Ivan Okhlobystin has his own measure of success - in family life, profession and personal feelings. If the first two points do not raise doubts, then in relation to the last one it is too early to talk about perfection. The popular actor, director, playwright and priest, excommunicated from ministry, is sure that he has not yet achieved much.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the summer of 1966 in the Tula region. Zodiac sign is Cancer, nationality is Russian. Father Ivan Ivanovich, a military doctor, was 60 years old at that time, and mother Albina Ivanovna had just turned 18. Even the spouse's children from previous marriages were older than the stepmother. Perhaps that is why the union quickly fell apart.

Okhlobystin returned to the role of the marginalized in the detective series “,” in which he worked together with his godson. He not only appeared on camera, but also performed the soundtrack to the film.

Personal life

On the set of the film “Arbiter” Okhlobystin met. The relationship did not last long: the girl found out that her lover was having an affair with her friend and classmate.

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Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife Oksana Arbuzova

In 1995, Ivan and Oksana got married. The actor proposed in the first week of dating. The couple raised sons Savva and Vasily, daughters Evdokia, Varvara, Anfisa and Ioanna. Of the children, only Vasya was interested in cinema on a professional level - the young man is studying to become a screenwriter.

In 2019, the Okhlobystins agreed to participate in a kind of reality show like “The Ozzbourne Family.” The project consisted of six episodes, each creating conflict situation, and viewers watched parents and children solve the problem.

IN free time the head of the family loves to go fishing and hunting, play chess, and read a philosophical book. Okhlobystin's hobby is jewelry making. True, the artist makes jewelry in the cyberpunk style, so it is not suitable for everyone.

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Ivan Okhlobystin with his wife and children

Ivan retained the image of a rebel, an adherent of the biker subculture. Even after becoming a priest, he wore a leather jacket. And the man’s arms and torso are covered with tattoos, reflecting a certain milestone in life and done “for the sake of coolness,” but at the same time, the drawings themselves have no meaning.

The only thing meaningful image- a skull overgrown with flowers, a symbol of a dead biker - Okhlobystin filled it after meeting his wife. In extreme sports circles family people considered lost to the community, such a person will not drive at speed and risk his life.

In his youth, Ivan studied karate, aikido and other types of wrestling and now looks young and fit (weight 78 kg with a height of 180 cm). Although there were periods in the celebrity’s life spent in captivity of the “green serpent,” alcohol now worries him little.

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Politics also fell into Okhlobystin’s circle of interests. He put forward his candidacy for the post of President of Russia, but a week later he abandoned the initiative and ran for State Duma from the green party “Cedar” and considered this action a mistake.

In the spring of 2012, the actor created the party “Coalition of Heaven”. Then he headed the Supreme Council of the Right Cause party. In October, the Holy Synod banned priests from joining political associations. As a result, he left Right Cause, but remained its spiritual mentor.

Ivan Ivanovich is an adherent of monarchism, advocates the creation of an ideological patriotic program aimed at educating young people, is a member of public organization"The right to arms." Okhlobystin not only fights for the rights of civilian gun owners, he has a collection of guns near his home.

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The star has a categorical attitude towards sexual minorities; his homophobic views have been repeatedly emphasized in the media. In 2014, Ivan wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin in which he asked the Russian leader to return the article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for sodomy, since in his understanding a man cannot marry a man. The message remained unanswered.

The news that in 2001 Okhlobystin was ordained a priest in Tashkent shocked those around the actor. As Ivan later admitted, for himself, who did not really know a single prayer other than the “Our Father,” this step was also unexpected. The family lived in Asia for another 7 months, but returned to Moscow because the hot climate was not suitable for Oksana.

Russian cinema has always been known for a huge number of charismatic personalities. Ivan Ivanovich Okhlobystin is the brightest representative modern domestic cinema.

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org / Mark Nakoykher

Famous actor, director, screenwriter and writer, became famous solely due to his great talent. The text of this article contains the most interesting and unexpected facts from the life of a man.

Biography of Ivan Okhlobystin

The baby was born on June 22, 1966 in a small boarding house “Polenovo”, which is located in the Tula region. It was in this institution that his father worked as the chief physician.

