On December 17, 1959, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by its next resolution, formed a new branch of troops within the Armed Forces - the Missile Forces strategic purpose. Their structure included all existing units and formations armed with strategic missile systems. Since 1995, the founding day of the Strategic Missile Forces has been celebrated as professional holiday.

Before the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces strategic missiles with special and conventional warheads were under the control of the engineering brigades of the reserve of the Supreme High Command. The further development of missile weapons and the deployment of new facilities led to the need to consolidate the existing brigades into a separate branch of the military. This decision was enshrined in a resolution of the Council of Ministers, issued at the end of 1959. Chief Marshal of Artillery M.I. was appointed the first commander-in-chief of the new type of troops. Nedelin.

Over the next decades, the personnel of the Strategic Missile Forces were engaged in the development and operation missile systems for various purposes, used to ensure national security. Construction of new missile bases with launchers of various types of complexes was carried out.

In 1962, the Strategic Missile Forces took part in Operation Anadyr. Their participation consisted of the transfer of R-12 ballistic missiles to Cuba with subsequent deployment to combat positions. The successful solution of this problem led to well-known consequences in the international arena. The withdrawal of missiles from Cuba became an impetus for improving relations between the leading countries of the world.

In the mid-sixties, the Missile Forces began to master the latest 2nd generation missile systems, which differed from their predecessors in the use of protected silo launchers. In the first half of the seventies, the process of introducing the next 3rd generation complexes began, which included missiles with multiple warheads and means of overcoming missile defense. Also during this period, mobile phones entered service. launchers with rockets medium range.

The second half of the eighties became a period of development of the 4th generation of missile systems, new command and control systems and other promising equipment. It was also at this time that the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles was signed, which had a noticeable impact on the arsenals of the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces. Missile weapons, covered by the agreement, were written off and destroyed.

After the breakup Soviet Union converted Russian Strategic Missile Forces began to withdraw weapons from the territory of independent states. Despite the well-known difficulties of that time, in the mid-nineties the process of rearming troops with fifth-generation complexes was launched. At the beginning of the last decade, the process of rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces continued and has not stopped to this day.

Missile systems are now being supplied to various units of the Strategic Missile Forces latest model"Yars". Preparations are also underway for the development of other new systems. In the foreseeable future, the promising heavy liquid-propellant rocket Sarmat will be put into service. In accordance with the existing restrictions imposed by international treaties, the Russian Strategic Missile Forces maintain the required combat capability and make the most serious contribution to the common cause of deterring a potential enemy.

On the anniversary of its formation, December 17, the Strategic Missile Forces celebrate their professional holiday. The editors of Military Review congratulate all military personnel, veterans and civilian personnel of this branch of the military!

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In this article we will talk about the next calendar date on which you can make wishes with a high probability of their fulfillment.

This is the "date of three twenties" March 20, 2020- a number that contains three digits "20" and in which day is equal to night, and astronomical winter gives way to astronomical spring (the event is called During the day spring equinox ).

The technology for making wishes on the Day of the Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2020, is extremely simple.

You should cross your fingers(thus joining the intersection of the celestial equator with the ecliptic that occurs on this day) and mentally say your wish.

There are two moments in time at which you can make wishes. The first point is as close as possible to the exact time of the vernal equinox, which occurs on March 20, 2020 at 6:50 "Moscow time". And the second point - at 20 hours 20 minutes 20 seconds local time.

That is, how and at what time to make a wish on the “date of three twenties” 03/20/2020:
...cross your fingers and say a wish...
1. As close as possible to the exact moment of the vernal equinox (06:50 Moscow time).
2. At 20 hours 20 minutes 20 seconds (local time).

On March 18, 2020, a message appeared on the official website of the Eurovision Song Contest about the cancellation of the event this year.

We tell you why the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was canceled - the reasons why the event was not moved to a later time, was not held without spectators or remotely.

