Why do you feel comfortable in one apartment, while another, which is furnished no worse than the first, causes discomfort and makes you want to run outside and take a breath of fresh air? Why do some people constantly get richer, while others who hold the same position remain at the same level of wealth until the end of their lives? These and many other questions can be easily answered by getting acquainted with Feng Shui - the Taoist practice of space exploration.

Many have already heard about Feng Shui; in every quarter today there is a shop that attracts with its incense and mysterious figurines. This trend is gaining more and more supporters, but there are also quite a few skeptics, for whom Feng Shui is just a fashion for Chinese culture.

In fact, Feng Shui is a complex science that was “brought to the masses” by a Chinese American. He divided the space into different zones (for example, love, money, sex and others), in which it was enough to place the symbolism responsible for one of them. Classic Feng Shui is not associated with figurines, talismans, amulets and other things. Its goal is to search for favorable flows of Qi energy (in a broad sense, this is “psychic energy” that permeates the entire universe) and use it for the benefit of man. With the help of Feng Shui, they choose a place to build a house, decide how best to divide the site, plan the interior of a house or apartment, determine the purpose of rooms, decide construction problems urban scale.

The Chinese even use Feng Shui to choose a location favorable for burials. It is believed that a person should not only live in a harmonious place, but also pass into another world with dignity, so as not to disturb the harmony of living family members.

Many people have long accepted “adapted” Feng Shui into their lives, and would never deviate from it at first glance simple rules. American multimillionaire Donald Trump also believes in centuries-old knowledge and constantly uses the advice of a Feng Shui master. You can also become familiar with the basic rules for attracting life energy Qi, remember them and follow them.

There should always be bright lights on in your home. sad and dark colors Bright shades and tones should be preferred.

Pay attention to the plants that grow in your house or apartment. Dry, limp and sickly flowers are symbols of stagnation. If a flower starts to get sick, it is better to throw it away immediately. In the place where you live there should be only fresh and healthy flowers that symbolize prosperity.

There must be animals or birds in the house. When you are not at home, animals release light Yang energy into the room. You yourself must have felt this more than once when returning home after work or a long absence.

Pay attention to the music that plays in your home. Pleasant music is one of the components of “good Feng Shui”.

Water. There must be water in the house, which cleanses and soothes. The ideal option is murmuring water (all kinds of fountains and figurines), which Qi energy loves very much.

Fruits, especially oranges, attract Abundance. Make sure that they are constantly present in your home.

Do not forget to regularly ventilate the apartment in which you live. Your home should smell fresh, but bad odors ruin the harmony of your home. Light aromatic lamps, sticks, candles.

The number of the house or apartment in which you live should be well lit and also directed upward.

Determine the southeastern sector of your apartment or house. This is a special place that should be brightly lit; first of all, there should always be order and cleanliness. In this sector, people with good Feng Shui place symbols of wealth and abundance (money tree, three-legged toad, oranges, rat, aquarium fish or their image, the god Hotei, Chinese coins and others).

A couple of days ago, Masha acted as an expert in an article where she talked a little about Secret Feng Shui. And of course, we couldn’t just let Masha go without asking her about this unique direction, which she herself developed and has been practicing for a long time. We also talked about the Machine Way in interior design and how important it is to clearly formulate your goals.

Masha Mamonova. Journalist and creator of the Secret Feng Shui direction, which she has been successfully practicing for more than 12 years. Many people know what Feng Shui is. But not everyone likes to use scattered Chinese amulets at home. They seem alien to most, and household members are often not happy with such a hobby. In Secret Feng Shui you don't need to use anything like that. Familiar, European interior accessories like vases and candles are quite suitable. Your home will not look like a pagan temple. Masha is sure: there is no perfect feng shui - after all, observing all the details and doing feng shui for the sake of feng shui all day long is far from the goal of our life. Therefore, she also significantly optimized the scheme of working with energies. At the same time, the result from using Secret Feng Shui exceeds all expectations!

Masha, of course, can’t help but ask about your interest in interior design: where did it come from, how did it progress and develop?

I first became interested in interior design over ten years ago in Helsinki, when I lived in Finland. I am a professional journalist, and, in addition to the journalism department of Moscow State University, I also studied at the University of Tampere. And then one day I was invited to shoot for a Finnish magazine, for which I once wrote articles. We worked in an apartment in an old house in the Art Nouveau style (the German name for the Art Nouveau style is editor's note) in the very center of the city. And I adore old houses with history, stucco and thoughtful interiors. Overall, I was very impressed with the process of that photo shoot. I returned to Moscow and began to think what to do now. I was so used to writing materials in Finnish that at first I didn’t even think about Russian magazines. My mother helped me. She simply suggested that we start filming for the domestic glossy magazine. The very next morning I called the editorial office I was interested in, and they literally cut me off. Little did I know then that I would soon travel to a million houses and apartments, from Rublyovka to London, Paris and Milan, that I would attend the world’s leading interior exhibitions, communicate with star designers, prepare interviews, write on airplanes and drink champagne on Monday morning at press breakfasts. And then I got bored of being an editor, and I decided to become editor-in-chief. I wanted to make plans myself, write my own column, communicate with an even wider circle of people and shoot covers in different countries peace. And after three months I succeeded. And, by the way, what’s interesting is not without the help of Secret Feng Shui, which I used both at home and in the editorial office.

