Forbes, the main shareholder of Severstal, Alexei Mordashov, became the richest businessman in Russia for the first time. His fortune is $ 16.8 billion, and this is $ 4 million more than last year's leader Russian list billionaires - the founder of NOVATEK Leonid Mikhelson, who took second place. Third place is still occupied by the owner of the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works Vladimir Lisin (16.1 billion).

It was Mordashov's face that appeared on the cover of the very first issue of Forbes magazine, published in Russia in 2004, although at that time he only occupied 9th place in the "golden hundred" of oligarchs. In an interview with the publication, Mordashov then said that he became a “steel magnate” gradually: he himself comes from Cherepovets, when choosing a profession, he followed in the footsteps of his parents, who worked at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant.

AT early childhood he was diagnosed with a serious congenital injury, and, by his own admission, he already knew for sure that he would not be a pilot or an astronaut. At school, Mordashov, in his own words, was the right boy, classmates unanimously elected him the head of the class. The class teacher so often cited Lesha as an example and urged students to look up to Mordashov that at some point Lesha was jokingly nicknamed Template.

Later, Mordashov graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute, in 1988 the young specialist returned to his hometown and began labor activity at the plant, to which his relatives gave their whole lives. The future oligarch began as a senior economist, successfully moving up the career ladder. At the age of 27, he was noticed by the director of the plant, Yuri Lipukhin, and in 1993 instructed him to take up the privatization of the enterprise. Three years later, the Severstal-invest company created by Lipukhin bought out 43% of the plant's shares, and in the late 1990s Mordashov moved Lipukhin from the post of director of the plant to the position of chairman of the board of directors, and in 1999 bought out 17% of the plant's shares.

Despite the Vologda origin, Mordashov is considered to be a "St. Petersburg team". He is one of the Northwestern oligarchs who showed up in Moscow after Putin's inauguration. Alexei Mordashov was brought closer to Vladimir Putin by his friendship with St. Petersburg oligarch Vladimir Kogan.

According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, financial market participants speak positively about Mordashov, emphasizing that he "did not rob the country, earning money on sad loans-for-shares auctions and other speculations." As analysts emphasize, it was Mordashov who actively supported Russia's entry into the WTO, and it was his recommendation that President Putin took into account in this matter. Russian metallurgists and Mordashov personally benefited greatly from the devaluation of the ruble, increasing revenue and profitability.

Director of IK Forum Roman Parshin noted in an interview with MK that the growth of Mordashov's well-being is due to the fact that steel prices are rising, while he did not rule out the influence of the company's strong lobbying resource.

The price and demand for steel directly determine Severstal's profits and Mr. Mordashov's income. Severstal's revenue in the first half of 2017 grew by 38.1%. At the same time, Severstal's lobbying resource also works well: quite recently, at the end of July, Gazprombank sold Severstal the rights to claim the debt of Metal-Group LLC for 12 billion rubles and sold it for half its value. By the way, Metal Group, in turn, owns a license to develop the central part of the Yakovlevsky iron ore deposit - this is a tasty morsel for any metallurgical enterprise, because the ore mined there does not require enrichment. So to say, the "golden grail", or rather, steel: 9.6 billion tons of excellent quality ore.

At the end of spring, Aleksey Mordashov's yacht "Lady M" caused a sensation among European journalists. The ship, worth more than $50 million, has docked at several European ports. So, in the Spanish city of Malaga, it has become a real attraction. Still, a 65-meter three-deck ship with a helipad, six double guest cabins and seven double cabins for 14 crew members is developing top speed at 28 knots (51 km/h) and is able to cross Atlantic Ocean for 8 days.

It is also known about Mordashov that he is interested in poetry, painting, and is fond of active winter sports, in particular, skiing.

The first time the owner of Severstal got married at the age of 19, when he was still in his 2nd year at the institute. His chosen one was 5-year student Elena, originally from Irkutsk. Soon they had a son. In 1996, Alexey and Elena divorced. According to the ex-wife, due to the rapid career development Alexey, big money that accompanied their appearance of permissiveness and his betrayals. In 2002, a woman tried through the courts to obtain a share in the capital of her ex-spouse, but to no avail. The court did not grant her request.

The second wife of the oligarch a few years later was his colleague economist Elena, who worked in the accounting department of the plant. Soon they officially got married. The couple had two sons: in 1999 - Cyril, in 2000 - Nikita.

