Adjika is a very popular dish from Abkhazia. In fact, classic Abkhaz adjika is prepared from fresh herbs, garlic, salt and fresh vegetables. The Abkhazians ground all the ingredients between two flat stones to obtain a paste-like mass. Nowadays, everything is simpler - in the kitchen there are such good electric assistants as a blender or a meat grinder. And so many recipes for adjika have appeared that they cook it with tomatoes, peppers, carrots and even zucchini and eggplant. The taste of adjika only benefited from the new ingredients. You can see this for yourself and get acquainted with very tasty recipes. And adjika for the winter is simply an obligatory element of autumn preparations.

Homemade adjika - recipe for the most delicious homemade adjika

I used to think that adjika should be very spicy. But after trying many recipes, I realized that we can adjust the severity ourselves.

I have been making this recipe for many years now and it always turns out delicious. It is rare that stocks of this adjika survive until the New Year. I recommend.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • carrots - 1 kg
  • bell pepper- 1 kg
  • apples - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 glass
  • salt - 1/4 cup
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • vinegar 9% - 1 glass
  • garlic - 300 gr.
  • chili pepper to taste

This adjika is easy to prepare.

  1. Wash and clean all the vegetables. Naturally, we remove the cores from apples, and the partitions and seeds from peppers. After this, chop the vegetables one by one. Here you can use a meat grinder or blender. The blender makes it quite fine, so I prefer an electric grinder.

2. Place the chopped vegetables in a large saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for about 1 hour.

3. Pour sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vinegar into the vegetable mass.

Just recently I received a comment about large quantity vinegar in this recipe, and I want to say that this is a matter of taste. For such a large volume of vegetables (5.5 kg) it’s just right for my family’s tastes. But if in doubt, use less vinegar.

4. Finely chop the garlic (you can also pass it through a meat grinder), and also add it to the almost ready adjika.

5. For spiciness, add hot pepper if desired and to taste. We like it spicy, since it's adjika.

6. Cook for another 5 minutes and place in sterilized jars.

Raw adjika for the winter from tomatoes and garlic without cooking

The most vitamin-rich and healthy adjika is obtained if the vegetables are not subjected to heat treatment. Such raw adjika should, of course, be stored in the refrigerator and placed in sterilized jars.

For raw adjika, it is better to use tomatoes that are less juicy; I usually use fingers.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • garlic - 100 gr.
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 2 tsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  1. We wash the tomatoes, peel the garlic and chili peppers and put everything together through a meat grinder.

If you want a spicier dish, use hot peppers along with seeds. And if you like a delicate taste, then you need to remove the seeds from the pepper

2. Add salt and sugar, stir everything and place in pre-sterilized jars.

It really couldn't be simpler, could it?

Adjika for the winter - the best recipe without cooking

Another great recipe for raw adjika for those who prepare this vitamin-rich snack without cooking vegetables. Adjika according to this recipe turns out to be spicy and tasty.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • bell pepper – 2 kg
  • garlic - 200 gr.
  • red hot pepper - 250 gr.
  • vinegar 9% - 200 gr.
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 5 tbsp. l.

1. Wash, peel and chop all vegetables using a blender.

2. Chop the garlic.

3. Pass tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers through a blender.

Sometimes it happens that hot peppers are difficult to grind in a blender and get stuck - add a few tomatoes to it and the process will go easier

4. Finally, add sugar, salt and vinegar.

5. Mix everything well and place in sterilized jars.

You can store such adjika in any other container, but then it will be stored much less. I don’t risk storing adjika with tomatoes and bell peppers for more than a month without sterilization - it may ferment.

Recipe for spicy adjika for the winter - you'll lick your fingers

Adjika, of course, turns out to be spicy, because here we will add hot pepper, horseradish, and vinegar. But my family loves spicy food, so we also prepare sizzling adjika. In the end, you can always determine the amount of hot pepper, horseradish and vinegar yourself to get the spiciness and acidity that is comfortable for your stomach.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 2 kg
  • bell pepper - 10 pcs.
  • garlic - 200 gr.
  • red hot pepper - 3-4 pcs.
  • horseradish - 200 gr. (I buy pickled in a jar)
  • vinegar 9% - 70 gr.
  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • fresh dill and parsley
  1. Peel tomatoes, sweet and bitter peppers, cut into pieces and grind using a meat grinder or blender.

