♦ Capital investments – 1,300,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 1.5 years

There are more and more people who lead a healthy lifestyle, watch their diet, and play sports. That is why the question how to open a gym, is more relevant today than ever.

A room with sports equipment and exercise equipment can be turned into profitable business, despite high level competition.

Of course, the start-up costs of a gym will probably be unaffordable for people with low incomes, but if everything is done correctly, you can get by with the minimum start-up capital that is possible in this area.

Starting a business from scratch is sometimes not easy. And possession gym There is no exception to this rule.

You will have to solve many problems, overcome obstacles, spend enough money until the sports club begins to bring you a decent profit.

You will find answers to the most important questions in this article.

Benefits of opening a gym

Many businessmen do not want to get involved with the service sector, and directly with opening a gym, because they simply do not know all the advantages of this type of business.

But at the same time, this startup really has a lot of advantages:

  1. You need to spend much less money on its implementation than, for example, if you take it, which offers a more expanded range of services.
  2. Owning a gym is beneficial not only in terms of good profits, but also because you can take care of your health and figure by working out here yourself.
  3. No matter how serious the competition in this sector is, it is always possible to form competitive advantages to get maximum amount clients.
  4. In every city there are enough people who are ready to save on anything, just not on their own appearance.
    They would rather eat less or dress more simply, but they will not give up going to the gym, so you will not be left without clients.
  5. Owning a gym is much more prestigious than, for example, a second-hand store, and this is a very noble cause - you care about the health and beauty of the population of your city.
  6. Launching a startup provides the opportunity to reduce initial costs, so you can meet the minimum capital for this business.
  7. A gym can bring good profits to its owner.
    The main thing is to run your business correctly, constantly improving your business and coming up with new ways to attract customers.

Disadvantages of Owning a Gym

Alas, opening a gym from scratch also has its drawbacks, knowledge of which will help you avoid the most common mistakes of novice businessmen.

Here are the most obvious disadvantages of this type of business:

  1. Long payback period sports club.
    Some businessmen think that it only costs open your own gym how next month they will already receive the highest incomes.
    You shouldn’t be led by these misconceptions; you can consider yourself lucky if you managed to pay for the gym within a year of work.
  2. You need to work hard to form a client base, because even in small towns there are gyms, but the number of sports clubs in big cities is in the dozens and you will have to work hard to stand out among them.
  3. This business has too many components of success and the lack of one can lead to collapse.
    It won’t work if you hire good trainers but skimp on the equipment, or you find a great facility, but it’s located on the outskirts of the city where no one can get to, etc.

Marketing features of opening a gym

Owning a gym has its own marketing features, without which you will not be able to succeed.

You need to constantly promote your sports club in order to form a client base as quickly as possible and recoup the initial costs.

First of all, you should take care of creating competitive advantages and advertising the gym.

Competitive advantages

Today, in every locality there are so many sports clubs, gyms, specialized classes (yoga, dance, strip-plastic, etc.) that finding your niche is sometimes difficult for those who start a business from scratch.

You will succeed if you develop competitive advantages in advance that will allow you not to be afraid of the owners of other gyms.

You can attract clients:

  1. By hiring highly qualified, specially educated trainers and polite administrators who are well versed in what they do.
    Even the mood of the clients depends on how well the cleaners do their job.
    You shouldn’t skimp on gym staff, so as not to regret later about wasted money.
  2. Having developed a loyalty program and a system of discounts for those customers who remain loyal to you long time.
    They should feel special treatment towards themselves.
  3. Offering a wide range of services: training for various muscle groups, personal and group training, etc.
  4. Listening to the wishes of clients.
    Keep a special journal in which your visitors can write down what they think needs to be changed or improved in your gym.
    It’s clear that you don’t need to run right away and fix everything, but at least you can understand the mood of your clients.
  5. Adhering to a reasonable pricing policy.
    According to recent surveys, there are just not enough gyms on the market with a good level of service for people with average incomes, so opening inexpensive establishments today is profitable.
  6. Selling soft drinks, nutritional supplements, sportswear, CDs and books with training programs, etc.

Gym Advertising

A recently opened gym is an establishment that needs advertising.

The population of your city, even before you start working, should know that a new gym has opened, which is wonderfully equipped, has highly qualified trainers, provides services at an affordable cost, etc.

  • by ordering several commercials on local radio and television;
  • handing out leaflets in places largest accumulation people;
  • by purchasing advertising space on big boards, banners, stands, bulletin boards;
  • by paying for several advertising articles in print media and online resources about your gym;
  • creating a website with complete information about the specialists working for you, about the services, their cost, etc.;
  • finding access to the city forum and social networks to talk about what a good gym will soon open or has already opened;
  • planning a grand opening with competitions, entertainment program, subscription draws, etc.

Calendar plan for opening a gym

Even if you want to get your gym up and running as quickly as possible, you should stick to all the steps. Excessive haste can lead to the fact that the initial costs will increase even more, because something will have to be redone.

The optimal period for opening a gym is 5–6 months.

Registering a business and obtaining permits
Renting premises and repairs
Purchase of equipment for training. hall
Purchasing furniture and other furnishings
Advertising company
Opening of the gym

Stages of opening a gym

Before the gym starts operating, you will need to resolve a number of issues: register your business, register with the tax office, complete all permitting documents, find a suitable premises, equip it, form a team, etc.

Registration procedure

Owners of gyms just need to register as an individual entrepreneur and choose the simplest form of taxation, UTII.

Think in advance which OKVED codes you will mark so that you don’t have to re-issue documents later if you decide to expand the range of services provided by your gym.

It is imperative to obtain permission to operate the premises from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor.

Since your employees will have direct contact with customers, they must have health certificates.


Before looking for a specific location to open a gym, you should decide in which area you want to open your business.

