How to open charitable foundation: 4 requirements for starting + 6-step instructions for opening + analysis of financial investments and problematic issues.

How to open a charity foundation? This question comes up in people’s minds, perhaps not so rarely.

However, for most, it remains a dream, not a plan for organizing an “enterprise.”

The desire to help those in need is, without a doubt, a great idea.

But to bring the idea of ​​a charitable foundation to life, motivation to good deeds alone is not enough.

From the article you will learn what qualities and capabilities the founder of a charitable foundation should have + get practical recommendations to make your dreams come true.

Charitable foundation - what is it?

A charitable foundation is a non-profit organization whose goal is to raise charitable funds for the implementation of a specific project.

A clear direction of the fund’s activities is mandatory.

The desire to help everyone is noble, but it is not welcomed, since this desire, unfortunately, is not feasible.

The target audience of people to whom the institution's work is directed should consist of one social group, for example: helping children living in orphanages, or developing basketball among the youth of your city.

In the process of expansion, it is possible to increase spheres of influence.

But initially it is worth choosing a single goal and efficiently organizing assistance.

The law states: a charitable foundation has the right to entrepreneurial activity, which must be properly registered with the federal tax service.

Accounting for funds received from benefactors must be made separately.

If the foundation is only engaged in fundraising, money for employee salaries, rent of premises and marketing can be derived from donations.

The part of the material support used for the needs of the organization cannot exceed 20% of the total “cash”.

How to open your own charitable foundation: initial requirements

To organize your own charitable foundation, in addition to desire and attitude, you need to meet specific conditions:

  1. Experience entrepreneurial activity or work in similar organizations.
  2. Awareness of the latest legislative changes.
  3. Communication skills, the ability to interest others in your idea.
  4. Understanding of basic marketing processes.

Separately, it is worth discussing such a requirement as the presence of patrons of the arts.

If anyone thinks that finding sponsors is the last thing, they will be making a grave mistake.

Finding initial support is very important because the initial investment involves a fairly large amount.

6 steps to implement how to create a charitable foundation

Adhering to the purpose of the article, let's move on to the practical side of the question of how to create a charitable foundation.

STEP 1: Start-up marketing

“Your ultimate success will be determined by how able you are to carry your dream through all the challenges.”
Orison Marden

“But what about the packages of documents for registering an organization, recruiting employees and other standard steps for organizing an enterprise?”

If you have the idea that this item does not deserve the first stage, then read a few more lines and see otherwise.

The basis of the charitable foundation's activities is financial investments.

Marketing plays a decisive role in this matter.

It is necessary to organize your own online resource, disseminate information among interested parties, and get notices in the local press and media space.

If your idea is worthy of public attention and attracts the attention of people (especially important - patrons), you will definitely be on top.

STEP 2: Necessary documentation

It would be advisable to divide the charitable foundation into two possible forms:

  • A charitable foundation based only on financial contributions from partners.
  • A charitable foundation directly related to business activities.

Each option requires its own package of documents, as well as design features.

Documentation package for registering a charitable foundation based only on fundraising (collection of donations):

How to open a medical center?

Perhaps this list is complete.

Having these documents in hand, you can contact the Ministry of Justice for registration.

The starting package of documentation for registering a charitable foundation, the activities of which are considered as entrepreneurship, differs in volume.

To register a business activity, it is necessary to specify in the Charter the distribution of funds between all sectors. That is, indicate how much money is allocated for charitable activities, running a business, and paying quarterly expenses.

A foundation that engages in business is required to register as a legal entity with the Federal Tax Service. The structure of the organization is becoming more complex.

STEP 3: Activity planning

After registration, you need to plan its activities for the near future (from 6 months).

Why is this stage needed?

The use of non-profit organizations for money laundering is a common practice in Russia.

Based on this, be prepared to feel increased interest from the Federal Tax Service and other inspection agencies.

Advantages of planning activities for charity:

  • Show the public and inspection authorities that the activities are aimed at charity.
  • A profitable marketing ploy to interest philanthropists in helping.

    The fact is obvious that not a single person will invest his money in a project if he does not know the path along which it will go to those in need of help.

    Business planning allows you to navigate financial transactions at every stage of development.

    The development of the institution must follow one line, which provides in advance all the paths of possible future events.

  • Faster and properly structured assistance to those in need.

Only after carefully developing an activity plan is it recommended to begin work.

STEP 4: Renting premises

At this stage there is a need to implement an activity plan.

You should start by choosing a room.

