22 October 2013, 19:44

I was prompted to write this post by a blogger who shared a link to material about Evelyn. I thought that I needed to write a post about Evelyn, because many people have seen her photo floating around the Internet from one site to another, but real story almost no one knows and perhaps this post will clarify the situation a little.

This piece of photography from Robert Wiles was published full page in the May 12, 1947 issue of Life magazine. Under the photo there was an inscription: "Below the Empire State Building, Evelyn McHale's body lies calmly in a grotesque coffin, her fallen body crashing through the roof of a car."

Evelyn, still clutching the pearl necklace in her hand, looks disarmingly serene and calm - as if she was simply sleeping. Yet all around her broken glass and a crumpled sheet of metal from the roof of a car, proof of how devastating and merciless her jump was. 60 years later, this photo remains as impressive and breathtaking as it was when it was first published.

Evelyn Frances McHale was born on September 20, 1923 in Berkeley, California, the sixth child of seven to Vincent and Helen McHale.

Around 1930, Vincent accepted a position as an expert at a federal bank and the family moved to Washington. Soon after, Helen left the family for unknown reasons. Vincent and Helen divorced and Vincent took custody of the children. He later moved the family to Tuckahoe, New York, where Evelyn went to high school.

After high school Evelyn joined the Women's Army Corps and was stationed at Jefferson, Missouri. At the end of her service in the corps, Evelyn burned her uniform.

After this, Evelyn moved to Baldwin, New York to live with her brother and half-sister, and also get a job as an accountant for a company. Here she met Barry Rhodes, with whom she became engaged. They were going to get married in Troy. , New York in June 1947.

On April 30, Evelyn went to Easton to celebrate his 24th birthday with her fiancé, and then boarded a train to return to New York by seven in the morning. On May 1, 1947, Barry told reporters that when he kissed her goodbye Evelyn was happy and quite adequate, like any girl who is about to get married.

Of course, we will never know what thoughts were in Evelyn's head as she drove home. But after her arrival in New York, she went to Governor Clinton's hotel, where she wrote a suicide note and soon, before 10:30 a.m., bought a ticket for the viewing party. site of the 86th floor of the Empire State Building.

Around 10:40 a.m., patrolman John Morrisey noticed a white scarf floating smoothly from the upper floors of the Empire State Building. A moment later, he heard a crash and saw a crowd of people on 34th Street. Evelyn jumped and her body landed on the roof of a parked limousine on 34th Street 200 meters west of Fifth Avenue. The girl was only 23 years old.

Across the street, Robert Wiles, a student and photographer, also noticed the commotion and rushed to the limousine, where he took several photographs 4 minutes after Evelyn's death. Later, on the observation deck, Detective Frank Murray found a brown (or maybe gray, police reports vary) a coat neatly folded on the observation deck, a brown cosmetic bag containing family photographs and a black notebook with a note that said the following:

I don't want anyone from my family or at all to see my corpse. Could you give my body cremation? I ask you and my family - do not do anything for me and do not remember me. My fiancé asked me to marry him in June. I think that I cannot become a good wife for someone. My fiance will be much better off without me. Tell my father that I have too many similarities with my mother.

Evelyn's body was identified by her sister, Helen Brenner, and as she had requested, it was cremated.

After this photo appeared in Life magazine, many publications continued to publish it and thereby made this photo one of the iconic photos of the 20th century. Andy Warhol later used it for his series “Death and Disasters” (1962-1967 ).

Evelyn's family provided the newspapers with one of Evelyn's home photos:

Since the Empire State Building was built in 1931, 36 people have committed suicide by jumping from it, including 17 more who jumped from the 86th floor observation deck.

Group Parenthetical Girls dedicated a song to Evelyn:

Methods of suicide - is it possible to leave gracefully?

(2nd version of article title)

This material is prepared exclusively for people who want to commit suicide. We strongly do not recommend reading this material to people with increased impressionability, as well as minors, pregnant women, and the sick.

Pathologists do not agree that a person is a single whole.