2. Add salt, sugar, horseradish and vinegar, stir everything well.

3. Add finely chopped fresh herbs to this mixture to taste. It is advisable to cut the greens into smaller pieces. Stir everything well so that the vegetables become friends.

4. Place in sterilized jars.

Adjika with apples for the winter - the best recipe

Adjika with apples was a good find for me out of all the recipes. Apples give adjika a sweetish taste and at the same time soften the pungency of vinegar and pepper. In addition, there is a use for apples if there is a fruitful year.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • bell pepper – 1/2 kg
  • apples - 200 gr. (preferably sour)
  • onions - 200 gr.
  • garlic - 100 gr.
  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  1. Tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, onions and apples are passed through a meat grinder.

2. Place all the vegetables in a deep saucepan and add vegetable oil. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 1 hour.

3. Peel the garlic and also chop it using a meat grinder or blender. Add garlic to the vegetable mass.

4. Salt the adjika, add sugar. There is very little vinegar in this recipe, if you like it spicier, add 1 more spoon.

5. After this, cover with a lid and boil for another 1 hour. During this time, the excess liquid evaporates and the adjika thickens a little.

6. Can be poured into sterilized jars.

Adjika from zucchini “finger-licking” - a recipe for the winter

Classic adjika is made from tomatoes and sweet peppers. And this is a recipe for an unusual adjika, since it is based on zucchini. And now is the zucchini harvest season, so the recipe will be very useful.

Recipe for delicious eggplant adjika for the winter

You won’t surprise us with adjika made from zucchini. Let's try to cook some more with eggplants. It makes an excellent snack.

We will need:

  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • bell pepper – 1/2 kg
  • eggplants – 1 kg
  • garlic - 100 gr.
  • hot pepper - 5 pcs. (you can reduce the quantity)
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 50 gr.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  1. As in all adjika recipes, we chop the vegetables using a meat grinder or blender. Place everything in a deep saucepan and mix well. If you want to get a not very spicy adjika, reduce the amount of hot pepper and remove the seeds from it.

2. Pour in vegetable oil and add salt, stir and put on fire.

3. Cook adjika for quite a long time - 1 hour. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.

4. Place in sterilized jars and seal.

That's all the adjika recipes for today. Of course, there are many more of them. We will definitely continue this interesting topic in future. Now have a nice time in the kitchen and may you be pleased with the results of your work.

Good and tasty preparations to you!

Using step-by-step recipes with photos, you can prepare a piquant, spicy adjika for the winter at home: experienced housewife, and an aspiring keeper of the hearth. A real Abkhazian or Georgian spicy and aromatic seasoning with a refined and recognizable taste of tomatoes and/or peppers - can be prepared for the winter according to the most different recipes. This unusual pasta with the addition of spices and herbs will make the taste of many dishes more expressive and interesting.

Preparing adjika at home for the winter, according to the recipes proposed here, will not cause any difficulties. Remember that the starting products can be very different. You can even twist jars of spicy seasoning from plain zucchini or apples. Therefore, make preparations for the winter in several ways. Even a novice cook can prepare each type of adjika canned for future use, using the step-by-step recipes with photos collected here.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Traditional home preparation My family is already a little tired of adjiki made with tomatoes. Therefore, I decided to deviate from tradition and prepared an unusual and very tasty adjika for the winter from plums with the addition of tomato paste. A very convenient recipe. This homemade preparation does not require long-term boiling and the products for it are accessible and inexpensive.

We proudly call any vegetable mixture, heartily seasoned with hot pepper, garlic and (sometimes) horseradish, adjika. And although this sauce is only distantly related to the classic Abkhaz seasoning, this does not make it any less tasty. Most often, available vegetables and even fruits are used as a basis. The savory preparation is made from squash pulp, plums, apples, gooseberries and even garlic arrows. But the adjika made from tomato and garlic found the greatest popular love. For the winter it is prepared without cooking or in a boiled state. The first option attracts with its lightness, ease of preparation and unique fresh tomato taste. This is where I plan to stop. I offer you two of my favorite recipes. Just fire! Taste with caution, eat with pleasure.

Raw homemade tomato adjika “Hrenovina” with garlic and horseradish

Despite the funny name, which smacks of carelessness and playfulness, the dish turns out to be serious - spicy, aromatic and juicy. The first impression is deceiving. At first you feel the kilo-sweet taste of the tomato, but after a few moments it is overtaken by the garlic-pepper-horseradish (sorry, this is not a curse word) spiciness. An ideal accompaniment to crispy-fried meat. It goes through great!