Office standards for the fund:

Office OptionRequired value
Square25 – 30 sq.m.
LocationNot far from the city center, since the charitable foundation is a public organization. The location should attract the attention of potential patrons.
Living conditionsWater, heating, electricity - all this is simply necessary for the normal work of employees.
DesignIt is better to decorate the interior in pastel colors. No need for non-standard lines or intimidating details. You work with people, first of all, so you need to focus on the comfort of your clients.

The cost of renting an office will be about 30,000 – 35,000 rubles, which is quite a large amount for the founder.

You can try to resolve the rental issue with the help of local authorities, pointing out to them the importance of your activities.

STEP 5: Recruitment

Collateral successful work The charitable foundation is its employees.

Recruitment is a very responsible process that requires proper analysis.

    The first factor to consider when recruiting personnel is competence of applicants.

    It is advisable to contact people who have experience in your field of activity.

    The second factor is degree of dedication to one's business.

    Everyone understands perfectly well that employees of charitable foundations are not chasing big earnings.

    They have a completely different motivation - helping those in need.

    Third factor - focus of the organization.

    When choosing employees, it is necessary to start from activity.

    For example, protecting animals and socially disadvantaged citizens requires completely different specialists.

The standard set of employees, as well as their responsibilities, are presented in the table:

Job titleResponsibilities
MarketerDevelopment of a promotion plan: advertising campaigns, dissemination of information among interested parties.
SecretaryData processing.
Social workerWork with other funds, structured organization of assistance.
AccountantWorking with finances, calculating salaries for employees, distributing funds between projects + spending control.
ConsultantA person who provides industry analysis services. Finds problem areas, and trains staff in the specifics of their work.

Are you surprised by the lack of payroll?

The fact is that financial support for employees can range from 0 rubles to infinity, since remuneration is optional in such organizations.

Employees can also work on a volunteer basis, which involves providing free services.

The most difficult task when choosing personnel is to really choose motivated people who know their business and are ready to work for symbolic sums.

STEP 6: Organizing assistance to those in need

The most difficult of all the above stages.

Organizing a charitable foundation and finding sponsors is easier than properly distributing funds for the process of helping those in need.

To make the right investment, you need to define a path to support the “users.”

To make the processes described below easier to understand, let's look at a practical example.

The Nadezhda Charitable Foundation supports dog shelters in a specific area (even if it is within the same city). The structure is properly organized, the investments of patrons amounted to 1,000,000 rubles. Management spent 20% of this amount on providing employees, office rent and marketing services. The plan for the month is to invest 400,000 rubles in the construction of a new shelter for abandoned pets.

So, there is an amount of 400,000 rubles. But how to use it, and who to turn to for help?

At this stage, the manager can contact the local authorities and discuss this problem. You can also publish a tender for best ideas in the local press or media space. After the final selection of the best of the proposed projects, all that remains is to find a contractor to formulate a construction plan and draw up design documentation.

This is how Nadezhda invested its savings in a real business, following all the rules of marketing:

  • coordination with the authorities;
  • publicity of actions;
  • implementation of the project according to its focus.

The purpose of the example is to explain how contributions from patrons can be used to implement charitable activities.

3 possible problems in opening a charitable foundation

Opening a non-profit organization in Russia is quite simple.

It's much harder to stay afloat and fulfill your responsibilities .

Constant risks include:

    Financial difficulties.

    The charitable foundation is based on voluntary contributions, which leads to an unstable financial situation.

    Problems with local authorities.

    Investments from the fund must be made under the supervision of the authorities, as they lead to infrastructural changes.

    But the opinion of the responsible authorities does not always coincide with the decision of the fund’s management.

    Lack of staff.

    It is very difficult to motivate an employee to work for a symbolic salary, which leads to constant disagreements in the team.

Despite all the difficulties, it is possible to open a charitable foundation.

You just have to put in the appropriate effort.

For a non-profit organization such as a charity, also watch the following video:

Price question: how much money do you need to open your own charitable foundation?

Calculating the cost of registration and the initial stage of activity of a charitable foundation is quite problematic, because it does not have standardized indicators.

But still, the approximate amount was determined - 160,000 rubles.

Detailed description of the calculation sheet:

Helping people is a good thing.

But we must remember that support must be presented in the right form, otherwise it simply will not have any value.

Create your own charitable foundation- means dedicating yourself to helping others, forgetting about the goal of getting rich.

Are you ready to put such a burden on your shoulders?

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Charity: where to start?

A lot is said and written about charity.

The desire to help your neighbor is a good deed. Unfortunately, it is alien to some. But there are also those who are ready to act to make the world around them better, happier, more joyful.

