with other veselka preparations. Veselka helps well with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins . To do this, in addition to using the veselka internally, apply lotions to problem areas or 2-3 times a day with light movements, without pressing on large vessels, massage these areas until dry with tincture, jelly or juice from the veselka. Do not apply warm compresses.

Veselka strengthens the entire cardiovascular system, helps with vegetative-vascular dystonia, leukemia , increases blood levels lymphocyte level and improves the blood formula. If it is necessary to cleanse and improve the composition of the blood, it is better to supplement the veselka with herbal decoctions (for example, lungwort).

Digestive system diseases

Both ancient and modern medicine They believed and still believe that many diseases come to us through the stomach, that is, through improper nutrition, and accordingly they should be treated through it. They say that humanity digs its own grave with a spoon and fork. And here, preparations from the fungus fungus have a wide field of activity. It helps with a wide variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The famous French writer Honore de Balzac cured stomach ulcer precisely with the tincture of Veselka prepared for him in Russia. Veselka perfectly treats inflammation of the stomach, liver, stomach and intestinal ulcers, abdominal pain, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts. For all these diseases, as well as for cirrhosis of the liver, intestinal polyps, indigestion, cancer of the stomach and rectum Veselka tincture or other preparations are used internally. As already mentioned, for oncology, one tablespoon of veselka should be used for treatment three times a day for at least three months. For other diseases, a single dose can be reduced to a dessert spoon, and the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the success of treatment. Along with Veselka at stomach cancer It is recommended to use chaga infusion or its pharmaceutical drug befungin. In addition to taking veselka for diseases such as intestinal polyps, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, dysbacteriosis and rectal oncology you need to use Veselka suppositories, which are inserted into the rectum every night at night. You can make candles from powder dried mushrooms using beeswax and vegetable oil. There are other options for candles using medical emulsifiers (lanolin, cocoa butter, etc.). Candles should be stored in the refrigerator or other cool place until use.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

If a person walks on his own and can take care of himself, then although he may be sick, he feels like an independent person. And when trouble happens to your joints, as they say, neither sit nor stand. The fungus mushroom also provides invaluable help in these cases due to its anti-inflammatory, restorative and other properties. In these cases, in addition to taking one dessert spoon of tincture 3 times a day, both simple and concentrated tincture, juice, and ointments are used for external treatment. Concentrated tincture of Veselka is used to treat arthritis, arthrosis, gout, osteochondrosis, coxarthrosis, and other joint diseases. To do this, raw Veselka eggs, cut into small pieces, should be placed in a half-liter jar without compaction and filled to the top with weak (30-35 degrees) vodka, or better yet, moonshine of the same strength. Leave for 3 weeks and lubricate the sore areas at night, wrapping them warmly with a scarf, wool or other cloth. They say that such compresses can completely cure joints. Ointments are also very convenient to use in the treatment of joint diseases. The ointment should be rubbed in with light circular movements so that the ointment is absorbed as much as possible. There was such a case. In the summer of 2014, one patient suffered from knee ligament ruptures after surgery successfully replaced expensive imported medications (injections) with smeared jelly from fresh Veselka mushroom. There was more sense and the result was obvious.


Veselka treats colds very well, in particular rhinitis, cough, flu, sore throat, bronchitis. A cough, even the most persistent one, goes away in no later than 3-5 days. At the first signs of a cold, sore throat, runny nose, or flu, you should gargle with Veselka diluted in warm water, drink 1 tablespoon of Veselka tincture and lie down in a warm bed. In the future, drink 1 tablespoon of tincture 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. You can eat one Veselka egg as a salad. During influenza epidemics, it is recommended for prevention to drink tincture of the Veselka mushroom, a teaspoon three times a day or (for those at work, study, service) 2 times a day, 1 dessert spoon. Many people, when they drink Veselka tincture for prevention, do not get sick with the flu or acute respiratory infections.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Thanks to its rich chemical composition, Veselka treats many diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular inflammation of the kidneys and bladder , resolves various cystic formations in the kidneys and bladder polyps . Veselka also heals hidden sexually transmitted infections both in men and women.

