The Orthodox calendar for April 2016 was designed specifically so that people can navigate those holidays and significant religious events that do not have their own constant date. Many people, with such an assistant, begin their knowledge of the Lord and try to learn as much as possible all the stories of the holidays and behave in accordance with the canons or restrictions.

Religion is not always strict adherence to regulations, but very often this is where a person’s true faith begins.

Church holidays in April 2016 for most Orthodox Christians begin on April 7; it is on this day that the entire Orthodox world celebrates the Annunciation. The Virgin Mary received news from the messenger of the Lord that she was destined to become the future mother of the Messiah. She was married at that moment, but she was pure before the Lord because she never went to bed with a man. Her husband knew about the girl’s firm decision to remain innocent to the Lord and still took her as his wife.

Mary told the messenger about this, but from him she heard about the immaculate conception and the next day she really understood that she was carrying the child of the Lord under her heart. The meaning of the holiday is that every person has a choice, because Mary was asked if she agreed to become the mother of the Messiah, and she took on this responsibility. The same thing happens in life, every person always has a choice. He is free to do as he sees fit and should still be taught to answer for his mistakes. In the depths of the holiday lies a huge meaning that humanity has been trying to understand for many centuries. Only unity with the Lord and acceptance of his power can become the road to success and a happy life.

All over the world, Lazarus Saturday will be celebrated on April 23, and the very next day there will be an equally significant holiday - Palm Sunday. That is why the beginning of the month can be called a relatively calm time, when you can go about your business, adhere to strict Lent and try to understand all aspects of your life in order to happy holiday Come to Easter in the appropriate state, having cleansed your soul and heart from everything bad and negative. Because the Annunciation is very big celebration, then you should put all the work aside and not stand at the stove all day waiting for guests. At this time it continues Lent, therefore, only the simplest food should be on the table, the preparation of which takes a minimum of time. You should definitely go to a church service to thank the Lord for his love and support. The festive liturgy will be filled with a special meaning that you need to listen to. On this day, even under the strict restrictions of fasting, there are relaxations and people are allowed to drink a little Cahors.

Lazareva Saturday

The holiday of Lazarev itself has Saturday beautiful story, which even today priests tell their parishioners in church, and in children's Bibles there is a separate story about this holiday. When Jesus was still alive, he learned that his friend Lazarus was very sick; everyone already understood that death would definitely come to his house, and it would not be possible to save the man. Lazarus' sisters waited for Jesus to heal their brother, but he did not come. He didn't come to his friend last minutes life and was not present during the burial. Christ came to the cave where Lazarus’ body rested only on the fourth day; he entered there and came out with Lazarus. People rejoiced at such a miraculous resurrection, and some realized what powers Jesus possessed; this could not leave them indifferent. The strong admired him, and the weak began to fear him. After the resurrection, Lazarus was planned to be killed, so he was forced to leave his native Jerusalem in order to save his life. The story of the resurrected friend continued in Cyprus; it was this place that he chose for his second home.

The Pharisee feared and hated Christ, they were convinced that his powers could threaten them, so they firmly decided to fish for him. Even today, none of the professionals who study the history of religion can give an exact answer as to what frightened people so much about the miracle that Christ performed. When other people saw the resurrected Lazarus, they really began to believe in Christ and began to exalt him above all the kings, worshiping his power.

The Orthodox Church calendar for April 2016 simply cannot do without this wonderful and bright holiday. A solemn service will be held in all churches, at which parishioners will once again hear about this wonderful story.

On the day of the holiday, it is also customary to go and break willow the next day. To celebrate Palm Sunday, according to all the rules, you should bless the willow at the evening service and lightly beat all your relatives in the morning, while saying traditional words asking for health to each family member.

