Reviews about the antiviral agent "Biocad" - "Genferon" - are mostly good. Doctors note that the main advantage of the drug is its uniqueness. Suppositories can be inserted into the vagina or rectally. IN last years This medication is increasingly being used for women. “Genferon” suppositories in gynecology also have positive reviews. It is about them that will be discussed further. You will learn the main points on using the drug.

Composition and type of medication

What are “Genferon” suppositories in gynecology? Reviews from doctors and instructions for use indicate that the medication is in the form of suppositories. The main component of the drug is interferon. It is worth noting that the dose of this substance may vary.

Often in pharmacies you can find “Genferon” in the form of 250, 500 and 1000 thousand IU. The manufacturer also produces the medicine in a reduced dosage - 125 thousand IU. This drug has the trade name "Genferon Light". In addition to interferon in the described amount, the medication contains taurine and anesthesin (benzocaine). As you already know, the product can be administered vaginally or rectally.

Indications for use of the medicine

In what situations are Genferon suppositories used in gynecology? Reviews from doctors and annotations indicate the following situations. The drug is prescribed in the complex therapy of certain diseases in order to support the patient’s immunity. It can also be used as an independent antiviral agent. Among the indications are the following situations:

  • viral infections of the reproductive system in women, including herpes;
  • bacterial infections of the vagina and uterus;
  • mycoplasmosis and chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma and trichomoniasis;
  • vaginitis and;
  • cervicitis and lesions of the vaginal mucosa (including cervical erosion);
  • and so on.

It is worth noting that reviews say the following about a drug such as Genferon suppositories (in gynecology): the medicine can also be used for prophylactic purposes. The instructions for use confirm this information.

Contraindications to the use of vaginal and rectal suppositories

In most cases, the antiviral drug "Genferon" has positive reviews from doctors. The medicine is not prescribed only to people who are hypersensitive to taurine and benzocaine. The medication rarely causes allergic reactions that disappear on their own without additional treatment.

Interferon is a substance that is normally secreted human body in case of illness. It allows you to build immunity and protect a person. The composition of the described medicine contains exactly this substance. Therefore, there is usually no negative reaction to interferon.

Method of use of the product in gynecological practice

The medicine is used in complex therapy, for self-treatment and as prevention. For children under 7 years of age, the composition is recommended at a dose of 125 IU. For adult women, the medication can be prescribed in amounts from 250 to 1000 thousand IU. Before administering the medicine, be sure to wash your hands. When using vaginally, it is also recommended to wear sterile gloves.

  • For infection in the vagina and genitourinary canal, 1 suppository is prescribed in the morning and evening for 10 days. It is preferable to take equal intervals between applications. If the disease becomes protracted, then correction is carried out every other day for three months.
  • In the acute course of the pathology and the development of a bacterial complication, the medication is prescribed in the morning at a dosage of 500 thousand IU and in the evening 1000 IU. It is worth noting that the second portion is administered exclusively rectally.
  • For prevention, the medication can be prescribed in a dose of 125 to 500 thousand IU once a day (mainly at night).

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug "Genferon" (suppositories) has positive reviews in gynecology during pregnancy. Doctors report that the medicine is often prescribed to expectant mothers for preventive purposes and to correct pathologies. Also, the medication can be prescribed if a representative of the fairer sex has a cold. Often the medication is used after childbirth. Wherein breast-feeding does not become a contraindication for correction.

The composition is used in a dose from 125 to 250 thousand M

E. The frequency of administration depends on the form and severity of the pathology. Usually it is 1-3 times a day. The duration of use can vary from 3 to 10 days.

Interaction of the described product with other compounds

What happens if you use it at the same time? antibacterial drugs and Genferon suppositories (in gynecology)? Reviews from doctors report that this combination is quite acceptable. It’s even worth saying that this is how a variety of treatments are usually carried out. With this interaction, the effectiveness of the antiviral agent “Genferon” is enhanced.

Often during pregnancy a woman takes vitamin complexes. Such compositions include the main substances - vitamin E and C. They can help enhance the immunomodulatory effect of the drug.

