Many people are interested in Vera Lyon’s predictions for 2019. From time immemorial, people have tried to find out the future of the country and their destiny. Some are trying to get a forecast based on the opinions of politicians and scientists about upcoming events. Others stick to centuries-old methods and go to fortune tellers.

Predictions for 2019

Vera Lyon's latest forecasts have general character. As the clairvoyant says, there are many in the world different countries and they different fate. Her visions are specific, but the images can be interpreted in different ways. Many of them become clear after the foreseen comes true.

What awaits Russia

No major shocks are expected for our country in 2019. Difficult year in politically was 2017, in 2018 the situation became more stable, next year will be quite successful and will be the beginning of the path to Russia’s success on the world political stage.

In Vera’s vision, a man and a woman are sitting by the fire, the man is reading a newspaper, and the woman is wrapped in a blanket and busy with needlework. It symbolizes peace and stability. Winter in 2019 will be harsh, with a lot of snow and storms expected. Another image foreseen by a psychic - a new military equipment, developed in our country, which shoots from underground. This can be interpreted both literally and generally – the state’s buildup of military power.

What awaits the world

Vera Lyon's predictions for 2019 for the world have also been published, although the clairvoyant says the future will become clearer as the new year approaches. The images of the future are turbulent, but she does not predict terrible catastrophes. Cataclysms, disasters and wars will still continue, but their number will be less than in 2017 and 2018.

The first vision concerns a boat, which symbolizes peace. At first it capsizes and sinks, but then it levels out. Then the boat capsizes over the waterfall, the people in it scream, and a bright light rises from below. The prophetess has not yet deciphered these images in detail, but they do not foretell tragedy - the world will have difficulties, but everything will work out. Another plot involves water rising above high-rise buildings and dragons flying in the sky. The flood recedes, the water goes into the split earth.

An old man in black clothes strikes lightning in the same place - perhaps this means a new military conflict - in Africa or the Middle East. In Syria, the situation will level out, and peaceful neighborhoods will begin to be restored. Refugees from other countries will migrate to Europe, Russia and even Syria.

The prophetess does not predict anything good for European countries. She claims that the policies of Trump, the US President, will be aggressive towards Europe, and its residents will face a severe economic crisis. Russia and the United States will establish relatively friendly relations, but China and America will have a conflict (not military, but political).

The global balance of religious forces, according to Vera, will change significantly in 2019-2020. Catholicism will be discredited, and loud revelations by church dignitaries are possible. The clairvoyant predicts the emergence of another religion, which will arise among the Jews and which will be followed by many nations.

Lyon also predicts the fall of a large plane - the crash will occur over the sea.

Predictions that came true

The clairvoyant has many predictions that have come true. Some of these events occurred in the last century. The most famous predictions are:

  • Gorbachev's resignation in 1991;
  • the collapse of the Soviet Union;
  • global economic crisis in 2007;
  • the war in Ukraine and Novorossiya and Yanukovych’s victory in the elections;
  • war in Syria;
  • many fires, volcanoes and disasters that have occurred in the last decade.

Who is Vera Lyon

Clairvoyant, fortune teller, healer, psychic - Vera Lyon gained fame in certain circles back in the 2000s. It is believed that her prophecies come true 95%. She is one of the few famous fortune tellers living today whose name is well known and trusted by the public. “Kazakh Vanga” is what fans of her mystical talent call Vera.

The path of the clairvoyant

Vera Vitalievna Visich was born in Sverdlovsk in 1962. She was an unusual girl- With early years heard voices, saw images and shadows that spoke to her. Her parents did not pay attention, and as she grew up, the girl herself stopped talking about the otherworldly, fearing that she would be recognized as crazy. Although her mother was good at fortune-telling and taught her daughter this, the seer’s talents were otherwise not used at that time. At the age of 14, the girl began to have constant visions that literally tormented her - as soon as she went to bed, frames flashed before her eyes, as if on a screen. After that, her health began to fail, the mother took her daughter to the hospital, but the doctors found nothing and soon everything went away. As Vera later realized, this was the opening of her third eye, and the diseases began because she did not develop her gift.

