Hard to imagine modern life without many of the benefits of civilization. Even if they are not always at the level we would like, many people have them. And one of them is utilities. What does it include? How important are they for maintaining living standards? And for hygiene and from a medical point of view? We will talk about this in this article.

general information

So, what are utilities? Does this include everything that is considered “by default”, or are there specific points? For the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation, housing and communal services are dark forest. This is sad. After all, not all employees of the relevant structures are distinguished by honesty and conscientiousness, and as a result, the citizens themselves suffer from their own legal illiteracy. Alas, but the legislation Russian Federation is designed in such a way that in order to use your own rights you must be aware of them and also seek to fulfill them. Therefore, it often happens that completely legal requirements are not met due to ignorance. As a result, you have to overpay for government services or not receive the benefits you are entitled to.

The only way out this moment- This is to improve your own legal education. For many, this state of affairs may seem quite complicated, but once you want to figure it out, you will see that this is not so. After all, there are many pleasant moments here. But let's figure out what these are utilities. Do they include everything we think they do?

What's not to like?

One has only to mention housing and communal services, and many people begin to cringe. Some people remember long queues (fortunately, this problem is being significantly solved thanks to the virtualization of the payment process and e-commerce), others - about significant deception. Many people are faced with bills that are several times more than they need. This happens because housing and communal services employees, making mistakes or relying on our carelessness, issue bills for services that are not used. Therefore, after reading this article, you will be able to:

  1. Give reasons for recalculating payment for services provided.
  2. Competently draw up a plan for a private house when conducting individual housing construction.
  3. Receive subsidies and benefits to improve living conditions.

What are utilities?

What's this? This concept includes providing citizens with the basic goods necessary for comfortable living. The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that they must be in every house and apartment. What is included in utilities? The list is attached:

  1. Bath or shower, as well as a sink or sink with a working faucet.
  2. Electricity and sockets according to established standards.
  3. Sewerage.
  4. A heating system that functions without failure. Moreover, this does not include electrical heating appliances. That is, if there is no battery and a portable heater is used, then you can apply for a subsidy.

Speaking in proper legal language, these were the means of providing services. What's the difference here? Well, let's find out. Not all services are required. Some of them relate to optional features. What is included in utilities? The list of optional ones is attached:

  1. Gas supply.
  2. Hot water supply.

The right to choose one of the two or both at once is provided. Let's look at three small examples:

  1. Gas supply should be registered in cases where there is equipment that runs on gas fuel. After all, if the stove runs on electricity, then what is it for?
  2. Those people who have a gas burner installed in their bathroom can refuse hot water supply. This device allows you to quickly and easily heat water to the required temperature. As you might guess, it runs on gas. It should be noted that the heating rate is high.
  3. If you have a gas stove, but no burner, then both services should be connected. But this is an extremely unprofitable option. Although it is quite common.

Mandatory services. What to do if they are disabled?

Earlier we talked about means. What is included in utilities? Their list looks like this:

  1. Heating system.
  2. Cold water supply.
  3. Electricity.
  4. Sewerage.

If the house does not have one of these amenities, then citizens have the right to write to the prosecutor's office and submit an application for damages. Receiving services from the above lists is the legal right of every person. But you should pay attention: if you do not pay for housing and communal services for a long time (usually this means a period of six months), then you will be deprived of the right to receive them. Such sanctions can be imposed in relation to both individual apartments and entire houses.

But what to do if there is a payment, but one of the required services was disabled without explanation for a significant period? In this case, a person can claim a refund of part of the money that was paid. To do this, you must issue a recalculation. In essence, it represents compensation for services not provided if planned work was not announced. Let's look at a small example. In winter, we are heated by a heating system without a meter (that is, we pay according to the tariff). From January 26 to February 4 there was no heating. But the bill will come in full, as if there was no break. In this case, the citizen should contact the housing and communal services office that owns the house and write an application for recalculation. And next month you will receive a reduced heating bill as compensation for the inconvenience. So we looked at what is included in the payment utilities from a legal point of view.