Palm Sunday

Church holidays in April, of course, include Palm Sunday. On this day many years ago, Christ rode his donkey into Jerusalem. People greeted him like a real king. This day is very important in the history of everything Orthodox world, because Jesus voluntarily made sacrifices for his people. He knew perfectly well what his fate was, but he accepted all the suffering unconditionally. Jesus was the King of Heaven for people, and this meant much more than all the riches on earth. People greeted him in Jerusalem with palm branches, but since there were willows in Rus', the holiday was called Palm Sunday.

Everyone celebrates this holiday with joy, goes to the ceremonial service, and then brings home blessed willow branches. Many believed that even those who were very sick and could not even get up could feel better if they lightly stroked their whole body with such a willow. Such a willow bouquet must be placed near the icon; it should have been preserved until Easter. With the help of such spring branches they not only treated ailments, but also believed that they would drive away the evil eye, damage or problems from the home. Also before Easter everyone celebrates Maundy Thursday and put in order not only their body, but also their homes. They prepared very carefully for the bright holiday and already on Friday they began to paint eggs and bake Easter cakes.


In April, Lent continues before Easter. During his time, everyone has already become accustomed to the restrictions, knowing full well that this is all being done only in order to more deeply feel and immerse themselves in all the holidays and saints' days in April 2016. Realizing that spiritual food is much more important than the desire to satisfy the needs of the stomach will allow a person to truly cleanse himself and become better. In the last week before Easter, fasting becomes significantly stricter, but most often only church ministers strictly adhere to it. It is quite rare for parishioners to withstand strict restrictions, especially before the holiday itself. In addition, there are a number of restrictions when it is simply contraindicated for a person to fast or it must be done with significant concessions.

This applies to future mothers, who must think about the health of their child and try to give him everything he needs for development. People who engage in heavy physical labor are simply obliged to eat well in order to do their job well and not cause harm to their health. For some, such restrictions may be due to medical contraindications. If your health worsens, you will not be able to draw closer to the Lord, so you need to fast, limiting yourself to something else. To do this, you need to talk to the priest, he will definitely give valuable advice that will help you cleanse yourself mentally and not cause yourself physical harm.

There are many significant holidays in April, but preparation for Easter remains in the first place for people. The church calendar will not allow you to miss an important holiday and will become a reliable friend.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the church calendar for April. All days of the Great Orthodox Lent in April are marked here, and the basic rules for observing Lent are also mentioned.

For all Orthodox Christians, the time of Great Christian Lent has come. It lasts from March 14 to April 30 – that’s 48 days. First of all, everyone needs to understand that fasting is a time of deep understanding of one’s life, as well as a time of cleansing and spiritual renewal.

April 1

It is the 19th day of the Great Christian Lent. At the same time, on this day the martyrs Chrysanthus and Darius are commemorated, and with them the Monk Innocent of Komel of Vologda.

April 2

The 20th day of Lent is coming. Day of remembrance of Saints John, Sergius and Patricius.

April 3

On the 21st day of Lent, prayers are offered in cathedrals in memory of Venerable Seraphim Vyritsky and Jacob, Bishop of Katansky

April, 4

On the 22nd day of Great Lent, the presbyter and holy martyr Vasily of Ancyra is commemorated.

5th of April

According to the Orthodox Christian calendar, this is the day of remembrance of the venerable disciple, Bishop Nikon of Sicily and his 199 disciples. And also the day of remembrance of the abbot of the Kiev-Pechersk Reverend Nikon. It is the 23rd day of the Great Christian Lent.

April 6

Eve of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God. Prayers are offered in memory of the martyrs Stephen and Peter of Kazan, Saint Artemia, Bishop of Thessaloniki and the monk Saint Zacharias. 24th day of Lent.

April 7

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the great Orthodox holidays It's the 25th day of Lent.

April 8

Commemoration of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On the 26th day of Great Lent, Council of the Archangel Gabriel.

April 9

In the church calendar for April is the day of remembrance of the martyr Matrona of Thessalonica. 27th day of Lent.

