When my wife returned from the monastery for the first time, as soon as she got out of the train car, I immediately understood everything from her face. Larisa was completely unprepared to suddenly plunge into monastic life with its special way of life and atmosphere.

We met at the beginning of 1993 at the School of Dramatic Art theater, where Anatoly Vasiliev invited me before his trip to Japan. At that time I lived in Rostov-on-Don, served as regent cathedral and worked as a choirmaster at the local theater "Epos", which was directed by a student of the famous director Anatoly Vasilyev - Mikhail Izyumsky. Anatoly Alexandrovich invited us to perform at his theater for Christmas, and later offered me a temporary job.

For me, Belogurova for some time remained just one of the actresses singing in the choir. I didn’t even know about her film career, although, of course, I saw the films “The Sixth” and “Free Wind”, in which she played the main female roles. And her new image of the blonde from “Genius” was still unfamiliar to me then. As it turned out later, shortly before our first meeting, she starred in her latest film, “An Oriental Romance.”

One evening while sitting in a hotel, I turned on the TV and the film “The Renegade” was playing. Face main character seemed familiar, but even then I didn’t immediately recognize her as an actress from our theater. The next day, the whole team celebrated Nikolai Chindyaykin’s birthday. I sat down with Larisa and admitted that I liked her performance in “The Renegade.” It was just a compliment, nothing at all romantic relationships I didn’t think at that moment. I remember how she looked very carefully, as if the gaze of a lonely creature pierced me. Some time later, Larisa admitted that even at rehearsals, when she saw me, she thought: “It would be nice to marry him...”

That evening I accompanied her home and it so happened that I stayed. After some time, our Rostov theater collapsed, and a new metropolitan was sent to the cathedral, relations with whom did not work out. I felt that I no longer regretted parting with the past. There was nothing else holding me in Rostov, a new interesting business and my beloved woman were waiting in Moscow, so the offer of a permanent job in the theater was very opportune for me.

- Vladimir, you met Larisa when both were already adults. Surely each of you had a personal life?

We never discussed the relationship we had before meeting each other. Larisa said that the past has no meaning. She has never been married. I think it was beauty that became the barrier.

Larisa, like all the actresses of Anatoly Vasiliev’s theater, simply had no time left for her personal life. There was no talk of serious novels. The actors practically lived in the theater. This was probably the very art that requires sacrifice.

The fact is that people spent most of their lives there. They came in the morning, had lunch in the afternoon and only returned home late in the evening. The food was good, but only main courses. I remember Vasiliev even said: “If a person ate borscht, he cannot be an artist in my theater!” I had to feed Larisa soup secretly from the director when she returned home tired.

In the “School...” there was a main group, it included my choir, and a small leading group of artists with whom Anatoly Vasiliev often traveled abroad to show his theater. He later took Larisa into this group.

Vasiliev is known and accepted in many countries around the world. What happened on stage was not theater in the classical sense. A novel was taken as a basis, and the actors showed excerpts they had chosen. Of course, many dreamed of joining Anatoly Alexandrovich’s troupe, but not everyone succeeded. And those who got in forgot about everything except the theater. However, it was very difficult to survive. The weak did not stay there, and not all the strong survived... Maybe if Larisa had not entered there, her fate would have turned out differently, she would still be working and acting in films.

- Didn’t she have any filming offers? Or did she herself refuse?

Were. Larisa sometimes received calls and was offered some roles, but every time she referred to the fact that she was very busy. Over time, the calls came less and less often, and only once did she agree to come to an audition with her former theater partner, who was selecting actors for the series “Balzac's Age, or All Men Are Theirs...”. As a result, Lada Dance was approved for the role, and Larisa crossed herself with relief.

She refused to act in films for various reasons. At first she physically did not have such an opportunity. Vasiliev said that an artist can only have one reason for not showing up for work - death. She was too disciplined. Well, after I left the theater, I didn’t act in films for a completely different reason. Larisa got acquainted with religion...

- How did this happen?

Artists sometimes become so accustomed to the material that it then radically changes their future lives. Previously, I myself witnessed how young actors of the Epic Theater converted to faith. We were working then on “The Christmas Drama” based on the play by Dmitry Rostovsky. I even had to help one of these artists get a job as a secretary to a bishop. He later achieved the rank of archimandrite.