Why Eurovision 2020 was cancelled:

The reason for the cancellation of the popular music event was the uncertainty caused by the spread of a viral infection in Europe called COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Why the date of Eurovision 2020 was not postponed to a later time:

The organizers posted a statement on the official website of the competition, in which they said that they were considering various alternative options for holding the competition. This includes the option of holding the competition without spectators, or moving the date to a later time, after the spread of the infection has subsided.

However, the transfer was complicated by the fact that The epidemiological situation in Europe is extremely uncertain, and it is unclear when everything will return to normal. If it is possible to hold a competition, for example, at the end of 2020, the winner will have very little time to prepare for the organization of the next event(which is scheduled to take place in May 2021).

Previously, the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was planned to be held in the second full week of May: from 15 to 16 May 2020.

Why Eurovision 2020 was not held without spectators or remotely:

Currently restrictions in the Netherlands the number of people who can simultaneously attend public events does not allow Eurovision to be held even in the “without spectators” format.

As for the “remote” format, in this case the organizers will not be able to provide all participants with the same opportunities to demonstrate their talent, which is contrary to the values ​​and traditions of the organization.

Where will Eurovision 2021 be held, in what composition:

Likely to host next year's Popular Song Contest Rotterdam (the second largest city in the Netherlands) will remain after the capital Amsterdam).

The decision will be made by the competition organizers and the leadership of the Netherlands later.

It has also not yet been decided whether the selected participants will be able to perform the submitted songs next year, or whether they will have to compose new compositions. Let us remind you that this year she was supposed to represent Russia at Eurovision 2020 group " Little Big" with the composition "UNO".

What is the essence of the Earth Hour 2020 campaign:

Annually on the last Saturday of March held all over the world environmental action "Earth Hour", organized by the World Fund wildlife(WWF).

The meaning of the action is in voluntary refusal to consume electrical energy for one hour. Thus, society realizes the importance of taking measures to reduce negative impact human activity on the environment.

This great idea was first implemented in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Then about two million residents of the metropolis took part in the action, and energy savings amounted to about 10%.

Inspired by the example, more and more cities began to join the Earth Hour campaign every year. It is expected that in 2020, residents of more than 7 thousand settlements on our planet (more than 2 billion people) will take part in a voluntary power outage for 1 hour. Of course, among the countries participating in the action is Russia.

What date and time does the Earth Hour 2020 campaign take place:

As we wrote above, the event is held annually on the last Saturday of March, with the exception of those years when the last Saturday in March precedes Easter.

This year's Earth Hour is scheduled for Saturday. March 28, 2020. The promotion will begin at 20:30 local time and will last for an hour, until 21:30.

That is, the Earth Hour 2020 campaign - what date is it held and at what time:
* Date: March 28, 2020
* from 20:30 to 21:30 local time.

Day missile forces strategic purpose is celebrated annually on December 17th. The history of this type of troops begins immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War. On August 15, 1946, the first missile formation was created, which was armed with powerful for those times ballistic missiles. Between 1950 and 1955, five more brigades of missile forces were created, equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles and intermediate-range missiles with nuclear warheads.

On December 17, 1959, the government decided to form missile forces as a separate branch of the USSR Armed Forces. Nowadays, strategic missile forces are the most important element of the Strategic nuclear forces RF.

Modern Strategic Missile Forces include a number of structures: powerful and technically equipped missile armies, research institutes, higher educational institutions, training centers, bases, repair plants, design bureaus. The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with both stationary and mobile missile launchers.

History of Strategic Missile Forces Day

In honor of the creation of the missile forces, on December 17, 1959, a professional holiday was established: Strategic Missile Forces Day, celebrated since 1995. In 1997, the missile forces were merged with the military space forces and air defense forces. Therefore, December 17 was considered the professional holiday of the missile, space and air defense forces. In 2001, the Space Forces were separated into a separate branch of the military, which had its own professional holiday. Space Forces Day is celebrated on October 4.