April 10th

Day of remembrance of the Venerable Hilarion the New Abbot of Pelikitsky, together with Hilarion of Pskovozersky, Gdovsky. Prayers are offered in memory of the wonderworker Stephen, abbot of Triglia, and with him the martyr Boyan, Prince of Bulgaria. Day 28 of Lent.

11 April

Lent is on day 29. The Christian world remembers the holy martyr Mark, Bishop of Arethusia, Cyril, deacon.

12th of April

On the 30th day of Great Orthodox Lent, Orthodox Christians offer prayers in memory of St. Sophrony, Bishop of Irkutsk and St. John Climacus, Abbot of Sinai.

April 13

It's the 31st day of Lent. Memorial Day of Saint Innocent (Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow, Saint Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker, Hieromartyr Hypatius, Bishop of Gangra.

14th of April

Day of remembrance of the martyr, Abraham of Bulgaria, St. Euthymius, Suzdal wonderworker. Together with them on this day, prayers are offered in memory of Venerable Mary Egyptian and Venerable Gerontius, Canonarch of Pechersk. Lent is on day 32.

April 15

By Orthodox calendar April 2016 is the day of remembrance of the wonderworker Titus. It's the 33rd day of Lent.

April 16

In temples and churches, prayers are offered in memory of the abbot of Midice, the Monk Nikita the Confessor. 34th day of Lent.

April 17

On the 35th day of Great Orthodox Lent, they pray for the repose of the souls of the Venerable Joseph the Songwriter and St. George of the Peloponnese.

April 18th

Day of remembrance of the martyrs Agathopods, deacon, Theodulus, reader, and others like them. It's the 36th day of Lent.

April 19

Day of remembrance of the archbishops St. Eutyches of Constantinople and Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius of Moravia. 37th day of Lent.

20 April

It is the 38th day of the Great Christian Lent. The Christian world remembers the Metropolitan, St. George of Mytilene, and with him Archimandrite St. Daniel of Pereyaslavl.

April 21

On the 39th day of Lent, Christians offer prayers for the 70 Apostles Rodion (Herodion), Agave, Asinkrit, Rufus, Phlegontus, Hermas (Hermias) and others like them.

April 22

On the 40th day of Great Lent they pray for the martyr Eupsychia of Caesarea (Cappadocia).

April 23

Day of remembrance of the martyrs Terentius, Pompius, Africanus, Maximus, Zenon, Alexander, Theodore and other 33

Hieromartyr Gregory V (Angelopoulos), Patriarch of Constantinople. It's the 41st day of Lent.

April 24

Another great holiday Orthodox Church– Palm Sunday (Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem). In churches they pray for the Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamum in Asia.

Together with him about the Venerable Jacob of Zheleznoborovsky and Jacob of Bryleevsky, his associate Saint Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver. Lent is on day 42.

25th of April

On the 43rd day of Lent, Holy Week begins. On this day they pray for the Venerable Basil the Confessor, Bishop of Paria.

26 April

Day of remembrance of the Hieromartyr Artemon of Laodicea, presbyter. It's the second day Holy Week and the 44th day of Lent.

April 27

45th day of Lent, 3rd day of Holy Week. Prayers in churches are offered in memory of the martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathia of Vilna.

April 28

4th day of Holy Week, 4th day and 46th day of Lent. On this day, the apostles from the 70 Aristarchus, Puda, Trophimus are remembered.

April 29

Day of remembrance of the martyrs Agapia, Irina and Chionia. It is the fifth day of Holy Week and the 47th day of Lent.

April 30

6th day of Holy Week and 48th day of Lent. Prayers are offered in memory of the Venerable Akakios, Bishop of Melitino, the Hieromartyr Simeon of Ctesiphon, Bishop of Persia, and with him the Venerable Zosimas, Abbot of Solovetsky.

Great Orthodox fast, as a rule, is observed by the majority of Orthodox Christians. Therefore, we remind you that there are rules for observing Lent.

- days of dry eating, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On these days, they eat raw water, fruits, vegetables, and wholemeal bread.