What is fixed at the national level?

Initially, it should be noted that from the point of view of legislation, housing and communal services are divided according to their own:

  1. The procedure for approving tariffs/prices.
  2. Functional purpose.

In the first case, three groups are distinguished:

  1. First. This includes housing and communal services, tariffs/prices for which are approved by authorized central executive authorities.
  2. Second group. This includes housing and communal services, tariffs/prices for which are approved by authorized local government bodies within the jurisdictional territory.
  3. Third group. This includes housing and communal services, tariffs/prices for which are approved exclusively within the framework of contracts concluded between the parties.

Depending on the functional purpose, the legislation divides it into:

  1. Public utilities. This includes centralized hot and cold water supply, drainage, electricity and gas supply, heating, and household waste removal.
  2. Maintenance services for houses, buildings and surrounding areas. This means cleaning premises and areas, maintaining the operability of networks, elevators, lighting, routine repairs and sanitary maintenance.
  3. Services for managing a building, a house or a group of them. This includes maintaining balance sheets, concluding contracts and monitoring their implementation.
  4. Repair services for premises, structures and houses. This refers to the replacement, strengthening or reconstruction of networks and individual elements, restoration of bearing capacity.

Here's what's included in your utility bills. Of course, this is not all information on the law. It stipulates the procedure for access by responsible persons in the event of an accident or emergency, and the same minimum standards, as well as the procedure for the provision of public services.

A small retreat

So, housing maintenance is included in utilities. Moreover, this means not just performing duties for show, but providing high-quality comfortable living conditions. Knowing what is included in the concept of “utilities”, it is much easier to be aware of what the payment orders that come to us every month should be. But at the same time there is quite a large number of specific moments.

About rent

Currently, housing is not allocated to every young family or promising specialist. Therefore, the question of what is included in utilities when renting is increasingly being asked. In a standard situation, if an agreement is concluded between the owner and the guest, it is stipulated that the latter will pay all invoices received. Further, the situation will be considered from the position that interaction takes place in the legal field. In other words, an agreement was concluded and the relevant authorities were informed about it.

In this case, the tenant can demand that the utility services fulfill their obligations, which they must fulfill, in full. That is, if there is a break in heating in winter, while the “tariff” interaction scheme is in effect, a person has every right to contact the housing and communal services department to demand compensation. You can use the concluded agreement to confirm your rights. Otherwise, housing and communal services employees may ask on what basis he requires this. And even call the police, who will record the conduct of an unregistered entrepreneurial activity- delivery of property - with all the ensuing consequences. To avoid such moments, in the absence of contracts, you can agree with the owner that utilities are included in the rent, and he independently provides and pays for them.

Making claims

Let's look at how interaction is carried out with representatives of housing and communal services. In the event of violations of the agreed terms of the contract, the consumer can contact the structure to draw up a claim act, which notes the deadlines, indicators, and types of deviations. Theoretically, you can call a housing and communal services representative if this is provided for in the contract. And he will have to appear on time, as provided for in this document. After this, the claim act is jointly drawn up and confirmed with signatures. If the performer’s representative refuses to put his autograph on the document, then it is necessary for at least two consumers to confirm its veracity. Otherwise it will be declared invalid.

After this, the claim act is transferred to the executor. And he must decide within three days whether to recalculate payments or issue a written refusal to the consumer, which will contain the justification for not satisfying his claims. In the latter case, you can try to solve the problem through the court. At the same time, the possibility of pre-trial resolution of the dispute remains open. If it is determined that the contractor performed his tasks poorly, evaded direct responsibilities, although the maintenance of housing is included in the utilities, he will have to correct everything. In such cases, you can also claim some compensation. This involves checking cost indicators, quality of services, etc., depending on the object of the claim.


