Eurasia is located in all climatic zones of the Northern Hemisphere, and therefore within its borders there are all types of natural zones of the Earth. Basically, the zones extend from west to east. But the complex structure of the continent’s surface and atmospheric circulation determine the uneven moisture content of its different parts.

Therefore, the zonal structure is greatly complicated; many zones do not have a continuous distribution or significantly deviate from the latitudinal direction.

Arctic deserts, tundra and forest-tundra located further north than in North America. In the west of the continent they lie far beyond the Arctic Circle, which is due to the influence of the warm North Atlantic Current. Tundra and forest-tundra occupy a narrow strip in Northern Europe, expanding to the east with increasing climate severity. In winter, in continental areas there are very low (-15 ° ... -45 ° C) air temperatures. Not uncommon strong winds, snowstorms. Summer is short, cool, with average monthly temperatures no higher than +10 ° C. Precipitation occurs frequently, but total small - 200 - 300 mm per year. The amount of precipitation exceeds evaporation, so the tundra and forest-tundra are characterized by excessive moisture.

Characteristic feature earth's surface within the tundra is the predominance of permafrost. In conditions short summer Tundra-gley soils were formed, and in lowland areas - peat-bog soils. The main vegetation of the tundra is mosses, lichens, dwarf trees. The species composition of forest-tundra open forests includes birch, spruce, and larch. The fauna is represented by lemmings, polar hares, reindeer, ptarmigan, and polar owls. Economic importance Has hunting for animals and birds, breeding deer.

To the south, within the temperate zone, coniferous forests (taiga) stretch from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. There is enough heat and moisture here for trees to grow. Where there are conditions for moisture retention, swamps form. From west to east within the taiga zone, natural conditions gradually change.

In the Asian part, permafrost is widespread, which to a certain extent causes a change in the species composition of the taiga. Thus, in the west of the mainland, pine and spruce predominate, beyond the Urals fir and Siberian cedar (cedar pine) reign, and in Eastern Siberia - larch. Coniferous species are often mixed with small-leaved trees - birch, aspen, alder. The taiga is rich and varied animal world, many fur-bearing animals. Sables, beavers, and ermines have valuable fur. In the taiga there are foxes, squirrels, and martens. There are ordinary hares,

chipmunks, lynxes, and large animals - moose, brown bears. A large number of birds that feed on seeds, buds, young shoots of plants (grouse grouse, hazel grouse, crossbills, nutcrackers, etc.), are insectivores (finches, woodpeckers), and carnivores. Some of the birds are hunted: hazel grouse, partridge, black grouse.

Taiga forests are rich in timber. Trees are being cut down over large areas and measures are being taken to restore them.

To the south, the taiga zone gives way to a mixed forest zone. Fallen leaves and grass cover of these forests contribute to the accumulation of a certain amount of organic matter in the surface layer. Mixed forests are not common solid stripe, but only in Europe and East Asia.

The deciduous forest zone extends further south. It also does not form a continuous strip; it sticks out near the Volga. In Europe, in conditions of sufficient heat and precipitation, beech forests predominate; in the east they are replaced by oak forests, since oak tolerates summer heat and dryness better. The main tree species in this zone include hornbeam, elm, elm in the west, linden, maple in the east.

In broad-leaved forests, especially oak forests, the usual grass cover is made up of plants with wide leaves: honeymoon, capitula, ferns, lilies of the valley, lungworts, etc.

In the east of the continent, broad-leaved forests are preserved only in mountainous areas. In warm and very humid summer conditions monsoon climate These forests are very diverse in species composition. Southern elements such as bamboo are found in the temperate zone. There are vines. Under the forest canopy there is a dense layer of shrubs and grass cover. Many relict forms.

There are few indigenous forest types left.

In mixed and deciduous forests live many animals that are characteristic of the taiga (hares, foxes, squirrels, etc.). Previously, there were a lot of roe deer, wild boars, and red deer. They still live in the remaining forest areas. In the east, the animal world in the forests remains more diverse, therefore enriched with species from the southern latitudes. So, in Japan, monkeys (Japanese macaque) are found in this zone, and tigers are found in the Amur basin.

In the central parts of the continent, forests change to the south into forest-steppes and steppes due to a decrease in precipitation and an increase in evaporation. The forest-steppe is dominated by herbaceous vegetation on chernozem soils, but there are areas of broad-leaved or small-leaved forests, under which gray forest soils are formed.

