- This is unpolished, unpolished rice with the bran hull retained (sometimes called “brown rice”). It can be either long-grain or medium-grain, - accordingly, it belongs to both hard and soft varieties of rice. At the same time, regardless of the variety, thanks to the preserved bran shell, useful and nutrients remain in the grains of brown rice, and the rice itself becomes a pleasant light caramel color (hence the name). More information about the properties and characteristics of brown rice can be found on the Catalog page, which also provides information about Kuban rice and other types of products manufactured by Agro-Alliance.

How to cook brown rice in a saucepan?

In order to calculate the required amount of rice, keep in mind that one glass of raw grain yields three glasses of cooked grain. Rinse it until the water runs clear and place it in a saucepan. If you soak the rice for 40-45 minutes before cooking, the water will penetrate the outer layers of the bran shell, it will become more elastic, and the boiled rice will have a beautiful appearance.

The recommended ratio of water to rice is 2.5 cups of water to 1 cup of rice. If there is less water than necessary, the rice will burn; if it is more, you will have to use a colander to drain the excess water from the cooked rice.

The recommended hot processing time is half an hour from the moment of boiling, although many housewives advise cooking rice for about 45 minutes. This is because those who say 30 minutes are dealing with soft varieties of rice, while 45 minutes may be required for long grain rice. However, you still shouldn’t overcook brown rice - it won’t produce a velvety creamy texture: the shell will burst, releasing starch, and turn inside out. In addition, intensive hot processing of brown rice for more than 30 minutes will significantly increase its glycemic index, which neutralizes the beneficial properties of rice in general.

How to cook brown rice in a slow cooker?

The recipe for brown rice in a slow cooker, as in the case of tips for processing rice in a saucepan, is slightly different from the usual recommendations for preparing polished rice, for example, Kuban rice. Experienced housewives It is also advised to take two and a half parts of water to one part of rice - then it will turn out not only aromatic, but also crumbly. The operating modes of a multicooker can be called differently, but most often it is either “rice” or “cereals”. The cooking time is the same as when cooking in a saucepan - half an hour after boiling water. Please note that the preset cooking modes for rice in multicookers are most often set to 45 minutes of processing, i.e. to work with long-grain rice, so if you use soft varieties, you should turn off the multicooker 15 minutes earlier.

On our website you will find more than 50 different recipes with aromatic and fluffy brown rice, as well as many interesting articles about the history, properties and types of rice.

Brown rice, also referred to as brown rice, is becoming more and more popular among supporters. proper nutrition And healthy image life.

Its main difference, and at the same time advantage, over the white rice we are used to is the method of processing it. For getting white rice the upper shell, consisting of several layers, the so-called bran, is completely removed to speed up the preparation process. And they contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements that are vital for our body.

Brown rice undergoes only partial purification of such useful bran; only the very top insignificant layer is removed, which gives the rice such a peculiar brown color. Due to the fact that the main kernel of brown rice is covered with a bran shell, it does not become overcooked when cooked and retains all its beneficial properties.

The only disadvantage of brown rice is its preparation, unlike its relative (white rice), the cooking time is longer and the cooking algorithm itself is a little more complicated. But for the sake of your health, you can sacrifice a little time and learn how to cook brown rice.

Step 1

First, you need to rinse the brown rice well with water. Place the rice in a sieve or fine colander and rinse well with cold running water until the water becomes completely clear, thereby freeing our grains from dust and impurities.

Step 2

Then place the washed grain in a container and pour cold water, leaving to swell for 3-4 hours.

Step 3

After the specified time, drain the water, rinse again with cold water, put it in a saucepan and fill it with water in the ratio of 1 cup of rice to 2.5-3 cups of water. Cook the rice for 10 minutes, covered, over medium heat.

Step 4

After 10 minutes, remove the pan with rice from the heat, drain the water and fill it with cold water again. Now the rice can be salted to taste, cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 20 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Step 5

Voila, fluffy healthy brown rice is ready to eat. Bon appetit!

P.s. To simplify the preparation of brown rice, you can purchase a special device for cooking all types of rice - a rice cooker, which will monitor the entire process of preparing this healthy and tasty cereal for you.