Maybe, similar situation happened to Larisa’s theater partner Alexander Ishmatov. After all, it was after working on the play “Joseph and His Brothers” with a biblical plot that the actor became a monk.

In the mid-nineties, having already been named Daniel upon tonsure, he invited Larisa and her friend from the theater to visit White Mountain near Perm, where he served as abbot of the monastery. They stayed there for some time, helping with the housework and attending services in the basement of the dilapidated cathedral, which Father Daniel was restoring.

When Larisa returned from the monastery for the first time, as soon as she got out of the train car, I immediately understood everything from her face. She was completely unprepared to suddenly plunge into monastic life with its special way of life and atmosphere. Such changes are invisible at first glance psychological trauma. A breakdown occurs in the soul of an unprepared person. I myself had such an experience of a change in consciousness when I was just beginning to act as regent and went to the Sergius Lavra to transcribe notes for the church choir. What can we say about the subtle female soul...

Later, on White Mountain, Larisa met her confessor, Archimandrite Anthony from Georgia, who had spiritual children in Perm and visited the monastery. In Moscow, he stayed at the Sretensky Monastery, and we came to talk to him. He helped Larisa adapt to normal church life, as we say - without fanaticism.

Our personal life has changed a lot, we decided to get married. I remember this day very well - the ninth of May. Traffic was blocked in the city center near Red Square, and we had difficulty getting to the temple. Live in civil marriage is considered fornication, and Larisa was not allowed to take communion because of this. We were married by the same Father Daniel. In matters of faith, I was not an authority for my wife, but some random person could change her worldview in an instant.

In confession she was once told: “Don’t you feel that this (referring to intimacy) is a sin?” She began to experience some kind of mental breakdown, and I had to move to sleep in another room. So for the last fifteen years we have lived like brother and sister. Sometimes I think: the very fact that we were married not by a simple priest, but by a monk, left its mark.

Larisa began to become a missionary, although this concerned only relatives and acquaintances. On one of her visits to her native Volgograd, she insisted that her already elderly parents get married. And when Larisa’s former gymnastics coach came to Moscow, she baptized first her, and then her daughter Elmira. She later worked with the girl and helped her enroll in drama school.

- Did Larisa talk about her childhood and family? Why did you choose an acting career?

Of course, she often thought about the past. Still in very early childhood Larisa miraculously survived and could not forget about it, although she was about a year old at the time. She fell ill with pneumonia and was so weak that her mother had to hold her daughter upright at night so that the girl would not suffocate.

She hardly remembered her own father, because after her younger brother was born, her parents separated. It was a very difficult time, but soon the children had a stepfather, Nikolai Ivanovich, and life began to improve.

In character, Larisa tried to be like her grandmother Marfa Ivanovna, whom she especially loved. We met when my grandmother had already left this world, but from my wife’s words, I understood that she had a rather tough temperament. Sometimes we had conflicts, like in any normal family, but they never developed into scandals, and every quarrel eventually ended in romantic reconciliation. Actually, I made the offer after another disagreement. It was not even a proposal, but the first declaration of love.

Larisa's character can be judged by her tastes. Outwardly she was very sophisticated, but, for example, in architecture she liked the Stalinist Empire style. She understood classical and jazz, but preferred marches, which are usually played at demonstrations, or Strauss waltzes.

Larisa grew up as a wayward child. I didn’t know how to reconcile with my mother when she was upset by her behavior. Her beloved grandmother taught her granddaughter to ask for forgiveness; for the girl, this way of establishing relationships became a revelation. She told a funny story. When I starred in the first film, all my relatives went to the cinema. Seeing her on the screen, the grandmother jumped up from her seat and shouted: “Granddaughter, I’m here!” Marfa Ivanovna died when Larisa was at a film festival abroad; the trip could not be cancelled, and for a long time she could not forgive herself for not staying home then.

My wife treated her family with great trepidation and adored her younger brother. When Larisa and Igor were children, an incident happened that almost ended in tragedy. While her parents were at work, Larisa decided to feed her brother fried potatoes, although I didn’t know how to cook at all then. Igor later admitted that the potatoes were undercooked, and when he reluctantly began to eat lunch, a piece of plaster from the ceiling fell on his head and he lost consciousness. Larisa was very scared, cried and kissed her brother until he came to his senses.