Steppes are treeless spaces dominated by grasses with a dense and dense root system. Fertile chernozem soils formed under them. Therefore, steppes and forest-steppes are almost completely plowed, and throughout the world there are only a few protected areas of steppe vegetation. The fauna of Stetsiv has hardly been preserved. Only rodents - gophers, marmots, field mice - have adapted to life on agricultural land. Numerous herds of ungulates disappeared with the plowing of the steppe, their remains are under protection. In the eastern part of the continent, as you move away from the ocean, the continental climate increases. Therefore, in the Eastern Gobi, dry steppes with sparse vegetation and chestnut soils containing less humus than chernozems appear.

In the central regions of Eurasia, semi-deserts and deserts are located in the internal basins. They were formed because there is very little rainfall here. Summers are dry and hot, and winters are dry and cold. There is not enough moisture for plants to live. Wormwood, saltwort, and saxaul grow in the deserts of the temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia. In Central and Central Asia, in the semi-desert and desert zones, there are numerous rodents, mainly hibernating in winter. Once upon a time, wild donkeys, wild horses, and camels lived here. Now
They have hardly survived, but as a result of active measures to protect and restore the numbers, the populations of these animals have been saved from extinction.

The tropical deserts of Arabia, Mesopotamia and the Indus basin are similar in their natural conditions to African ones, since there are wide connections between these territories and there are no obstacles to exchange.

In the south of the oceanic sectors of the continent there are zones of subtropical forests, and in the east there are tropical forests. The zone of hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs of the Mediterranean is particularly unique. Summers here are dry and hot, winters are wet and warm. Plants are adapted to tolerate heat and drought.

Conditions for the growth of woody vegetation are unfavorable, so cut down forests are not restored; their place is taken by shrub formations. Coastal forests are dominated by evergreen oaks, wild olive, noble laurel, southern pine - pines, cypresses. The undergrowth includes low-growing and shrubby forms of oaks, myrtle, strawberry tree, rosemary, etc. They are the main vegetation of bush thickets. Large areas are occupied cultivated plants. They grow olives, citrus fruits, grapes, essential oil crops, such as lavender. In the past, cattle breeding was developed here. As a result of overgrazing, some areas were completely devoid of soil and vegetation cover or overgrown with thorny bushes. There are few wild animals, rodents have survived (for example, a wild rabbit), not a large number of wild goats and mountain sheep (in the mountains, mainly on the islands), genet huts. There are many reptiles: snakes, lizards, chameleons. A unique world of birds, many of which are not found in other places (blue magpie, Spanish sparrow, etc.). The big ones live predator birds- vultures, eagles.

The subtropical zone in the east of the continent is dominated by variable-humid (monsoon) forests. Precipitation here falls mainly during hot summers, and winters are cool and relatively dry. The forests are very rich in species. Evergreen trees grow: magnolias, camphor laurel, camellias, tung tree, bamboo. Deciduous trees are mixed in with them: oak, beech, hornbeam, etc. "Southern conifers: special types of pine, cypress, etc. There are many vines. On the densely populated plains of China there is almost no natural vegetation. Subtropical crops are grown here. Wild animals are preserved mainly in the mountains. The composition of the fauna is peculiar: there are the Himalayan black bear, bamboo bear - panda, leopards, monkeys - macaques and gibbons. Birds usually have bright feathers: pheasants, parrots, etc.

Where there is a well-defined dry period, in subequatorial belt characterized by savannas and woodlands.

In South and Southeast Asia, relatively large areas are occupied by moist equatorial forests. Forests are distinguished by a wide variety of plants and animals, among which there are many unique groups. There are a particularly large number of palm species (up to 300 species) and bamboo.

In Eurasia, large areas are occupied by high mountain systems and highlands, in which altitudinal zonation is well defined. Its structure is extremely diverse and depends on geographical location mountains, slope exposures, heights. Particularly peculiar Tibetan Plateau, raised to very greater height-4-6 km. It is located in the 30-40 latitudes, however, it has an extremely unusual climate. During the daytime, the surface of the earth becomes very hot, and at night the soil and air cool down very much. The difference in heating sometimes reaches tens of degrees. This causes a pressure difference and promotes the formation strong winds. Winter and summer temperatures are also very different. The climate of the Tibetan Plateau is very unfavorable for plant and animal life. In the center and west of the highlands, where these conditions are especially pronounced, high-mountain deserts with low-growing perennial plants are formed. Some hardy meadow grasses (bentgrass, oatmeal, sedge) and sea buckthorn bushes grow along the water streams. Animals in this region have adapted to unfavorable conditions. During frosts and storms, many of them, including birds, hide in holes. There are common rodents: pikas, marmots, mice, hares. Predators include special species of foxes, martens, and bears. The main animal of Tibet is an unpretentious bull with thick long hair. Of the other ungulates, there are many antelopes, such as wild donkeys, Kiang, and mountain sheep.