The benefits and harms of brown rice - interesting topic for those who like to try unusual products in your kitchen. To evaluate the properties of cereals, you need to understand what its features are.

How is brown rice different from regular rice?

White and brown rice grains belong to the same grain. The only difference between them is the processing.

  1. White cereals are grains that are thoroughly cleaned and polished before being packaged and sent for sale. The process removes the husk and germ. This treatment can significantly extend the shelf life of the product and protect against contamination by harmful microorganisms. At the same time, the beneficial properties are significantly reduced - the cereal loses up to 90% of the valuable substances in its composition.
  2. Brown groats are grains that have undergone minimal processing and therefore have retained fiber and nutrients almost in full. However, at the same time, microorganisms and mold harm brown cereals much more often, and rice becomes very soft when cooked.

The two types of grains differ in nutritional value. Since brown grains have more fiber and white grains have more carbohydrates, brown rice is considered a more dietary product.

Chemical composition of brown rice

To fully appreciate the benefits of brown cereal after minimal processing, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. Brown rice contains:

  • fiber - it is this component that is preserved in large volumes with minimal processing;
  • B vitamins - niacin and pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine;
  • nicotinic acid PP;
  • vitamins E and K;
  • vitamin H;
  • folic acid;
  • magnesium and iron;
  • copper and zinc;
  • manganese and sodium;
  • phosphorus, iodine and selenium.

It is very important to note that brown cereal does not contain gluten, often causing allergies in children and adults. Anyone can use it without fear of stomach upset.

Calorie content and glycemic index of brown rice

The calorie content of brown rice is only 362 kcal per 100 g of product - this is an average nutritional value. The composition of the grain is mainly represented by complex carbohydrates - up to 77.2 g, but brown rice also contains about 7.5 g of proteins and about 1.8 g of fat.

The glycemic index of the product is 45-50 units, which makes it suitable for consumption diabetes mellitus- brown rice does not cause glucose spikes.

Benefits of brown rice for the body

Brown cereal has a number of valuable health properties. The benefit of the product is that it:

  • satisfies hunger well, replenishes energy and has a tonic effect;
  • does not contain gluten, so is ideal for people with gluten intolerance;
  • strengthens nervous system and promotes healthy brain activity;
  • has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and improves heart function;
  • increases concentration and memory;
  • regulates intestinal function, has a slight fixing effect;
  • helps with liver function, promotes rapid removal of toxins and waste from the body;
  • Serves as a prevention of cancer due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition.

Medicinal recipes based on brown rice

Brown grains are very useful in a regular diet, as they help prevent the development of many ailments. However, the benefits and harms of brown rice for the body are clearly manifested in pre-existing diseases; sometimes the properties of the product are used for treatment.

To cleanse joints of salts

Healthy cereals are used to regulate metabolism, remove excess salts from joints and protect bone tissue from arthritis and arthrosis. It is necessary to prepare the following remedy:

  • a small amount of brown rice is laid out in 5 identical glasses - 2 large spoons of cereal for each;
  • pour cold water over the cereal, number the glasses and put them away in a dark place for a day;
  • after a day, the water is carefully drained from the glasses, and then the cereal is filled with fresh water;
  • the procedure is repeated for 5 days in a row;
  • on the 6th day of soaking, rice from the first glass is boiled and taken for breakfast, after which fresh grains are poured with water again;
  • on day 7, boil and eat rice from the second glass, also soaking a new portion of cereal in the empty container.

According to the given scheme useful product continue to take in the morning for 40 days in a row. During the cleanse, it is important to drink more plain water and eat plenty of vegetables to replenish the loss of potassium in the body. After drinking the rice infusion in the morning, you are allowed to have lunch with any food, but not earlier than 4 hours later.

To cleanse the body

The properties of brown rice allow general cleansing body. To do this, pour 100 g of cereal with a liter of water and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes under a closed lid.