(Valentin Domil)

Some people may have the idea that suicide can be a beautiful or even heroic act. A person imagines how friends, relatives, and maybe enemies around a beautiful coffin will tear out their hair and sprinkle it with ashes from what they did not protect, did not preserve. And then, perhaps, they will remember him and grieve: “Why did the person die? What is our fault? Oh, what a tragedy!..” And the body itself will smell fragrant, and only a thin stream of blood from the corner of the lips will glamorously flow down the pale, beautiful face.

It's a pity for such people. They truly “don’t know what they are doing.” What actually happens is...


In 1944, the very famous thirty-six-year-old Hollywood actress Lupe Velez decided to commit suicide. A person of a creative profession, she wished to die beautifully at the height of her beauty and glory. She thought about it for a long time and decided to perform one beautiful script. Surrounding her bed with a sea of ​​fresh flowers, she last time I washed myself, put on my favorite blue negligee, and then slowly washed down a bunch of pills I had prepared in advance with expensive cognac and lay down on a luxurious bed, awaiting the arrival of death.

But everything didn’t go according to script, as after a few minutes the body’s natural reaction to poisoning occurred and she began vomiting uncontrollably. Very quickly and a beautiful dress, and the floor under her bed was covered in vomit. Jumping from her bed, knocking over flowers, she quickly ran into the bathroom. There she slipped on the contents of her stomach and hit her head on an Egyptian onyx toilet, suffering severe injuries. She managed to kneel down in front of the toilet, but then lost consciousness and ended up choking on her own vomit. They found her all dirty, smelling terrible, and with her head in the toilet. After this, Hollywood finally realized that poisoning as a method of suicide is not at all aesthetic.

This case has a very characteristic picture for poisoning. No one can control the gag reflex, despite any measures to suppress it.

And calculate all the nuances of the impact of a certain poison on a unique organism specific person So, even specialist doctors will not always be able to achieve the desired result. Even a carefully calculated dose can give unpredictable results. So, don't try. Otherwise, like this actress, there is every chance of choking on your own vomit in agony, and, much more likely, you will remain disabled for the rest of your life.

If you are taken to the hospital, they will restrain you with towels after first stripping you naked. The spectacle is reminiscent of footage from the department psychiatric hospital for the violent ones. The picture will be completed by tubes protruding from the mouth (after intubation of the trachea and insertion of the probe into the intestine), and the neck (after a tracheostomy - cutting the trachea).

The dying process can continue for several long and extremely painful days, during which the person will suffer wildly. He will undergo detoxification and washing, but the poison will continue to be absorbed by the body and perform its destructive effect in it. In this case, the gag reflex will not go away, and the dying person will lie tied up on a dirty bed.

If a suicide does die without waiting for help, then his loved ones will see a corpse with vomit in the hair, in feces, in cadaveric spots, with a characteristic fetid odor and signs of varying degrees of decomposition...

In general, the “beauty” is extraordinary. The dramatic effect that the suicide may have hoped for in his romantic illusions will be clearly blurred. It is naive to think that the person who finds this, will call an ambulance, help put the corpse in a bag, then drag it somewhere, will have some good memories of the suicide.


The hanged men are also far from cute. And death, if it comes, will not be at all what it is imagined to be. After all, first a rather long agony will come, accompanied by convulsions, during which the hanged man will hit nearby objects, leaving bruises, abrasions, fractures, and bruises on the body. Only then will the sphincters of the anus and urethra open, and the entire contents of the intestines and bladder will rush under the hanging corpse, leaving him literally in the shit. Under the corpse there is a puddle, on the corpse itself there are cadaveric spots, especially on the legs where the blood flows, a strangulation groove on the neck, and all this with the smell of an indescribable amber with the main note of shit.

On the corpse, after the blood has drained from the head, where it created during the agony high blood pressure, most likely they will find severe hematomas, hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissue, legs pectoral muscles and neck muscles and, of course, cadaveric spots.