If a woman uses a variety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (this is precisely the characteristic of most painkillers and antipyretics), then the effect of benzocaine may be enhanced.

When supplementing the correction with sulfonamines, it is necessary to take a break of 2-4 hours between medications. This is because benzocaine can reduce the effect of the described substances.

The drug "Genferon": reviews

An interferon-based antiviral agent is quite effective. This is exactly what doctors report. Doctors say that, unlike analogues of the drug (Viferon, Kipferon and others), the described medication promotes pain relief and tissue regeneration. This becomes an important factor in cases of cervical cancer.

Benzocaine or anesthesin helps relieve pain in damaged membranes. This therapy allows you to avoid the additional use of drugs in this category. Taurine contained in the drug has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to this, the effect of interferon is enhanced.

Doctors say that the drug is absolutely safe. That is why it can be prescribed to expectant mothers and babies. The medicine almost never causes adverse reactions. However, with excessive use and self-administration, unpleasant symptoms may occur. That is why, before starting treatment, you need to find out what the instructions for use say about the drug “Genferon” (suppositories).

This article describes in detail the drug "Genferon suppositories", instructions for use in gynecology, and also indicates possible side effects, contraindications and features of the use of the drug by women.

Often, gynecologists are faced with inflammation that occurs as a result of damage to the mucous membrane of the internal and external genital organs by a group of microorganisms various types and classes. This group of pathogens includes:

  • viruses,
  • gram + bacteria,
  • gram - bacteria,
  • protozoa.

In order to get rid of the entire variety of pathological microorganisms, it is necessary to use large quantity drugs. They belong to different pharmacological groups and have different mechanisms of action and side effects. Prescribing antibacterial and antiviral drugs in large quantities can cause a large number of complications. Here are just a small number of consequences of using more than 4 medicines At the same time:

  • dysbacteriosis,
  • gastritis,
  • thrush due to the use of a large number of antibacterial agents,
  • allergic reactions,
  • drug-induced hepatitis.

With the right approach to the treatment regimen, taking into account all the parameters of the body and the mechanisms of action of drugs, you can achieve quick and effective treatment.

IN last decades In medical practice, interferon preparations have gained great popularity. As you know, the human immune system is capable of fighting almost any aggressive factors in our body. Therefore, its stimulation and partial replacement of immune cells greatly contributes to reducing recovery time in patients with gynecological diseases. Chief Representative pharmacological group immunomodulatory drugs in gynecology is Genferon in the form of suppositories. It is easy to use, relatively cheap and has very high treatment results.

General characteristics of the drug

The drug Genferon is produced by the world-class Russian company BIOCAD. The secret of the company's success is the productive cooperation of the research center, modern high-tech pharmacological production, and the center for clinical and preclinical research. It is under such conditions that the high-quality drug Genferon is produced.

For many years, the drug has been prescribed for urogenital infections in gynecology and has long earned the trust of doctors and patients. According to consumer reviews, the drug causes virtually no side effects, its use is not difficult, and its effectiveness is visible from the second or third day of use.

Mechanism of action of Genferon

The pharmacological agent Genferon consists of alpha-2-interferon, anesthesin and taurine:

  1. Alpha-2-interferon – acts as a means to correct and stimulate the immune system. It provokes an increase in cellular immunity at the local level, and also helps to reduce the proliferation of viruses and bacteria by influencing them with immunoglobulin A.
  2. Anestezin is a local drug that reduces the inflammatory reaction in the mucous membranes of the genital tract. Its action significantly reduces pain, burning, and itching in various diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Taurine is a medicine that stimulates body tissues to regenerate and restore their function. This component is considered especially important in the treatment of mucosal erosions. Taurine helps to reduce the diameter of erosion and the growth of non-keratinizing epithelial tissue.

In the drug Genferon, the above components are in the correct ratio, so the drug quickly and effectively fights the cause of the disease, affecting the human immune system.