In her youth, Vera moved to Kazakhstan. She did not stop seeing what was coming, and visions about the fate of her loved ones and herself did not leave the girl: for example, she knew the appearance of her sons even before birth. Her life path was not easy - the husband she married in 1984 quickly disappeared from the horizon. She raised and supported two children on her own, worked for different jobs. At the age of 30, her health deteriorated again; doctors diagnosed the woman with asthma. Realizing that something was wrong, Vera turned to a psychic who was recommended by her friends - there weren’t many of them at that time. The psychic said that she is the owner of a great gift, and people have been working for years to achieve what was given to her by higher powers. The fortuneteller realized that she could no longer give up her own essence, and she began to realize her talents - she treated people, looked for the missing, and told fortunes. But extrasensory perception became her main job only at the age of 40.

The clairvoyant says that she became happy when she fully accepted herself and her gift. She compares her path up to the age of 40 with a biblical story: just as Moses led the Jews through the desert, so Vera wandered in the darkness and suffered many troubles and hardships until she emerged into the bright light. Since then she has been a fortuneteller, healer, and esotericist. Vera Lyon (that's how she took her pseudonym) is talented in other areas. She is a published poet, children's author, photographer and philosopher.

Every person dreams of knowing their future, and some people think more globally; they are not interested in personal forecasts, but in those that concern their country or the planet as a whole. In search of an answer to the question, you can unravel the quatrains of Nostradamus, read the life of Matrona of Moscow or memories of a meeting with a Bulgarian clairvoyant.

And there is an option to directly ask about this from the now living Vera Lyon, who managed to receive the unspoken title of the Kazakh Vanga. Believing her or not is a personal matter for everyone; perhaps it’s worth getting to know her better. This article is devoted to the life and work of a modern psychic.

Who is Vera Lyon?

Any psychic and clairvoyant who is going to make a little money from their clients is simply obliged to take some bright and memorable pseudonym.

The heroine of this story has three pseudonyms: under the name “Vera Lyon” she acts as a soothsayer and fortune teller, “Nika Vil” is the pseudonym with which she signs literary works for children, “Veranika Zima” – poetess.

In the world, Vera Vitalievna Visich, born in 1962, February 14, zodiac sign - Aquarius, according to the eastern horoscope - Tiger.

She claims that since childhood she communicated with spirits, saw prophetic dreams, and learned to tell fortunes, having adopted the gift from her mother. At the age of 14, according to her, the third eye opened, but she did not know what it was, so she did not develop the gift. By the age of 30, she began to be tormented by constant visions, accompanied by severe headaches.

She turned to a psychic for help, it was he who recommended that she develop paranormal abilities, help people, to give an outlet for energy.

Vera Lyon boldly declares that her predictions come true 95 percent, and boldly posts her predictions on the Internet. Therefore, all those interested today have the opportunity to see what, in the opinion of the psychic, awaits Russians and the planet in the near future.

Predictions from Vera Lyon for Russia

The first thing the psychic warns about is that Russia will face great upheavals in the political sphere, there will be a confrontation between the fifth column and the official authorities, imaginary and true patriots of the country.

Vera Lyon’s forecast is quite understandable if we remember that presidential elections are scheduled for March 18 next year Russian Federation. Many people ask the question who will become it, the current prime minister, who was already sitting in the presidential chair, or the new leader of the country.

And the Kazakh clairvoyant is 100% sure that he will be Vladimir Vladimirovich, a worthy candidate from the people. Another prophecy in the political field promises big problems for the authorities associated with the death of a person, although Vera does not name his name.

A parapsychologist gives a very promising prognosis for Agriculture Russia, she assures that the Russians will collect big harvest grains and other crops.