At the age of ten, Igor was sent to learn to play the button accordion. Larisa wanted to learn the piano, but, unfortunately, the family did not have money for an instrument. She began to look for a way for self-realization. By that time, a sixth grade student, Larisa herself went to the Youth Sports School to enroll in the rhythmic gymnastics section. They refused - the girl was overgrown, a sports career begins in early childhood. Then he and his friend came to the central stadium to the subscription group.

Irina Pavlovna, coach, recalls: “I saw Larisa for the first time in 1972. She decisively approached me, tall, in a red coat. When asked what she could do, she said loudly: “Bridge, splits!” I was captivated by her lively eyes and white-toothed, perky smile.

She studied easily, had very good abilities and unbridled desire. All the girls in our large group loved Larisa. And when she was called to the platform at competitions, the audience pushed each other in the side and whispered to each other that Belogurova would now perform. Having started studying later than other students, after two years she received her first adult rank and reached the Master of Sports program. That is, I caught up and surpassed many!”

But then an interest in dancing appeared. At first Larisa tried to combine both, but in the end her new hobby won out. At one of the rehearsals, the head of the Volzhanochka folk dance studio, where Belogurova studied, invited the soloists of the Leningrad Music Hall to give a master class; they were on tour in Volgograd at the time. Those, seeing Belogurova at a rehearsal, suggested that she enter the choreographic studio at the music hall.

Why in the end she chose the acting profession and decided to enroll in GITIS - I don’t know. I think some director noticed her. And the damp climate of St. Petersburg was not very suitable for Larisa. She moved to Moscow, where at first she lived in the family of the famous comedian Vladimir Naumovich Lyakhovitsky, with whose daughter Nina she became very friendly. Having already become a member of the Union of Cinematographers, Belogurova received an apartment in the capital.

- What did she do after she left the theater?

Her confessor, Archimandrite Anthony, advised her to take up needlework. She took a gold embroidery course at the Novospassky Monastery. We traveled all over Moscow in search of some special beads and gold threads. I came up with patterns for beads easter eggs and even helped weave them. At the end of her studies, Larisa independently embroidered a miter with a gold pattern, which she gave to her confessor. As a result, we both pretty much damaged our eyesight. This hobby became not a means of earning money, as expected, but an additional expense column.

Some time later she fell ill for the first time. We learned about oncology in the early 2000s, when my wife underwent a routine examination with a female doctor. He advised her to follow the standard path: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy... The treatment was successful, and Larisa continued to live a normal life, periodically being checked at the dispensary. There was a feeling that the disease had receded forever.

We began to spend more time in nature. We went out for a walk in a botanical garden or some park, taking a thermos and sandwiches with us. Sometimes we went to the dacha of Larisa’s friend Lyudmila near Yegoryevsk. They met in a church fabric store, where Lyudmila worked as a salesman. She visited the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin Monastery in Kolomna, which was located not far from the dacha.

The local abbess, when she learned that Belogurova was an actress, offered to try her for a recording Orthodox books. Reading was not easy, since working with a microphone for many hours required a lot of dedication. They paid her something and gave her something else delicious cottage cheese own production.

Then someone advised Larisa to get a job as a representative in a company whose main products were expensive products made from purified plastic. There was a standard scheme for such companies: as much as you sell, you will receive as much money. Larisa wasn’t very good at selling, but she was good at presentations, and her acting talent came in handy here: she had to beautifully show the process of cooking in new dishes.

After these presentations, she became interested in cooking; our TV was constantly tuned to food channels. The money earned was spent on purchasing new products that had to be sold again. In the end, there were so many dishes in the house that we began to give them to all our friends and relatives. But Larisa was captivated by this business, she was interested and liked everything.

If Belogurova started doing something, she approached it with enthusiasm. And amazingly she managed to instantly spend any amount. She made good money in the theater, and when she left there, the money became much less, but that didn’t stop my shopaholic wife. In second-hand stores, Larisa skillfully selected branded items that were difficult to find even in expensive stores. It’s impossible to imagine how much clothes we had accumulated - there were fifty pairs of pants alone! She measured it all and simply added it up, and then, like all women, she said: “I have nothing to go out in!”

