42nd President of the United States William (Bill) Jefferson Blythe III (Clinton), William (Bill) Jefferson Blythe III (Clinton), was born on August 19, 1946 in Hope (Arkansas, USA). His father died in a car accident a few months before his son was born. When the boy was four years old, his mother remarried Roger Clinton. Bill subsequently took his last name.

Clinton was a successful student at school and led the school jazz band, where he played the saxophone.

After graduating from high school, he entered Georgetown University, where he graduated in 1968 with a bachelor's degree with a specialization in international relations.

In 1968, Clinton received a Rhodes Scholarship to study at Oxford University. After returning to the United States, Clinton attended Yale University Law School, graduating in 1973.

At Yale Clinton met future wife Hillary Rodham.

© East News / Eyevine

© East News / Eyevine

After graduating, Clinton returned to Arkansas and taught at the University of Arkansas School of Law until 1976.
In 1974, he ran for Congressman from Arkansas as a Democratic candidate, but lost the election.
In 1975, Bill Clinton married Hillary. In February 1980, Bill and Hillary Clinton had a daughter, Chelsea Clinton.

In 1976, Clinton was elected Attorney General of Arkansas.

In 1978, he won the state gubernatorial election and became the youngest governor in the United States.

In 1980 he was defeated in next elections governor. Worked in law firm Little Rock.

In 1982, he again won the election for governor of Arkansas and held this post until 1992. Clinton became the first governor in Arkansas history to re-win the post after losing.

As governor, he reformed the education system, promoted the development of industry by providing tax benefits. As a politician, Clinton was distinguished by increased attention to issues of education, health care, consumer rights, and the environment.

In 1986-1987, he served as chairman of the National Governors Association of the United States, which contributed to his transformation into a national politician.

In 1992, he was elected as the Democratic candidate for the US presidency and managed to defeat Republican George H. W. Bush and independent candidate Ross Perot in the November 1992 presidential election.

In 1996, Clinton was re-elected to a second presidential term.

During the Clinton presidency, the Social Security system was reformed and the sale of firearms, environmental standards are fixed. In the field of foreign policy, Clinton continued the line of previous presidents to secure for the United States the role of global arbiter in decisions international conflicts. In 1993, with the assistance of the United States, a peace agreement was signed between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, and in 1994, a similar agreement was signed between Israel and Jordan. In 1995, with the active participation of the United States, agreements were signed to resolve the Bosnian crisis. Clinton repeatedly made attempts to establish a dialogue between the warring parties in Northern Ireland and became a mediator in concluding a peace treaty between the warring parties. However, the sending of American military contingents to Somalia, Haiti, and the US position regarding NATO expansion to the east were criticized both in the US itself and in the world community. During Clinton's presidency, America experienced economic growth, which significantly improved the well-being of the population. For the first time in three decades, the country's budget was running in surplus.

Clinton's final years as president were marred by a scandal involving the president's intimate relationship with a young White House employee, Monica Lewinsky. Bill Clinton denied the connection during the trial, but was then forced to admit to lying. In 1998, impeachment proceedings were launched against him. Clinton was accused of making false statements to a court and obstructing justice, but was acquitted by the Senate (1999).

After the end of his presidential term, Bill Clinton founded his own charitable public foundation (William J. Clinton Foundation, currently Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation), which deals with issues of health, economics and global change climate, the problem of childhood obesity, etc.

Clinton is actively involved in social and charitable activities and speaks at public events around the world.

The former president supports his wife Hillary, who has launched an independent political career. In 2008, Hilary Clinton ran for President of the United States, but

William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton(eng. William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton; born August 19, 1946, Hope, Arkansas) - 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001) from the Democratic Party. Before his election to the presidency of the United States, Clinton was elected governor of Arkansas five times.