It is not enough to know what is included in housing and communal services. It is also necessary to monitor the work of housing and communal services. In general, there are good opportunities for this in the Russian Federation. But again you need to know about this. Every citizen has the right to be familiar with what services are included in public utilities, what is provided to him, what money is spent on, and in what volume. Having the data, he can compare it with offers on the market, analyze the work of different departments of housing and communal services, in order to record violations or simply suspicious deviations if something happens. If they are identified, having information documents in hand, you can contact the prosecutor’s office to investigate the possible abuse. In general, to maintain the situation at a more or less decent level, it is enough for one person out of several hundred to be active. But to display the position on high level everyone should be concerned about where the funds are spent, what we pay.


So we looked at the topic of the article. Now everyone knows that water supply, heating, sewerage and electricity are included in utilities. It’s not for nothing that they say that knowledge is power. For truly they provide significant opportunities to protect their rights. This article will most likely serve as a start for a new person. Because knowing what you can claim, you begin to act. Those who understand what is rightfully theirs can fight to see that it is realized or even further expanded. And along with this, the level of comfort in life will increase, which will have a good effect on each of us. You should not deviate from the opportunities provided, this a good start better life.

Housing and communal services provide residents with 2 types of services- utility and housing, which are designed to increase comfort in multi-apartment and private premises where appropriate communications are carried out. In turn, these services are obliged to uninterruptedly provide amenities for the comfort of clients, and users are obliged to pay for the benefit received.


The range of energy resources provided to the consumer depends on the degree of improvement of the living space and the installed engineering and communication systems.

What does this include:

  1. Water supply: cold and hot water, as well as drainage.
  2. Heating- is provided in the cold season and has standards for the heat supply period, depending on weather conditions in a specific area.
  3. Electricity supply- meets the requirements of standards in the Russian Federation (220V).
  4. Gas supply- can serve as both a fuel for heating a room and a source of fire for the operation of gas stoves.

Note: According to the Rosstat system, utilities also include maintenance of meters and operational networks for the uninterrupted supply of resources to the client.


As a rule, residents do not separate the concepts of utility and housing (maintenance of common property) services, classifying them as one type, which is understandable - the consumer has to pay for everything using receipts that do not distinguish between suppliers.

What is included in this service:

  1. Identification of non-conformity maintenance of common property to the standards of the Russian Federation, threats to the health and safety of residents.
  2. Providing lighting in public places.
  3. Compliance temperature and humidity conditions in common areas.
  4. Observation for maintaining the norms fire safety both indoors and during renovation work.
  5. Waste removal, both liquid (wastewater) and solid (garbage). Cleaning the garbage chute, premises and surrounding areas from waste and observing sanitary standards in common areas.
  6. Improvement adjacent areas, landscaping, cleaning.
  7. Preparation residential premises for the heating season, repair of communications.
  8. Major renovation premises, cleaning of entrances and courtyards, repair of elevators.

All owners apartment buildings are required to bear financial responsibility for the maintenance of public places, regularly pay bills provided and demand appropriate performance of housing and communal services duties.

Brief information: In terms of inefficiency and quality of service, housing and communal services occupy one of the first places in the world. Transportation losses, according to international agencies, are:

  • energy resources - about 2 trillion kW/hour annually;
  • drinking water - 45 million m 3;

Payment for comm. rental services

When renting out residential premises, an agreement is drawn up between the owner and the tenant of the apartment. It must indicate how and who will pay utility bills.

If this procedure is not included in the agreement, then all bills from housing and communal services will be sent to the person who rents the premises, i.e. to the legal owner.

Therefore, no matter how you agree among yourself on the method of paying bills, record everything in detail in the contract. By doing this, the landlord will protect himself from an unscrupulous tenant.

