Geckos, maintenance, gecko food, gecko photo, current gecko, gecko breeding - 4.3 out of 5 based on 40 votes


Geckos, or claw-toed ones (lat. Gekkonidae) are a large family of lizards. All geckos, based on certain characteristics, in particular the shape of the vertebrae and the structure of the eyes, are divided into three subfamilies, uniting a total of about 80 genera and more than 600 species of geckos in tropical, subtropical and partly in temperate zones. These climbing lizards live mainly in the trees of tall forests, on rocks, cliffs above rivers, and in caves. In tropical countries, geckos live right on the walls of houses and other buildings.

For terrarium maintenance, the following species of this type of lizard are quite suitable: Toki gecko, spotted leopard gecko, comb-toed, banded, semi-toed, lobed-tailed, prehensile-tailed, skink geckos, as well as Madagascar, steppe, gray gecko and squeaky gecko.

The body length of these lizards can be from 3.5 to 30 cm. Life length can reach 25 years. In a number of species, body color changes at different times of the day and depending on the physiological state of the animal. On the head of geckos there are numerous granular or small polygonal scutes; large eyes without eyelids, covered with a fixed transparent membrane, with vertical pupils that look like thin slits during the day and dilate at night; wide tongue, with a small notch in front, covered on top with small papillae. The delicate, easily damaged skin of geckos is usually covered with small granular scales, among which larger smooth, keeled or warty scales, often in the form of conical tubercles or spines, can be located in disorder or in regular rows. Only representatives of some genera are characterized by tile-like scales, reminiscent of fish. Most gecko species are crepuscular or nocturnal.

Characteristic feature geckos have extended toes, covered below with horny plates, thanks to the special structure of which, lizards can easily rush along vertical surfaces, and can also sit on the ceiling without any effort. Their tail is brittle, but quickly regenerates.

Another feature of geckos is their loud “singing” and a large set of various sounds that constantly accompany their life activity: chirping, croaking, squeaking, and clicking.

The word "gecko" comes from the cry of one of the varieties of African species of these animals - Toki (or tokei) geckos, the males of which are especially loud in mating season make sounds “Ttt-tt-to-ke!” or “Tt-to-kkay!”

Geckos are easy to keep in captivity. Most come to the ground only to feed, so they need a vertical or cubic terrarium. In nature, they live in large colonies, and each gecko gets a very small territory, which it vigilantly guards. In this regard, they do not need large terrariums.

In captivity, geckos are best kept in pairs. Male geckos jealously guard their territory, so there should only be one male in the terrarium. The female can be kept next to him, either one or up to three individuals. But under no circumstances should you introduce a second male, since the rivalry of these animals is extremely pronounced, and in nature, during the mating season, geckos fight until the death or severe injury of one of them. You can determine the sex of a gecko at 3 months of age by examining the underbelly. Males have large preanal openings placed in a "V" shape near the base of the tail; females do not have them. In addition, males are more plump and have larger heads.

Peat, coconut shavings, and gravel can be used as soil. But you should not use sand, since when eating food, sand can enter the digestive organs and cause various unfavorable phenomena there: poor digestion of food, stagnation and obstruction. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is slightly moist.

The daytime temperature should be about 28-35°C, and at night 5-8°C lower. Most geckos do not need ultraviolet light. The exception is daytime species. In the terrarium you need to place a drinking bowl and several branches and shelters, for example, pieces of bark, shards of pots. Geckos do not need wintering. You can put live plants in the terrarium directly in pots; they will help maintain the necessary microclimate inside. The following plants are suitable for natural landscaping: scindapsus, dwarf creeping ficus, various philodendrons, white-veined arrowroot - which, in addition to maintaining the required level of humidity, will also make the interior beautiful. It is better to bury pots with plants in a layer of fine gravel or high peat. Plants should be watered regularly and provided with bright lighting (for example, using a fluorescent lamp).

When you turn on daylight, you will get both a good spectrum for plants and warmth for lizards, which will only benefit all the inhabitants of your little tropical world. The more the terrarium is equipped with vegetation and various decor, the more comfortable your charges will feel, the more comfortable their home will be, their fortress, and the less will be created for them stressful situations.

The terrarium should be sufficiently humid, and for this it is necessary to spray it with warm (40-50°C) boiled water once or twice a day, avoiding waterlogging of the soil.