The corpse's neck is deformed due to a fractured vertebra. When examining the oral cavity, you can see the color of the mucous membranes, which has a rather creepy shade. But what scares people even more is the terrible grimace and eyes that often pop out of their sockets. Such a goggle-eyed corpse cannot be called cute.

And of course, the most characteristic detail of this method of suicide, one might say the highlight, is the blue tongue sticking out to the side, which in the morgue will simply be cut off and then stuffed into the stomach. Why in the stomach? Why sew it back? Corpses don't speak - they don't need language.

Jump from the window

After a jump, a person can turn into mincemeat. Although it is very likely that this jump will lead to a wheelchair. And maybe even to a plant existence until the end of days. There are no guarantees here.

Let's consider the first option. The “adventures” will begin while still in flight, when the suicide bomber, during a stepwise fall, will hit balconies, walls, trees, and other obstacles, leaving not only teeth, parts of clothing, but even body parts on them. When landing, the remaining teeth and body fragments may fly in all directions, and the ugly toothless mouth will fill with blood.

The bones that are broken by the blow will come out for others to see, and the brain, as the most saturated part of the body with water (90%), can first fly apart and then spread over a very long distance. The internal organs and their contents will fall out into dust and dirt along with the brains, which, of course, will not add romance to the surrounding landscape.

Children can see all this, and the sight of a corpse, blood, individual organs and viscera with their contents can cause irreparable harm to the psyche of children.

As usual, a crowd of people will gather at the corpse to discuss and judge. No one will admire your “feat”. And they will not be imbued with sympathy for the dead. The skull deformations will especially impress onlookers. I hit my head and I couldn’t tell where my nose was, where my eyes were, where my ears were.

In the morgue, it will be very difficult to give a believable outline to such a body. Reconstructing the human body so that it can be looked at without horror is a very expensive undertaking. So, if the relatives do not have a large amount of money, or the morgue does not have a professional of the appropriate level who has a great desire to reconstruct all this, then it is preferable to put the corpse in a bag, and the bag itself in closed coffin so as not to injure those present at the funeral.

Vein cutting

If someone suddenly thinks that he can romantically die by cutting his veins, then he must clearly understand that even if he manages to lose consciousness, agony will begin, convulsions will cramp his face, snot and drool will flow uncontrollably, and terrible sensations The suicidal person will be tormented for a long time. If this happened in the bath, then those who find this slobbering body will see an absolutely white corpse covered in blood, and due to the relaxation of the anal sphincters, also in their feces.

Naturally, if the act of suicide occurs in a warm room and summer season, then the picture will be “decorated” by numerous flies, as well as gigantism of the corpse, maceration and other changes that are characteristic of drowned people, if the corpse lies in the water for a sufficient time for the manifestation of these signs.

For those who come in, the sight is so shocking that all other methods of suicide simply pale in comparison to this picture! Pale abomination, stench, red water with floating clots of blood and feces...

It’s good that it’s not easy to kill yourself this way.


The sight of a suicide who still managed to drown himself is terrible. The corpse usually floats to the surface after some time, which is due to rotting processes releasing gases, such as hydrogen sulfide. The surfaced body is usually much larger in volume (a giant corpse) and does not at all resemble a person during life. To say that the corpse of a drowned man looks terrifying is to say nothing. A huge corpse with altered proportions of face and body, often also swollen with gases, gnawed by fish and crayfish, covered in leeches, mud and algae, certainly looks terrible.

On it you can usually see cadaveric spots of a dark purple color, persistent white or light pink finely bubbled foam around the openings of the mouth and nose, maceration, that is, swelling, wrinkling and subsequent rejection of the skin from the body (“bath skin”, “washerwoman’s skin”, “glove of death”, “groomed hand”). The timing of the manifestation and development of maceration depends on the water temperature. For example, at a temperature of 14-16 °C it begins after 8 hours. That is, first from the fingers, then from the hands, and then from the rest of the body, pieces of skin begin to flake off and separate. And after 10-20 days, hair begins to fall out. So, if a dead body “manages” to swim so much, then it has a chance of going completely bald.