Bill Clinton 42nd President of the United States January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
Vice President: Al Gore
Predecessor: George H. W. Bush
Succeeded by: George W. Bush
42nd Governor of Arkansas
January 11, 1983 - December 12, 1992
Lieutenant Governor: Winston Bryant
Jim Tucker
Predecessor: Frank White
Succeeded by: James Guy Tucker
40th Governor of Arkansas
January 9, 1979 - January 19, 1981
Lieutenant Governor: Joe Purcell
Predecessor: Joe Purcell, et. O.
Succeeded by: Frank White
50th Attorney General of Arkansas
January 3, 1977 - January 9, 1979
Governor: David Pryor
Predecessor: Ulysses Webb
Succeeded by: Robert Kenny

Religion: Baptist
Birth: August 19, 1946
Hope, Arkansas, USA
Birth name: William Jefferson Blythe III
Father: William Jefferson Blythe Jr.
Mother: Virginia Dell Cassidy
Spouse: Hillary Rodham Clinton
Children: daughter: Chelsea Clinton
Party: Democratic Party
Education: Georgetown University,
Oxford University,
Yale university

William Jefferson Blythe III (aka - Bill Clinton) was born on August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. His father, William Jefferson Blythe Jr. (1918-1946), was a traveling equipment salesman. Mother, Virginia Dell Cassidy (1923-1994), after school went to study as a nurse anesthetist in Shreveport, Louisiana, where she met her future husband, William. In 1943 they got married, after which William, who by that time had been drafted into the army, was sent to Egypt: the Second World War was underway. World War. Completed his service in Italy in December 1945.

Returning to his homeland, William decided to move with his wife to Chicago. On May 17, 1946, while driving from Chicago to Hope, William died in a car accident. Virginia was his fourth wife, and Bill was his third child. The father still had two children from his first two marriages, who lived in the families of their mothers: son - Henry Leon, born in 1938. and daughter Sharon Lee born 1941. After the birth of the child, Bill's mother returned to Shreveport to continue her education, and for the first years, little Bill was raised by his grandparents, Eldridge and Edith Cassidy.

They ran a grocery store. It is noteworthy that, contrary to the custom common in the USA in those years, they even served the so-called. the “colored” population of the city, causing discontent among other citizens. So Clinton received his first “lessons” in tolerance as a child. When Bill was 4 years old, his mother remarried car dealer Roger Clinton. In 1953, the family moved to the city of Hot Springs, located in the same state of Arkansas, and in 1956 Bill had a brother, Roger. Bill took his stepfather's last name at age 15. At school, Clinton was one of the best students and, in addition, led a jazz band in which he played the saxophone. In July 1963, Bill, as part of a delegation from a national youth organization, took part in a meeting with John Kennedy.

After leaving school, he studied at Georgetown University in Washington, and after that he graduated from University College (Oxford), as well as Yale University. Despite the fact that Bill’s family belonged to the middle class by American standards, his parents did not have money to educate their son at a prestigious university. His stepfather suffered from alcoholism, and Bill was forced to take care of himself. He received increased scholarship, earned his living by his own labor. At Yale University, from which he graduated in 1973, he met Hillary Rodham, whom he married on October 11, 1975. After graduation, Bill taught briefly at the University of Arkansas School of Law at Fayetteville. His wife Hillary Clinton soon followed the example of her husband and began teaching at the same university.

Governor of Arkansas
In 1974, at the age of 28, Bill ran for Congress in his home state of Arkansas, but lost. In 1976, he was elected Secretary of Justice and Attorney General of Arkansas, and in 1978 he won the gubernatorial election and became the youngest state governor in the history of the country (at 32 years old). By focusing on promoting entrepreneurship and boosting education, Clinton, during his 11 years as governor, significantly increased the income of a state considered one of the most backward in the United States; and his wife Hillary was already showing herself in public life - she was involved in protecting the rights of children and families in Arkansas.
In 1980, their daughter Chelsea was born. Governor Clinton considered one of his most important tasks to be the availability of quality education for all residents of the state, regardless of income and skin color, and Clinton successfully completed this task. In 1986-1987, as chairman of the Governors Association, he promoted his educational ideas to the state level. Since Clinton's administration, Arkansas has been one of the leaders in per capita funding for educational programs.

In the late 1980s, despite gaining a majority in Congress in 1986, the US Democratic Party lost an important part of its electorate - the middle class and white workers. Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton was one of the leaders of the “southern Democrats” (Democrats are not popular in the southern states), who prioritized not only liberalization, which was decisive in the rise of Arkansas, but also the pragmatism characteristic of Republicans. One of the leading tasks of the “southern democrats” was the return of their original electorate. However, Clinton can be called a conservative Democrat, primarily due to the historical conservatism of Arkansas, he always had to find a common language with the Republicans.

