March promises to be prosperous and fruitful for all zodiac signs. Some zodiac signs will succumb to temptation, while others will internal struggle, but we can safely say that if they are able to overcome difficulties, then success awaits them.

For most signs, March will be a month of successful discoveries and ideas; it is at this time that you can start new job or open personal business. This month you can improve not only your financial situation, but also build a romantic relationship.

Horoscope from Tamara Globa for March 2018 for all zodiac signs: forecast for all zodiac signs

According to astrologer Tamara Globa: “In March, changes await all zodiac signs.” They will affect not only romantic relationships, career growth and financial stability, but also personal and everyday affairs.

March is perfect for making plans for the future. If your loved ones support you in your new endeavors, you can safely get down to business. The astrologer advises you to hurry up, because not the whole year will be so prosperous.

Horoscope from Tamara Globa for March 2018 for all zodiac signs: it is best to open a personal business in March

The Moon will have a significant influence on the Earth throughout the spring. With its help, it will be possible to eliminate the negative energy that targets the Earth from other planets.

Thanks to the influence of the Moon in March, you can safely start a personal business and try yourself as an entrepreneur. The month promises to be lucky; many will be able to start a personal business and improve their financial situation. The patronage of the Moon will awaken a thirst for new achievements and promises success in new endeavors.

Horoscope from Tamara Globa for March 2018 for all zodiac signs: predictions for each zodiac sign

In March, Aries will open up in completely new situations for them. Taurus will face unexpected financial expenses, and as for Gemini, they will feel constrained, but this quality does not suit their character at all. Throughout March, luck will accompany Cancers.

People whose patron is Leo will have to endure moral turmoil. Those born under the sign of Virgo will be able to discover their inner talent and find creative potential for new ideas. Libra will give in to the temptations of personal desires, but with a little restraint I can call on good luck.

Scorpios need to work hard to find inner peace. But Sagittarius will have to look for a way out of the current situation. Short-term success awaits people under the sign of Capricorn. Aquarians who will face temptations should be careful not to succumb to them. Throughout March, Pisces will deal with their ill-wishers and enemies.

Tamara Globa’s horoscope for 2018 will help you lift the veil of the future and find out what awaits the signs of the zodiac. The country's leading astrologer has established herself as a competent specialist, capable of correctly deciphering the zodiac chart and the position of the stars. Therefore, from her predictions, many draw information on what to prepare for next year, how to behave and what to fear.

According to the astrologer, in the year of the Yellow Dog, the stars promise good luck to Capricorns, Scorpios and Aquarius. Representatives of these signs will realize their plans, and for them the year will pass under the sign of luck. But this will not happen right away. The beginning of 2018 will be a difficult period for them, when they will have to work hard to enlist the support of the stars.

At the end of 2017, Leo and Gemini will receive signs that will tell them in which direction to move. But you need to take this information seriously, otherwise you will take the wrong path and become completely confused. The stars will help, listen to them.

Aries are happy in the family. Among these signs there will be most newlyweds and happy parents of newborns. But Virgos and Cancers, on the contrary, risk losing the favor of loved ones due to being busy at work and building a career. Think for yourself what is more important, a promotion or peace of mind in the house.

Leos and Geminis will discover new horizons for themselves, and this is not only related to their career. And Tamara Globa’s horoscope for 2018 says that the coming period will be the best for marriages, building relationships and improving the “weather in the house” for all signs of the Zodiac. The faithful and friendly Yellow Dog will help with this.


The Year of the Dog will be successful for Aries who are trying to do something, start a new business, enroll in a university or find a job. Changes will definitely happen. In 2018, Aries will become restrained, stop rushing into adventures, throwing away money and investing energy in dubious projects. Under the influence of the symbol of the year, they will direct their unbridled energy in the right direction. Travel, trips will bring joy and expand your horizons.


For Taurus, 2018 will be a year of unification under the sign of family, and the Yellow Dog will help with this. You are not recommended to forget about your loved ones and neglect to pay attention to them. Looking at your loved ones with a serious look, understand why Tamara Globa’s horoscope recommends spending weekends and evenings with them? They were so bored all year while you were achieving success in different areas. And yet, the stars claim that at the beginning of the year Taurus will receive an attractive offer from their superiors or a promotion up the career ladder. Don't refuse, luck is on the doorstep.


Cheerful and carefree Gemini, under the influence of the Yellow Dog, will wonder whether everything they achieved in the previous period was worth the attention and nerves. The gambling year of 2017 will be replaced by a wise and purposeful 2018, so a period of reassessment of values ​​begins for Gemini. The Year of the Dog will be the most successful for them. Assess opportunities, engage in self-education and self-development. You have a chance to change your destiny, start a new business that will bring profit, or change your profession.


Life for those born under the sign of Cancer has never been easy. Perhaps this is why representatives of this sign are such closed people. But they are the best and faithful friends who carefully care about their families and love children. The year 2018 will be difficult for Cancers. You will have to move to another city, region or even country. For others with a strong blow There will be a loss of job, failure in career or study. But self-confident Cancers, together with the friendly and persistent Yellow Dog, will pass all tests and find a way out of any situation. Remember, even on long distances, the dog behaves confidently.

a lion

Leos, accustomed to being the center of attention and conquering everyone with their skills and beauty, will become even more attractive in 2018. But excessive self-confidence can play a bad joke on them. At the beginning of the year, they risk suffering losses in an unsuccessful and unnecessary business. Despite the fact that the year of the Dog will make them the owners of not only an attractive appearance, but also strong teeth, keen eyes and steel grip, restrain your emotions and think through all decisions carefully.


Virgos are workaholics, and the last three years have been difficult for them. I had to fight, defend my opinion, climb the career ladder, and pay attention to my family. But the Dog will bring joy into their lives, and representatives of this zodiac sign will finally feel how fruits will appear on the trees they have grown. The dog will reward them with career and financial joys, life-changing changes and, of course, love. Don't expect it to be an easy year, but it will be rewarding and make you feel happier.


The ever-doubting Libra will have an even more difficult time in 2018. These pleasant and non-conflicting people do not get into arguments and do not go over to the side of one of the conflicting parties. But in the year of the Dog you will have to make decisions to solve the problems of loved ones. Don’t worry, the Yellow Dog will be on your side, but make sure that the reasoning and proceedings do not turn into empty barking and snapping. Already at the beginning of the year, Libra will doubt the correctness own decisions even stronger than is typical for them. True friends will help them feel calmer and more confident.


It often seems that Scorpios are cold and insensitive people. In fact, representatives of this sign have a gentle character, are very hot, loving and have an attractive energy. The Year of the Dog will help them express their feelings, so Scorpios can count on new relationships, love affairs and even marriage. Another one characteristic Scorpios – perseverance and the ability to steadfastly pursue one’s goal. And this will also help them conquer new heights, achieve victories and become more successful. And the Yellow Dog will only strengthen best qualities Scorpios.


The Year of the Rooster was successful, cheerful and gave Sagittarius many happy moments. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign decided on their priorities, which is why everything in life went on the right path. In the year of the Yellow Dog, optimism will only increase. Travel, new experiences and acquaintances will bring joy. They will have the opportunity to impress, share their knowledge and talents, which will make others treat Sagittarius even better. In the year of the Dog, they can safely take on the most incredible projects, and Tamara Globa’s predictions for 2018 assure that they will implement them at the highest level.