When in water, the corpse also becomes overgrown with algae. This is a cyclical process: the algae on the corpse is completely renewed every 3-4 weeks. It should also be said that after drowning, the body of a drowned person may be subject to further traumatization. The reasons leading to the occurrence of post-mortem injuries in water are very diverse: impacts on the ground, random objects and parts of water structures located in a reservoir, impacts from propellers, hydrofoils and other parts of ships, as well as injury from hooks and various improvised means used during searches. and removing the body from the water. But the greatest damage is usually caused by representatives of aquatic fauna: fish, crayfish, aquatic insects, leeches, etc.

In addition, forensic experts often find particles of silt, algae, and in the respiratory tract. And the venous system is filled with liquid blood with plankton in it (protozoa, some coelenterates, mollusks, crustaceans, eggs and larvae of fish, larvae of various invertebrate animals), which penetrate almost all tissues and organs. Plankton is also found in other internal organs(kidneys, spinal cord, etc.). It is the types of unicellular organisms, crustaceans and other representatives of the rich aquatic fauna found inside the body and their relative quantitative content that will indicate not only the fact of drowning, but also the specific body of water in which it occurred.

Pulling out and decorating such a corpse on the spot may please and even bring pleasure only to necrophiliacs.

And, of course, loading and taking away such a body, which often does not fit on a stretcher, is not a pleasant task for normal people, just like simply contemplating such a corpse. And even more so for those who will bury.


When blood and brains flow down the wall or stick to the wall, and parts of the skull, fatty tissues and other pieces that used to make up the head are scattered around, then seeing this picture, and even more so a disfigured corpse, which may have missing teeth, and the incoming hole is significantly less than a huge one coming out, extremely unpleasant. This species traumatizes everyone, with the possible exception of forensic experts. It happens that pets (dogs, cats, etc.) cannot recognize the owner in such a disfigured form, and begin to taste him. A cat's mouth smeared with blood after tasting its owner's brains is also not a sight for the faint of heart. For example, one of the authors of the article saw a cat that tasted the contents of the skull of its owner, who ended his life with a shot in the head. Naturally, insects (cockroaches) and rodents (rats, mice) also do not refuse such a gift from a suicide.

A gunshot wound in the head area leads to almost complete disfigurement of the face, especially the orbital areas, due to the action of powder gases, practically tearing the head from the inside.

After being shot in the head, it is rarely possible to bury the body without causing confusion and horror to those present at the ceremony. If the skull was not damaged (which happens extremely rarely; more often the head generally flies apart), then you need to pay a very substantial sum to the pathologist so that he can give what remains after the shot a more or less similar appearance to the head. But, of course, even after this, the person lying in the coffin is not very charming.

The person who shoots at himself, in addition, creates a lot of problems for other people who will suffer undeservedly. Collecting parts of the head piece by piece in a plastic bag, and then removing and washing away the blood, mucus, and lymph will not be pleasant for them. In any case, there will be a serious investigation into where the weapons came from, and there will be no peace for the survivors.

There is one more feature. Firstly, people don't know where to shoot. Secondly, the skull is a pretty strong thing, and the bullet can change its direction. There is a high probability that the person will remain deeply disabled.

The reaction of others to the corpse

A separate conversation is about how others react to the spectacle of violent death. As we have already said, except for those who like to look at corpses, for everyone else the sight of the dead body of a suicide does not evoke pleasant sensations, but evokes the opposite, the mildest of which is disgust. The psyche of many people, especially children, who saw such terrible things, will be irreparably traumatized. Such pictures do not evoke sympathy for the suicide even among their loved ones.

Almost every presentation of such an incident is not complete without gossip, condemnation, moralizing from neighbors and random people.

So, if during your life you suffered from, as it seemed to you, unfair treatment towards yourself, from the fact that, in your opinion, you were not recognized or understood, then after such a terrible death it is unlikely that you will be treated better. Most likely, just the opposite, they will find confirmation of the validity of the attitude that existed.