The soil should be slightly moist. The optimal air humidity should be at the level of 70-80%. Spraying also promotes the formation of dew on the glass walls of the terrarium and on the leaves of plants, which geckos sometimes use as a drink. With such humidity, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation inside the terrarium. Therefore, slits in the ceiling and in one of the end walls, covered with a fine mesh, will fully cope with this function.

The teeth of these reptiles are very sharp, the jaws are strong, and it is very difficult to unclench them without damaging them. In moments of aggression, the gecko swells greatly, hisses, opens its mouth wide, makes frightening croaking sounds and makes sharp lunges, trying to attack the troublemaker. Therefore, do not try to pick up a lizard at first if you are barely familiar with it. You should not handle reptiles too often as this can cause stress and never pick up a gecko by the tail as it can easily come off.

Like other reptiles, geckos can carry salmonellosis bacteria if kept in poor conditions, so personal hygiene is very important when coming into contact with them and care items. Disinfect and keep your gecko's cage clean regularly, but do not clean it in the kitchen or bathroom. Wash your hands before handling your reptile and after handling it.

Gecko food

It is very important not to overfeed animals. The larger the gecko, the less often it needs to be fed: lizards measuring 20 cm or more should receive food 2 times a week or 5 times every two weeks. The food should be as varied as possible and contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins.

With a lack of ultraviolet radiation, the production of vitamin D is disrupted, which means that calcium metabolism is also disrupted. This is especially scary for babies and females during the breeding season. Therefore, in the terrarium there should be bowls with “bird stone” powder, and food insects should be rolled in ground calcium and dry vitamins for reptiles. The vitamins from Tetra (ReptoCal, ReptoLife) and LM (Calcium, Vitamins) have proven themselves to be the best. Once a week, animals should be irradiated with ultraviolet light for several minutes and given liquid vitamins. This is convenient to do with a soft squirrel brush: a drop of vitamins is applied to the eyes or the tip of the lizard’s muzzle, which immediately licks it off with its tongue. Although this method is quite troublesome, it allows you to accurately dose vitamins.

Most geckos eat only live food: spiders, flies, crickets, cockroaches, locusts and other insects, all types of worms (mealworms, zooworms) are the main food mass. Before feeding the insects, they are given special food for iguanas, vegetables and fish - they become more nutritious. Large geckos can be fed baby mice and baby rats, as well as quail eggs. Some species enjoy eating bananas. Make sure your pet has enough drinking water.

Day geckos prefer animal foods, but they will still happily eat sweet fruits (finely chopped bananas or oranges). Their weakness is marmalade or honey.

Breeding geckos

Almost all geckos are oviparous. Lizards can mate throughout the year, except for the winter months. In nature, they lay eggs in tree hollows, sticking them tightly to the wood. Usually this is 5-8 clutches with a frequency of 15-40 days, with the number of 1-2 eggs per clutch. The incubation period lasts from 3 to 7 months, depending on conditions.

In the terrarium, to create more natural conditions, the female can be provided with vertical pieces of bark, stems with hollows and other decorative elements for laying. The more suitable objects for laying eggs, the more offspring can be obtained. For full hatching and further development of cubs from eggs, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 28-30 degrees Celsius in the terrarium. At an even, without changes, temperature, incubation takes place in as soon as possible– in 134 days. During the egg-laying period, the female must be provided with a sufficient amount minerals in the form of regular chalk or calcium glycerophosphate tablets. You can also use a bird rock purchased from a pet store for this, placing or hanging it inside the terrarium. If the female lacks calcium, she may eat the shells of her eggs.

The eggs have an almost regular spherical shape and, unlike the eggs of other lizards, are enclosed in a dense and fragile calcareous shell, which hardens some time after laying, absorbing carbon dioxide from the air. Therefore, they often retain the originally adopted irregular shape, determined, for example, by the configuration of the crack or crevice where the deposition took place. For the same reason, the eggs glued to trees by some geckos have the shape of a hemisphere.

Gecko parents are useless, as they eat their newborn babies without a twinge of conscience. During this period, children simply need decent shelter, but since it is difficult for them to hide from their hunting parents in a small “native” terrarium, it would be better if you put the youngsters in a separate apartment. Small geckos (8-10 cm long), as soon as they are born, can begin to hunt flies and small crickets. It is better, without waiting for the young to hatch, to transfer all the decorative elements with eggs glued to their walls into a specially equipped incubator, for which you can use an old aquarium or something similar.