Traditions of Strategic Missile Forces Day in Russia

Over the past years, several generations of rocket scientists have been trained in the Strategic Missile Forces. On this day it is customary to congratulate veterans, encourage the best specialists personnel, representatives of numerous other support services. On the day of the Strategic Missile Forces, ceremonial events are held, which are attended by the top officials of our state. Let us sincerely thank our glorious rocket scientists for protecting our peace and wish them happiness, health, courage and goodness!

APU PGRK "Topol-M" on the march / Photo: Vitaly Kuzmin

Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) as a branch of the Armed Forces were created on December 17, 1959 by decision of the USSR government.

May 31, 2006, on the basis of Decree of the President of Russia No. 549 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces Russian Federation“a holiday of strategic missilemen was established - the Day of Strategic Missile Forces, celebrated annually on December 17.

The Strategic Missile Forces are the basis of Russia's strategic nuclear forces. The troops consist of missile armies and military units. It includes associations, formations, cosmodromes, testing grounds, a separate research station, a research institute, higher military educational institutions, training centers for junior specialists and a technician school, arsenals, repair plants, and central bases.

In 1997, the Strategic Missile Forces, the Military Space Forces, the Missile and Space Defense Troops of the Air Defense Forces of the Russian Armed Forces were united into a single branch of the Russian Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces.

Since June 2001, the Strategic Missile Forces have been transformed into two types of troops - the Strategic Missile Forces and the Space Forces.

The above-mentioned Decree invalidated Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1239 of December 10, 1995 “On the establishment of the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Day of the Military Space Forces.” Space Forces Day is celebrated annually on October 4th.

Today, the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) are a separate branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a ground component of the strategic nuclear forces. They are in constant combat readiness, and their main armament consists of all Russian ground-based mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. These are fourth and fifth generation missile systems.

The development strategy of the Strategic Missile Forces for the near future provides, first of all, for maintaining the combat readiness of the existing group of troops, maximizing the extension of the operational life of missile systems, as well as the development of a system of combat command and control of troops and weapons, increasing the share of mobile missile systems capable of overcoming modern and promising air defense systems.

Strategic Missile Forces Day (Strategic Missile Forces Day) is a professional holiday for Strategic Missile Forces employees. This is also a memorable day of the Russian Federation. It is celebrated by strategic missileers, military personnel, civilian specialists and employees of support services, research institutes, educational institutions, specialized factories, testing grounds.

In Russia in 2020, Strategic Missile Forces Day is celebrated on December 17 and is being held at the official level for the 15th time.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to the day of formation of the Strategic Missile Forces on December 17, 1959.

On this day, traditional honoring of strategic missilemen takes place. Distinguished employees are given memorable gifts. Various composition incentives are taking place.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. On December 17, 1959, the USSR Government decided to create the Strategic Missile Forces. In 1997, they were merged with the Military Space Forces and the Rocket and Space Defense Forces into a single type of force - the Strategic Missile Forces. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated March 24, 2001 No. 337c “On ensuring the construction and development of the RF Armed Forces, improving their structure,” the Strategic Missile Forces were separated from the Space Forces. In 2006, a professional holiday for strategic missilemen was established (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin dated May 31, 2006 No. 549).

Holiday traditions

On this day, a reception is held in the Kremlin on the occasion of the holiday. Ceremonial formations are taking place in military units. The best military personnel are awarded with awards and given new ranks. Some divisional churches are presented with icons of St. Elijah of Murom, the patron saint of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Daily task

Look documentary or a report on the Strategic Missile Forces.