It is clear that he will not fall from the sky; for this, firstly, he will have to work very hard, and secondly, hope that nature and the weather will be favorable to the workers of the fields.

One of Vera Lyon’s latest predictions is related to population; in her opinion, in 2018 Russia will experience a sharp increase in population.

True, the psychic does not say why this figure will increase, either the country is expecting a new demographic explosion, or neighbors will begin to move into the country en masse.

Another option is possible, Russia in Once again will take over the inhabited neighboring territories.

Unlike the Frenchman Nostradamus, the Russian clairvoyant Matrona and the Bulgarian Vanga, the Kazakh healer, poetess and psychic Vera Lyon sees 2018 in a favorable light.

In her opinion, this year, 2017, is the year of cataclysms and troubles. Next year, although there will not be complete calm, less unrest and disasters are expected. She came to this conclusion based on her vision - a white boat sailing on the waves (that is, the sea is not entirely calm, but not stormy either).

Vera Lyon voiced her visions that relate to the main planet of our galaxy, the Sun. The clairvoyant claims that black spots will still appear on it, but there will be much fewer of them than in 2017.

It also predicts that climate and weather will become better, that is, much less, compared to this year, there will be all sorts of natural disasters, fires, rainfalls, floods or droughts.

In her assessments for 2018, Vera Lyon focuses on Eastern horoscope, in her opinion, the coming Year of the Dog will bring people a more or less peaceful existence.

She predicts a surge of interest in environmental issues (projects related to cleanliness), medicine (scientists will find a means to fight cancer).

A clairvoyant from Kazakhstan claims that next year the Earth’s satellite will again welcome guests, although again, which country will send astronauts to the Moon is unknown.

Thus, Vera Lyon, in her predictions, can be said to oppose the prophecies of most psychics in the world. All we have to do is wait and see which one is right.

The new Vanga appeared in Kazakhstan. The fortuneteller Vera Lyon has already gained fame not only in her homeland, but also far beyond its borders.

Vera Lyon predicted that the next year would be turbulent. And although serious cataclysms will bypass the Earth, many serious changes and upheavals will still occur on the planet. The United States faces real problems related to global citizen discontent. This will lead to the fact that America will soon split into several parts. China's progress, according to Vera Lyon, will noticeably weaken. This will be especially noticeable against the background of the power of Russia. A new terrible disease will appear in the world that will affect exclusively men (similar to HIV). Various mutations and changes in people's bodies due to modified products and poor ecology will become clearly visible. At the same time, faith in God will strengthen, and the number of believers will increase noticeably.

Prediction about the USA

Over time, Vera Lyon's predictions become more stunning and louder.

In her latest predictions, Vera Lyon foretells a difficult fate for America. According to the prophetess, the United States will pay for all its actions. In the near future, due to the fault of America, a very bloody war may begin, but it will not take place in Ukraine or Russia.

“While Russia will increase its territories with parts of Central and Northern Kazakhstan and eastern Ukraine, the United States will face collapse and chaos. This year will also be marked by the strengthening of the ruble and the abandonment of the dollar. Because of this, America will suffer great damage, after which the United States will face a deep crisis,” says Vera Lyon.

She also reports that she does not see that there will be a revolution in Russia or that it will lose its integrity; most likely, such a fate awaits America.

Prediction about Ukraine

The latest predictions of the Kazakh Vanga about Ukraine are becoming more and more interesting, because it is she who has already become famous throughout the world for her accurate forecasts about the events taking place in Ukraine. New predictions will open the door to what is happening today and to the mysterious future.

All of Vera Lyon’s latest predictions relate to events taking place in Ukraine. This is not surprising, since the clairvoyant has never been indifferent to tragic events civil war. Even before the first coups on the Maidan happened and the government passed into the hands of the opposition, Kazakh Vanga already knew that this would happen.

She also predicted down to the smallest detail that Alexander Muzychko would die. In addition, in her predictions she spoke about the division of Ukraine and the gravitational pull of the eastern part of the country towards Russia.