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Lizards are able to run along smooth walls and hang from the ceiling on one leg without effort. This behavior is considered normal for geckos. Cute creatures have many amazing abilities. They are arranged in a complex and quite unique way. All this becomes the reason for choosing them as a pet, even though they need to be fed with larvae and cockroaches.

Geckos can safely walk on walls and ceilings

Gecko habitat

Many species live in regions with subtropical and tropical climate. A total of 56 genera of geckos have been recorded - that's 1103 different types. Some of them inhabit the territory up to the western part of the United States. Huge populations can be found on oceanic islands. There are also those that are common in Kazakhstan, the Caucasus and the Crimean Peninsula.

The diversity of the species is currently observed in the jungles of Madagascar and tropical Asia, as well as in Australia and arid Africa. A special feature of geckos is their geographic variability. They are quite strongly attached to the conditions in which they live, to the types of stones, soils and trees.

Most geckos live in tropical climates

Classification and characteristics

Geckos are eukaryotes (organisms whose cells have a nucleus). They belong to the order of squamates and the class of reptiles. IN natural conditions live on average 15 years, and in captivity life expectancy reaches 20 years.

Geckos are many-sided animals. Due to the varied habitats across the planet, their features have taken on a unique appearance. There are also record holders in the family. The body length of the tiniest reptile on earth is 18 cm. Moreover, it has all the organs and skeletal elements, which are typical for more major representatives of this family. Most big size The gecko reaches 35 cm.

Absolutely all reptiles, despite their size and habitat, have the following anatomical features:

  • large head;
  • flattened dense body;
  • thick tail of medium length;
  • short legs.

External features

The gecko looks different. Coloring depends on the living environment. Its skin is covered with small scales, among which there are larger rows of plates. There are quite a few varieties bright color: yellow, red, blue, green. It is believed that some lizards have the ability to change their color to protect themselves from predators. The skin color of desert species is brownish-orange, making them difficult to notice when stationary.

A gray tint with dark dots is characteristic of gecko species that live among rocks. Amazing are those individuals that are able to imitate leaves, moss or tree bark. They are simply impossible to notice in the natural environment. cat gecko, for example, looks like a dry leaf, black is active at night, so this color is an excellent camouflage for it.

The color of geckos depends on their habitat

Not only the body, but also the eyes of the animal can have a characteristic camouflage coloring, which complements the image. The organ of vision stands out due to its size against the background of the head. It is believed that gecko lizards have full-color vision. This allows you to see both prey from a great distance and predators. They do not have eyelids; instead, they have a shell to cleanse the eyes; if this is not enough, the animal can remove dust or dirt with a long tongue. This organ is quite remarkable, it is wide and forked at the end. It has many suction cups to hold the victim.

The limbs of reptiles differ depending on their living environment. But absolutely all individuals have five toes on each foot. They are spaced widely apart. On the inside there are combs with bristles. They work like a plunger, with the help of which the gecko is attached to the surface. The bristles cling to rough surfaces, so the animal does not risk falling, even if it hangs on one leg.

Geckos are cold-blooded, so they choose warm regions

The gecko is a cold-blooded animal and chooses the area where the temperature does not fall below 24 degrees, which allows it to be active at night. You can judge the health of an individual by its tail. Fat accumulates in it, which allows you to survive the cold. A thin tail indicates that the animal has not received sufficient food and water for a long time. A reptile can also shed this part of its body during times of danger; in the future it will grow back, but will no longer become as attractive.

Nutrition and behavior in nature

The creatures have a very good appetite. If there is such an opportunity, then in a day they will eat a large number of food, part of the energy will be deposited in the fat layer on the tail.

In nature, the diet of animals is very diverse:

  • midges;
  • larvae;
  • cicadas;
  • various caterpillars and cockroaches.

Large species prefer scorpions, in small quantities even frogs, small snakes and mice, as well as chicks and eggs of birds. Plant food is not for them, since geckos are predators.

The gecko's diet is very varied.

They have adapted well to different environments a habitat. In cities, for example, which are located in tropical regions, every house has a population of animals. Geckos have long realized that artificial lighting attracts insects and moths. And all the lizard needs to do is climb onto the wall with the lighting element and wait for the victim.

In the caves of America, reptiles got along well with bats. There is a lot of droppings on the floor of such niches, which cockroaches feed on. Namely, they attract lizards. The tiniest geckos can only live on the forest floor. Their diet consists of creatures that cannot be seen without a magnifying glass.