Take the decoction in a third of a glass, strained and cooled to warm temperature, 1 per day. It is recommended to carry out treatment for 10 days, and then take a break so that there is no harm. When used wisely, the healing agent will speed up metabolism and promote the rapid removal of toxins. This will not only normalize weight indicators, but also improve blood quality, and the liver will experience less stress.

For pancreatitis

During the acute phase of the disease, patients are usually shown fasting - this allows for faster relief of pancreatic inflammation. However, within a couple of days after the disease subsides, brown rice can be returned to the diet. In small quantities, when consumed twice a week, the properties of the product will not cause harm, but great benefit, since they will help regulate digestion. In order not to injure the pancreas, the product must first be thoroughly boiled or even ground in a blender.

For diabetes

The benefits and harms of brown rice for diabetics depend on the rate of consumption of the product. Brown grains contain vitamins, folic acid and fiber, so brown rice is very useful for diabetes - it helps maintain glucose levels at the desired level. The amount of fast carbohydrates in the product is reduced, and rice does not lead to sudden spikes in sugar, but helps to maintain a balanced state of health.

However, in large volumes the properties of the product are dangerous for the digestive tract. If you eat too much of it, the harm will result in flatulence and bloating, and constipation is possible. Brown rice, if consumed in moderation, can cause you to gain weight, and this will definitely cause harm in diabetes mellitus.

The benefits and harms of brown rice for weight loss

The benefits of unpolished brown rice are that it is extremely rich in fiber. But, unlike the white variety, it contains little starch, and the calorie content of the grains is reduced. All this makes brown cereal an ideal product for dietary nutrition. When consumed, toxins quickly leave the body, and a person quickly loses excess weight. A diet based on rice has a positive effect on well-being and appearance, the product gives good mood and is responsible for the surge of strength.

However, the benefits and harms of brown rice for weight loss are closely related. The product has fixing properties; if you eat it too often and too much, it will lead to constipation. Cereal is also harmful for people with severe obesity, chronic intestinal and stomach diseases, heart and vascular diseases.

Basic principles of the brown rice diet

In order for the benefits of brown unpolished rice to be maximized and the product not to cause harm, it is important to follow several rules while on a diet.

  1. To avoid constipation, the product must be combined with fresh or stewed vegetables, salads, and herbs.
  2. Vitamin deficiencies may occur on a diet, so it is important to supplement rice with nuts and dried fruits.
  3. While losing weight, be sure to drink enough water, green and herbal tea. This will help prevent constipation and other bowel problems, and will also replenish your potassium stores.
  4. To prevent the properties of brown rice from causing harm, the product should be consumed in an amount of no more than 200 g at one time.

The total duration of the rice diet should be no more than a week. Five- and three-day rice diets are also used.

Advice! You can have fasting days on healthy grains. In this case, during the day you need to eat only small portions of brown rice and drink plenty of water.

The use of brown rice in home cosmetology

The beneficial properties of brown rice are used in homemade self-care recipes. Rice benefits both skin and hair - it supplies them with valuable elements and gives them strength, has a cleansing and nourishing effect.

Rejuvenating face mask

Using the beneficial properties of brown rice, you can remove fine wrinkles, tighten your facial skin and make it fresher and more elastic. To do this you need:

  • grind 2 large spoons of rice grains;
  • mix with 2 large spoons of heavy cream or natural yogurt;
  • Apply for a quarter of an hour to a previously cleansed face.

Hair rinse

Homemade conditioner based on brown rice helps make curls more manageable, shiny and smooth. Prepare a useful remedy as follows:

  • a small handful of rice grains is poured with water;
  • insist for several minutes;
  • the grains are washed and then filled with a fresh portion of water;
  • insist for another 5 minutes.

After this, the water from the resulting infusion is filtered and the hair is washed along the entire length. 10 minutes after using the rinse, the hair should be rinsed again with clean warm water. With regular use of the product, curls become softer and gain additional volume.

Cooking Brown Rice

The structure of brown rice is quite different from white rice; it is tougher and not so easy to heat-treat. Therefore, you need to prepare cereals using a special method so that the beneficial properties of brown rice are fully revealed.

How and how much to cook brown rice

If you prepare a healthy product following simple rules, the rice will delight you with its softness and pleasant taste with a nutty note. Its calorie content will remain very low.