Indications for use of Genferon

The drug is often prescribed to women to reduce the risk of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and polypous formations. It is believed that polyposis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus or other representatives of herpes viruses. If you fight viruses, the likelihood of polyps disappearing increases several times. That is why polypous formations of the female genitourinary system respond very well to treatment with Genferon vaginally. Gynecological diseases for which the use of this drug is recommended:

  1. Herpesvirus lesions of the reproductive system.
  2. Chlamydial infection.
  3. Inflammatory diseases caused by the ureaplasma group.
  4. Bacterial vaginitis.
  5. Cervical erosion caused by infectious processes.
  6. Bartholinitis.
  7. Salpingo-oophoritis.
  8. Cervicitis.

Among urologists and andrologists, Genferon is no less widespread. For men, the drug is prescribed rectally for inflammatory diseases of the rectum, prostate gland, urethra, and glans penis.

Instructions for use of Genferon in gynecology

Genferon is prescribed not only in gynecological hospitals, but also for outpatient treatment. The medicine is usually prescribed 2 suppositories per day vaginally with an interval of 12 hours. The duration of treatment should be at least 10 days. During this time, the drug acts on viruses and bacteria, improves local immunity and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The use of the drug "Genferon suppositories" according to the instructions for use in gynecology provides quick, long-term and effective counteraction to diseases of the human genitourinary system.

Among reviews of the drug, the question often comes up: “Can Genferon be used during menstruation?” The answer is definitely yes. Genferon during menstruation reduces the possibility of reproduction of pathogenic pathogens. Bacteria, in the presence of blood and a warm and humid atmosphere, perceive such an environment as favorable for reproduction and growth. The use of the drug “Genferon Suppositories” during menstruation prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and helps reduce inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the woman’s genital organs.

It is worth noting that a pause in the use of the drug may negatively affect its effectiveness, since the effect of the drug gradually increases throughout treatment.

Another feature of the use of the drug is its combination with other pharmaceutical products. It is noted that Genferon increases his positive traits when combined with vitamins C, A, B. In this case, vitamin complexes should be taken either in tablets or in injection form.

It would not be superfluous to combine treatment with the use of herbal medicine. For example, the use of chamomile and oak bark decoctions as douching has a good antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Drinking plenty of rosehip decoction will help reduce intoxication syndrome, which always accompanies inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system of women and men. Rose hips also contain a large amount of vitamin C, which has a strong antioxidant effect.

Side effects of "Genferon"

Genferon is of high quality production over a long period of time and therefore the risk of side effects is very small, but still they cannot be excluded. Here are the most common side effects of the drug, according to patient reviews:

  1. headache;
  2. hyperthermia up to subfebrile levels (37.1-37.9 °C);
  3. sleep disturbance (insomnia, restless sleep, bad dreams);
  4. indigestion (nausea after eating food, stool problems, bloating);
  5. increased fatigue;
  6. allergic reactions (itching, burning, hyperemia);
  7. muscle pain (as a sign of intoxication syndrome);
  8. a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen (this side effect is associated with a rush of a large amount of blood into the pelvic vessels).

Often, side effects are associated with changes in the immune system and hemodynamics of the blood vessels of the pelvis. Negative sensations disappear with a dose reduction or short-term withdrawal of the drug within 24-36 hours. If the intensity of the above symptoms increases, you should immediately consult a doctor and drink more pure still water (if there is no kidney pathology).

The components of Genferon have a complex effect, providing antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Such a comprehensive approach will reduce the risk of acute inflammation becoming chronic, and will also significantly reduce the time of illness. The use of the drug for chronic diseases will achieve stable remission of the disease. The versatile influence of the drug allows it to be used for all kinds of diseases of the genitourinary system, which are accompanied by impaired immunity and the addition of infectious pathology.

An effective antiviral immunomodulatory drug is Genferon. What does this drug help with? The medication has an antimicrobial effect. The instructions for use of Genferon suppositories prescribe their use for thrush, excuse me, genital herpes.

Release form and composition

It is produced in the form of suppositories: cylindrical in shape with a pointed end, homogeneous structure, from white to white with a yellow tint. The active substances of the drug Genferon are:

  • Interferon human recombinant alpha-2.
  • Benzocaine.
  • Taurine.