And I would also like to say, perhaps not about the most important property of this mushroom, but also a very important one. Since ancient times, Veselka has enjoyed well-deserved fame as an aphrodisiac, that is, as a means increases sexual potency both men and women. Moreover, in this role, it acts on a person not like a scourge, but smoothly, softly but powerfully and confidently. Many men who bought Veselka tincture from me for the treatment of more dangerous diseases (oncology, diabetes) subsequently admitted to me with surprise that, without expecting it, they discovered the powerful effect of Veselka as an aphrodisiac.

Sexual and venereal diseases

As already indicated, Veselka is a good aphrodisiac for both men and women. It strengthens the reproductive system of the body, so it is used for treatment of impotence in men and frigidity in women. This property has been used since ancient times in Slavic countries, Germany and some other countries. It also treats sexual disorders and infertility in both men and women, eliminates hidden sexually transmitted infections .

Almost half of men after reaching 50 years of age are already familiar with various manifestations of acute or chronic prostatitis. If left untreated, an adenoma or, worse, prostate cancer develops. If to enhance the sexual function of the body it may be enough to take one dessert spoon three times a day, then to treat other sexual diseases it is necessary to increase the single dose to a tablespoon for each dose. When treating prostate diseases, in addition to taking Veselka orally, one must make microenemas from a diluted tincture of the mushroom (2-3 tablespoons per 100 ml of boiled and cooled water or a decoction of the herb yarutka) or suppositories from Veselka.

Skin diseases

Veselka mushroom is used for many skin diseases of various etiologies. If in diseases such as skin tumors, melanoma it is better to use a concentrated tincture of Veselka eggs (100 g of Veselka per 200 ml of vodka), supplementing it with external use of the same tincture or other preparations (ointments, jelly, juice), then for other skin diseases you can use the same concentration of tincture from already hatched (mature) veselka mushrooms or from a mixture of mature mushrooms and eggs. It is easier to find hatched mushrooms in the forest by their strong specific smell and you can see them from afar. Veselka is used for allergic rashes and itching of the skin, external wounds and ulcers, warts, fungal infections (dermatomycosis, candidiasis), erysipelas of the skin, trophic ulcers, fistulas, paniricium, frostbite, burns, insect bites, dog bites, bedsores and others skin diseases . In addition to its inflammatory and wound-healing properties, the fungus mushroom also acts as a good pain reliever. In particular, for wounds and ulcers, you can make lotions from tincture, juice, and lubricate sore spots with mushroom ointment.

When treating fungal skin diseases, you can make lotions from Veselka tincture twice a day, you can also additionally lubricate it with juice and ointment, but it is best to lubricate problem areas of the skin (palms, soles of feet, nails) with fresh Veselka jelly. And so on until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. This usually takes 7-10 days.

Women's diseases

Many women's diseases can also be treated with veselka preparations. In particular, Veselka is used in the treatment of female bacteriosis, hidden sexually transmitted infections, inflammation of the appendages, for the resorption of cysts, for fibroids, fibroids, cervical erosion. In these cases, in addition to taking Veselka tincture orally, one dessert spoon 3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, you can, subject to hygiene rules, use Veselka douches. To do this, experts recommend diluting the tincture of Veselka with half warm chamomile infusion. For mastopathy, the tincture of the Veselka mushroom is half diluted with water, clay is added, a cake is made and applied to the chest overnight.

At ovarian cancer, the dose of mushroom tincture should be increased to 1 tablespoon three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. During the course of treatment, you must drink at least 3 liters of tincture, as described in the section on the treatment of tumor diseases. Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to taking one tincture of Veselka, but use others in parallel and alternately medicinal products, diet, etc.

In addition to the above, it should be said that Veselka increases milk supply in nursing mothers and helps with sexual coldness in women. But fungotherapists and other specialists say that veselka is contraindicated for women during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of miscarriage increases.