  1. Before cooking, brown rice must be soaked - and for long time. The cereal is poured with water and kept under the lid for 6 hours or all night, and then the grains are washed and fresh water is added. cold water and soak for another half hour.
  2. First, boil the cereal over medium heat for 10 minutes, and then drain the water from the porridge, add fresh water and cook for another quarter of an hour.
  3. The pan with the finished porridge is not placed on the table immediately, but is first wrapped in a blanket or foil and kept covered for another half hour so that the rice “arrives.”

At first glance, it seems that the recipe for making simple porridge is very troublesome and multi-step. However, the results are worth the effort. If you boil brown grains in the same way as white ones, then their taste and beneficial properties will not be appreciated. Moreover, poorly cooked unpolished rice can be harmful, since harmful substances will remain in its shell. human body substances.

What does brown rice go with?

Brown rice is a product that is suitable for use with a wide variety of dishes. If you wish, you can simply boil healthy, fiber-rich porridge for breakfast. However, the properties of brown rice also appear when used:

  • with fresh vegetables and vegetable side dishes;
  • with meat and fish;
  • with seafood and egg dishes;
  • in soups;
  • in stuffed delicacies.

Rice can be eaten together with fruits and herbs, legumes and many fermented milk products - kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, milk. Cereals are often found in famous recipes of Italian and Asian cuisine; brown rice is often used in the same recipes as regular white rice to enhance the nutritional properties of dishes.

Harm of brown rice

Despite its enormous benefits, brown rice can potentially cause great harm. This feature is associated with several of its properties.

  1. Rice grains contain toxic arsenic compounds that are dangerous to human health. There are much more of them in brown rice than in white rice, since the product is not thoroughly processed. To make rice truly safe, it must be thoroughly washed and boiled, changing the water. Then only beneficial properties will remain in the cereal, and the harm will be eliminated.
  2. Unprocessed brown rice contains many nutrients and rich reserves of moisture. This is precisely its benefit for the body, however, the product suffers more often from microorganisms and fungi. It is necessary to carefully follow the rules for storing brown rice, to prevent mold from appearing on the surface of the grains. If the cereal begins to ooze bad smell or tastes bitter, it should be thrown away immediately.

Important! You need to eat healthy brown rice in small portions and not every day. No more than three times a week.

Contraindications to eating brown rice

The health benefits and harms of brown rice depend on the presence or absence of certain ailments. For certain diseases and conditions it is completely contraindicated. The product should not be used if:

  • allergies to rice grains of any type;
  • hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases - rice aggravates existing diseases and leads to exacerbations;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gastritis, ulcers and a tendency to flatulence - the properties of rice provoke constipation, bloating and increased gas production.

How to select and store brown rice

The popularity of brown rice is gradually increasing, and today it can be purchased both in specialized stores healthy eating, and in regular supermarkets. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to several points.

  1. The rice grains in the package should be approximately the same size and color. The noticeable heterogeneity of rice indicates its low quality.
  2. The shade of quality brown rice is light brown. Too light or too dark color indicates that the rice is fake or spoiled.
  3. The package of brown rice should not contain foreign grain grains, debris or husks.

It must be remembered that brown rice is an extremely healthy and at the same time perishable product. Such features affect its cost - the price of cereal cannot be too low.

As for storage, it is recommended to keep rice not in an open bag, but in a dry container in a place with good ventilation. The container lid must be tightly closed. Rice can be refrigerated. on his beneficial properties this will not be reflected, but the risk that the product will quickly deteriorate will be lower.

Brown rice should not be kept warm or in an open sunny place. Under such conditions, the oils in the grain shell will begin to oxidize, and the grain will become unusable. Since rice can absorb extraneous flavors, it is better to place it away from other foods.


The benefits and harms of brown rice are a matter of proper storage and preparation of the product. If you boil rice correctly and eat it in small portions, then in the absence of contraindications, it will bring undoubted health benefits.