The entire fate of Ukraine has always been before the Kazakh clairvoyant like an open book. In her latest predictions, she says that a young politician will become the head of Novorossiya. She thinks either his name or his zodiac sign will be Leo. According to her, the lion will be, perhaps an insignificant, but obligatory attribute of the new ruler. Vera Lyon also claims that Kolomoisky died on April 20 and does not believe that he was seen alive. She considers this a hoax, but the truth cannot explain who benefits from such a deception.


Rating 5

The star of the new fortune teller of Kazakhstan, Vera Lyon, lit up like a bright star. The world learned about her abilities not so long ago, but believed them only two years ago, when her prophecies about Ukraine came true, with which she predicted a war even before the events on the Maidan. You can read about what happened on the Maidan in this article. That's when they started to remember that...

Summary 5.0 excellent

The star of the new fortune teller of Kazakhstan, Vera Lyon, lit up like a bright star. The world learned about her abilities not so long ago, but believed them only two years ago, when her prophecies about Ukraine came true, with which she predicted a war even before the events on the Maidan.

You can read about what happened on the Maidan.

It was then that they began to remember what else Vera Lyon said and who she was. You can find out about this in our article.

Kazakhstan Vanga - Vera Lion

The real name of the fortuneteller is Veronika Vitelevna Visich. She lives in the small town of Shakhtinsk, Karaganda region in Kazakhstan. She is a little over 50 years old.

Vera Lyon has many professions and many pseudonyms. Under the name Nika Vil, she wrote a children's book, where a mother went into the forest with her children and a dog. Mom fell asleep under a tree and dreamed wonderful fairy tales, which she would later tell her children about.

With the name Veranika Zima, she tells adults about her experiences, pouring them out in poetry. Her collection is called “A Muse in My House Again”

One of her poems talks about the future and:


The country, suffocating from the burden,

Fleeing from the Europeans and the Yankees,

The time will come in Novorossiya.

Don't try to remove it.

And they will bloom over the graves,

Gone there forever,

Those are the white flowers of the apple trees,

Lilacs are so vast.

And Saur-grave will respond,

Arise, all war dead!

And it will protect and rise,

We've had enough of war.

After all, it’s hard for our people now,

Left without our help,

And I implore the brave ones,

Let even the dead rise!

Accept those souls of the departed,

People, to you, are completely irrevocable,

They cannot be returned for the dead,

You will rise up to fight!

Fascism cannot disperse,

Can't lift his head.

Get up all people and fight!

The living and the dead are equal.

Vera Visic is also a talented photographer. She shoots in different genres - she is especially good at cubism and impressionism. They also blow with deep force dead cities, which Vera films with her own hands. This photo is called "The Door to Nowhere."

Connected to the spiritual world, Vera Lyon teaches people how to live in harmony with others through the use of aromatherapy. This is an absolutely amazing teaching that, with the help of smells, helps you to own health stronger. She even reveals for free the secret of how to enlarge your breasts and penis using inexpensive means and a little effort on your part.

Vera Lyon does not hide her knowledge from the world, but constantly conducts educational trainings, where she helps other people open up and start creating in her own style.

But in this article we will talk about the predictions that the Kazakh seer Vera Lion made and is making.

Vera Lyon's latest predictions for 2016-2017

Vera Lyon says about 2016 that this is a step that every person should be able to climb. As this happens, so will his future life.

She calls this concept “The Great Transition” and says that the whole world is waiting for it. This is also confirmed by many other clairvoyant psychics.

She also predicts that in 2016 the Federation will come a large number of Russian-speaking population from the east and south. Most likely, she speaks of a new wave of refugees from Ukraine, but she also predicts the beginning of resettlement own people due to strict domestic policies.

USA Vera Lyon predicts to be wary of drugs. After the change of government, American youth will become noticeably addicted to drugs, which will increase the percentage of addicted people. In 5-7 years, this situation will become critical and in 2020-2023 will lead to the collapse of several northern states of America.