At the time of the birth of his son, an experienced doctor and participant in World War II, Ivan Ivanovich Okhlobystin, was already 62 years old, and his wife was only 19! The young student’s parents even dissuaded her from giving birth, as they believed that such a union would not bring anything good.

2. “Spartan” methods of education.

As a child, little Vanya often visited his grandmother, who doted on her grandson. Even despite the great love, the experienced woman did not disdain to pick up the belt. A little later (when the family had already moved to Moscow), his parents began to actively monitor the boy’s upbringing.

In elementary school, the boy had problems learning Russian. The father decided to act radically; he forced Vanya to simply eat the textbook. Since then, the guy's grades have improved several times.

3. Children's dreams.

On future fate the guy was greatly influenced by the Soviet film “Ordinary Miracle”, which he saw in adolescence. Highlights The films (and especially the wizard’s monologue) became the reason that Vanya decided to become a director. The guy became interested in the profession of an actor only later.

4. Study at the university.

After school, the young man decided to enter the All-Russian state institute cinematography. During the entrance exams, the guy quarreled with members of the teaching committee and was even kicked out of the classroom. Despite this fact, the teachers were amazed by Okhlobystin’s skills and accepted him to study.

IN student years Ivan tried to actively participate in public life. His classmates included such celebrities as Tigran Keosayan, Renata Litvinova and Roman Kachanov.

5. Army years.

The aspiring actor was called into the ranks Soviet army immediately after the first year of VGIK. The young man served in missile forces, which were based in the city of Rostov-on-Don. The everyday life of a soldier was difficult; hazing and regular fights strengthened the character of the future celebrity.

Okhlobystin did not forget about creativity in the army. For example, on the orders of the officers, he had to write an article for a wall newspaper about the political activities of soldiers. The finished text was titled “Unclean Boots Undermine Party Policy.” For such a witty trick, Ivan was punished with a dress.

6. Completion of studies.

After serving in the army, the student successfully reinstated himself at the university, and after some time he was elected secretary of the Union of Cinematographers. Ivan graduated with honors from the Faculty of Directing in 1992.

7. Anthropometric data.

The actor's height is 180 centimeters and his weight is 70 kilograms.

Career of Ivan Okhlobystin

8. First picture.

Okhlobystin began acting in films while still studying at the institute. In 1991, the film “The Leg” appeared on television. The guy participated in the filming under the creative name Ivan Alien, as he was very superstitious.

Film critics highly appreciated Ivan’s creative efforts; he received a prize for the best male role at the Youth festival. Quite early on, the young man tried his hand at being a screenwriter. He took part in the creation of a painting called “Freak”.

9. Participation in theatrical productions.

The guy succeeded not only in cinema, in his youth he often appeared on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Okhlobystin was an integral part of the play “The Villainess, or the Cry of a Dolphin” and the work “Maximilian”. In the late 90s, he wrote articles for the weekly Vesti and the magazine Stolitsa.

10. Passion for religion.

The man studied religion for a long period of time. He was baptized at a conscious age, namely in the 9th grade.

In the late 90s, the film actor decided to devote his life to the good of Christianity. Ivan helped temple workers on weekends (carried candles, participated in holiday rituals, and even did regular cleaning). A couple of months later, Okhlobystin met Metropolitan Vladimir, and then went to Asia with him.

In the Tashkent diocese, the theatergoer was ordained a priest.

11. Return to acting.

Father John faithfully served the church for several years of his life. At this time, he moved away from his original profession, since it was almost impossible for the priest to build a career in cinema. Until 2005, he worked in the St. Nicholas Church near the Moscow River, and then began serving in the Church of Sophia the Wise of God.

In 2007, the man decided to return to acting to provide for his large family. His first film was the film “Conspiracy”, where he played Grigory Rasputin. After some time, the clergyman turned to Patriarch Kirill with a request for release from service. Thus, Okhlobystin was forbidden to wear priestly robes and a priest's cross. This restriction can be lifted at any time.

12. Peak acting.

In 2009 at big screens showed several films with Ivan's participation. He took part in the film “Conspiracy”, the action film “Bullet the Fool” and the drama “Tsar”. The series “Interns”, in which the actor played the role of the eccentric Doctor Bykov, became truly popular. The theatergoer even started a blog for this fictional character on Facebook.