Exit: 2.5 l

How to prepare adjika from tomatoes and garlic for future use (for the winter) without sterilization and cooking:

Watery tomatoes are not suitable for making sauce. It will turn out liquid and not so tasty. But it also works great with green fruits. If desired, blanch the tomatoes and remove the skins. The blanching procedure, despite the unusual foreign word, is simple. Boil water in a saucepan. Without removing it from the heat (heating should be minimal), put the fruits in boiling water. To make it easier to remove later, place them in a metal sieve (colander). Forget about tomatoes for 4-6 minutes. Take it out. Cool slightly. The skin will come off easily and neatly.

I almost always chop tomatoes whole into adjika. The thin skin is practically not felt in the finished product. Wash the tomatoes. Remove the “patch” - the remainder of the stalk. Cut the pulp into 4-8 pieces.

Remove the stems from the sweet peppers. You can leave the seeds or cut them out. With seeds it turns out more flavorful.

Wash and peel the horseradish root. Remove the peel from the garlic. Cut out the stems of the hot pepper. Divide each pod into several parts. If you like it spicy (and you probably do), don't throw away the core.

Grind all the prepared ingredients to a smooth thick paste with small pieces. This is easiest to do in two ways: through a meat grinder or a blender. It is better to grind garlic cloves, horseradish and chili pods separately from tomatoes and bell peppers.

Mix all vegetables and spices. Pour into a large bowl. An enamel or plastic container is suitable, since adjika can be prepared without cooking or other heat treatment. But it is better not to use metal without enamel, since the metal will oxidize under the influence of acid.

Add the required amount of salt and sugar. Pour in vinegar and vegetable oil. Stir. Leave at room temperature for 1-2 hours. It is advisable to cover the top with gauze. During the “rest” process, foam will accumulate on the surface of the adjika. It is not necessary to remove it, but it is better to carefully remove it.

Instead of 9% vinegar, you can use 6%. You will need 150 ml.

After the specified time, stir the “Hrenovina” again. All grains should dissolve. Place the adjika into prepared (sterile, dry) jars. Close with nylon lids. Store the seasoning in the refrigerator or a dry, dark cellar (at a temperature no higher than +6 degrees).

This aromatic adjika turns out juicy thanks to tomatoes, uniquely vigorous due to garlic, horseradish, chili, and lasts well until winter.

Adjika without cooking from red tomatoes, herbs and garlic on aspirin

Eating sauce before the first (as well as before subsequent) dates is strictly contraindicated. The strong, persistent aroma is unlikely to be masked even with a whole pack of chewing gum. But true connoisseurs of spicy, savory dishes will enjoy it tremendously. The recipe is simple, and the result is as expected. Instantly pierces the nasopharynx and causes a stingy male (or female, depending on who is trying) tears.

List of required products:

Exit: 2-2.5 l.

Cooking process:

The peculiarity of this recipe is that it is not necessary to use the whole tomato. That is, you can adjust the consistency of the sauce at your discretion. That's why I listed inaccurate amounts of ingredients on the list. Before adding salt and aspirin, it is advisable to measure the exact volume of adjika so as not to “miss”. Otherwise, there is a risk of souring during storage until winter.

Remove the stems from the tomatoes. It is not necessary to remove the skin. Cut into large slices.

If you are used to using a meat grinder to prepare adjika, then grind all the ingredients one by one. When chopping vegetables (except tomatoes) and spices with a blender, you can put them in one container and grind everything together in small portions. Puree the tomatoes and set aside for now if you want to experiment with thickness.

Fleshy Bell pepper wash it. Cut into random pieces after removing the stems and core.

Separate several heads of garlic into separate cloves and peel them. Chop the hot pepper into thick rings with seeds. The more spices you add, the stronger the sauce will be.

Soak parsley and/or cilantro in cold water for 20-30 minutes. Pour boiling water over it. Dry. Tear it with your hands. Add to other ingredients.

Grind all products to a puree-like consistency. Add tomato puree to the adjika until you reach the desired consistency. Measure the volume of the resulting seasoning.

Crush aspirin tablets. Pour into the preparation. Add salt there too. Stir. Close the container with raw tomato adjika. Leave to infuse in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. Stir a couple of times.

