They pray in front of the icon of the saint

Hear us, Saint Photinia, who shone with spiritual beauty and constantly and incessantly taught people faith in Christ, in prison and in cities. Hear us, looking at us sinners, and with the grace of Christ heal those who are sick with fever, so that the rain of sin does not sprinkle them, but in health of soul and body, your life unflaggingly in good deeds will guide and glorify the Lord of all, the Father of bounties, the Merciful God, throughout all ages. Amen.


Kontakion of Photinia of Palestine

In you, mother, it is known that you were saved in the image: having accepted the cross, you followed Christ, and in action you taught to despise the flesh: for it passes away, but be careful about the souls, things that are immortal. In the same way, the venerable mother Svetlana, your spirit will rejoice with Angela.

Prayer of Photinia of Palestine

Oh, holy martyr Photinia! Immensely inspired by love for Christ, you have shown courage, patience and great strength with your sisters, sons and those enlightened by you. She preached the Gospel of Christ with boldness, and by appearing to you and everyone who was with you, Christ strengthened and comforted everyone for the coming torment. Having come to Rome and fearlessly confessed Christ, you were imprisoned, and having endured much torment, you were thrown into a well, and you betrayed your soul to the Lord.
Hear us, Saint Photinia, who shone with spiritual beauty and constantly and incessantly taught people faith in Christ, in prison and in cities. Hear us, looking at us sinners, and with the grace of Christ heal those who are sick with fever, so that the rain of sin will not sprinkle them, but in mental and physical health they will spend their lives unremittingly in good deeds and glorify the Lord of all, the Father of bounties, the Merciful God, in all ages. Amen.

Venerable Photinia (Svetlana) of Palestine.

At sea during a storm, the ship was driven onto rocks and smashed into pieces. None of the passengers escaped, except for one girl, who managed to grab a board and swam to the rock where blessed Martinian labored. He helped Svetlana (that was the girl’s name) climb the rock. He told her about his life on the rock, about the shipman’s visits to it three times a year, blessed the maiden, left her bread and water and threw himself into the sea. Dolphins helped him reach land.
Svetlana was left alone to perform her feat in the name of the Lord. After some time, the shipman arrived, brought bread and water to Martinian, and found a woman on the rock. Svetlana told everything to the shipbuilder; she refused the shipbuilder’s offer to transport her to the city, but asked him to arrive with his wife and bring her men’s clothing and wool for needlework.
The shipbuilder fulfilled her request, and Svetlana continued her ascetic life. She lived in the open air both day and night, in heat and cold, and praised the Lord for her life.
Every day she offered twelve prayers to God, and every night she stood in prayer twenty-four times. A pound of bread provided her with food for two days.
After six years of ascetic life on the island, Svetlana died. Already two months after her death, when the shipman and his wife arrived in due time, they found blessed Svetlana dead forever. Saint Svetlana was buried in the city of Caesarea in Palestine.

The life of Svetlana is inextricably linked with the life of Saints Martinian and Zoe

From the age of 18, the Monk Martinian settled in the desert, near the city of Caesarea in Palestine, where he remained in ascetic labors and silence for 25 years, receiving the grace-filled gift of healing diseases. However, the enemy did not leave the hermit, bringing various temptations upon him. One day a harlot woman bet with depraved people that she would seduce Saint Martinian, the fame of whose virtuous life spread throughout the city. She came to him at night hour under the guise of a wanderer, asking for an overnight stay. The saint let her in because the weather was stormy. But the crafty guest changed into expensive clothes and began to seduce the ascetic. Then the saint left his cell, lit a fire and stood barefoot on the burning coals. He said to himself: “It is difficult for you, Martinian, to endure this temporary fire, how will you endure the eternal fire prepared for you by the devil?” The woman, struck by this spectacle, repented and asked the saint to guide her on the path of salvation. On his instructions, she went to Bethlehem, to the monastery of St. Paul, where she lived in strict labors for 12 years until her blessed death. The woman's name was Zoya.