Within the other highlands of Eurasia, climatic conditions have some similarities to Tibet, but nowhere else are there such large expanses of high-mountain deserts.

Natural area: polar deserts

Territory: Far North of Eurasia

Climate zone: arctic

The soil: covered with glaciers

Plants: almost none, occasionally mosses and lichens, marsh sedge

Animals: polar bears, lemmings, bird colonies in summer, rarely white arctic fox, arctic fish, seals and walruses.

Natural area: tundra and forest-tundra

Territory: Far North of Eurasia

Climate zone: subarctic

The soil: permafrost

Plants: sedge, other herbs, mosses, shrubs. To the south are dwarf trees such as arctic birch.

Animals: a lot of fish, Arctic mallard, snowy owl, reindeer, lemming, arctic fox, seal, walrus, northern partridges, wolves.

Natural area: taiga (coniferous forests)

Territory: Northern Europe, Far East, Siberia

Climate zone: moderate

The soil: permafrost

Plants: spruce, pine, cedar, larch, fir

Animals: brown bear, wolf, brown hare, musk deer, elk, sable, otter, beaver, squirrel ermine, roe deer, mole, chicken, many birds (nutcracker, crossbill, tit) and so on. Lots of fur-bearing animals.

Natural area: temperate mixed forests (including monsoon)

Territory: Central European Plain, areas in the Far East, Western Siberia, northern Europe.

Climate zone: moderate

The soil: forest brown and podzolic

Plants: spruce, pine, fir, maple, oak, ash, willow, marsh sedge, birch, apple tree, elm, linden

Animals: brown bear, wolf, brown hare, fox, squirrel, wild boar, sika deer, roe deer, various birds (nightingale, capercaillie, pheasant, wagtail, rook, falcon, oriole, lark, lapwing, black grouse, sparrow, crow, magpie, partridge, quail and others)

Natural area: steppes and forest-steppes

Territory: southern part of the East European (Russian) Plain, Mongolia, Southern Urals, Kazakhstan, China

Climate zone: moderate

The soil: black soil (the most fertile)

Plants: feather grass, dream grass, steppe reed, fescue, wormwood, oats, sheep, wild apple trees, willows, lindens and poplars in groups, and so on

Animals: steppe wolf, brown hare, steppe eagle, bustard, hawk, bobak, gophers, steppe harrier, owl, saigas, saigas, jerboas.

Natural area: semi-deserts and deserts

Territory: Karakum, Gobi, Registan, Kyzylkum, Arabian Desert, Taklamakan and other deserts in Southwest Asia and Central Asia

Climate zone: arid

The soil: dry sandy, clayey or rocky. Often salted

Plants: rare - camel thorn, tamarisk, spiny acacia, saxaul, wormwood, elm, cotton, solyanka. Trees are only on oases.

Animals: poisonous cobra and other snakes, jerboa, giraffe, sand mice, saiga antelope, saiga, bobak, gopher, lizards

Natural area: altitudinal areas (mountains)

Territory: Himalayas, Pamirs, Tien Shan, Alps, Carpathians, Caucasus, Crimean Mountains, Apennines, Pyrenees, Sayans, Urals, Sikhote-Alin

Climate zone: any of those listed in this table

The soil: rocky mountain

Plants: from treeless rocky deserts at the very top mountain ranges, where only isolated mosses and lichens grow, the vegetation increases as you return to the foot of the mountains. After deserts come grassy alpine meadows, then a forest belt or desert-steppe is possible.

