Exist different kinds demons - the classification was compiled in different times by various authors from among monks, occultists and philosophers. Find out what demons exist, how they differ from each other and how they relate to the ranks of angels.

In the article:

Types of demons - ranks in demonology

In modern demonology, the types of demons are not a fully explored topic. But it is known that each representative of evil spirits has a strictly regulated range of responsibilities, beyond which he rarely goes beyond. At different times, medieval, modern, classical demonology and leading authors studying this science created different ways of classifying the forces of hell.

All demons were once angels. Some authors, for example, I. Vier and R. Burton They believe that if there is an angelic hierarchy, then the demonic one was created in its image and likeness. The fallen angels used the usual way of building a hierarchy, without creating anything new. There are just as many demonic ranks.

Nine Demon Ranks

The first rank is pseudo-gods, demons posing as gods. These are the pagan deities, as well as all the others, with the exception of the one Lord. He commands them.

The second rank is the demons of lies. Their task is to deceive people through prophecies and predictions. They patronize fortune tellers, psychics, and soothsayers. Among these representatives of the demonic hierarchy, Python is the ruler.

The third rank is fighters against God's laws and commandments. They invented all evil deeds, vicious activities and arts. The prince of demons of iniquity is.

The fourth rank is avengers and punishers. They inspire thoughts of revenge and atrocities against other people who supposedly deserve it. .

The fifth rank is deceiver demons who seduce people with pseudo-miracles. They are able to introduce themselves as anyone - like an ordinary person who has the gift and is also a messenger of God. Lord of deceivers - .

The sixth rank rules over the air element, with the help of which its representatives inflict diseases and epidemics on people, as well as natural disasters. The leader of the sixth rank is Merezin.

The seventh rank is the furies who incite wars and strife. Their influence can be seen on a large scale when it comes to military conflicts or large urban clashes. Furies also influence people individually, causing them to conflict. .

The eighth rank is accusers and spies. They observe people, noticing their slightest sins and sinful thoughts. At the same time, these representatives of evil spirits never miss a chance to do something dirty. Usually their influence manifests itself in false accusations, slander, quarrels with colleagues and loved ones due to misunderstandings. The accusers give all the “compromising evidence” to their master.

The ninth rank is tempters who push a person into sin. Their greatest pleasure comes from the transformation of a righteous man into an avid sinner. Most often, it is these demons that appear to people; they are easier to summon, but keep in mind that it is not you who will benefit from your communication, but the evil spirits. It is led by Mammon.

There is another classification of demons, tied to. Before the fall, all the demons took their places in it. According to medieval records that were obtained during expelling the demon Balberith from a girl named Madeleine, the demons, after being cast into hell, took places in a new, dark hierarchy in accordance with the places they occupied in heaven. In other words, fallen cherubim among demons occupy the same position as cherubim in heaven.


Hierarchy of demons

First level

The first level of the demonic hierarchy corresponds to the angelic level, consisting of seraphim, cherubim and thrones. Above them - only:

  • Seraphim Beelzebub ranks second after Lucifer as. He inclines people to pride. Seraphim Leviathan pushes people away Christian faith, teaches heresy and inclines to sins that contradict Christian morality. Seraphim Asmodeus seduces with luxury and material goods.
  • The cherub Balberit, who communicated with the exorcist, according to legend, pushes people to commit suicide. He also promotes quarrels and squabbles, incites scandals and teaches slander.
  • The Throne of Astaroth presides over laziness, despondency and idleness. The Throne of Faith makes people intolerant of each other, teaches them selfishness. The Throne of Gressin is responsible for the tendency to sloppiness and controls dirt in its physical sense. Throne Sonnelon is always ready to incite hatred towards the enemy and force him to take revenge.

Second level

The second level of the hierarchy of demons corresponds to the rank of dominance, strength and power in the angelic hierarchy:

  • Elle's dominance incites the breaking of the vow of poverty. Dominance of Rosier - demon of voluptuousness and fornication.
  • Prince Sil Verrier is able to force people to break their vow of obedience.
  • The power of Karro instills cruelty in the hearts of people and fights compassion and mercy. The power of Karnivan is in charge of shamelessness and lack of guilt for sins committed, the inability to repent and receive God's forgiveness.

Third level

The third level is the former beginnings, archangels and angels:

  • The beginning of Belial tends to arrogance. It was he who created fashion and the concept of beauty, because differences in appearance are closely related to a high opinion of oneself. Belial teaches chatter and distraction during worship. It affects women and children the most.
  • Archangel Olivia is responsible for hatred of poverty. People who are under its influence hate those who earn less than them. Olivia teaches not to give alms and treats the poor and wretched with all cruelty.

Classification of demons according to their habitat

Identified types of demons according to their habitat monk Michael Psellus who lived about a thousand years ago. He argued that not all demons live in hell. According to this author of historical, religious and philosophical works, demons have certain habitats and rarely leave them. The original source has not survived to this day, but it has been repeatedly cited by other authors, for example, Henry Halliwell.

Fire demons

According to this theory, fire demons live in upper strata air, lunar ether or even above the moon. They do not descend either into the human world or into hell. According to Psellus, they will appear only on the Day of Judgment.

Air demons

Air demons live in the air of the human world. They are the very evil forces that every person should beware of. These demons can cause natural disasters, become visible and influence people's lives. From time to time they go down to hell on their own business. Airborne evil spirits are mentioned in the Goetia.

Earth demons

Earthly demons, like airy ones, live among people. They can hide in rocks, forests and mountains. This type of evil spirit loves to harm people, but not all of them are evil. Some of the earth's demons live secretly among mortals, posing as ordinary people.