When arranging a home for an animal that loves trees, you need to put thick branches in it. And put stones and small plants in a terrarium for geckos that prefer plains. Every home should have a container of water.

To keep geckos at home you need a terrarium

In captivity, geckos are fed:

  • moth larvae;
  • small cockroaches;
  • cicadas;
  • mealworms;
  • crickets.

The daily amount of food depends on the type of reptile. You need to pick them up very carefully, without touching the tail and head, otherwise the animal will cling to your hand and you will have to wait for the grip to loosen. If you touch the tail, the pet will drop it out of fear and become less attractive.

You should not touch the gecko's tail - the reptile will drop it

Reptile breeding

Most geckos are oviparous. The season does not affect reproduction. Females become sexually mature after a year of life. The offspring is born in a soft and hard shell. Usually there are two eggs in a clutch, but sometimes three to five. The incubation period lasts 50−200 days, it depends on the ambient temperature.

An interesting fact is that the female does not have maternal feelings. As soon as she lays her eggs, she immediately forgets about them. Lizards do not pick at the laying site. Quite often, several females lay eggs in one place. And only some individuals return to warm future offspring. Seeing a flighty mother with her children is also rare.

Thanks to its beauty, the gecko can become a decoration for your home. Even though there are many nuances in its content, it will be an excellent choice for lovers of the exotic.

Geckos- This is a type of lizard. Although there are about 1,500 species of geckos, they all share some similar traits, including amazing tails, easy feeding and ruffy skin.

Gecko sizes

The thing they don't have in common is size. Geckos come in a variety of sizes. The smallest gecko (and smallest lizard) is the tiny dwarf gecko. It grows up to 1.6 cm in length and weighs about 120 milligrams.

Rhacodactylus leachianus leachianus, a subspecies of the New Caledonian giant gecko, is one of the largest geckos in the world, according to Reptiles magazine. It can grow to 35.5-43 cm, including the tail, and weighs between 212 and 279 grams.

Gecko habitat

According to National Geographic, geckos are found on every continent except Antarctica and live in almost every habitat, including rain forests, deserts and mountains.

Gecko behavior

Most geckos are nocturnal and prefer to hunt at night. They make sounds when interacting with each other: their call for mating sometimes sounds like faint birdsong.

They are great climbers and in many regions, they like to live inside burrows. However, when threatened, a gecko can shed its tail and even all of its skin to protect itself.

All geckos shed their skin at regular intervals, but the presence of moisture speeds up the process. When he breaks away from his old skin, it is quite possible that he eats it.

Taking a bath is an interesting uncharacteristic trait for geckos. Geckos have skin covered with hundreds of thousands of hair-like spines. These spikes trap air and cause water to bounce back.

Gecko nutrition

Geckos typically feed on fruits, insects, and flower nectar. The gecko's tail stores fat that can be used later when food is scarce.

Food in captivity consists of crickets, cockroaches; in summer it is useful to give any insects from nature, excluding “hairy” caterpillars and bright butterflies(especially bears). There should always be a drinking bowl in the terrarium. For this purpose, it is convenient to use Petri dishes, the shallow depth of which eliminates the possibility of drowning. Average weekly norm food for an adult skink gecko - 6-8 medium-sized cockroaches or crickets with calcium and vitamins. Once a week - ultraviolet irradiation and a smear of liquid vitamins.


Geckos reproduce by laying eggs. The female may be pregnant with eggs for many years before she lays them. For example, the pregnancy of Harlequin geckos lasts three to four years. When the eggs are ready, the gecko lays the eggs in the leaves and bark.

Newborn geckos are called chicks. Some are quite large for lizards. For example, leopard gecko chicks can be between 8 and 10 cm long.

In captivity, for successful reproduction, it is good for skink geckos to undergo winter cooling, when the heating is turned off for 1-2 winter months and the temperature in the terrarium drops to 12-18 °C.