The presentation of the incident also does not happen the same way as in the movies. To establish the time of death, a thermometer is inserted into the rectum of the corpse right at the scene. It is necessary to measure the temperature at least 2-3 times with an interval of 1 hour. All this time, the corpse lies on public display without underwear with a thermometer in the anus. At the same time, other places are also exposed, describing the damage on the suicide. Yes, some abnormal onlookers enjoy this, but this cannot be said about witnesses, others normal people and especially about the relatives of the suicide victim.

It is especially unpleasant for them that they are forced to clean up the consequences of suicide, make repairs, and wash damaged things. And cleaning up vomit, urine and feces, then collecting pieces of the body, washing away blood and mucus can fall out not only to relatives, but also, for example, to janitors...

The stretcher on which the corpse is placed always has dirty stains and dried blood on the tarpaulin. It seems like they are never clean.

Even professional orderlies will not carefully and with a mournful look carry and transport on a gurney what was previously the body of a person who himself gave up life. They will not shed tears, but will treat him as the waste tissue that previously consisted of the person who provided them with extra, extremely unpleasant work.

Agree that this will be quite fair. If you yourself treated your own body with such disdain while the soul was still in it, then why should the people whom you loaded with this difficult work treat it with more respect?

 ( Pobedesh.ru 886 votes: 3.54 out of 5)

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Originally posted by elefant59 at "The most beautiful suicide (part 2)
Originally posted by elefant59 at "The most beautiful suicide (part 1)

A still from the series about the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood "Desperate Romantics".

The suicides of Cleopatra, Lucretia and Ophelia were the most popular historical subjects on the topic of female death in painting. Now advertising photography has picked up the baton and the emphasis has shifted somewhat. Ophelia and others - this is the title of the list of the most popular heroines.

"Ophelia" John Everett Millais 1852

22-year-old Elizabeth Siddal posed for John Millet's Ophelia. Lizzie was one of the favorite models of the Pre-Raphaelites, and almost all members of the brotherhood depicted her on their canvases. She also drew well - her work was highly appreciated by John Ruskin himself. She tried herself in poetry - her style was compared to the poems of Christina Rossetti, the sister of the artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

Elizabeth Siddal, Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1865

William Shakespeare "Hamlet". Ophelia's death scene:
"She tried to hang her wreaths on the branches; the insidious branch broke, and the grass and she herself fell into the sobbing stream. Her clothes, spread out, carried her like a nymph; meanwhile she sang snatches of songs, as if she did not sense trouble or was a creature , born in the element of water; this could not last, and the clothes, heavily drunk, carried the unfortunate woman away from the sounds into the quagmire of death."

"Ophelia" or "The Death of Ophelia" John Everett Millais 1852. ()

White roses on the shore.

Roses are the flowers of love, youth and beauty, and also the name - “rose of May” - given by Laertes to his sister.

Pink roses float near Ophelia's cheek and on her dress.

Buttercups, in the foreground of the picture, signify ingratitude or childishness.

The weeping willow bending over Ophelia is a symbol of rejected love.

Nettles that grow around willow branches imply pain.

Daisies about right hand mean innocence.

The purple loosestrife in the upper right corner of the picture comes from the play: these are the same “fingers of the dead,” northern orchids from which Ophelia wove a wreath.

The garland of violets on Ophelia’s neck is from the scene in which she gives flowers to the royal couple and her brother: “I also wanted to give you violets, but they withered when my father died. They say he had an easy death.”

Violets are a symbol of purity and death at a young age.

Meadowsweet flowers signify the futility of Ophelia's death.

Light blue forget-me-nots on the riverbank imply devotion.

The pansies that Ophelia says are “for thoughts” float on her dress. They can also indicate thoughts about vain love (the name comes from the French, penses)

Ophelia's sadness is symbolized by the eye of the pheasant swimming next to the pansy.

The wreath in the lower right corner is grief. Many nations have a tradition of funeral wreaths. In Europe they were made primarily for dead girls.