It is best to choose between densely populated residential areas or a business center, because most gym clients buy a membership at a sports club that is located 10–15 minutes from their home or work.

P.S. Consider the fact that the cost square meter in the center is much higher than in residential areas.


The gym premises must meet the following requirements:

  • have high ceilings(at least 3.5 meters), because otherwise your clients simply won’t have enough air;
  • be large enough, at least 120–150 sq. m., expect that you need to allocate at least 5 sq. m. for one simulator. + service premises + bathrooms and showers + changing rooms + reception area;
  • have a water supply, sewerage, ventilation, central heating system;
  • is located on the ground floor, because if you are located higher, the offices located below you simply will not be able to work;
  • have parking in front of the building, because many gym clients drive their own cars.


Equipment costs will make up the majority of your startup capital.

Decide for yourself what kind of exercise equipment you will install, but remember that the client must find equipment in your gym for strength training, and for cardio.

Minimum set sports equipment should be like this:

Expense itemQty.Cost, rub.)Amount (rub.)
Total:470,000 rub.
2 100 000 200 000
Exercise bikes
2 40 000 80 000
Complex exercise machines with counterweights
2 50 000 100 000
Barbell with a set of weights and a bench
1 30 000 30 000
Benches for the press and other muscle groups
3 9 000 27 000
Swedish wall
5 3000 15 000
Dumbbells, jump ropes, expanders
18 000

But this is only the cost of sports equipment.

To finally equip your gym, you will also need:

Expense itemAmount of expenses (in rub.)
Total:600,000 rub.
Ventilation system and air conditioners
200 000
Music Center
30 000
Computers and other office equipment
100 000
60 000
Lockers and benches in locker rooms
30 000
Furniture for the reception area
25 000
Refrigerator for sold drinks
15 000
Office furniture for office premises
40 000
Other100 000


The number of trainers and other staff at your gym depends on its size and operating hours.

Assuming that the gym has an area of ​​150 square meters. and you want him to work seven days a week, then you will need to hire:

Qty.Salary (rub.)Total (RUB)
Total:90,000 rub.
Administrator2 10 000 20 000
Trainer2 20 000 40 000
Cleaning woman2 8 000 16 000
Accountant (part-time)1 10 000 14 000

All employees, except the accountant, will work in shifts, for example 2/2 days or 3/3.

How much does it cost to open a gym?

It is difficult to answer the question unambiguously how much does it cost to open a gym, because the amount of starting capital is influenced by numerous factors.

We offer for viewing a real example of a successful gym opening:

In addition, there are expense items on which you can save, and there are those that you should not try to reduce.

How you can save money when opening a gym

The desire to save money on opening a gym from scratch is quite understandable.

Moreover, there are expense items that can be reduced without damaging your business:

  1. Interior of the room and finishing materials.
    Of course, any room associated with the service sector should have a pleasant interior and be liked by clients, but for visitors to the gym it is not very important how expensive finishing materials you use, and how talented a designer will conjure up the interior.
    People come to the gym to work on their body, and not to look at paintings and other trinkets; an interior overloaded with details will only distract them.
  2. The trainers themselves.
    Yes, you can save money on this seemingly most important component of the gym.
    Firstly, you can buy used exercise equipment, not new ones. The main thing is that they are in good condition. Secondly, the brand is not as important to your customers as the effectiveness of the simulator, so it is quite possible to choose cheaper brands.
    Thirdly, if you purchase exercise equipment from one supplier, you will be able to request a wholesale price, a discount, and even the opportunity to purchase equipment on lease.
  3. Furniture.
    The gym itself does not require a lot of furniture: just enough benches or chairs so that your clients can rest before the next approach to the machine.
    Furniture is mainly needed for the reception area, office rooms and locker rooms.
    You can buy something inexpensive, but looking pretty decent.

What you shouldn't save on when opening a gym

There are gym costs that you won't be able to cut without hurting your business.

These include:

  1. Ventilation system.
    In the gym, people sweat a lot, so the aroma in the room is not very pleasant.
    If you save on hoods and air conditioners, you will lose all your customers, because they will not be able to stay in a room for a long time where such unpleasant odors are in the air.
    Showers and changing rooms should also be equipped with a good ventilation system, again so that there is no unpleasant odors and the fungus did not grow here.
  2. Staff.
    We have already talked about how important it is to hire good trainers, administrators and cleaners to ensure that the gym runs flawlessly.
    It is especially important to get good trainers that clients trust.
    Good specialists, naturally, will not work for pennies in your gym.
  3. Showers.
    Some gym owners who are just starting out in business believe that it is not at all necessary to spend money on arranging showers, because clients can wash themselves at home.
    You should not repeat their mistakes, as this will significantly reduce the number of your clients, for example, no one will come to you early in the morning to practice before work.

Cost table for opening a gym

To open a gym you will need over 1,000,000 rubles.

Download a ready-made business plan for a gym with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

Table of monthly gym maintenance costs

In addition to the cost of opening a gym, you will have monthly expenses.

When forming start-up capital, you should include in it the amount of these monthly expenses, taking into account the fact that for the first 2-3 months you will work at a loss.

How much can you earn by opening a gym?

The main source of income for gyms is the sale of memberships.

In order for your business to develop successfully, you should sell at least 60 subscriptions per month, gradually increasing your sales turnover.

You can find other sources of income:

You will receive such monthly income figures when your gym becomes popular and you have fully formed a client base. Until this happens, your monthly income will barely be able to cover your expenses.

By putting the sale of subscriptions and other services on stream, you can receive a net monthly profit from your gym of over 100,000 rubles, which means you can return your initial investment in a year and a half.

