Brief lives of the martyr Photina (Svetlana) Samaritan and others

This is that same-na-sa-ma-ryan-ka, with which the Lord came at the well of Eeyore (). Passion-da-la for Christ under the name of Nero in Rome, in 66. St. Fo-ti-na lived at that time in Carfa -gene. Having received information from the Lord about the suffering ahead of her, she went to Rome and, together with sons-no-vya-mi Yosi-ey and Fo-ti-nom (Vik-to-rom) and sisters-ra-mi Ana-to-li-ey, Pa-ras-ke-voy, Ki-ri-a -ki-ey, Fo-to and Fo-ti-doy freely came to Nero. After many torments, which did not harm her, the saint was from-ve-de-na in “Zolo-toi” Nero's house, where his daughter Dom-ni-nu and 100 of her slaves were converted to Christ.

Three years later, having again endured much torment and skin scraping, St. Mu-che-ni-tsa Fo-ti-na was thrown into the well, where she died. Together with her, both of her sons, sisters, mu-che-ni-tsa Dom-ni-na and mu-che-nick Se-va-sti- suffered for Christ. an.

Complete lives of the martyr Photina (Svetlana) Samaritan and others

The holy mu-che-ni-tsa Fo-ti-na was the same-my-sa-ma-ryan-coy, with whom the Spa-si-tel was -boat Ia-to-left-va (). During the time of Nero (54-68), he showed extreme toughness in the fight against cancer. sti-an-stvo, the holy Fo-ti-na lived in Car-fa-gen with her youngest son Josiah and there without-bo-language-but-about -ve-do-va-la Evan-ge-lie. Her eldest son Viktor bravely fought in the Roman armies against the barbarians and was appointed to the military for his services -chal-ni-kom to the city of At-ta-liyu (Asia Minor).

Grad-do-chal-nik At-ta-lii Se-va-sti-an, when meeting with Saint Victor, told him: “I know very well, that you, your mother and your brother are following the teachings of Christ. But I am with you in a friendly way - obey in return for this you will receive the property of Christianity, which you provide to us. I write to ma-te-ri and brother, so that they do not pro-ve-to-wa-Christ from the open. "believe your faith." Saint Victor answered: “I myself want to be a pro-Christianity, like my mother and brother.” To this Se-va-sti-an replied: “Oh Viktor, we all know very well what kind of misfortunes await you for this, mother and your brother." After these words, Se-va-sti-an suddenly felt sharp pain in the eyes, changed in the face and was numb.

For three days he lay there blind, without saying a word. On the fourth day, unexpectedly, he said loudly: “Only faith is Christian, there is no other true faith.” -ry!" On-ho-div-she-mu-sya near the house of St. Vic-to-ru Se-va-sti-an said: “Christ calls me.” . Soon he was baptized and immediately became mature. The servants of the holy Se-va-sti-a-na, sv-de-te-li-chu-yes, were baptized according to the example of their lord -on the.

Rumors about what had happened reached Nero, and he ordered to bring Christians to him for trial at the time when the Lord Himself revealed He told us and said: “I will be with you, and Nero will be defeated, and everyone who serves him.” The Lord spoke to Saint Viktor: “From this day on, your name will be Fo-tin - “Light-of-the-war”, for many , enlightened ones, turn to Me." The Lord encouraged the Holy Se-va-sti-a-na: “Blessed is the woman who completes his feat to the end.” Holy Fo-ti-na, from the Spa-si-te-lem about the upcoming sufferings, in co-pro-gov-de-nii several -Khi-khri-sti-an came from Car-fa-ge-na to Rome and joined the s-scientists.

In Rome, the im-per-ra-tor invited the saints to his place and asked them whether they really believed in Christ - hundred. Everyone decided to renounce the Savior. That's when they-per-ra-tor, at the-ka-hall, beat-drop-the-hands of the holy mar-ties on the ko-valley. But during the test, it is not the feeling of pain, but the hands of the mu-che-ni-tsy Fo-ti-ny remain -we were unharmed. Nero ordered Saints Se-va-sti-a-na, Fo-ti-na and Josiah to be blinded and imprisoned, and Saint Fo-ti- well, with her five sisters - Ana-to-li-ey, Fo-to, Fo-ti-doy, Pa-ras-ke-voy and Ki-ri-a-ki-ey - from- go to the im-per-tor-palace under the supervision of do-che-ri Nero-on the House-ni-ny. But Saint Fo-ti-na converted to Christ the House-ni-nu and all her slaves who received Holy Baptism . She turned to Christ and the sorcerer, who brought poisoned drink to kill the priest.

