The question of whether there is harm from using the essential amino acid BCAA in your diet is associated with the prevailing stereotype about the advisability of sports nutrition and side effects. The formed public opinion about the negative side effects of taking medications also left its mark on the attitude towards amino acids.

BCAA amino acids


Sometimes even educated people have the wrong idea about what amino acids are and what their benefits are. But these are substances without which the life of the human body is not possible; they are responsible for muscle growth. Our body cannot produce them on its own and receives them from food, in the process of enzymatic processing. Therefore, such substances are supplied with a certain deficiency; irrational and inappropriate behavior is to blame for this. balanced diet. In addition, the process of assimilation of such substances is greatly influenced by bad habits and stress. Therefore, many are increasingly turning to the use of BCAA in their diet to compensate for their deficiency in the body.

Essential amino acids include branched chain amino acids, which include: leucine, isoleucine, valine. Such food supplements are made from natural products through partial processing, so any harm to health from their use is practically excluded. And the benefits of a successfully balanced diet are beyond doubt even among the most inveterate skeptics.

Leucine is part of amino acids

Conditions of use

Many people, before starting to take amino acids, try to find information about whether there are contraindications for their use.
As with any other sports supplement, there are a number of conditions that must be met to maximize the benefits of its use.

BCAA is protein product and puts a strain on kidney function. Therefore, if there are problems with this organ, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in order to minimize possible harm. This does not mean that the intake of amino acids will need to be completely eliminated; perhaps it is simply necessary to limit the amount of their consumption in order to avoid an overdose.

Although this product is a broken down protein, caution should be exercised when consuming it for those who have problems with gastrointestinal tract. Especially for those who have an enzyme or acid-base balance that is not normal. In these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor regarding the amount of supplements taken.

BCAA is a protein product

When taking BCAA, side effects such as stomach discomfort or even diarrhea are possible. But this is usually associated with the use of a low-quality or expired product. Therefore, before purchasing a drug, you need to make sure of its quality and expiration date.

Allergy to taking BCAA is very rare, but in order to be safe from it, it is necessary to start taking it with small doses in order to determine whether an allergy appears. Basically, an allergy to taking amino acids occurs in people prone to allergies to products containing lactose. In this case, you should pay attention to BCAA based on plant products. Another issue to pay attention to is the interaction of BCAA with other drugs, especially drugs. Although in most cases, amino acids react neutrally to their simultaneous use with medications, you should pay attention to the fact that the substances included in their composition have a slight calming effect. Therefore, you should be careful when using them together with sedatives (especially those taken for allergies), since their effect (including side effects) can be increased.

One more an important condition, on which the success and effectiveness of taking BCAA will depend, is limiting or completely eliminating the use of products containing alcohol. Of course, it is often possible to completely change this bad habit, can be quite difficult. But since the use of amino acids usually occurs in conjunction with intense physical activity, avoiding drinks containing alcohol becomes simply necessary. Because alcoholic substances containing it significantly affect the processes of the entire body, including the work of breaking down and assimilating amino acids. And this can neutralize the positive effect of taking these supplements due to the fact that alcohol disrupts the production of enzymes.

Therefore, to achieve the effectiveness of taking BCAA, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, since it is it that destroys the branched side chains of amino acids, and also interferes with the normal process of protein synthesis and the construction of muscle fibers. In addition to all this, it is alcohol that often disrupts the acid-base balance, which is necessary for normal protein absorption.

Alcohol must be avoided

Many sports nutrition stores sell a huge number of different BCAAs. Of course, such stores should be trusted. But amino acids are produced mainly abroad and our prices for them are greatly increased. It is much cheaper to order amino acids on the American website iherb, where prices are much cheaper, there are always promotions and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. Therefore, if you have already decided which BCAA amino acids are best for you, then any of these amino acids can be found on iherb using this link.

Myths about harm

Existing myths that the use of amino acids can harm potency have no basis. On the contrary, research confirms the positive effect of consuming amino acids on male potency, since a balanced diet can significantly improve the functioning of hormonal systems (including in the sexual sphere).

With the correct regimen of taking BCAA and rational physical activity, it is possible to increase the production of testosterone, which has a positive effect on male potency. In addition, the substances that are part of the essential amino acids have a number of properties that affect the psychological state of a person.

