Many people consider dogs to be pessimists in life, who are worried about something, always worrying about something, although often they themselves do not know the source of their worries. As you know, a Dog is a person’s faithful companion and a wonderful pet.

The youth of people born in the year of the Dog can be overshadowed by problems in connection with love affairs, which do not always leave her with good memories of this age. In adulthood, the Dog is often visited by nightmares; as for old age, it may regret missed opportunities.

It is worth noting that there are different types these people - for some, life will be easier, for others it will be filled with problems and worries. Eat popular belief that a Dog born during daylight hours will live longer happy life than the one who was born in a dark time.

All his life this person may be dissatisfied with himself, as well as overly self-critical, he may not compromise and be straightforward. In case of life or professional failures and problems, he can become rude and

In rare cases, a dog can correctly determine, without outside help, its life priorities, as well as realize its abilities, therefore it is always looking for an intelligent and reliable friend.

It is very difficult for them to decide on the main and primary goal in life, but if they determine such a goal, they will stubbornly achieve it.

Dogs are not constant in love; they take their own and their partner’s infidelities lightly, although they can be very faithful, but only if they have a confident and demanding person nearby.

Next Year of the Dog 2018!

Characteristics of the Dog

Chinese name for the Dog sign: Gou

Sign Chinese Zodiac: Eleventh

Time of day Sign: 19:00 -21:00

Western Zodiac Sign: Aries

Element: Metal

Positive traits of a Dog:

These are generous and honest people, they are devoted to their family, diligent at work, they can be trusted and relied on.

Negative traits of a Dog:

They can be stubborn, sometimes overly restless, talkative, pessimistic and slightly absent-minded, and overly strict with others.

Years of the Dog with the elements


2030 (Year of the Metal Dog)

Those born in the year of the Dog are reliable at work, at home and in the family; they are loyal, although they are overly prone to caution and pessimism. It would be wiser not to worry about trifles in advance, because you will still successfully cope with all the problems that arise, no matter what happens - pull yourself together!

The Dog woman is gentle and sexy, she always looks charming and dresses elegantly. Making friends with this sweet lady is quite difficult, even despite her friendliness and friendliness.

This woman trusts few people; she, as befits a Dog, is always wary of strangers, so it doesn’t immediately open up to them. But if she opens her heart to someone, she will be ready to go with this person to the ends of the world.

Such women born this year become caring and attentive mothers, they are able to create coziness and comfort in their homes, and strive to make their family happy.

Zodiac sign compatibility horoscope

People born in the year of the Dog, according to the eastern calendar, can be described as responsible, brave and fair individuals. Despite these qualities, Dogs never let anyone into their soul, preferring to hide. The personality of people of the Dog sign can be divided into all halves: the first - they are kind, friendly and noble-hearted people, the second - self-contained, pessimistic and anxious.

The point is not even that the dog wants to hide his true soul, but that he believes that he should look decent in society.

A distinctive feature of dogs is the loyalty that is inherent in them. From the outside, her character may look playful, but in fact she is faithful to those who have great importance for her. As mentioned earlier, the main negative trait of a dog is pessimism. She believes that she is simply not created for happiness, seeing catch and disappointment in everything.

Dog Man

A man born in the year of the Dog - good husband and a loving father who is ready to do anything for his family. In appearance, such a man seems melancholy and gloomy. Due to problems with low self-esteem, such men rarely make efforts for a good career. Also, for this reason, men of this sign do not fully reveal their life potential.

In marriage, male dogs are prone to cheating, and it will not be possible to re-educate him in this.

Dog Woman

Thanks to her extravagant appearance, a representative of this sign can give the impression of a strong and independent woman, which may not always be reality. Women of this sign are distinguished by a masculine mentality, logical thinking, have a strong character, but they also have a share of self-doubt.


In love with a Dog, everything is based on trust and mutual partnership. People of this sign give great preference family values, and therefore try to achieve balance. Interesting fact it will be that if the Dog becomes disappointed in his partner, then nothing prevents him from quickly finding a replacement for him. They move away from separation quite quickly.

Year of the Dog according to the eastern horoscope

Hieroglyph of Dog: Xu.

Dog Motto:"I'm worry".

Sign location: eleventh.

Triad: third (triangle of Defenders).

Element (element) of the sign Dog: Earth-Yang.

Nature of the sign: Jan.

Direction: west-northwest.

Western zodiac sign roughly corresponding to this period: Scales.

Time of day controlled by the Dog: 19.00 – 21.00.