Why did you decide to pay attention to Feng Shui and study this area?

More than ten years ago, I had a clear picture of what I wanted my life to be like. But I didn’t know exactly how to make the necessary changes. There was a vision, but somehow there were too many unknowns in the equation. It is unclear where to get them from. Intuitively, I felt that there was some kind of secret method. And perhaps not alone. Well, as the Chinese say, when the student is ready, the teacher comes. This is where feng shui suddenly appeared. Few people knew about him then. And I immediately liked the concept: by influencing the space in which you live, getting results in the real world. Since childhood, I have felt a very strong connection with everything magical and unusual, and I really liked Feng Shui remedies. There was only one thing that scared me: the more I delved into the knowledge of classical Feng Shui, the more I realized that it was impossible to follow absolutely all the recommendations. Sometimes they are completely mutually exclusive. And if we also take into account the realities of life (we cannot always rebuild a house in ideal location and choose everything yourself), then it is not at all possible to take into account all the details. And if you become a perfectionist and devote your whole life to feng shui adjustments, then it risks turning into feng shui for the sake of feng shui. Is this really the goal? The goal is to “tune” your own home so that it becomes an assistant in achieving life goals. And at the same time there would still be time to enjoy the fruits of one’s own labor. Therefore, after working in classical feng shui for several years, I created a lightweight own direction, in which they are not used chinese characters. Feng Shui, using which you do not advertise to the whole world what you are doing, and at the same time achieve results. So I created Secret Feng Shui.

When did you first notice that following certain tips, certain techniques for working with space really help in life?

I noticed the first results literally from the very first month of work. Life flies by quickly, you have to manage everything. I think it’s unlikely that our love affair with Feng Shui would have continued if it would have taken me five years to realize one small goal. True, I must say that my goals were crystal clear, my intention was ironclad. And this is also important. It is naive to think that a talisman placed in the right place will somehow work on its own. Although I have had cases where the talisman worked “on its own.” With the help of Feng Shui, you form a clear intention. After some time, unexpected opportunities begin to arise. And whether to catch them or ignore them is your decision. For example, I managed to get an internship at Vogue House in London. There was no opportunity at all, at that time I barely even spoke English, there were no acquaintances. But I set up the Career sector and got a small lead-opportunity. I pulled it, tried it here and there, and ended up in the UK. And not even at my own expense - my editors paid for the trip. In general, if suddenly you start to have chances to get what you wanted, then we can say that Feng Shui is definitely working for you!

Your family was skeptical about your interest in feng shui, and you made a good point when you said that skepticism in this matter is common. And so you chose not to preach Feng Shui as it is, but to find an elegant solution. Do people trust Secret Feng Shui more willingly?

Yes, people often tell me that in Secret Feng Shui everything is clear to them and “without unnecessary Chinese”. I have always lived with people who either did not accept “no feng shui” or outright rejected “everything magical and incomprehensible.” This is a very common occurrence in many families, so it’s not surprising. It was always surprising for me when people came up to me at seminars and said: “Everyone around is against it, everyone is laughing, I won’t.” But you want to do this, and who is in charge in your own life? Without a doubt, loved ones must be respected. But I love to search and find common decision, which will satisfy everyone - and thus Secret Feng Shui was born. Nobody sees anything, nothing annoys anyone, and everything works. Now I'm even grateful to my difficult situation. If I had heavenly conditions, I would be praised and supported in my studies, I would never be able to develop my own unique and secret direction. You won’t hear about it from any of the consultants, of which there are many now. You won't read it in any book. Well, maybe until I write my own!

And since you travel a lot, according to your observations, do people abroad treat Feng Shui less biasedly or also with some degree of irony?

You know, according to my observations, in Russia many more people are aware of Feng Shui. Even those who don’t like him or don’t understand the principles know about him. I was surprised, but in Italy, Norway and Denmark, for example, I had to explain to many people from scratch what it was.

In addition to several theses from Feng Shui, which we have already discussed with your help, are there any other simple but effective tips? For example, I know that before leaving home, you need to close the door to the bathroom or it is not recommended to fill the space under the bed so that energy can circulate freely throughout the apartment...