Consumption of BCAA improves the quality of muscle tissue

A slight calming effect, along with complete restoration of the body, allows you to avoid the dangers of sexual dysfunction. Consumption of BCAA improves the quality of muscle tissue, which in turn has a positive effect on male potency. Increasing the overall tone of the body and increasing the percentage muscle mass and reduction of body fat also has a positive effect on potency. Since everyone knows the fact that it is a large number of body fat leads to decreased testosterone levels. Therefore, taking amino acids has no negative effect on potency. Also, there is no confirmation of the influence of amino acid consumption on the occurrence of cancer, although researchers have repeatedly addressed this topic, but scientific evidence for the theory that taking amino acids can cause cancer has not been found.

Valin, leucine And isoleucine are three essential amino acids, which belong to the group of branched chain amino acids, or BCAA.

From the article you will learn

  • About each of the three amino acids that make up BCAA
  • Benefits of BCAA for the body
  • How many BCAAs should you take every day?
  • What foods contain BCAAs?

play an important role in the metabolic process and are actively used in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, as well as in intensive care. BCAA are a popular and widely available sports supplement. It is especially famous in bodybuilding and other sports that require growth. muscle tissue. BCAAs are classified as essential amino acids, since they cannot be synthesized in the body, and therefore must be supplied to it with food containing protein.

  • Valin
  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine

Branched chain amino acid – valine, used in industry for fermentation alcoholic drinks, in addition, is the basis of many important enzymes. Valine contributes to the body's energy production process, which means it plays an important role in building strength and muscle mass. Foods rich in valine are popular among athletes, especially bodybuilders, who are trying to accelerate muscle growth (hypertrophy), increase strength, performance and speed.

Leucine plays a central role in the metabolism of muscle tissue and therefore contributes to its formation and maintenance. It is an important “building material” for many proteins, which means it supports various processes related to recovery. Adults should consume 10-50 mg of leucine per kilogram of body weight. However, its deficiency may be caused by a lack of vitamin B6.

Likewise, a key role in providing energy to muscle tissue is played by isoleucine, which is especially important during periods of intense training or extreme hunger.

If isoleucine is not present in the blood in sufficient quantities, the body will begin to consume its reserves, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in levels leucine and decrease in muscle mass. This effect should be avoided by athletes who are trying to build muscle.

  • BCAAs accelerate muscle protein synthesis to increase hypertrophy (growth) and maintain muscle mass when not training, such as during periods of recovery from injury. This happens especially actively when BCAAs are consumed together with amino acids such as alanine, aspartate and glutamic acid.
  • BCAA complex enriched with leucine helps build muscle in older athletes. The most effective ratio of leucine to valine and isoleucine is 4:1.
  • BCAAs activate fat burning (leucine) and increase glucose tolerance (isoleucine), thus improving body composition. During fat loss training, the athlete should increase the consumption of foods and supplements high in BCAAs.
  • BCAAs improve hormonal balance, increasing strength, performance and endurance by increasing testosterone levels and decreasing cortisol levels. Plus, BCAAs can reduce inflammation.
  • Consuming more than 4 g of BCAAs per day improves strength development during training due to effective increase neuromuscular coordination.
  • BCAAs increase endurance and reduce fatigue because they can be used by the body as an energy source to replenish ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main energy carrier in the cell. It also reduces fatigue by inhibiting tryptophan repressors in the brain.
  • BCAA maintains the integrity of muscle fibers, which reduces muscle soreness and allows you to train more often, more effectively revealing your athletic potential.
  • BCAAs reduce catabolism (breakdown), protecting muscle tissue. It also prevents muscle loss during endurance sports, where plasma BCAA levels may be significantly reduced.
  • BCAAs have a positive effect on metabolism and insulin production, improving body composition. Insulin sensitivity may also reduce your risk of developing diabetes.
  • BCAA has an anti-aging effect because it accelerates the formation of new mitochondria and thus reduces age-related muscle loss. These amino acids are also successfully used in the treatment of cancer and liver diseases.
  • BCAA improves cognitive function by positively influencing neurotransmitters and glutamic acid synthesis.

Foods High in BCAAs

Branched chain amino acids are three of the eight essential amino acids. They are found mainly in protein-rich foods. With balanced and healthy eating you should not have any problems meeting your body's daily minimum nutrient requirements. However, certain factors can radically increase these needs, so supplementation may be necessary.