It is useful to use Veselka periodically for the prevention of various diseases, in particular for the prevention of various tumor and cardiovascular diseases, strengthening various body systems, increasing immunity, and improving general well-being. After all, everyone knows that a disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

Many may say that I have somewhat exaggerated the capabilities and healing properties of veselka, that it is like another panacea for all diseases. No it's not like that. The fungus mushroom, for example, is not used for the treatment of childhood, nervous diseases, for the treatment of many other body systems, and even in the treatment of the body systems listed above, it is not used for all, but only for the diseases I mentioned and for a number of diseases where its benefit is not yet identified, not studied, or simply there are no publications about it and few people know about it. After all human body This is a holistic, interconnected system and by helping one organ, we help the body as a whole. Therefore, the above-mentioned properties of Veselka are quite enough to give it a worthy place in the arsenal of both folk and official medicine.

Relatively contraindications , then the Veselka has practically none. It is compatible with other drugs. And yet, it is not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age and pregnant women (orally), as well as persons with an atrophied pancreas. Children sometimes do not digest mushrooms well, and in women Veselka can act as an abortifacient. Side effects Veselka rarely has them. Sometimes, at the beginning of use, it can act as a mild sleeping pill, a mild laxative, or vice versa as a fixative. There may also be painful sensations associated with the therapeutic effect of fungal preparations. There is no need to be afraid of this, just reduce the dose of the medicine for the duration of these symptoms. Soon these unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Diseases for which the Veselka mushroom helps

1) Respiratory diseases and colds

  • Asthma;
  • Throat cancer;
  • Lungs' cancer;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Flu;
  • Thyroid diseases.

2) Diseases of the circulatory system

  • Pituitary adenoma;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • Hypertension;
  • Leukemia;
  • Increases the level of lymphocytes;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Cholesterol.

3) Diseases of the digestive system

  • Stomach ache
  • Internal ulcers;
  • Intestinal ulcer;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Gastritis;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Liver inflammation
  • Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Colitis
  • Intestinal polyps;
  • Oncological diseases of the rectum;
  • Gastric cancer with metastases to the liver;
  • Anal fissures;
  • Diseases of the biliary tract;
  • Liver diseases
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.

4) Diseases of the genitourinary system

  • Kidney inflammation
  • Inflammation of the cardiovascular system;
  • Cystic formations;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Hidden sexually transmitted infections;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Kidney diseases
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.

5) Musculoskeletal system

  • Arthritis;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Joint pain;
  • Joint inflammation (arthritis)
  • Joint diseases;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Gout.

6) Skin diseases

  • Allergic rashes;
  • Warts;
  • External ulcers;
  • Skin fungus;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Dermatomycoses;
  • External ulcers
  • External wounds;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Melanoma;
  • Non-healing wounds;
  • Burns;
  • Skin tumors;
  • Bedsores;
  • Skin cancer;
  • Wounds;
  • Erysipelas of the skin;
  • Fistulas;
  • Trophic ulcers
  • Psoriasis;
  • Bites.

7) Metabolic diseases

  • Nodes;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Edema;
  • Growths;
  • Papilloma;
  • Polyps;
  • Increased/decreased thyroid function;
  • Other thyroid diseases;
  • Endocrine system disorders;
  • Cholesterol.

8) Oncological diseases

  • Benign neoplasms
  • Benign tumors;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Malignant tumors;
  • Metastases;
  • All types of cancer;
  • Sarcoma;
  • Fibroadenoma.

9) Toxic, viral and infectious diseases

  • Bacterial infections;
  • Smallpox;
  • Chickenpox;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Herpes;
  • Herpes zoster
  • Fungal infections;
  • Flu;
  • Hidden sexually transmitted infections;
  • Respiratory infections;
  • Cytomegalovirus;
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Stimulates the immune system.

10) Women's diseases

  • Female bacterial infections;
  • Increases the amount of milk in women;
  • Cyst;
  • Myoma;
  • Fibroids;
  • Endometriosis.

11) Sexual and venereal diseases

  • Adenoma;
  • Infertility;
  • Strengthens the reproductive system;
  • Impotence;
  • Hidden sexually transmitted infections;
  • Prostatitis;
  • AIDS;
  • Sexual impotence;
  • Sexual weakness;
  • Sexual disorders;
  • Acts as an aphrodisiac.