Auxiliary components are dextran, lemon acid, solid fat, T2 emulsifier, polyethylene oxide and other substances.

Pharmacological properties

The active substances of the drug are interferon alpha2, taurine and anesthesin, the complex action of which has a positive effect on immune system, and also exhibits antiviral and antibacterial effects.

The antimicrobial activity of Genferon affects a large group of pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria, fungi, viruses, mycoplasmas and others. In addition, Genferon suppositories, which activate the activity of leukocytes, eliminate foci of inflammation, have a pronounced antioxidant effect and eliminate pain impulses.

There are also reviews of Genferon confirming its ability to reduce symptoms such as pain, burning sensation and itching.

Genferon suppositories: what they help with

Indications for the use of Genferon suppositories include rectal or vaginal use (in dosages of 500 thousand IU or 1 million IU), for which reason children's suppositories of the same name (Genferon Light) are used in the treatment of corresponding uncomplicated diseases in children. In other cases, Genferon is used in complex treatment for diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious-inflammatory nature in adults:

  • chlamydia;
  • genital herpes;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • papillomavirus infection;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • urethritis;
  • bartholinitis;
  • balanitis;
  • prostatitis;
  • balanoposthitis.

The use of the drug for thrush (vaginal candidiasis) is also justified.


Genferon suppositories instructions for use prohibit use if you are hypersensitive or have an allergic reaction to one of the components medication. In addition to absolute contraindications, doctors identify conditions in which the decision to take the drug should be taken as seriously as possible and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Such contraindications include the following conditions:

  • children under 7 years of age;
  • pregnancy up to 12 weeks;
  • autoimmune diseases ( diabetes type I, systemic lupus erythematosus, Hashimoto's thyroidin, glomerulonephritis and others);
  • exacerbation of allergic conditions.

Genferon suppositories: instructions for use

The duration of treatment, dosage and route of administration are determined by the attending physician and depend on the specific disease. The instructions for using Genferon suppositories and the instructions for children's Genferon are almost identical to the proposed regimens for using the drug.

However, the rectal or vaginal route of drug administration is not always suitable for children, so in some cases it is worth considering switching to Genferon analogues with other routes of administration (tablets, ointment, syrup).

The drug is used vaginally or rectally

When treating diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious-inflammatory nature in women, it is recommended to administer 1 suppository (500,000 IU or 1,000,000 IU, depending on the form of the disease) vaginally or rectally (depending on the form of the disease) 2 days a day for 10 days. For long-term and chronic forms, it is possible to administer 1 suppository every other day. In this case, the course of treatment will be from 1 to 3 months.

The use of 1 suppository (500,000 IU) intravaginally in the morning and 1 suppository (1,000,000 IU) rectally in the evening simultaneously with the intravaginal use of antibacterial suppositories is justified in case of a serious infectious and inflammatory process in the internal genital organs.

Treatment of diseases of the urogenital tract of an infectious-inflammatory nature in men is reduced to the following treatment regimen: 1 suppository is applied rectally (the dosage depends on the form of the disease) 2 times a day for 10 days.

Side effects

Use Genferon light suppositories, which may cause adverse reactions, should be done with caution. Most often, allergic reactions are observed in the form of itching, skin rash, and burning sensation in the vagina. Side effects are reversible and disappear within 72 hours after discontinuation or dose reduction. There may be an increase in temperature after administration of the drug. With a daily dose of 10 million IU, there is a high probability of the following side effects:

  • From the hematopoietic system: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia;
  • From the central side nervous system: headache;
  • Other: increased sweating, fever, loss of appetite, weakness, myalgia, arthralgia.

Interactions and special instructions

Vitamins C and E enhance the effect of Genferon components. Benzocaine reduces the bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity of sulfonamides. Non-narcotic analgesics often enhance the effect of benzocaine.

The drug may be used in the second and third trimester of pregnancy if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. To exclude urogenital reinfection, simultaneous treatment of the sexual partner is recommended. It is possible to use the drug during menstruation.