In 2015, Forbes reported that the billionaire already had a new life partner, whose name is Larisa. He allegedly also had new heirs. However, this information was not confirmed either by the oligarch himself or by his representatives.

Alexey Mordashov is the owner and CEO of Severstal, a manager and billionaire, the owner of several Vologda media outlets, and is fluent in English and German.

Alexei Mordashov has always been ambitious and purposeful. It was only thanks to these qualities that he was able at twenty-seven to take the chair of the financial director of a metallurgical plant in hometown and after a while and get it in the property. To date, he has managed to make a decent fortune and become the second in the list of domestic rich people, leaving behind many well-known oligarchs.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Mordashov was born on September 26, 1965 in Cherepovets, near Vologda. His ancestors were well-known in Russia Fedoseevsky woodworkers-toys, their works are still kept in the exposition of the Museum of Folk Toys in Sergiev Posad.

In the photo Alexei Mordashov in his youth

The boy's father, Alexander Mordashov, unlike his two brothers, did not follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, he studied at the Gorky Polytechnic University, then worked as an electrical engineer at a metallurgical plant in Cherepovets. Mom's name was Maria Mordashova, she was an employee of the equipment department at the same enterprise.

AT school years Alexey pleased his parents with excellent studies and exemplary behavior. Teachers still remember his perseverance and diligence, he was always set as an example for unlucky students, so his peers called Lesha a "template".

After graduating from school, Mordashov went to Leningrad, where he became a student at the Engineering and Economics Institute. After graduation, he received a diploma with honors. At that time, Anatoly Chubais taught at the institute, and Mordashov attended all his lectures, which helped him understand the work of economic mechanisms.

After receiving a diploma, Mordashov had the opportunity to enter graduate school, but he was not interested in science. It was unrealistic to get a good position in Leningrad without connections, so Alexei decided to return home. Soon he was already working at the Cherepovets Iron and Steel Works, where he was appointed a senior economist in the labor organization department. It was here that the work biography of the future billionaire began.

In 1988, the plant sent young specialist to Austria for an internship. At that time, Yury Lipukhin held the post of director of the plant, and he spoke well of the promising economist. In 1992, he appointed Mordashov to the post of financial director of the plant. The workers expressed their dissatisfaction with this appointment, but the director used his authority and put an end to the dissatisfaction among them.


The appointment came just at the beginning of privatization in the country. The case was new and completely unfamiliar, so Yuri Lipukhin used Mordashov for this process. Alex set to work with great enthusiasm. He began to buy vouchers and shares from the employees of the enterprise, and tried to make sure that the management of the plant did not get them.

He used a very simple scheme. For this, a new structure was created called Severstal-invest, which was 86% owned by Mordashov. It was she who bought shares and vouchers from the factory workers. In order to earn money to buy shares, Severstal-invest bought metal cheaply at ChMK and sold it abroad. The workers did not want to voluntarily part with their shares, then the plant took drastic measures and delayed the payment of wages for six months. As a result, Alexey Mordashov managed to take over 83% of the shares of ChMK.

Despite such a not very fair game, the ex-director of the enterprise, Yuri Lipukhin, speaks of Mordashov as a good business executive, under whom Severstal became a leader in metallurgical production.

Having taken the post of general director, Alexey began cardinal reforms at the enterprise. He updated the team with new personnel, removed unprofitable enterprises from the balance sheet of Severstal. Of the 50 thousand workers at the plant, only 37 remained. He did not invest in the restoration of outdated production, he simply closed it. Soon, new lines were put into operation that met world needs, and the share of export products was increased.

At the end of 2004, Severstal managed to acquire the steel production of Rouge Industries lnc., owned by. Soon the company already owned the Izhora Pipe Plant, the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, the Olenegorsk GOK, and Karelsky Okatysh.

Personal life

Mordashov entered into his first official marriage while still a sophomore. His wife Lena studied at the same institute in her fifth year. They got married because the girl got pregnant. Mordashov's first-born son, Ilya, was born in 1985. It was very difficult for the newlyweds, Ilya was often sick, and Alexei had to earn extra money by writing term papers for fellow students.

The couple broke up in 1996 due to Mordashov's constant employment at work and his endless trips to the side. After the divorce proceedings, Elena and her son were left with a three-ruble note in Cherepovets, a VAZ-2109 car and alimony. Every month, Lena received an amount of one thousand dollars for her son, and once a year six thousand dollars for rest and recreation.