Three years passed, and Nero sent for one of his servants who was in prison. The messages sent to him were that the saints Se-va-sti-an, Fo-tin and Josiah, who were blind, became co- you are absolutely healthy, and they are constantly visited by people who listen to them; she herself, however, turned into a bright and blissful place, where God is glorified. Then Nero ordered the five saints to hang their heads down and beat them on their bodies with belts for three days . On the fourth day, im-per-ra-tor sent servants to see if you were alive. But, having arrived at the place of torture, the sent ones immediately became blind. At this time, the Angel of the Gos-daily liberated the mu-che-niks and healed them. The saints took pity on the blind servants and their prayers to the Lord to restore their sight. They matured to believe in Christ and were soon baptized.

In a powerless rage, Nero ordered to tear off the skin from Saint Fo-ti-na and throw the mu-che-ni-tsu into the well. Mu-che-ni-kam Se-va-sti-a-nu, Fo-ti-nu and Josiah from-sek-li go-le-ni, bro-si-li so-ba-kam, then with They skinned them. The sisters of Saint Fo-ti-na endured terrible torment. Nero ordered to cut off their nipples and then rip off the skin. Sophisticated in his cruelty, he-per-ra-tor arranged the same execution of Saint Fo-ti-de: she was blamed by the legs to the top of two inclined trees, which, straightening out, tore apart the mu-che-ni-tsu. The rest of the im-per-ra-tor will be de-headed. Holy Fo-ti-well, you came out of the well and locked it in that place for 20 days.

After this, Nero called her to him and asked if she was still alive and would not sacrifice to idols. Saint Fo-ti-na sp-nu-la him-pe-ra-to-ru in the face and, laughing at him, said: “It’s ungodly.” Blind, lost and mad man! Do you really consider me so irrational that I would agree to -speech from the Lord of my Christ and made a sacrifice like you to blind idols?!"

Having heard such words, Nero again ordered to throw the mu-che-ni-tsu into the well, where she gave up her spirit to the Lord († approx. 66).

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.


Prayer to the Holy Martyr Photina

Oh, holy martyr Photino! Immensely inspired by love for Christ, you have shown courage, patience and great strength with your sisters, sons and those enlightened by you. She preached the Gospel of Christ with boldness, and by appearing to you and everyone who was with you, Christ strengthened and comforted everyone for the coming torment. Having come to Rome and fearlessly confessed Christ, you were imprisoned, and having endured much torment, you were thrown into a well, and you betrayed your soul to the Lord.

Hear us, Saint Photino, who shone with spiritual beauty and constantly and incessantly taught people faith in Christ, in prison and in cities. Hear us, looking at us sinners, and with the grace of Christ heal those who are sick with fever, so that the rain of sin does not sprinkle them, but in health of soul and body, your life unflaggingly in good deeds will guide and glorify the Lord of all, the Father of bounties, the Merciful God, throughout all ages. Amen.

Lives of Saints Martinian, Zoe and Photinia (Svetlana)

From the age of 18, the venerable Mar-ti-ni-an lived in the desert, near the city of Ke-sa-ria Pa-le-stin-skaya, where about -was in motion and silently for 25 years, having been blessed with the blessing of curing the disease. However, the enemy did not leave the enemy, launching various personal attacks on him. Once upon a time, a woman had an argument with depraved people who were seducing the holy Marty. no, the fame of a good life has spread throughout the city. She came to him at night under the guise of a stranger, asking for the night. The saint let her in because the year was stormy. But then the sweet guest changed into nice clothes and began to seduce the movement. Then the saint came out of the cell, lit a fire and stood barefoot on the blazing coals. At the same time, he said to himself: “It’s hard for you, Mar-ti-ni-an, to endure this temporary fire, how will you endure it forever?” what kind of fire did you have in mind?" The woman, captivated by this sight, became excited and asked the saint to put her on the path to salvation. nia. At his direction, she went to Beth-le-em, to the monastery of St. Paul, where she lived in strict 12 years until his blessed death. The woman's name was Zoya.

Having suffered from burns, Saint Mar-ti-ni-an fled to an uninhabited rocky island and lived under the covered by the sky for several years, eating food that a ship's worker brought him from time to time, and he wove baskets for him in a special way.