The previous year was unstable for Capricorns. They either flew up to a height, or fell down, losing the results of their labor. Despite the fact that the stubbornness of some representatives of this zodiac sign will give even Aries a head start, many Capricorns in the year of the Rooster might have thought that luck had left their home and would not return. The dog will bring some positivity and restore confidence, stability and peace of mind will appear. Capricorns will no longer torment themselves, they will boldly go forward with their characteristic tenacity and will be rewarded. True, for this you need to correctly use the accumulated positive and negative experience.


For Aquarius, the Year of the Yellow Dog will start very successfully. Everything will work out naturally, you will have enough time and energy for your family and work. Alas, the calm will end in the middle of the year. At this time, Aquarians will set a serious goal for themselves or want to make a purchase they have dreamed of, for example, buying a car or an apartment. Plunging headlong into work, Aquarians risk losing a good relationship with friends or family members. The second half of the year will be a truly turning point, when important decisions will have to be made. Remember that the Dog is on your side, but do not do anything rash.


A good year for Pisces financially. Soft and pliable, they spare no expense for their family, loved ones and children. But in the year of the Dog, something will tell Pisces that it’s time to choose a path independent from other people and move in the chosen direction. Don’t be afraid, in 2018, take on any business, and even several projects. What is not needed will be eliminated, and the chosen direction will be decisive. But against the backdrop of disagreements with relatives, serious conflicts can arise.

Video with Tamara Globa's horoscope for 2018:

Compatibility horoscope: Scorpio compatibility with other zodiac signs from Tamara Globa- the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Russian Astrological Collection “TAMARA”, ed. “ Polar bear”, 1993

I warn you right away: do not take this as the ultimate truth.

Information is given only on the first section of the relationship between a man and a woman,

at the level of manifestation in outside world own “I”.

A more in-depth analysis can only be given using an individual birth chart - a horoscope.

In astrology, the relationship between a man and a woman is usually divided into several levels.

The first is the interaction of the spirit and soul of two lovers, when they are connected primarily by spiritual intimacy.

The second is earthly, sensual love, clothed in the forms of physical attraction, incomprehensible attraction, harmonious interaction of two people, beauty and celebration of love relationships.

The third is a crazy, sizzling passion, when a man and a woman may not even be compatible in all respects, but they are attracted to each other by animal magnetism, it is unclear from what depth of instincts that come from.

The fourth is the highest cosmic love, which includes love for everything alive and living, the pursuit of an ideal, when you create in your soul the image of a lover or beloved, endowing him or her with perfect qualities. Often such love is platonic, not requiring reciprocity: “I don’t need anything from you, as long as you are (were)”

The union of two Aries is like a powder warehouse. Even if everything is in perfect order and partners pay tribute to each other - this is a state of eternal combat readiness: it is not known when it will explode. The Aries union is very rare.

A union is possible if a woman was born under the sign of Taurus and the man was born Aries. However, the Taurus woman must be infinitely patient and unconditionally recognize the primacy of Aries - all Homework will be saddled with her. At the same time, Aries actively seeks the love of Taurus. If Aries is rude, their union will be an eternal act of violence, and if he is a “knight,” earthly love of two opposite principles in nature awaits them. The union is conflictual and complex; it can be based on a joint creative or business program. Aries gives impetus. Taurus truly embodies the ideal of the unrestrained Aries.

Such a marriage is like a bright, adventure novel. Gemini beautifully and deftly courtes Aries. They begin to experience great attraction. Both are impulsive and active, always ready for exploits, trips, and adventures. Even in marriage and with children, they can take off at any moment and go to the ends of the earth. Gemini needs a strong partner, and Aries, if not rude, is able to hold Gemini. They often have a feeling of brotherly love. They are both lovers and friends. But an Aries man can suffer from the frivolity of a Gemini woman, and the unexpected pressure of “Aries” can scare away a Gemini man. Over time, such a marriage develops in both spouses the optimal strategy and tactics of behavior, and a common household and attachment to children make it even stronger.

Tough combination. At first, Cancer likes the impetuosity, ardor and determination of Aries, then conflicts and hostility begin. The active nature of Aries collides with the emotionality of Cancer, who strives to curb, subjugate, and tie his partner to himself. Often the unjustified jealousy of Cancer - the result of his suspiciousness - forces Aries to be rude and break up. Cancer suffers from the harshness of Aries, the straightforward Aries suffers from the secrecy of Cancer. Aries will strive to provoke Cancer into frankness, but will never achieve this, since Cancer is a “thing in itself.” An irritated Aries will leave, slamming the door. Marriage is possible only if both signs are atypical.

A difficult, but creative and vibrant union. The love of such a couple is reminiscent the most exciting game. They “turn on” each other with the spontaneity of feelings. Aries are impetuous and impulsive, but their harshness and rudeness can complicate life with Leos. If Leo is noble and “not sick with pride,” and Aries is a quiet lamb, love and prosperity are guaranteed. The marriage of a typical Aries-military or Aries-Amazon with Leo is possible provided that Leo is ambitious and strives for power. Such people are often united by joint creativity professionally or at home, in raising children. If Aries is a knight in spirit, and Leo is a queen, you can say about them: “They lived happily ever after and died on the same day!”

The union is rare, since Virgo does not understand and does not perceive the impulsive, impatient energy of Aries. The coolness, courtesy and coquetry of Virgo will inflame Aries and push him to action, but, not meeting fire back, Aries will be shocked and quickly move from passion to irritation. Aries will think that he was deceived, not realizing that this is the emotional structure of Virgo. Virgo will be offended by such a drastic change; she will begin to offend Aries over little things, but will never be able to comprehend his impulsive, suffering nature. They will quickly separate or live like strangers: after all, for Aries, love is creativity, and for Virgo, it is an unsolved mystery.

Who can attract and seduce the naive, impulsive Aries so much as his complete opposite - the reserved, charming, sensible partner Libra? Libra has a sense of proportion and harmony, and this is exactly what Aries lacks. There is a strong mutual attraction of opposites between partners. But the union may fall apart if Aries is given strict conditions, for example, to quit smoking, put things in order, etc.

Truly a union of death and rebirth for Aries. He considers himself a strong person, not suspecting that there are even stronger ones. Complexes begin. The mutual sexual nature is wonderful, but everyday relationships are worse than ever. Scorpio takes out his failures and grievances on Aries. In this union, Aries either endures the subordinate position of the “lamb”, or is spiritually transformed and loses many of its qualities under the influence of its partner.

That's who can take Aries with bare hands, so this is Sagittarius! In all respects, Sagittarius is Aries’ mentor, and, despite the mutual desire to get carried away by strangers, they stick to each other, realizing that they still won’t find a better couple. If representatives of these signs are well-mannered, mutual impulsiveness will not turn into mutual insults. Sparks of disagreement, oddly enough, only fan the flames of attraction.

Such a union is loneliness together. For Capricorn, marriage is newfound ground under one's feet. Capricorn will want to “re-educate” Aries, directing his emotions in the right direction. Hence the antagonism, outbursts, breaks. If Aries is of weak character, he becomes a weak-willed husband (or wife). If Aries is strong, he can say about this union: “I found a scythe on a stone.”