Presidential elections
October 3, 1991 Bill Clinton announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States. During the election campaign, the emphasis was on the difficult economic state in which the country found itself following 12 years of Republican rule, and in particular George W. Bush. Huge national debt, budget deficits, rising unemployment and high inflation allowed Bill Clinton to campaign with the slogan “It's the economy, stupid”, ultimately addressed to the incumbent President Bush.

However, as a result of the victorious war in Persian Gulf(Operation Desert Storm) and due to the fact that the state of affairs in the economy was not as hopeless as Bill Clinton and his associates tried to prove during the election campaign, a decisive advantage, according to numerous public opinion polls, was the Democratic candidate did not have a party. And here independent candidate Ross Perot, by the way, also a Texan, came to the aid of the Democrats (it is in his intervention that political scientists see main reason Bush's defeat). As a result, Bill Clinton confidently won, paired with Al Gore, who was running for the post of vice president. It is noteworthy that Clinton managed to emerge victorious even in those states that have always been Republican strongholds. This hasn't happened since John Kennedy.

First term
Inauguration took place on January 20, 1993 William Jefferson Clinton. In his inaugural speech, Clinton managed to convey to the audience his main idea - the need for change and the historical significance of the generational change in the leadership of the country and the coming to power of young people who are aware of their “new responsibility.” And his campaign promises remain in the minds of voters: to help reduce unemployment, implement health care reforms in the interests of the poor, cut taxes on the middle class while increasing taxes on wealthy Americans, and reduce military spending. Clinton's lack of experience in big politics played a negative role at the initial stage of his first term: the long, chaotic formation of the team.

The previous Democratic President Jimmy Carter surrendered power to Reagan in 1981, and the Democrats did not have an experienced team for the executive branch (for example, Clinton proposed Zoe Beard, who is under criminal prosecution for tax evasion, for the post of Attorney General), the inability to calculate the consequences of their initiatives at the political level, that is, interaction with Congress and the Republican Party. Clinton's lobbying for openly gay men to serve in the army failed. In the end, after opposition from the Department of Defense and widespread public debate, the compromise was very different from Clinton's ideas.

Clinton family in the White House
In foreign policy A serious setback was the failure of the US-initiated and UN-sponsored peacekeeping operation in Somalia.

The apotheosis of the first failures was health care reform - it was one of most important tasks, which Clinton set for himself as the President of the United States. By appointing his wife, Hillary, who also has no federal experience, to head the task force on health care reform, and miscalculating political consequences(Clinton sought health insurance for all US citizens and proposed part of the costs to be borne by employers and manufacturers in the medical field) Bill faced opposition from medical manufacturers and a lack of support in Congress, which was ready for amendments, but not for large-scale reform. And after the defeat of the Democrats in the congressional elections in 1994, the implementation of the reform became impossible and was curtailed. The Clinton government supported a worldwide birth control project that was blocked by the Vatican at the UN. But still, the US economy grew at an impressive pace, the high-tech sector expanded greatly, and unemployment was minimal. Clinton improved relations with many previously hostile countries, and the world was in relative order. In 1995 Bill Clinton gave a lecture in Moscow at Moscow State University. Lomonosov and became an honorary professor at this university. The 1996 elections were boring and routine - no one doubted the winner.

Second term

Chart of the US budget deficit (1971-2001), showing that the US budget was in surplus during Bill Clinton's second term.
Clinton's second term was successful in terms of economic development. In 1998, unemployment was 4.5%, and in 2000 - 4.0% of the working population. Inflation remained low - 1.6% (at the end of 1998). However intimate relationships with Monica Lewinsky in 1996 became the reason for accusing the president of perjury under oath and the beginning of Clinton impeachment proceedings (Clinton-Lewinsky sex scandal). The scandal erupted in 1998, when details of the relationship between Clinton and Lewinsky were leaked to the press. This story did not significantly lower the rating of the very popular Bill Clinton, but after Al Gore's disappointing defeat by Republican George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election, it turned out that the Clinton-Lewinsky sex scandal tarnished the reputation of the US Democratic Party much more significantly.

Results of the presidency
The US sharply reduced its external debt, unemployment became insignificant. America has become a leader in high technology (before Clinton, Japan was a leader in information technologies). His administration also lobbied for a test ban. nuclear weapons worldwide. The disappearance of resistance from the USSR made it easier for the US leadership led by Clinton to expand its influence and made it possible to achieve hitherto unimaginable results: the fourth expansion of NATO and the separation of Kosovo and Metohija from Yugoslavia after the NATO War against Yugoslavia in 1999. During the Clinton presidency, the United States significantly reduced the amount of military intervention in other countries compared to the times of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. Americans pinned their hopes on Democratic President Clinton as a reformer of the conservative US society; some citizens hoped that Clinton would reduce the influence of religious denominations and resume research in the field of genetics, frozen by the Republicans.