Despite some difficulties, it was a very happy time. Usually in the summer or autumn we went to Volgograd, where we spent a couple of weeks at the dacha with Larisa’s parents. My brother’s house was next door, and the whole family often had feasts. Igor baked meat on the grill and smoked fish. They found a button accordion somewhere specially for me. Larisa’s stepfather Nikolai Ivanovich was at one time a soloist in an amateur folk choir, and her mother Lydia Sergeevna also sang well. In general, everyone sang! Neighbors listened to our family concert, and in the morning they came to express admiration.

The dacha was located near the mouth of the Pichuga River. One day, on our way to the beach, we saw an almost adult blue kitten prancing on a tree, trying to attract attention. I took him and began to persuade Larisa to take him with me to Moscow, she refused for a long time, but her mother said: “You see what he wants, take it.” So we got a new family member.

On the way to Volgograd, we sometimes stopped for a few days in Ust-Buzuluk, where Larisa’s aunt, her father’s sister, lived. It’s interesting that long before we met, in the early eighties, I went to this village with a folk ensemble that I organized back in my homeland in Taganrog to learn to sing from true masters. It is possible that Larisa was also staying there at the same time.

- Why didn’t you have children?

We talked to her about it, but at first we didn’t have time because of work, and then our health didn’t allow it. Larisa partially realized her maternal feelings in her nephews - the children of her brother Igor, he has four of them. She took part in the upbringing and often brought gifts. Our middle son Nikita lived with us for several years, having moved from Volgograd to Moscow to study at a technical school. Larisa took the eldest, Anastasia, to filming when she was still little. Nastya is a copy of her aunt. By the way, in last time Having arrived to visit, she, standing on the threshold of the apartment, exclaimed: “Godmother (that’s what she called Larisa), you look so much like a grandmother!”

In 2010, a new misfortune came knocking on our house - my daughter from her first marriage, Masha, fell ill, she was only thirty-five years old, and she was also diagnosed with cancer. Six months before her death, she dreamed of her wife and warned that she would soon die, and Larisa would follow her. I began to persuade my wife to go to the doctor to get checked, but she flatly refused.

There were also quarrels. She scared me that she would tell her confessor that I believed in dreams. For some reason this had an effect on me. In Orthodoxy, it is considered unacceptable to believe in dreams. I still don’t understand why I didn’t call the priest myself. After all, he most likely could convince her. After another “scandal”, Larisa’s blood pressure jumped significantly. It ended with her making me promise never to return to this conversation.

However, soon a nurse from the clinic where Larisa was registered called us and strongly recommended that we undergo an examination. She finally agreed to go to the doctor. The results were disappointing - the cancer returned. Any treatment requires big money, and just shortly before that we started doing renovations. We bought furniture on credit, some of which stood in boxes until Larisa’s death.

It all started again. After the third chemotherapy, the condition worsened. The doctor suggested taking a break so that the blood could be restored, and we decided to go to a sanatorium in Belarus. After returning, we went to banks, closing accounts and paying off debts. I sold a small apartment to my mother, who died shortly before, and there was just enough money for everything. On New Year's Eve, Larisa went to the hospital to continue treatment. She was assigned, as we later understood, to a ward for the hopeless. Before that, the chemotherapy doctor assured: “All this can be treated.” But Larisa was getting worse every day. After Christmas, my wife asked me to take her home with a signature.

Larisa barely entered the apartment with her own feet, I supported her. She lay down on the bed and never got up again. She called relatives and close friends and said goodbye to them. I myself injected painkillers that could be bought at the pharmacy, but soon this stopped helping. The wife asked to call an ambulance. The doctor arrived, with trembling hands he tried unsuccessfully to find a vein.

The time had come for strong medicines that could be bought at special recipe. But the clinic said that the doctor could come to the house only in a week. According to our law, the doctor must be convinced of the need for the medicine, then the prescription had to be approved by some commission. All this takes at least ten days, and all this time the patient dies in agony. We were helped by Father Daniel, who learned about the disease. A friend of his in Moscow lost her mother to cancer and left behind a couple of boxes of necessary painkillers.