Active by nature, Aries is always attracted to Aquarius, who is ready for change and adventure and will do anything for the sake of his friends. The marriage of Aquarius, who respects personality, freedom and independence in a partner, and Aries, who receives encouragement and boundless space for creativity and development from Aquarius, can become an ideal union.

This is a strange, difficult, but often encountered union of an understanding “old man” and a defenseless “lamb” or a power-hungry invader (depending on the type of Aries) and a meek, submissive Cinderella. It can be based on any idea: religious, scientific or the idea of ​​​​joint prosperity.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs from Tamara Globa!

The union is rare, because although two strong partners are drawn to each other, they feel cramped together and are bored apart. Having parted completely and having met even after many years, they are ready, it seems, to forget all the grievances in the first minute. But, not having time to reach a friendly hug, they begin to look at each other suspiciously and coldly. And stay on different sides roads.

A strange but frequent union. Both seem to spur each other to action. Gambling lovers, like-minded spouses who achieve a lot together, wonderful, attentive parents - these are most often the characteristics of this marriage.

A brilliant union of two strong signs (subject to the highest types of both). Even if they diverge, they become enemies, as if playing with each other in an exciting and dangerous game. But their love, as a rule, is constant, strong and deep. Over the years, feelings do not cool down. Their children are happy because they grow up in an atmosphere of love and harmony.

In this union, with rare exceptions, Scorpio takes over. He directly or secretly guides Aquarius. Their love is original and has an unexpected eccentric character. They always come up with new and new twists in fate. Peaceful periods of life together are replaced by a long war, then a happy reconciliation until new war. But at the same time it is very difficult for them to refuse each other.

In this union, Pisces, as a rule, are followers. Scorpios are sensitive partners, they see and understand everything, and sometimes even imagine what is not there. They keep Pisces in suspense, torment them, but also feel sorry for them. This union is characterized by passion in all types of relationships, but Pisces often leaves Scorpios, suffering from their difficult character.

Can two kings sit on the same throne? Someone will have to give up power. Sagittarius' life together will take place under the banner of a struggle for authority. Everyone will try to become a master in the family. The house will split into two hostile camps, unless they are united by a business goal - then they are like two hunters chasing a hare.

Sagittarius is the guardian of social law, order and generally accepted attitudes. For Capricorn they do not exist at all - only his internal attitudes are important to him. Union is possible to the extent that it is generally possible to combine one’s internal law with social law, the individual with the collective. This could be a marriage of convenience, when the spouses are connected by common interests and affairs. Or absolutely spiritual.

Lightness, friendship, adventurism and mutual understanding, growing stronger over the years, reign in this marriage. Both Sagittarius and Aquarius love travel, change, society, and company. Both give each other a certain amount of freedom, keeping in mind generally accepted guidelines. Fantasy and humor do not leave the spouses even in times of hardship. Children for them are friends and the meaning of existence. They live with children new life, renewing itself, opening a second and third youth.

Only religion, mysticism and common fanatical ideals can unite these people, just as human law can unite with the law of God. A happy union is possible provided that both have high spiritual potential. Sagittarius personifies manifest authority, generally accepted norms and rules, and Pisces represents hidden authority; they are the shadow informal leader standing behind him. If the spouses manage to understand each other and they are connected common cause, their union is perfection itself. But at the everyday level - alas! - active, life-hungry Sagittarius and self-absorbed Pisces can rarely come together. They annoy each other.

Zodiac compatibility from Tamara Globa. How are the relationships between different zodiac signs?

Leo - Leo. The union of these two signs is quite rare, but still possible. Moreover, if the partners are atypical, it is successful, especially with children: bright, creative, interesting. True, sometimes (but very rarely) the opposite happens: bright parents overshadow their own children, who grow up without any special talents or individuality.

Leo - Virgo. An unfavorable alliance, full of misunderstanding and alienation. At the beginning of a relationship, the flirtatious but cool Virgo literally ignites Leo. However, over time, the deception becomes obvious, and both partners begin to see a lot of flaws in each other. Leo (especially Lioness) is deeply hurt by Virgo's pettiness and pickiness, as well as her flirtatiousness. Even if Virgo does not cheat on her partner, her behavior drives Leo crazy. But provided the signs are atypical or in the case of common high creative interests, the marriage can be successful.

Leo - Libra. Libra is the best partner for Leo among all air signs. The union of royal Leo and harmonious, balanced Libra promises brilliance, harmony, and constancy.

Leo - Scorpio. A strong masculine principle combined with incredible feminine magnetism gives birth to an insane passion that is not subject to reason. But it is impossible to constantly live in such tension. If the marriage does not break up, over the years the feelings either burn out or fade a little, and the partners each live on their own with memories of the past.

Leo - Sagittarius. The love and marriage of these signs is often fueled by mutual authority, a common worldview and teamwork. Both are prone to excitement and adventure, love adventures and travel. However, the relationship between partners is not limited only to holidays, pleasures, and social life. Most often, they are based on intense joint creativity. But together they achieve a lot.

Leo - Capricorn. The union of these two signs is not easy, complex, but quite possible. Leo captivates Capricorn with his generosity and sweet promises, which, as a rule, he does not fulfill both due to his character and due to objective circumstances. However, Capricorn believes for a long time and waits for what was promised, and when he finally realizes that he has been deceived (more precisely, he himself has been deceived), he experiences the deepest shock and disappointment. It is also not easy for Leo to build a relationship with Capricorn: at first he looks for passion behind Capricorn’s external severity (and is often not mistaken), but over time he gets tired of Capricorn’s direct and ingenuous life strategy - he simply needs changes and new impressions.

Leo - Aquarius. Such unions are usually short-lived. At first, both signs experience a strong attraction to each other, but over time, having realized their cardinal opposite, they most often diverge. Leo loves to be the center of attention, Aquarius, on the contrary, tries to remain unnoticed and independent. What for Leo are certain “symbols” and obligatory attributes of life, for Aquarius are only “little things” to which he does not attach any importance. However, in mature age and at high spiritual potential these people understand that opposites not only attract, but also form a whole.

Leo - Pisces. Perhaps the most difficult union for Leo. Fascinated by the depth and mystery of Pisces, Leo is ready to lay the whole world at the feet of his chosen one! At the same time, Leo suffers greatly, especially if he does not receive reciprocity. This love is tragic, it brings death. And only if Leo follows Pisces without looking back and is ready to change, to be reborn, can the relationship be long-lasting.

Virgo - Virgo. The union of two representatives of this sign is, as a rule, successful and happy, because they know each other’s character and requirements better than anyone else.

Virgo - Libra. A very frequent and also successful union. Both Virgo and Libra are similar in many ways: both strive for balance, they simply need comfort, coziness and well-being. And although Libra knows a little about everything, but superficially, and Virgo, on the contrary, prefers to study the problem deeply, analyzing all sides of the issue, both complement each other’s missing qualities.