In 2002 ex-wife decided to go to court and demanded that the oligarch divide the property and pay alimony in the amount of $ 20 million. She said that this was worthy compensation for a ten-year marriage. According to some media, behind the scenes of this process were Alexei's business competitors - Oleg Deripaska and Iskander Makhmudov.

The court decided to arrest the shares of Severstal, but this decision was soon canceled. Mordashov was awarded monthly payments for his son in the amount of 10,600 rubles.

But the ex-wife received a counterclaim, and had to pay a court fee in the amount of 213,790,000 rubles. She did not have such an amount, and therefore the court seized her Moscow apartment. After the trial, Aleksey Mordashov said that he would not allow anyone to interfere in the production process, and that shares were not just pieces of paper, but documents backed by thousands of people.

Ilya has not communicated with his father for a very long time and even abandoned his last name.

Mordashov's personal life changed in 1997 when he married a woman named Elena, who was an economist at the Chelyabinsk Combine. She is younger than husband for six years higher education received at the Leningrad Institute of Textile Industry. In 1999, the couple had a son, Cyril, in 2000, another son, Nikita.

Alexey Mordashov today

The second marriage of the oligarch did not become final. He married a third time, his chosen one is called Larisa, who bore him three children. To date, Mordashov has six heirs, however family life was never a priority for him. He openly says that in the first place he always has his business and business, and then his family. Alexei Mordashov is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bolshoi Theater and devotes a lot of time to public life. Supports the development of sports and transfers sufficient funds to charity. In the summer of 2016, Alexei Mordashov received the badge of distinction "For Good Deed" from the hands of President Vladimir Putin.


Despite the billionth fortune, Alexey Mordashov is rather stingy in his expenses. For flights, he uses a Yak-40 owned by Severstal, wears inexpensive watches and travels in an ordinary car. In 2014, he took 12th position in the list of the richest people in the Russian Federation.

In 2016, he was named the first rich man in Russia, in 2017 he took second place in the Russian Forbes rating and 51st place in the world list. His fortune was measured at 17.5 billion dollars.

In 2018, the oligarch increased his wealth, and his fortune was estimated at $20.5 billion.


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Alexey Mordashov is a Russian billionaire (as of April 18, 2019, his fortune is estimated at $ 20.5 billion), Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Severstal, President and member of the Supervisory Board of the non-profit partnership Russian Steel Consortium, Deputy Chairman of the World Association of Steel Producers, non-executive director of Nord Gold N.V.


Born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Region. His ancestors lived in the Trans-Volga region and for generations were famous for making wooden toys. Alexey himself, not without pride, says that his wooden horses are on display at the Museum of Folk Toys in Sergiev Posad. His grandfather still continued the long tradition of a woodworker, like his uncles, but his father, Alexander, decided to take a different path and entered the Gorky Polytechnic Institute as an "electrical engineer". Then he moved to Cherepovets and got a job at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, where he met future spouse- Maria, who worked in the equipment department. Shortly after their marriage, their son was born.

Even in preschool years, a serious injury was discovered in the future metallurgical magnate, so active games and physical exercise he was banned. At the same time, he turned out to be calm by nature, at school he was often set as an example and was even nicknamed “Template” for this. The boy was correct and responsible, studied well, so that the whole class unanimously elected him the headman.


I decided to act in Leningrad. In 1988 he graduated with honors from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after Palmiro Togliatti, after which he returned home to Cherepovets.

In 1997 he studied management courses in England, and in the late 1990s he graduated from the Newcastle Business School (NBS) MBA program at Northumbria University (UNN, UK).

Labor activity

Upon his return from the university, he began working at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, alternately holding the positions of senior economist, head of the economics and labor organization bureau of the mechanical repair shop, and deputy head of the planning department.

In 1992, Alexey Aleksandrovich took the position of Director for Economics and Finance of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, which was reorganized in 1993 into OAO Severstal.

In December 1996, he was appointed General Director of Severstal.

From 2002 to 2006 he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Severstal.

Since 2002 - General Director of ZAO Severstal Group, since December 2006 - General Director of PJSC Severstal, since December 2014 - General Director of JSC Severstal Management - management company PJSC Severstal.


Since June 2013, he has been chairman of the non-profit partnership Russian Steel, since October 2013, he has been deputy chairman of the board of directors of the World Steel Association.