Once upon a time, during a strong storm, a ship crashed, and to the island where Saint Mar-ti-ni-an was sleeping, -we brought a de-vi-tsu named Fo-ti-niya to the scrapyard. Saint Mar-ti-ni-an helped her get to the island. “Stay here,” he told her, “here’s bread and water, and in two months the ship’s man will come,” and the bro- I pushed myself into the sea and swam. Two del-fi-na you carried him to land. Since then, the blessed Mar-ti-ni-an began to lead the life of the countries. This continued for two years. One day, having arrived in Athens, the saint fell ill and, sensing the approach of his death, entered the temple, lay down on the floor, he called the bishop and asked him to offer his body for burial. This happened around 422.

The blessed girl Fo-ti-niya stayed to live on the island, where she spent 6 years in solitude, and then from la God-gu do-shu. Con-chi-well, it was opened by the same ship-builder, who greeted her, just like the most kindly Mar-ti-ni-a-nu, pi-shu. He transported the body of the blessed Fo-ti-nii to Ke-sa-ria Pa-le-stin-skaya, where it was honorably well-needed but episcopal and clergy. The memory of the dear Zoya and Fo-ti-nii is celebrated on the same day.

See also: "" in the text of St. Di-mit-ria of Ro-stov.

The name Svetlana is considered unique, the origin of which is still being debated. Previously it was believed that church name Svetlana meant “bright”. Scientists have expressed opinions about the ancient Greek origin of this name. But this version was not confirmed either. The name Svetlana was first mentioned in the poem “Svetlana and Mstislav” by A. Kh. Vostokov, which was written in 1802. After some time, Svetlana’s name day was included in the Orthodox calendar.

Patron Saints and Angel Day

Svetlana in church - Fotinia (Fotina, Fatinia). Photinia of Palestine was the patroness of all Svetlana. Her path to faith began with a shipwreck in which only she could survive. Then the waves washed this girl to the island where blessed Martinian lived. It was he who told Svetlana that he had been living on this island completely alone for many years, but three times a year a shipowner came to him and brought provisions. After this story, he blessed Svetlana, and he rushed into the sea, where he was picked up by dolphins and was able to get to the shore with their help.

After some time, a shipman sailed to the island, but the girl refused to return to the world, after which she devoted all her time to prayers. She died 6 years later, which was discovered by those arriving at Once again to the island as a shipbuilder. The Venerable Samaritan and Great Martyr Svetlana was buried in Caesarea in Palestine, where on January 10, 1991, a temple was erected in her honor.

In Orthodoxy, the righteous turn to the icon of St. Svetlana with any problems in their lives, praying for well-being and health. Akathists in Latin are also dedicated to her.

According to the calendar, Svetlana's name day church calendar are celebrated three times a year on the following biblical dates:

  • February 26.
  • April 2.
  • November 16.

If the child was born approximately on these Orthodox dates with a slight difference in days, then he should be given the name Svetlana at baptism.

Characteristics of the name

Svetlana represent responsible independent individuals who are accustomed to relying only on themselves. All the energy of this name is literally imbued with mobility, lightness, emotionality and fun. This is probably why it remains very popular among the Slavic peoples.

In their lives, these women are distinguished by sociability and goodwill; they adore cheerful noisy companies, as well as new acquaintances. The Svets fully justify their bright name, since they are non-envious and unforgiving individuals who can easily find a common language with absolutely any opponent. They do not have any special tenacity of character or the ability to complete the work they have started, however, thanks to their self-confidence, such women manage to convince people around them that they have the qualities they lack.

Kindness and authority can be traced in the character, inability to make decisions and perseverance, altruism and inflated self-esteem. The generosity and friendliness of such women does not prevent them from being a commander and leader, as well as firmly defending their opinions. Positive traits Svetlana is more pronounced than negative. They know how to not pay attention to someone’s public opinion, they even like it when people talk about them.

It is always quite difficult for Lights to cope with their emotions; they are very temperamental individuals. Their authority goes well with their easygoing nature. That is why it is easy to communicate with such women, even if they are in a bad mood.

If necessary, such individuals can easily change their lives, reconsider their priorities and views. Lights easily take on faith everything that other people say.

Fate is not always kind to Svetlana, but a flexible psyche and good adaptability allow such women to endure setbacks.