Water demons

Water demons live in water sources. They harm sailors and underwater life. Water evil spirits are aggressive, never tell the truth and are quite restless. Most often she appears in the guise of women.

Underground demons

Underground demons live in caves and mountain crevices. They harm miners and other professions who work underground. The destruction of house foundations and earthquakes are also attributed to underground evil spirits.

Demons who hate light, heliophobes or lucifuges live in hell and never go beyond it. According to Psellus, they are incomprehensible and unattainable for a mortal. When meeting a person, a Lucifuge will definitely kill him by strangling or poisoning him with his breath. Light-haters are afraid only of light; no witchcraft or magical seal can hold, summon or protect against them. They avoid people and never respond to various calls.

According to Psellus, only air, earth, water and underground demons can be summoned. This can be done in a place that matches its essence. For example, with water evil spirits It is better to communicate on the shore of a reservoir, with the earthly one in the forest, with the underground one in a cave. To summon an air demon, this condition is not necessary; the air is already around you.

Types of demons in demonology - division by occupation

The duties of a demonic entity reveal its power. The stronger the demon, the greater the influence it has on humans in particular and the world in general. The classification of demons according to their occupation and level of power was first introduced Alphonse de Spina in the 15th century. It is often criticized because this source does not mention many of the duties of evil spirits, and most known demons do not fit into the framework of this classification.

Parkes are Roman goddesses of fate, almost coinciding with the Greek Moirai. (Painting “Three Moirai”, Marco Biggio, 1525)

Parkas were the name given to goddesses who weave human destinies in Roman mythology. Similar characters exist in most of the pagan pantheons of the world. De Spina ranked them among the demons who control human destinies.

Pure demons are powerful creatures hailing from hell that only attack saints. Trickster demons appear only to people, usually in human form. Their goal is to deceive, lead a righteous person into sin, and gain his soul. There are also sleep demons, or nightmare demons, who send terrible dreams and feed on the energy of the sleeper.

Two types of representatives of the infernal army are assigned to witches and sorcerers. According to de Spina, every witch has an assistant, who is almost always in the guise of a small animal. A certain type of demon instills in them false memories of the Sabbaths - the source calls the Sabbaths taking place in the real world a fiction.

Almost everyone knows who incubi and succubi are. These are demonic entities that seduce a person and feed on his energy. De Spina added one more to these two types - demons who are interested in male seed. According to Christian beliefs, demons and demons are born from it.

Demonolotary Stephanie Connolly

Already in our time there was another attempt to distinguish the types of demons according to their occupation and area of ​​responsibility. Classification modern demonologist and priestess of demonolatry Stephanie Connolly closer to traditional ideas about the occupation of evil spirits of different ranks and levels of influence. It is also more convenient for practitioners who are engaged in calling representatives of hellish forces and working with them.

Each demon has its own sphere of responsibility, and each of the demons has lower demons, demons, devils and other representatives of the infernal army under its subordination. Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to summon a powerful demon, but he can send someone of a lower rank to help the magician.

Love, passion and sex are the responsibility of Asmodeus and Astaroth. You can turn to them to create a love spell or sexual attachment, as well as gain attractiveness and find a lover.

Hatred, vindictiveness, anger and war are ruled by Andras, Abaddon and Agaliarept. These demons and their servants are turned to in order to cause damage, to take revenge on the enemy with the help of magic, and also to find help in confronting a strong opponent.

Demons can both take life and give it. Verrin, Verrier and Belial are responsible for health and healing. You can ask them for help in fighting a serious illness if you practice black magic for healing.

Demons of death - Evrynom, Baalberith and Babael. They are turned to in order to avoid death or kill an enemy with the help of magic. These same demons patronize necromancy.

Natural forces and elements are commanded by Lucifer, Leviathan and Dagon. You can ask them for help to facilitate contact with natural sources of energy, as well as to enhance the power of the ritual, in which the elements play an important role.

Wealth, luck and all material components of human life are under the influence of Belphegor, Beelzebub and Mammon. You can ask them for good luck in any business, for enrichment - and without any restrictions on ways of earning money, as well as for ruining the enemy.

Secret knowledge is given to sorcerers and magicians by the demons Python, Ronwe and Delepitora. Sorcerers who work exclusively with the forces of darkness turn to them for advice. This path is closed to white magicians.

Classification of demons in demonology Cornellius Agrippa - planetary correspondences

In demonology, the classification of demons can be tied to planets. Many ancient sources talk about certain spirits of the planets. For example, these are described in some detail in "Key of Solomon". It is difficult to say exactly who is described in this source - spirits or demons, because Christian demonology has classified all mythological characters as representatives of evil spirits, except those who are directly related to God.

Occult Philosophy. Book 4

A planetary classification of hell demons has been compiled Cornelius Agrippa. It is described in detail in the fourth volume of “Occult Philosophy” by this author. Each of these creatures corresponds to a certain appearance, behavior, as well as a number of questions with which you can contact them. The latter correspond to the meaning of the planets in the generally accepted sense, for example, the demons of Venus can help with a love spell or gaining attractiveness.

So there are demons or spirits of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon. They all come in different guises, and their appearance is accompanied by physical phenomena around the magic circle - for example, lunar demons cause rain, and Mercurians plunge everyone present into horror. To communicate with them, it is necessary to strictly observe all compliances. Each planet has a specific time of day, metal, color, stone and other important components for summoning demons.

Christian demonology - classification according to sins

Christian demonology is based on the connection between man's ability to sin and demons, which are directly related to the transformation of the righteous into sinners. For the first time connected demons and human vices demonologist P. Binsfeld in the 16th century thus:

Lucifer - pride;
Mammon - greed;
Asmodeus - lust;
Satan - anger;
Beelzebub - gluttony;
Leviathan - envy;
Belphegor - laziness.

