The services of copy centers are still in good demand. Clients include students, employees of engineering and construction companies, citizens preparing some documents, and so on. An entrepreneur who decides to open a copy center will not make a mistake, especially if the center is located near an educational institution, market, bus station, that is, where it is always crowded, and the people passing there really need such services.

Nowadays, the demand for photocopying services is growing, people have to make copies of various information materials, documents, print out documentation in in electronic format, or vice versa – remove electronic copies documents, business documentation. In this case, electronic copies are stored on memory cards and laser disks.

People visit copy centers many times, especially if the nature of their work or study requires it. We are talking about printing coursework, school essays, document forms; in addition, such an office often provides services such as laminating documents, refilling cartridges, and printing color photographs. It is worth noting that the demand for photocopying services is always high, regardless of the season, weather conditions. The main thing is that the mining center is located in a busy place, in the center, as they say, of the city, not far from some university, business center, administrative office, school, and so on.

For an entrepreneur to set up copy center he will have to purchase certain equipment, the type and quantity of which determines the list of services that his enterprise will provide. In any case, you will have to buy a photocopier, personal computer, printer, scanner. Today it is not easy to buy this office equipment; any electronics store has several models of any of the above copiers. Moreover we're talking about about electronics from various manufacturers, cost, quality, performance level, functionality.

There shouldn’t be any problems with servicing and repairing the above-mentioned equipment; service centers have been operating for many years, there is no shortage of consumables (paint, paper), components. In the event of a breakdown, faulty equipment will be quickly repaired and set up in the nearest service center, or even you can call a specialist to the office.

The price of services that sell copying prices initially depends on demand and the level of competition. The most popular services are photocopying and printing of electronic documentation, which is why it is advisable to set competitive prices here, that is, the lowest. Services such as recording data to disk, external storage media, and preparing forms are less in demand, so their cost should be a little higher. Refilling cartridges requires special skills, so the cost of this service quite high. Still, people willingly use this service, because buying branded consumables is much more expensive.

The photocopying center is an enterprise that is subject to registration with the tax service. Registration is what an entrepreneur has to start with, that is, the first stage in the process of organizing a business. Once the “paper issue” is resolved, you can start purchasing the necessary equipment that will allow the copy center organizer to “earn” money. You need to choose high-quality, multifunctional, reliable equipment that will work for more than one year without interruption for repairs. Cartridges must be designed for at least 1500 copies, no less. It is advisable to purchase a new standard computer, a high-quality scanner, and a reliable color laser printer.

All this electronic equipment will pay for itself very quickly, in just one or two heavy sessions, when there are more than enough student clients near such copying centers, and they often print up to fifty or more pages at a time. At such times, the load on equipment is especially high. An entrepreneur can purchase the above-mentioned copying equipment on a rental basis with the right to later purchase if he can convince the supplier of the prospects and profitability of his business project.

Before opening a copy center, it is recommended to conduct a small advertising company, that is, place advertisements in nearby crowded places, distribute information in nearby student dormitories and educational institutions, and make a sign. It is advisable that the range of services of the photocopying center, their cost, and discount conditions be listed there, if, of course, the business owner accepts this.

Modern photocopying centers are usually equipped with a variety of digital equipment that allows design and correction of documents in electronic format. To work with all this electronic equipment, qualified specialists are required, although in principle this equipment is not difficult to use, configure, or service.

An entrepreneur will have to spend some money to advertise his copy center. On a computer, you can type and print advertising letters for posting and distribution in nearby educational institutions and government agencies. It is recommended to make a bright informative sign and hang it at the entrance to the premises where the mining center is located. You can put up an eye-catching billboard near the building where the business is located.

Nowadays, an incredibly large number of people regularly use Internet resources, wander around various sites, forums, weigh in in social networks. The Internet, as a resource for disseminating information about a copy center and the services it sells, is incredibly effective, especially if the business is organized in big city. On the online network, on your website, other people’s online resources, you can publish a list of services, a price list, current discounts, some interesting information, in order to attract the attention of the online audience.