- Tuesday and Thursday, on these days they eat lenten dishes without vegetable oil and butter.

- Saturday and Sunday, even during Lent these days are considered holidays. Therefore, you can eat lean dishes with the addition of vegetable oil.

Dilutes the severity of April Lenten meals several Orthodox holidays (see church calendar below), during which it is allowed to eat a more varied food than during church fasts.

Important church holidays in April 2016

April 7, 2016 is a holiday. One of the most honorable holidays of Christian doctrine. Dedicated to a solemn event during which, as they say, scriptures, The Virgin Mary learned the good news that she would soon become the mother of Jesus Christ. You are allowed to diversify your table with fish dishes.

April 23, 2016 – Lazarev Saturday. The day on which the miraculous resurrection of Jesus is remembered. In honor of the holiday, it is allowed to eat fish caviar, but not the fish meat itself.

April 24, 2016 –. It will mark the imminent arrival of Easter. By this time the willow blossoms, the branches of which are illuminated in the church. Another name for the holiday is the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem or Palm Sunday. Fish dishes are also allowed on this day.

Calendar of church holidays and fasts in April 2016

Orthodox church fasts in April 2016

The whole of April 2016 will be marked, not only church holidays, but also the course of Lent, which this year will last from March 14 to April 30. It should be noted that in April the last numbers will be especially strict, because during this period the last week of Lent falls, during which it is customary to adhere especially strictly to special nutrition and spiritual abstinence.

During Lent, believers do not eat food of animal origin at all, as well as dairy products (see). All Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, believers eat only raw food without heat treatment, as well as dried bread and compotes, decoctions of herbs and fruits. On Tuesday and Thursday, the menu changes to hot food, to which it is prohibited to add vegetable fats. On weekends - Saturday and Sunday - food can be cooked using vegetable oil. April 29th at Good Friday there is a ban on eating food before removing the shroud from the temple.


Great (strict) fasting is observed for 48 days - from March 14 and all of April - in gratitude to the Savior. This is a process of deep spiritual and physical cleansing. It is recommended not to eat at all on Clean Monday. The first and passionate weeks are the most strict. Orthodox church calendar for April 2016 calls when the severity of fasting decreases: on the Annunciation and Palm Sunday you can allow yourself fish, boiled or stewed vegetables with the addition of oil, and on Lazarus Saturday - also fish caviar. April 2 and 9 – remembrance of the dead, visiting graves, parents' Saturdays.


The date on which this twelfth anniversary is celebrated religious holiday, remains constant from year to year - April 7. It is connected with the good news brought to the Virgin Mary - about her immaculate conception and the birth of Christ. It is usually perceived as the birth of a new life, bringing a bright, cleansing beginning. One of the traditions is baking larks, a symbol of the coming spring, and releasing birds from their cages. It is also believed that consecrated prosphora has healing properties and can heal even seriously ill people. Crumbs from it, mixed with grain, have a beneficial effect on the future harvest.

Lazarev Saturday

Orthodox church calendar, in which the holidays are scheduled as of April 2016, celebrates this day on April 23 before Palm Sunday. The title refers to the believer resurrected by Jesus, to the common man named Lazarus. Thousands of people watched the resurrection. This miracle became evidence of the divine power of the Messiah and his care for the living and the suffering. Lazarus began to preach the teachings of Christ, lived another 30 years and testified that God rewards everyone according to their faith. Lazarus Saturday is a holiday when believers go to churches with a prayer for healing. It is also a day of reflection on life and death.

Palm Sunday

The holiday associated with Jesus' entry into Jerusalem was otherwise called Palm Day - the townspeople greeted it with palm branches. Their role among the Orthodox Slavs is played by willow branches. They are consecrated during the service in the temple, brought into the house and stored until next holiday. Palm Sunday is celebrated on April 24. According to tradition, on this day they beat each other with blessed willow branches, wishing health and longevity; sometimes they eat a willow bud for the same purpose. Sweets are distributed to children, alms are given to the poor.