In the 19th century occultist from London F. Barrett changed the classification in one of his books. Mammon became the patron saint of seduction and temptation, rather than greed and thirst for profit. However, material wealth is one of the temptations for a person. Asmodeus, according to Barrett, commands not lust, but revenge and anger. Satan is a known deceiver and has nothing to do with anger and vindictiveness. Beelzebub in this source is called the ruler of false gods, who are actually demons. Gluttony Barrett “transferred” to Mammon as the lord of temptation.

Python - prince of the spirits of lies;
Belial is the seat of vice;
Merihim is the leader of spirits that cause infectious diseases;
Abaddon - demon of wars;
Astaroth is the demon of accusers and inquisitors;
Azazel is the scapegoat.

Russian demonology and its features

Russian demonology originated even before the arrival Orthodox faith to the lands of the ancient Slavs. Our ancestors always believed in evil spirits. changed somewhat under Christian influence. But information about evil spirits The Slavs have survived well, since Christianity only added new characters without affecting the existing ones.

Many characters in Russian demonology were people in the past. For example, these are mermaids,. The Slavs tried to appease evil spirits so that they would not harm. Some of them are even kind to people, for example, brownies, with whom it is customary to be friends to this day.

Each mythology has its own list of the most powerful creations, both representing the forces of light and the forces of darkness.

In some religions they are more structured, in others less. In Christianity, which has had a significant influence on occult views on, there are several conflicting views on demons, their essence, image, power and hierarchy.

But, nevertheless, it is possible to isolate the most powerful demons, which undoubtedly occupy key places in the hierarchy of hell.

Demon names and power

According to various sources, to the number the most powerful demons their number varies. Here we will highlight those of them that are considered the strongest according to the majority of religious teachings of Christianity and religions close to it.

And also, according to most mystics and occultists. The most powerful are considered:

Devil, Satan, Lucifer- the most powerful demon of the fiery hyena, the lord of hell, the concentration of universal evil. He has a huge number of names and appearances. Moreover, in different Abrahamic religions and in different eras there are differences in its description. It is designated as fallen angel who rebelled against the Lord. Moreover, also in the Middle Ages, the devil was correlated with Beelzebub, although this demon is also an independent creature.

It is possible that Satan is a broader concept than just a name or title and includes a collective image of higher demons. But this statement is controversial.

Right Hand of the Lord of Hell

The last giant sea ​​monster, which according to some versions is considered the highest demons, according to others one of the incarnations of Satan. The position of Lilith is very ambiguous.

But she definitely occupies a high position and has enormous power.

According to a number of divisions, the four supreme, and therefore the most powerful, demons are Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial.

Other positions

A separate division is proposed by Satanists with a clearer structure. But it lends itself to criticism, both from the church and from the occultists.

Mystics and occultists themselves also do not have a common opinion on issues of the power of demons.

There are times when representatives of different directions argue about the meaning and power of individual demons.

A completely separate look at the power of demons is a statement that rarely comes out of the circle of some mystics that everything hell demons divided by species.

And representatives of the same species, being inextricably linked, have equal strength. Thus, a completely different hierarchy emerges.

Details, however, are unknown. Since supporters of this classification of demons practically do not share this information.

How do you think? How much do you know about Demons? Have you thought about it? I also thought about it when I first came across this question. But, basically, we have the wrong idea about demons. Ask why? Read this article and you will find out everything.

Demons are both good and evil. A demon is a mediating spirit between man and God, between other worlds and earthly ones. The science that deals with demons is called demonology.

Translated from the Greek term, the word demon is pronounced daimon, that is, rock, divine power, God.
As mentioned above, demons can bring both good and evil. Evil demons are called Cacodemons. Good demons are called Zudemons. A good demon can become a guardian spirit. According to legend, if a person had a guardian demon nearby, then he was always accompanied by luck and success.

At all times, people believed that magicians and sorcerers had power over demons. It was even believed that if a sorcerer expelled a demon from a person, then he automatically received power over the expelled demon.

With the development of Christianity, all demons began to be considered evil. Because they believed that they were intermediaries of the Devil. According to the teachings of Christianity, light spirits are angels, demons are fallen angels who followed Lucifer when he was expelled from heaven. And their only purpose was considered to be inciting people to do bad things and breaking the connection between man and God.

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, demons, as agents of Satan, began to be associated with sorcerers and witches.

Only in 100-400 AD, the classification and systematization of demons began to appear. Christian demon experts of the 16th and 17th centuries gave lists of demons according to their hierarchy in hell. At that time it was believed that the Demon represented a certain nationality of the world. Johann Weyer compiled the most complete hierarchy of demons. It was estimated that total demons amount to 7,405,926 ordinary spirits. They were all under the command of the 72 princes of darkness. In the books of ceremonial magic, there is a hierarchy in which among the most powerful demons are:


It was believed that this was a demon of depravity, vindictiveness, jealousy, and malice. Who always sought to cause discord between spouses. He destroyed young married couples and persuaded men to cheat. Asmodeus is one of the demons that often possesses people. He is believed to be one of Satan's most evil demons. Appearance judging from the descriptions, it seems that Asmodeus has three heads: a ram, a cannibal, and a bull. Instead of legs, rooster paws and wings. Rides a fire-breathing dragon. This image goes back very far to Persian times. The image was associated with the demon Aishma. In ancient times, Jews were considered the parents of Asmodeus - Naam and Shamdon. There is little information about Asmodeus. It was believed that Asmodeus was one of the seraphim. Those close to the Lord God. And then fell out of favor. From other sources, it was believed that Asmodeus was the husband of Lilith, the demon of lust. Legends say that Asmodeus is the son of Lilith and Adam. In the Middle Ages they said that all witches were subordinate to Asmodeus, and magicians always called on him for help. The advice of the warlocks said that it was necessary to approach Asmodeus with his head uncovered, as a sign of respect for his power. Weier considered Asmodeus to be the manager of gambling houses.