How can I replace Genferon suppositories? Complete analogues in terms of active substance and release form are:

  • Viferon;
  • Laferobion;
  • Laferon;
  • Pharmbiotek;
  • Vitaferon;
  • Viferon-Feron;
  • Kipferon.


In Russia, Genferon candles can be bought for 609-813 rubles. The price of the drug in Ukraine is 170-335 hryvnia. In Belarus, GENFERON LIGHT candles cost 7-15 bel. rubles, in Kazakhstan - 3119 tenge.

Antiviral drugs, which simultaneously help improve immunity, have become sales leaders in recent years. One of these drugs is the drug "Genferon". The price of the medicine, as well as opinions about it, will be presented to your attention in the article. You will learn some information from the instructions. You will also find out how the drug “Genferon” (suppositories) is used in gynecology. Reviews from consumers and doctors will tell you the whole truth about this composition.

Composition of the drug and release form

The drug "Genferon" is a suppository. They can be inserted rectally or vaginally. It all depends on the purpose of their use and the symptoms of the pathology. The drug is available in different dosages. In the pharmacy chain you can purchase the medicine "Genferon 250". It is also labeled “Light”. This medicine contains 250 thousand IU of interferon. There is also "Genferon 500". Such suppositories contain 500 thousand IU of interferon. Suppositories "Genferon 1000000" have a maximum dosage of the active substance - 1 million IU.

In addition to the main component, the drug also contains additional ones. Among them are taurine, anesthesin or benzocaine. Additional components allow the drug to take the appropriate form of suppositories.

Treatment with "Genferon": indications for correction

Quite often, the described remedy is prescribed in complex therapy. It can be used with antibacterial compounds, antimicrobial agents and other drugs. In gynecology, the medicine is prescribed for women of all ages. It can also be used for representatives of the fairer sex who are not leading sex life. This is a unique feature of the drug. The abstract indicates the following indications for use:

  • chlamydia and toxoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasma and mycoplasma;
  • herpes virus of various localizations;
  • and trichomoniasis;
  • cervical erosion and cervicitis;
  • adnexitis, metritis and salpingitis.

In some situations, the drug is used as a preventive procedure to increase the body's resistance. In addition, the medicine is also used to treat representatives of the stronger sex.

In what cases is use prohibited?

The drug "Genferon 500" and other forms of this medicine are not used if there is a high sensitivity to one of the components. It is also not prescribed for bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin.

The medicine is not used through vaginal administration in virgins. These representatives of the fairer sex should use the medication is not used as a contraceptive. It is not a contraceptive and cannot protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Method of using the medicine

Until the age of seven years, the medication for gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes is administered exclusively in a dose of 125 thousand IU of interferon rectally. For older age groups, the medicine is prescribed in an individual dosage, depending on the clinical manifestations and severity of the disease.

In case of tract, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 250 - 500 IU once a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but usually does not exceed 10 days. If the inflammatory process is acute, then the drug is prescribed in the following scheme: at night, one suppository in a dose of 500 IU in the vagina and 1000 IU rectally.

During the chronic course of the disease, the drug "Genferon" (suppositories) is prescribed for use three times a week for 3 months. Analogues are cheaper, and this is their advantage. However, sometimes additional medications may be recommended.

"Genferon" (suppositories) for menstruation

The female body is designed in such a way that menstruation may begin during the treatment period. How to be in this case? Is it worth continuing the introduction or does it make sense to postpone the correction for a while?

Doctors disagree on this matter. Some experts are confident that it is worth continuing treatment without interrupting menstruation. Other gynecologists are confident that the effectiveness of such correction is greatly reduced. In order not to lose the effect of the treatment already carried out, interrupting menstruation, it is worth continuing to administer the medicine rectally. Be sure to check with your doctor for this information.

Use during pregnancy

The drug "Genferon" (suppositories), cheaper analogues (for example, "Viferon") can also be prescribed during the period of bearing a child. It is worth noting that the second drug, a cheaper analogue, is administered exclusively rectally. In the first months of pregnancy, the medication is not used. It is during this period that the formation of all fetal organs occurs.