Of course, these are not all the calculations you need, if you are wondering how to open a gym. You will have to think through many nuances, but if you have a desire to open a sports club, then you definitely need to implement it.

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Nowadays, the popularity of sports is growing every day. That's all today more people are interested in a healthy lifestyle and, despite being very busy and lacking time, strive to keep their body in good physical shape. Thus, opening a sports club or fitness center is a popular and sought-after type of commercial activity.

Today, competition in this area is quite high, so entrepreneurs have to come up with new ways to attract customers, implement modern technologies. One way to succeed in this area is to specialize in a specific group of consumers. As a result, a separate area emerged - sports clubs for women.

Women's fitness is more popular and promising. According to statistics, among athletic women, 71% consider fitness to be the most suitable activity, but among athletic men, the share of fitness adherents does not exceed 40%.

A business plan for a sports club is developed taking into account the format of the institution, its target group, planned location and many other factors.

The target audience is women 27-48 years old with an average level of income.

Room area: 100-250m2.

Location: residential areas with a large number of residential buildings.

Success factors: high-quality equipment, highly qualified coaching staff, friendliness and responsiveness of staff, quality of services provided, marketing support.

The initial investment amount is 3,368,815 rubles.

Break-even point is reached in the first month of work.

The payback period is from 7 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A sports club for women is not just a gym for sports activities, but a real club where a woman gets not only results, but also a new social circle that shares her interests, the opportunity for relaxation and entertainment. Important here individual approach. Each woman can receive qualified advice from a specialist who will develop a training and nutrition program to achieve the most effective results.

IN modern world Women's rhythm is very fast, and their daily schedule is very busy, so being close to home is important. Thus, a fitness club for women should be located in a residential area within walking distance from home.

List of services provided:

  • Group classes. Group classes include aerobic classes, stable classes (Pilates, yoga).
  • Gym. The gym is equipped with equipment that allows you to work on different groups muscles. Fitness instructors provide mandatory instruction, talk about the capabilities of the gym and the technique of performing exercises on various machines.
  • Personal training. Personal training program and individual approach - the most effective method improve your health and fitness levels. A personal trainer develops an individual training program taking into account the physiological capabilities of the body and wishes, selects the necessary load, controls the technique of performing exercises, and the dynamics of sports achievements.

Benefits of personal training:

Setting the right goals;

Creating the most accessible and effective program;

Training safety. Reduces the likelihood of injury;

Acquiring the correct skills to perform exercises;

Correct choice of means and intensity of training;

The most noticeable result of training;

Discipline and organization.

  • Fitness testing.

Initial fitness testing. The purpose of the starting test is to determine the level of physical performance, to identify the state of a person’s physical qualities, such as strength, endurance, flexibility, etc., as well as the harmony of their development. The result of the initial testing is a strategic training plan based on your desires, goals, and overall health.

Standard testing assesses basic health indicators and the level of physical development, as well as the condition of the central and peripheral nervous system, which is very important for the correct selection of a training regimen and the prevention of physical overstrain syndrome.

You can increase your establishment's revenue by selling additional products.

Additional products:

Healthy diet;

Cosmetics for a good figure.

All products in the line work for three purposes:

  1. Slimness and lightness throughout the body.
  2. Youth and beauty of the skin.
  3. Harmony and general feeling of comfort.

Clients can get advice from a nutritionist and also choose the most suitable effective diet, supplementing it with vitamins and healthy products and cocktails.

3. Description of the sales market

Over the past 15-20 years, the fitness industry market has undergone great metamorphosis. This area began to emerge in Russia in 1993, and only wealthy people. Now fitness has penetrated into all layers of society. Sports clubs are opening all over Russia to suit every taste and budget.

Optimistic forecasts for the fitness industry are provided by various research companies. For example, the marketing agency Business Port says that the growth of this market will remain at a level of no less than 25%, and the NeoAnalytics company puts the figure at $3.2 billion, speaking about the potential capacity of the Russian fitness services market.

In mid-2015, there were more than 3 thousand sports clubs in Russia, attended by more than 1.7 million people. But, as in many other areas, the capitals remain the leaders - Moscow and St. Petersburg. The capital's market for fitness services is close to Western standards in terms of development rates and trends. The competition here is very high, and the crisis is only aggravating the situation .

There is a trend in the market to diversify the fitness industry. IN Lately large sports complexes with swimming pools, spas and other additional services began to fade into the background. More and more people who care about their health and physical fitness are giving preference to “home” clubs that are within walking distance. For entrepreneurs who want to open their own business in the fitness field, this arrangement can be beneficial. You need to understand that a sports club will not pay for itself in short term, and the size of the initial investment cannot be called small.

The target audience of a sports club for women is women whose age is 27-48 years old and their income level is average.

Slimness, beauty and health will always be at the top of the list of priorities of a modern woman, because self-care is an expense item that is almost the last to be cut. When there is uncertainty around and every news makes you nervous, it is important for a woman to please herself and create an atmosphere of comfort and calm around her. Therefore, the popularity of sports clubs for women will only increase in the coming years.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

The key goal is to open a sports club for women.

  • Overview of the real estate market to select the optimal premises

Basic requirements for the premises.

Select area:
- “Sleeping” areas with a higher share of the target audience. The main type of buildings is multi-storey residential. If you choose an old housing stock, then it must be of medium and high cost, since pensioners usually live in cheap old housing stock; if new buildings, then with a completion period of more than 1 year (residents of new buildings with a completion period of less than a year, as a rule, spend all their income and savings in the first year on furnishing a new apartment).

It is recommended to locate a sports club near healthcare enterprises, pharmacies, banks, utility payment collection points, educational institutions for children, beauty salons of medium and high price categories.