Watch your diet

For example, the Flash Diet dramatically reduces the body's reserves of BCAAs, which must be replenished immediately to avoid muscle tissue breakdown. In this case, BCAAs will help with the support and restoration of muscle tissue.

Liver disease and high-intensity training also increase the need for leucine, valine and isoleucine, so athletes and patients should regularly take increased amounts of them.

What types of meat are rich in BCAAs?

Products especially rich leucine, are: beef (approx. 1690 mg/100 g), raw salmon (approx. 1615 mg/100 g), eggs (approx. 1090 mg/100 g) and wheat products (approx. 920 mg/100 g).

Valin And isoleucine are also found in significant quantities in meat and other products of animal origin. Dried peas (approx. 1160 mg/100 g) are especially good for vegetarians, as well as walnuts(approx. 750 mg/100 g) with their high content of BCAA.

Those who eat meat can get most of the minimum daily amount of BCAAs by eating chicken breast(approx. 1220 mg/100 g) and rice (approx. 330 mg/100 g). A healthy adult needs about 10 g of BCAAs per day, but this amount, of course, can vary depending on each individual case.

If you regularly exercise, then you should consider taking either BCAAs alone or in combination with whey protein.

The aminoacidstudies website has compiled the top 7 proteins to make it easier for you to choose the right product for you.

BCAA functions

  • Muscle growth
  • Stimulation of insulin production
  • Fighting with age

Unlike most amino acids, BCAA Metabolized predominantly in muscles rather than liver. This indicates their extreme importance in the process of providing energy to muscle tissue.

BCAAs are also useful in the treatment of diseases associated with decreased protein levels in tissues, such as tumors, since they slow down the natural catabolism and breakdown of amino acids. For chronic liver diseases Taking enough BCAAs is critical, since it is able to stop the flow of harmful substances from the blood into the brain.

In particular, leucine plays an important role in formation and preservation of muscle tissue, supporting protein synthesis in the muscles and liver, and also stopping the destruction of muscle cells. In addition, it regulates energy levels in the body and is involved in the synthesis of glucose, so its reserves must be replenished if you follow a low-carb diet.

Valinimportant element in protein biosynthesis and proper conversion of food into energy. He is important muscle nutrient, and is therefore regularly consumed by professional athletes.

Another important property of this organic compound is stimulation of insulin production, which controls blood sugar levels and accelerates the absorption of amino acids in the muscles and liver. A lack of valine in the body can lead to impaired growth and decreased muscle tissue.

Isoleucine It is also an important basis for protein synthesis and can significantly enhance the process of energy production in mitochondria (the energy stations of each cell). BCAAs also stimulate insulin secretion and constantly maintain nitrogen levels in the body.

This is especially important for the formation of new tissues, and provides the opportunity for healthy growth, especially in childhood and adolescence. In very rare cases of overdose, these amino acids are easily excreted by the body through urine and do not cause any side effects.

BCAAs can be used for effective treatment some diseases, because they play a significant role in many important metabolic processes. Leucine and valine are especially important, as has been proven by many scientific research in past.

Recently, a study was conducted on the effect of leucine supplements on protein synthesis in old age. A group of subjects consumed 4g of leucine per day through food. As a result, it has been proven that improvements in protein synthesis, as well as phosphorylation of certain transmitters that play important roles in nutrition, are a direct consequence of regular consumption of leucine in supplement form.

Thus, gaining muscle mass is very significant not only for bodybuilders, but also for older people who want to lead an active lifestyle, resist the aging process and use supplements according to their metabolic needs.

Another study conducted in 2010 showed a relationship between daily BCAAs intake and individual body weight based on BMI (body mass index). In particular, high concentrations of BCAAs have been shown to correlate with low body fat, meaning that the appropriate dose of this supplement has an extremely positive effect on a person's overall health.

BCAAs and amino acids in general play an important role in healthy, sustainable weight loss.

In addition, it has been demonstrated that BCAAs deficiency may contribute to diabetes. The same study showed that additional intake leucine, valina And isoleucine can stimulate the production of insulin in diabetics, resulting in an improvement in the general condition of patients.

Similar results were obtained in studies examining the relationship between arginine, L-carnitine and diabetes.