Sterilize half-liter jars (over steam, in the microwave, in the oven). Dry. Pour boiling water over nylon (polyethylene) lids. Let them dry. Divide adjika into jars. Close. To prevent the sauce from turning sour, since it is prepared for future use without cooking, store it strictly in the refrigerator until winter. The exception is the cellar, where all year round dry and dark, the temperature is constantly low.

The preparation cost is excellent. If you eat a little, it will last until spring. But this rarely happens. You can try it right away.

Homemade adjika for the winter is a delicious vegetable snack. It can be added as a side dish or eaten simply with bread. Every housewife tries to prepare homemade adjika.

There are many adjika recipes for the winter. We have collected for you the most delicious recipes for homemade adjika for the winter. Choose and cook for your family and friends.

Real adjika is only pepper, without tomatoes. To prepare it, you need rubber gloves - the mixture burns your hands. Not everyone can eat it. However this classic recipe, so we start with it.

To prepare real “male” adjika you will need:

  • 1 kg red hot pepper (chili);
  • 0.5 kg garlic;
  • 3/4 cup salt, grind No. 0;
  • 0.5 cups of mixture: coriander, suneli hops, dill seeds;
  • latex gloves.

How to cook classic adjika without tomatoes:

Let's make some minor adjustments to the recipe, which will make the adjika less hot and suitable for consumption.

Namely, we will replace most of the hot pepper with sweet pepper – paprika. Let's say 800 g of paprika and 200 g of hot pepper.

We cut off the stalks of the pods, shake out the seeds and grind them in a blender (if you use a meat grinder, skip three times). We do the same with garlic, it is also advisable to chop the coriander and dill seeds - and mix everything thoroughly.

At the end we add salt - ideally we should get a homogeneous paste-like mass. You can add chopped fresh herbs - cilantro and dill, but in this case the color of adjika will not be so bright and attractive.

Homemade adjika with tomatoes for the winter

A variety of options are possible here.

Adjika with tomatoes without cooking


  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 0.5 kg garlic;
  • 150 g hot pepper;
  • 0.5 cups salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara.


Grind all ingredients in a meat grinder, mix, add salt, sugar, and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the excess liquid and put the adjika into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic


  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 300 g garlic;
  • 150 g hot pepper;
  • 0.5 cups sugar;
  • 0.5 cups 9% vinegar;
  • 1 glass sunflower oil;
  • 0.5 cups salt;
  • 400 g of fresh herbs - cilantro, dill, celery;
  • to taste – coriander, suneli hops, walnuts.

Recipe for winter adjika made from tomatoes and garlic:

Grind the tomatoes and peppers through a meat grinder. Stir, add oil and cook over low heat for an hour with constant stirring.

Cool, add vinegar, sugar, salt, crushed garlic. Grind the greens in a blender. Mix everything thoroughly, let it brew - delicious adjika ready for the winter with garlic.

Shades of taste of such adjika are achieved by varying dosages of additives - spices and seasonings. It is also permissible to vary the proportions of the main components. The last recipe often uses apples, carrots, horseradish, and eggplants.

Adjika with carrots and apples


  • 2.5 kg tomato;
  • 500 g carrots;
  • 500 g sour apples;
  • 500 g bell pepper;
  • 250 g vegetable oil.
  • 100 g garlic;
  • 1-2 pods of hot pepper;
  • 250 ml. vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 100 g granulated sugar.


Wash, peel and grind all vegetables in a meat grinder. Drain into a wide bowl and add vegetable oil. Cook the resulting mass over low heat for 2 hours.

Add chopped garlic, 1-2 pods (depending on the size and your taste) of hot pepper, peeled from grains. Pour in vinegar.

Salt and add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, bring to a boil and place while hot in jars. Roll up.

Adjika with horseradish and garlic from tomatoes for the winter without cooking


  • paprika - 1 kg.
  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg,
  • garlic - 250 g,
  • hot pepper - 250 g,
  • horseradish - 250 g,
  • salt - 0.5 cups,
  • sugar - 1 glass,
  • vinegar - 1 glass.

How to cook:

Grind everything through a meat grinder (do it in a large bowl), add salt, sugar, vinegar and stir. Watch out for the spice! Who likes it how?

The yield of the finished product is approximately three liter jars, excess liquid can be drained.

Spicy adjika for the winter


  • ripe red tomatoes 2.5 kg;
  • sweet and sour apples 500 g;
  • sweet bell pepper 500 g;
  • carrots 500 g;
  • dill greens 50 g (optional);
  • parsley 50 g (optional);
  • peeled garlic 120 g;
  • red hot pepper 75 g;
  • vegetable oil 250 g;
  • vinegar 9% 2 tbsp;
  • black pepper;
  • salt.