After the presidency
IN last years Bill Clinton is active community work, is a member of various public political and charitable organizations, in particular the Trilateral Commission. After his wife Hillary Clinton lost in the primaries in 2008, he actively supported Barack Obama. After the devastating earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010, Clinton visited the Republic of Haiti several times to provide assistance to the victims. February 3, 2010 General Secretary The UN Ban Ki-moon asked Clinton to take charge of coordinating international aid to the Haitians.
February 11, 2010 Bill Clinton was urgently hospitalized in a New York hospital with a complaint of pain in the heart. A 63-year-old politician underwent stenting surgery.
Clinton was actively involved in election campaign Barack Obama during presidential elections 2012.

If she wins the election, Hillary Clinton will become the first female president in US history. Her husband, accordingly, will become the first spouse of a sitting president in American history. There was a lot of talk about what it would be called in this case. There are many female governors in the states, and their husbands bear the title of First Gentleman.

In the case of Bill Clinton, things may be simpler. In the United States, there is a tradition in which people holding high elected positions retain this title as a form of honor after leaving office. Bill Clinton is thus still referred to both at official events and in the press as Mr. President. He will retain this appeal if his wife becomes president herself, so the Clintons have every chance of becoming Mr. and Mrs. President.

Seems hard to find little known facts about a man who held the main position in the country for 8 years, however, ForumDaily collected information about the 42nd President of the United States, which is not known to everyone.

Worked three jobs

The future President of the United States was born on August 19, 1946 in Hole, Arkansas. After graduating from school, he studied alternately at Georgetown University in Washington, University College (Oxford), and Yale University. Despite the fact that Bill’s family belonged to the middle class by American standards, his parents did not have money to study at a prestigious university, and by that time his stepfather was already seriously suffering from alcoholism, and Bill managed on his own - he received an increased scholarship, worked 3 jobs at the same time .

At Yale University, from which he graduated in 1973, he met Hillary Rodham, whom he married on October 11, 1975.

After graduation, Bill taught briefly at the University of Arkansas School of Law at Fayetteville.

Record-breaking politician

In 1974, at the age of 28, Bill ran for Congress in his home state of Arkansas, but lost. In 1976, he was elected Secretary of Justice and Attorney General of Arkansas, and in 1978 he won the gubernatorial election and became the youngest state governor in the history of the country at that time (at 32 years old). Bill was inaugurated as President of the United States, which he held from 1993 to 2001, at the age of 46, becoming one of the “three” youngest presidents in US history.

With a height of 188 cm, he was also one of the tallest American presidents, writes BiographyYourdictionary.com.

Lewinsky was acquitted in the “scandal”

Monica Lewinsky.

Another unique record is that Bill Clinton became the second US president to go through the impeachment process.

After Monica Lewinsky said she had an affair with Clinton sexual relations, the 42nd president denied this under oath in court, but then when Lewinsky provided evidence, he admitted that he had an “inappropriate relationship” with her, explaining that he did not initially lie, but simply based on their different definition of “sexual relationship.”

As a result, Clinton was charged with contempt of court. His license to practice law was suspended in Arkansas for five years and then Supreme Court USA. He was also fined $90,000 for perjury, The New York Times writes.

In December 1998, some Democratic members of Congress (Clinton's party) and most Republicans believed that Clinton's perjury allegedly influencing Lewinsky's testimony was an attempt to obstruct justice and was therefore subject to criminal prosecution. impeachment. The House of Representatives voted to begin impeachment proceedings against Clinton, followed by a 21-day trial in the Senate.

All Senate Democrats acquitted Clinton on both counts of perjury and obstruction of justice. Ten Republicans voted to acquit on the perjury charge, and five Republicans voted to acquit on the obstruction of justice charge.

Thus, President Clinton was acquitted of all charges and remained in office, writes CNN.

He took the surname Clinton at the age of 15.

William Jefferson Blythe III was the name given to the future US President at birth. His father William Jefferson Blythe the youngest died in a car accident 3 months before the birth of my son. A few years later, the mother married Roger Clinton for the second time. Although Billy (as the 42nd President of the United States was called as a child) adopted his stepfather's last name and responded to it from the age of 5, he officially changed his last name as a sign of gratitude to his stepfather only at the age of 15.