There are several payment methods:

  1. Option 1. The landlord includes the cost of utility bills in the rent amount. The tenant pays only the apartment owner a fixed rate for accommodation, and he, in turn, pays the bills. Note: This method is rather trusting, since it presupposes the decency of both the owner and the tenant.
  2. Option 2. The tenant independently enters into contracts with suppliers and pays only the amounts that the housing and communal services bill him. This method is good for the tenant because there is no overpayment, which is possible in the first case. For the owner, this method the better, that there is no need to deal with payment issues yourself and relieve yourself of responsibility in case of non-payment by the employer. Note: For long rental periods, this method is the most convenient for both parties.
  3. Option 3. The tenant pays for utilities, but does not enter into an agreement, but pays bills on behalf of the landlord. This method It is necessary to describe in detail in the agreement - who pays for what. Which resources does the employer use and which ones does not. Note: The owner will be faced with the task of monitoring timely payment, which nowadays is easy to do online without disturbing the tenants.

What to do if one of the services is disconnected for a long period of time?

Tightening rules for the use of energy resources and rising prices are becoming a problem for many citizens. The worst thing is when the apartment is cut off from supplying any type of necessary resource or almost all of it. What to do in such a case?

To understand, let's consider situations when a supplier may stop providing a service. Let's skip the emergency and repair work of supply services and move on to those caused by the homeowner.

Legitimate reasons for disconnection:

  1. When the user did not pay for at least one service within 2 months (housing maintenance is not included here). The contractor is obliged to notify the tenant in writing about the disconnection and indicate which resource he may lose after 30 days. They do not have the right to shut off cold water, drainage and heating.
  2. If the owner of the apartment connected to supply systems without permission, without permission to conduct such an operation. This is especially dangerous when installing new gas equipment. In addition, such amateur activity may pose a threat of damage to the property of other residents in an apartment building.
  3. If the owner of the apartment violates established standards for the use of energy resources and uses the connection of devices whose power exceeds specifications engineering systems in the house.
  4. If supply systems are in poor condition located in the apartment, violating operating standards and being a source of threat to citizens living in neighboring premises.

Note: Providers can only disable the service for which you do not pay. Debt is calculated according to standard rates for resource consumption. For example, if you have used less water in 2 months, you will not receive a notification yet (provided you have a meter).

The supply of services should not be stopped “suddenly”, but by warning you in writing. If after this there is no settlement, then within 3 days you may be periodically disconnected and switched on, and at the end of the period, the supply may be stopped completely.

What to do?

The supplier, despite the termination of the service, does not terminate the previously concluded contract and you are still its full client. The opportunity to restore the resource supply remains.

What can you do for this:

  1. Contact the supplier and agree on payment in installments. Based on your request and based on the current situation, draw up an agreement. After which, the supply of services will be resumed, and you will have to pay the current bill and part of the debt.
  2. When a difficult financial problem arises, then you can contact the budget organization at your place of residence, where, if there are justified reasons for insolvency, you can receive a subsidy to pay off utility debts.
  3. If you find yourself in similar situation due to the absence of registration at the place of residence, it is necessary to submit documents confirming this fact. Ask to recalculate for this period and resume the supply of all services.

Brief information: losses of heat supply are catastrophic; the closer to the source, the lower the efficiency of energy conservation. So, efficiency:

  • CHP- on average 50%;
  • standalone source(boiler room) - 85%;
  • in apartments - 93%;

What quality should the services provided be?

To defend consumer rights, you need to know the acceptable standards for supplying energy resources in order to judge the quality of work of suppliers.

The general rule for all utilities is:

  1. Uninterrupted supply.
  2. In full(pressure of water, gas).
  3. According with the standards of the Russian Federation.

Water- hot, it should be ‒ 60 °C, if it is below ‒ 40 °C, then you have to pay as for a cold one. In its turn, cold water must meet sanitary standards and meet the standards of the Russian Federation, that is, it must be potable.

Gas- without impurities, meeting quality standards and pressure standards in the system (which usually meets the standards, since it is an explosive component of the fuel).

Electricity- in addition to uninterrupted supply, it must be supplied in accordance with voltage standards - 220 V, without surges and drops.

Temperature in the premises should be as follows:

  1. In living rooms- from 18 °C; in corners - 22 °C.
  2. The bathroom needs to be warmed up- up to 25 °C heat.
  3. On the staircase- 16 °C.