Characteristics of the premises:
- Room area 100-250 m2 (less is considered individually);
- Separate entrance from the street or from the end;
- It is desirable to have parking for 5 cars or more;
- Preferably the first floor or semi-basement with windows. The basement is not considered. You can consider the second floor with a convenient and short flight of stairs. It is not recommended to consider the location of the club above the second floor;
- A place on the façade facing the street is required to place a sign; it is also advisable to have a place to place a banner.

Technical requirements for the premises:
- Guaranteed water consumption of at least 8 cubic meters/day;
- Floor load 100 kg/sq.m;
- Availability of connecting bathrooms and showers, at the rate of 1 per 50 sq.m;
- Possibility of redevelopment and reconstruction of utility networks;
- The height of the ceiling is at least 2.8 m (up to the suspended ceiling);
- Availability or possibility of placing supply and exhaust ventilation. In accordance with SNIP, the air exchange per person should be at least 80 cubic meters. m per hour at

air movement speed is no more than 5 m/sec, and at least 33 square meters are required per person. cm area of ​​the supply grille;
- The width of the doorway (entrance to the room and entrance to the active zone) is not less than 95 cm.
If the doorway is less than 95 cm, it is necessary to find out the possibility of expanding the opening or dismantling the window to bring equipment into the room.

  • Registration of a legal entity;

Activities can be carried out as individual- IP, so entity- OOO.

  • Concluding an agreement for the supply of equipment.

6. Organizational structure

Fund wages


Salary per 1 employee (RUB)

The number of employees

Salary Total (RUB)




Cleaning woman

General salary fund

7. Financial plan

The sales plan is drawn up based on the number of subscriptions sold, the type of subscription and its price, as well as goods sold.

Planned revenue volumes in the first year of operation (rubles)

Number of workouts

Subscription price

1 month

2 month

3 month

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

Selling goods

Total revenue

Number of workouts

Subscription price

4 month

5 month

6 month

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

number of purchased passes

amount, rub., total

Total revenue from subscriptions, rub.

Selling goods

Total revenue

See the appendix for the full revenue plan.

Forecasting the company's activities in the first year of operation (rubles)

1 month

2 months

3 months

4 months

5 months

6 months


  1. . At the initial stages, it is possible to register an individual entrepreneur. But keep in mind that when expanding your business, you need to register an LLC.
  2. . If you plan to expand your network of clubs, this option is suitable.

Type and operating time

The goal of the project is to open an economy class gym for low- and middle-income people. Revenue is planned from large quantity visitors.

The business plan assumes daily work, even on weekends and holidays. Sports club opening hours:

  • weekdays – 8.00-22.00;
  • Saturday – 9.00-21.00;
  • Sunday – 10.00-16.00.

The club should be open from morning until late evening. Some people prefer to study in the morning, but most people choose the time from 18 to 22 (after work). Detailed club rules can be found at.

It is planned to open without additional complexes in the form of saunas, swimming pools, etc. Types and cost of services:

  • one-time lesson - 120 rubles;
  • lesson with an instructor – 200 rubles;
  • subscription for 8 classes – 500 rubles;
  • monthly subscription: morning (before 15.00) – 600 rubles, all day – 800 rubles;
  • annual subscription – 6,000 rub.

A morning pass is cheaper due to minimal traffic until 4-5 pm. On evening time the bulk of the visits come, take this into account.

Basic equipment for the gym

If you plan to visit men and women, you need to buy high-quality equipment for cardio exercises and make sure there are enough dumbbells, barbells and weight plates. Equipment costs are substantial. The best option compared to purchase – .

Cardio zone:

  • treadmill (3 pcs.);
  • exercise bike (2 pcs.);
  • orbitrek (1 piece).

Strength training equipment:

  • for top traction;
  • for lower traction;
  • block frame or four-position station with single block frame;
  • chest machine;
  • hip extensor;
  • seated hip flexor;
  • lying leg press platform;
  • for the hip abductors;
  • for abdominal muscles;
  • Shin-machine.

Bars, set of weights and dumbbell:

  • free weights – from 1 to 40 kg in 2 kg increments;
  • vultures – 6 pcs;
  • pancakes 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 kg.

Racks and benches:

  • Scott bench;
  • roman chair
  • hyperextension angular
  • parallel bars rack - press
  • bench press at an angle up
  • downward angle bench press
  • adjustable bench (2 pcs.);
  • horizontal bench (6 pcs.);
  • racks for barbells (for chest press, squats), for dumbbells – as needed.

The table shows the cost of equipping gyms with turnkey equipment from the Techno Fitness company.

Hall area, m2Coll. work placesDescriptionThroughput, people per dayprice, rub.
14 4 power rack, dumbbells, multi-station, spin bike for cardio trainingfor home170000
38 7 power racks, dumbbell row, orbitrek, exercise bike, simulator for adductor/abductor muscles of the thighfor home380000
43 10 cardio area, dumbbells, aerobics area, strength training equipmentfor home750000
98 17 105 1200000
73 12 cardio area, aerobics area, strength training equipment100 1200000
180 17 cardio area, free weights area, strength training equipment105 1350000
317 54 277 2400000
450 72 cardio area, free weights area, personal cross training area, strength training equipment, aerobics area, massage and solarium area, bar, locker rooms670 2800000

Opening a fitness center or sports club is a difficult task; this business plan involves daily work.

Required personnel:

  • 2 instructors, schedule - 1 through 1, salary - from 20,000 rubles. per month + interest from individual training;
  • 3 reception administrators, salary – 12,000 rubles. per month;
  • cleaning lady - 10,000 per month, will come every morning to clean the hall.

Total costs for staff salaries - 86,000 rubles, per year - 1,032,000 rubles. For a serious club, it is advisable to organize.