Now a little about the expenses and income of the photocopying center. Renting a space for a mining center will cost around $300, it all depends on the location of the building and the company’s office. It is desirable that this be the first floor, the entrance from the front side of the building, so that people can find the mine center without problems, and its sign is visible from the street. You will have to spend at least $2,000 to purchase copying equipment, a PC, and other office equipment. About $100 a month will be spent on purchasing paper and other consumables. The salary of a photocopying center operator is somewhere around 200-300 dollars, that is, an entrepreneur will need at least 3,000 dollars as an initial investment, plus something for advertising and making a sign.

On average, a copy center located in a good, crowded place, selling a standard range of services, brings its owner an income of 1-2 thousand dollars (per month). The amount of income of a copy center is influenced by the level of competition, that is, the further away the same copy center is from it, the better. The payback period for a copy center is about 2-4 months. Good luck!

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A novice entrepreneur will be interested in learning how to open a copy center. To do this, it is enough to draw up a competent business plan with detailed calculations of expenses and estimated income. Although initially you will need to carefully assess the market and the relevance of the issue.

With a focused approach in this area, you can achieve stable and constantly growing profits. The profitability of the project is about 30%, and sometimes higher. True, such a business will not bring you millions, but it will give you a chance to earn enough to feel like a confident entrepreneur.

Relevance of the idea

Even with computers, laptops and printers, most people still need the services of a copy center. After all, for such equipment to constantly work, it needs maintenance, changing cartridges, refilling ink, etc. For many people, it is much cheaper and more convenient to use third-party organizations to obtain duplicate documents than to do it themselves.

If you find a good location, for example, close to educational institutions, then you can count on a constant flow of the target audience. With a well-chosen range of services and additional products, high quality of service and affordable cost, a copy center as a business will become popular among customers and bring significant profit to the owner.

The main advantage of this direction is that to start you need minimum investment, and you can start simple activities with one device. And only as income increases, a gradual expansion of the range of services, purchase of new equipment and growth of the client base is available.

Registration questions

It is not difficult to prepare documents for conducting business in the field of copying services. Let's list what you need to run a legitimate business:

  1. Register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur). Please indicate everything OKVED codes, covering the expected range of services - 74.85, 74.83, 52.47.
  2. Choose the appropriate taxation system - UTII or simplified tax system.
  3. With this form of activity cash machine is not needed to make payments to clients. It is enough to keep simple accounting and use sales receipts. If you decide to purchase a cash register, then you will need to register it with tax office.
  4. Since complex and powerful electronic equipment will be operating in the room, you will definitely have to undergo inspection by the SES and fire inspectorate, which will issue the appropriate permits. But for this you will need to initially prepare everything in accordance with norms and standards. Particular attention is paid fire safety.
  5. If you plan to hire employees to work in a copy center, you will need to register with the Pension and Social Funds as an employer.
  6. If you rent a premises, make sure that the contract is well-drafted. It is advisable that it refers to a long term (at least a year) and indicates the amount of the monthly fee.

The target audience

When planning this business, it is very important to consider which clients will come to you. Basically, in your calculations you need to start from this fact. Thus, there are the following groups of people who periodically require the services of a copy center:

  • students are the largest and most permanent audience and are considered a “gold mine” for this area;
  • schoolchildren, teachers;
  • office workers;
  • visitors to various government institutions (pension, social funds, tax, etc.);
  • clients of banks, notaries;
  • clinic patients.

But a lot depends on the services offered. If, for example, you print photographs, your customer base will expand to the entire age group of 35-55 years. To make the flow of visitors as rich as possible, you need to focus on people’s needs and offer more different services for which there is constant demand.

Selecting a room

The most important thing at the stage of organizing this business is a good location for the copy center. The number of clients, the demand for certain types of services, the necessary equipment and much more will largely depend on this.

Once you have assessed your target audience and its size, you need to determine the main areas of their concentration. For example, the best solution would be proximity:

  1. Educational institutions.
  2. State and municipal institutions.
  3. Offices.
  4. Clinics and hospitals.
  5. Various financial enterprises.
  6. City center.

In some cases, it makes sense to locate a copy kiosk in a residential area with a large number of residents, but then it is desirable to offer a wider range of services, including printing photographs, cutting discs, etc.