Animals: depending on the mountain system - mountain sheep, mouflon, mountain goat, wild pig, musk ox, Himalayan black bear, antelope, yak, musk deer, chamois, wild goat, Snow Leopard(irbis), wild horse On the Sikhote-Alin ridge in the Russian Far East - mandarin duck, Ussuri tiger, leopard (the big cats are in danger of extinction)

Natural area: subtropical, tropical moist (including monsoon) forests

Territory: Far East, Mediterranean, India, Southeast Asia, China

Climate zone: tropics and subtropics

The soil: black soil, yellow soil, red soil

Plants: tangerines, oranges, lemons, palm trees, cypresses, cypress, begonias, other tall

herbs, orchids, vines

Animals: in the Far East - Ussuri tiger, mandarin duck, leopard. In general, wolves, monkeys, elephants, eagles, parrots, toucans, chameleons, a wide variety of butterflies, bats

Natural area: wet equatorial forests(jungle)

Territory: south India, Southeast Asia

Climate zone: subequatorial and equatorial

The soil: red soil

Plants: mangroves, various palm trees, mosses, coconuts, papaya, vines, banana, orchids, wet mosses

Animals: Bengal tiger, crocodile, monitor lizard, elephants, monkeys, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, squirrels, flying squirrels, parrots, flying fish, termites, a wide variety of lizards, insects and butterflies.

All natural areas are represented in Eurasia. In the north of the continent, the zones stretch as a continuous strip, and to the south the taiga changes not only from north to south, but also from west to east, which is explained by differences in the amount of precipitation, which decreases from the outskirts of the continent to the interior regions.

The nature of the arctic desert, tundra and forest-tundra zones in Eurasia has much in common with similar zones in North America. However, in Eurasia these zones do not extend as far south as in North America. The natural zones of the temperate zone are quite diverse. The coniferous forest zone (taiga) stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Climatic conditions in the zone change with movements from west to east, therefore different species composition trees. In the west, pine and spruce predominate on podzolic soils; in Western Siberia, fir and Siberian cedar (cedar pine) grow in heavily swampy conditions; in eastern Siberia, larch is common on permafrost-taiga soils; and on the Pacific coast, there is dark coniferous taiga of Daurian larch, fir, Korean cedar. In the taiga there are many valuable fur-bearing animals (sable, ermine, marten), and large animals include moose, brown bears, lynxes, and many birds. The zone of mixed and deciduous forests is located only in the west and east of the temperate zone.

Mixed forests grow on soddy-podzolic, as well as brown and gray forest soils. For Europeans, broad-leaved forests are most characterized by oak and beech, maple and linden, hornbeam and elm. In the east of the zone, under monsoon climate conditions, Manchurian walnut, Amur velvet, oak, linden grow; there are many evergreen shrubs in the undergrowth, and there are thickets of bamboo. Very few natural forests remain. In Europe they gave way to secondary forests and artificial plantings, dominated by coniferous trees, and in Asia to arable lands. Many animals have been exterminated or become rare and are protected. Forest-steppes and steppes are located in the central parts of the continent, where precipitation decreases and evaporation increases.

Steppes are treeless spaces with herbaceous vegetation, under which fertile chernozem soils are formed; rodents predominate among animals. Steppes and forest-steppes are almost completely plowed, and only in nature reserves their natural landscapes are presented. In the Gobi, areas of dry steppes used for pastures have been preserved. Semi-deserts and temperate deserts lie in the central parts of the continent, where there is very little rainfall, hot summers and Cold winter. The vegetation (wormwood, solyanka, saxaul, sandy sedge) is sparse, and there are desert areas with shifting sand. Soils contain a lot of mineral salts and little organic matter. Among the animals, reptiles, rodents and ungulates predominate.

In the western part subtropical zone There is a zone of hard-leaved forests and shrubs. Thanks to the mild and wet winter, plants grow here all year round However, the lack of moisture during the period of the most intense solar radiation has led to the appearance of adaptations in plants that reduce evaporation. In the past, forests of evergreen holm oak, laurel, myrtle, wild olives, and strawberry trees grew here. This vegetation has been destroyed almost everywhere, since farming has long been practiced here. The zone is characterized by brown and red soils, which are fertile and suitable for cultivating subtropical crops. In the east of the belt there is a zone of subtropical monsoon forests. The forests consist of laurel-leaved trees, camphor trees, magnolias, and bamboo thickets growing on yellow earth and red earth soils. There are almost no wild animals left. In the subtropical deserts on the highlands of Western Asia there are especially many ephemerals, which during the period of short spring rains manage to go through the entire development cycle. Among the animals that live here are antelopes, hyenas, fennec foxes and others. The nature of the tropical desert zone is in many ways reminiscent of the nature of the deserts of North Africa.