Is it beneficial to take BCAA during exercise instead of regular water?

Will taking extra amino acids during exercise really help improve results? It depends on your goals.

I'm often asked if you really need to take extra BCAA. Despite their delicious taste, the answer ultimately comes down to two things: the type of exercise you do and your fitness and bodybuilding goals.

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are made up of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. They are considered "essential" because our bodies cannot produce them on their own, so they must be consumed through food. You can, of course, consume foods that are rich in amino acids - chicken, beef and eggs - but supplementation has its benefits because pure BCAAs bypass the liver and intestines and go straight into your bloodstream.

BCAAs are especially important for people who want to build muscle or maintain muscle mass. BCAAs, especially leucine, help regulate protein metabolism by promoting muscle protein synthesis and inhibiting protein breakdown.

But is this reason enough to take a pre-workout serving? The answer is a little more complicated.

BCAA: a scientific approach

Research has shown that consuming BCAAs before exercise can help increase the rate of protein synthesis, inhibit muscle protein breakdown, and reduce muscle damage and symptoms of soreness. Sounds pretty impressive, right?

But these results do not necessarily prove that BCAAs increase strength or muscle mass. If your training goal is to increase power and strength, and you already meet your daily protein needs through high-protein foods and protein shakes, then supplemental BCAAs likely won't help you.

However, don't throw away your shaker just yet! BCAAs may not stimulate muscle hypertrophy on their own, but taking 6-10 grams before training can help increase your weights enough to stimulate muscle growth and get you back to the gym sooner, as it will also speed up your recovery.

In addition, BCAA during physical exercise used as a direct source of energy. Decreased circulating levels of BCAA lead to increased concentrations of serotonin in the brain, which researchers believe contributes in part to the reduction of fatigue during exercise. This is especially true for endurance exercise.

Adding a spoonful or two of BCAAs to your pre-workout drink can also be beneficial if you're following a low-carb diet or exercising in a fasted state, because they can reduce fatigue and increase fat burning during exercise when your muscles are glycogen-starved .


Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are indispensable for the human body and play an important role in hypertrophy and maintenance of muscle mass. They have a positive effect on the formation of various tissues, healing and metabolic processes through protein synthesis in the liver.

Walnuts and corn (as plant sources), meat, milk and eggs are best for meeting your daily amino acid requirement. If the body does not receive the minimum amount valina, leucine And isoleucine, which can often happen among professional athletes, this deficiency can be easily compensated by the use of supplements, which are also useful for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, such as diabetes.

It is most important to consume supplements during periods of very intense training to help build muscle mass.

BCAA It should also be taken during a weight loss diet to prevent muscle atrophy, since the body may lack certain nutrients during this period. Most diets require the consumption of vital nutrients such as amino acids, including valine, leucine and isoleucine, and are highly recommended for healthy and sustainable weight loss.

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To quickly and productively get rid of extra pounds and gain a athletic figure, you need to take BCAAs for weight loss - natural amino acids in powder form. This unique product has proven itself well in bodybuilding, but is also effective in modern dietetics for modeling an athletic silhouette, getting rid of subcutaneous fat. By taking amino acids for weight loss, you can speed up the dietary effect and move faster towards your goal of losing weight.

What are BCAA

When drying the body, many athletes additionally use sports nutrition as an inexhaustible source of proteins and vitamins, a powerful fat burner, antioxidant, and weight loss aid. BCAA amino acids are also indispensable, since they block the entry of excess calories into the body, prevent the depletion of muscle mass, normalize the sleep phase, increase endurance, and can somewhat improve health that has been shaken by increased physical activity.

The effect of BCAAs in the body is immediate; the main thing is to choose the right dosage, read the instructions, and consult a nutritionist. This English abbreviation for the full name Branch chain amino acids is not the official name of a specific dietary product, but provides a combination of such valuable elements as isoleucine, valine and leucine in a daily dietary supplement. You won’t be able to buy BCAA in a pharmacy; it’s better to order it online inexpensively and with good discounts for quick weight loss.

What are BCAA's for?