Exceptions are possible during planned repair work(obliged to warn), when eliminating an accident, or to prevent the threat of damage or harm to the property of citizens.

In case of inadequate performance of service delivery services, citizens have the right to apply for recalculation and not pay for services that are provided in violation of the standards.

Brief information: There is no need to expect a high level of work in the housing and communal services sector, since the depreciation of its fixed assets is 60%, and a quarter of them have long served their purpose. To restore the infrastructure, 3.5 trillion rubles are required, and according to other sources, from 9 to 10 trillion rubles.

The following need modernization and investment:

  1. Electric networks - 720 billion
  2. Transformer substations - 300 billion rubles.
  3. Boiler houses - 400 billion rubles.
  4. Heating networks - 500 billion rubles.
  5. Treatment facilities - 200 billion rubles.
  6. Sewage networks - 350 billion rubles.
  7. Water supply - 650 billion rubles.

Government investments in housing and communal services in 2013 amounted to a trillion rubles.

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Every living space should be well-equipped so that a person feels comfortable in it. But he must pay for utilities provided by housing and communal services and resource supply organizations. He is responsible for the use of common property owned by residents.

General provisions

The wording “housing and communal facilities” refers to objects of external improvement of settlements and local areas.

These include green spaces, pedestrian roads and elements of their improvement, street lighting, equipped areas and parking lots located in the local area, plots, and engineering structures.

What it is

The expression “utilities” means the activities of relevant organizations to provide buildings and structures with certain resources. They are supplied by specialized enterprises that are performers. Their activities are aimed at creating favorable and safe conditions in residential and non-residential premises.

Each of them must meet technical and sanitary standards established by the legislator. It provided for a number of rules for the operation of buildings and structures, including residential buildings and the Moscow Ring Road.

Utilities include:

  • supply of cold and hot water;
  • wastewater disposal;
  • supply of electrical energy;
  • delivery of domestic gas;
  • maintaining a set temperature that meets established standards.

The list of the above services was established by order of the Federal Service state statistics № 147.

It is a state executive body that carries out the functions of generating official static information about the social, economic, demographic and environmental situation of the country.

Who does it apply to?

The obligation to pay utility bills is assigned to the owners of residential premises and tenants occupying them under a social tenancy agreement.

As for the provision of resources, the fulfillment of this obligation is entrusted to housing and communal services enterprises, including the management company and resource supply organization.

What's included in the list

The company managing the apartment building, in accordance with the provisions of Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, is responsible for violations of the safety rules for cohabitation.

The norm is laid down in the act “Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building” No. 491. If the UP does not fulfill its duties, then it is held accountable in accordance with the instructions of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Responsibilities of housing and communal services

Owners and tenants of apartment buildings elect members of the management company during the meeting. She carries out maintenance of a residential building in accordance with the form of services established by the contract. The MKAD management company must maintain common property in proper condition.

It includes:

Indicators Description
Separate parts of the building space the purpose of which is to service residential and non-residential premises
Staircases and landings
Shafts for elevators
Technical floors and basements where are utility networks and communications located?
Special purpose premises for placement of boiler houses and boiler installations, elevator units and other types of engineering equipment
Attic spaces including roofing and roofs
Enclosing building structures walls, coverings and ceilings
Technical means ensuring unhindered access of persons recognized as disabled to residential premises
Transformer substations and heating points serving the building and creating normal conditions its operation
Vehicle parking areas and parking spaces, garages
Places equipped for children's and sports grounds
Land plot on which the building and its surrounding area are erected

The production activities of the management company are ensured by a number of constituent documents regulated by the requirements of State standards and instructions of regulations.

What does it say on the receipts?

Some citizens are interested in what is included in the payment for utility services provided by the RSO.

Payment for utilities is made on the basis of a payment receipt, which contains a list of them and the amount payable. It is calculated according to the actual volume of services consumed, measured by metering devices.