In the subequatorial zone, savannas form on the plains and in intermountain basins, and variable-humid forests form on the coasts of Hindustan, Indochina and on the slopes of mountains facing the ocean. In savannas, among the grasses grow acacia, palm, Indian banana (ficus genus), one tree can imitate a whole grove). In the forests, along with deciduous trees, there are evergreen species. Plants that produce valuable wood (teak and sal trees) are common; palm trees and bamboo grow. The fauna is also rich: monkeys, elephants, tigers, buffalos, rhinoceroses, antelopes, deer, etc. The zone equatorial forests located mainly on islands and has not yet been as strongly altered by anthropogenic activities as other zones. along with common features, characteristic of these forests located on other continents, there are many trees with valuable wood(iron, ebony, mahogany), plants that produce spices: cloves, pepper, cinnamon. One of the species lives in the forests great apes– orangutan, numerous hibons, loris prosimians, rhinoceros, wild ox. Areas of altitudinal zonation occupy a significant part of Eurasia. The Himalayas are a classic example of altitudinal zones; all altitudinal zones are represented here. In the mountains of Eurasia lies the upper limit of the distribution of vegetation on Earth - 6218 meters.

Eurasia is the largest continent on our planet, for a long time remained the least explored. It is washed by the waters of four oceans, on its territory all climatic zones. The nature of Eurasia is so diverse that it is easy to find areas with completely opposite conditions. The contrasts of the continent are determined by its topography, extent and history of formation.

Features of the geographical location

The continent is washed by the Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Eurasia's closest neighbors are Africa and North America. The mainland is connected to the first through the Sinai Peninsula. North America and Eurasia is separated by the relatively small Bering Strait.

The continent is conventionally divided into two parts: Europe and Asia. The border between them runs along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains, then along the riverbed along the northern coast of the Caspian Sea, the Kuma-Manych depression, along the line where the waters of the Black and Sea of ​​Azov and, finally, along the straits connecting the Black and Mediterranean seas.

The coastline of the continent is quite indented. In the west, the Scandinavian Peninsula stands out, in the south - the Arabian and Hindustan. The east coast is also in some places much inferior to the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Here you can find entire chains of islands: Kamchatka, Greater Sunda and so on. The north of the continent is less rugged. The areas of land that protrude into the ocean more than others are the Kola and Chukotka.

The nature of the Eurasian continent as a whole is determined by the influence of ocean waters only to a small extent. The reason for this is the considerable extent of the continent and the features of its relief. Vast areas of Eurasia remained poorly studied for a long time. A special contribution to the development of Asian territories was made by Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky and Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky.


The natural wonders of Eurasia are, first of all, its contrast. It is largely due to the peculiarities of the continent's topography. Eurasia is higher than all other continents. There are mountain ranges here that are larger in size than similar formations in Africa, Australia and the Americas. The most famous peak of the mainland is Everest, or Chomolungma. This highest point planet - 8848 meters above sea level.

The plains of Eurasia occupy vast areas. There are much more of them than on other continents. This is where the most low point planets on land are a depression Dead Sea. The difference between it and Everest is approximately 9 kilometers.


The reason for such a variety of surface topography lies in the history of its formation. The continent is based on the Eurasian lithospheric plate, consisting of sections of different ages. The “oldest” areas are the South China, East European, Siberian and Sino-Korean platforms. They are connected by later rock formations. As the continent formed, fragments of ancient Gondwana were added to these platforms, which today underlie Hindustan and the Arabian Peninsula.

The southern edge of the Eurasian plate is a zone of increased seismic activity. Mountain building processes take place here. In the eastern part of the continent, the edge of the Pacific plate went under the Eurasian plate, resulting in the formation of deep depressions and extended island arcs. Earthquakes and related disasters are not uncommon in this area.

There are also a large number of volcanoes located in the so-called Ring of Fire of the Pacific Ocean. The highest one operating in Eurasia is (4750 m above sea level).

Glaciation also made a significant contribution to the formation of the continent's topography, ancient times occupying the northern part of the continent.

Plains and mountains, old and young

The nature of Eurasia has undergone many changes. The vast West Siberian Plain, which occupies one of the largest areas in the world, was once the bottom of the sea. Today, only the large number of sedimentary rocks found here reminds us of the distant past.

The mainland's mountains were not always what they look like today. The most ancient of them are Altai, Ural, Tien Shan, Scandinavian. The process of mountain building here was completed long ago, and time has left its mark on them. The massifs are severely destroyed in places. In some areas, however, later uplifts also occurred.