They quite often need support, but they absolutely do not know how to ask for help, and by nature they do not have enough determination to achieve some high goal that women set for themselves. The Lights begin to panic at the first difficulties, but it is not in their nature to ask for help. The indecisiveness of these women forces them to go with the flow, as well as follow a well-trodden path.

Despite all the absurdity of their character, Svetlana knows how to be friends with complete devotion and selflessness. It is always cozy and bright to be around such people, and the wisdom that inevitably comes to them with age only enhances the attractiveness of women for communication. There has never been and never will be self-interest and impudence in such individuals.

Sveta's childhood and youth

Little girls are mother's first helpers, they are happy to wash dishes, help cook and babysit their younger sisters and brothers. Svetki is cheerful and sociable, easily joining any children's team.

They love to command and are always the center of attention, but they lack self-confidence. They study well at school, because they have good memory, but their knowledge is very superficial and limited to the information in textbooks. Parents need to early age instill in your daughters a love of reading, then they will grow into well-rounded individuals.

These girls have a very flexible psyche, therefore, what values ​​will be instilled in them by their parents and teachers in childhood will be the main ones for them. It is necessary to develop sense of purpose in Svetlanas, otherwise, as they get older, they will not want to study or work.

However, strict upbringing is not suitable for Sveta, since in this case the volcanic sides of the girl’s character may appear. After many years of suppressing emotions and feelings, they can be transmitted with a vengeance in the form of wild life and fun. Therefore, parents need to find a middle ground.

Health and sexuality

The main thing for such women is their moral and psychological state. They may often have headaches, especially in those cases when Svetlana is very nervous. These individuals need to follow a daily routine and get enough sleep, otherwise migraine attacks may intensify.

Svetlanas always feel better in the company of men with whom they easily find a common language. These individuals have a superficial approach to life, so they do not have any clear criteria for choosing a partner. If a woman likes a man, she can easily agree to have sex.

At first glance, such natures may seem unapproachable and cold, but in fact they are terribly romantic and sensitive to signs of attention. Life without a man is aimless for Svetlana; they definitely need that person who will love.

Despite all this, sex does not play any important role in a woman’s life. It will be much more important for her to find a spiritual connection, a man’s ability to provide and protect his woman. If the partner is passionate and tender, then Svetlana will literally become clay in his hands, from which a man can mold a sensual woman.

Marriage and compatibility

They choose their spouse carefully. Early marriage is not typical for such women; they wait a long time for their prince, and they rarely make mistakes in their choice.

Home, children and family happiness are what Svetlana can find themselves in. They can leave work without regret and devote themselves entirely to their family. They are given an amazing ability to adapt to people, so Svetlana’s husband will feel happy, since he will not have the need to change his habits.

Svetlanas are ready to let their spouse solve all financial problems, as well as all other life tasks. If a woman is forced to take care of all the affairs herself, then she will be unhappy in her marriage. These individuals will be happy to hand over the palm to the man, but will try to keep all matters under their own unspoken control.

Such women will provide their children with maximum comfort and coziness; all their actions will be subordinated to the interests of the children and husband. However, Svetlana does not know how to spend money rationally, preferring to live only one day at a time.

A successful marriage can develop with men named:

  • Vladimir;
  • Vadim;
  • Boris;
  • Oleg;
  • Basil;
  • Peter;
  • Alexei;
  • Edward;
  • Yuri.

Career and business

Over the course of their entire lives, such women can change many jobs and professions until they find something they really like. They are not hardworking by nature, therefore, they rarely reach any career heights. In addition, Svetlanas do not like to study; they often do not have higher education.

They can make a good cook, salesman, bartender, administrator, waitress, operator, manager or copywriter. In addition, Svetlana - creative people, therefore they can choose art, culture or music as their field of activity. With age, these individuals can engage in self-education, especially if the chosen business fascinates them.

Since these women are very fond of expressing themselves as authoritarian and powerful personalities, they are quite cope with leadership positions. But they will make a bad businessman. Svetlanas do not know how to complete all the things they start, they do not know how to make profitable deals.

Most often, these natures simply go with the flow, and are not too concerned about building a career and business. These are people of mood, and a momentary impulse can make them radically change their place of work.

Talismans for good luck

Neptune and Mercury are the patron planets.

The patronizing zodiac sign for Svetlana is Aquarius. If a girl who was born under this constellation is called Svetlana, then she will be naturally endowed with talents and abilities.

Winter is considered a good time of year, and Saturday is considered a good day of the week.