The payment receipt contains:

Indicators Description
Information about the payer including the number of family members living with him
Address of the residential premises, its area engineering structures located in it
Utility provider details
Number personal account payer
Calculation table indicating utility tariffs and volume of resource consumed including drainage and expenses for maintaining residential premises in proper condition and carrying out major repairs of a residential building
Bank details of the performer
Final score indicating the amount of debt, the amount of the advance and last date making payment
Background information
Data for recalculation
Proposals for deferred payment its restructuring
Consumer Memo

Important nuances

Each resource provider, in accordance with the instructions of regulations, opens an individual account for residents of apartment buildings, residential buildings and private houses. It is a public document that contains information about the volume of resource consumed for which a fee is charged. For example, for the supply of hot water.

The procedure for making payments by residents is explained in the act “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.” Regular non-payment creates the preconditions for the formation of debts and their accumulation. In such a situation, a measure of punishment is applied to the tenant for allowing delays in payment of utility bills.

The final amount is calculated based on the data provided by the service provider and the consumer. He can personally double-check the amount of payments and compare their compliance with the meter readings.

The receipt indicates not only the total amount, but also the amount paid in the current year. If metering devices are not installed in the residential premises, then the calculation is based on the rate of resource consumption.
If redevelopment was carried out in a common building without permission from the relevant authorities, then the construction work performed should be legalized.

Video: what does a receipt consist of?

As a rule, the housing commission satisfies the applicant’s request if the norms and rules of construction law are not violated during their production.

The management company must take appropriate measures if damage has been caused to common property. She sends a notification to the housing inspection so that it can check the quality of the work performed.

If damage to load-bearing structures is detected, the management company can file a claim with the judicial authority at the location of the residential building.

If the owner received residential premises during a donation transaction, but does not live in it, then the obligation to pay utility bills is not removed from him. In any situation, he must pay the payment on time. Otherwise, a penalty will be applied to him, and a penalty will be charged for late payment.

The new owner must take part in covering the costs of maintaining the common property.

Violation of the deadline for payment of utility services entails the application of sanctions. They begin to apply to citizens who have debts to housing and communal services or RSO from 2 months of delay in payment.

What is regulated

Regulation of issues related to the provision of heat to buildings and structures during the cold season, regardless of their purpose, is carried out by a number of legislative and by-laws.

These include:

Indicators Description
the federal law "On the protection of consumer rights." The act was issued on February 7, 1992 under number 2300-1. Articles 15, 28-29, 31
Housing Code of the Russian Federation articles 154-157, 161-165. The act was issued on December 29, 2004 under the number 188-FZ
GOST R 51617-2000 “Housing and communal services. Are common technical specifications" The normative act was issued on June 19, 2000
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the reform of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation.” The act was promulgated on April 28, 1997 under number 425
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings.” The act was issued on May 6, 2011 under number 354
Act “Rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building.” The act was issued by the legislator on August 13, 2006 under number 491

In conclusion, it should be noted that errors are often made in the payment receipt. One common reason is a program failure in the system that generates the receipt.

Every month you receive receipts for payment for services consumed. They are awarded to a citizen living in a given residential area. They indicate how much we pay for gas, electricity, water, etc. New samples differ in the set of abbreviations, color (for example, in St. Petersburg - a pink payment card, in other regions - yellow), etc. An example of a receipt will be given below. In case of accrual of illegal amounts, which means if two receipts are received, with double size, etc., then it is necessary to complain to the authorized bodies.

Who generates receipts for housing and communal services payments?

There are several aspects to consider when answering this question. Thus, according to the law, in an apartment building, receipts for payment of utility services are sent and generated by management organizations. They are authorized to calculate the consumption of the following housing and communal services:

  • for water supply;
  • per apartment (depending on the number of persons registered there);
  • behind major renovation and etc.

Citizens receive separate receipts for gas and electricity supplies. This is due to the fact that these organizations are direct suppliers of utility services, and therefore charge directly.

What does a utility bill look like?

A housing and utility bill looks like this: it is a written document that lists the services for which a fee is charged. Tariffs are also indicated there.