12) Others

  • Increases immunity;
  • Improves overall well-being.

Under a thin layer of fallen leaves and needles you can find a small white grain, like a speck, which, as it grows, turns into a mushroom the size of a chicken egg. This is a Veselka, or a witch’s egg - they call it differently. Mushroom pickers, going on a quiet hunt, rarely pay attention to him. This is due to the fact that the taste of Veselka cannot be called outstanding. Its features lie in other properties, thanks to which Veselka has become so popular in folk medicine.

Veselka vulgaris is one of the mushrooms well known to Russians. After all, it can be found in both deciduous and mixed forests. It is found in temperate latitudes, but sometimes it is found in Siberia and the Far East. Veselka is well known to residents of the European part of Russia. Sometimes whole mushroom families grow right next to dying trees, but more often the fungus grows as single mushrooms.

Near spruce or oak stumps there are groups of 8-10 mushrooms. Sometimes such a company can be seen in a park or square during a period when the level of air humidity rises sharply. Hot, dry weather is destructive for the Veselka, and it does not tolerate frost. That is why the collection time falls on August-October. Veselka grows in Russia in mixed forests, where it is quite humid and warm, near rotten stumps or among dead wood. This is one of those mushrooms that, as if hiding from the human eye, are able to change their place of growth.

If you find yourself in a mixed forest, you can smell an unpleasant aroma nearby, reminiscent of the smell of rotten meat. This means that this amazing mushroom is growing somewhere nearby, attracting many insects. This aroma comes from the mucus covering the mushroom cap. This mucus, or earthen oil, becomes a bait for insects, which carry on their legs the fungal spores stored inside the cap itself. Veselka eggs quickly turn into adult mushrooms even at low temperatures, and due to the lack of mucus they have practically no smell.

Veselka appears at the very beginning of May and continues to grow actively until the very beginning of November. You can find it in central Russia, the Far East and Siberia. Here, in a damp, cold environment, it exudes its true aroma, which many mushroom pickers call floral, it is so similar to the smell of the most different colors, or rather, the aroma of the whole bouquet.

Distinctive features

The main difference between Veselka and other mushrooms is its appearance. It really does resemble an egg. From it the Veselka mushroom hatches, the beneficial properties of which force many mushroom pickers to collect it. Usually, only those specimens that have reached a size of 6-7 cm are taken, but the youngest mushrooms, famous for their healing properties, are also collected.

Most large specimens Having hatched from their egg, they grow up to 12-15 cm. On a large elastic leg there is a small dark head covered with foul-smelling mucus. The lifespan of the funnel is two or three days, after which it decomposes quite quickly. In order to have time to pick the mushroom at the right time, you need to look under the trunks of trees lying on the ground. If they are not cut off on time, then after 2-3 days the medicinal mushroom will simply begin to decompose.

Features and useful properties

But not at all because taste qualities people are looking for mushrooms. Veselka vulgaris is recognized as one of the most healthy mushrooms, comparable to which in quantity positive qualities Shiitake can also have healing properties. Treatment carried out with the help of these mushrooms was developed many centuries ago, but even today, biologists and doctors, conducting joint research, are working to study many useful properties these peculiar representatives of the mushroom world.

Everything that concerns the use of mushrooms for medicinal purposes has long been known. It has become widely known and has won the trust of many knowledgeable and novice mushroom pickers, because it is used in the treatment of various (very complex and not so complex) ailments:

  • herpes virus infection,
  • hepatitis A,
  • flu,
  • allergies,
  • swelling.

It is famous for its unusually healing mushroom and its ability to have a destructive effect on bacteria and viruses. Once in the human body, it contributes to:

  • restoration of the immune system;
  • activation of lymphocyte production;
  • getting rid of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • getting rid of malignant diseases;
  • a noticeable reduction in sensitivity to pathogenic microflora.

The medicinal properties of Veselka have not yet been fully studied, but doctors are already firmly convinced that by taking medicines based on the Veselka mushroom, it will be possible to significantly reduce the level of patient susceptibility to various infections that enter the body from environment. His protective properties help to successfully fight even AIDS, not to mention the colds and viral diseases familiar to us all.