Why does she prophesy such events? Vera Lyon said earlier about America and the drug reckoning that due to the fault of the states there will be a war, and for this there will be such a terrible reckoning with the lives of young people. And so it happened. Due to US sponsorship of a terrorist group (or ISIS in the old fashioned way), the war in Syria began.

Also quite frightening and exciting are her words that Barack Obama will become last president North American states. Does this mean the division of the state? Or go to new system management? There's not much time left to wait. If you are interested in information about the elections in the USA, then we wrote about election campaigns and forecasts for the future government.

About Europe Vera sees that in the western part they are now making wrong political decisions that are turning the country off the charted course of development. She cannot say whether this is good or bad, she only notes that in 2017 Europe will experience serious unrest among its citizens, connected precisely with the decisions taken now.

Vera Lyon's predictions for Russia

It should be noted that although Vera Lyon lives in Kazakhstan, she is mostly overwhelmed by visions associated with Ukraine, especially with the conflict that began in 2014 and continues to this day. About Russia, she also says that she sees a map of Russia, with seemingly blurred borders, which have increased due to this blurriness. She calls the Russian Federation a power, and sees the annexation of parts of Kazakhstan and Ukraine, and possibly other countries. Russia's expansion is inevitable, she said.

She also sees that people are shaking Putin and throwing him into the sky. This happens three times. For what, it is unknown. Maybe for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria? We wrote about this decree of his.

For the whole world, Vera Lyon predicts a difficult time due to volcanic activity, she says that it also threatens global warming, which will not be so noticeable for now, but in a few years its beginning will become obvious to everyone.

Vera Lyon's predictions for Ukraine

The collapse of Ukraine is irreversible, according to Vera Lyon. If President Petro Poroshenko is still trying to return part of the country, then the clairvoyant decided long ago that this will not happen. She also predicted earlier that the DPR and LPR would have their own passports, which happened quite recently.

There were also some other events that the Kazakh Vanga spoke about and they later came true:

  • she predicted the imminent death of Alexander Muzychko down to the smallest detail;
  • a year before the incident, she began to talk about the division of Ukraine;
  • discovered her talent in predicting the attraction of the eastern part of the country to Russia

Vera also says that there will be referendums in cities such as Odessa and Kharkov, but there are no prerequisites for this yet. Vera says this could happen in 2017 or 2018, when the conflict in eastern Ukraine fades away, the junta has no one to blame for the economic decline and a new wave of unrest in Ukraine begins. There will be other cities that want to disconnect.

The soothsayer's predictions for Novorossiya are quite optimistic - she says that a certain man will appear, whom she sees as Leo. He will become the new ruler who will lead New Russia to a bright future. What exactly will be in a Leo man - an attribute, a zodiac sign or a name - Vera Lyon kept silent.

“The lion should become not just a symbol of power and government, but precisely the HEAD of the state, who is ready to take responsibility for all events and the destinies of the people who live there.”

Mrs. Lyon warns that Ukraine will resort to such a trick: she will put a woman in front of people, declare her a clairvoyant, who will dance to the tune of the government and force the Ukrainian people to do what she wants. Vera says that this woman will receive all her “prophecies” from the top of the government, which will no longer be Poroshenko. She also predicts the death of Tymoshenko Yulia and the mayor of Kyiv, the formerly famous athlete V. Klitschko.

No matter how Vera talks about new government in Ukraine, she admits that it will be as corrupt as the previous one, so there is no point in hoping for the revival of Ukraine for now.

The activities of Vera Lyon and her psychic practice

We have already told you what Vera Visich does for the soul, but Vera Lyon also provides services to help people, she cures illnesses or restores harmony in the family. She is not involved in charity work, so she has a whole price list for her services. Vera Lyon treats only via Skype, explaining it this way:

“It’s easier for me to treat from a distance; when I treat people in person, people get burned. The energy is strong and when it is nearby, nothing good comes of it; it is much better distributed at a distance. But even at a distance you have to control energy; a large amount of energy does not always provide good action, I have noticed that. Therefore, I ask all clients to tell me what is happening to them at one time or another.”