The size of the room depends on how much equipment you need for work. Sometimes 10-15 square meters is enough. m. for installation of one copy machine and laptop. With a wider range of services, you need more space, so sometimes it makes sense to immediately rent an office of 30-45 sq. m. m.

It is very important to monitor the quality and power of the electrical network, as well as other nuances of fire safety. Most often, additional repairs are not required, since the owners of such a business are looking for premises that are already ready for work, which is very convenient and saves start-up investments.

For a reputable copy center, it is advisable to properly divide the room into zones. Separate the reception room from the area where equipment is refilled, as this process is associated with increased contamination. You also need to take care of the availability of a bathroom and utility room for staff, a warehouse for storing additional equipment, spare parts, consumables, etc.

What services do you offer?

The copy center can perform only one function - to duplicate text or graphic documents. But the more different tasks you can perform, the more attractive your establishment will be to potential clients.

So, you can focus on the most popular queries:

  • photocopying of various document formats;
  • printing files from digital media;
  • disc cutting;
  • typing;
  • lamination;
  • binding of scientific works;
  • printing photos;
  • scanning;
  • transferring information to removable media;
  • printing of leaflets, booklets, brochures in small editions, which are not taken for;
  • creation of advertising materials, business cards, posters, postcards, calendars, etc.

You can also sell related products. For example, when going to a copy center, students often remember that their pen has stopped writing, their notepad or notebook has run out, there is no file or folder, etc. They will buy all these little things right there while they are waiting for ready-made copies. Sometimes it makes sense to set up a camera and take ID photos.

Purchase of equipment

It is very important to choose the right device model to perform the main function. Your income depends on its power and speed of operation. If the equipment is used or produces poor print quality, often breaks down, or is expensive to maintain, then do not expect any benefit from it.

It is better to initially spend money on a high-quality professional device with simple consumables than to constantly suffer losses from its improper functioning. For example, laser printers are much more expensive, but their maintenance is much easier and cheaper than inkjet models.

It is also important to determine the list of necessary equipment. Here you should carefully consider the range of services offered, the number of expected clients and other factors. For example, sometimes one copy machine or multifunctional device is enough. But with a large influx of visitors and varied demand, it is advisable to have several devices in stock.

We offer an approximate list of equipment for a full-fledged copy center:

  1. MFP – can make photocopies, scan documents and print information.
  2. Computer or laptop.
  3. Xerox.
  4. Scanner.
  5. Printer for black and white and color printing.
  6. A similar technique for working with non-standard document sizes, for example, A3.
  7. Camera.
  8. Laminator.
  9. Risograph.
  10. Bookbinder.

Also take care of trade displays and racks for selling related products. Purchase at least the minimum amount of office furniture for staff - tables, chairs, cabinets. Don’t forget about consumables – cartridges and ink, paper, tools for cleaning and refilling equipment, etc.


With a small influx of clients and a limited amount of equipment, you can cope with the work yourself. But as the center's activities expand, it will be necessary to hire assistants. The staff may include the following employees:

  • secretary;
  • copyist;
  • designer to perform various character tasks;
  • an accountant is not necessary, since when registering an individual entrepreneur, the business owner fills out all the reports independently;
  • a foreman for cleaning, refueling and repairing equipment - may come only to perform certain functions.

If the copy center is well located, no special advertising campaign will be required. You just need to install a sign, put up posters, you can put up a pillar or draw arrows leading to the kiosk.

In order for potential clients to know about you from the very first days, you need to distribute leaflets or business cards in places largest accumulation target audience - in front of the entrance to educational institutions, in the nearest cafes, near the dormitories, not far from office buildings and government agencies.

Depending on the presence of competition, you will have to very competently regulate the pricing policy and range of services. So, if there are many other copying stalls around, then it is better to attract visitors with lower prices. With a limited range of functions performed in neighboring establishments, it is worth offering something unique and in demand, for example, printing of non-standard formats.

Today it is also important to pay attention to advertising using the Internet. To do this, create a business card website where all the services and tariffs offered will be listed. Post on social media and participate in discussions on local forums and groups that your potential clients use.