Lucky colors for Svetlana: green, blue, red and brown.

totem plant: lily and birch. The birch is considered a symbol of innocence and beauty; it guards the gates that open the way to heaven. According to Christian traditions, the lily is an integral attribute of the Virgin Mary; it symbolizes 3 main Christian virtues: mercy, hope and faith.

The main totem animal is the hare. The hare is considered a controversial symbol, which means, on the one hand, fertility and love, and on the other hand, cowardice and promiscuity. The Slavs believed that this animal goes to its goal using cunning and deception, but at the same time, the hare lying at the feet of the Virgin Mary is a symbol of victory over lust.

The talisman stone for Svetlana is black opal and rock crystal.

Short congratulations in verse

To congratulate Tatyana, you can use the following cool short poems for a postcard or SMS, which can be diversified with some picture with a guardian angel in a church style.

Verse 1:

May fate generously reward you,

So that with a cool and fair wind

You've walked your life's path,

Sveta, don’t regret a single thing!

Verse 2:

Congratulations, Sveta, on your day!

Let it not get in your way

Evil people, obstacles and pain.

Be strong and have an iron will!

Very beautiful meaning named Fotinya - luminous, bright, bringing light. The word first appeared in Greek (φωτεινός) - it sounds like, and thanks to the spread of Christianity throughout the world, it became known. During the formation of the Russian state, women wearing it were not uncommon. It was preserved among the peasantry until the 20th century.

Today almost no one is called that, although there is interest in such names. IN modern language"Svetlana" is recognized as a synonym.

  • Fotinha is a common folk.
  • Fotina - church.
  • Fotka, Fatka, Fatyukha - colloquial.
  • Fotyushka, Fotya, Fotenka - diminutive.
  • Photinia is the male version.


A girl named Photinia is almost always an idealist. Her tendency to elevate the person she likes to the pedestal she has built often plays an unpleasant joke on her. Rarely does anyone live up to the image endowed with a dreamer, and then she is disappointed. Her exactingness is not a good quality in everything.

There is a strong desire for perfection in everything. Very negatively perceives any, even the most insignificant, shortcomings of loved ones. In general, the girl is friendly and sociable. Likes to make acquaintances for benefits, has a very limited circle of friends. She easily detects a liar, and there is no way to lie to her.

If he accuses a friend of hypocrisy, he breaks up with him without regret forever. Those whom she trusts will always support her in difficult times and will be loyal. The woman develops a weakness that causes her a lot of trouble. If she sees that it is not easy for someone, she takes her under her wing, although sometimes she is not asked to do so.

The trait that brings credit to Fote is his hard work. In her profession and in her studies, she always gets the most important projects. Vanity, which is sometimes too exaggerated, sometimes interferes with the implementation of plans.


To the girl with early years fortune is favorable. She hardly encounters difficulties, and what others achieve with all their might comes easily, without stress. However, the darling of fate does not like to sit idle; she often uses all her talents, coupled with hard work and diligence, to achieve high goals.

She is never lonely unless she wants to be. Everyone loves her, she is sociable and can convince a person of her excellent disposition towards him, although sometimes he is unpleasant. This is done solely from rational mercantile motives. Despite her certain arrogance, a woman will never go over her head, but she will not miss her point.

Different characteristics and secrets

  • Talisman crystal - hematite, obsidian.
  • Numbers - 3, 9.
  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • Happy day is Saturday.
  • Zodiac - Aquarius.
  • The metal is lead.
  • Totem - ant, mole.
  • The metal is lead.
  • Favorable plant: wrestler, cumin, pine.
  • Colour: black, shades of dark grey.

According to Christian canons, Photina's name day is celebrated

  1. 13(26).02. - Rev. Photinia.
  2. 26(11).03. — m. Fotinia
  3. 20.03(02.04). - m. Samaritan Photinia.

All aspects of life

Love and relationships

Being a young lady, she is in languid anticipation of the prince on horseback. Almost from the cradle she has been dreaming of a magnificent wedding. In such dreams, she does not notice real contenders for her hand, sometimes very worthy guys.

If the prince still does not show up, the girl makes her dreams come true with a young man suitable for these purposes. Often she simply smothers her chosen one with a wave of emotions and passion; if he gives up in the first couple of minutes, then there may be no further development of events.