One day, while Larisa was sleeping, I dozed off. Her grandmother came to me in a dream, whom we did not have time to meet in life. She threw two bags of groceries at my feet. I understood - this is a sign, it’s time to get ready...

On the last day, we had her friends over to help me take care of my wife. They left very late. I lay down in the next room, ready to provide assistance if necessary, as usual. Despite the fact that I hadn’t slept for almost ten days in a row, I didn’t feel like sleeping. After midnight I heard Larisa call me loudly. I thought that I needed to get an injection, but she said: “No need, I’m dying...”

He sat down next to her and took her hand. She turned to me and looked endlessly with a long, piercing gaze... A minute after her heart stopped beating, a huge butterfly flew out from behind the window curtain near which the bed stood and flew over my head to the exit of the room. .. I think it was her soul.

I didn’t immediately call an ambulance; I wanted to stay nearby longer. Some people arrived and started asking me about how my hands were lying and why there were no clothes on my body. I found the diagnosis certificates, only after that they calmed down. Closer to the morning, the transportation arrived and Larisa was taken away.

She asked not to invite anyone to her farewell party in Moscow, but I violated her ban. I called Igor Yatsko, Vasiliev and Sergei Repetsky came with him, the same one who tried Larisa for the role in the series. There were also several women from the center where she worked. They collected money there, which was just enough to cover the costs of transporting the body.

We arrived in Volgograd almost at night, and in the morning my wife was buried in a church not far from the cemetery where her grandmother and mother were buried. They managed to buy a plot of land next to the chapel in which Larisa’s mother was buried. This was very important for me, because it would be impossible to fix anything later. A deputy of the city duma, one of the friends of Lyudmila, whom I mentioned, helped. Red canvases were lowered into the hole, and spruce branches were scattered around. The girl in charge of the ritual told us something about Larisa’s life based on materials from the Internet...

- You haven't thought about starting new life, maybe even marry again?

I don’t think that Larisa and I have broken up; I always feel her nearby. She comes to me in a dream, and I constantly see some signs of her presence. For example, I’m sitting at the computer, and suddenly some small fly appears before my eyes, at that moment I remember that I forgot to turn off the kettle on the stove, and I understand that Larisa is warning me and protecting me.

Such situations happen at every step. As I fall asleep, I feel her lying quietly behind me. Larisa now knows everything about my past life, including what I would not like to share with anyone. It is not for nothing that Scripture says that there is nothing hidden that would not become known and would not be revealed. She reads my thoughts, and I can tell her everything that I didn’t have time to do during my life, that only now I realized how much I love her. If you want to say something to your departed loved ones, you can be sure that they will hear.

Name: Larisa Belogurova

Date of Birth: 04.10.1960

Age: 59 years old

Date of death: 22.01.2015.

Place of Birth: Volgograd city, Russia

Activity: actress

Family status: Married

Viewers remember Larisa Belogurova as the heroine of “Genius” and “Islands of Lost Ships.” Her angelic, innocent appearance next to the courageous actor Alexander Abdulov was forever remembered by the audience. Few people will remember Larisa’s other roles, but there were many of them. More than twenty years before the day of her death, the actress stopped acting in films, as she no longer received worthy offers. Her aristocratic appearance did not allow the actress to play “just anyone.”

Joining a sales company kitchen utensils, the legendary artist dedicated herself to serving God. Perhaps it was through faith in the Lord that she found harmony. But little time was allotted for Belogurova to get to know herself.

Cancer and its remission

In 2002, Larisa was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors’ diagnosis, like a bolt from the blue, took the woman by surprise. But she pulled herself together and began to fight. Then the disease subsided, but soon returned.

In January 2015, one of the most beautiful actresses of Soviet cinema died of cancer in her apartment, in the arms of her husband. As Belogurova’s husband said, she did not want to go to doctors, get examined, or try to get cured. The woman spent the dying days of her life in severe agony.

Having learned from doctors about the remission of cancer, which was the cause of her death, Larisa Begororova seemed to resign herself: her personal life is in order, her biography is full of interesting roles in films - she can die in peace.

Actress Larisa Belogurova

But Larisa and her husband Vladimir Tsirkov did not have time to have children. And I wanted it so much!