Well, let's start with the fact that the bathroom door (as well as the toilet lid) should be closed at all times when you are not in the bathroom. That is, not only before leaving home. And if we talk about effective advice, then one of the most common is not to hang the mirror exactly opposite front door. Otherwise, all the energy that enters will be reflected back. Move the mirror to the side if possible. And also make sure that the door of the toilet or bathroom is not inadvertently reflected in this mirror. In general, ideally, all interior details should be considered as a whole: within the framework of a specific house or apartment, get to know the owners, see what their goals in life are, what problems they have, calculate their favorable and unfavorable directions, recommend specific methods for achieving their goals, constantly cleanse physically and energetically the space in which these people live - and much more. There are a lot of details and they are all very individual.

Essentially, Secret Feng Shui is good because it doesn’t call for drastic changes: rearranging furniture, changing the layout of rooms, it works with what you have, right?

Yes, Secret Feng Shui is good - it is adapted to the realities of life. At one time I started with a room in which the furniture could not be moved even five centimeters to the side - there was so little space and so many necessary things. And still I managed to adjust the space and get results. To everyone at home - so that there were fewer questions, I informed that I was cleaning the apartment and creating new design. And soon I managed to move to my room in Finland. Then to my apartment, which was offered to me by the Finnish company in which I worked at that time, and then I was able to rent my own apartment in the center of Moscow. And then she completely moved to a two-story house in Norway. This means that you can start at any level. What it is is what it is. A clear vision of the goal and Secret Feng Shui will be required. Although, of course, the most ideal situation is when you yourself can choose a site for construction.

In your opinion, the changes that occur thanks to the practice of Secret Feng Shui depend on the person himself: how imbued he is with it, how much does he strive for change?

The center, beginning and end of Secret Feng Shui is the person himself. You know, masters often say that Feng Shui is a third of a person’s luck. This is Earthly luck. There is also Heavenly. It is usually called karma. It is determined by what family you were born into, in what country, something that you cannot correct. And there is Human (this is what a person achieved by working on himself, studying, training). That is, Feng Shui is a third of luck. But why lose it? We use that third! You make a list of tasks. You set priorities. You will be sensitive to and recognize all opportunities that arise. No one can do this for you. The energy of your home depends on your energy, as well as the impulse that you can impart to the goal for its implementation. And then you harmoniously configure your own home so that it becomes an assistant for you in achieving your goals.

You also have a lot of different rituals, which you also developed yourself and the effectiveness of which you have already managed to verify. Tell us, for example, about Candle Magic!

Yes it's true. I did not limit myself to simplifying the traditional schemes of classical Feng Shui and replacing Chinese talismans with familiar European ones. After many years of practicing Feng Shui, as well as energy training (and I do such practices all the time), I discovered the gift of clairvoyance. You know, there is clairvoyance, but over time I developed clairvoyance. For example, I have a problem or task in my life. It's not clear how to solve it. I form an intention to solve it and, often, instantly, directly receive an answer on what and how to do. And not only for myself, sometimes information comes for both my friends and clients. It differs from “fiction” in that I clearly realize that these are not my fantasies, and if I apply the acquired knowledge, the result will be very good. Thus, technology was born Magic glass(he fulfilled my wish to work in Finland, I drank to leave, and he immediately crashed), bathroom Tsarina(very helpful for raising self-esteem for those who need it), Cocoon technique(surprisingly helps in finding a soulmate), the same Candle Magic and even my other courses.

I am the author of not only Secret Feng Shui, but many other techniques that help in life. All of them are united into a large group of Air Forces (Magical Auxiliaries) and are part of the Secret Feng Shui. Candle Magic is a very vast layer. Because it helps to cleanse the room - sometimes it is very difficult to live in an energetically polluted, albeit beautifully decorated, room. This is when candle techniques help a lot. It also helps to fulfill desires - here everything will depend on specific desire and the color of the candle. Sometimes special candles(most often natural, waxy or vanilla scented) can be useful for working with Rod problems. Yes, this is also very important, since a person is not alone in the world, he is part of the system. He lives on the planet, in a country, in a city, he is part of society and the system own kind. This is how you sometimes go into people’s houses, look at them and understand - what kind of feng shui is that, here they need to deal with the problems of their ancestors on their paternal or maternal side. Sometimes, but it happens. And what’s good: candles are a natural and very beautiful element of the interior. Again, you work with them, they are in your home, and no one would even think of asking why you have a whole collection of them here. For the Tsarina ritual you only need a bath and the same candles. For technology, Cocoon is an ordinary blanket. For the Magic Glass - as you already guessed, just a glass. Nothing special. All these things are in stores. And I moved on. Once in Paris I saw plaster diffusers. Gypsum is the element of Earth. It strengthens the Center and other sectors of the house. I came to Moscow and made my own collection. It’s both beautiful and according to Secret Feng Shui, and no one will guess!

Where would you advise to start for those who want to introduce Secret Feng Shui into their lives and their home from scratch?