“Young” mountain ranges form two belts in the southern and eastern parts of the continent. One of them, the Alpine-Himalayan, includes the Pamirs, the Caucasus, the Himalayas, the Alps, the Carpathians, and the Pyrenees. Some of the belt's ridges converge to form highlands. The largest of them is the Pamirs, and the highest is Tibet.

The second belt, the Pacific, extends from Kamchatka to the Greater Sunda Islands. Many of the mountain peaks located here are extinct or active volcanoes.

Riches of the Continent

The natural features of Eurasia include minerals that are unique in their diversity. On the mainland, tungsten and tin, which are necessary for industry but rarely found, are mined. Their deposit is located in the eastern part of the continent.

Gold, as well as diamonds, rubies and sapphires are also mined in Eurasia. The mainland is rich in deposits iron ores. Oil and gas are produced in large quantities here. In terms of reserves of these minerals, Eurasia is ahead of all other continents. The largest deposits are located in Western Siberia, on the Arabian Peninsula. Natural gas and oil was also discovered at the bottom of the North Sea.

Eurasia is also famous for its coal deposits. Bauxite, table salt and potassium salt are also mined on the mainland.


The diversity of nature in Eurasia is largely due to the peculiarities of climatic conditions. The mainland is famous for its rather sharp changes, both from north to south and from east to west. The main features of the nature of Eurasia and Hindustan were formed under the influence of monsoons. Part of the year they blow from the ocean and bring huge amounts of precipitation. In winter, the monsoons come from the continent. In summer, a zone forms above the heated ground low blood pressure, and equatorial air masses come here from the ocean.

The natural features of Eurasia in the southern part of the continent are associated with high mountain ranges stretching from west to east. These are the Alps, the Caucasus, the Himalayas. They do not allow cold air from the north to pass through and at the same time do not interfere with the penetration of wet masses coming from Atlantic Ocean.

The wettest places on the continent are those where the ocean monsoons meet the mountain ranges. Thus, a large amount of precipitation falls on the southern slopes of the Western Caucasus. One of the wettest places on the planet is located in India, at the foot of the South-Eastern Himalayas. The city of Cherrapunji is located here.

Climate zones

The nature of Eurasia changes as you move both from north to south and from west to east. Climate zones play an important role in this. The northern and eastern parts of the mainland, including the Arctic islands, are arid and cold areas. Here they dominate low temperatures, the air warms up somewhat only in the summer. In winter, the Arctic climate is characterized by severe frosts.

The next zone has less harsh conditions. The subarctic climate in Eurasia prevails over a small area stretching in a narrow strip from west to east. It also includes the island of Iceland.

The largest territory on the mainland is occupied by the northern temperate zone. It is characterized by a gradual change in climate types as you move from west to east. The areas of Eurasia bordering the Atlantic Ocean are characterized by warm and mild winters with frequent rain and fog (temperatures do not fall below 0º), cool cloudy summers (on average 10-18º) and high humidity (up to 1000 mm of precipitation falls here). Such features are typical for a marine temperate climate.

As you move away from the west coast, the influence of the Atlantic Ocean weakens. Extends moderately to the Ural Mountains continental climate. This territory is characterized warm summer And frosty winter. Beyond the Ural Mountains, the nature of the Eurasian continent is determined by a continental temperate climate. In Central and Central Asia it is very hot in summer and cold in winter. Temperatures may drop below 50º below zero. Due to the small amount of snow, the ground freezes to a fairly large depth.

Finally, in the east of the temperate zone the climate becomes monsoonal. Its main difference is the clear seasonal change in air masses.

It stretches from the Iberian Peninsula to the Pacific Ocean. It is also divided into zones. The subtropical Mediterranean climate is characterized by warm, rainy winters and hot, dry summers. As you move east, air humidity decreases. Central regions zones - continental subtropical climate: hot summers, cold winters, low rainfall.

The east coast, washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, is characterized by high humidity. Air masses, coming here in the summer, pour endless rains, causing rivers to overflow. In winter, the subtropical monsoon climate differs in temperatures up to 0º.

Diversity of nature in Eurasia: natural areas

The climatic zones of the continent provide unique diversity of flora and fauna. All natural areas found on the planet are represented here. Many of them are quite strongly modified by man. This is especially true for areas suitable for agriculture and areas comfortable for living. The wild nature of Eurasia, however, has been partially preserved, and today every possible effort is being made so that, even after a long time, people know what the area around them was originally like.