You can download it here for free as a sample.

Financial questions

Start-up investments can be very different. It depends on how much the selected model of equipment costs, what list of equipment is needed for work, the number of staff employed, the size and price of renting the premises, etc. You can enter this business with a minimum amount.

If we talk about a more reputable copy center, then the costs are expected to be as follows.

Also always remember about the regular costs of maintaining activities. Be sure to include them in the copy center business plan with calculations, since this largely determines what the net profit will be.

If you hire employees, then fixed costs will increase by another amount wages And social payments for every person in the state. But at first, in order to save money, it is better to perform all the functions yourself.

The amount of income is much more difficult to calculate, since profit will depend on many factors - the number of clients, competition, established prices, services offered, etc. Approximately in the first months, about 300 thousand rubles in income are expected from a small center, which is located near the educational institution. Even with such figures, you can expect that in 4-6 months all investments will be fully recouped.

In general, the profitability of the project is estimated by experts at 30-35%, which is very good indicator. But a lot depends on what amounts were initially spent. To organize a solid business, you need large investments that will return to the owner only after a year. If you limit yourself to one device, the investment will pay off in 1-2 months.

Video: how to open a copy center?

MS Word Volume: 34 pages

Business plan

Reviews (36)

Businesses such as copying services are becoming increasingly popular among the population. For entrepreneurs, it is particularly attractive low threshold entry into this business. But, despite the small initial costs, a copy machine business can bring in very significant income - about $5 thousand monthly. At the same time, possible risks are minimized, even if you have never been involved in such a business before.

But, if you want to achieve success, you should take into account some of the nuances of this specific type of business. Your company's main clients will be students, office workers, and elderly people. The domestic bureaucracy largely contributes to the development of a business such as a copy center, requiring from people a huge number of certificates, copies and many other pieces of paper.

When planning to open a copy shop, look for a small space for this. Its location does not play a special role, but it is desirable that it be located near government institutions, offices, educational institutions. As practice shows, opening a copy center in a residential area can also bring good income if you manage to properly advertise your services.

Even a modest business should always look respectable. By following this principle, you will be able to earn the respect and favor of your clients. If you came up with the idea of ​​opening a copy center in an old semi-basement, the walls of which are covered with drips and stains, and the smell of dampness is firmly in the air, rest assured that such a step will not bring you the expected savings. Firstly, copying equipment will not last long in such conditions. For normal operation of copiers, dry air is required, free of dust and other pollutants.

In addition, such savings are a very noticeable blow to your image. A reputable company should look like one. Otherwise, the attitude towards you will not be respectful at all. When you decide to open your own business - copying services for the public, make sure that your clients enjoy coming to you. The copy shop premises must be well maintained and clean. Install air ionizers that help dry the air and remove dust as efficiently as possible.

Don’t be afraid to expand the list of services, this will allow you to count on more significant income. When growing your business, install copy machines in crowded places. Believe me, many people will happily take advantage of the opportunity to make copies of documents or other papers themselves for a small fee. Organization must be carried out using professional example business plan for opening a copy center with ready-made calculations. With the help of this sample you will be able to avoid annoying mistakes and mistakes. The decision to open a copy center, based on the recommendations of professionals, will allow you to as soon as possible reach the break-even point and constantly develop your business.

Reviews for (36)

1 2 3 4 5

    Copy center business plan

    Good, smart work. Of course, the copy center is not the most profitable business, but the starting capital will be minimal. Thanks for the work.

    Vyacheslav, thank you for your feedback. Almost every person dreams of becoming independent and working only for themselves. But not many people decide to take this important step. You are right that you chose to open a copy center. At the initial stage of business development, this direction is ideal. Good luck.

    Copy center business plan

    Thank you for the high-quality business plan that helped me organize my business. Thanks to the fact that everything was written in a very accessible language, I easily understood all the nuances of this matter and learned what I needed.

    Anna, we are glad that we were able to help you, this is the goal of our project. Now it’s up to you, don’t stop there and develop the enterprise further, we are sure you will succeed. Good luck to you.