When losing weight, a woman refuses carbohydrates, considering them to be the reason for the appearance of a problematic figure. In fact, when consuming BCAAs, such strict restrictions are not required, since the drug increases calorie consumption, activates the body’s protein metabolism, and promotes the burning of subcutaneous tissue. This is an excellent solution for athletic girls and guys who are used to keeping their figure in shape. When wondering what BCAA are needed for, it is additionally important to note the following positive points:

  • suppression of the catabolic process;
  • preservation of muscle mass;
  • increase in strength indicators;
  • creating a favorable anabolic background;
  • boost immunity with vitamins;
  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • rapid consumption of subcutaneous fat.

Effect of BCAA on the body

This innovative product has several forms of release, including tablets, capsules, powder, and liquid for oral administration. The unique effect of BCAA on a losing weight body is identical, and is based on blocking the body’s perception of excess calories, adjusting metabolism and restoring organic resources after intense physical activity.

The main purpose of taking this amino acid is to activate the production of leptin. To solve this problem, the mechanism of action is as follows: BCAA contains leucine and isoleucine, which contribute to the formation of leptin in a high concentration. As a result, metabolism increases and work normalizes. digestive system, high-quality intestinal cleansing occurs. Weight gradually decreases, an athletic corset is formed with a minimal amount of subcutaneous fat.

Doctors' reviews about BCAA

Since the drug has natural origin and harmless composition, doctors' reviews of BCAA are positive. Experts do not deny that this is a worthy assistant for weight loss, which becomes an indispensable additive during the meal. Doctors give advice not to combine amino acids with alcohol, avoid allergies, and carefully follow daily doses. Only then will BCAA for weight loss work and replace and diversify a strict diet. A person who is losing weight will not remain hungry; moreover, his body receives a unique complex of vitamins.

How to take BCAA

The main goal is to consume fewer calories, but spend more during intense training to lose weight. The specified amino acid, or rather its correct use and combination with a low-calorie diet and physical activity, helps achieve this goal. Before taking BCAA for weight loss, you should consult with a specialist in this matter.

Any online store offers a description full course, taking into account the physical fitness and health status of a thin person. Useful information You can always find information on the topic on Sportwiki. Dietary properties and productive burning of subcutaneous fat depend on the choice of products, for example, you can buy BCAA for weight loss in the form of Drive Black BCAA diet pills (200 pieces), or Nutrex, which make your figure flawless.

How to take BCAA powder

This dietary supplement should be consumed on an empty stomach; the risk of side effects if the dosages are followed correctly is minimal in both cases. Take BCAA powder 6-8 grams 30 minutes before the start of training and immediately after it. During the recovery period, the daily portion of BCCA for weight loss is 4-6 grams, which should be taken in the morning. It is easiest to use the powder form; the dietary effect is no weaker than BCA tablets for weight loss (as stated in Sportvik).

How to take BCAA capsules

The tablets should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, between meals and at night, the benefits will be enormous. It is convenient to take BCAA in capsules for weight loss, since a single dose can be taken in any extreme situation. Contraindications are minimal, it is important to determine the dosage. It is recommended to take BCAA capsules based on the weight category of the person losing weight. For example, one pill can contain up to 500 mg of BCAA, which is enough for the body for a day. However, this form of release is not cheap; it is the most expensive option and is not available to everyone.

When is the best time to take BCAA?

Physical exercise should be replaced by proper rest, which in sports is called a recovery period. When losing weight, you also need to alternate the use of BCAAs, avoid overdose and side effects. Before buying BCAA, it is important to choose the most suitable option, and make the purchase only from the manufacturer (it is important to avoid counterfeits). Why take amino acids is already clear, all that remains is to find out when it is better to take BCAA. Be sure to take it before and after training, but on recovery days in the morning on an empty stomach. The food should be protein.

Other rules are presented below:

  1. It is important to observe the compatibility of BCAA when losing weight, otherwise the body suffers from side effects in the form of an allergic rash.
  2. The diet should include minimal amount calories, otherwise the proposed nutrition will not cost anything for productive weight loss.
  3. Be sure to carry out high-intensity strength training every other day, giving the body time to rest when losing weight.
  4. A single meal should contain 30-35 g of protein; additionally, ask a nutritionist how to drink BCAA for weight loss.
  5. It is difficult to buy BCAA in a pharmacy, but you should not take questionable products from your hands. As a worthy alternative, you can buy BCAA amino acids in an online store from the manufacturer, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Harm of BCAA

The harmful effects of natural amino acids on the human body in the process of losing weight are completely absent, as evidenced by specially conducted clinical studies. Harm of BCAA subject to daily dosages and their slight overestimation, it is completely excluded. Side effects occur extremely rarely, and are limited to allergic, local reactions on the skin of a temporary nature. In practice, such cases are isolated and require additional consultation with a nutritionist.