Veselka has found its use in folk medicine. Here it is used as a means to fight cancer cells. To destroy them, there is a recipe according to which you need to put six Veselka eggs in a three-liter jar and fill them with alcohol or moonshine. Infuse the mushrooms for ten days, storing the jar in a cool, dark place. This could be a cellar or pantry. When needed time will pass, begin to take the infusion, washed down with a raw egg. The course of such treatment lasts at least a month.

  1. Prepare a water infusion that is effective for hypertension. With its help, you can not only lower blood pressure, but also remove excess cholesterol from the body.
  2. Boil mushrooms and drink a tablespoon of the broth before meals in the morning to get rid of stomach pain.
  3. Dry the Veselka, chop and brew 1/2 tsp. in a glass of water. This will help in the treatment of blood and lymph diseases.
  4. Infuse fresh mushrooms in alcohol to use the resulting infusion as a rub for joint and muscle pain.

A water infusion will help men forget about problems in the sexual sphere, but since Veselka is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, you can use the infusion only on the advice of a specialist, for fear of an overdose. This mushroom is not dangerous and taking 1/2 of the dried mushroom every day for a week will strengthen the immune system and help avoid infection during the seasonal flu epidemic. However, taking Veselka in any form is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age.

By preparing an infusion of vodka and rubbing the skin with it daily, you can get rid of psoriasis or irritation. Purulent wounds are washed with this infusion and used as a healing agent for stomach ulcers. Doctors note the high effectiveness of fresh Veselka mushrooms if used as a means for the prevention of cancer. In this case, they are not boiled or processed in any other way, but simply finely chopped, mixed with sour cream and eaten in small portions.

No matter how useful and safe the mushroom is, it is better to prepare decoctions and infusions from it that need to be taken on the advice of an experienced specialist. And you shouldn’t try to replace fresh mushrooms with tablets purchased at a commercial pharmacy.

Kira Stoletova

A tall leg, a strange body, an abundance of flies around and an unpleasant aroma... Who would have thought that this nondescript mushroom with such a strange name - “merry girl”, “shammer”, “devil’s egg” or “lady under the sheet”, has a huge list of useful properties. Let's figure out where the Veselka mushroom grows, what are its advantages over others medicinal mushrooms and when is the best time to start collecting.

Beneficial features

Using Veselushka as food turns out to have a whole range of beneficial properties, including medicinal ones:

  • Promotes the resorption of oncological tumors and formations (abnormal, i.e. cancer cells are destroyed). The mushroom contains a number of polysaccharides that are converted into perforin (a substance that kills cancer cells);
  • Veselka tincture is a good part of the course of infertility treatment for both sexes;
  • Accelerates tissue restoration after wounds, scratches and other injuries;
  • Removes low-quality cholesterol from the human body;
  • Reduces blood pressure (so be careful when using it if your blood pressure fluctuates);
  • Veselka is used in the treatment of herpes, flu, hepatitis and others dangerous diseases different categories and forms of severity. It is worth noting that you cannot be treated with Veselka tincture alone. She has a wide range useful actions, but they are not enough for full-fledged therapy - this is a good adjuvant;
  • Helps strengthen the skeleton and improve the quality of joint therapy, which accordingly allows you to move faster even with problems with walking;
  • Veselka helps cope with infectious diseases and stimulates the human immune system. Mushroom relieves inflammation internal organs and even heals bedsores, different types ulcers;
  • According to traditional medicine, medicinal properties increase male potency. It is often collected for use as a natural analogue of an aphrodisiac (due to the presence of phytosteroids in the body of the mushroom);
  • Helps to gain strength and tones the body during chronic fatigue and heavy physical exertion.
  • It is an antiallergic agent.

Disadvantages of medicinal mushroom

Veselka vulgaris delights with its healing properties, but before collecting it, find out about the existing contraindications.

It is not recommended to give tincture of “shamotnik” to small children under the age of 5 years (especially with weak resistance to diseases), or to women during pregnancy and lactation. The fact is that the beneficial mushroom contains strong organic substances.