Total opening costs

To find out how much it costs to open a gym, let’s calculate all the expense items. Economy class involves renting a room of 180 m2 and equipping 3 zones: cardio, free weights and strength. sports club.

Costs for opening a gym:

  • rent of premises – 8,000 rub. per month, 96,000 rub. in year;
  • turnkey – RUB 1,350,000-1,500,000;
  • staff salary – 1,032,000 rubles. in year;
  • depreciation of simulators - 4,000 rubles. per month or 48,000 rub. in year;
  • furnishing, carpeting, utilities – 50,000 rubles;
  • additional monthly expenses – 30,000 rubles. per month or 360,000 rubles. in year.

The total costs of opening a sports club plus expenses for the first year are equal to 2 million rubles. If you don't have money, you can.

Business payback, monthly revenue calculation

If you definitely decide to open a gym, a business plan is required. It will help you calculate expenses, income and return on investment.

The total attendance of the hall per day is 100 people. Each person visits the gym 10 times a month on average. That is, you can safely count on selling 300 monthly passes. The hall operates 350 days a year (several days off for maintenance and major holidays). average price for a monthly subscription (30% daily + 70% for the whole day) – 600*0.3+800*0.7=740 rubles.

The total income from visiting the hall per year is 300 subscriptions * 12 months * 740 rubles = 2,664,000 rubles. Considering the workload of 90%, we calculate the annual revenue - 2,664,000 * 0.9 = 2,397,600 rubles.

Business payback:

  • capital costs for opening and maintaining the hall - 2,000,000 rubles;
  • profit - 2,397,600 rubles;
  • payback – 11 months.

Next, you will spend 700,000 rubles annually on servicing the club, net revenue in subsequent years will be 1,700,000 rubles, monthly revenue will be 142,000 rubles. Quite a good profit, especially considering that you can open a chain of gyms.

Other options for making money on health and sports

You can make money from sports different ways, here are some options:

  • dance or gymnastics training;
  • and so on.

Download the finished sample

If you are not satisfied with the investments or other positions of the presented plan, we invite you to download ready plan. There are also many others on the site for different directions.

The increased interest in the sports industry and everything connected with it could not help but attract attention big business. Sports centers have begun to grow like mushrooms after rain, but demand still far exceeds supply. How to open a fitness club. Where to find a business plan for a fitness club is a pressing question for many entrepreneurs.


This project is a business plan for a fitness club for organizing and developing a business with a payback period of two years.
Project goals:

  1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Organization of obtaining a stable profit
  3. Satisfying the market for consumption of essential food products, and related household and industrial goods.

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Form of reference entrepreneurial activity: OOO

Total cost of the project: 7.5 million rubles

Payback period: 2 years

Interest rate included in the calculations: 22% per annum

The total interest payments will be: 3.3 million rubles

The investor's income will be: 3.3 million rubles

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of project implementation.

Main stages of the project implementation

The start of the project implementation is immediately after the acceptance of the business plan by the Customer, or after receipt of loan funds.

The main stages of the implementation of this project, the conditions and deadlines for their implementation are presented in Table No. 1:

Project stagesDeadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Obtaining borrowed funds1 month
Entry into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Selection of location and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Conducting a marketing campaign1-24 months

General description of the project

The organization of a fitness club (hereinafter referred to as the Club) is intended to meet the population’s demand for the services of fitness trainers. various types sports, providing premises, exercise equipment and sports equipment for independent sports and maintaining physical fitness. Currently, maintaining good physical shape is one of the conditions personal success for the majority of people. Therefore, a business plan for opening a fitness club, no matter whether it is an elite establishment or the business plan involves opening an economy class fitness club, is extremely in demand today.


First of all, it is necessary to decide on the format of the premises; the future concept of the establishment will depend on this, which in turn determines both the organization of the Club and the technology for its management, as well as the level of income.

The format of such establishments is usually determined by area:

  • Gyms – up to 100 sq. meters
  • Gyms – up to 500 sq. meters
  • Fitness centers – from 1000 sq. meters + with the possibility of providing additional related services

An expensive fitness club that offers its visitors a full range of various services requires huge investments to create. During the beginning of the “craze” for a healthy lifestyle - in the “nineties” and “zero” years, fitness clubs, as a rule, were created on the basis of former state sports complexes, and now all suitable areas have long been occupied and are functioning successfully. Therefore, at present, clubs have to be built from scratch, or existing buildings have to be remodeled to meet the required parameters. A little less money is spent on such “repairs” than on capital construction.

In developed countries, almost all fitness clubs are located in rented space. In our country, we need to look at this issue based on the specific situation. This project involves long-term rental of premises in which proper repairs need to be carried out. The minimum lease term must be 10 years. In the future, when creating successful business, bringing a stable profit, it is planned in the future to build your own premises (or purchase a suitable one) for holding various mass entertainment events, and possibly rent out part of the premises.

Getting started involves determining the type of fitness club - either it will be one Club that will have its own style, unique services, different from those offered by competitors; or it will be a network of fitness clubs with at least 5 establishments. You should also determine the pricing policy in advance - fairly high prices for elite and premium services, or an affordable cost of visiting the Club.

The choice of the location of the Club should be based on the fact that people who visit such small-format establishments (in the case of choosing the type of establishment with affordable prices), as a rule, visit them in residential areas, closer to home. This means that industrial and administrative zones of the city can be excluded in the search for suitable premises. There is an option to rent a suitable premises in an area under construction, which should be put into operation in the near future. Taking into account the period of refurbishment of the premises, installation of all necessary engineering communications, bringing into compliance with the required standards, it is necessary to calculate so that the opening of the Club coincides with the occupancy of new residential buildings.

There is an option to locate the Club in a large mall, but only if we're talking about about opening a fitness center in the regions, since the rent for such large areas is not comparable with the profit received, especially for a newly opened gym.