Virgo - Scorpio. Only a meek, wise and patient Virgo is able to curb the passionate, active Scorpio. Scorpio's magnetism and super-sensuality excite Virgo. To resist him, she strains all her strength, resulting in an eternal state of combat readiness. A marriage will be successful and prosperous only if Virgo and Scorpio have very strong characters. However, in such a marriage there will be no peace - the spouses constantly test each other, their relationship remains on the brink of crisis.

Virgo - Sagittarius. This is a rare, but often very strong union. As a rule, the thrifty Virgo is sensitive to the extravagance and generosity of Sagittarius, which serves as a reason for displeasure and even quarrels. Representatives of these signs can be united by mutual service to society (for example, in the social or religious sphere). In this case, Virgo serves the goals and plans of Sagittarius, just as her patron Mercury serves Jupiter.

Virgo - Capricorn. A balanced and strong union. Both look at life realistically, sober and practical. Capricorn is impressed by Virgo’s reasonable demands and critical mind, as well as the ability to notice a small but important detail, without which it is impossible to solve global problem. In turn, Virgo learns with Capricorn the secrets of love hidden for her; she vitally needs him tender words, compliments. Children especially unite partners.

Virgo - Aquarius. A rare union. Virgo loves and appreciates home, comfort, and coziness. For Aquarius, freedom, adventure come first, vivid impressions. Home for him is exclusively a place where he can return when tired of friends, problems, or travel. Marriage can only be based on the patience and forgiveness of the Virgo. And it lasts as long as Virgo has enough patience.

Virgo - Pisces. A complex and rare union. Mystical, absent-minded Pisces and concrete Virgos often completely misunderstand each other. Virgo is thrifty, economical, but in love she is like the beautiful Snow Maiden: “I want to love, but I don’t know the words of love.” It is especially bad if Pisces is a woman: she is humiliated by the pragmatism of the Virgo man. In fact, these signs have different energies and different worldviews.

Libra - Libra. In the representatives of their sign, Libra sees their reflection, their partner, and at the same time - their enemy. A marriage can only be successful if Libras are of different types.

Libra - Scorpio. The marriage is quite harmonious. Balanced Libra and rebellious Scorpio complement each other and help navigate difficult situations. The intimate side of their life is very stormy, passionate and deep.

Libra - Sagittarius. A wonderful union. It is based not only on love and friendship, but also on a common worldview. Both strive for active work and, as a rule, thanks to each other’s support, together they achieve a certain social position.

Libra - Capricorn. It is also a fairly harmonious union, where partners easily find a common language and complement each other. Capricorns admire the pedantic Libra, their prudence and moderation. As a rule, Libra guides Capricorns and serves as teachers and mentors for them. However, in love, intimate relationships There may be complete misunderstanding. Against the background of complete well-being, partners can break up coldly and abruptly, showering each other with curses.

Libra - Aquarius. A successful fruitful union, especially if the partners are engaged in the same business. In this case, they are united by common creative plans, joint original ideas. Both Libra and Aquarius have a lot in common: they love fun companies, friends and enjoy traveling.

Libra - Pisces. A tragic, even fatal union for Pisces. Libras love clearly regulated relationships and strict form in everything. Pisces, on the contrary, “overflow their shores” in feelings. Libras are great individualists, even selfish, while Pisces strive for unity and dissolution in a partner. Therefore, Libra perceives misunderstanding as callousness and suffers greatly.

Scorpio - Scorpio. It is known that two Scorpios do not get along in the same house. And yet such a union is possible, although quite rare. Two strong and to some extent competitive partners are constantly drawn to each other, but at the same time they are cramped together. Having finally separated, and then having met many years later, they are at first ready to forget all the grievances. But, not having time to reach a friendly hug, they begin to look at each other suspiciously and coldly. And they remain on different sides of the road.

Scorpio - Sagittarius. A strange but frequent union. Gambling lovers, like-minded spouses, they seem to spur each other to action. And together they achieve a lot. Their marriage is cemented by children: both Scorpio and Sagittarius are wonderful, attentive parents.

Scorpio - Capricorn. This union can be very successful - like any union of two strong personalities. As a rule, they are united by very deep feelings that last for many years. If partners separate, they become opponents and even enemies.

Scorpio - Aquarius. As a rule, a fairly long and strong union. At the same time, the partners do not have to get bored: their relationships are somewhat eccentric, they come up with new and new twists in fate. Peaceful periods of living together are replaced by a long war, which sooner or later ends in reconciliation - until the next war. But at the same time it is very difficult for them to refuse each other.

Scorpio - Pisces. Most often, a harmonious union, full of love and understanding. Pisces cedes the leadership role to Scorpio, who almost always takes the upper hand, directly or secretly directing the partner.

Sagittarius - Sagittarius. Their life together will be like a struggle for power. Neither partner is ready to give up dominance in the house to the other. Only big common goals or troubles can unite them.

Sagittarius - Capricorn. Sagittarius tries to impose norms of behavior in society, morality and laws on Capricorns. But for Capricorn the only authority is his internal life principles. So this marriage is possible only by convenience or if both partners have achieved very high level spirituality.

Sagittarius - Aquarius. Great union. The life of this couple is full of adventures, changes, a bit of adventurism and lightness. They give each other the necessary freedom, but at the same time each of them knows that he cannot find a better partner. They are interested in being together, and creativity and humor will never let them get bogged down in gray everyday life. In such a union, partners feel forever young and full of inspiration.

Sagittarius - Pisces. These people rarely understand each other: the active, dynamic and open Sagittarius irritates the self-absorbed and mysterious Pisces. Only very lofty ideas, such as common faith, religion and mysticism, can unite them.

Compatibility of Zodiac Signs from Tamara Globa

It's no secret that the zodiac sign influences a person's character, which in turn affects his relationships with other people. When people break up, we can often hear the phrase “they don’t get along.”

So with whom are you more likely to build your relationship?

Tamara Globa will tell you which zodiac signs can create a strong union, and with whom you shouldn’t even start building your relationship.

But always remember, no matter what the horoscope tells you, always listen to your heart.

You can always find more useful articles, interesting videos and tests on our website.

The union of two Aries is like a powder warehouse. Even if everything is in perfect order and the partners pay tribute to each other, this state of eternal combat readiness is unknown, when the Aries Union will explode is very rare.

Aries - Taurus. A union is possible if a woman was born under the sign of Taurus and the man is Aries. However, the Taurus woman must be infinitely patient and unconditionally recognize the primacy of Aries - all the housework will be entrusted to her. At the same time, Aries actively seeks the love of Taurus. If Aries is rude, their union will be an eternal act of violence, and if he is a “knight,” earthly love of two opposite principles in nature awaits them. The union is conflictual and complex; it can be based on a joint creative or business program. Aries gives the impetus, Taurus really embodies the ideal of the unrestrained Aries.

Aries - Gemini. Such a marriage is like a bright, adventure novel. Gemini beautifully and deftly courtes Aries. They begin to experience great attraction. Both are impulsive and active, always ready for exploits, trips, and adventures. Even in marriage and with children, they can take off at any moment and go to the ends of the earth. Gemini needs a strong partner, and Aries, if not rude, is able to hold Gemini. They often have a feeling of brotherly love. They are both lovers and friends. But an Aries man can suffer from the frivolity of a Gemini woman, and the unexpected pressure of “Aries” can scare away a Gemini man. Over time, such a marriage develops in both spouses the optimal strategy and tactics of behavior, and a common household and attachment to children make it even stronger.