Having been healed of his burns, Saint Martinian withdrew to an uninhabited rocky island and lived in the open air for several years, eating food that a shipowner brought him from time to time, and the monk wove baskets for him.

Once, during a strong storm, a ship crashed and to the island where Saint Martinian was fleeing, the waves brought a maiden named Photinia on the wreckage of the ship. Saint Martinian helped her get to the island. “Stay here,” he told her, “here is bread and water, and in two months the shipman will arrive,” and he rushed into the sea and swam. Two dolphins carried him to land. From then on, Blessed Martinian began to lead the life of a wanderer. This went on for two years. One day, having come to Athens, the saint fell ill and, feeling the approach of death, entered the temple, lay down on the floor, called the bishop and asked for his body to be buried. This happened around 422.

The blessed maiden Photinia remained to live on the island, where she spent 6 years in solitude, and then gave her soul to God. Her death was discovered by the same shipman, who brought her, like the Monk Martinian, food. He transported the body of Blessed Photinia to Caesarea in Palestine, where it was buried with honor by the bishop and clergy. The memory of Saints Zoya and Photinia is celebrated on the same day.

Troparion Venerable Photinia(Svetlana) Palestinian

In you, mother, it is known that you were saved in the image: having accepted the cross, you followed Christ, and in action you taught to despise the flesh: for it passes away, but be careful about the souls, things that are immortal. In the same way, the venerable mother Svetlana, your spirit will rejoice with Angela.
We bless you, reverend mother Svetlana, and honor your holy memory: you pray for us to Christ our God.

Very beautiful meaning named Fotinya - luminous, bright, bringing light. The word first appeared in Greek (φωτεινός) - it sounds like, and thanks to the spread of Christianity throughout the world, it became known. During the formation of the Russian state, women wearing it were not uncommon. It was preserved among the peasantry until the 20th century.

Today almost no one is called that, although there is interest in such names. IN modern language"Svetlana" is recognized as a synonym.

  • Fotinha is a common folk.
  • Fotina - church.
  • Fotka, Fatka, Fatyukha - colloquial.
  • Fotyushka, Fotya, Fotenka - diminutive.
  • Photinia is the male version.


A girl named Photinia is almost always an idealist. Her tendency to elevate the person she likes to the pedestal she has built often plays an unpleasant joke on her. Rarely does anyone live up to the image endowed with a dreamer, and then she is disappointed. Her exactingness is not a good quality in everything.

There is a strong desire for perfection in everything. Very negatively perceives any, even the most insignificant, shortcomings of loved ones. In general, the girl is friendly and sociable. Likes to make acquaintances for benefits, has a very limited circle of friends. She easily detects a liar, and there is no way to lie to her.

If he accuses a friend of hypocrisy, he breaks up with him without regret forever. Those whom she trusts will always support her in difficult times and will be loyal. The woman develops a weakness that causes her a lot of trouble. If she sees that it is not easy for someone, she takes her under her wing, although sometimes she is not asked to do so.

The trait that brings credit to Fote is his hard work. In her profession and in her studies, she always gets the most important projects. Vanity, which is sometimes too exaggerated, sometimes interferes with the implementation of plans.


To the girl with early years fortune is favorable. She hardly encounters difficulties, and what others achieve with all their might comes easily, without stress. However, the darling of fate does not like to sit idle; she often uses all her talents, coupled with hard work and diligence, to achieve high goals.

She is never lonely unless she wants to be. Everyone loves her, she is sociable and can convince a person of her excellent disposition towards him, although sometimes he is unpleasant. This is done solely from rational mercantile motives. Despite her certain arrogance, a woman will never go over her head, but she will not miss her point.

Different characteristics and secrets

  • Talisman crystal - hematite, obsidian.
  • Numbers - 3, 9.
  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • Happy day is Saturday.
  • Zodiac - Aquarius.
  • The metal is lead.
  • Totem - ant, mole.
  • The metal is lead.
  • Favorable plant: wrestler, cumin, pine.
  • Colour: black, shades of dark grey.

According to Christian canons, Photina's name day is celebrated

  1. 13(26).02. - Rev. Photinia.
  2. 26(11).03. — m. Fotinia
  3. 20.03(02.04). - m. Samaritan Photinia.