Here is the classification of geckos, according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS):

Kingdom: Animal world
Sub-kingdoms: Bilateria
Infrakingdom: Deuterostomia
Type: Chordates
Subphylum: Vertebrates
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
Superclass: Tetrapoda
Class: Reptoid
Order: Squamata
Family: gecko

  • Carphodactylidae - seven genera, 28 species
  • Diplodactylidae - 19 genera, 117 species
  • Eublepharidae - six genera, 30 species
  • Gekkonidae - 52 genera, 950 species
  • Phyllodactylidae - 11 genera, 117 species
  • Pygopodidae (also known as fleet-footed lizards, they have no legs and only vestigial hind legs) - seven genera, 41 species
  • Sphaerodactylidae - 11 genera, 203 species

Conservation Status

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List, geckos are listed according to species. For example, Bavayia goroensis is endangered. It is found in only two places in New Caledonia, an archipelago in the southern part Pacific Ocean, its population is declining as expanding mining activity reduces habitat.

Another example is Bavayia ornata. It is also found in only two places in New Caledonia, but there is no evidence of how many remain. Its habitat is also declining due to mining and agriculture.

A specimen of the recently discovered bumblebee gecko, named for its black and yellow stripes.

Other facts

Geckos have lines on their tails that allow them to quickly break away if a predator grabs them. They then regenerate their tail.

These lizards have sticky feet that allow them to climb smooth surfaces. Their fingers have microscopic hairs called setae that give them this sticky ability.

Who among us as a child did not catch lizards and put them on his shoulder? The main thing is not to accidentally pull the tail =) We present to your attention a selection of the 12 most beautiful geckos on our planet!

These cute little creatures are actually quite complex, for example, lizards have no eyelids at all, only a transparent membrane, which they periodically clean with their tongue, and thousands of suckers on their miniature legs have repeatedly confused many scientists.

In addition, many lizards, as we remember, can shed their tail and then regrow it! This protective mechanism with subsequent regeneration is generally nonsense and lizards, as far as I know, are the only living creatures on the planet capable of such an amazing transformation! By the way, I think many people remember that the tail does not immediately die after being thrown away, but moves and wriggles... A terrible sight))

Well, I think it’s time to finally move on to our “hit parade” =) So, in 12th place sits the Turkish gecko, also known as the Mediterranean house lizard. This miniature (finger-sized) creature usually lives in hidden places of houses, for example inside walls and rafters, and is nocturnal - crawling out of its hiding place to feast on moths and roaches.

If you put a Turkish gecko on a transparent glass table and look from below, you can see all of it internal structure, because the tummy of many reptiles is almost as transparent as glass.

The Madagascar day gecko is comfortably in 11th place (although such geckos are also found in Hawaii, they were just the first to be found in Madagascar - that’s what they called it). In the photograph, something like a battle for territory is taking place between two individuals of this species.

They are distinguished from other lizards by three red stripes on the lower back and blue circles around the eyes (apparently from frequent lack of sleep), and they can feed on almost everything, from pollen and nectar to small insects and even small lizards. Madagascar day geckos usually reach 15-20 centimeters in length.

10th place is occupied by another diurnal lizard from Madagascar, which differs from the previous species in the large number of red dots on its back and size - this is the largest gecko leading a diurnal lifestyle, reaching a length of 23 centimeters.

Madagascariensis eats, in principle, the same thing as its smaller brother, except that you can also add fruit to its diet)

In 9th place lurks the amazing yellow-tailed lizard Ligodactylus, living in the bamboo forests of Tanzania. All free time they sunbathe in the sun, and at the slightest danger they hide in the cracks of bamboo.

8th place is occupied by the New Zealand Green Gecko, which also leads a diurnal lifestyle, like its Madagascar “colleagues”.

While the body of such geckos is completely colored green color, their mouths and tongues can be orange, red, blue, black, pink or yellow!

This amazing lizard lives in trees, using its long tail as a support point.

In 7th place is the Skink Gecko or “Miracle Lizard”. The body of this amazing reptile, living in the Middle East, is practically unprotected - its skin can peel off with just one touch, but the gecko can absorb oxygen directly through the skin!

Skink geckos are active only during pitch darkness at night, hiding at the slightest clearing of the sky - the rest of the time they spend underground, at a depth of about 80 centimeters. The photograph shows that they have some similarities with frogs - for this they are also nicknamed “frog-eyed geckos.”

6th place is occupied by the pretty white-brown Cat Gecko, so named because of its habit of sleeping with its tail wrapped around it, just like a cat) This miracle lives in Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and Cambodia.

Another amazing feature of the Cat Gecko is that it does not have Velcro pads on its feet and uses prehensile claws and a tail to climb trees.

In 5th place is the House Gecko, which feeds on mosquitoes and other pests, and is therefore quite popular among many residents of such “mosquito” regions) These geckos live mostly in South-East Asia, both in houses and on rocks.