Color: yellow.

Dog Gemstone: diamond.

Food traditions: meat dishes.

Years of the Dog

Characteristics of the Dog

A dog in the eastern horoscope is loyal, compassionate, responsible, reliable, honest, curious, intelligent, fair, sociable, selfless, open, modest, calm and prone to idealism, but in unfavorable circumstances it can show excessive anxiety, pessimism, coldness, laziness and stubbornness .
The dog is the sign of the eleventh year of the Chinese 12-year cycle. It symbolizes qualities such as honesty, justice, dedication, reliability and loyalty.

This sign has a pronounced Yang nature, the nature of the element is also Yang, it is for this reason that in people born in the year of the Dog, Yang qualities - honesty, reliability, striving for ideals - are expressed to a very strong degree.

Man's best friends

The direction associated with the Dog sign - west-northwest, in turn corresponds to the end of autumn: the Dog sign corresponds to the 9th month according to the Chinese calendar (according to Gregorian calendar this is the period October 8 – November 7). The time of day 19.00-21.00 is under the control of the Dog - the so-called “eleventh watch”.

The yellow color, with which the sign of the Dog is associated, as the bearer of its inherent element Earth, in Chinese mythology symbolizes the Center of the World - China itself, the Celestial Empire, and means stability, fertility, support, law, success and eternity, and is associated with glory and achievements. The yellow color in the Chinese tradition corresponds to the Yellow (imperial) dragon with five claws, the Yellow Emperor Huang Di - the legendary ruler who united most of China under his rule, and the god of the earth Hou-tu.

Hue yellow color, corresponding to the Dog sign, is bright yellow (minghuang). Being a sign whose natural element is Earth, the Dog is strongly influenced by Saturn (Tianxing), which, by the way, is also associated with the color yellow.

The Dog is included in the third Triangle of Spiritual Relationship - the Triangle of Defenders, the vertices of which are the third, seventh and eleventh earthly branches, i.e., respectively. Tiger, Horse and Dog. In this trio, the Dog acts as a guardian.

The best partnerships - in marriage, friendship or business, the Dog develops with the Horse and Tiger, as well as with the Hare, Rooster, Dog and Pig. On the other hand, the worst partner for a Dog is its antagonist - the Dragon.

The Dog is the eleventh sign of the 12-year eastern cycle, or Chinese calendar animals. It is associated with the energy "yang" and the element "metal". The corresponding zodiac sign is Aquarius.

The dog symbolizes:
honesty, responsiveness, dedication, responsibility, dedication, straightforwardness, reliabilityclosedness, stubbornness, anxiety, cynicism, self-doubt, self-criticism

Table of the Years of the Dog

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Dog

Characteristics of the Dog gives general idea about the sign, introduces its positive and negative qualities, features of building personal relationships and careers. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better.

Character traits

Positive. Honesty and dedication - distinctive features this sign. The dog is ready to give everything to others to the last. This perfect friend and a companion who will not leave you in trouble.

Characteristic positive qualities:

  • honesty: The Dog does everything “in good faith” and makes sure that those around him do the same; otherwise, he stands up for the truth, no matter what the cost;
  • responsiveness: if you need help to a loved one without hesitation rushes to help; This is not just moral support, but concrete actions; the desire to help often reaches the point of selflessness;
  • responsibility: The dog always keeps his promises; It’s a pleasure to deal with her, she never lets you down; therefore she is valued at work;
  • purposefulness: plans for future life down to the smallest detail; never deviates from the intended path and goes to any lengths to achieve his goal;
  • straightforwardness: does not use “subterfuge” and always says everything directly; The Dog is especially valued by his friends for his truthfulness and directness; at the same time, it is precisely because of this that conflict situations and quarrels with others often occur.

Negative. The main negative qualities of the Dog are closedness and stubbornness. At the same time, these features do not spoil her, but add originality to her character. This sign is easily forgiven for such a “fly in the ointment” for his generosity of soul and love for others.

Negative qualities:

  • closedness: The dog rarely speaks openly about his feelings; she shows her attitude through deeds, not words; Others do not like such isolation, although over time they get used to it;
  • stubbornness: the determination of this sign often reaches the point of incomprehensible persistence in achieving their goals; such stubbornness can lead to conflict situation and ruin relationships with others;
  • anxiety: The dog seems to be not taking advantage of all the chances that life gives it; therefore, she is in constant search of new opportunities and gives no peace to herself or those around her;
  • cynicism: the straightforwardness of this sign often turns into cynicism; The dog has a sharp tongue; can hurt with his remark;
  • lack of self-confidence: The Dog is self-critical and often dissatisfied with itself; At the same time, she never trusts her problems to others and experiences personal failures “within herself.”