The woman already knows in advance what the family nest will be like and moves towards her goal with a firm step. For her, the fact of compliance with her dreams is often important, to which she diligently adjusts everything that is possible. She will play the role of a housewife until she has had enough of it, then again she will want to change something

The attitude towards your husband will be equal and respectful. The passions that were in full swing before marriage are no longer interesting to her. As a mother, she is ready to realize herself to the fullest. Loves children and doesn't mind having a lot of them.

Professional side

Thanks to diligence and hard work, he can become a highly qualified doctor or a good economist. She will make a good mid-level leader:

  • head teacher
  • head of kindergarten
  • chief sales manager, etc.

Compatibility with men by name

Marriage and relationships for Foti will be successful with Nikolai, Grigory, Ruslan, Vadim, Stepan, Konstantin.

Difficulties will arise with Arseny, Georgy, Arthur, Vyacheslav, Nikita.

If the chosen one’s name is not on this list, then several scenarios are possible.

Personalities in history and modern times

Photinia Samaritan

It is believed that she lived in Samaria, and once talked with Christ, she realized that her chaotic life was wrong. After this, all relatives, including sons, began to preach Christianity. During the Nero persecution of 65-68, Photinia from Carthage and her son were summoned to the capital, where the sovereign demanded that everyone who arrived there renounce their faith.

After the torture, the emperor threw the entire family into prison and forgot about them. Remembering 3 years later, he sent slaves to visit them. They reported that the prisoners were in perfect health and unharmed. In addition, the place of their imprisonment became a place of pilgrimage. The enraged Nero ordered the men to be crucified for three days, but they remained unharmed.

The guards, seeing the crucified, became blind, and the angel untied them and restored strength to the prisoners, who prayed over the slaves and made them sighted. So Nero’s servants became Christians after seeing the miracle. By order of the monster, the saints were flayed alive and beheaded, leaving Photinia for more torment. She only laughed at the proposal to renounce Christ, for which she was thrown into a well, where she died.

Mother Photinia

A self-proclaimed church leader who is not recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church. She built a temple in the Nizhny Novgorod region with her own money by selling an apartment. He conducts services, has parishioners, publishes his books. Today she calls herself Mother Mary.

Name day - old Christian tradition, which denotes the day of remembrance of the saint whose name is given to a person at birth and baptism. The dates for celebrating the angel's day are set in accordance with Orthodox calendar, a list of the most revered canonized martyrs. It happens that it is not known exactly which saint’s name this or that person bears. In this case, according to tradition, name days according to the church calendar are celebrated on the day of the saint whose memory in the calendar coincides with the birthday of this Christian or immediately follows it. Therefore, despite the huge number of name days for some individual names, each person can have only one in a year, determined in accordance with the date of memory of one of the saints.

The meaning of the name Svetlana

Svetlana's name day is of decisive importance in the formation of the child's character traits. A baby born on such a day is born with certain personal characteristics and qualities. has Slavic roots. The girl named so has been distinguished by a rather contradictory character since childhood. The fact is that she has a very high opinion of herself, although she is an average student and does not have any special abilities that would make her stand out among her peers. At work and in the family, she really likes to command, and she does it well. At the same time, Svetlana is a very kind and sincere person, ready to help even a stranger. In her youth, a girl takes care of her appearance and always strives. Svetlana likes to communicate with men; she is less interested in the company of women. She always knows how to learn from mistakes made and is ready to make drastic lifestyle changes if necessary. For example, change jobs, become softer and more sociable. The most important thing that a girl celebrating Svetlana’s name day should know is that her happiness depends only on herself. Therefore, before getting married, a girl should make sure that her lover is a worthy person and truly loves her. She is very diplomatic in relations with her husband's relatives, so her mother-in-law and father-in-law usually love her very much. Svetlana is very attached to her children and does everything to give them an excellent education. A good housewife and a faithful wife.

Svetlana's name day according to the church calendar

The name Svetlana was invented by A.Kh. Vostokov and was first used in the romance “Svetlana and Mstislav” at the end of the 18th century. The name became widely known after the publication of the famous ballad “Svetlana” by V. Zhukovsky. It began to be used in widespread practice only after church restrictions on naming were lifted. ordinary people names of saints. The times of I.V. Stalin brought him popularity, when he named the daughter of a famous political figure. The euphonious linguistic form and light sound of the name contributed to its rapid spread among the Russian population.

Svetlana's name day is traditionally celebrated in honor of two of the most famous Orthodox saints. February 26 is the day of remembrance of the Venerable Svetlana of Palestine. On April 2, the name day of Svetlana Rimskaya is celebrated.