He is also Ashtaroth. The demon has masculine properties. Evolved from the fertility goddess Astarte. He is the patron of scientists. Knows the secrets of the past, present and future. The demon Astorath is invoked during necromantic rituals to predict the future. Astorath appears as an Angel with human appearance. Different sources say different things. Like he's ugly or vice versa. But he is still a messenger of evil. Weyer said that Astorat - Grand Duke hell, under whose command are 40 legions of demons. According to other sources. Astorath is one of the supreme demons of hell.


The deities of Syria and Persia were called by this name in ancient times. But Baal was a god Agriculture and fertility. He was the son of El, the supreme deity of Canaan and the ruler of life. Baal ruled the cycles of rebirth and death. The inhabitants of Canaan worshiped Baal and sacrificed children. Throwing them into the fire. In Christianity, Baal was similarly three-headed. In the center was a human head. On the sides there is a cat's head and a toad's head. Baal was able to bestow both wisdom and insight.


Considered the lord of the flies. He was the prince of demons based on ancient Russian beliefs. He had enormous power, which was attributed to him in the Middle Ages. Sorcerers who invoked him risked death from suffocation or apoplexy. Once He appeared, It was very difficult to drive Him away. Beelzebub always appeared in the form of a giant, ugly fly. Beelzebub ruled the witches' covens. Who sang his praises during ritual dances.


It is called differently Belial, Belial, Belial. In translation, vanity, nothing, not God. He is one of Satan's most powerful demons. Belial always appears to people in a beautiful, deceptive form. His speech is pleasant to the ear. Belial is always treacherous and deceitful. He incites people to commit sinful acts. Especially on sexual perversion, adultery and lust. The Jews in ancient times believed that Belial was created immediately after Lucifer and always had an evil essence from birth. He was the first to rise up against God. After being expelled from heaven, he became the embodiment of evil. Weier believed him to be the commander of 88 legions of demons. Each legion had 6666 demons. He was a representative of the devilish troops in Turkey. When calling Belial, it was necessary to make a sacrifice. Belial often broke his promises. If someone sought his favor, Belial rewarded him generously.


“For before Eve there was Lilith,” says the Hebrew text. The legend about her inspired the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882), and he wrote the poem “The Abode of Paradise.” Lilith was a snake, she was Adam's first wife and gave him

Creatures that wriggled in the groves and in the water,
Shining sons, shining daughters.

God created Eve later; To take revenge on the woman, Adam's wife, Lilith persuaded her to eat the forbidden fruit and conceive Cain, Abel's brother and murderer. This is the original form of myth that Rossetti followed and developed. During the Middle Ages, under the influence of the word "layil", which means "night" in Hebrew, the legend took a different turn. Lilith became no longer a snake, but a spirit of the night. Sometimes she is an angel in charge of the birth of people, sometimes a demon who besieges lonely travelers sleeping alone or wandering along the road. In the popular imagination, she appears as a tall, silent woman with long black flowing hair.


Finally we got to it. Translated, Lucifer sounds like the Light Bringer. At the very beginning it was associated with the morning star. In the hierarchy of demons, Lucifer was the emperor of Hell and stands above Satan, one of his viceroys. Summoning spells, Lucifer appears in the form of a beautiful child. Lucifer rules over Europeans and Asians.

Mysticism is an interesting thing. You can believe in it or not, notice at every step or not see a little mysterious even in the most unusual things. And yet she is on everyone’s lips. Let's say demons. Realists may laugh, but they still know what it is. And in the darkness of the night, when unnecessary thoughts creep into your head, willy-nilly you will also think: maybe they really do exist?
Of course, this is all lyrics, and besides, it’s everyone’s personal matter. But such stories and myths, legends passed down from generation to generation, scary tales, are often similar in some interpretations. They all come down to one name - demonology. The myths of demonology are very ancient. Some of the names of demons that can be gleaned from it have become common nouns, others have provided inspiration for characters in literature, visual arts and theater.

Lucifer (bringer of light) - Ruler of Hell. After Lucifer was cast out of heaven, his appearance changed from a beautiful angel to an ugly one: red skin, horns and dark hair. Behind his shoulders are huge wings, and each finger is crowned with a pointed claw. The power of the devil is enormous, everything in Hell is subject to him, and everything in it worships him. Characteristics associated with the image of Lucifer include freedom (rebellion), pride and knowledge. After falling from heaven he acquired the name of Satan. The sins of this demon are primarily attributed to an attempt to gain God's throne, but also to the fact that it was Lucifer who gave knowledge to people. In Christian demonology, his name is also the Devil.

Astaroth is the first in Hell after the Devil. He is one of those fallen angels who followed Lucifer and therefore were cast out of heaven with him. Possesses remarkable strength. Very talented, smart and charming. He is handsome, and it is not difficult for him to attract love with his charm. However, there is as much beauty in it as there is cruelty. Astaroth is more often than other demons depicted in human form. In the grimoires, on the contrary, he is ugly, but not a single source diminishes his strength. Popularization of the image of this demon comes down to its use in literature and other art. The famous Woland, for example, is in many ways similar to Astaroth. The characteristics of the right hand of Satan himself include the ability to make a person invisible, give power over snakes, and also answer any question.