On May 26, 2015, the main shareholder, he resigned from the post of General Director of Managing Company Severstal. At the same time, he was elected to the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Severstal.

President (since June 2013), Member of the Supervisory Board (since June 2010) of NP Consortium Russian Steel, Chairman (from October 2012 to October 2013), Deputy Chairman (since October 2013) of the World Steel Association Headquartered in Brussels (Belgium), Head of the Committee on Integration, Trade and Customs Policy and the WTO of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

Member of the Council for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation. Co-Chair of the Trade for Growth Group of the Business Twenty (B20) of the G20 (G20).


Co-Chairman of the Northern Dimension Business Council. Vice President of the Russian-German Chamber of Commerce, member of the Russian-German working group on strategic issues in the field of economics and finance. He is a member of the Business Cooperation Council of Russia and the EU.

Last news

On April 10, 2018, the RIA Novosti agency reported that in connection with the new US sanctions, the losses of Russian billionaires the day after they were introduced exceeded $15 billion (based on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index (BBI)).

Thus, the main owner of Severstal lost 987 million dollars.

Social activity

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Bolshoi Theatre, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery.

For many years, he has been included in the list of the richest businessmen in Russia and the world according to Forbes magazine. Since 2011 (then his fortune was estimated at $ 18.5 billion and assigned the 2nd line of the rating), he has consistently been in the top 20 richest businessmen in Russia. In 2012, he was in third place with a mark of $ 15.2 billion, in 2013 and 2014 he lost his leading positions, taking 11th and 12th positions with a fortune of $ 12.8 and $ 10.5 billion. respectively.

In 2015, it became the fifth ($13 billion), and in 2016 - the sixth ($10.9 billion) among richest Russians. On March 20, 2017, the American Forbes presented a new annual world ranking, in which the billionaire took 51 lines, increasing his fortune to $ 17.5 billion and rising to 2nd place among Russians for the first time since 2011.

On July 31, 2017, Forbes announced that the owner of Severstal, whose asset value has increased, with a fortune of $16.8 billion, bypassed billionaire Leonid Mikhelson ($16.2 billion) in the Forbes Real Time rating, becoming the richest businessman in Russia.

In March 2018, in the next ranking, he took second place among the richest Russians with a fortune of $ 18.7 billion. In the world ranking, he was assigned 60th place. A month later, in April 2018, due to US sanctions, he lost $987 million in a day.

Awards and titles

Awarded with medals of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st (1999) and 2nd (1995) degrees, orders of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, 3rd degree (2003), Honor (2011), Alexander Nevsky (2015), distinction "For Benevolence" (2016). Commander of the Order of Merit for the Italian Republic (2009, Italy), Cross of Recognition III degree (2013, Latvia).

Laureate of the national business reputation award "Darin" Russian Academy Business and Entrepreneurship (2002), awarded the RF Government Prize in the field of science and technology, diplomas of the Ministry of Economy and the Governor of the Vologda Region, holds the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Cherepovets".

He holds honorary doctorates from St. Petersburg University of Engineering and Economics (2001) and Northumbria University (2003).

In 2001, he was recognized as the most professional manager at the federal level (Expert RA agency), in 2003 he became the winner in the nomination "Public activity in the field of entrepreneurship" (Ernst & Young's "Entrepreneur of the Year" award) and was included in the top 25 outstanding European managers, entrepreneurs, financiers, politicians and innovators of the year in the Best Managers category (BusinessWeek).


Among his hobbies are creative - painting, poetry, as well as sports - winter active sports.

Family status
The first wife's name is Elena, they have a son, Ilya, born in 1985. The second wife of the billionaire is also Elena, they have two sons - Kirill (born in 1999), Nikita (born in December 2000). Information appeared in the media that he married a certain Larisa for the third time, they also write that the businessman has six children in total.

CEO ZAO Severgroup.

Alexey Mordashov was born on September 26, 1965 in the city of Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast. In 1988 he graduated with honors from the St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics named after Togliatti with a degree in mechanical engineering. During his studies, he met Anatoly Chubais, at that time a teacher at this institute.

After graduating from the institute in 1988, Alexei Mordashov got a job at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant. He worked as a senior economist, head of the bureau of economics and organization of labor of the mechanical repair shop No. 1, deputy head of the planning department of the plant. In 1989, Mordashov was sent for a six-month internship at the Austrian steel company VoestAlpine.