Natural wonders on the Eurasian continent are not uncommon. There are plants and animals here that are not found anywhere else. The diversity of the nature of Eurasia is created in some places by a smooth and sometimes quite abrupt change in climatic zones.

Harsh North

A narrow strip across the territory of Eurasia stretches a zone of arctic deserts, tundra and forest-tundra. Due to the harsh climate, there is little vegetation here. Vast areas of land remain “bare” all year round. Among the animals you can find here are polar bears, reindeer, and arctic foxes. The area is characterized by a large number of birds flying to warm time of the year.

The tundra is particularly arid and has impressively deep permafrost. These features lead to the formation of swamps characteristic of the area.


To the south of the tundra, swamps also occur in large numbers. The taiga located here is divided into European and Asian. The first is dominated by coniferous species such as pine and spruce. Birch, rowan and aspen trees are adjacent to them. As you move south, maples and oaks, as well as ash trees, become more common. The Asian taiga is the birthplace of cedar and fir. Larch is also found here in large numbers - conifer tree, shedding its leaves for the winter.

The animals of the taiga are also very diverse. Brown bears, snowshoe hares, squirrels, moose, wolves, foxes and lynxes, as well as forest lemmings, martens, ferrets and weasels live here. Bird polyphony is a familiar background for these places. Here you can find woodpeckers, ptarmigan, black grouse, wood grouse, owls and hazel grouse.

Forest edge

The nature and animals of Eurasia are changing along with climatic conditions. The vast territory of the East European Plain contains the bulk of the mainland's mixed forests. As they move westward, they gradually disappear and reappear on the Pacific coast.

IN mixed forests Coniferous, small-leaved and broad-leaved species grow together. There are much fewer swamps here, the soils are soddy-podzolic, and the grass cover is well defined. The broad-leaved forests of the Atlantic zones are characterized by beech and oak. As you go deeper to the east, the latter begins to predominate. Hornbeam, maple and linden trees are also found here. On the Pacific coast, due to the monsoon climate, the composition of forests is also very diverse.

The fauna is represented here by wild boars, roe deer, deer, as well as almost all the “residents” of the taiga. Brown bears are found in the Alps and Carpathians.

Changed zone

To the south lie forest-steppe and steppe. Both zones have been quite strongly altered by humans. Forest-steppe is alternating areas of forest and herbaceous vegetation. Steppe zone mainly represented by cereals. Rodents, gophers, voles, and marmots are found here in large numbers. The natural vegetation of the area has been preserved today only on the territory of the reserves.

The eastern part of the Gobi Plateau is a zone of dry steppes. Low grasses grow here, and there are areas completely devoid of vegetation or saline.

Devoid of vegetation

Semi-desert and desert zones occupy a large part of the continent. They extend from Caspian lowland across the plains of Central and Central Asia. The main features of the nature of Eurasia here are practically complete absence vegetation and poor fauna. Extremely low rainfall, dry air, clay and rocky soils do not even encourage the appearance of grass in this area. Quite sparse vegetation is found in sandy deserts. Wormwood, astragalus, saxaul, and solyanka “live” here.

The fauna of deserts is also scarce. However, here you can find quite rare representatives of the fauna, for example wild kulans and Przewalski's horse. Rodents and camels are common in this area.


Warm winters with high rainfall and hot, dry summers - good conditions for hard-leaved forests and shrubs that stretch along the Mediterranean coast. Cork and cypress, pine, and wild olive trees are found here. The nature of Eurasia has undergone many changes due to human activity. Forests in the modern Mediterranean have been almost completely cut down. Their place was taken by low trees and shrubs.

The subtropics in southern China and the Japanese islands look somewhat different. Magnolias, palms, camellias, ficuses, camphor laurel and bamboo grow here.

In the interior of the continent there are subtropical and tropical deserts and semi-deserts. This zone is characterized by arid hot weather, low rainfall. Vegetable world presented in the same way as in temperate deserts. In addition, acacias are found here, and date palms grow in oases. The fauna is not numerous: Przewalski's horse, wild ass, jerboas, antelopes, jackals, hyenas, wild donkeys, onagers, gerbils.