All aspects of life

Love and relationships

Being a young lady, she is in languid anticipation of the prince on horseback. Almost from the cradle she has been dreaming of a magnificent wedding. In such dreams, she does not notice real contenders for her hand, sometimes very worthy guys.

If the prince still does not show up, the girl makes her dreams come true with a young man suitable for these purposes. Often she simply smothers her chosen one with a wave of emotions and passion; if he gives up in the first couple of minutes, then there may be no further development of events.


The woman already knows in advance what the family nest will be like and moves towards her goal with a firm step. For her, the fact of compliance with her dreams is often important, to which she diligently adjusts everything that is possible. She will play the role of a housewife until she has had enough of it, then again she will want to change something

The attitude towards your husband will be equal and respectful. The passions that were in full swing before marriage are no longer interesting to her. As a mother, she is ready to realize herself to the fullest. Loves children and doesn't mind having a lot of them.

Professional side

Thanks to diligence and hard work, he can become a highly qualified doctor or a good economist. She will make a good mid-level leader:

  • head teacher
  • head of kindergarten
  • chief sales manager, etc.

Compatibility with men by name

Marriage and relationships for Foti will be successful with Nikolai, Grigory, Ruslan, Vadim, Stepan, Konstantin.

Difficulties will arise with Arseny, Georgy, Arthur, Vyacheslav, Nikita.

If the chosen one’s name is not on this list, then several scenarios are possible.

Personalities in history and modern times

Photinia Samaritan

It is believed that she lived in Samaria, and once talked with Christ, she realized that her chaotic life was wrong. After this, all relatives, including sons, began to preach Christianity. During the Nero persecution of 65-68, Photinia from Carthage and her son were summoned to the capital, where the sovereign demanded that everyone who arrived there renounce their faith.

After the torture, the emperor threw the entire family into prison and forgot about them. Remembering 3 years later, he sent slaves to visit them. They reported that the prisoners were in perfect health and unharmed. In addition, the place of their imprisonment became a place of pilgrimage. The enraged Nero ordered the men to be crucified for three days, but they remained unharmed.

The guards, seeing the crucified, became blind, and the angel untied them and restored strength to the prisoners, who prayed over the slaves and made them sighted. So Nero’s servants became Christians after seeing the miracle. By order of the monster, the saints were flayed alive and beheaded, leaving Photinia for more torment. She only laughed at the proposal to renounce Christ, for which she was thrown into a well, where she died.

Mother Photinia

A self-proclaimed church leader who is not recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church. She built a temple in the Nizhny Novgorod region with her own money by selling an apartment. He conducts services, has parishioners, publishes his books. Today she calls herself Mother Mary.

Svetlana (Photinia, Fotina, Fatina)

Meaning of the name: from glory light- “light”.

Main features: lightness, activity, receptivity.

Character traits. Sveta grows up as an inquisitive and lively child, but at school her studies are superficial. Fortunately, she grasps everything on the fly, so there are no problems with her progress. If she becomes interested in something, she will completely immerse herself in this subject. Sveta loves books and films about love, dreams of a handsome prince.

Adult Svetlana is an excellent organizer. She loves to command and believes that she has the right to do so. She is independent and hardworking, adapting well to circumstances. However, Svetlana's character is contradictory. She can, if necessary, dramatically change direction, change beliefs, profession, country.

Name day

From the book Selfishness as a destructive component of the human being author

Svetlana Vasilievna Baranova Selfishness as a destructive component of humanity

From the book The Way of the Warrior of the Spirit. Volume III. Selfish personality author Baranova Svetlana Vasilievna

Svetlana Baranova The Path of the Warrior of the Spirit. Volume III. Selfish

From the book Sacred Ministry author Baranova Svetlana Vasilievna

Svetlana Vasilievna Baranova Sacred Service

From the book The Big Book of Women's Wisdom [collection] author author unknown

Section I Stars in a straw hat Wise parables for wise women Svetlana Savitskaya 1. Silver Gates People lived on earth, lived carelessly, when suddenly, out of the blue, a black wall grew halfway across the white world. The enemy came to earth from the silver gates. Let's go