Astarte is the wife of Astaroth. In some sources, the images of a demonic husband and wife merge into one fallen angel under the name Astarte. The spelling of both names in Hebrew is identical. The ancient Phoenicians called Astarte the goddess of war and motherhood.

Beelzebub - Lord of the Flies, demon of Power, commands the legions of Hell. The name Beelzebub is also not unknown: it is sometimes also called as another name of the Devil. This demon is extremely powerful and is considered a co-ruler of Lucifer. Beelzebub is sometimes identified with the sin of gluttony, confusing him with another demon - Behemoth. Perhaps this is because the forms the Lord of the Flies takes are varied: from a three-headed demon to a huge white fly. This nickname, in turn, has two possible stories: it is believed that Beelzebub sent a plague to Canaan with flies, and the reason may also be that flies are associated with dead flesh.

Lilith is Adam's first wife. The legends about her are different: she is also called the first woman before Eve, who was created after Lilith, due to her appearance, but with a submissive disposition. According to this theory, Lilith was created from fire and therefore was freedom-loving and obstinate. Another legend calls the first demoness a snake, who was also in league with Adam and, jealous of him for Eve, seduced her with the Forbidden Fruit. In the Middle Ages, Lilith was called the Spirit of the Night, and she could appear either in the form of an angel or a demon. In some sources, this demoness is the wife of Satan; she is respected and honored by many demons. The list of female names would start with Lilith.

And other entities. In early sources, the distinction between the terms “demon” and “god” is not always clear, just as the connection of demons exclusively with the forces of evil or good is not traced. The lack of differentiation between the class of demons and other entities in archaic times was due, first of all, to the practicality of such a unity of all entities. It doesn't matter who you contact ancient man- he asked for help and waited for help, he did not care where the help would come from.
A demon is not only punishing, but also helping. The angels everyone knows are also demons... This idea does not even contradict religion, which says that demons are the offspring of fallen angels.
An angel has the same structure as a demon. Moreover, an angel has the same cliches of behavior as a demon. The only difference is in perception...

In the Christian tradition, as in Judaism, there was a further evolution of the term, after which all supernatural beings and gods belonging to pagan tradition and those who resist the one God. All evil spirits were included in this category. Spirits who have not fallen away from God are called angels. This is where the Christian idea of ​​demons comes from, as fallen angels who have lost the favor of the Lord.

Basic information about daimons (geniuses) in the ancient Greek classics is drawn from Plato’s “Dialogues” “Post-Law”, “Symposium”, “Apology of Socrates”, etc.

In the dialogue “Post-Law,” Plato calls daimons a type of air creatures that have the third and fourth ranks in the hierarchy of spirits and take their place after the stars and gods. Daimons, being something between gods and people, perform the functions of intermediaries (between gods and people) and therefore they should be especially revered in prayers. Daimon (genius) is assigned to a person from birth and accompanies him until death (cf. angel). Daimons of the fourth rank consist only of air and ether and therefore “no matter how close they are to us, they remain indistinguishable.” At the same time, they belong to the genus “able to learn quickly and have a good memory.”

Iamblichus, in his work “On the Egyptian Mysteries,” distinguishes daimons from visible (understood) and invisible (exceeding rational perception) gods, and from mortal demigod heroes. By their nature, daimons are lower than gods.

According to Talmudic tradition, demons were created by God at dusk after the first Sabbath. Before he could finish them, night fell, and therefore the demons did not get the bodies. They occupy an intermediate position between angels and people, living in the air between the earth and the moon, preferring unclean and deserted places.

Christian tradition considers demons to be evil servants of Satan, living in hell, but capable of roaming the world, looking for souls ready to fall. Demons, according to the teachings of the Christian Church, are powerful and selfish creatures. In their world, it is customary to trample the inferior into the dirt and grovel before the stronger.

Hierarchy and classification of Demons

It is quite difficult to classify demons, since often the capabilities and nature of different spirits are intertwined and interconnected. However, the Dutch physician and occultist Johann Weyer, in his book “Pseudomonarchia Daemonum” (1588), provides a detailed classification of demons and instructions for those wishing to summon them.

The following ranks are distinguished:

  • The ninth, lowest rank is “Tempters and spiteful critics,” those in charge of low passions. Among them there are demons of gluttony, drunkenness, greed, and so on. They are led by Mammon.
  • The eighth rank is “Accusers and spies,” trying to instill despair in people and turn them away from repentance. Their leader is Astaroth.
  • The seventh rank is the “Furies”, they are also the sowers of troubles, wars and strife. Their leader is Abaddon.
  • The sixth rank is “Air Powers”, creatures hovering in the air, spreading pestilence, causing infection and other disasters. They are led by Merezin.
  • The fifth rank is “Deceivers,” who perform false signs and wonders that seduce the people. Their head is Satan.
  • The fourth rank is “Punisher of Crimes”, demons in charge of punishments for villains, vengeful demons. They are led by Asmodeus.
  • The third rank - “Vessel of iniquities” - Inventors of evil deeds and vicious arts. They own the ideas of strong alcohol, gambling and much more. Their prince is Belial.
  • The second rank is “Spirits of Lies” - Oracles, soothsayers who fool people with predictions. Their prince is Python.
  • The first, highest rank is “Pseudo-gods”, false gods. They are the ones who demand that people worship them and make bloody sacrifices. They are led by Beelzebub.