The Club organization suggests being guided by the following criteria when choosing a location:

  • Convenient access roads (at least 2) with the possibility of direct access to 1-2 central streets of the village
  • Large parking lot
  • Direct proximity to food suppliers (when organizing a bar, cafe, and other similar establishments)

Preparation of necessary documentation

To start operating the Club, you must obtain the following permits:

  • Consent to the activities of the Club from the local administration
  • State Fire Inspectorate Approval
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor
  • Medical documents for each employee
  • Documents confirming the qualifications of all employees conducting health and physical education activities
  • Permission for the production and sale of food products (if organized)
  • And some others, depending on the specific region of activity

Services offered

To create a successfully operating establishment, you need to correctly determine the Club’s pricing policy. It is important that its design fully corresponds to the designated price list. In this case, you need to take into account the prices offered by competitors located in a given urban area.

As a rule, the range of services offered by fitness clubs is as follows:

  • Gym with professional instructors
  • Hall for cardio and aerobic exercises
  • Hall for yoga, qigong, dynamic dance styles, and others similar types sports
  • Martial arts room
  • Hall for basketball, volleyball, mini-football
  • Classes for children (karate programs, aerobics, dancing, gymnastics, etc.
  • Several types of solarium (horizontal, vertical)
  • Showers, sauna
  • Fitness bar
  • Sporting goods store
  • Billiard room, bowling alley, bowling alley
  • If the necessary conditions are available, it is possible to offer other types of active activities aimed at healing and strengthening the body

It is necessary to consider the possibility of renting out premises in certain hours private trainers and popular instructors who can raise the establishment’s rating to a higher level. The Club's work schedule will depend on the chosen pricing policy and the format of the establishment being opened. The Club's large area requires working in two shifts to organize the possibility of clients visiting at different times convenient for them.

Of course, the business plan for an economy class fitness club will contain slightly different examples with different calculations.

Fitness club staff

The qualifications of the employees working at the Club are an important component of its attractiveness to clients. In almost any gym there is an instructor who will answer any questions about the sport being practiced for free. All employees providing training to clients must have specialized education confirmed by relevant documents. If it is possible to attract active athletes to permanent work, or to conduct one-time classes, master classes, etc., then this will be a huge advantage in the fight against competitors. Each employee must confirm their level of knowledge, skills, and training every year by passing a special certification commission.

Small-format gyms often hire an instructor who develops individual programs for trainees, without being personally present at each training session. Today, it is quite difficult to find an experienced mentor in almost any sports area who is not already busy with work. Therefore, “democratic” gyms often attract for such work people from among visitors who have some experience in sports in this area and have achieved certain success.

The daily work of a fitness club, especially a large one, requires the coordinated activities of the whole team:

  • Instructors and trainers
  • Medical personnel
  • Technical personnel servicing ventilation systems, air conditioners, exercise equipment
  • Security
  • Managers and administrators
  • Accounting department
  • And some others - if necessary

To motivate and motivate staff, you can use, along with monetary incentives and salary increases, the opportunity to grow up the career ladder - from a simple instructor to a sports program manager.

Other Organizational Issues

To successfully compete with other similar establishments, the Club must correspond to its level. An invariable attribute is the musical accompaniment of sports activities, music in the lobby.

If the project justifies the opening of a fitness bar at the Club, it is necessary to develop a menu that provides a suitable range of food and drinks for athletes.

It is necessary to consider the possibility of visiting the Club using club cards with different terms actions, organization of a system of discounts for purchasing a subscription to visit several rooms in the Club. As the practice of existing fitness clubs shows, the ratio of profit from the sale of club cards and payment for one-time visits is approximately 3/1, income from cards and the sale of additional types of services is also approximately 3/1.

It should be noted that at present, the area under consideration is still relatively free in terms of saturation of the market with full-fledged, well-equipped fitness clubs with competent instructors offering additional services. In many regions, “semi-basement rocking chairs” are still preserved, to which the population has become accustomed since the 90s and 2000s.

This business requires huge investments in its implementation, but in terms of the medium and long term, it is an extremely profitable business. The population's demand for such services is increasing literally every month, especially against the backdrop of large-scale promotion of sports and healthy image life.

Marketing plan

The current state of the market for health and sports services today can be called moderately saturated. After the global economic crisis of 2008-2009. For about a year, there was a general decline in this and related areas of business. In 2010, there was a steady increase in demand for fitness against the backdrop of a gradual increase in the standard of living of citizens.

The crisis in the country, which began as a result of the introduction of economic sanctions against Russia in 2015, has not yet had a devastating impact on the industry until now (early 2016). It is difficult for people to break the habit of habits acquired during prosperity, so visits to fitness clubs decreased by about 2-3% compared to 2013-2014, when the highest increase in visits was observed.

General promotion of sports in the media, in social networks, and work carried out in the country sporting events, including on a global scale, support citizens’ interest in sports.

Another thing is that most people, including current instructors and fitness trainers, have different opinions on fitness theory. According to sociological surveys of various social and age categories of people, fitness is:

  • "pumping" muscles
  • fat loss, weight loss
  • general improvement in physical fitness
  • preventing and relieving stress
  • part of the image
  • part of life
  • strengthening “spirit and body”
  • New acquaintances

Based on this information, it is necessary to build the Club’s marketing policy. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that last years The category of visitors “over 40” has significantly increased, who come to classes knowing exactly what they want to achieve as a result.