From the author's book

Section III Legends of planetary traditions Recorded and processed by Svetlana Savitskaya 1. The wisest of the Wise Isis. Egypt Incomprehensible and mysterious, the wisest of the wisest of antiquity, the goddess Isis became a model for understanding the Egyptian ideal of femininity and

From the author's book

10. Saint Photina and Santa Lucia. Italy Saint Svetlana in Spain, and indeed in the phenomenon of the Catholic faith in general, is not present. Just as there is no name Svetlana in Christianity. In Christianity, Svetlana is replaced by the Greek name Photina (light). And the name Svetlana cannot be pronounced in church. And God forbid

Question: “A 6-year-old girl died, she was baptized Svetlana. Is it really now allowed to baptize with one’s own name, and not with Photinia, as before?”

Answer: Questions related to the name at Baptism are asked quite often. The reason for this is some misunderstanding that exists among parishioners. There is an opinion that at Baptism a person is given some kind of “secret, church” name, which must be called only in the Church. Of course this is not true. In the Sacrament of Baptism there is the rite of naming, which the priest, in agreement with the parents, proclaims by laying his hand on the baby. The fact is that, according to the teachings of the Church, every Christian at his Baptism is approached by a guardian angel who is present next to him all his life. However, there is a pious tradition, according to which if a baby bears the name of one of the saints of God, already glorified in holiness, then in addition to the guardian angel, he will also be helped in life by heavenly patron, whose name he bears. It is important to understand that a baby is not baptized “in the name” of this or that saint. Baptism can only be performed in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, as the Savior commanded us: “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). The presence of a heavenly patron does not occur “automatically”; it is not a “mechanical act of witchcraft.” You must also turn to the saint whose name the baby bears, “get to know” him, read his life, find out by what feat he was glorified among the host of God’s saints. And be sure to prayerfully turn to him. Of course, saints are always ready to come to our aid, but the person must ask for it, say that he really needs help. To address the saints there are prayers, akathists, and the Canons to the saints are especially good. And of course, there must be an icon of our heavenly patron so that we know who we are addressing.

As for whether it is possible to give names at Baptism that are not in the Saints, there are no strict canonical conciliar prohibitions on this. However, in our opinion, is it really bad if a newly baptized baby has a heavenly patron, an intercessor to whom you can turn in difficult times for prayer help and advice. It is only important that this appeal really exists and is conscious. Therefore, in the Russian Church (precisely in the Russian, in others Orthodox Churches, say, in the Georgian, Serbian, Greek there is no such tradition), there is a centuries-old pious tradition of calling the newly baptized by the names that the holy saints bear. Therefore, at Baptism, priests usually follow this tradition.

Most often this question arises in connection with the Russian name “Svetlana”. In our opinion, there is some confusion here. The name "Photinya" (Photinia, Photina), Greek. Φωτεινή", is only a translation into Greek name Svetlana, or rather, on the contrary, the name “Svetlana” is a translation from Greek into Russian of the name Fotinha. We believe that this is the same name, just pronounced in different languages, but not different names. Church Tradition informs us that this was the name of the Samaritan woman with whom the Savior spoke at the well (John 4:4-42). Since ancient times, she was remembered as Photinia, then in the 19th century the name was translated and “Svetlana” appeared, but this is the same name. Now in publishing church calendars this discrepancy has been eliminated, and this is how it is indicated: “Fotina (Svetlana) Samaritan of Rome” or “Svetlana (Fotina, Fotinia) of Palestine.” Therefore, you can commemorate both with this and that; we repeat, this is the same name.

In general, indulging in excessive reasoning on the topic “how to remember correctly, how to write, where to put a period, etc.” we thereby express a latent distrust of God and our Holy Church. The Lord knows all our names, everything about us sinners, “even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” (Matthew 10:30), this is what the Savior says. Therefore, God bless all our Svetlanas, Photini, Photin, living and deceased!

Priest Mikhail Makarov