Like many Soviet artists, Lara devoted her entire youth to work and had no time for children. And then my health did not allow me to give birth. The woman gave her maternal love to her nephews and her cat. She even called the animal her own son. And when the cat died, Larisa suffered very much, as if she had lost a real child.

Part of Belogurova’s life was her husband, whom she met in 1993 at the School of Dramatic Art. The actress also loved and respected him very dearly.

Husband of Larisa Belogurova

In those days, Vladimir Tsyrkov was involved in the musical part of the productions; after the death of his beloved wife, he began singing in the church choir. He does not comment on his personal life with Larisa Belogurova, and does not tell journalists the details of her biography. The only thing that was published in the newspapers from his words was the cause of death of the missus.

Vladimir was very upset about the death of his wife. He insisted that she be examined regularly, but all in vain. Tsirkov placed some of the blame for the death of his wife on himself. It was he who did not save her and did not insist on an examination.

Film roles

The path to cinema began quite easily for Larisa: she entered an acting course at the School of Dramatic Art after graduating from choreographic school. The girl’s talent was noticed by Anatoly Vasiliev, one of the most famous theater directors at that time. Larisa’s angelic appearance delighted everyone, including the famous director. It was external data that opened the path to cinema for the aspiring actress.

It was as if blue blood was flowing through the veins of the young artist. They often told her that she must be from a family of aristocrats - Belogurova was so intelligent and elegant. In fact, Lara's family was quite simple.

Still from the film “Free Wind”

The actress’s biography includes a lot of minor roles and several main ones. She managed to build a personal life and waited for interesting offers until she fell ill with cancer, which became the cause of her death.

In 1992, the actress’s last role was a character in the melodrama “Oriental Romance.” On this, good propositions stopped arriving for Belogurova. She was offered episodic roles in TV series and gangster films. But Larisa did not agree to such proposals.

Still from the film "Genius"

Different times have come, a new generation has replaced the artists who were once in demand and beloved by the Soviet audience. One day, the director finally managed to persuade Belogurova to take part in the filming of the film “Balzac’s Age or All Men Are Theirs...”. This was not at all the proposal the woman was expecting. It was not easy to make a decision; I had to step over my principles.

But, unfortunately, Lada Dance was approved for one of the main roles, and not Belogurova. This was a severe blow for Larisa, who was already worried about better times.

Change of activity

Feeling useless to anyone in the world of cinema, Lara decided to radically change her activities. She got a job at a company that sold kitchen utensils. This occupation did not bring her good income, but it was enough to live on.

Larisa began to look for herself in cooking: she loved to cook, that’s why she sold kitchen utensils evolved into favorite hobby. All this brought pleasure to the forgotten actress: her beloved husband was always well-fed, and the house always smelled of fresh baked goods.

Film "Tales of Scheherazade"

After they stopped offering Belogurova roles, her life became closed to the public. She did not give interviews, did not comment in any way on what was happening to her. This began to give rise to rumors. For example, people said that the favorite of Soviet directors went to a monastery. But that's not true. The actress visited the monastery only to record the audiobook “Records of Abbess Taisia,” which was published in 2006.

Larisa did not communicate with any of her colleagues on the set. The woman did not like guests and did not accept invitations herself.

One day, Belogurova’s neighbor came to visit her. According to her stories, there was a musty smell in the former artist’s apartment, the room was dusty and not cleaned. There was a mountain of dishes in the kitchen, and there weren’t even curtains on the windows. There is rubbish and old furniture all around.

Still from the film “Island of Lost Ships”

Colleagues on the set remember Belogurova only as a bright and pure person, with an open soul and memorable angelic appearance. She never said a bad word to anyone, let alone her actions.

Vera Glagoleva said in a short interview that Belogurova was a very kind person, perhaps she did not find what she was looking for from filming films, so she began to serve God. Perhaps it was from prayer that she felt the harmony that she had been looking for for so long.

— I really regret that I didn’t communicate with Lara in Lately. Although she never called and avoided communication,” Glagoleva recalled.

Difficult year 2002

At the beginning of 2000, Larisa Belogurova began to rapidly gain weight. Fans who were still following the life of their favorite actress thought that the woman was finally pregnant. But they were wrong. Two years later, the artist was diagnosed with cancer. Then Lara and Vladimir coped with the disease, and the oncology receded.