Love and relationships

A dog rarely falls in love at first sight. She is more inclined to gradually develop relationships. Values ​​determination and adventurousness in a partner. Devoted to the object of her love. Doesn't forgive betrayal.

Tries to change his partner, to make him as good as possible. At the same time, he allows himself to criticize him and imposes his opinion.

IN family relationships She is hampered by constant anxiety and the desire for perfection. If the Dog finds a partner who is able to smooth out these character traits, then the couple finds real family happiness.

Career and profession

The dog is strong in professions not related to the exact sciences. Her superiors value her for her responsibility and reliability. Her career advancement is hampered by her closeness and defending the interests of others to the detriment of her own.

The team always treats the Dog well, so in leadership positions she becomes a good organizer. At the same time, her desire for justice can ruin her relationship with her superiors.

Recommended professions. A dog is suited for a job in which he can express his abilities as much as possible. best qualities- sacrifice and desire for justice. She can work as a lawyer, judge, doctor, teacher, social worker, critic, priest.

According to Eastern horoscope, each year corresponds to a specific patron animal. It is distinguished by its characteristic features and, just like a person, he has his own character, his own likes and dislikes. I am very interested in the topic of Chinese horoscopes and in this material I invite you to learn more about the year of the Dog: what years of birth, characteristics of the sign.

When are representatives of this sign born?

All those born in the following years can consider themselves to be this faithful animal:

  • in 1958 (year of the Yellow Earth Dog);
  • 1970 (Metal White Dog);
  • 1982 (Black Water Dog);
  • 1994 (Wooden Blue Dog);
  • 2006 (was the year of the Red Fire Dog);
  • 2018 (Yellow Earth Dog).

The Dog appears as the eleventh, penultimate sign in Eastern calendar. He is characterized by such a quality as constant anxiety; such a person seems to be always “on guard.”

Closedness is typical for representatives of the constellation: they begin to express their feelings only when there is a special need for it. Such people know what they need, which is why they are very stubborn. They are prone to teasing others and some cynicism.

A dog is also a critic who often finds fault with little things, both with and without reason. But thanks to her critical mind, natural skepticism, and excellent sense of humor, she does not drown in pettiness. Although deep down he is more of a pessimist than an optimist.

The dog does not like crowded gatherings. In the amorous sphere of life, an illusion may be created about his coldness, although in reality such a belief is completely wrong.

The dog managed to absorb all the most positive traits of human character. This is how she shows loyalty to other people, is loyal, honest, has a developed sense of duty and is ready to vigorously fight any injustice. You can always rely on such a person, since he is not prone to betrayal.

You can really trust him with your deepest secrets. Although representatives of the sign have no desire to turn into someone’s vest, nor do they have the desire to confess their soul to other people.

Dog people cannot boast of eloquence - sometimes they suffer from difficulties expressing their thoughts. But they take on the role of grateful listeners.

It is not surprising that such a personality evokes a feeling of trust and respect, which is well deserved. Her devotion needs to be mentioned separately, because it borders on complete dedication. Shows a willingness to do everything in her power for those around her. And if he suddenly encounters injustice, he becomes terribly upset and makes every effort to correct the situation.

By nature, Dogs are true empaths: it is difficult for them to be happy if they see the problems of other people. They tend to constantly worry about the past, present and future. The positive point is that the Dog intuitively senses in which situations it makes sense to intervene, and where they can manage without its help.

It is difficult to imagine that this person would confuse good with evil. He is the most natural philosopher, overcome different ideas and more interested in the spiritual world than material goods.

He is easily recognized by his generous and selfless behavior. No big difference whether he lives in luxurious or average conditions, the intellectual principle will be predominant.

If necessary, Doggie will do without financial well-being. And even if he achieves success, he does not strive for special chic. However, having experienced the need for money, he will find a way to get it faster than other signs of the Eastern horoscope.

These individuals make wonderful professional leaders, active public figures, clergy, educators. They have a talent for managing people, which is complemented by an unrealistic work ethic and straightforward demeanor.

Unfortunately, with all its positive traits, The dog is too restless and prone to increased anxiety. She often worries for a long time about things that will never happen, wasting her precious energy on it... And she also loves to regret what she didn’t do or regret what she did.