To form consumer opinion, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

  • installation of outdoor advertising media - posters, pillars, billboards
  • advertising in the media, in particular in specialized magazines
  • creating your own Internet resource
  • organizing sustainable infrastructure and working conditions for employees
  • distribution of booklets, brochures, leaflets

The classification of potential consumers of a fitness club is reflected in Table No. 2:

The national average prices for the purchase of fitness club services are reflected in Table No. 3:

Fitness club formatCost of a one-time lesson, rub.Purchasing an annual subscription with 3 visits per week, RUB.Purchasing a 6-month subscription with 3 visits per week, RUB.Purchasing a 3-month subscription with 3 visits per week, RUB.Billiards, bowling alley, bowling, rub.
class "elite" and "premium"300-1000 25 000 - 140 000 15 000 - 75 000 10 000 - 50 000 from 300
Economy class150 - 200 11 000 - 18 000 7 500 - 12 000 3 500 - 5 500 from 200

Based on the data presented, we can conclude that organizing a fitness club is, despite high costs, highly profitable and promising business.

Production plan

The main equipment for organizing the Club will be sports equipment and exercise equipment:

  • professional treadmills
  • exercise bikes
  • power stations
  • elliptical trainers
  • benches, stands
  • free weights – barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, weights
  • sports mats
  • yoga mats
  • mirrors
  • punching bags, punching bags, gloves, paws
  • billiard tables and accessories

Equipment is purchased depending on the range of services provided. The choice in favor of one or another simulator is determined by the manufacturer’s brand, functionality, durability, reliability, and operational safety.

Rendering additional services requires the purchase of appropriate equipment.

Financial plan

The beginning of the company's financial year is January.

The main taxes payable are indicated in Table No. 4:

Type of taxTax basePeriodInterest rate
Income taxIncoming profitMonth20%
Property taxEstimated value of propertyAccording to the payment schedule2,2%
VATAdded valueMonth18%
Income taxPayroll fundMonth13%
Social paymentsPayroll fundMonth34%

The estimated plan for the volume of services provided by the Club is presented in Table No. 5:

periodservicevolume of demandpriceprofit, rub.
1-12 month200 - 300 rubles per one-time lesson10 000 - 15 000
1-12 monthsales of club cardsweekdays - 10, weekends - 225,000 rubles300 000
1-12 monthdepending on loaddepending on price list50 000 - 100 000
13-24 monthfitness, shaping, aerobics, gym, yoga, martial artsweekdays - 300 people, weekends - 200 people250 - 350 rubles per one-time lesson12 500 - 17 500
13-24 monthsales of club cardsweekdays - 10, weekends - 230,000 rubles360 000
13-24 monthprovision of additional servicesdepending on loaddepending on price list60 000 - 120 000


The presented study showed that organizing a fitness club is a highly profitable, promising project that requires significant investment, and a business plan for a fitness club drawn up by specialists. Risk reduction can occur due to competent management of a fitness club, a correctly chosen concept and customer focus.

The domestic market for fitness services has already passed the stage of initial development and market formation. On this moment It can be stated that there is high and strong competition in this area. On the other hand, most companies strive to create expensive and high-status establishments, in which, sometimes, physical development customers fade into the background. Therefore, it’s worth figuring out how much it costs to open a gym and whether the business will be profitable.

In this regard, the niche of economy class gyms remains unfilled, where visitors are looking for the opportunity to work with exercise equipment at an affordable price. The project of opening an economy class gym today is more promising and less expensive, so those who plan to invest money in the fitness services industry should pay attention to this segment and draw up a business plan for a gym.

Gender and pricing policy

Ideally, the new establishment should be positioned as a gym for men and women to increase the number of potential clients. In this regard, separate changing rooms, toilets and showers should be provided for men and women. It is also advisable to have two separate rooms.

To attract visitors, you need to offer them reasonable prices for visiting the gym. The cost of one hour of training in an economy class hall should be significantly lower than in high-status fitness centers, in accordance with the services provided and the level of service. Judging by the opinions of those who are already engaged in a similar business, the optimal price reaches about 150 rubles for an hourly subscription; this is important to remember when drawing up a business plan for a gym.

Finding suitable premises and work schedule

The area of ​​the gym premises must be at least 150 m². It should be taken into account that in addition to the classrooms, it is necessary to allocate space for the accompanying infrastructure:

  • locker rooms;
  • wardrobe;
  • administrative premises.

The training rooms themselves will occupy only one third of the total area.

As for the opening hours of the establishment, you need to take into account the fact that the lion's share of clients visit the gym after work, in the afternoon. However, at first, it is advisable to organize as long a working day as possible, even around the clock, in order to satisfy all potential clients and understand what hours the greatest flow of visitors comes.

On weekends and holidays, the establishment must accept clients, because for many of them a free day is an additional opportunity to work out in the gym.

How to open a gym - choosing equipment for a fitness club

The set of exercise equipment in the gym should satisfy the desires of the maximum number of clients. The more extensive it is, the better. But, given that the budget is limited, and the establishment itself is positioned as economy class, you should not count on new equipment, due to high cost and a long payback period.

Used exercise machines are often not inferior to new analogues, and at the same time they allow you to save a decent amount of money. Approximate cost of used exercise equipment, based on 2 rooms with an area of ​​30 m² each:

  • 6 abdominal exercise machines: 12 thousand per unit, total 72 thousand rubles;
  • 2 complex strength training equipment: 12 thousand per unit, total 24 thousand rubles;
  • 2 treadmills: 17 thousand per unit, total 34 thousand rubles;
  • 6 exercise bikes: 15 thousand per unit, total 90 thousand rubles;
  • 4 rowing machines: 10 thousand per unit, total 40 thousand rubles;
  • 6 wall bars: 2 thousand per unit, total 12 thousand rubles.

The total cost of such a set will be approximately 272 thousand rubles.