We need to start with two things: definitions own tasks And … spring cleaning. Without an end point, you cannot build a route, and you cannot grow new happiness on old energies. And now, when this foundation is ready, only then is it time to ask me, what to do next?..

Photos Maria Zheleznova, as well as photographs from the archive of Masha Mamonova; pinterest.com

Today, oriental dishes have become very popular. philosophical teachings. In them modern man finds what he so lacks in the frantic rhythm of our lives: calm, regularity, understanding, harmony.
So, in last decade Ancient Chinese teachings became particularly widespread Feng Shui. It is based on a person achieving harmony in everything and is associated with the circulation of positive energy “qi”, symbolizing life. It is from the teaching Feng Shui its direction was also based, applicable to the human house and its inhabitants.

Feng Shui
for the home is a kind of practical embodiment of Eastern ideology; this direction teaches us to correctly apply the basic tenets of the teaching to achieve harmony and attract qi energy into our home. Properly organized feng shui apartments is able to attract love, money, mutual understanding into the house, settle family troubles and give good health members of your family.

How to apply Feng Shui knowledge in your home?

Develop feng shui apartments you can by hiring a specialist Feng Shui. He will be able to correctly calculate all the parameters of your apartment, determine how the flow of qi energy should pass, how to attract positive energy into the house, and how to protect yourself from incoming negative energy.
But if you decide to study Feng Shui yourself, then be extremely careful and careful. We must remember that all Eastern philosophical movements are very subtle matter, and in order to understand it, you need to be imbued with it. It is based on the search for harmony between a person and the subtle world around him; it is very important not to cross the lines, the violation of which can cause an imbalance in the life of each of us. Therefore, one should always take into account that everything here, as in all Chinese philosophy, has a deep symbolic meaning.
Often in order to strengthen some zone of your home, for example, the zone of love or luck, or, conversely, soften negative impact on them, masters Feng Shui placed in these zones feng shui symbols. Traditionally, these symbols are Qing Long - the Dragon, the three-legged toad, Qi Lin - the Chinese unicorn, Feng Huang - the Chinese phoenix, Long Gui - the dragon turtle and Budai - the personification of the god of happiness, fun and prosperity. Also, the symbols of Feng Shui are a variety of bells, wind chimes, stars and numerous figures of animals and birds, each of which also has its own symbolic meaning.

Application of color in Feng Shui.

Feng Shui interior may at first glance seem quite motley. But this usually happens due to inept handling of symbols in practice. Feng Shui. The fact is that each zone of the house is determined by the cardinal directions, and for each zone there is not only its own talisman, but also its own color scheme.
The meaning of color in feng shui It is also very symbolic and it is extremely important to be able to correctly apply this or that symbolism of a certain color. Since philosophy itself Feng Shui is rooted in the harmony of man and nature, then the primary colors Feng Shui reflect each of the natural elements. For example, the color red symbolizes fire, as well as warmth, strength, and luck; blue - water, calm, regularity, inspiration; white - metal, reflects purity, purity, goodness.
When creating an interior, you need to be very careful with colors; their incorrect combination can, instead of being beneficial, not bring any results or even harm your home. Proper use of colors in Feng Shui interior will be the key to harmony in your home. To date, the creation Feng Shui interior design is not an impossible task. Almost every design center has a consultant or even a master Feng Shui. They will help you design the interior of your apartment in such a way that positive energy “qi” can freely enter it, and negative energy cannot penetrate into your home.

Where to find feng shui symbols.

To help you properly decorate your home, feng shui shop. In any of them you can purchase the necessary symbols for your home: ringing bells, animal figurines, indoor fountains and much more. In addition, today you can do all this without leaving your own home, all the necessary items can be ordered in an online feng shui store, and consultations on creating Feng Shui get interior design online.
Feng Shui has long been used in the West, it is used in homes, offices and even work spaces. Its popularity and the benefits this teaching brings have been time-tested. Finally, it came to us. Now we can use Feng Shui in order to improve our lives and the lives of those close to us.

Our readers suggested that we reveal the topic: secrets Feng Shui for home. We will try to consider these questions from the perspective in which the following blog posts are presented:

But let’s look at these issues with the help of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui- Chinese teaching with more than two thousand years of history. It literally translates as “wind-water” and is based on the idea of ​​the energetic interaction between home and human destiny. To create a strong, favorable Feng Shui in your home, first of all, look around and decide to what extent the furnishings of your home comply with the basic rules of well-being. Basic rules for well-being in the house: cleanliness and order everywhere. We have already touched on the topic of Feng Shui in our post:

And so, regarding the light.

During the day, the rooms are quite bright thanks to sunlight, and in the evening the light from the lamps is comfortably bright. Dusk attracts energy poorly and makes people apathetic and inert.