Aries - Cancer. Tough combination. At first, Cancer likes the impetuosity, ardor and determination of Aries, then conflicts and hostility begin. The active nature of Aries collides with the emotionality of Cancer, who strives to curb, subjugate, and tie his partner to himself. Often the unjustified jealousy of Cancer - the result of his suspiciousness - forces Aries to be rude and break up. Cancer suffers from the harshness of Aries, the straightforward Aries suffers from the secrecy of Cancer. Aries will strive to provoke Cancer into frankness, but will never achieve this, since Cancer is a “thing in itself.” An irritated Aries will leave, slamming the door. Marriage is possible only if both signs are atypical.

Aries - Leo. A difficult, but creative and vibrant union. The love of such a couple resembles a most exciting game. They “turn on” each other with the spontaneity of feelings. Aries are impetuous and impulsive, but their harshness and rudeness can complicate life with Leos. If Leo is noble and “not sick with pride,” and Aries is a quiet lamb, love and prosperity are guaranteed. The marriage of a typical Aries-military or Aries-Amazon with Leo is also possible provided that Leo is ambitious and strives for power. Such people are often united by joint creativity professionally or at home, in raising children. If Aries is a knight in spirit, and Leo is a queen, you can say about them: “They lived happily ever after and died on the same day!”

Aries - Virgo. The union is rare, since Virgo does not understand and does not perceive impulsive, impatient energy. The coolness, courtesy and coquetry of Virgo can inflame Aries and push him to action, but without meeting fire back, Aries will be shocked and quickly move from passion to irritation. Aries will think that he was deceived, not realizing that this is the emotional structure of Virgo. Virgo will be offended by such a drastic change; she will begin to annoy Aries over little things, but will never be able to comprehend the impulsive, suffering nature. They will quickly separate or live like strangers: after all, for Aries, love is creativity, and for Virgo, it is an unsolved mystery.

Aries - Libra. Who can attract and seduce the naive, impulsive Aries so much as his complete opposite - the reserved, charming, sensible partner Libra? Libra has a sense of proportion and harmony, and this is exactly what Aries lacks. There is a strong mutual attraction of opposites between partners. But the union may fall apart if Aries is given strict conditions, for example, to quit smoking, put things in order, etc.

Slowly touch the tip of the knife and also slowly say the spell: The first session is 10 minutes, by the fourth session increase the time to 20 minutes. At that time, I didn’t have any specific claims against anyone (for example, no court cases), I just carried it out for every Cancer woman Pisces man horoscope, so to speak, for the future. For the plot to work, remember the conditions for reading it (they can be different): at crossroads, on thresholds, at special times, etc.

Moods and silence. The ardent Leo man loves to play with fire, and the sphere of love and marriage is no exception. With such a boss, you need to strictly follow the work routine, keep a low profile, be careful with initiatives and show respect to your elders; Aquarius, then you got a boss with unorthodox behavior and views. Otherwise, it was impossible to analyze and take them into account.

The love horoscope for Aries for 2014, despite all the trials, is marked by more positive aspects. However, the one who is family life will be subordinate, can find and realize himself in another area: at work, in social sphere, in educating the younger generation. Appeal to holy hope for benign tumors of the female reproductive organs. She wants him to also be more definite in his views and desires.

He may want to tease you, making you jealous. It is better to carry out the ritual at noon or midnight, following the Capricorn horoscope from Tamara Globa, on Thursday. Representatives of the sign should seriously analyze their attitude towards loved ones. The calm, measured nature of the goat has such vital potential that it is not uncommon among Capricorns to be long-lived, living up to a hundred years or more (see.

For a Libra man it is very important aspect In a relationship, communication is key, and the strong-willed Capricorn woman prefers to be alone. When is the best time to start and finish something? Perhaps then the tension is so, you have until May 20 numerous advantages to smooth out differences (some of which may be recurring).

For many horoscopes Capricorn from Tamara Globa sign on Sunday there may be back problems. January is the date of birth of the queen of spades. They are very talkative and usually find themselves in business, where their ability and eloquence can be of benefit. If the kings of diamonds try to successfully deal with their shortcomings and understand what is actually truly valuable in life, then business world they become extremely respected people. However, you should not waste it in vain.

I often tell such people: if they ask you to do it, don’t just impose your services, as there is a danger of receiving, instead of gratitude, continuous reproaches like: I didn’t ask you. Name compatibility in love. Above the complexity of nature's thoughts to associate with the Capricorn horoscope from Tamara Globa nature. Eights of Hearts have many friends and relatives, often they have several children, several lovers.

Her last words before leaving were: Mommy, I love you very much. Our calendar of names presents you with this opportunity. Aquarians are not born under the influence of a double sign; they do not have such duality. Movie episodes are surprising. The fact is that Libra is a strict and mature sign. You will feel comfortable around them and don't force yourself to go through everything alone. It seems that Linda had a long relationship with Libra.

Communication with people that brings only negativity should be decisively stopped. The king's rule is based on an infinitely expanded authority. Maxim has great willpower. Lemon lowers the level of commercialism, raises spirituality, increases activity, helps to express oneself and become more independent. With the wisdom of the horoscope, Capricorn from Tamara Globa seduces the dragon.

An alliance with a fire horse is especially contraindicated. Knock on the door, call her on the phone or write letters. Business union of a Scorpio man and a Libra woman. A very attentive person will discover true feelings behind them):. But this is not at all necessary. Hence the susceptibility to mental and emotional delusions. For Taurus, feelings and desires are one and the same. The most creepy and disgusting garbage dump Capricorn horoscope from Tamara Globa, if he is invited to a decent house, he easily accepts the rules of the game and allows himself to be made soft and fluffy by a meow. For example, on the basis of money: she loves to spend it, but he believes that it should be saved.

This will strengthen your relationship with your husband. Romantic horse: marriage, tiger, dog. And both have Lilith in Cancer, wanderers from a past incarnation.

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But in both cases the rituals worked.

Capricorn zodiac sign horoscope for 2017

Also try to tell him less about your friends, rather talk about him. Six cards are laid out along the rays of the six-pointed shield of David. People around you may even wonder how this happened. Capricorn may not be too exciting for someone who is used to living on the edge of what is acceptable.

Horoscope for today Capricorn man for today

Accept this small prayer from us sinners who come running to you, and with your warm intercession beg the Lord and our God Jesus Christ, for, having looked upon us mercifully, He will grant us forgiveness of our voluntary and involuntary sins, and by His great mercy He will deliver us from troubles , sorrows, sorrows and illnesses of soul and body that beset us; Yes, the land bears fruit, and everything that is needed for the benefit of our present life; May he grant us the end of this temporary life in repentance, and may he grant us sinners and unworthy of his heavenly kingdom to glorify his endless mercy with all the saints, with his beginningless father and his holy and life-giving spirit. And the horse will gallop along white light, mind your own business. Very often, in such a business union, the executive and hardworking Taurus feels undervalued.