Correspondence to Zodiac signs

How to characterize a Dog born under a certain constellation of the traditional horoscope? This is exactly what we will do now.

  • Aries - militant, faithful, making her way through the fog;
  • Taurus – faithful and insightful;
  • Gemini - a scientist with a bad head, but a good heart;
  • Cancer – sensual, too susceptible to outside influence, honest, sacrificial;
  • Leo – noisy, attracting attention;
  • Virgo – technical;
  • Libra – soft-spoken;
  • Scorpio – aggressive, attacking;
  • Sagittarius - energetic, no one can compare with her energy;
  • Capricorn – faithful, anxious;
  • Aquarius - smart;
  • Pisces is unusual.

Characteristic traits of a sign man

Such a representative of the stronger sex is ready for any feat for his beloved, children and friends. He gives the impression of a gloomy, slightly sarcastic and melancholic person, and at times suffers from low self-esteem.

The latter greatly hinders his career realization. After all, his innate abilities and talents are blocked by self-doubt and endless doubts. But if you provide the Dog man with enough support, he will be able to show his full potential.

Pessimism and susceptibility to depressive states are typical (most of them are associated with concerns about personal life, there is a fear of being abandoned).

It is difficult to call the person in question faithful; rather, he feels affection for his “mistress.” But in a certain situation, he can easily go outside and often has mistresses.

Therefore, when deciding to become the Dog’s wife, it is necessary to remember his tendency to cheat, which can be traced in his character. It is easy to get along with this man, but also easy to diverge. Although women rarely suffer afterwards, they rather feel light and free.

What is Dog Girl like?

The appearance of the beautiful representative of the sign and her manner of behavior allow one to think that she is a strong personality. In fact, this is not always true.

Such a person is characterized by uncompromisingness, the presence healthy ambitions, generosity, the ability to always finish what you start and amazing patience.

Doggy ladies have a more masculine, logical mindset, strong character and iron tenacity, which allows them to realize their goals. In addition, these girls are very smart, educated, and love romance. On the other hand, they tend to be passive and often do not believe in themselves.

The dog is inherent for a long time analyze your personality. Therefore, life often passes her by, because she is so busy with herself that she simply does not notice anything that is around.

In career matters, he demonstrates high discipline and responsibility in fulfilling his work obligations. Having a talent as an organizer helps you move up the career ladder.

Noisy companies are not the element of a woman of this sign. In them she shows modesty and restraint. Most of all, the Dog likes to spend time in his home.

It takes a long time to build love relationships, as he is in search of his ideal. This lady will decide to start a family only with someone who will be morally stronger than her and will provide her with help, care and attention.

Interesting facts about Dog people

The most suitable profession: customs official, police officer, coach, actor or journalist.

Fortune: People of the described sign are either very lucky and achieve fabulous wealth, or they are sitting without a penny in their wallet. Undoubtedly, different dogs destined different fate, but most people prefer to maintain faith in their success in life.

Finance: you have the ability to handle them, it's good to build your business. If you follow the voice of your sixth sense, which is well developed, you can conquer many peaks.

Career: You are a reliable employee and it is quite possible to achieve success in your work. Behind a short time You may find yourself in the boss's chair.

Society: From displays of caution and isolation, you quickly switch and become the life of the company of personalities you know well.

Love sphere: long time you are looking for a person with whom you can fall in love. It’s all due to excessive demands on opposite sex. However, when a worthy candidate finally shows up, you can give him all your love.

Offspring: as a parent, you appear strict and intractable on the surface, although in reality you are very interested in your children and love them madly.

Trips: This is precisely the area of ​​life that can be very inspiring. Dogs are always looking for new ones interesting places where to spend your holiday.

Health: you feel quite good, pathologies rarely overtake you. From time to time you experience emotional tension, if you do not learn how to get rid of stress, you risk facing psychological disorders.

Investments: Real estate and brokerage will bring you good profits. This is due to a natural excellent sense of money.

Capabilities: characterized by generosity. You may well become the leader of a large organization. You are also familiar with computer networks and have the knowledge to help you make money.

Perspective: By giving up complaints and showing enough faith in yourself, it is quite possible to achieve success.

To conclude the topic

It can be summarized that:

  • According to its positive characteristics, the Dog is loyal, honest, generous and diligent.
  • From negative qualities One cannot fail to mention increased worry, anxiety, pessimism, and absent-mindedness.
  • Doesn't really like company, preferring to spend time in his home.
  • She has been looking for her soul mate for a long time, as she is demanding.

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