The entrance to the home should be bright. If the front room is very dark, then decorate it with wallpaper in lighter colors, decorate the walls with bright paintings, and increase the lighting. It is through the front door that streams of positive energy enter the room, with which joy, health and many prospects come into our lives.

Hang mirrors on the walls to visually expand the space.

How to arrange a kitchen?

Do not keep old frying pans and other rubbish in the oven, because according to Feng Shui, a stove is one of the symbols of well-being in the family. Try to use not one or two burners, but all four in turn. Place beautiful, clean pots on the stove - this will attract wealth. Above dining table hang: a mouth-watering still life depicting gastronomic abundance.

Place a dish of fruit on the table - real or artificial.

This is a guarantee that you will always have something to treat your friends with. Wash your dishes immediately after eating, and don't let them pile up in the sink.

Try to throw out trash every day, but no later than eight in the evening.

How to arrange a living room?

It is important that there are fewer sharp corners in the main room of the house, and the table should be round. The negative influence of corners can be easily eliminated by placing indoor flowers with rounded leaves there.

Mirrors are very appropriate in the living room, as well as fountains, waterfalls and, after all, flowing (but not leaking) pure water is a source of energy, health and vitality. And aquariums with fish are also a symbol of wealth and prosperity. By the way, it is ideal if there is one black fish and eight gold fish living in the water. It is best to place the aquarium in the passage, but not in front of the toilet or the front door, otherwise all your luck will leave the house.

How to arrange a bedroom?

The fewer things you have in the bedroom, the more restful your sleep. Here, the subtle energy of qi should move calmly, without turbulence.

It is better to place the bed in the far corner from the entrance to the bedroom, but at the same time so that the entrance door to the room is visible from the bed. Under no circumstances place a dressing table or mirrored cabinet opposite the bed, otherwise health problems may arise. It is bad if the bed's head or legs are facing the window or front door, as well as the wall in which there is a door. The place to sleep should be reliable and solid. An unstable bed leads to instability and losses.

Now look around again and decide to what extent does the furnishings of your home comply with the basic rules of Feng Shui? All rooms of your home are more or less equally involved in your Everyday life, that is, there is no, for example, a room in which unnecessary things are collected, and you almost never go there. In such a room, stagnation forms, which disrupts the movement of qi in the house.

You like your home, the colors are pleasant, the furniture is comfortable for you, you relax at home, even while doing household chores.

If you have all of the above, then your Feng Shui is already pretty good, and your life is probably organized and very stable. And if not, and you don’t have enough time and energy to remove all the shortcomings at once, try to start improving small, life will gradually become easier, and you will easily do what previously seemed too difficult.

Be that as it may, creating favorable Feng Shui at home is a worthwhile endeavor that will pay off in full! After all, you and I can take into account many no less important nuances and calculate the Feng Shui of your home yourself at the specialist level! Then the current laws of generation, movement, properties of energies and their influence on us in our interior will help us draw strength from home and achieve larger-scale goals, realizing our capabilities much more efficiently, faster and easier!

The Slavs also have a system for organizing a house.

Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese science, but we also have our own home design system. Our ancestors did not build and arrange their homes in a chaotic manner; a strict planning system was visible everywhere. In particular, in almost all huts the doors were cut to the south, “towards the sun”.

The cult of the sun, or Yaril, as the ancient Slavs called it, persisted even after the adoption of Christianity.

The storage room was always located to the left of the entryway. The upper room was located on the right. In the southeastern part of the room they hung images, and in the southwestern part they placed a bucket or tub with clean well water. To the left of the entrance to the upper room, a stove was traditionally laid, behind which a cradle for the baby was built and big table, where the whole family gathered.

According to ancient beliefs, this layout brought good luck and tranquility to the house.

We wish you good luck, prosperity and health.

chapters from my book “This Funny Feng Shui” about the practical application of Feng Shui in Russia.

Feng Shui is like a loaded gun, a very dangerous toy...(c)(auth)
...by and large, wanting happiness, a person does almost nothing for his happiness, while very much regretting the absence of it... (c)

The practice of Feng Shui solves many vital issues. I will list you some of them: health, family, relationships, career, education, creativity, well-being and many, many, many. other. Feng Shui is worth taking an interest in.

Opening this section, I will tell you something from history...
It was a very long time ago. One of the rulers ancient China was very angry with his neighbor, the ruler of a small state. Being very cruel and knowing about the power of Feng Shui, he wanted to destroy his neighbor. To do this, he invited the Feng Shui Masters living in the country and forced them to create a FALSE Feng Shui, which would interpret the basics of Feng Shui exactly the opposite. The ruler of China offered this false Feng Shui with great honor to his neighbor, who accepted the gift with great gratitude and applied the practice to his state. After some time, this country suffered fires, floods, as well as epidemics of terrible diseases and, after some time, this state was simply wiped off the face of the earth, without wars or other efforts on the part of its cruel neighbor.