The yield of the finished product is 2.5 liters

Spicy adjika for the winter - step by step recipe with photo:

Adjika in Kiev style


  • 5 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 1 kg bell pepper;
  • 1 kg apples (the more sour the better);
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 400 g vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of red hot pepper (you can put 1 tbsp. black plus 1 tbsp. red).


Pass all vegetables through a meat grinder (it is better to first peel the tomatoes or pass them through a juicer). To make tomatoes peel easily, pour boiling water over them for 3-5 minutes.

Season with butter, sugar, salt, spices. Then boil for 2-3 hours until the desired consistency. Pour the finished adjika hot into sterilized jars. Roll up the jars and seal them. Ready!

Adjika recipe without tomatoes


  • sweet bell pepper 2 kg;
  • garlic 200 g;
  • red hot pepper 150 g;
  • salt 2 tbsp;
  • sugar 8 tbsp;
  • vinegar 6% 300 ml.


Peel all vegetables and grind through a meat grinder.

Add salt, sugar, vinegar to the resulting vegetable mass, place in jars and roll up.

Georgian adjika for the winter

Georgian adjika with walnuts and hot pepper


  • 1 kg dry hot red pepper;
  • 50-70 g coriander seeds;
  • 100 g khmeli-suneli;
  • a little cinnamon (ground);
  • 200 g walnuts;
  • 300-400 g of cool salt (coarse);
  • approximately 300 g garlic.


Soak hot red pepper for 1 hour. Add coriander, suneli hops, cinnamon, nuts, garlic and salt. Pass 3-4 times through a meat grinder with a fine grid.

Store anywhere, at any temperature, but preferably in a sealed container, otherwise it will dry out.

Adjika mixed with salt is good for coating chicken or meat before frying in the oven.

Georgian adjika from hot pepper

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 2 parts khmeli-suneli;
  • 2 parts red pepper;
  • 1 part garlic;
  • 1 part coriander (ground cilantro seeds);
  • 1 part dill.

How to cook Georgian adjika:

Pass pepper and garlic through a meat grinder. Add spices to them. You can also add finely crushed nuts. Sprinkle the mixture with coarse salt and pour in wine vinegar with a strength of 3-4% to make it moist thick paste.

Well suited for long-term storage in tightly sealed glass or ceramic containers.

Be sure to wear rubber gloves when preparing adjika.

Recipe for Armenian adjika without cooking


  • 5 kg of whole tomatoes;
  • 1 kg garlic;
  • 500 g of bitter capsicum;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook:

Pass everything through a meat grinder. Add salt. Leave in an enamel bowl for 10-15 days for the adjika to ferment, remembering to stir it daily.

You need to salt the tomato juice before you add the garlic and pepper, otherwise you won’t be able to taste the salt later.

A simple recipe for homemade tomato ketchup for the winter


  • 1 kg tomato;
  • 300 gr onions;
  • 1 teaspoon ground pepper;
  • 5 carnations;
  • 3 teaspoons salt;
  • half a glass of sugar.


Wash the tomatoes and onions, peel and chop. Place in a separate pan. Place over low heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

Add salt, sugar, spices. Mix. Cook until the onion is ready - you will get excellent homemade ketchup!

Recipe for tomato paste for the winter at home

Any housewife would like to always have tomato paste on hand. It is not difficult to prepare it at home. Only ripe tomatoes are suitable for this. Even a small amount of unripe fruit will deteriorate the quality of the paste.

The washed tomatoes are placed in a saucepan and cooked until they are softened, then passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid.

The resulting mass is boiled in an enamel basin until its volume decreases by 2.5-3 times. There is no need to pour the whole mass into the basin at once - when it boils, it will overflow.

It is better to add gradually, in small portions as the water evaporates. Cook over high heat, stirring continuously.

The finished puree is placed hot into jars and rolled up. Jars and lids are pre-conditioned in hot water 10 min. The rolled up jars are sterilized in boiling water for 10-20 minutes and only after that they are stored in a cool place.

To preserve the puree without hermetically sealing it should be salted before the end of cooking (at the rate of 100 g of salt per liter jar). To tomato paste in an open jar it does not become moldy, it is sprinkled with salt on top and filled with a thin layer of vegetable oil. You can also sprinkle with dry crushed horseradish leaves.