In the Zohar and later Kabbalistic texts, evil spirits are often referred to as “qlipot,” which means “shells” or “shells.” It is surplus, waste or filth from which the “organism” of the universe is freed. TO XIII century the doctrine of ten devilish sephiroth, which are polar opposites of the ten divine sephiroth, was formed. Each devilish sephiroth is controlled by one of the princes of darkness, over whom, in turn, Samael, a fallen angel and now a demon poisoner, rules. MacGregor Mathers classifies them in the following order:

  1. Satan and Moloch
  2. Beelzebub
  3. Lucifuge
  4. Astaroth
  5. Asmodeus
  6. Welfegor
  7. Baal
  8. Adrammelech
  9. Lilith
  10. Naama.

They correspond to 9 ranks of Angels:

9 - seraphim

8 - cherubs

7 - thrones

6 - domination

4 - power

3 - start

2 - archangels

1 - angels.

Iamblichus, a great theurgist of the Neoplatonic school, a man skilled in sacred magic, teaches that: “Good daimons actually appear to us, while evil ones can only appear in the ghostly form of phantoms.”

“Good daimons are not afraid of light, while evil ones need darkness. The feelings they evoke in us make us believe in the reality of the things they show us, even if these things are absent.” “Gods, angels and daemons, as well as souls, can be summoned through invocation and prayer. But if an error occurs during a theurgic action, beware! Do not imagine that you are communicating with beneficent deities who answer your sincere prayer; no, for these are evil daimons, only under the guise of good ones, for elementaries often pretend to be good, and pretend that they belong to a much higher rank than they actually occupy. It’s their boasting that gives them away.”

Magicians who adhere to the theory of the Kabbalah, which is a mysterious and complex complex of ancient teachings, count ten such powers. Astrologers in the past believed that there were seven main forces in the universe - according to the number of planets visible to the naked eye (the Sun and Moon were also considered planets). Now they take into account ten forces, adding Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to the seven visible planets.

Numerologists deal with nine forces, corresponding to the numbers from 1 to 9. The great forces of the universe cannot be called either good or evil. Each of them has its own good and its own evil side - or, in occult terms, its own positive and negative aspect. The evil side of this or that force is the sphere of action of powerful evil beings, the so-called “demons”. The good side, accordingly, is the sphere of “angels,” or good spirits. The magical universe is like an ocean in which the invisible waves of gigantic ebbs and flows are forever rolling; these waves carry us all along with them, but they are quite strong and smart people, capable of curbing them and using them.

Occultists (as well as Catholic theologians) do not advise neglecting demons and do not consider them just a product of the imagination. In the occult tradition, there are two main approaches to the problem of the Devil and angels. Some magicians believe that the Devil is the god of sorcerers and witches, and in order to earn his favor, one should worship him and carry out his commands. Others are convinced that demons are evil entities endowed with great power, however, a sufficiently powerful and courageous magician is able to subjugate them to his will. To force a demon to obey, rituals are necessary, during which the magician makes sacrifices, burns incense, draws occult signs and casts spells. Such magical operations are considered extremely dangerous.

Demons and Gods

As many researchers have noted, the gods of foreign peoples usually become demons. This is precisely the case with many of the evil spirits mentioned by Weyer and in the Lemegeton. Some of them were originally gods of tribes that lived in the neighborhood of the ancient Jews, or of the Canaanites, whose territory the Jews conquered. Since in the Old Testament these gods are mentioned only with anger and contempt as rivals of Jehovah, they later came to be perceived as the inhabitants of hell.

Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, was considered the lord of demons in popular Jewish traditions during the time of Christ, who was accused by the scribes of "having Beelzebub in Him and casting out demons by the prince of demons" (Mark 3:22). Initially, this demon was the god Baal-zebub, worshiped in the Philistine city of Ekron; King Ahaziah, to the displeasure of the prophet Elijah, sent envoys to him as an oracle. The name of this god can be translated either as “lord of the flies” or as “lord who drives out flies”; It is also possible that the priests of Baal-zebub used to tell fortunes by the flight of flies.

Baal (Baal) means "lord"; this title was attached to the names of many local gods in Syria and Palestine. Supreme Baal was the great god of fertility among the Canaanites. The Old Testament says that the followers of Baal allegedly sacrificed babies to him: they “built the high places for Baal to burn their sons with fire as a burnt offering to Baal” (Jeremiah 19:5). Attempts have been made to connect Baal with the Celtic solar gods Belenus and Belinus, as well as with Beltane, the Celtic fire festival celebrated on May 1; however, these correlations appear to be based on a false etymology.

Children were also sacrificed to Molech, a Phoenician and Canaanite god, and to Adrammelech, whose cult was apparently brought to Samria by immigrants from Syria. The demon's name "Chemos" is a corruption of "Chemosh", and "Melchom" is a corruption of "Milkom"; Shemesh was the god of the Moabites, and Milkom was the god of the Ammonites.

Dagon was the supreme deity of the Philistines; it was in his temple that they placed the Ark of the Covenant, captured in battle with the Israelites. The power contained in the Ark destroyed the idol of Dagon, splitting it into pieces.

Another demon, originally a Canaanite god, is Baalberith, “lord of the covenant,” i.e., the god of treaties and agreements. Along with other demons (including Beelzebub, Astaroth and Asmodeus), he possessed Sister Madeleine de Demandole, an early 17th-century nun from the Ursuline convent in Aix-en-Provence. Under the influence of demons, she was visited by visions; she danced and sang love songs, struck lewd poses, and told chilling stories of sodomy and baby-eating she had witnessed at witches' sabbaths. Investigators established that Madeleine was seduced and bewitched by her confessor, Father Gofridi. He was tortured and then strangled and burned at Aix in 1611.