After her first victory over the disease, Belogurova categorically did not want to be examined by doctors to ensure that the cancer did not return. But in vain.

Larisa Belogurova died of cancer

Larisa spent the last day of her life in bed next to her husband. Vladimir did not leave his missus a single step, he experienced everything with her. unbearable pain, watched the daily torment.

On the day of her death, January 20, 2015, Belogurova stared at Kramskoy’s painting “Unknown,” which hung opposite the woman’s bed. Perhaps she saw herself as a young woman in the beautiful stranger. Perhaps that day she rethought her whole life, regretted something, was ashamed of something.

God gave - God took

This is what Larisa Belogurova said about her illness. If you are destined to die, then there is nothing to resist. The disease took over the weak woman, and she came to terms with it. Silently, in silence, without distracting anyone from their daily affairs, Larisa died in the arms of her faithful and loving husband.

Neighbors, who didn’t really know anything about Belogurova’s life, say that she lived very quietly, and just as quietly she died in her Moscow apartment. Her death was a shock to everyone; many did not even suspect that the Soviet cinema star had cancer.

For the first time, Alexander Domogarov decided to talk about his personal tragedy in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program on the “Russia 1” TV channel. The actor came to tell the country about the difficult situation in which he found himself. close person Larisa Chernikova. The fact that the beloved People's Artist of Russia fell into a coma became known about two weeks ago. This news shocked the public, because no one except those closest to Larisa knew that the 32-year-old girl had been trying to overcome cancer for eight years. In a conversation with the host of the program, Boris Korchevnikov, Alexander Domogarov shared his thoughts about what happened and frankly told the story of his acquaintance with Larisa.

“You know, I can say one thing: it would be better if this day did not exist in my life,” said Domogarov, appearing in the studio. - To come here, it would be better for me not to have such a day. Because I can’t look at it.”

The artist admitted that he knew about his friend’s terrible diagnosis all the years that they knew each other. According to Domogarov, Chernikova told him about this on the fourth day of their acquaintance.

“This diagnosis was made a long time ago, even before we met. I knew it was true. But no one knew when this hour X would come. It’s scary to live and understand that it will come. She is truly a fighter, she is a fighter, even now, in this state,” said the actor. - I won’t specify what’s there, it’s not that important. This is oncology. Such serious oncology. And she lived with this for many years. These are all the years that we knew each other. And periodically we took rehabilitation courses in different clinics.”

The 52-year-old artist also spoke for the first time about how he met a girl, looking at whom now he can hardly hold back his tears. Alexander Yuryevich admitted that he considered his acquaintance with Larisa very funny and now he himself finds it difficult to believe that such amazing story could have happened to him.

“I was flying from the city of Simferopol, and I was very annoyed by the girl sitting behind me, who was talking very loudly,” Domogarov began his story. - Moreover, sometimes some peculiar phrases were mentioned. I turned around once and said: “Can you be quieter?” I was shown roughly where I needed to go. The second time he said: “Please, girl, be quiet.” We left the plane together already. Naturally. Her mother told us: “You should have seen your eyes when you walked. Happy. During the hour and a half flight, people somehow got along, found a common language, and then it was a fantastic discovery for me. Because I couldn’t find such energy in such a small and fragile person before. She solved problems within seven, ten, fifteen minutes - that's the maximum. But right there there was this terrible sentence that had already been pronounced.”

By the way, Alexander Yuryevich noted that when he parted at the airport, he and Larisa did not exchange phone numbers. The actor asked the girl to leave her number, but she refused him. True, they soon found each other anyway. Chernikova came to one of Domogarov’s performances and gave him a bouquet of flowers with a note containing her phone number. “How we came back together, how this connection of two souls happened, I don’t know anymore. It was five years ago,” the artist clarified.

Alexander Yuryevich also remembered that quite soon he and Larisa were already planning a joint vacation, and the girl suggested going to Switzerland. Already there, the lovers were joined by Chernikova’s sister with her husband and child, as well as her mother Tatyana Anatolyevna. "It was very beautiful. It was completely clean. I repeat this for everyone. Completely clean. “I’m serious,” the actor addressed those present in the studio. - We somehow existed like this for a month. We've already gone to the mountains big family. This is the kind of vacation she gave me.”