Mikhailov Matvey Efimovich

In black houses, a dropped coin does not ring, milk sours faster, hot food cools quickly, salt instantly dissolves in water, butter melts before our eyes, a candle smokes, its flame flickers and goes out. Especially if the moon-sun conjunction has oppositions or squares from the higher planets or Saturn and Mars in synastry. This relationship is very public.

Most accurate horoscope compatibility from Tamara Globa!

Happy and harmonious relationships consist of many factors. This includes the psychological maturity of the partners, common goals, and, of course, love. However, some unions have a better chance than others. It's all about zodiac compatibility. Famous astrologer Tamara Globa calculated the compatibility of different zodiac signs. Check if this description sounds like you?

Aries - Aries. This union is very rare. Born leaders, Aries are not ready to give up leadership in the family to someone else. Their life together is a constant competition, and periods of peace and calm are only harbingers of a huge storm.

Aries - Taurus. This union is possible only if the man is Aries and the woman is Taurus. But even in this case, Taurus will have to be patient and unconditionally recognize the primacy of Aries. This is a rather conflictual marriage, but if Taurus gains wisdom, and Aries is as restrained and gentle as possible, this union can become an example of how opposites attract.

Aries - Gemini. This is a very bright and dynamic union. Both partners are impulsive and easy-going. Over time, these passionate lovers also become for each other best friends. If at first Aries suffer from the inconstancy and frivolity of Gemini, and they, in turn, are dissatisfied with the assertiveness and rudeness of Aries, then over time both partners develop optimal tactics of behavior, and their union becomes stronger every year.

Aries - Cancer. Quite a dubious alliance. At first, each partner is attracted to traits of the other that he himself lacks. However, it turns out to be difficult for them to build strong relationships precisely because of too different manifestations of feelings and emotions. Cancers are too secretive and emotional, Aries are too straightforward and hot-tempered for sensitive Cancers.

Aries - Leo. This marriage can be full of conflicts and passionate reconciliations. This couple is often united by a common cause, be it a hobby, business or raising children. It is not easy for them to get along, but Leo is attracted by the impetuosity and spontaneity of Aries. If Leos are not too vain, their union can be strong and lasting.

Aries - Virgo. This is a rather rare union. Impulsive and passionate Aries encounter the coldness and slowness of Virgo. Feeling deceived, he will most likely go to win new hearts. Even if they do not separate, they will live with each other as strangers.

Aries - Libra. These signs are the complete opposite of each other. But in this case, this only plays to the benefit of this union. The reserved, charming and subtle nature of Libra simply fascinates the straightforward and naive Aries. However, Libra should be very careful with Aries - these people cannot be put into limits and limited, otherwise the union may fall apart.

Aries - Scorpio. This is a very complex union of two strong personalities. Aries are used to being leaders and going headlong towards their goals, but they often do not understand that Scorpios manipulate them with the help of cunning and tricks, actually pulling the blanket over themselves. When they realize this, they either break down, turning into a quiet lamb, or they grow spiritually. This couple has everything in order with passion, but everyday life is not their strong point.

Aries - Sagittarius. Sagittarius is perhaps the only sign that can conquer Aries. Moreover, he does this without scandals and violence, since he is a mentor and teacher for Aries. Of course, these signs are not short of impulsiveness, but this only adds passion to their relationship.

Aries - Capricorn. Often this union is doomed to mutual misunderstanding and loneliness for both of them. Capricorns want to re-educate Aries, but they either become weak-willed and lacking initiative, or scandals and breakups cannot be avoided.

Aries - Aquarius. This union can become ideal: no one gives Aries as much freedom and independence as Aquarius, who conquers his partner with his adventurism and originality. Both draw great inspiration from each other and develop creatively and spiritually.

Aries - Pisces. Quite a difficult, but nevertheless widespread union. This marriage can only be successful if the roles of the partners are clearly distributed, and one of them unquestioningly cedes the reins to the other.

Taurus - Taurus. Quite a rare marriage. None of the partners wants to give in to the other even in small things; the only thing that can unite them is the fear of change and a common way of life, attachment to comfort, home and children.

Taurus - Gemini. Not the most successful union, although very common. Taurus is attracted by the ease, sociability and erudition of Gemini, and they, in turn, look for thriftiness and loyalty in Taurus. This union is always tormented by jealousy, and often the partners live with each other like strangers.

Taurus - Cancer. This harmonious union is based on the mutual love of the partners for home comfort, children, constancy and the small joys of life. Even minor affairs on the side only strengthen this marriage, since partners Once again They are convinced that there is nothing better than a soul mate who will always console, understand and forgive.

Taurus - Leo. In these relationships there is a place for both passion and irritation and misunderstanding. Leos seek admiration and love to play to the public. Taurus is annoyed by such demonstrative behavior and shocking antics of Leo. They want to live a measured and calm life. He wants to tie Leo to the house, which he stubbornly resists.

Taurus - Virgo. A happy union of two practical realists. They are united by the desire for material pleasures. Both value tranquility and peace in the family and are distinguished by thriftiness. The appearance of children strengthens this marriage, and conflicts can occur due to the jealousy of Taurus and the coldness of the Virgo man.

Taurus - Libra. This seemingly ideal union is doomed to failure due to growing misunderstanding and irritation. Mutual reproaches and insults result in detachment and coldness towards each other.

Taurus - Scorpio. They are more lovers than spouses. Their magnetic passion results in satiety, they part loudly and forever, only to get back together. Such a swing can last until the partners completely exhaust each other.

Taurus - Sagittarius. This union is possible only as a marriage of convenience. Sagittarians are prone to being peremptory and imposing their opinions, which stubborn Taurus cannot come to terms with. Even children cannot save this relationship.

Taurus - Capricorn. One of the most favorable unions. The leader in this relationship is Capricorn, who becomes a parent and mentor for Taurus. Sometimes such moralizing drives Taurus to white heat, then Capricorn backs down, only to let the partner cool down, and then begin to command again.

Taurus - Aquarius. This couple has little chance of happy marriage. Taurus cannot understand Aquarius' need for freedom and independence. Their values ​​are diametrically opposed. From passion to cold, from love to hate - their relationships are rarely harmonious and long-lasting.

Taurus - Pisces. For vulnerable and sensual Pisces, Taurus is too straightforward and rude. Taurus is jealous of playful Pisces, and they, in turn, cannot satisfy passionate and sexy Taurus. This union is possible only if Taurus is soft enough and Pisces is naive and simple.

Gemini - Gemini. Friendship or open relationship. These partners understand each other too well. Their constant need for new sensations and emotions makes stable relationships impossible. They are too similar to complement each other and too independent to stay together.

Gemini - Cancer. Relatively successful relationship. These people can be interesting together - they are both childish and fickle. They have a lot to learn from each other. However, Cancers should not try to tie Gemini to themselves. Feeling that they are being kept on a short leash, Geminis simply leave.

Gemini - Leo. A very strong union. Gemini admires the shocking and bright Leos. They are ready to serve them and please them in every possible way. Both signs are very sociable and charming, so social life and various social events only bring them closer together.

Gemini - Virgo. They are drawn to each other, but this relationship is very fragile. Partners need to learn to compromise and give in, which Gemini absolutely does not want to do. Therefore, hope in these relationships lies only in the wisdom and pliability of Virgos.