Her treatment proceeds in this way: she scans a person’s aura. We wrote about the aura in detail in this article, and it reveals spots on it: red, gray or black.

Burning red spots mean serious illnesses - oncology, heart attacks, strokes. Red spots are inflammatory processes in organs. Black - diseases with which a person was already born or diseases associated with curses and damage. We wrote about how to find out if you are damaged in this article.

Gray spots are diseases that are quite simple to cure, and those with a whitish tint are completely white - which have already begun to decline and the person is preparing for recovery.

Vera Lyon understands diseases as tapeworm essences that fill the human body. To cure, it is necessary to pull these creatures out, which is what she does, pulling them towards herself. Then she washes them off cold water and begins to cleanse human blood and vessels. The heavenly doctor entered Vera Lyon in February 2015, before which she treated with prayers and spells. She wrote about the heavenly Doctor in her diary:

“There was a state of trance, I freely determine when it is a dream, when it is reality and when it is a trance. I saw a spirit with a beard and tousled hair, he had a bald spot in the middle of his head, the spirit entered me through my breath. I woke up and thought that it couldn’t be that someone had entered me, then I asked the Higher Powers: who is this? They showed the same man, only he was in a white coat and a white doctor's cap with a red cross. The Higher Powers told me that this is the Heavenly Doctor. Two weeks later, I was again told that I could treat any disease, even congenital. I didn’t really like healing before, I usually focused more on improving life situations.” 02/04/2015

After that, she seriously began to heal human bodies and she succeeds. Amazingly, she sees a human angel in terminally ill people, and if the angel is standing at their feet, then Faith will no longer help, it will only ease the suffering. If the angel is at the head, then Vera can try to work with this person.

Very Lyon also teaches other people her gift, helps to open the third eye by 60 percent:

“Training with the opening of the 3rd eye by 60 - 65% and with a certificate (for example, Vanga had accurate clairvoyance at 72.8%, open the 3rd eye by 90-95%, like me, I cannot and do not I have the right, it’s the person who, after my work, negotiates with the Higher Powers himself, and I’ll tell him how to do it).”

Many visitors to Vera Lyon’s website say that it is very expensive, they say, the services are trivial - removing the evil eye or damage costs 90 thousand rubles, which is good, but the Kazakh seer has her own explanation for this:

“It has been noticed that if a person pays for the work as expected, then the work goes faster and with better quality, but if you make concessions to the person and reduce the payment well, then problems begin at work and you “fuck around” with this person for a long time. Why does this happen? Because quality work and is well priced. The Higher Powers require the same payment, but this payment is my energy. I pay with my energy, and accordingly, with the minimum payment, my minimum energy goes - whether I want it or not. And if I give my best with the minimum payment as if I had the maximum, then I will take part of the illness upon myself and will pay with my health.” V. Lyon.

Dear readers, did Vera Lyon help you? Share information about how you accessed her website and did you communicate with her personally? This information will help our suffering readers and together we will make life easier for hundreds of people.

A resident of Karaganda from Kazakhstan gained popularity when her predictions began to come true. Vera Vasilievna Visich has several names: she writes children's and adult stories under the pseudonyms Nika Vil and Veronica Zima. She carries out her visionary activities under the name Vera Lyon. Like every self-respecting seer, Vera has her own website, where she predicts the future. She voices her thoughts on the pages of in social networks, where she has many subscribers.