The rent act has the following content:

  1. Indication of the payer.
  2. Address and location of residential premises.
  3. The name of the service provider and its bank details.
  4. QR code.
  5. Data on the services provided.
  6. Tariffs that are applied during calculation.
  7. Total amount to be paid.

Depending on the management company, the receipt may also include services for garbage removal, sewerage, general house needs, heating, etc.

Housing and communal services and housing and communal services - what are they and what is the difference

Before you understand the difference between these concepts, you need to understand the meaning of this abbreviation.

Housing and communal services is understood as housing and communal services as a branch of the economy engaged in the study and formation of a range of services necessary for the normal life support of the population.

Housing and communal services are housing and communal services, that is, a specific resource provided to citizens - electricity, hot water, etc.

The concept of housing and communal services is much broader than the concept of housing and communal services, and includes, in addition to the list of services, other essential provisions, legal norms, standards, etc.

What is included in the rent, utility bills and on what basis is the rent amount in the receipt formed?

Depending on the basis on which a citizen owns housing, the receipt may include various elements. This includes rent, capital and current repairs, housing and communal services, etc.

It is also important to determine the basis on which the total amount payable is formed. First of all, the formation of payments is influenced by contracts concluded by citizens and government organizations (for example, a social rental agreement). Particular attention should be paid to regulations adopted in the region on the provision of utility services. You also need to take into account the tariffs in force in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The readings of meters installed in citizens’ apartments are also very important.

What is included in utilities when renting an apartment?

In this situation, it is necessary to identify what kind of lease is taking place. If this is a social rental, then the rent for housing is also included in the communal apartment.

In situations where there is a civil lease, the rent is addressed directly to the landlord, and the tenant can actually pay it. These conditions must be specified in the contract. It is possible and reverse order calculation.

Legal regulation

In the housing and communal services sector legal regulation includes such legal acts as:

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. Housing Code.
  3. Law on Privatization.
  4. Government decree in the housing and communal services sector.
  5. Private contracts.
  6. Regional legal acts.

It is in these legal documents that tariffs for utility services, the procedure for their payment, the procedure for repaying debt obligations, etc. are reflected.

As a rule, regulation most often occurs at the regional level, therefore Special attention It is worth paying attention to the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Explanation of abbreviations on the receipt

A utility bill includes a lot of abbreviations that need to be deciphered and understood. Each abbreviation is designated by a set of letters and has its own name. Let's look at some of them.


This is a rather specific column in utility bills. SEON stands for unified public information system. As a rule, this includes sending messages to citizens about impending natural disasters, etc.


This is one of the most common columns in a payment order. It stands for the phrase “maintenance of common property.” It obliges citizens to pay mandatory expenses for the needs of common property in the house. SOI includes:

  • maintenance of stairs;
  • entrances;
  • elevators;
  • attic, etc.

The amount of payment for SOI is determined by an agreement between residents and the management company.


This payment applies only to those houses where an intercom is installed. The abbreviation stands for: “ intercom locking device ". In some cases, the fee for ROM is issued as a separate receipt.

Citizens are required to pay for its maintenance and maintenance of normal technical condition.


General house needs are an analogue of SOI. These are also expenses for the maintenance of common property. There are no differences in these abbreviations; it all depends on what set of letters the management organization uses to indicate these expenses in the payment slip.


UUTE in the receipt is responsible for the provision of thermal energy to apartments. It reflects how many resources were supplied and at what tariffs the payment is calculated. The inclusion of UTE occurs depending on the season.
Explanation of the abbreviation: u evils of thermal energy metering.


Stands for " additional cable program television systems". This column is not available on payment cards in all regions. It constitutes a fee for the provision of telecommunication services, maintenance of a common house antenna, etc.

DSKPT can be appealed by a citizen in a situation where he uses cable TV and an antenna.


In order to understand what POVK means, you need to refer to the norms of housing legislation. This is an additional fee for providing heat to the apartment. A couple more letters are added to this abbreviation, for example, ТХВ.