13. Work in large companies.

The film actor began working at Euroset Corporation in 2010, where he served as creative director. He developed many ideas for advertising companies and collaborated with representatives of several mobile phones.

After leaving Euroset, he took a similar position at the Baon company, which sells clothing.

14. Commercials.

Okhlobystin participated in the filming of a number of commercials. For example, while working at Euroset, he starred in a couple of thematic videos that were entirely dedicated to promoting mobile phone brands. He also played the role of a brownie in an advertisement for the Zodchiy house-building company.

Personal life of Ivan Okhlobystin

15. Family, children.

The actor married film actress Oksana Arbuzova in 1995. Okhlobystin’s mother-in-law was against the marriage, as she was surprised by the man’s eccentric behavior and image. Soon all the troubles were left in the past. On this moment Ivan Ivanovich is the father of six children (Vasily, Savva, Anfisa, Evdokia, Varvara and Joanna).

16. Stormy youth.

You can see a huge number of bright tattoos on the actor’s body. All of them were made at a young age and while drunk. Most of the drawings have no hidden meaning, only the sign of a dead biker (a skull with flowers) symbolizes the celebrity's old hobby.

17. Openly homophobic.

Okhlobystin has repeatedly made public statements that he despises every member of sexual minorities. His phrase that gays and lesbians should be “stuffed alive into the oven” had a wide resonance. He also tried with all his might to return it to the Criminal Code Russian Federation clause prohibiting sodomy.

18. Persona non grata.

Okhlobystin is banned from entering several countries at once. Back in 2014, the governments of Latvia and Estonia added the man’s name to the “black list” because he spoke very harshly about representatives of sexual minorities.

A little later, a new scandal arose with the Ukrainian authorities. The actor visited the Donetsk People's Republic a couple of times, and soon received honorary title citizen of the DPR. Immediately after this act, the Security Service of Ukraine opened a criminal case against the actor.

Ivan Okhlobystin is a rather creative and versatile personality - screenwriter, actor, TV presenter, film director, writer, journalist and playwright. He was a clergyman, but was temporarily removed from ministry at his own request.

Born in 1966 in the Tula region in the Polenovo holiday home, where his father worked as head. doctor. When Ivan was born, his father was 62 years old, and his student mother was only 19.

He studied at VGIK in parallel with many cinema stars, such as Bondarchuk, Litvinova and others. Few people know, but the beginning of his career is considered to be 1991 in the film “Leg”, followed by a successful script for the film “Freak” with a nomination for “ Green apple, golden leaf" and director's work in the film "Arbiter", which received "Kinotavr". also in track record many other equally significant works in cinema and theater.

In 2001, he decides to devote himself to serving God, but a few years later he returns to cinema and social activities, explaining his actions by lack of money. IN Lately He starred a lot in comedies and TV series. Known to the general public from the television series “Interns”, he is the creative director of the company “Baon”.

Personal life

In 1995, he married Oksana Okhlobystina (nee Arbuzova), a fairly successful actress in her youth. The couple has six children: two boys and four girls.

For three years he was fond of karate and knife fighting, is a member of the Aikido Association, has one of the categories in chess, and is also interested in creating jewelry. But he considers hunting and fishing to be his main passion.

Dacha of Ivan Okhlobystin

Several years ago, Ivan began construction of a new country house. The dacha has been in the possession of the Okhlobystins for quite some time; Oksana’s parents went to see it, and then their children and grandchildren. Since the actor is a busy man and believes that everyone should mind their own business, he did not get involved in construction, but hired professionals.

From the proposed options, I chose one of the popular projects of a country mansion. The only thing that was changed in the project was the veranda. And also my wife insisted on installing a real Russian stove, which is not only convenient for heating the whole house, but also for cooking.

A lot of natural materials were used in the design of the cottage: wood, stone, brick, and also a lot of skins brought by the owner from the north. The cottage was built with the possibility of living in it all year round. On the ground floor there are adult bedrooms and a spacious living room, and on the second floor there are four children's bedrooms and a bathroom.

There is a small summer house on the site, which houses a fitness machine and supplies in case of an unexpected trip to the dacha.