At all times, the practice of Feng Shui has been shrouded in mystery. During the time of Mao Tse Tong, it was simply prohibited, because Mao very jealously guarded his personal Feng Shui luck.

Nowadays, false Feng Shui slips in every now and then in some publications and, therefore, I can immediately say that Feng Shui is not for amateurs who believe that hanging greatest number By feng shui “things” they have already created a great benefit for their home. After all, it is often exactly the opposite...

Everything you find in this section is not empty phrases, but practical guide to action. If you are interested in the philosophy of Feng Shui, then you can find a considerable amount of literature on this topic in Yandex. If you are interested practical use Feng Shui in life - you are welcome here...

So. What is Feng Shui? This is, first of all, a means of correction, because we live in apartments that are absolutely not suitable for normal and happy life. Our wonderful designers, builders and others somehow don’t think about whether it’s convenient for us to live in such apartments...

To begin with, I will tell you that any apartment, house, office, etc. premises are divided into nine sectors or zones. Namely: marriage-partnership, wealth-prosperity, fame-achievement, family-health, children-creativity, career-development, altar sector, sector of luck and wisdom-knowledge.

And now - what do we have? Toilet in the marriage sector, chimney in the welfare sector and garbage chute in the health sector. Here, don’t even go to your grandmother - everything is clear: money flies out the window, in marital relations it’s completely wrong, i.e. toilet (sorry), and diets do not help in the fight against excess weight, because the garbage chute in the health sector cannot be moved anywhere... This is how we live.

But that is not all. As a rule, in the unusual design of our houses there are still many disadvantages that we are not even aware of. The first disadvantage is that with ideal Feng Shui, our apartment should have the shape of a regular rectangle or square. Don't have this correct form? Alas, you already have a lot of problems... If the apartment has the shape of a truncated square, then you are missing at least 2-3 vital sectors.

So, in the absence of the marriage sector, problems in marital relationships are possible. And in the absence of the family-health sector, we try in vain to recover from any diseases. In the absence of a welfare sector, a family can barely make ends meet, reaching the next salary... In the absence of a wisdom-knowledge sector, learning is difficult, etc. etc.

As I already said, Feng Shui is a means of correction. Corrections from mistakes of builders and designers, from failures and problems of all kinds.

What is our apartment? This is our “extended shell”, which maintains a sense of mental comfort and balance. “My home is my fortress”, it is not without reason that it says folk wisdom. By keeping our home clean and comfortable, we maintain our peace, increase our energy potential and creative self-realization, happiness, luck and well-being. This is important for each of us, isn't it?

In ancient times, Rus' had its own Feng Shui, its own traditions that preserved the house from all evil. It's a pity that so few of them have been preserved. But there was a time when the Master of the house, the Domovoy, was prepared with food and used spells and prayers to avert a bad misfortune. And the foundation of the house was laid at the most favorable time, and wells were dug, finding with vines the best place, and temples were erected, and weddings were celebrated when they should have been. All this happened, but the good news is that it has not completely sunk into oblivion.

Little by little, the culture of the East has spread throughout the world and now people are returning to the traditions of their ancestors. We live in good times now, in the information age - the Internet has opened and everything is available at the palm of your hand - choose what you like.

Over twelve years of practicing Feng Shui, I have become convinced of how powerful this remedy is. You just need to approach this very seriously and with great caution. And these are not empty words. It is unlikely that any of you, dear readers, will take pills blindfolded; you will probably wonder what kind of medicine it is, unless, of course, you are suicidal. When applying Feng Shui in your life you need to be extremely careful, otherwise you will be in trouble. Alas, you will not find this in smart books about Feng Shui...
I repeat, I am a practitioner. And on behalf of a practitioner, I will tell you about Feng Shui without embellishment, as it is...

Little by little I will tell you funny and sad stories from the practice of Feng Shui. This will help you draw your own conclusions...

A relative from Tashkent came to visit me. I stayed for about a month. I bought gifts for my loved ones and decided to buy a painting - a very beautiful tapestry, exquisite workmanship. In the picture there is a winter landscape and a lonely church... A kind of Russian panorama... For a long time I tried to persuade her not to buy this tapestry, but her relative was stubborn and could not refuse such beauty.
The painting was solemnly hung above her desk. And since she worked as a realtor in a real estate company, she always had enough time to admire the winter landscape.
Three months passed after her departure and, suddenly, an unexpected call. My relative calls and almost in tears says that her business literally “froze” in three months, even those transactions that were 100% ready were terminated. She had already removed the painting, wrapped it in black cellophane and placed it face down on the closet.
- And where is she now??? - sounded a desperate question... - I should now, - he says, - at least go to the porch, under this church...
Both laughter and sin, as they say. She advised me to hand over the painting to a thrift store... Such oddities happen...
By the way, the word Feng Shui does not lean towards Feng Shui! :)

So, my dears, we are opening a section for answers and questions on the topic of Feng Shui. Each of you can ask me your questions using the server mail.
Most interesting questions will be published in this section without indicating names...