The soothsayer does not impose her thoughts and visions on anyone, but Vera sees her secret signs since childhood. As a child, little Vera talked with spirits and saw prophetic dreams. Her mother was a good fortune teller and taught the little girl to correctly interpret everything she saw. After 14 years, Vera began to have severe headaches and heart pain. During the next visit to the hospital, the girl’s mother was told that her daughter was absolutely healthy. Lyon paid a visit to a clairvoyant, who warned her that she must release all the accumulated energy, otherwise Vera will begin to get very sick and this could end badly. After this, the woman began to treat people, charm illnesses into young children, and became interested in literature. So, read on for 2018 for Russia and the whole world.

What will happen in 2018 according to clairvoyant forecasts?

The tense situation in Ukraine has been and remains a burning topic. Vera says that there will be no peace on this earth next year. If we touch on the activities carried out by Vera Lyon, then her latest predictions for 2018 represent Ukraine in the form of a tree: its dry, broken branches are gradually saturated with moisture and are reborn into a living flowering tree. Relations with Russia next year will deteriorate even more and, unfortunately, nothing will change radically.

The seer says that in the future the situation may still stabilize, but not in 2018. It may also happen that the regions do not want to obey Kyiv and form their own state, where another city will be the capital. The psychic said that a young, smart ruler would appear in Novorossiya.

New partners will reach out to Russia, one of which will be Israel. New formations may emerge, which will include Russia and other countries as new allies of a strong superpower. Several years ago, the seer already saw the annexation of the regions of Transnistria to the Russian Federation, which should happen in 2018-2019. The clairvoyant predicts economic growth for Russia in the coming year and the most intriguing statement to date is that the President of the Russian Federation in 2018 will find a second half in the form of a woman much younger than him.

When Vera talks about Russia, she sees a high staircase with excellent lighting, which indicates the internal rise of the Federation. China will begin to weaken in comparison with Russia, which will diligently strengthen its positions associated with the ruble and practically abandon the long-standing dollar system, which will cause irreparable damage to America. The healer says that Russia’s position is strengthening throughout the world and she does not see any split or civil war within the country. The fortune teller says that human migration to the country will peak in 2018. Since the flow of people will be large, this will give the government the right to tighten the law on entry for permanent residence.

Clairvoyant Vera Lyon and her the last prophecy just as they predict the difficult development of the situation in the United States. Previously, Lyon said that America would develop another war, as the situation in Syria now shows, where ISIS is sponsored by the richest eastern countries and the United States. But the prophetess says that America will ultimately collapse and this will be God's punishment for all those millions human deaths, which will remain on the conscience of the American government.

By the way, next year NATO and the EU will lose their seemingly devoted partners. A social crisis will engulf America, in addition, natural disasters with destruction will overtake this country and the combination of these circumstances will bring a lot of trouble to its inhabitants with its destructive effect. Citizens' dissatisfaction can already be seen now, and in 2018 this could result in civil revolutions, which will lead to the split of a powerful state into several parts.

Regarding the global crisis, the fortuneteller says that it will continue throughout the next year, that it will even be felt in the most successful countries, and only by the end of 2018 will some improvements be noted. And by 2020, the world will gradually begin to recover from the most difficult ordeal of the crisis. Vera Lyon, who makes predictions for 2018, says that next year the environmental problem around the world will become acute and scientists will look for a way out of the critical situation. Various anomalous phenomena will begin all over the world.

This will be caused by rising water levels in the oceans and melting glaciers. There could be large-scale disasters. That's what she calls it next year- a year of floods and new epidemics. Faith connects this with the fact that in connection with global cataclysms, many new viruses will appear, hitherto unknown to man. No continents will go under water, as other clairvoyants predict. Localization of flooding will continue in subsequent years, but global global floods are not expected. The same can be said for volcanic eruptions.

The clairvoyant’s predictions came true to the last detail when a riot began in Ukraine. Vera saw down to the smallest events everything that happened after on the Maidan and Crimea. This gives the right to believe the soothsayer. She sees events and interprets them as her inexplicable abilities tell her. Some people blindly believe what is said, while others are skeptical, but the facts speak for themselves.