In the second and third part of the term, the drug "Genferon", like "Viferon", is used only after balancing all the risks and the expected benefits. To prescribe these medications, you should consult a doctor and undergo some examinations.

Cost of medicine

Depending on the dosage, the price of the drug "Genferon" may differ. Suppositories in a dose of 125 - 250 thousand IU of interferon cost approximately 300 rubles. If you need Genferon 500, you will have to pay 550 rubles for it.

The maximum dose of medicine costs 700 rubles. It is worth noting that each package contains 10 suppositories, regardless of the dose. You can purchase the composition in every pharmacy chain. Always pay attention to the dosage of the medicine.

Opinions about the drug

The medicine "Genferon" (suppositories) in gynecology has good reviews. Experts say that the composition is absolutely safe. Human interferon is a substance that is normally produced by the body when an infection occurs. This is what is contained in the drug. The medicine is prescribed even to newborn children.

Doctors say that “Genferon” (suppositories) in gynecology have only positive reviews from patients. Women report that the effect of treatment occurs within one week. Based on the test results, recovery is confirmed.

Doctors report that taurine, which is part of the drug, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and regenerating effects. It is he who helps the damaged mucous membrane to recover. Benzocaine helps relieve pain. The main substance - interferon - helps improve immunity, has antiviral, antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.

Gynecologists say that when using large doses of the drug, adverse reactions occur. These include allergies, headaches, and fatigue. In rare cases, an increase in temperature may occur. After canceling the correction, these symptoms disappear on their own within three days. If this does not happen, then you should contact medical care. You may be prescribed medications to relieve the symptoms described.

Genferon candles instructions

The instructions provide the patient with all the necessary information about Genferon suppositories. Here, in addition to information about the composition of the drug Genferon, you can read about the rules for its storage, as well as about the pharmacological effect on the body.

Data on indications for use, contraindications and dosage regimen are found in the relevant sections of the accompanying leaflet, which also provides recommendations for the treatment of various categories of patients.

Warning information is provided in detail, where it is said about side effects and possible overdose.

The final part of the instructions for the drug contains information about its analogues and cost. Reviews from those patients who have already used the drug for their treatment are posted here.

Packaging and release form Genferon

Being a drug that has an antiviral effect and is also intended for immunomodulation, Genferon is produced in the form of suppositories, which are cylindrical suppositories. The end is pointed. The color is white with a possible hint of yellow.

The drug is sold to pharmacy chains in cardboard packs containing one or two packages of contour cells, each containing five suppositories.

Genferon suppositories composition

The active substance of Genferon is the required concentration of human recombinant interferon two alpha, as well as taurine and benzocaine. The required amount of solid fat, dextran 60,000, polyethylene oxide 1500, Tween-80, T2 emulsifier, sodium citrate, purified water and citric acid are used as auxiliary components.

There are Genferon suppositories in different concentrations relative to interferon.

Terms and conditions of storage

The optimal temperature for storing the drug is a thermometer reading from two to eight degrees. Under these conditions, candles can be stored for two years, but no more. Children should not have access to the place where the medicine is stored.

Action of Genferon suppositories


The drug Genferon is capable of exerting a therapeutic effect on the body, which is determined by the action of each component from the combination of its composition. It is intended for systemic and local immunomodulatory effects.

Alpha two interferon promotes antimicrobial, antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Its direct influence extends to viruses and chlamydia.

The substance Taurine enhances the regeneration process in tissues, being the owner of membrane and hepatoprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

The component of Benzocaine is a local anesthetic. Due to its action, the manifestation of a pain impulse in the nerve endings and its subsequent transmission along the nerve fibers is reduced.


Vaginal and rectal use of the Genferon suppository is used for both systemic and local action. This is possible due to the fact that interferon is absorbed through the mucous membrane, entering the lymph system and the area of ​​surrounding tissues. This achieves a systemic effect. The manifestation of local action is ensured by its partial fixation on the mucosal cells.

Half a day after taking the drug, the serum level of interferon decreases, which leads to the need for repeated administration.