QUESTION: ... in my bedroom on the right wall there hangs a large photograph with an image of a red lily on a yellow background...


QUESTION: Wow!!! I never would have thought! And even on the windowsill? Where can you put them? And if there is no relationship, then maybe leave it?

ANSWER: Even floral patterns on wallpaper, carpets, paintings with floral patterns, on furniture upholstery, on bed linen are not welcome in the bedroom... they can bring discomfort and destruction to the sector and the inability to build relationships as such...

QUESTION: But I have flowers everywhere: on the wallpaper, on the carpet, and even on the bed linen. One will inevitably wonder why this married life did not work out.

ANSWER: Yeah... This is how the reasons for personal failures become clear... I lived with my husband three times in unfavorable apartments. Once - where there was a toilet in the family health zone, and twice - at complete absence this sector. Plus, I made a terrible mistake: in the marriage area, I stylized the kitchen “like a brick” in red tones, symbolizing “fire.” And my husband was from the metal group... Fire melts metal and brings disharmony, destruction... As a result, my husband and I separated... it’s a pity, but then I didn’t know about Feng Shui yet...


- What, I went to rip off the wallpaper)))
- I have flowers on my wallpaper and a picture with flowers, but we live well, not according to Feng Shui.
- What if it gets even better? Some of my clients, after 20 years of marriage, “honeyed” for several months like they were young, after they removed the picture of the golden autumn above the bed! :)))
- How difficult everything is!
-No, this is interesting...
- ABOUT! About the kitchen - cool! And in my bedroom I have floral wallpaper, and I always buy a bed with flowers - I like it, and the relationship seems to be okay...

T.T. Syutkina
- No questions. There is a story. My daughter hung some kind of bell on the door. My husband asked what it was for. She answered, for fame and fame, for popularity. My husband rang the bell and within a week we had television. They were filming a program about my husband. I'm starting to believe in these bullshit.
- You are right, Feng Shui is the strongest practice, it has been tested! I’ll give many examples from practice a little later...
T.T. Syutkina
- What kind of practice is this? My daughter was carried away, but with the bell it turned out interesting. The program was then watched on TV. They even recorded it on video.
- Try it again, you will like it... So many interesting things in Feng Shui!
- That's what's interesting. I really love flowers - they are different, but on the wallpaper, in the room they irritate me. I love calm, neutral colors. But I will remove the picture of the golden autumn (who knows, maybe it’s true about negative energy.) They gave me an autumn picture, since I was born in the fall. I couldn’t tell my loved ones that I didn’t like autumn, I wanted spring. So the picture remained with me...
Paintings with winter and autumn landscapes are taboo for apartment interiors, because... carry destructive qi.
N.N. Ignatova
- I can’t live without flowers. They are on the windowsills. Pelargonium, white chrysanthemum, lilies, etc. Wallpaper with flowers, but my friends only have wallpaper geometric shapes, triangles, and they advised me. What kind of wallpaper do you need? The hall is undergoing renovations.
- According to Feng Shui, WALLPAPER is better neutral and in halftones, the simpler the better. And place flowers anywhere, except in the bedroom, but not too many. Feng Shui is against any excesses.
Z.M. Pronina
- And if we live in a dorm and one room has all the functions, then what? The kitchen is shared. in the northeast, by the way. I tried something myself, I like this philosophy, but alas, alas...
- In the hostel, you can also do Feng Shui. You need to draw a BAGUA grid for the room and activate each zone. Nothing is impossible!

An interesting question prompted this topic:

QUESTION: I have a portrait of a stranger hanging above my bed, and on the right is an icon Mother of God, embroidered with beads by my student and illuminated in the monastery.

ANSWER: An icon is always good, but “Stranger” will have to be removed! Instead, hang a photo portrait of you and your spouse best years- it will be wonderful!

QUESTION: Thank you, I will do so...maybe this portrait is interfering with our family well-being? who knows...

THERE ARE TABOOs in Feng Shui that simply need to be taken into account. These are things that need to be excluded from the house or apartment. They bring discomfort to relationships, damage health, create a general atmosphere and a special negative aura.
DON'T: Lonely portraits of men or women, portraits of wizened old men and women.

CATEGORICALLY IMPOSSIBLE: portraits of deceased relatives - they create a necrotic, dead field that not only fills the entire space of the room, but also takes away the energy of the living. So, after sleeping in this room, a person may feel overwhelmed and will constantly feel slightly unwell.

DON'T: Pictures with grinning faces of wild animals (tigers, etc.), as well as deer horns, stuffed animals, skins - they create nervousness, aggressiveness and negativity in the relationships of household members. Nothing can provoke disputes and scandals.