“She thought to hang her wreaths on the branches of the willow, But the branch broke. The poor thing fell into the weeping stream With flowers.”

The bright red poppy with black seeds signifies sleep and death.

The image of a blackbird makes me remember Ophelia’s song: “My dear blackbird, the only joy I have is your merry song.”

The play of light and shadow in the foliage or the real skull in the right corner of the picture is memento mori.

Maybe the skull looked like this?

The frame of the picture is covered with ivy. Ivy in Victorian era symbolized the feminine principle, which needs an oak tree (masculine principle) to twine around it. Ivy is also associated with melancholy.

At first, the film was received very coolly by critics and only over time received well-deserved recognition. Ruskin called her "the most joyful English landscape, peopled with sadness", and Salvador Dali wrote with pathos in his article that "The Pre-Raphaelites gave us dazzling women who are at once the most desirable and the most frightening of all", but the greatest compliment was made by the professor of botany, who, unable to take the class out into nature, held a class in the town hall before Millet's work.

Stranger from the Seine, 1880

The Stranger from the Seine (L’Inconnue de la Seine) - unidentified corpse of 16 summer girl, found in the Seine at the end of 1880. No signs of violence were found on the body and the most likely cause of death was determined to be suicide. The pathologist was so fascinated by the appearance of the drowned woman that he made a plaster cast.

Over the course of several years, copies of the print circulated in Paris and became a fashionable attribute in bohemian society. Writers, poets and artists drew inspiration from the image of the girl and dedicated their works to her. Albert Camus compared her smile with the smile of the Mona Lisa, the poet and cultural critic Al Alvarez wrote in his book that a whole generation of German fashionistas compared their appearance to her as an ideal.

Photo from 1900

The continuation of the story appeared in 1958. Peter Lamar and Asmud Laerdahl, the creators of the modular mannequin Resusci Anne, on which they teach artificial respiration, took facial features from the plaster mask L"Inconnue de la Seine as the basis for the mannequin's face.

LOVE Spring/Summer 2013, model - Chloe Moretz, photographers - Marte Alas and Marcus Pigotti

Over the 84 years of existence of the “suicide skyscraper” (as the 102-story Empire State Building in Manhattan is called), 38 people jumped from it. One case has been called “The Most Beautiful Suicide” for almost seventy years, and two can safely be called “The Ugliest Suicides.”

View of New York from the Empire State Building

“The Most Beautiful Suicide” - LIFE magazine published this headline on May 12, 1947. The body of 23-year-old Miss Evelyn McHale, who jumped from the Empire State Building on May 1, 1947, was photographed by a passer-by four minutes after the fall.

"Under the Empire State Building lies Evelyn McHale in a grotesque coffin, from the roof of a car crushed by his body” - caption under this photo in LIFE

The girl jumped from the observation deck of the 86th floor of the Empire State Building, landing on the roof of a UN limousine parked at the curb. Beautiful face retained a serene expression, her hands in snow-white gloves clutched a pearl necklace, and her legs folded into a pose characteristic of rest.
There was no blood or external injuries on the body, although an autopsy showed that inside it had turned into jelly.

It was never established what exactly pushed Miss McHale to take this jump from a skyscraper - there were no obvious problems in her life, she was engaged, and during her last meeting with her groom she looked quite happy.
On the observation deck, Evelyn's neatly folded coat, her purse with cosmetics and a posthumous note were discovered in which she wrote that she could not become a good wife, and her fiancé would be better off without her.

Empire State Building Observation Deck

Evelyn McHale became the twelfth of the 36 Empire State Building suicides. After five more people decided to follow her example over the course of three weeks in 1947, a protective barrier was erected around the site, and guards were trained to visually identify potential suicides.
After this, people began to jump either from other parts of the skyscraper (usually from office windows), or overcoming the protective barrier on the observation deck. The most recent suicide occurred there on May 30, 2010, when a 23-year-old student was able to climb over the fence and jump down.