According to Clinton, he remembered his stepfather as a gambler and alcoholic who regularly beat his mother and half-brother Roger until Bill intervened in the fight with the threat of retaliatory use of force, the 42nd President of the United States said in a conversation with Support Winfrey.

Pardoned his criminal brother, but refused to pardon his matchmaker

Bill Clinton has a half-brother, Roger Jr., whom he pardoned after his conviction while president, writes BiographyYourdictionary.com. Roger served a sentence for cocaine possession back in the 80s. But on January 20, 2001, Bill pardoned him, thus clearing his criminal record, writes Lifedaily.com.

At the same time, the 42nd President of the United States pardoned those convicted quite selectively.

His son-in-law's father, Edward Mezvinsky, a Democratic congressman from Iowa and the House of Representatives, was convicted of fraud in 2001 and served time in prison. According to Politico, he asked Bill Clinton for a presidential pardon, which was never granted. It is unclear whether Clinton even read the letters from Mezvinsky.

However, on the last day of his presidency, Bill showed unprecedented generosity, pardoning 140 prisoners at once.

Conquered the Democrats with his “boringness”

Party congresses, at which famous and not so famous politicians spoke, often became the ticket to a successful political future for many who made brilliant speeches.

But sometimes there have been cases where a newcomer has turned into a rising star despite the fact that his speech was a failure. In 1988, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta. It lasted so long that the audience loudly cheered the words “In conclusion...”.

Overnight, Clinton became widely known as a very boring politician. However, 2 years later Clinton was nominated for the presidency, won the election, and can now be proud to have become one of the most popular US presidential speakers, writes Share America.

Shaked Kennedy's hand as a teenager

Bill was a very diligent, successful and active student. IN high school he was rewarded with a trip to Washington, D.C., where he met and was able to shake hands with President John F. Kennedy. This was in the 1960s. Having discovered this photo later, journalists joked that Kennedy transferred to Clinton the energy of the presidency, as well as a penchant for infidelity to his wife, which both politicians were guilty of, writes Goliath.

Scandalous confessions

President Clinton is remembered by many for his bright charisma and openness, as well as a number of scandalous confessions.

For example, he admitted that he tried marijuana in college, but assured the American public that he did not smoke heavily. He also said that he prefers short boxer shorts to other types of men's underwear, although the purpose of his publicizing this information is still unclear. Among other confessions: according to Bill, he had at least one affair behind Hillary’s back, writes Lifedaily.com.

Clinton was one of the "blind mice"

When Bill was in high school, he played saxophone in a jazz trio called the Three Blind Mice. He did not lose his love for playing the saxophone during his presidency, writes

Of the entire Clinton clan, the most prominent is William Jefferson Clinton, its very first representative and founder, also known as Bill Clinton. In 1993, Bill became the 42nd President of the United States, from the Democratic Party. He left the presidential post in 2001 due to scandal.

Thus, it is worth understanding that by the Clinton clan they mean directly Bill and His wife, their family tree previously did not provide more or less noticeable people.

Let's briefly touch on Bill Clinton's pedigree. He was born on August 16, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. His mother is Virginia Dell Cassidy, a nurse and anesthesiologist by profession.

His father, William Jefferson Blythe Jr., died shortly before Billy was born in a car accident. Billy Clinton, born Blythe, changed his surname at the age of 15 to that of his adoptive father, Roger Clinton, a car dealer. Before you start political career Bill graduated from Oxford, Yale and Georgetown University.

William Jefferson, at the age of 29, married his Yale classmate, Hillary Diane Rhoden Clinton. A few years later, the couple had a daughter, Chelsea.

Bill Clinton's presidential term was marked for the history of the United States primarily by a significant breakthrough in the development of high technologies, in which the United States took a leading position in the world. It is also worth noting the expansion of US foreign policy influence, that is, the expansion of NATO, during this period. Meanwhile, the name of Bill Clinton is associated with a series of scandals, the largest of which is financial. The Clinton couple, during his second presidential term, were suspected of fraud with the bankrupt Arkansas corporation Whitewater. The corporation's case was investigated by an independent prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, but the spouses' involvement in this case remained unproven.