4th place is deservedly occupied by the Blue-tailed gecko, which lives only on the island of Mauritius. In general, this is a diurnal reptile, but for some reason it still prefers night hunting. The bright blue back with red dots distinguishes the males of this species from the completely green females.

Unlike most geckos, the Mauritian gecko is quite aggressive and usually does not miss an opportunity to bite any lizard crawling past, whether it is also a Blue-tailed gecko or a representative of another species.

By the way, do not confuse the Blue-tailed gecko with the Blue-tailed lizard; these are completely different reptiles.

Well, here we come to the top three cuties) So, in 3rd place is a miniature female Gecko with Beads (I don’t know how to translate Beaded Gekko more correctly). This lizard is a kind of record holder among its own kind in terms of speed of movement. This can be explained practically complete absence fat, even in the tail area, which is not at all typical for geckos. This reptile was found in the arid regions of Australia, but so far, unfortunately, practically nothing is known about it.

This arboreal nocturnal gecko also uses its tail to climb trees, but it is much stockier than its cousins.

This lizard is also called the Crest Gecko because of the "fringed" comb that runs from the eyes to the tail.

Well, we have finally reached the 1st line of our list, where the Tokay gecko sits, known primarily for its “singing”, similar to that of a frog)

This arboreal nocturnal gecko typically lives in areas of rocks and cliffs, and has even been dubbed the "Pitbull" due to its stubborn nature.

If the Tokay gecko suddenly doesn’t like something and bites your finger, be prepared for the fact that you will have to wait from several minutes to an hour until he gets tired of holding your finger in his mouth... Well, where is the gecko in a hurry? He bit it and lies there))

To end the collection on a cheerful note, I suggest watching a short video where the acrobatic abilities of the Tokay gecko are demonstrated with humor) Enjoy =)

The gecko (from the Latin Gekkonidae) is a vertebrate lizard. Dwarf geckos are miniature in size - up to 5 cm in length. And the large Toki gecko reaches a length of 35 cm. Geckos are divided into three subfamilies based on the shape of their vertebrae and the structure of their eyes. They include 80 genera and 600 species. Popular types of lizards:

  • Toki the gecko;
  • spotted leopard gecko;
  • crested gecko;
  • tape;
  • half-toed;
  • lobe-tailed;
  • prehensile-tailed;
  • skink;
  • Madagascar;
  • steppe;
  • grey;
  • squeaky.

Geckos live up to 25 years. The color of the lizard is varied, often bright, with pigmentation in the form of stripes and dots. In some species, body color changes depending on the time of day or the physical condition of the animal. On the head of geckos there are numerous granular scutes. Geckos have large eyes, covered with a transparent, motionless membrane, without eyelids. The pupils are vertical, in the form of a thin slit during the day, and dilate at night. The tongue, with a notch in front, is covered on top with small papillae.

The delicate, easily damaged skin of geckos is covered with granular scales, among which larger smooth or warty scales are located in disorder or in regular rows. Representatives of some genera are characterized by tile-like scales, reminiscent of fish.

A characteristic feature of geckos is their extended toes, covered underneath with horny plates, thanks to the structure of which lizards can easily rush along vertical surfaces, and also sit effortlessly on the ceiling. Their tail is brittle, but quickly regenerates.

Another feature of geckos is their loud “singing” and a set of sounds that constantly accompany their life activity: chirping, croaking, squeaking, and clicking.

These reptiles have sharp teeth, strong jaws, and it is difficult to unclench them without damaging them. In moments of aggression, the gecko swells greatly, hisses, opens its mouth, makes frightening croaking sounds and makes sharp lunges, trying to attack the troublemaker.

Habitat in nature

Geckos are found throughout the world, but most species prefer to live in subtropical and tropical zones of our planet. They are heat-loving reptiles normal temperature for their habitat - +20-30°C. They were given the nickname “digital climbers”, because... lizards' favorite places are tall trees, rocks, caves and cliffs above water bodies. Most gecko species are crepuscular or nocturnal.

In nature, geckos live in large colonies, with each one getting a territory, which the animal vigilantly guards.

In captivity, geckos are kept in special terrariums. It is better to house them in pairs. Male geckos jealously guard their territory. The female is kept nearby, or one, or two or three. But under no circumstances should you introduce a second male - during the mating season, geckos fight until they die or are severely injured. You can determine the sex of a gecko at 3 months by examining the underbelly. Males have holes placed in a "V" shape near the base of the tail. In addition, lizard boys are more plump and have larger heads.