Price for BCAA

It is cheaper to order products online, but choose online stores with a good reputation, or better yet, a website from the manufacturer. This is beneficial in that there are often sales and promotions, free delivery by courier and minimal costs when sending BCAA by mail. The purchase price varies by supplier and region. For example, in Moscow, amino acid sales are somewhat more expensive; in the provinces you can save on purchases. It's time to get acquainted with the capital's prices for BCAA:

  • Pro BCAA (390 grams) – 1,700 rubles;
  • BCAA Drive Black (200 tablets) priced up to 2,000 rubles;
  • BCAA-Pro Reloaded (90 tablets) – 1,700 rubles;
  • BCAA Workout ActivLab (400 grams) – 1,300 rubles.

Video: what are BCAA and what are they for?

BCAAs- These are branched chain amino acids. BCAA includes only three essential amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, valine), which, due to their unique structure and properties, are separated into a separate class. In our body, BCAA accounts for 42% of general composition essential amino acids, which indicates the special importance of these substances for normal life. Research has shown that only certain amino acids, namely branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), maintain muscle mass and strength during stress and intense training, in addition to increasing endurance.

BCAA composition
BCAA composition As mentioned above, BCAA includes three essential amino acids, let's look at them in more detail...

Isoleucine is directly involved in cellular processes, being a valuable source of energy for muscles. A lack of this amino acid in the body leads to loss of muscle mass, lethargy, drowsiness and low blood sugar levels.

Leucine is extremely important for proper muscle growth and construction. Responsible for the formation of protein in muscles and liver, protects protein molecules from destruction. In addition, this amino acid maintains serotonin levels at a stable level. high level, as a result of which the athlete’s body is less susceptible to fatigue. Leucine can also be a source of energy for muscles.

Valine - also refers to BCAA amino acids, being an energy source for muscles. Like leucine, this amino acid maintains serotonin levels at a consistently high level, making the athlete's body less susceptible to fatigue.

Effect of BCAA on the body
Above, we examined the basic properties of specific amino acids related to BCAA, on the basis of which we can make a preliminary conclusion that these substances are absolutely necessary in the body, without them proper muscle growth and construction is impossible, they ensure adequate energy processes in muscle cells. On this beneficial features BCAA's don't end there.

Numerous studies conducted directly on humans have shown that BCAA amino acids become the main providers of glucose (and therefore energy) when muscle glycogen stores begin to deplete. What we can take away from this is that taking BCAA amino acids before training will protect against catabolism, acting as a supplier of necessary energy. This is the anti-catabolic property of BCAA amino acids.

The most important property of BCAA is associated with insulin, an anabolic hormone. It became known experimentally that BCAAs cause the production of insulin, like sugars! Moreover, taking BCAA together with sugars gives a truly impressive result: insulin production increases by 221% (separate intake of sugars increases this amount by only 66%)!

So, correct use properties of amino acids BCAA can significantly accelerate muscle gain:

When to take BCAA
BCAAs Taking BCAA within half an hour before training reduces muscle breakdown during exercise and provides the body with the energy it needs.

Taking BCAA after training has an anabolic effect on muscles, including protein synthesis through the cell nucleus, and also increases insulin production, so that all nutrients taken after training will be absorbed much better by muscle tissue.

Which is better BCAA or amino acid complex
As practice shows, this question puzzles many athletes, especially beginners. To answer this, we must assume that BCAA amino acids are generally present in all amino acid complexes and mixtures, as well as in proteins, gainers and other products containing protein. Another issue is that the percentage in such products, compared to BCAA in its pure form, may be small. Therefore, due to the valuable biological and nutritional properties of branched chain amino acids, it often makes sense to take BCAA amino acids alone or in addition to other amino acids and products containing them. In many sports, such as bodybuilding, BCAAs are absolutely necessary for the formation sports diet and correct correction. your diet, so it makes sense to take both BCAAs and other amino acids.