The prototype of the demon named Astaroth was the Canaanite and Phoenician goddess Astarte, identical to the Babylonian Ishtar. Her cult was particularly pompous, and the Old Testament prophets constantly condemned her adherents. Subsequently, this goddess turned into a male demon, who appears to the caster in the guise of a beautiful angel, but has foul breath. Astaroth teaches the magician all sciences and reveals to him the truth about the past, present and future.

Asmodeus, the demon of fornication, lust and all sorts of excesses, is often mentioned in Jewish sources. This character was apparently originally an evil spirit. According to some legends, it has the legs of a rooster, a bird known for its voluptuousness. It was Asmodeus who killed Sarah's seven husbands in the Book of Tobit. Perhaps his name goes back to the Persian "Aishme maiden"; that was the name of the “demon of the wounding spear,” the demon of passion, anger and rage. Other researchers associate the name Asmodeus with the Hebrew word "shamad" - "to destroy." The Lemegeton states that one must call him with his head uncovered.

Belial (Velial) - “insignificant” demon of lies; he also appears to have been a spirit of evil from the very beginning. His name is traced back to the Hebrew phrase "beli ya"al" - "useless." Ancient Jews sometimes called him the supreme demon. In the text "The War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness", found among the manuscripts Dead Sea, Belial acts as the leader of the army of darkness. "But for vice you created Belial, the angel of enmity. All his possessions are in darkness, and his desire is to bear sin and guilt. All the spirits subject to him are angels of destruction." He appears to the spellcaster in the guise of a beautiful angel and speaks deceptively affectionately, in a pleasant voice.

Mammon, the demon of acquisitiveness, was originally simply an Aramaic word for wealth or profit. And he began to be considered a demon because Jesus said: “You cannot serve God and mammon” (Matthew 6:24).

The name of the demon Kimaris, who rides a black horse and commands all the spirits of Africa, apparently comes from the name of the Cimmerians, a people who, according to Homer, inhabited the foggy and dark regions of the Far West. This demon predicts the future and is possibly identical to Balaam, who in the Old Testament is presented as a greedy magician, and in the New Testament as a symbol of money-grubbing or idolatry and adultery (II Peter 2:15; Rev. 2:14).

The name "Satan" comes from a Hebrew word meaning "to resist." In the early books Old Testament, written down even before the Babylonian captivity (i.e. before the 6th century BC), the word satan is used in the meaning of “enemy.” In the episode recounting Balaam's journey, the Angel of the Lord "stood in the way to hinder (satan) him" (Num. 22:22). Moreover, the word satan did not necessarily refer to a supernatural enemy. Thus, the Philistines refused to accept David’s help, fearing that in the battle he would go over to the side of the enemy and become their satan, that is, their enemy (1 Sam. 29:4). The word "Satan" in its more familiar sense appears in two later passages written after the Babylonian captivity. Here Satan is an angel belonging to Jehovah's entourage and acting as an accuser of sinners before God. In the Book of the Prophet Zechariah, approximately dating from the end of the 6th century BC. e., a vision is described in which the high priest Jesus appears before the court of God. By right hand Satan stands from Jesus “to oppose him,” that is, to act as an accuser.

What can attract the Demon's attention to you?

If you are interested paranormal phenomena, then the topic of Spirits and Ghosts may be intriguing to you. It’s a completely different matter if otherworldly entities have settled next to you. The presence of spirits in a house can be light and unobtrusive, so that sometimes even the most experienced and sensitive medium cannot detect their presence, but sometimes their presence is so obvious that even a person who does not believe in the paranormal resorts to help, trying to get rid of uninvited guests . In the latter case, we are talking about negative energy entities - demons. If they have settled in your home, they can make noise, cause discomfort and even harm to the inhabitants of the house. Below we will look at the signs of a demonic presence in the house.

At the very beginning, the signs of a demon’s presence are subtle and may not differ from an ordinary spirit. These include:

  • strange sounds and phenomena: sounds of footsteps, doors opening and closing, unclear whispers or moans, white noise, electrical appliances turning on and off;
  • visions: you see shadows with peripheral vision, flickering lights, objects that change location when you turn your back, dark figures, etc.;
  • unusual sensations: the feeling that someone is watching you, the feeling of a foreign presence in the house, a sudden and inexplicable feeling of cold, goosebumps, a feeling of touching the body;
  • strange smells: smells of perfume, food, sulfur, just unpleasant smells.

As the demon gains strength, its presence becomes more obvious and the signs intensify, and the following may be added to the above:

  • recurring nightmares;
  • a feeling of heaviness, pressure during sleep, after waking up, unexplained bruises and scratches may appear on the body;
  • a general feeling of discomfort and fear, you cannot relax and unwind in your home;
  • tension between family members, constant disagreements and quarrels;
  • the demon appears to one of the family members. Often demons choose one member of the family, sometimes it can be a child, to whom he usually appears in the form of a harmless entity. Observe the child: if a usually active and cheerful child becomes withdrawn and talks about his new “imaginary” friend, this is a sign that is worth paying attention to;
  • damage or unexplained disappearance of religious objects such as crucifixes, icons, rosaries, etc.;
  • things in the house are turned over and scattered, although there are no signs of unauthorized people entering the house;
  • It is unknown where inscriptions appeared on the walls and other places in the house.

Signs of Demonic Haunting or Possession

Unfortunately, it often happens that when a demon appears in a house, the people themselves unknowingly begin to feed it. A vicious circle arises - the presence of a demon causes negativity between family members, quarrels and fear, which the demon feeds on, becoming more and more powerful. A demonic presence can develop into haunting or possession of one or more people, depending on the strength of the demon.