  • The Strategic Missile Forces are the only ones in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation whose army-divisional structure has remained unchanged. In all other troops it was modified or abolished.
  • In 1980, during the next inspection of the central command post The USSR Strategic Missile Forces commission asked the general on duty what actions he intended to take if, when the command for a missile launch was received, the lock of the safe where the documentation was stored did not open, and all 3 attempts to enter the code were unsuccessful. The general replied that for such cases he kept a sledgehammer behind the safe, and he would have to use it to knock down the lock. Most of the commission was outraged by such a response, but the head of the 8th Directorate of the General Staff managed to convince them that this fallback option was justified, and the order for the storage of such an instrument should be delivered to all troops immediately. After this inspection, the sledgehammer was legalized and was located at every post of the duty commander of the Strategic Missile Forces.
  • In 2008, Russia had 682 strategic delivery vehicles, in 2011 - 492, in 2013 - 448, in 2015 - 526.
  • The main headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation is located in the village of Vlasikha in the Moscow region.
  • The Strategic Missile Forces includes three training grounds: Kapustin Yar, Kura (Kamchatka), Sary-Shagan (Kazakhstan).
  • The patron saint of Strategic Missile Forces employees is Saint Elijah of Muromets, also considered the patron saint of the Russian border service and the defender of his native land.


“On the Day of the Strategic Missile Forces, I send my rocket with congratulations and wishes of strength, perseverance, confidence, good luck and victory. May your work be famous for success and accurately hitting the right point, may your life always be full of explosive, happy and wonderful moments!

“Happy Missile Forces Day to all military personnel whose service provides our country with peace and protection from sudden invasions. You are a threat to our enemies, an invincible stronghold of our army. Let your instructions always be ready, but never need to be used, because the peace and tranquility of our people is above all!

“Today we celebrate another important holiday dedicated to the valiant servants of our country - the rocket scientists. With your labors the path to peace for peaceful citizens has been paved. Let combat intercontinental maneuvers, despite their accuracy and effectiveness, remain only on the map, and in peaceful life not a single missile will strike other lands!”


Pocket flask. A pocket flask for drinks with the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation made of stainless steel will be an original and memorable present.

Gift book. A gift edition of a fiction or historical book on a military theme would be a good gift idea for a rocket scientist on his professional holiday.

Icon. An icon or amulet with the face of Elijah of Murom will serve as a memorable gift for a Strategic Missile Forces employee. Such a gift will also become a talisman for a believer.

Souvenir products. A T-shirt, baseball cap, or mug with a print on an artillery theme will be an original thematic gift for a professional holiday.


Launching rockets
Couples participate in the competition, each of which is given a roll by the presenter. toilet paper. One of the participants depicts a rocket and stands with his palms raised and folded above his head. The second participant prepares the rocket for launch. His task is to wrap his partner in paper from his feet to his head. The couple that completes the task faster wins the competition.

Strength and Endurance
In the competition, participants have the opportunity to demonstrate strength and endurance. Their task is to do push-ups or sit-ups as many times as possible. To complicate the task, contestants are asked to do push-ups on one hand or squats with a partner in their arms. The one who completes the exercise more times wins.

Model Soldier
To hold the competition, it is necessary to prepare as many elements of army clothing as possible: T-shirts, foot wraps, boots, tunics, trousers, belts, etc. Contestants stand at the same distance from the props. When the presenter lights a match, the contestants begin to put on their clothes. When the match burns out, participants count the number of items of clothing they are wearing. The one who has more of them wins the competition.

About the profession

The Strategic Missile Forces are considered an elite unit of the Russian Armed Forces. They include missile armies and military units. They also include associations, formations, cosmodromes, research stations and institutes, military universities, training centers, technical schools, arsenals, repair plants and central bases. The task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to deter possible aggression and defeat the enemy's strategic nuclear forces (SNF) by group or single nuclear missile strikes.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are in constant combat readiness. Serving in these troops involves risk to life. The path to the profession begins with graduation from a specialized university or secondary technical educational institution.

This holiday in other countries

In Ukraine, November 3 is celebrated as the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. In Belarus and Kazakhstan this holiday is celebrated on November 19th.