Genferon indications for use

The drug is indicated for use in patients in need of treatment of an infectious and inflammatory disease in the urogenital tract. Genferon is included in complex therapeutic measures for the following ailments:

  • For genital herpes;
  • For chlamydia;
  • With ureaplasmosis;
  • For mycoplasmosis;
  • With recurrent vaginal candidiasis;
  • For gardnerellosis;
  • For trichomoniasis;
  • For papillomavirus infections;
  • For cervical erosion;
  • With adnexitis;
  • With cervicitis;
  • For vulvovaginitis;
  • With bartholinitis;
  • For bacterial vaginosis;
  • For prostatitis;
  • For urethritis;
  • For balanitis;
  • For balanoposthitis.


Apart from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, there are no other contraindications to taking Genferon.

Genferon suppositories: instructions for use

The use of the drug for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases in the area of ​​the urogenital tract is carried out by rectal and intravaginal administration of a suppository.

Women are prescribed Genferon by inserting 1 suppository (250,000 IU or 500,000 IU) into the vagina twice a day for ten days. The chronic form of the disease requires treatment for a month or three. Prescribe 1 suppository three times a week, alternating administration every other day.

Men are prescribed Genferon by administering 1 suppository rectally (500,000 IU or 1,000,000 IU) twice a day for ten days.

Genferon during pregnancy

For a pregnant woman during the second and third trimesters, taking the drug is allowed only in urgent cases, when the expected benefit of her treatment outweighs the expected risk to the unborn child.

Genferon suppositories for children

Genferon suppositories are approved for treatment in childhood. Suppositories are administered by rectal or intravaginal (for older people) administration.

In case of acute diseases of the genitourinary system, children are prescribed 1 suppository twice a day for five days. In the chronic form, the dosage is left the same, but the duration of treatment is increased. The treatment course lasts ten days and then proceeds to the use of one suppository before bed for up to three months.

Side effects

The drug is capable of providing side effect, which must be taken into account when prescribing it for treatment.


In the form of a skin rash or itching, which usually disappears within three days after discontinuation or reduction of the dosage of the drug.

A dose of 10,000,000 IU may cause the following side effects:

central nervous system

In the form of headaches.

Hematopoietic system

In the form of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.


In the form of increased sweating, high fatigue and increased temperature. Lack of appetite may also occur, and arthralgia and myalgia may occur.


There were no reports of cases of drug overdose.

Drug interactions

Simultaneous use of the drug Genferon with a number of antibiotics and antimicrobials increases its effectiveness.

Interferon is capable of enhancing its action under the influence of vitamins E and C.

The combined use of Genferon with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as anticholinesterazines, enhances the effect of benzocaine.

When taking Genferon with sulfonamides, their antibacterial activity decreases.

Additional instructions

When prescribing the drug Genferon, the patient should take into account the presence of allergic and autoimmune diseases, especially if they are in the acute stage.

You can purchase the drug for treatment at any pharmacy, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

Genferon analogues

Analogues of the drug Genferon, which can successfully replace it in treatment, are the drugs Viferon and Kipferon. They are also available in the form of suppositories.

Genferon price

Depending on the concentration of the active substance in the drug, its cost ranges from 400 to 600 rubles per package with a dozen suppositories.

Genferon candles reviews

There are especially many reviews about the drug Genferon from women who have used it to treat diseases of the genitourinary system. Reviews are usually good, there are no dissatisfied with the effectiveness of the drug. Patients see the high cost of suppositories as the only disadvantage. However, what can you not do to improve your health?

Galina: Genferon suppositories literally saved me from the painful procedure of cauterization of cervical erosion. While at an appointment with a gynecologist, the doctor advised me to try a course of treatment with Genferon first and only in the absence desired result resort to cauterization. As a result, two courses with a break of a year saved me from having to undergo an unpleasant procedure.

Victoria: WITH adolescence I suffer from herpes and have never been able to cope with it. I tried many medications, but the improvement was only temporary. When I was treated with Genferon, my expectations of the appearance of hated symptoms were no longer justified. My herpes kept popping up on my lips, but my friend, on my advice, got rid of genital herpes with the help of these suppositories.

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