After completing your presidential career Bill was noted for his social and political activities. His speeches at public events received wide publicity. Since 2005, he has headed, together with Bush Sr., a charity campaign to raise funds for the Hurricane Katrina relief fund. Bill Clinton has served as the UN Special Envoy for Haiti since May 2009 and is also a member of the Trilateral Commission. William Jefferson Clinton was awarded the following awards: in 1998 in the Czech Republic he was awarded the Order of the White Lion, 1st class, on a chain. In 2006, in Papua New Guinea, he was awarded the Order of Lagohu; in South Africa, he was awarded the Order of Good Hope, 1st class.

Bill Clinton's wife, born in 1947. Hillary Clinton graduated from Wellesley College with a bachelor's degree and Yale Law School with a JD. In 2000, she decided to start a political career on her own and was elected senator from the state of New York, and was re-elected in 2006. Hillary was a contender for the Democratic Party nomination in 2008, but lost to Barack Obama, after whose election she was appointed Secretary of State for a four-year term.

What prevented Hillary Clinton from becoming a presidential candidate from the Democratic Party and caused a particularly negative attitude from the White House were, first of all, the interesting connections of the so-called Clinton Foundation. The fund was owned by Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton and flourished for years, thanks in large part to the generosity of foreign investors. Victor Pinchuk, a steel magnate and son-in-law of former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, has donated a total of $10 million to $25 million to the Foundation. The Clintons also borrowed his personal plane from Pinchuk. And in 2011, he personally attended a large celebration of Clinton's 65th birthday. In July 2013, another high-profile case related to Pinchuk broke out. The Ministry of Commerce received information that eight countries, including Ukraine, and specifically the Interpipe company, owned by Pinchuk, offered a batch of steel pipes to the American market, artificially lowering their prices.

Ukraine is not the only country with which the Clinton Foundation has been involved. The Kingdom transferred more than $10 million to the fund Saudi Arabia. The Foundation held large-scale meetings abroad, which were called the Clinton Global Initiative. Hillary Clinton is also involved in a deal to sell American uranium holdings to a Russian state-owned enterprise. These connections did not go unnoticed for Hillary's political career.

The personal income of the Clinton couple is also striking in its scope. For 2014 ex-president USA Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton earned more than $25 million from about 100 appearances. The cost of each performance is approximately $250 thousand. For one publication of your book “ Difficult choice» Hillary received $5 million last year. And the cost of her election campaign as of April 2016 was estimated at about $2.5 billion.

According to analysts, the total income of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her husband, ex-US President Bill Clinton, over the past eight years amounted to $140 million. Of this amount, the Clinton clan donated $15 million to charity. And the Clintons paid $44 million in taxes.

Hillary lost the election in 2016.

At the age of 46, Bill Clinton became the 42nd President of the United States. Eight years of ruling the country had both positive and negative results for the country. Before reaching the country's political elite, Clinton worked for a long time in the political and administrative sphere, in general, living an ordinary life. Our review today features photographs of Bill Clinton before he took charge of his home country.

William Jefferson Clinton(William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton) was born on August 19, 1946 in Arkansas. It’s true that he received his surname Clinton only at the age of 15 - before that he bore the surname of his father Blythe, who died when the boy was only 4 years old. Basically, little Bill spent his childhood with his grandparents - they ran a grocery store and served not only white but also “colored” customers, which often resulted in conflicts with other residents of the city. However, it is believed that this became the basis for the understanding of racial equality, which later became one of fundamental principles Clinton's policies.

Bill's stepfather was an alcoholic, so Bill did not have to wait for money for education. Bill worked and studied, and even received an increased scholarship due to his academic success. He graduated from Oxford College and went to Yell University, where he met his future wife Hillary. Together, after the wedding, they taught at this university for some time.

At 32, Bill Clinton became the youngest governor of a state (his native Arkansas) in the history of the country. Clinton was at the helm of the state for 11 years, and during this time he managed to fundamentally change the educational system (it became accessible to all residents of the state, regardless of income and skin color), and he also helped the state significantly increase revenues.

In 1993, Bill Clinton was inaugurated as President. Without experience in big politics, Clinton has repeatedly faced failures: a peacekeeping mission in Somalia, which was ultimately drawn into hostilities; health care reform has completely failed; problems with team formation. However, at the same time, the US economy was growing at an impressive rate, the high-tech sector had expanded greatly, and unemployment was minimal.