    Copy center business plan

    Saving should be economical, I decided and downloaded ready business plan on your website. Low price is its main advantage. I didn’t like the fact that I had to customize the document to suit myself; I don’t like doing calculations. But in the end I dealt with this too.

    Leonid, indeed, we tried to make a high-quality document and at an affordable price, which is no less important for many beginning businessmen. The fact that you have modified it to suit your capabilities is only beneficial; now you have an understanding of the economics of the enterprise and you can effectively plan its activities. I wish you success.

In stock Copy center business plan 5 17

Many people need the services of copy centers, from students to architectural engineers - construction companies. The copy center should definitely be located near crowded places of people in need of copy services.

Today, the need for copy center services is growing day by day. The need to copy various documents, materials, print them, or save information on a CD or flash card arises constantly. If you are looking interesting idea to start your own profitable business - a copy center is one of the best options.

Everyone has used the services of the copy center, and more than once. Making copies of documents, printing coursework, diplomas, school essays, copying information onto a disk and flash card, laminating important documents, refilling a cartridge, filling out complex forms - this is far from full list services provided by copy centers.

Potential clients of the copy center: employees of offices, government agencies, students, etc. This business is practically not subject to seasonal fluctuations; there is always a demand for services.

It is better to place a copy center in the city center or in a busy place with high traffic. Premises located in close proximity to universities, office buildings, business centers, administrative institutions, etc. are ideal.

The quantity and types of equipment depend on the list of services provided. The minimum set of equipment includes a copy machine, a computer with a printer, and a scanner. It’s not difficult to purchase equipment - today we supply various office equipment significant amount companies, many of which also provide service and supply of consumables. Masters from such a company install and configure equipment in the office.

Prices for services are determined in accordance with demand and level of competition. The most popular services are copying and printing documents. It is advisable to set the lowest prices for them. Recording information on a disk or flash drive, drawing up and filling out forms, etc. are in less demand, and their cost may be slightly higher. If you have the necessary skills, you can refill cartridges; you can set a fairly high price for this service, since refilling in any case will cost less than purchasing branded consumables.

Copy center is a private enterprise that must be registered with the tax administration in accordance with all the rules. This is where you need to start. After completing all the paperwork, you need to think about the technology that will “make money.” It should be a copier with a good resource and a cartridge designed for at least one and a half thousand copies. It would be nice to also install a computer with color laser printer and a scanner. It will justify itself on the “hard days of the session”, when there will be a lot of people willing to print, say, 50-100 pages. At first, you can agree with the suppliers of such equipment to rent with the right to buy or pay for everything at once. The most important thing in this business is the right location. This should be an academic building with good attendance and traffic. At the beginning of work Copy center, you can post advertisements in nearby places or leave information in campus dormitories.

However, despite the fairly high demand for this service, the price for it is often rather high. As you understand, a modern copy center requires qualified specialists. There must be a designer on staff to process documents and make all possible adjustments; modern digital equipment requires good specialist, despite the ease of use.

And, of course, advertising costs, without which no business can be opened. In order to attract customers, you need to spend money on advertising. Type on your computer and print Flyers, distribute them to students so that if necessary, they know where to turn. Hang on front door a bright sign with the name of the copy center or put up a billboard at the entrance to the building.

In a great way attract clients, information about your company will be posted on the Internet. In this way, you will attract the attention of not only students, but also many who want to use your services. Place on the website information about the services offered and a price list with prices for them. Similarly, tell us what equipment you work on, interest customers with discounts and bonuses.

Now let's calculate the costs and income of the copy center. You will need to pay an average of $200 to rent the premises, depending on the location. The equipment will cost up to $1,000 more. Don't forget that once a month you will have to shell out about $100 for paper and supplies. If you do not have the opportunity to independently service the clients of your copy center, you will have to hire a PC operator. Then take into account his monthly salary when calculating - about $200. In total, you will have to spend $500 monthly.

As practice shows, a typical copy center brings in between $1,000 and $1,500 in income per month. It all depends on where it will be located, what services it will provide and how much these same ones will cost. It turns out that such a project pays for itself in 3-4 months.

Video - calm business copy center:

Copy center business plan.