If you notice one or more of the following signs in one or more family members, you know that the situation is getting out of control:

  1. Distance: a person becomes distant from their loved ones socially and physically. He becomes more silent and stops taking part in family affairs;
  2. Anger/Resentment: The person has sudden, strong emotional outbursts, usually anger or resentment toward other family members.
  3. lack of interest: a person loses interest in what previously interested him - work, study, favorite hobby, etc.;
  4. recurring nightmares and fears, the person is afraid of the dark, may scream in his sleep;
  5. inexplicable marks on the body: scratches, bruises, bites in places where the person himself cannot reach (it is important not to confuse it with the phenomenon of a poltergeist);
  6. sudden interest in the occult and black magic;
  7. unexplained illness and weakness, may be accompanied by weight loss, hair loss, changes in skin color, mental confusion, loss of appetite, vomiting, general weakness.

You can definitely talk about obsession if close person stops looking like himself, his voice changes, he has attacks of incredible strength or supernatural abilities. It is important to remember that the situation is reversible. First of all, stop feeding the demon negative energy and seek help as soon as you see the first signs of its presence in the house. Don't wait for it to get worse!

What geographically attracts Demons

Demons inhabit a specific plane of existence, and sometimes they are attracted to certain places or people. What attracts a demon to a particular place:

  • murder/suicide: a violent or unnatural death can leave enough negative energy in a space to attract a demon;
  • black magic: any place that has been used for black magic rituals serves as a kind of portal for various entities, where they can linger. If a group of people participated in the ritual, then such a place becomes a “magnet” for spirits;
  • places with negative energy: any place where people with bad thoughts and intentions live. If the negativity is strong enough and long-lasting, then such a place can attract the attention of the relevant entities.

What attracts a Demon to a particular person?

  • occultism: sometimes even in a playful form or for the sake of curiosity, activities such as fortune telling, tarot reading, using a fortune board, can attract negative entities;
  • black magic: black magic rituals open a portal into our world for such entities, especially if the ritual was performed by a group of people;
  • depression/negative thoughts: a person suffering from chronic depression has a weakened aura, which can attract negative entities, incl. demons;
  • Drug use: A person who regularly uses drugs can also attract negative entities. Why? Because drugs deplete a person physically, mentally and spiritually, and a weakened aura attracts other entities that continue to feed on his energy (or what is left of it).

How to identify an otherworldly entity in an apartment

It is no secret to many that in addition to the visible, tangible physical world, there is a world of organized energy and vibration, another dimension. It is inhabited by creatures to which people have given the name angels, demons, spirits, larvae, etc. Sometimes our dimensions intersect and entities penetrate our world. Read on to find out what signs you can use to determine the presence of an entity in your home.

To identify an alien entity in an apartment, you need to be observant, remember what unusual happened recently and what the situation is in the present. Weak entities show their presence in small things. Most often through unexplained phenomena. There are 4 main signs by which a conclusion is drawn about the presence of an entity in the house:

Unusual phenomena

Have you noticed flickering lights in your home even though you recently changed the bulb or checked the wiring? Or maybe your TVs are acting up strangely even when the TV signal is stable? Such phenomena may indicate an otherworldly presence.
Everything happens because of the vibrational-wave structure of entities. When they intersect with the electromagnetic field of an electrical device, they cause interference.

Also, spirits can reveal their presence by a sharp change in temperature that is inappropriate for a given place. For example, it was just warm or even hot in your house, and the windows were closed, but at a certain period of time the temperature in one of the rooms drops sharply. You will feel this cold and it is unlikely to seem pleasant to you, because even warm clothes will not save you from it. In the place where this phenomenon was noticed, it is worth placing a thermometer and approximately tracking the time of the appearance of the anomaly in order to take measures to expel the uninvited “guest”.

Similar to a sudden change in temperature, a signal can be a strange smell that suddenly appears and also suddenly disappears.

Pets react to demons

One of the important signs of an otherworldly presence is the behavior of pets. Have you noticed anything strange about them? It has long been believed that animals (especially cats) have the strongest connection with the other world, unlike people, and can see and interact with such guests. Therefore, who, if not pets, can reveal the location of a demonic entity.

If you suspect the presence of spirits or larvae in the house, keep an eye on your pet - perhaps it is behaving strangely. The behavior of a cat or dog can largely show what kind of character your guest is. Animals react aggressively to unkind entities. And the kind ones can simply look at them or even fawn on them if they do not see anything dangerous in them for themselves and their owners. If you begin to notice that pets are trying to attack someone invisible, you should diagnose your house or apartment to understand what came into your home and what its intentions are.

Bad dream

The next factor in the presence of a demonic entity in the house can be a bad dream. If you and your family have been dreaming for a long time bad dreams or one of the household members began to notice that he wakes up at a certain time at night, then you can be 99.9% sure that there is an uninvited guest in your house. You may feel in your sleep that you are being pushed or abruptly torn out of sleep, and there is no one nearby. This is another sign that there is an otherworldly presence in the house.

Diseases and vampirism

The last of the main signs are frequent illness, depression, weakness, and lack of strength. This may be due to weakness in your body, fatigue at work or seasonal blues. But if this has not happened before, and your health is worsening, you should sound the alarm. Of course, you first need to see a doctor, but in cases of otherworldly intervention, the doctor will not be able to make a diagnosis and treatment will not bring relief.

The fact is that there are vampire entities that can feed on vital energy, draining vitality. Most often this becomes noticeable when the whole family is sick, but a vampire can choose one person as a victim. Something out of this world is feeding on the energy of your household and yourself. Most often, the essence contributes to weakness, malaise, and exacerbation of diseases nervous system, as a result - diseases.

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