Let’s look at a rather simple and universal sauce today – this is homemade adjika made from tomatoes, peppers and garlic. You can serve this seasoning with almost any hot dish, be it poultry, meat or fish.

The components present in the seasoning add pungency to homemade adjika; therefore, if you have diseases of the digestive tract, it is better to refrain from using it, unless you can try it in a minimal amount.

Homemade adjika can be prepared in two ways: raw and boiled; what kind of sauce to prepare is your choice, but there are advantages in both options. Adjika prepared raw retains a greater amount of useful substances and also has a pronounced pungency in taste, while boiled one is stored longer.

To make adjika more aromatic, in addition to tomatoes, pepper and garlic, you can add various spices to this dish, for example, interesting taste qualities add cilantro, suneli hops, coriander, as well as dill and other herbs. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the choice of tomatoes; fleshy varieties should be used, and even overripe tomatoes can be used.

Before preparing homemade adjika, you should take care of wearing rubber gloves; this safety measure should be observed, since hot peppers and garlic can negatively affect the skin of your hands, especially if there are microcracks.

Homemade adjika made from peppers, tomatoes, garlic, prepared raw

Fans of spicy seasonings will love this recipe. Adjika must be stored in the refrigerator, as it will not be subjected to heat treatment. So, to prepare it, it is important to prepare the following products:

Ripe tomatoes - 3.5 kilograms;
Fresh garlic - 6 heads;
Bell pepper - 1 kilogram;
Granulated sugar - a tablespoon;
Salt – 3 tablespoons;
Fresh horseradish root - 2 pieces;
Hot peppers chili - 2 pieces;
Table vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons.

First, prepare the fleshy red tomatoes; you need to wash and dry them, after which we cut the tomatoes into four slices, not forgetting to remove the stem. Next, when the entire amount has been cut, put them in the refrigerator for half an hour to drain all the excess juice, since if the adjika is too watery, it can become liquid, which will not be good.

Next, let's start preparing the remaining products. It is necessary to wear gloves and peel the hot chili pepper, remove the seeds by cutting it lengthwise with a sharp knife. Then it is passed through a meat grinder along with the tomatoes; you can use a food processor or blender.

After which the bell pepper should be prepared, it is cut into large pieces and passed through a meat grinder or blender. The horseradish root is peeled with a special scraper or knife, after which it is grated, or a convenient food processor is used.

Next, you should peel the garlic, after which it is passed through a press, the resulting garlic mass is added to the tomatoes and peppers, in addition, sugar and salt are placed in the container. Then add the specified amount of vinegar. Mix all components well and leave for three hours at room temperature.

During this period, the dry components will dissolve well. After three hours, you can try homemade adjika, after which you need to put it in prepared glass jars and close the container with a washed nylon lid. Next, the container must be removed to a cool place and used as an aromatic and spicy seasoning.

Homemade adjika made from peppers, garlic, tomatoes, boiled

The next method of preparing homemade adjika involves heat treatment, that is, the seasoning will be boiled, it is less spicy, unlike the one presented above, but it will be stored longer. long time. For this dish you will need to stock up on the following products:

Fresh fleshy tomatoes – 1 kilogram;
Bell pepper – 0.5 kilograms;
Fresh garlic – 200 grams;
Hot chili pepper – 2 pods;
Salt - 3 teaspoons.

The recipe is quite simple. First you need to wash the tomatoes and peppers, after which the vegetables should be drained. Next, they are cut into pieces, having previously removed the stalk, as well as the seeds from the bell pepper.

Before peeling hot chili peppers, it is better to wear rubber gloves, after which you carefully remove all the seeds with a knife. Next, dry husks should be removed from the garlic, after which it is passed through the so-called garlic press.

Next, hot and bell peppers are passed through a meat grinder, and the resulting mass is placed in a saucepan. After which the container is placed on the stove over medium heat; you should not close the container with a lid, as this will help to boil it down a little homemade adjika and it will be thicker.

When all the ingredients begin to boil in the pan, you should cook the contents for about twenty-five minutes, stirring the contents occasionally. During this time, the housewife needs to prepare the jars, they are washed and sterilized. We put the hot adjika into jars and immediately roll it up with a special machine. After which the container is turned upside down and covered with a blanket until it cools completely. Then store the seasoning in a cool place.

Try to prepare homemade adjika from tomatoes and peppers and garlic according to the two recipes presented above, since each of them is quite tasty and aromatic in its own way.