Apartment of Ivan Okhlobystin

More than five years ago, the screenwriter, together with big family I lived in my wife’s two-room apartment in Tushino, but there was a catastrophic lack of space and they applied for social housing. In 2012, the family received a large mansion in the village of Troitse-Lykovo. There is a large forest around the village and the Church of the Assumption is located nearby. Holy Mother of God and Stroginskoye Reservoir.

This housing is municipal, which means that it does not belong to the family, and you will need to leave the house after you come of age. youngest child or, as an option, have another baby.

After a two-room apartment, this house seemed simply huge to the family. The spacious living room with a fireplace accommodates not only the whole family, but also guests. There is a long table in it, at which the whole Okhlobystin family gathers every evening.

On the ground floor there is a kitchen - a very important room for the housewife, since this is where she has to spend most of her time, cooking for the whole family.

On the top floor there are bedrooms for children and owners. Everything here is simple and as convenient as possible. The older children have separate rooms, while the younger ones live in combined rooms.

There is an impressive collection of guns in a separate room. Okhlobystin is a supporter of the legalization of short-barreled weapons and is a member of the Union of Hunters and Fishermen of Russia.

According to CIAN, two-level housing in Troitse-Lykovo costs 30 million rubles and more.

Popular artist, priest, writer, philosopher Ivan Okhlobystin gave frank interview. The actor admitted that he was going to leave cinema because he was ashamed to be an artist at the age of 50, and noted that he was very lucky in life. However, in the near future the artist may lose his own home.


Meanwhile, Ivan Okhlobystin made a reservation that he was going to leave cinema not now, but only in three years. “I’ll bring the projects to the end - “Interns”, “Freud’s Method” - and leave. Otherwise, the people in Tushino, where I live, will look askance - 50 years, and still an artist. The main thing is that I solved all the economic problems, paid off the debts, and I myself remained a collective farmer.“,” Antenna quotes Ivan Okhlobystin.

The artist noted that when his children grow up, they will have economic responsibilities. “How could it be otherwise? In the sixth grade, I loaded newspapers at the Northern River Station to buy sneakers for myself. And the girls loaded them with us too. So should mine. Of course, if they study hard, we’ll see...” According to Okhlobystin, he and his family are modest in their needs, “no locks needed.”

“It’s more convenient for us to walk through the forest and change parking lots. And I don't see the problem that there will be less money. After all, my life hasn’t changed at all in the three years that I’ve been filming “Interns.” We just started answering some calls: “Yes.” Friends call, asking for a loan, a ride, and we help out, just as they once helped us, the hungry. I'm very lucky in life. The Lord gives good people", admitted the popular artist.

However, Okhlobystin never decided housing problem. He said: " The townhouse we live in is allocated under a social program. We feel good there and it doesn’t seem crowded. But in fact, when Savva (himself youngest child Okhlobystina) turns 18, this house will be taken away from us. Now my son is seven. Although the eldest, Anfisa, will then be 27 years old, and all the other children will also be old, so there is no need to worry. But if some kind of apartment turned up, why not. In general, I want a house, 300 kilometers from Moscow. There's nothing keeping me here."

Until recently, the former priest, now an actor, with his wife and six children huddled in a modest 2-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow. Now with a celebrity big house, but not everything is so simple in this story.

The two-bedroom apartment was given to the actor’s wife Oksana Okhlobystina, nee Arbuzova, from her grandmother.

“The children almost take turns sleeping - we can’t fit in,” complained the head of a large family.

Ivan Okhlobystin was thinking hard about how to save money to expand his living space - no matter what, even stellar earnings can’t keep up with rising real estate prices in Moscow!

And the actor was lucky. According to the federal social program, his large family allocated a house in an elite village near Moscow.

“The kids were so happy when they moved!” - the happy father shared after the housewarming.

However, according to the law, the mansion belongs to the state and the family does not become the property. The Okhlobystins will be able to live there only until their youngest child comes of age. Now the youngest, Savva, is 5 years old. After 13 years, the house will have to be vacated.

However, there are also options - to give birth to several more children.

And while they are growing, maybe a miracle will happen - real estate prices in Moscow will collapse, and the Okhlobystins will manage to buy their own big house?