Even adults are advised to consult with their doctor and carefully monitor the dosage and dosage schedule. You should not take the tincture of “smotnik” if you are individually intolerant to some components of its chemical composition.

Attention! It is strictly prohibited to increase the dose of the drug taken based on Veselka.

Features of maturation

The fungus reproduces by spores. They can be distinguished by their oval, round and elliptical shape. The cap grows and develops inside the soil; as it matures, it changes color to a darker one and reaches a size of 5-6 cm. The leg of the fungus grows up to 30 cm. In texture, it is a bit like milky white foam.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

At the beginning of its development, the young fruiting body is located in the soil and is shaped like a white, grayish or yellowish egg. It is located on a white mycelial strand. Its average diameter is about 6 cm. The shell is represented by two layers:

  • external, or exoperidium: membranous;
  • internal, or endoperidium: gelatinous.

Under the shell, the asexual part of the fruiting body is formed - the receptacle (also called the “leg”) in the form of a hollow cylindrical column with spongy (cavernous) walls. At its top, the spore-bearing part, the gleba, is formed and then separated. It is often called a “hat”. The receptacle can stretch up to 30 cm. At the same time, its growth rate is 5 mm per minute. As it grows, it raises a black-greenish cellular gleba in the form of a cone-shaped cap with a small disk at the top. Soon the gleba dissolves into black-green mucus with basidiospores. This mass drips onto the ground, emitting an unpleasant odor that attracts flies.

The general development of the fungus lasts 2 months, the formation of fruiting bodies takes only a few hours.

Unfortunately, the smoky fish lives no more than 48 hours (it can be found from summer to mid-November). It looks like a gray round jelly with a weight at the base. During the ripening period, a brownish or olive cap rises on a spongy stem. An unpleasant odor is formed.

By the end of the second day of existence, the ordinary merry no longer smells, and then completely dissolves.

Many mushroom pickers believe that a particularly high concentration of medicinal properties is found in the egg of the mushroom mushroom.

rare mushroom VESELKA - search near Moscow!

Where and when to collect the Veselka mushroom in the forest, which cures cancer and oncology Siberia Taiga forest survival

Veselka mushroom. Places where fungus grows. Preparation of healing tincture from Veselka.

Where and how to find

Veselki vulgaris grow throughout Russia. These mushrooms can be found both in mixed forests and in broad-leaved forests, which suggests that most medicinal mushrooms can be found in the central part of the country. Sometimes it is found outside temperate latitudes. On mushroom picking forums they sometimes say that fungi are found in the Far East, Western Siberia, and the European North.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

You can collect “smotnik” from May until October. However, the most best time They think it's August, because... It is at this time that the peak activity of mycelium is observed in terms of the formation of young fruiting bodies. This means it will be easier to find them.

It is best to choose sunny weather for searching, but do not forget that, like other mushrooms, the “devil’s egg” loves rain and it is after rain that it will begin to grow in wet weather.

When collecting the “eggs,” you need to carefully dig them out with your hands or using a small shovel (you can confiscate a child’s scoop). If the mushroom has just begun to “hatch”, cut it off or pick it. However, despite the same spectrum of action, preference is usually given to the underground “egg”. Collect them in a wide container covered with a soft cloth.

Veselki can act as a saprotroph. Then they either grow alone near dead trees or form real colonies. Near the stumps of spruce and oak there are often families of 10 mushrooms or more. And at times they can form mycorrhiza with some shrubs, oak or beech.

Sometimes they can be found even within the city. If climatic conditions suitable, they can also appear in city parks and squares. But you should not eat or infuse such mushrooms. They are susceptible harmful influence carbon dioxide and car emissions.

You can find mushrooms by the characteristic smell of rotting meat. This smell is very attractive to a number of flying insects. They are attracted chemical composition and mucus aroma. Insects carry fungal spores on their legs. This device does not work in cold conditions.

In cool weather, mushrooms emit a natural smell. According to mushroom pickers, it resembles a bouquet aroma. Don’t be fooled when collecting: the capricious mushroom often does not grow in the place where you saw it last season.