Near the equator

The savannahs of Eurasia are a place where a large number of cereals grow, as well as teak and sal trees, acacias, and palm trees. Vast areas are covered by variable-humid subequatorial forests. They are located on the coasts of Hindustan and Indochina, in the lower reaches and Brahmaputra, as well as in the northern part of the Philippine Islands. Only some trees growing here shed their leaves during the dry season.

The subequatorial forests have a very diverse fauna. A variety of ungulates, monkeys, lions and tigers, as well as wild elephants are found here.

Equatorial forests amaze with the diversity of palm trees. There are over three hundred species here, including coconut. There is also a lot of bamboo in this area.

Climatic zones of mountainous regions

Features of the nature of the Eurasian continent include a clearly noticeable change in the flora and fauna in the Alps and Himalayas. These mountain systems are the highest in Europe and Asia, respectively. The Alps reach a maximum of 4807 meters (Mont Blanc).

On the southern slopes there is the lower zone of the altitudinal zone. It extends up to 800 m and has features of a Mediterranean climate. In the western part of the Alps there are mainly mixed and beech forests. In the east, in the lower zone, the climate is drier. Pine and beech forests grow here, interspersed with steppe meadows. The second belt extends to 1800 m. There are oak and beech forests and coniferous trees. The next, subalpine, belt (up to 2300 m) is characterized by shrubs and meadow vegetation. Above that, only crustose lichens are found.

At the foot of the Eastern Himalayas are the Terai, wetlands. Palm trees, bamboo and sal grow here. The fauna of this area is quite diverse. Here you can find snakes, elephants, tigers, rhinoceroses, monkeys, leopards and so on. The territory from 1500 to 2000 m above sea level is occupied by evergreen subtropical forests. Higher up the number of deciduous and coniferous species. The belt of shrubs and meadow vegetation begins at 3500 m.

Due to the peculiarities of geography and the diversity of nature, Eurasia is a unique place on our planet. The contrasts of the continent contribute to the constant interest in it on the part of researchers and travelers. However, a description of the nature of Eurasia without mentioning traces of human activity seems somewhat ideal. As on any other continent, the territory here has undergone a lot of changes. A huge number of people living on the mainland need developed agriculture, constant mining. Therefore, the areas suitable for this are very different from the state in which they were at the dawn of mankind. Today Eurasia is vast fields, big cities and abandoned villages, huge industrial complexes. Save wildlife often it doesn't work out. Nature reserves have been created to save rare species of animals and plants, but they do not fully cope with the task. However, the opinion about the need careful attitude to the outside world is increasingly finding support from government organizations. I would like to believe that thanks to this amazing nature Eurasia, photos of which are found on the pages of all thematic magazines, will be preserved in the future not only in photographs.

I listened carefully to my niece’s retelling of the natural areas of Russia. The list seemed so long to me, and this is only within our country. How many are there in Eurasia?

Natural areas

This term should be understood as a separate territory of the mainland, which is characterized by certain forms and types of natural processes and components. The formation of these zones occurs under the influence of climate and topography, i.e. elements of nature on which the formation and development of its other elements (flora, soil cover, fauna) depends. It follows that if the climate changes in belts from the equator to the poles, then the natural zones, therefore, replace each other in the indicated direction. And they also do this broadly.

Natural areas of Eurasia

I opened the corresponding map, and my eyes began to run wild from the abundance of colors. Turning my gaze to the corner with the symbols, everything became more or less clear. 12 natural zones have formed on the continent, and a separate zone of altitudinal zonation is distinguished. This long list:

  1. Arctic desert zone.
  2. Variably humid forests.
  3. Mixed forests.
  4. Savannah and woodlands.
  5. Forest-steppes and steppes.
  6. Hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs.
  7. Taigi.
  8. Broad-leaved forests.
  9. Ocean meadows.
  10. Deserts and semi-deserts.
  11. Permanently humid equatorial and tropical forests.
  12. Tundra and forest-tundra.

These are the main zones, but there are also transition zones where the external features of the natural components of neighboring territories are mixed.

I will continue analyzing the map. Particularly large areas are occupied by the colors: orange and dark green, which correspond to the desert, semi-desert and taiga zones, respectively. central part The mainland and the Arabian Peninsula are clearly characterized by drought, since it is in these areas that deserts have formed. Regarding the taiga, everyone who lives in Russia knows about its territorial scope. The most modest in size in Eurasia are the zones of arctic deserts, hard-leaved evergreen forests, shrubs, oceanic meadows and mixed forests.