DO NOT: store things with a negative past or purchased under various negative conditions, or things that remind you of something sad.

DO NOT: keep in the house broken dishes and mirrors, broken household items: watches, vacuum cleaners, televisions, etc.

DON'T: paintings with winter and golden autumn, no matter how beautiful they would be. They create a dead field.

DO NOT: store dried flowers and panels of dried flowers.

DON'T: furniture with sharp corners that cut into space; smooth lines are preferable.

NO: overhanging furniture over the bed and especially TWO-TIER CHILDREN'S BEDS. A child who sleeps at the top will constantly feel insecure and lack self-confidence. A child sleeping below may suffer from enuresis and a constant feeling of fear and nervousness.

I will continue this list...

- I can recommend the Feng Shui community at my.mail.ru/community/fenshuy, there are a lot of interesting things...
- THANK YOU, Oksana Viktorovna! I prefer solitude to a noisy crowd of well-wishers. In addition, all information there is obtained from the works of others. And I have my own 12-year long practice, proven in practice.
Yes, perhaps, most likely you are right! Sorry if the information is out of place. It’s just that my acquaintance with Feng Shui began with this community. Now I rarely go there myself, just for fun.
Well, you're fine! You just need to approach Feng Shui more seriously, this knowledge is not for amateurs...

L.V. Shitikova
- And in my room there is a photo of my mother hanging in which she is still young. Put away?:(((
- If you designate a place for your mother’s photograph in the assistants’ sector (Altar area - near right corner) and take out the photo from time to time to “communicate”, this will be enough to pay tribute to the memory, but not disturb your mother again...

N.D. Kirgintseva
- Yesterday I read an article on Feng Shui. It said about dried flowers that you can personally dry them. They take away negative energy. Two years ago I posed for a Chinese artist on the Yellow Sea. The portrait is very good. My husband likes it too. And where does he go now? And how can he actually harm us? Nine years ago, our guest was an artist-architect, one of the best “Feng Shuists” in the city. She was surprised that almost everything in the apartment complies with the rules (I had only met her the day before and heard about Feng Shui). She advised only to rearrange the mirror in the corridor and indicated the places where you could put figurines of gods (fertility, wealth, etc.). Now I have a toad with coins “living” there.
- Well, think for yourself: WHAT kind of energy can a dead flower have? And how can they “take away negative energy”? :) This is the opinion of an amateur juggling a topic that is on everyone’s lips these days. I have nothing more to add... As for the painting and other TABOO - this is everyone's personal choice!:)

N.D. Kirgintseva
- I am an absolute amateur, moreover, an ignoramus in Feng Shui. In this case (with flowers), I only pointed out the discrepancy according to the rules in two blogs (Yesterday evening I stupidly looked through everything, and in that blog I only remembered about flowers. “Grass is not allowed, flowers are allowed”). Personally, I dry the roses given to me, then collect the leaves and make fragrant fragrances. I don't dry other flowers. I trust your opinion. And I wanted to hear an answer from you about the portrait.
- Try to check this portrait... Hang it in the marriage sector for a couple of weeks (this is the FAR RIGHT CORNER in an apartment or house, relative to the front door)... If during this time your relationship with your husband does not deteriorate, leave... but if (suddenly) cases of misunderstandings and quarrels become more frequent, feel free to throw it away...

- Very interesting. Of course, I agree that the memory of a person should be kept in the heart. And there is no need to hang portraits of the dead either, this is a reminder every minute of those who are gone forever. (I think this main reason). My beloved grandmother died last year, I can’t watch the video, it still hurts. In our villages in Belarus, photographs of all relatives, both living and dead, were always hung on the walls. And for those interested, Gogol’s story “Portrait” is very interestingly written.
- I agree with you: alive is alive (folk wisdom). By the way, it is recommended to even store photos of the deceased in separate albums, but this is practically impossible...

N.D. Kirgintseva
- We have an apartment with a non-standard layout. A wide long corridor along which there are rooms. THE FAR RIGHT CORNER in our apartment is our son’s room. And, in front of it is our bedroom, where there are two large windows (by the way, to the right of the entrance) and, between them, a portrait. The gaze from the portrait is directed towards the bed. And, relationships... to be honest, at some time I was thinking about divorce, but in the last three or four years my husband has shown so much care and attention that I don’t need anyone but him. My husband hung the portrait a year ago. Yes, and more. To be honest, this is the first time I’ve heard about the RIGHT corner.
- To accurately say about your apartment, you need an apartment plan, at least a plan from the BTI, but enlarged by 2 times. If you can send it, I will write in more detail. The portrait needs to be removed, definitely! Look for taboo items in the bedroom and flowers - first of all! Read everything I write about Feng Shui... Let's think about what can be changed.

To be continued …