Use peat, coconut shavings or gravel as soil. Sand should not be used, as when eating food, sand enters the digestive organs and can cause poor digestion of food, stagnation and obstruction. Make sure the soil is slightly moist.

Comfortable daytime temperature is +28-35°C, and at night it is 5-8°C less. Place a drinking container in the terrarium, as well as branches or pieces of bark. Place live plants in pots in the terrarium to maintain the necessary microclimate inside. The following plants are suitable for natural landscaping: scindapsus, dwarf creeping ficus, philodendron, white-veined arrowroot.

When you turn on daylight, you will get both light for the plants and warmth for the lizards. The more the terrarium is equipped with vegetation and decor, the more comfortable your charges will feel, the less stressful situations there will be for them.

The terrarium should be humid, and to do this, spray everything with warm (+40-50°C) boiled water once or twice a day, but do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. Optimal air humidity is 70-80%. Spraying also promotes the formation of dew on the glass walls of the terrarium and on the leaves of plants, which geckos sometimes use as a drink. With such humidity, provide ventilation inside the terrarium. Slots in the ceiling and in the end wall, covered with mesh, will cope with this function.

Do not try to pick up the lizard at first. Never pick up a gecko by the tail, as the tail can easily come off.

Like other reptiles, geckos, when kept in poor conditions, become carriers of salmonellosis bacteria, so personal hygiene is important when coming into contact with them and care items. Disinfect your gecko's cage regularly and keep the terrarium clean, but do not clean it in the kitchen or bathroom. Wash your hands before handling your reptile and after handling the animal.


It is important not to overfeed animals. The larger the gecko, the less often you need to feed it: lizards measuring 20-25 cm receive food 2 times a week or 5 times every two weeks. The food should be varied and contain essential minerals and vitamins.

The terrarium should contain bowls with bird stone powder, and food insects should be rolled in ground calcium and dry vitamins for reptiles. The vitamins from Tetra (ReptoCal, ReptoLife) and LM (Calcium, Vitamins) have proven themselves to be the best.

Once a week, irradiate animals with ultraviolet light for 5-7 minutes and give liquid vitamins. This is done with a soft brush: a drop of vitamins is applied to the eyes or the tip of the lizard’s muzzle, which immediately licks it off with its tongue.

Most geckos eat only live food: spiders, flies, crickets, cockroaches, locusts, and all types of worms. Large geckos are fed baby mice, as well as quail eggs. Some species enjoy eating bananas.


Geckos are oviparous animals. Lizards can mate throughout the year, except for the winter months. In nature, they lay eggs in tree hollows, tightly gluing them to the wood. This is 5-8 clutches with a frequency of 15-40 days, with the number of 1-2 eggs per clutch. The incubation period lasts from 3 to 7 months, depending on conditions.

In the terrarium, to create natural conditions, the female is provided with vertical pieces of bark, stems with hollows and other decorative elements for laying. The more suitable objects for laying eggs, the more offspring. For full hatching and further development of cubs from eggs, the permissible temperature in the terrarium is +28-30 degrees. At an even, without changes, temperature, incubation takes place in the shortest possible time - in 134 days.

During the egg-laying period, the female must be provided with a sufficient amount of minerals in the form of chalk or calcium glycerophosphate tablets. You can also use a “bird stone” purchased at a pet store for this, placing or hanging it inside the terrarium. If the female lacks calcium, she will begin to eat the shells of her eggs.

The eggs are of a regular spherical shape and, unlike the eggs of other lizards, are enclosed in a dense and fragile calcareous shell, which hardens some time after laying, absorbing carbon dioxide from the air.

Gecko parents are useless because they eat their newborn babies without a twinge of conscience. During this period, children simply need shelter, but since it is difficult for them to hide from their hunting parents in their “native” terrarium, it would be better if you put the newborns in a “separate apartment.”

Small geckos (8-10 cm long) begin to hunt flies and small crickets. It is better, without waiting for the young to hatch, to transfer all the decorative elements with the eggs glued to their walls into a specially equipped incubator, for which you can use, for example, an old aquarium.


The cost of a gecko depends on the type, popularity, age, size and varies on average between 5-7 thousand rubles. Behind rare species you will have to pay 20-30 thousand rubles.