But not everyone is so lucky to see the Empire State Building. Some of the potential suicide bombers were detained by security, and two suicide bombers jumped from a three-hundred-meter height and managed to stay alive.
On December 2, 1979, Miss Elvita Adams and on April 25, 2013, an unknown young man jumped from the observation deck of the 86th floor, but a strong gust of wind carried their bodies to the ledge of the lower 85th floor, from where they were dragged away by security with bruises and fractures (the girl is thighs, and the young man - ankles). These two never repeated their attempt to jump from the Empire State Building, if only because after the surgical department of the hospital they were sent to psychiatric hospitals.
In psychiatric hospitals, I hope they were able to convey to them the simple idea that it is better to be ugly alive than beautiful dead.

And an old American joke on this topic.
Two men sit at a bar on the top floor of a skyscraper. One of them, quite drunk, turns to the other and says:
- You know, I discovered that if you jump from this building in this exact place, then strong air currents will definitely carry you back.
The bartender grimaces, and the second man objects: “That can’t be true.”
The first one opens the bar window, jumps from a skyscraper, and after a few seconds calmly ascends back. His neighbor does not believe his eyes and also decides to try - he jumps out of the window, flies through the thirtieth floor, twentieth, tenth... And plops down on the sidewalk.
The bartender pours whiskey for the first man:
- Well, you’re an asshole, Superman, when you drink...


On May 12, 1947, a photograph was published in Live magazine beautiful girl. The model froze in an elegant pose, but her eyes were closed. It seemed that this photo was taken by a talented photographer as part of another interesting fashion project. But that's not true. In fact, the photo was posthumous. It shows 23-year-old Evelyn McHale, who committed suicide by jumping from heights.

Biography of Evelyn: childhood years

Evelyn was born on September 20, 1923 in California. When the girl was seven years old, her family moved to the city because her father was invited to the position of expert at a federal bank.

The relationship between Evelyn's parents did not go well. The reason was the mother, who may have had mental illness. At one point, she simply packed her things and left home, and the seven children remained under the care of their father.

Military service, moving and working as an accountant

Evelyn grew up as an ordinary child, but after school she developed an obsessive, desire to serve in the military. McHale implemented this idea immediately. However, not everything in the army went smoothly. After serving in Jefferson, the girl publicly burned her military uniform.

Evelyn then moved to Baldwin, Nassau County, New York. There she settled in the same apartment with her brother and sister. Evelyn McHale, whose biography is presented by many sources as a list of dry facts, after several interviews was able to get a job as an accountant in a mediocre company. After this, a fateful meeting awaited her.

Meeting with Barry

In New York, Evelyn met Barry Rhodes. He was a student at Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania, and it was there that the young man soon left as the next semester began. Despite the long separation, Barry and Evelyn's relationship was very warm. In June 1947, young people were going to get married. But plans and dreams about happy life was not destined to come true.

The last meeting of lovers

On April 30, 1947, Evelyn went to see Barry in Easton. The young people spent the day together, and on May 1, early in the morning, the girl boarded a train bound for New York.

Barry himself, after learning about the tragedy, was depressed and dumbfounded. The young man said that he did not notice anything strange in the behavior of his beloved. Evelyn enjoyed life and seemed happy, like any girl who is about to have a long-awaited wedding. Perhaps Barry would not have let her go to New York then, if he had known that that farewell kiss on the platform was the last...

Step into the abyss

Why Evelyn decided to commit suicide that day is still not known exactly. It was established that upon arrival in New York, the girl did not go home, but to the Clinton hotel. It was there that she wrote hers and then went to buy a ticket to the observation deck of the Empire State Building.

The girl climbed to the 82nd floor and from there stepped down into the abyss.

White scarf and note

A light white scarf floating smoothly down from the Empire State Building was noticed by a patrolman named John Morrissey. According to him, he immediately heard a noise and rushed to the building to see what had happened.

Beautiful and peaceful in her death, the girl lay on the roof of a Cadillac parked on 4th Street, about 200 meters from Fifth Avenue. Passers-by who witnessed this suicide were shocked. The death of such a young woman was depressing and frightening at the same time.