In the initial period of privatization in Russia in 1992, Mordashov became director of economics and finance at the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, which was soon transformed into OAO Severstal. The general director of the Cherepovets plant, Yuri Lipukhin, instructed Mordashov to carry out the privatization of the plant.

At the age of 27, Alexei Mordashov created a subsidiary of Severstal-Invest (24% of which belonged to Severstal, and 76% to Mordashov personally) and then bought up Severstal shares. Having thus obtained control over the enterprise, Mordashov became the director and owner of OAO Severstal.

Since 2000 - one of the members of the Joint Russian-German Intergovernmental Working Group on Strategic Cooperation in the Field of Economics and Finance. In 2001, Alexey received an MBA from Northumbria University in Newcastle upon Tyne.

On October 5, 2007, Siemens AG signed an agreement with Alexey on long-term strategic cooperation in the development of Power Machines. Siemens AG received an equity stake in the company. In 2011 cooperation with Siemens was completed. On December 27, 2011, 25% passed back under the control of the Cypriot management company Highstat Limited, which now owns 75% of the shares of Power Machines.

Since 2009, Alexey Alexandrovich has been working as a co-chairman of the Business Council of the Northern Dimension, which is engaged in the development of interaction between representatives of government, business and civil society in the territory Northern Europe. The second co-chair from the European side is Mr. Tapio Kuula, President and CEO of Fortum Corporation in Finland.

Alexey Mordashov actively participates in the work of the World Association of Steel Producers. In 2001, Severstal became the first Russian steelmaker to become a member of the Association. Member of the Council for Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship under the Government Russian Federation.

In October 2012, Mordashov became the first ever Russian to be elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association, a year later, as part of the rotation procedure adopted at Worldsteel, he transferred the chairmanship to the head of the POSCO steel company. At the same time, Alexey himself became one of the two deputy chairmen of the Board of Directors.

A year later, during Russia's G20 presidency, Alexei Mordashov became actively involved in the work international group"Trade as a factor of growth" B20 as co-chair from the Russian side. In October 2015 Alexey Mordashov was re-elected to the executive committee of the World Steel Association.

In 2018, Alexey Alexandrovich Mordashov took 2nd place in the ranking of "200 richest businessmen in Russia 2018"

Awards and Prizes of Alexey Mordashov

Order of Alexander Nevsky - for a great contribution to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, labor achievements, active social work and many years of conscientious work 2015

Order of Honor - for a great contribution to the development of the metallurgical industry, labor achievements and many years of conscientious work 2011

Medal of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland" 1st class - for services to the state, high achievements in production activities and a great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples 1999

Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree - for services to the state and many years of conscientious work 1996

Badge of distinction "For beneficence" - for a great contribution to charitable and social activities 2016

Russian Order Orthodox Church Holy Right-Believing Prince Daniel of Moscow III degree 2003

Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Italy 2009

Cross of Recognition III degree - for contribution to the development of the country's economy, Latvia 2013

Laureate of the national business reputation award "Darin" of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship 2002

Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology

Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Economy

Honorary diploma of the Governor of the Vologda region

Shopping center "June" on Godovikov street in Cherepovets was built in 2010 by the Moscow JSC "Regions-Finance". As previously reported, the "anchor" federal network "June" "Lenta", now owned by Alexei Mordashov, owed the owners of the center more than 700 million rubles for renting retail space.

A lawsuit in the amount of 747.2 million rubles was filed by the owners of the shopping center against Lenta in November 2019. The justification included a debt for rent of about 250 million rubles, another half a billion was a penalty.

Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region accepted this case for consideration on January 13, 2020 and scheduled a meeting for February, however, as it became known to Cherepovets Truth, on January 20, the owners of the June shopping center abandoned their claims and entered into an amicable agreement. Under what conditions the two companies managed to agree is still unknown, but the lawsuit has already been withdrawn from the court.

Ksenia Vereshchagina

For reference:

The founder of the SEC "June" in Cherepovets is directly JSC "Regions-Finance", which in turn is part of JSC "GK Regions". The REGIONS Group owns and operates a network of shopping and entertainment centers "JUNE" in three cities of Russia, a network shopping centers"Siberian town" and according to INFOLine Developers Russia TOP-100, ranks fifth among the largest owners of real estate in Russia. By the way, through one of the founders, she also owns the Ferris wheel at VDNKh.