Creating a copy center seems like a low-profit business. But that's not true. Especially if you position the point correctly. If you walk along the streets of the city, you will notice that in one area there are practically no copy shops. And you can even find several near educational buildings and institutions.

The thing is that copy centers have a narrowly targeted target audience. And it is still worth noting that during the season there is active crowding near the already established centers. And if you conduct a detailed analysis, you can definitely find your place for business.

Premises for the copy center and its location.

It is necessary to choose the location of the future copy center with particular pickiness. It is most advantageous to locate the premises near municipal premises: educational centers, hospitals, government agencies, and so on. Exactly where the demand for duplication of documentation and journalistic publications is always relevant. It is also almost always appropriate to rent a place in the city center. Here the rental price will be a little higher. But the demand for the services provided will remain more stable.

The room itself should have a distinctive entrance. This could be a separate entrance to the first floor of the premises, the location of a copying corner directly in the building training center or a separate room. The room itself must meet fire safety requirements and be able to connect communications for comfortable work.

Total for rent small areas(12-20 sq. m.) you should expect a monthly fee of $200-400.

Necessary equipment.

Copying and additional equipment should be represented by powerful and professional units that are capable of performing a large number of various tasks.

To work you will need the following minimum:

  1. Computer or laptop - from $500;
  2. MFP (printer, scanner and copier as one device) - from $700;
  3. Lamination unit - from $80.

In general, to purchase equipment for work, you need to stock up on at least 4 units. Their cost will be about $1.5 thousand. This amount may also include a display case, which will serve as a place for selling related products.


The basis of your work will be printing paper. You also need to take care of cardboard and photo paper. You can't do without consumables - black and color ink, cartridges and toner. But, you shouldn’t immediately purchase a large number of consumables. You should immediately invest in a small amount and only then calculate exactly how much you will need for a week or month.

To increase the company's profits, it is worth equipping the showcase with products for sale. The most popular are pens, pencils, erasers, notepads, folders, and files. It is also worth presenting some decorative products or expensive designer products, which, despite their high price, will attract with a unique appearance.

In total, you need to spend at least $500 on the initial purchase.


To work, you need to invite 2-4 specialists to service clients. It is not necessary to hire people with experience; you can teach them the basics on the job. Most often, students are hired to work for minimum payments. However, responsible people will be needed. An accountant can be hired through an outsourcing company.

In total, you need to prepare at least $600 per month to pay staff salaries.

The advertisement will be a remarkable sign. The “spottykach” will also come in handy. It is important to place it in close proximity to the center. Distributing leaflets will help attract customers. There is no need to spend money on a website on the Internet. It is enough to start working with a resource in the form of a page. It is also important to put yourself on the map and take advantage of additional advertising opportunities on the Internet.

Basic expenses.

When creating, it is worth considering the following expense items:

  1. Premises rental - $200-400;
  2. Equipment - $1.5 thousand;
  3. Consumables - from $500;
  4. Staff - $600;
  5. Advertising - $200.

The total cost of the initial investment will be about $3 thousand.

Calculation of profit and payback.

The basic activity of a copy center is printing documents and making copies. Lamination and formatting services, as well as services for the sale of stationery and souvenirs, will also be popular.

One device is capable of making up to 5 thousand copies per day. The cost of such a service will be $0.02-0.07. Printing will cost more - $0.07-0.1. Working at full capacity you can raise up to $250 per day. This amount will be $7.5 thousand per month. Taking into account all monthly expenses: 7500 - 600 - 200 - 400 - 500 = 5500. And this will be the net profit of the enterprise. But seasonality, the factor of declining demand and competition reduce this figure by 2 times. Therefore, you should expect a return on your initial investment within the first 3-4 months of operation.

Clients and development options.

The services of copy centers are primarily used by students and visitors to municipal institutions. As a development, you can focus on working with office supplies and souvenirs. Some copy centers offer printing on souvenirs as additional income.

To apply any symbols to souvenir or promotional material, it is very convenient to use the silk-screen printing method. Today, a business built on the use of the silk-screen printing method is quite profitable and promising in the field of printing.