In addition to exercise equipment, you need to purchase other equipment and furniture for the fitness club premises (the cost is approximate):

  • furniture in the lobby and administration offices: 120 thousand rubles;
  • furniture in the waiting room: 35 thousand rubles;
  • a pair of computers: 50 thousand rubles;
  • lockers for storing personal belongings and clothing: 60 thousand rubles;
  • MFO (or separately printer and copier): 24 thousand rubles;
  • plumbing for toilets and showers: 65 thousand rubles;
  • carpets/flooring: 15 thousand rubles;
  • TV and audio system: 16 thousand rubles;

Together with the simulators, the total amount of funds for the equipment will be 657 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the size of the depreciation fund will be equal to 131.4 thousand rubles (20% of the cost of the equipment).

Intangible assets

This category includes the costs of establishing an enterprise and payment for state registration of a lease agreement. Intangible assets will cost the founder 5 thousand rubles with depreciation charges of 500 rubles per year.

Recruitment and calculation of working hours

To calculate the required number of employees for a future fitness club, you must first calculate the number of working hours per year.

If the gym is open seven days a week, the number of working days per year will be 351, minus sanitary days and public holidays. According to the requirements of the Labor Code, employees must be provided with 2 days off per week (101 days per year), as well as 24 days of vacation. Another 14 outputs should be discarded to exclude valid reasons and force majeure. The balance is 212 working days of 8 hours, which equals 1696 working hours per year per employee.

The establishment's 2 halls work on average 12 hours a day for 351 days, a total of 8424 hours per year. To cover this number of hours, 5 instructors would be required.

Based on the obtained figure of 4212 hours of work per year for one hall (8424:2), it is possible to calculate the optimal number of workers in other positions. To service one room of the hall it will take 4212:1696 = 2.48 employees per one workplace(this applies to administrators, security guards and cleaners). IN staffing table The director and accountant of the enterprise must be present. The following minimum list of employees is obtained (16 people in total).

  • instructors: 5 people;
  • administrators: 3;
  • guards: 3;
  • cleaners: 3;
  • accountant: 1;
  • director: 1.

Amount of production costs

In addition to the funds that will be spent on employee salaries, you should take into account other production expenses that exist in absolutely all enterprises. Among such cost items for a gym are:

  • direct costs;
  • costs of maintaining fixed assets;
  • expenses for maintaining the enterprise;
  • depreciation expenses;
  • implementation costs;
  • management costs.

In addition, the salaries of instructors will be considered direct costs, but the salaries of all other employees, along with office expenses, are included in the item of management expenses.

After the wage fund, the second largest item in the list of expenses is the rental of premises, which will cost approximately 160 thousand rubles per month. It is important not to forget about this cost item when drawing up a business plan for a gym.

Other monthly expenses:

  • payment utilities: 60 thousand rubles;
  • marketing: 5 thousand rubles;
  • office expenses: 3 thousand rubles;
  • telephone: 200 rubles.

The total production costs for the year are equal to: 160,000 + 60,000 + 3,000 + 5,000 + 200 = 2,738.4 thousand rubles.

Fitness club payroll

Having decided on the number of employees, you can calculate the volume of the enterprise's payroll fund. Monthly salaries of full-time employees:

  • instructor: 20 thousand rubles;
  • administrator: 15 thousand rubles;
  • security guard: 10 thousand rubles;
  • cleaner: 10 thousand rubles;
  • accountant: 40 thousand rubles;
  • director: 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the total volume of the wage fund will be equal to 295 thousand rubles per month or 3540 thousand rubles per year: 12 * (5*20 + 3*15 + 3*10 + 3*10 + 40 + 50).

Gym Income Planning

When the volume of all costs associated with running a business is known, you can calculate the planned revenue that an economy class gym will generate. Income will depend entirely on the number of clients, so calculating the occupancy of the hall will be the key to determining revenue.

Based on the fact that there are 2 halls, each with an area of ​​30 m², they can simultaneously accommodate up to 10 students. Previously, it was estimated that the establishment would operate for 351 days a year (taking into account public holidays and sanitary days) for 12 hours, and for 1 hour the visitor pays 150 rubles. Thus, the estimated annual revenue of the fitness club will be: 2 * 10 * 351 * 12 * 150 = 12,636 thousand rubles.

It is worth understanding that this is an ideal indicator, which is unlikely to be achieved in real conditions. It’s rare to achieve 100% occupancy in the gym.

According to entrepreneurs who opened similar businesses, the average occupancy rate of gyms is no more than 80%. A more accurate level of estimated revenue can be recalculated using a reduction factor of 0.8. Then its annual volume will be equal to: 12636 * 0.8 = 10108.8 thousand rubles.

Calculation of profit from doing business

Knowing the volume of planned income (10,108.8 thousand rubles) and the amount of annual expenses (6,405 thousand rubles), we can calculate the profit from the provision of gym services: 10,108.8 - 6,405 = 3,703.8 thousand rubles per year.

Tax payments and calculation of profitability

There are a number of mandatory tax deductions that must be made when owning a gym:

  • tax on the maintenance of housing stock - is 1.5% of the amount of income (151,632 thousand rubles);
  • education tax - amounts to 1% of the wage fund (35.4 thousand rubles).

Amount of tax deductions: 187.032 thousand rubles.

The amount of balance sheet profit of the gym after deducting tax deductions: 3703.8 - 187.032 = 3576.768 thousand rubles.

Net profit of the enterprise (after withholding income tax): 3576.768 - 703.354 = 2873.414 thousand rubles.

When dividing the balance sheet profit by the volume of turnover, the specific profitability of the gym can be calculated: 3576.768/10108.8 = 0.3538 or 35.38%.
The estimated profitability is: 2873.414/6405 = 0.4486 or 44.86%.


Approximate calculations allow us to conclude that by thinking about how to open an economy class gym and drawing up a business plan, it is quite possible to achieve a high profitability of the project with a quick payback period.