Gemini - Libra. Libra creates harmony and comfort in the life of Gemini. They know how to deftly and quietly manipulate Gemini, without ever showing violence or rudeness. A fairly successful union, especially if the partners have common interests or when they work in the same field.

Gemini - Scorpio. Gemini is almost the only sign that confuses Scorpio and causes him either admiration or misunderstanding. Too easy by nature, Gemini is an incomprehensible mystery for complex and self-absorbed Scorpios. Realizing their power over Scorpios, Gemini tries to re-educate them. Both partners balance on the brink of suffering and pleasure from such relationships.

Gemini - Sagittarius. This is a union between student and teacher. Sagittarius rules Gemini, but both partners benefit greatly from such a relationship and have a lot of space for spiritual growth. To prevent this relationship from drying out, partners need a constant change of scenery, new acquaintances and bright colors.

Gemini - Capricorn. A rare and extremely unfortunate union. At first, Capricorns are attracted by the lightness and education of Gemini, but over time they begin to be irritated by the frivolity and inconstancy of their partner. Gemini, attracted by the sad mystery of Capricorns, eventually encounters a wall of coldness and isolation. Capricorn tries at all costs to re-educate his partner. He is ready to devote his whole life to this. Otherwise, the marriage falls apart.

Gemini - Aquarius. This is a successful union. Partners have a lot to learn from each other, and this relationship becomes a stimulus for spiritual growth for both. They are never bored with each other. Aquarians are so versatile and changeable that Gemini simply does not need another partner.

Gemini - Pisces. This is a very intellectual relationship. Gemini admires the intelligence of Pisces and is sure that they have finally found their ideal. But as soon as Gemini begins to show inconstancy, Pisces leaves because they do not tolerate infidelity.

Cancer - Cancer. Frequent and quite successful marriage. Cancers need a twin who will share their worldview and understand their emotional nature. This marriage is very stormy and sensual: scandals, insults and tears are replaced by passion and tenderness. And that's exactly what they both want.

Cancer - Leo. A strange and rather rare union. Cancer knows how to charm Leo and literally overshadow his will. But, having emerged from the veil of enchantment, Leos continue to strive for brilliance, fame and society. Cancers need home person. If they still manage to adapt to each other’s characters and needs, their marriage will be very intriguing and not boring.

Cancer - Virgo. A successful marriage. Virgos admire the subtle spiritual makeup of Cancers and are ready to forgive them and understand them once again. Cancers value wisdom and selfless service to the family, which only Virgos are capable of.

Cancer - Libra. In this union, a certain distance is always maintained between the partners. Their relationship is possible only if Libra takes on the responsibilities of being the keeper of the hearth and comfort, which, in principle, is quite to their liking.

Cancer - Scorpio. These people are so drawn to each other. However, their union is unlikely, because Cancers cannot remain under the pressure of Scorpios for long. They puzzle each other, surprise and baffle each other. These relationships are possible only if both zodiac signs are atypical.

Cancer - Sagittarius. This union is like a roller coaster: recessions are followed by ups and even greater abysses. Sagittarius strives to take over Cancer, his thoughts and opinions. And when he does not give in to him, the relationship falls apart.

Cancer - Capricorn. Capricorn loves to make his partner his own. He is trying to re-educate Cancer, which is impossible in principle. This union is doomed to conflicts, disappointments and mutual claims.

Cancer - Aquarius. Frequent, but not the most successful union. This relationship causes a lot of pain to Cancer, who is trying in every possible way to hold on to the independent and freedom-loving Aquarius. But, despite all the sacrifices, sooner or later he leaves. And when he returns, everything repeats again.

Cancer - Pisces. The relationship of these zodiac signs is quite difficult to predict. They are both very sensual and emotional, which is why everyone has frequent mood swings. However, they are attracted to each other, and by learning to negotiate and sacrifice their own interests, they can build a very happy relationship.

Leo - Leo. The union of these two signs is quite rare, but still possible. Moreover, if the partners are atypical, it is successful, especially with children: bright, creative, interesting. True, sometimes (but very rarely) the opposite happens: bright parents overshadow their own children, who grow up without any special talents or individuality.

Leo - Virgo. An unfavorable alliance, full of misunderstanding and alienation. At the beginning of a relationship, the flirtatious but cool Virgo literally ignites Leo. However, over time, the deception becomes obvious, and both partners begin to see a lot of flaws in each other. Leo (especially Lioness) is deeply hurt by Virgo's pettiness and pickiness, as well as her flirtatiousness. Even if Virgo does not cheat on her partner, her behavior drives Leo crazy. But provided the signs are atypical or in the case of common high creative interests, the marriage can be successful.

Leo - Libra. Libra is the best partner for Leo among all air signs. The union of royal Leo and harmonious, balanced Libra promises brilliance, harmony, and constancy.

Leo - Scorpio. A strong masculine principle combined with incredible feminine magnetism gives birth to an insane passion that is beyond the control of reason. But it is impossible to constantly live in such tension. If the marriage does not break up, over the years the feelings either burn out or fade a little, and the partners each live on their own with memories of the past.

Leo - Sagittarius. The love and marriage of these signs is often fueled by mutual authority, a common worldview and teamwork. Both are prone to excitement and adventure, love adventures and travel. However, the relationship between partners is not limited only to holidays, pleasures, and social life. Most often, they are based on intense joint creativity. But together they achieve a lot.

Leo - Capricorn. The union of these two signs is not easy, complex, but quite possible. Leo captivates Capricorn with his generosity and sweet promises, which, as a rule, he does not fulfill both due to his character and due to objective circumstances. However, Capricorn believes for a long time and waits for what was promised, and when he finally realizes that he has been deceived (more precisely, he himself has been deceived), he experiences the deepest shock and disappointment. It is also not easy for Leo to build a relationship with Capricorn: at first he looks for passion behind Capricorn’s external severity (and is often not mistaken), but over time he gets tired of Capricorn’s direct and ingenuous life strategy - he simply needs changes and new impressions.

Leo - Aquarius. Such unions are usually short-lived. At first, both signs experience a strong attraction to each other, but over time, having realized their cardinal opposite, they most often diverge. Leo loves to be the center of attention, Aquarius, on the contrary, tries to remain unnoticed and independent. What for Leo are certain “symbols” and obligatory attributes of life, for Aquarius are only “little things” to which he does not attach any importance. However, in adulthood and with high spiritual potential, these people understand that opposites not only attract, but also form a single whole.

Leo - Pisces. Perhaps the most difficult union for Leo. Fascinated by the depth and mystery of Pisces, Leo is ready to lay the whole world at the feet of his chosen one! At the same time, Leo suffers greatly, especially if he does not receive reciprocity. This love is tragic, it brings death. And only if Leo follows Pisces without looking back and is ready to change, to be reborn, can the relationship be long-lasting.

Virgo - Virgo. The union of two representatives of this sign is, as a rule, successful and happy, because they know each other’s character and requirements better than anyone else.

Virgo - Libra. A very frequent and also successful union. Both Virgo and Libra are similar in many ways: both strive for balance, they simply need comfort, coziness and well-being. And although Libra knows a little about everything, but superficially, and Virgo, on the contrary, prefers to study the problem deeply, analyzing all sides of the issue, both complement each other’s missing qualities.