Speaking about the current state of his beloved, Domogarov admits that he does not understand anything and does not even know what Larisa’s diagnosis sounds like. The consequences of the disease that struck Chernikova, according to the actor, made him literally numb with horror and pain.

“Even now I don’t understand what it is,” admitted Alexander Yuryevich. - I don’t understand what happens to a person at this moment. I can't define the understanding of coma. This is what it is like when a person has just been - on Easter he was, he defended the service in the temple, came home and fell. AND more than a person No. This is what happens to him. He hears, he feels, he understands, he senses something. He was your family."

Let us remind you that Larisa Chernikova’s health condition worsened on Easter night. The girl’s mother contacted the studio from Vienna, where her daughter is now located. Tatyana Anatolyevna explained to everyone present what actually happened to her daughter and what are her chances of getting out of this state.

“She was put into a state of artificial coma,” Larisa Chernikova’s mother unexpectedly explained to everyone. -Because her resuscitation took a long time, they couldn’t resuscitate her for a long time. And Larisa, in principle, can exist. She lives under a low level of anesthesia, but if this anesthesia is removed, she begins to have very severe convulsions. When Larisa's anesthesia level is reduced, she sees me and tries to somehow communicate with me. She has almost reached the exit from this state. And if we take into account what we started with, and we started with a very negative forecast, a very terrible forecast... When this was announced, the ground disappeared from under our feet. She fell in the hallway. It was a heart attack. Her heart stopped and there was no pulse for 40 minutes.”

Based on the woman’s descriptions, the doctors gathered in the studio determined that the cause of the condition Larisa fell into was not oncology at all. The doctors assured Domogarov that in this case there was hope that there would be great progress. According to doctors, what happened can be associated with the girl’s weakened immune system, which is why the sudden cardiac arrest occurred, but this should not be associated with a serious illness with which she has been fighting for many years.

Many viewers remember Larisa Belogurova for her role as Nastya in the detective film “Genius.” Then the famous actor Alexander Abdulov became her partner on the set. Unfortunately, this work was one of Belogurova’s last.

Star of the perestroika period

Larisa Belogurova was born in 1960 in Volgograd (at that time Stalingrad). Since childhood, Larisa became seriously interested in dancing and even graduated from a choreographic school. But then she decided to enroll in a theater university. While still a student, Belogurova acted in films, but real fame came to her after she completed her studies at GITIS in 1985.

In 1987, Larisa Belogurova embodied the image of Vivian Kingman from the musical film “The Island of Lost Ships” on the screen. Despite the fact that the actress was far from the only one the main role, it was she who became for her one of the two most stellar. Another work thanks to which the public remembered Belogurova was working with Alexander Abdulov in the 1991 film “Genius”. A few months later, Larisa starred in the film “Oriental Romance” and disappeared from cinema forever.

Leaving cinema

In the 1990s, domestic cinema was going through its hardest times. Then many famous actors were out of work. Larisa Vladimirovna was no exception. Despite the fact that directors sometimes invited her to act, Belogurova refused every time, since she considered a good half of the proposed scripts not worthy of any attention.

However, in those difficult years, Larisa was still lucky. She met her future husband Vladimir Tsyrkov. He studied music and served as a director in the church choir. The couple lived happily. Belogurova, having lost all hope of returning to the screen, got a job selling kitchen utensils and also began singing in church.

Illness and faith

This went on for about 10 years. And in 2002, Larisa Vladimirovna was diagnosed with cancer. Belogurova underwent treatment, and the disease went into hiding. Despite the remission, doctors recommended that the actress undergo regular examinations. But Belogurova began to avoid doctors and no longer wanted to be treated. She focused all her attention on religion. Due to the fact that the artist did not communicate with anyone, it was rumored that she had gone to a monastery. In fact, Belogurova did go to one of the monasteries, but only to record the audiobook “Notes of Abbess Taisia” there.

For more than 12 years, Larisa Belogurova lived with a terrible diagnosis. In 2015, the disease took over. The actress died at home. At that moment, her husband Vladimir Tsyrkov was next to her. Many times before, he had persuaded Larisa to go to the hospital, but she flatly refused. Several years before Belogurova’s death, the couple got married in an Orthodox church.