Detective Frank Murray was involved in the McHale case. He climbed the Empire State Building to understand why Evelyn McHale threw herself from the observation deck. There he found the girl's belongings - her neatly folded coat and a brown handbag, which contained a suicide note. In it, Evelyn asked for forgiveness from her family and expressed her desire to be cremated. She didn’t want people to cry about her or remember her, so she didn’t need a place of worship. The girl also wrote that even though the wedding with Barry was planned for the beginning of summer, she understood that she would not be able to marry him and become a good wife to the guy. Evelin felt that she was too much like her mother. Perhaps she didn't want her children to have to go through the same things she had to go through in the past.

Evelyn McHale: The Most Beautiful Death

David Wiles, an aspiring photographer, was near the Empire State Building that day. It was he who took the photograph that was published in Life, and then ended up in many other publications. It shows Evelyn lying on the roof of a Cadillac after her death. She herself is calm and serene. She's beautiful. Only shards of glass and twisted metal around testify to the tragedy that occurred.

This photo has become iconic. He shows death as frighteningly beautiful and at the same time inevitable and merciless, just as it is.

Further events

Evelyn's body, which remained so beautiful after the fall, was cremated by relatives, thereby fulfilling the last will of the deceased. It is known that during the transportation of the remains to the morgue it was not possible to preserve their integrity. The reason for this was a terrifying blow, due to which the girl’s insides literally became liquid.

Evelyn, as you might guess, has no grave. There is no place where her loved ones could come to mourn the passing of the young beauty. Barry couldn't bring flowers to the gravestone either.

Rhodes, by the way, moved to Florida after graduating from college. He never married.

Death of Evelyn McHale in art and music

A photo of a dead girl on the roof of a car was sold in the press in millions of copies in newspapers and magazines. Something about him attracted people, as if there was some kind of magic in death, elusive, inexplicable. This photograph still attracts me as something unknown. Little is known about the causes of McHale’s death, so from the photograph many are trying to “examine” what became the true preconditions for what happened. There is also a color version of this photo, no less beautiful than the original.

It is noteworthy, however, that the young photographer who then captured Evelyn did not become a famous master of his craft. The world no longer heard about his work, and no exhibitions were held with his participation.

It is also interesting that few other photographs of this deceased girl have survived. They are only in Evelyn McHale's family album. The photo taken during her lifetime is available to the press in a single copy. It was then provided for publication in Life by Evelyn’s relatives.

The iconic photograph, taken after the girl’s death, was taken as the basis for his collage by the famous American artist. This work was called “Suicide” (Suicide. Fallen Body) and was part of the “Death and Disasters” cycle, consisting of four paintings. The cycle was published in the 60s of the last century.

Already in the new century, the Portland pop group Parenthetical Girls recorded a song called Evelyn McHale, dedicated to the tragedy of the infamous girl.

Empire State Building - suicide skyscraper

The Empire State Building during McHale's time was the most tall building New York. That is why suicides were quite common here.

So, McHale was twelfth in a row. In a three-week period then, in April-May 1947, as many as five suicides occurred, Evelyn's case was one of them. Of course, this attracted the attention of the public, and the authorities decided to somehow secure the building. A special net was installed on the observation deck of the 86th floor, and security guards were trained to visually identify people on the verge of suicide. This helped, and suicides involving falls from the observation deck stopped for a while. But people kept coming and coming here to take their own lives. Only now they chose not the observation deck of the 86th floor, but the windows of the offices on the upper floors.

The case of a failed suicide on the Empire State Building is noteworthy. Elvita Adams jumped from the same observation deck in 1979, but a strong gust of wind brought her back. The girl flew through a window on the 85th floor, and the only consequence for her was a broken hip.

However, 36 people still completed the job, and their sad stories are forever associated with the Empire State Building. Inseparable from the skyscraper is the most beautiful suicide in the world, committed by Evelyn McHale.