Virgo - Scorpio. Only a meek, wise and patient Virgo is able to curb the passionate, active Scorpio. Scorpio's magnetism and super-sensuality excite Virgo. To resist him, she strains all her strength, resulting in an eternal state of combat readiness. A marriage will be successful and prosperous only if Virgo and Scorpio have very strong characters. However, in such a marriage there will be no peace - the spouses constantly test each other, their relationship remains on the brink of crisis.

Virgo - Sagittarius. This is a rare, but often very strong union. As a rule, the thrifty Virgo is sensitive to the extravagance and generosity of Sagittarius, which serves as a reason for displeasure and even quarrels. Representatives of these signs can be united by mutual service to society (for example, in the social or religious sphere). In this case, Virgo serves the goals and plans of Sagittarius, just as her patron Mercury serves Jupiter.

Virgo - Capricorn. A balanced and strong union. Both look at life realistically, sober and practical. Capricorn is impressed by Virgo’s reasonable demands and critical mind, as well as the ability to notice a small but important detail, without which a global problem cannot be solved. In turn, Virgo learns with Capricorn the secrets of love hidden for her; she vitally needs his tender words and compliments. Children especially unite partners.

Virgo - Aquarius. A rare union. Virgo loves and appreciates home, comfort, and coziness. For Aquarius, freedom, adventure, and vivid impressions come first. Home for him is exclusively a place where he can return when tired of friends, problems, or travel. Marriage can only be based on the patience and forgiveness of the Virgo. And it lasts as long as Virgo has enough patience.

Virgo - Pisces. A complex and rare union. Mystical, absent-minded Pisces and concrete Virgos often completely misunderstand each other. Virgo is thrifty, economical, but in love she is like the beautiful Snow Maiden: “I want to love, but I don’t know the words of love.” It is especially bad if Pisces is a woman: she is humiliated by the pragmatism of the Virgo man. In fact, these signs have different energies and different worldviews.

Libra - Libra. In the representatives of their sign, Libra sees their reflection, their partner, and at the same time - their enemy. A marriage can only be successful if Libras are of different types.

Libra - Scorpio. The marriage is quite harmonious. Balanced Libra and rebellious Scorpio complement each other and help navigate difficult situations. The intimate side of their life is very stormy, passionate and deep.

Libra - Sagittarius. A wonderful union. It is based not only on love and friendship, but also on a common worldview. Both strive for active work and, as a rule, thanks to each other’s support, together they achieve a certain social position.

Libra - Capricorn. It is also a fairly harmonious union, where partners easily find a common language and complement each other. Capricorns admire the pedantic Libra, their prudence and moderation. As a rule, Libra guides Capricorns and serves as teachers and mentors for them. However, in love and intimate relationships, complete misunderstanding can arise. Against the background of complete well-being, partners can break up coldly and abruptly, showering each other with curses.

Libra - Aquarius. A successful fruitful union, especially if the partners are engaged in the same business. In this case, they are united by common creative plans and joint original ideas. Both Libra and Aquarius have a lot in common: they love cheerful companies, friends and enjoy traveling.

Libra - Pisces. A tragic, even fatal union for Pisces. Libras love clearly regulated relationships and strict form in everything. Pisces, on the contrary, “overflow their shores” in feelings. Libras are great individualists, even selfish, while Pisces strive for unity and dissolution in a partner. Therefore, Libra perceives misunderstanding as callousness and suffers greatly.

Scorpio - Scorpio. It is known that two Scorpios do not get along in the same house. And yet such a union is possible, although quite rare. Two strong and to some extent competitive partners are constantly drawn to each other, but at the same time they are cramped together. Having finally parted, and then meeting many years later, they are at first ready to forget all the grievances. But, not having time to reach a friendly hug, they begin to look at each other suspiciously and coldly. And they remain on different sides of the road.

Scorpio - Sagittarius. A strange but frequent union. Gambling lovers, like-minded spouses, they seem to spur each other to action. And together they achieve a lot. Their marriage is cemented by children: both Scorpio and Sagittarius are wonderful, attentive parents.

Scorpio - Capricorn. This union can be very successful - like any union of two strong personalities. As a rule, they are united by very deep feelings that last for many years. If partners separate, they become opponents and even enemies.

Scorpio - Aquarius. As a rule, a fairly long and strong union. At the same time, the partners do not have to get bored: their relationships are somewhat eccentric, they come up with new and new twists in fate. Peaceful periods of living together are replaced by a long war, which sooner or later ends in reconciliation - until the next war. But at the same time it is very difficult for them to refuse each other.

Scorpio - Pisces. Most often, a harmonious union, full of love and understanding. Pisces cedes the leadership role to Scorpio, who almost always takes the upper hand, directly or secretly directing the partner.

Sagittarius - Sagittarius. Their life together will be like a struggle for power. Neither partner is ready to give up dominance in the house to the other. Only big common goals or troubles can unite them.

Sagittarius - Capricorn. Sagittarius is trying to impose norms of behavior in society, morality and laws on Capricorns. But for Capricorn, the only authority is his internal life principles. So this marriage is possible only by convenience or if both partners have reached a very high level of spirituality.

Sagittarius - Aquarius. Great union. The life of this couple is full of adventures, changes, a bit of adventurism and lightness. They give each other the necessary freedom, but at the same time each of them knows that he cannot find a better partner. They are interested in being together, and creativity and humor will never let them get bogged down in gray everyday life. In such a union, partners feel forever young and full of inspiration.

Sagittarius - Pisces. These people rarely understand each other: the active, dynamic and open Sagittarius irritates the self-absorbed and mysterious Pisces. Only very lofty ideas, such as common faith, religion and mysticism, can unite them.

Capricorn - Capricorn. These two stubborn people cannot fully open up to each other, so they are very often alone in their relationship. However, sometimes they manage to find a compromise, and then they become two halves of one whole.

Capricorn - Aquarius. This relationship is the fruit of mutual loneliness. At first, it seems to partners that they complement each other perfectly. Aquarius sees constancy and loyalty in Capricorn, not realizing that he is not ready to let anyone into his inner world. And Capricorn prematurely hopes for freedom, not realizing that Aquarius wants it only for himself, and seeks to tie his partner to home.

Capricorn - Pisces. This union can be very successful, provided that both partners strive for self-development. Then they are able to move mountains. Otherwise, the pragmatism and down-to-earth nature of Capricorns will lead to the breakdown of relationships.

Aquarius - Aquarius. A very rare union of two independent individuals. If partners are able to build equality and pay due attention to home and everyday life, they have a chance to build strong relationships.

Aquarius - Pisces. A strange and rare union. Problems in everyday life for this couple are inevitable. But both are attracted to mysticism, philosophical conversations on high topics and the search for spirituality. What prevents them from becoming one whole is the fear of dissolving into a partner and losing their own personality.

Pisces - Pisces. A rare and very deep union. Partners see right through each other and cannot tolerate half measures. “All or nothing” is their motto in life. Most often, they separate calmly and by mutual agreement, simply not seeing a future in their relationship. If they can discard everything unnecessary and completely dissolve in each other, a very intense and deep relationship awaits them.