Rice is a whole crop. In some eastern countries it is even mentioned in traditional greetings. If rice is cooked correctly, its benefits for the human body are invaluable. The right variety is a guarantee that complex carbohydrates, vitamins and essential amino acids will be preserved in the prepared dish, relieving the feeling of hunger for several hours. The product gives energy and beauty to the human body; it is also good for weight loss. The healthiest of all is brown rice. It can quite rightly be attributed to products that give both slimness and health.

Brown rice is grains in a shell that makes them tougher and, at the same time, has great nutritional value. Calcium and potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, iron and B vitamins can be obtained by cooking it on the stove in a saucepan or in a slow cooker. However, since coated grains are tougher than milled grains, it is important to know how to cook brown rice correctly to retain all of its benefits and nutritional value.

Storing Brown Rice

Each cereal requires special conditions storage They are not that complicated, but failure to do them risks the product deteriorating and losing some of its properties. A few simple rules will help you store brown rice correctly and regularly add it to your diet:

  • let there be small portions of the product in your home kitchen;
  • observe the temperature regime: heat and frost are completely useless;
  • An opaque, dry tin or ceramic jar with a tight-fitting lid is the key to preserving the cereal.

Rules for preparing for cooking

Whether you plan to cook uncooked rice on the stove or in the slow cooker, it is important to start the process by thoroughly rinsing the product. This needs to be done for two reasons. Firstly, during cultivation, and especially during assembly and transportation, various types of dirt accumulate on the grains. Secondly, the product, which is sold in average stores, is treated with substances of greater or lesser harmfulness. Therefore, only prepared rice will be useful for health and weight loss. We rinse it thoroughly under running water until the streams flowing from the colander become transparent. Now you need to pour boiling water over the grains, then again with cold water. Now the brown rice is ready for the soaking process.

Even the most intensive mode in a multicooker will not make the cereal soft enough unless you immerse it in water for a while. In addition, swollen grains require less heat treatment time, which means they are healthier for both health and weight loss. Pour the washed brown rice with prepared cold water. How long will it take? At least 5 hours. Therefore, you can soak the product before leaving for work, or overnight.

How to Cook Brown Rice on the Stove

Even if you are in the process of losing weight, you can properly cook this product on a regular electric or gas stove. Unlike many other cereals, rice is placed in the pan not at the moment when the water boils, but immediately. The proportion should be 1:3, that is, 1 glass of cereal to three glasses of water, you can add salt if desired. Pour the product into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil over high heat under a tight lid for 5 minutes, then reduce the heat and continue cooking for another half hour. Try not to “disturb” or stir it - then the structure of the product will not be affected.

After 30 minutes, turn off the stove, but you should wait a while longer until the liquid is completely absorbed. Now the rice is ready. It can be seasoned as you planned and served.

Rules for cooking rice in a slow cooker

As you know, a multicooker is a unique device. She can cook lunch or dinner without much hassle, which is good for both well-being and weight loss. Brown rice is no exception here.

It is important not to skip the steps of washing and soaking the product. Without the latter, uncooked rice will not cook as needed and will remain too hard.

To cook in a slow cooker, the proportions of water and the main product change somewhat: for one glass of cereal we take one glass of liquid. Place the product in a bowl and fill it with water. You need to prepare according to the instructions that came with this device. Most modern multicookers have a “rice” mode. There is no need to add salt or add anything to the product during cooking.

When the end signal sounds, you can season the rice and eat it. If you are in the process of losing weight, try not to add oil or keep it to a minimum.

Brown rice is a real, living natural product. With regular use, it will make your skin and hair beautiful, strengthen circulatory system, will charge you with energy for a long time and, of course, promotes weight loss, especially if you combine it with vegetables. By observing the proportions, you will get tasty and fluffy rice– a great option for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Brown rice is a much healthier product than its white “brother”. But cooking rice causes a number of problems for many. Let's look at how to cook it correctly so that it turns out crumbly.

Before you begin the process itself, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances regarding how to cook brown rice.

Knowing these features, you will definitely be able to make a delicious side dish, and not a sticky rice porridge.