APPP involves citizens paying for the development and maintenance of systems that protect the house from sudden fire. Such systems do not protect the apartment itself, but entrances, stairs, attics, etc.


AUR is also a specific line of expenses in payments. This includes a set of payments aimed at ensuring the work of the administrative and management apparatus, for example, a management company.


OPU includes the volume and types of costs for the collection, repair and installation of various metering devices, such as water or gas meters.


This is the “daily consumption on the electric meter”. As a rule, such consumption is not indicated in all regions. The night consumption of the EBDT can also be indicated in a separate line.


TPP includes payment for water - “coolant”.


The interpretation of this concept includes the provision and maintenance of gas equipment. VDGO includes stoves, gas boilers, and water heaters. Citizens are required to pay for inspection, repair and maintenance of these devices.

PD number

Water disposal in housing and communal services receipt

Citizens are also required to pay for wastewater disposal. Payment for this is charged every month. The management company issues such a receipt and also issues an invoice for the allocation.

Water supply

DHW and cold water are indicated in a separate column. This is, in essence, supply of hot and cold water to the apartment. This is done through common pipes.


DHW refers to the provision of hot water supply. The column must be filled out in accordance with legal requirements. There is no charge for the consumption of hot water in situations where there is a hot water heater at home.


This is the supply of cold water to the apartment. Payments are collected based on common metering devices (shared in the building) or on individual ones located in the apartment. The calculation is generated for a certain period.


Abbreviations for heating have already been discussed above. It should be noted that the provision of this service is seasonal and, for example, in the summer, no payment for heat is charged.

Example of a utility bill

The form and form of the payment notice (invoice) is a written act that includes the name of the organization, personal account, indication of the consumer and description of housing and communal services (housing and communal services).

Receipt for major repairs

As a rule, a separate receipt for major repairs is not printed. This expense line is included in the overall receipt. The amount of contributions is determined by regional legislation or an agreement with the regional operator. As a rule, these are small amounts of money.

Receipt for gas supply

This document is published separately. The law sets the tariff, after which the consumption rate is determined. It can be calculated based on apartment metering devices or common house meters installed in the basement.

Tariffs set by the general consumption rate in the region may also apply.. In situations where gas cylinders are used, gas supply fees are not charged.

Norms and meter readings

They play a huge role in determining the amount of payment. Devices must reliably indicate how much of a particular resource was consumed. Testimony is verified periodically by authorized officials.

In a situation where the device is faulty, the consumed resources are taken into account according to general standards provided for in the region of residence of the citizen.

Errors in housing and communal services receipts - what to do

In this situation, you must contact either management company(to the one that sent you this receipt with an error), or to the resource supply organization. As a rule, a written claim is written with a request for recalculation.

If this does not help, the citizen has the right to complain to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office or the court, which will oblige the unscrupulous organization to correct its mistakes.

Application for a reduction in payment

A reduction in payment can occur for various reasons, for example, due to the fact that the family is low-income, a disabled citizen lives in the apartment, etc. The application must be in writing. It can be submitted either directly to the organization that provides the service or through a multifunctional center. The application can be completed by the resident or a representative.

A sample application for recalculation (reduction) of payment for utility bills is available. ⇐

Rules for reducing rent

IN this issue The following points need to be taken into account:

  1. You can reduce the fee when providing low-quality services.
  2. In the absence of necessary maintenance of metering devices.
  3. With illegally inflated fees.
  4. In situations where the fee exceeds 20 percent of total income.

Only in these situations can you really count on a reduction in utility bills. Everything happens exclusively at the written request of the person, since the reduction is exclusively of a declarative nature.

Thus, the receipt includes many alphabetic symbols and codes: IPU, IND, ZPU, ADS, AZU, AKHN, BULA, VIC, ASPZ, AHR, IKU, OID, SOID, GUP, etc. Essentially, this is one and the same same name for different utilities. For example, OID and SOID apply to the general property of MKD, IPU and IND - mean payment for metering devices, ZPU and ADS - also to metering devices in terms of sealing.