If you're thinking about philanthropy and making plans on how to start a charitable foundation from scratch, there are a lot of things you need to worry about.

Your actions should not run counter to the legislation, which has developed a whole series of rules for people who wish not only to help others, but also to do everything to ensure that this help becomes widespread and helps others join good endeavors.

Opening a charitable foundation

At the very beginning of your journey, you must decide on your goals and answer the questions:

  • who will be assisted by the created fund;
  • how the organization's activities will be carried out;
  • what the name of the fund will be (preferably the name matches the planned activity);
  • what kind of team will work in the fund (number, personal qualities etc.);
  • what should be present in a new enterprise, etc.

A modern charity must have not only a charter, but also its own website. Before you begin the discovery process, you must find people with similar goals to yours who are willing to spend time and money on charity.

Remember, one in the field is not a warrior.

You must have solid ground under your feet, since your planned business requires strength and support.

Initially, you will need your investments, both material, physical, and temporary.

Keep in mind that government bodies Charitable foundations are scrutinized even more thoroughly than ordinary businesses. This is due to the fact that previous experience has shown the desire of some businessmen, under the guise of charity, to obtain an additional powerful source of income.

To open a charitable foundation, careful preliminary preparation is required. As soon as it is implemented, it is advisable to immediately begin implementing projects.

This will show the inspection services your intentions to act within the law.

How to register

The first thing you need to do before starting official registration is to select the type of activity of the fund by code.

Opening charitable foundations is not a complicated process. The state considers such organizations as services providing social services to the population.

Your path to your goal will be no more difficult than that of entrepreneurs registering.

You need to prepare the following documents:

  • statement. You will be given a special form PH0001. You need to fill out two copies. Be sure to have one of them certified by a notary;
  • information about the founders (two copies);
  • charter (three copies);
  • protocol on the creation and approval of constituent documents (three copies)4
  • a receipt stating that you have paid the state fee;
  • data on the company's addresses (actual and legal);
  • ownership of the square where the fund's activities will be carried out.

After submitting all the above documents, please be patient. Your issue will be resolved by the ministry within two weeks.

After their expiration, you will be notified of a positive or negative response from the ministry. If the company is registered, you will receive a certificate of registration, a certified charter and an extract from.

From this moment you can expand your activities.

The fate of the fund is decided within fourteen days. If all documents are provided in the correct format, you will receive a positive response.

The fund is open. What's next?

Your fund is open and now they stand in front of you important tasks. It is not enough to get registered. It is important that the initial collection activities receive a high-quality continuation.

It should be remembered that reputation is of great importance for any charitable foundation. By using funds for other purposes, you risk losing it and losing face not only as a citizen, but also as a businessman. They won't want to cooperate with you. Good intentions must have good continuation.

After the main registration, the fund must be registered with other government agencies.

This includes the tax office, the statistical service, and the medical service. and social insurance.

If you do not have time to complete the registration process, you can contact one of the companies that provide such services.

Along with registration, begin the implementation of the project. As mentioned above, you must be prepared for this.

Also be prepared for the fact that most enterprises in our country are not particularly happy to donate their funds to help anyone.

You will have to face problems. As a rule, charitable foundations cooperate with a small number of firms; Most assistance is provided by private individuals.

The concept of “help” includes not only material investments, but also physical ones. Most enterprises of your format have volunteers.

Organizers of charitable foundations must be prepared for the fact that charity is not particularly popular in our country.

Get things moving

Difficulties in charity

The fact that we do not favor charity is not at all a cause for concern. If your intentions are sincere and you truly want to make the world a better place, go for it.

You can act as a businessman and marketer. If there is no need among the population to do good, create it. An ancient proverb says: “Knock and it will be opened to you.” This is true.

You are not asking for alms, you are changing the world. It is in your power to create a movement that will stimulate the desire to do good deeds in those around you.

Any help should be accepted. If people are ready to give things or products, this is already a shift from a dead point.

It is important for the organizers of the charity fund not to forget to thank in any way possible ways those who answered the call. This is not for vanity, but for a good example.

The fashion for charity did not come immediately to both Europe and America. No one is stopping our citizens from joining the general movement. This is precisely the purpose of any charitable foundation.

It must create a double benefit: on the one hand, help people cope with illness and poverty, on the other hand, help citizens learn to empathize, put themselves in the shoes of those who need participation and give this participation in any manifestation.

If you decide to open a charitable foundation, you have the power to make the world a better place.