  • Brown rice can be used to prepare any dishes instead of white rice.
  • Please note that brown rice has a slightly unusual taste, but it is quite easy to get used to.
  • Be sure to rinse the rice well before cooking. Change the water until it is almost clear.
  • Also keep in mind that the amount of raw product after heat treatment will double.
  • Be sure to soak the brown rice for at least two hours. This is done to saturate it with water. After this procedure, it will cook much less and will be softer.
  • Cook in a large saucepan to distribute heat evenly.
  • As soon as all the water is absorbed into the rice when cooking over low heat, the pan must be removed from the heat, but do not remove the lid, but let the cereal steep for another 20 minutes.

How long to cook

It is impossible to name the exact time for how long to cook rice, because it depends on many factors. So, for example, if you soaked the product for just a couple of hours, it will be harder, which means the cooking process will increase. If you leave it for 4 - 6 hours, then it will take no more than half an hour to cook.

If you plan to cook in the morning, you can soak the cereal in water overnight or prepare it in the morning for the evening.

On average, complete cooking time is 30 minutes after the contents of the pan come to a boil.

Some varieties need to be kept for 45 minutes, but be careful not to overcook the dish, otherwise it will become a sticky mess.

How to prepare a side dish so that the rice is crumbly

To get truly fluffy rice, it’s worth considering not only the well-known cooking rules, but also some secrets that directly affect the result.

  • Salt the dish only before the end of cooking, preferably about 15 minutes before you remove the rice. If you do this earlier, the grains will not be crumbly and will lose their shape.
  • See the cooking time on the package. Every responsible manufacturer specifies it. By following the recommendations described on the package, you will receive rice in the desired condition.
  • Cook the side dish covered over low heat.
  • Do not add water during the cooking process, it will ruin the rice. If suddenly there is not enough liquid and the dish is not ready yet, just remove it from the stove, wrap it in a towel and leave for about two hours.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the grains; the longer it is, the more crumbly the side dish will be.

Classic brown rice side dish recipe

Required Products:

  • spices to taste;
  • one glass of rice;
  • about a liter of clean water.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly several times until the water is relatively clear.
  2. Fill it with water and leave for at least two hours, preferably four.
  3. Place the indicated amount of water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. As soon as the process starts, pour in the rice, turn the heat level to minimum, cover the container with a lid and keep the cereal on the stove for 30 to 40 minutes.
  4. We rinse the finished rice with warm water and return it to the pan. Wrap it in something warm and leave it for another 20 minutes until the side dish is ready.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Brown rice in a slow cooker turns out even better than on the stove, but there is not much difference in the cooking process.

Required Products:

  • 200 grams of dry rice;
  • 400 milliliters of water;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. First, wash the cereal several times. There is no need to soak rice to cook in a slow cooker.
  2. Place it in a bowl, add the selected spices and pour in water.
  3. Turn on the device in the “Grain” mode for 45 minutes.
  4. After the allotted time, check the dish for readiness. If not all of the liquid has evaporated, extend the cooking process.

How to make a side dish in a steamer

Below is suggested great way get not only a tasty side dish, but also a very healthy one, because the steamer preserves all the properties of the product as much as possible.

To prepare you will need:

  • one glass of rice;
  • two glasses of water.
  • spices.

Cooking process:

  1. As always, start by rinsing the rice until it is completely clean. In the east, this procedure is performed six or more times, but four is quite enough.
  2. Then you can soak the cereal for 30 minutes in hot water and rinse again. This will make it softer.
  3. In addition, it contains as many as eight amino acids that are simply necessary for our body, which contribute to the formation of new cells.

    The calorie content of the product is quite high - 337 calories per 100 grams. But note that this number only applies to dry rice.

    After it undergoes heat treatment, the calorie content decreases. Because in boiled rice there will be only 100 calories for the same 100 grams.

    The same amount of cereal contains about 8 grams of protein, slightly less than two grams of fat and 72 grams of carbohydrates.

    As you can see, getting a crumbly dish is not so difficult. The most important thing is to follow all the necessary rules and recommendations and not to overexpose it on the stove. Be sure to include brown rice in your diet, because it is a source of many essential elements. In addition, it is simply delicious and can be served either on its own or as a side dish for meat or fish.