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Discussion: 3 comments

It seems to me that charity is not as widely developed now as it used to be. Now everyone is happy to help those in need on their own, rather than donate money to the fund. Obviously this is due to a lack of trust that the money will end up exactly where it was sent.


With the development of a culture of charity in Russia, every year it is possible to resolve issues of helping many people who need material support and emotional investment. This is a working tool that is implemented through the organization of charitable foundations and non-profit organizations. How to create such a structure? What does this require? AND, main question, who will be interested in allocating funds for good causes? We will reveal the answers to these questions in our article.

  • What types of charitable foundations are there?
  • What does the charitable foundation do? What projects can be implemented?
  • How to open and register a fund to raise money?
  • Charity staff
  • Raising funds for a charity foundation. Which tools work best?
  • Marketing tools for promoting a charitable foundation
  • 5 recommendations for attracting philanthropists through the website
  • How much money do you need to start a charity foundation?

Why are charitable aid funds created?

It would seem that the answer is obvious. Such organizations are created to help those in need. individuals or special departmental organizations. For example, orphanages or homes for the disabled. In addition to the main task of helping those in need, the creation of a charitable organization solves a number of additional issues.

These include creating jobs and reducing the tax burden for legal entities who make material contributions. Therefore, it may be interesting for a potential benefactor that in addition to solving an important and necessary relief mission, you can receive an additional advertising, reputation and tax bonus.

The structure of the charitable foundation

Let's look at the scheme of the charitable foundation. Who participates in the processes and what functionality they perform.

Correctly organizing the work and system of interaction of all participants is an important component of the implementation of the activities of a charitable foundation.

There is a RPM rule that will allow you to achieve success in your chosen direction and help more people.

Unfortunately, fraudulent schemes for withdrawing funds collected under the auspices of aid are becoming more and more common. Therefore, the issue of having a crystal clear reputation is extremely important in the field of charity.

Without qualified personnel it will not be easy to cope in this area. Competent legal consultants, marketers, managers and executives are needed.

To make your business known, you need a well-thought-out marketing campaign that will help gather philanthropists and patrons.

For more productive work in the field of charity, you can create your own charitable foundation. It will help attract more funds and distribute them to more needs and other social problems.

To begin, select the area of ​​activity of your fund. For example, helping needy or sick children, large families, soldiers, nature conservation, support for young musicians, artists, etc. Based on this, you can create a non-state Pension Fund, scientific fund, investment fund, entrepreneurship support fund, etc. There can be a lot of options. Based on the goals and direction of activity, develop the charter of the fund. If there are other founders, get together with them and create a charter. Come up with a name and logo for the organization, solve all organizational issues. Don't forget to collect all the information about other founders. By voting, select the president of the fund and the chairman of the board. Write an order for these persons to take office.

If you have any difficulties, pay attention to two laws that regulate the creation and activities of charitable foundations: the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” and the Federal Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations”. Rent space for a charity. Select a property in the city center. You can choose a room in the office center building. If you do not have funds for premises, try writing a petition addressed to the mayor of the city asking for help in obtaining free space for charitable purposes. Provide the necessary communications - Internet, telephone, etc.

Hire staff and recruit volunteers. Don't involve too many employees - only 30% of donations can be contributed to the fund for salaries. Start the copyright registration process with Rospatent. Register charitable organization at the Federal Reserve Branch of the Department of Justice. You will be asked to provide the following documents - an application, the original and two certified copies of the charter, information about the founders in two copies, information about the location of the fund, two certified copies of the minutes of the constituent meeting, a letter of guarantee from the landlord, minutes of congresses and conferences (if any), a receipt on payment of state duty, as well as documents confirming the use of copyright. You will receive a certificate of registration no later than 30 days from the date of application. Within 5 working days, the charitable foundation must register for tax purposes, receive a TIN certificate and a ROSSTAT certificate. After this, open a bank account to transfer funds to charity. Also be sure to create several electronic wallets, for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Money. Thus, people will be able to make transfers from different countries or choose the most convenient method. Place smart advertising. Place an ad in newspapers and popular magazines in your region. Add advertising to the Internet. Register groups in in social networks. Be sure to create your own website and publish there the specific issues that the foundation deals with. Leave your details and contacts. Continuously add reports on activities and progress achieved.

For help in organizing a fund, contact famous people– deputies, entrepreneurs, etc. Perhaps one of them will be willing to make a monetary donation or help resolve organizational issues. This approach will attract more attention and participation to your foundation.

A charitable organization is good opportunity attract more people to social problems and learn to solve them together. Develop a plan and program of activity for the future organization and begin preparing documents for registration.