Good day everyone! We are almost at the finish line of mastering the first part of the conversational American course “That’s What They Say in America,” and therefore we are repeating vocabulary from previous lessons, as well as deepening and expanding our knowledge. For example, topic In the mall we've already covered, but today we'll dive deeper this topic and learn vocabulary for communicating in a household appliance store.

Name of household appliances and electronic devices on English language

You will learn the names of some household appliances, as well as technical and electronic devices, and learn how to ask for help in a store. Of course, the names of most household appliances came into Russian from English (player, blender, mixer, etc.), but still the names of some of them differ from their Russian counterparts. Therefore, today we will look at what various technical devices are called in English.

Following the principle of consistency and logic in teaching, we will begin our lesson by reading a short dialogue. Today Voice of America correspondent Martin Lerner decided to give his daughter a gift. The father went to the hardware and electronics store to buy Sue a small radio:

Clerk:Hello. - Hello.
Martin:Can you help me? Do you have radios? - Can you help me? Do you have a radio?
Clerk:Sorry. - Unfortunately no).
Martin: That's OK. Can you help me now? This radio is twenty-nine dollars. This one is thirty-seven. And this is fifty-eight. Fine. Could you help me now? This radio is twenty-nine dollars. This one is thirty-seven. And this one is fifty-eight.
Martin: Can you show me some larger radios? —Can you show me some big radios?
Clerk: Of course. - Certainly.

Read the fragment of the conversation in the electronics and household appliances store several times. Try to remember English idioms for communication in the store and with sales consultants. Then, listen to how to pronounce these expressions correctly in American English:


Listen carefully to the speaker's speech, trying to catch every feature of pronunciation. Repeat all the words after a native speaker several times to learn how to pronounce these expressions in approximately the same way as the US population.

Technical devices in English

A table with phrases in English, as well as words denoting various technical or electronic devices, will help you learn new vocabulary much faster. And the grammatical help after the table will help you remember the features of the formation of degrees of comparison in the English language.

Technical devices
on saleSale, on sale
Can you help me? Can you help me?
Market, shopmarket
battery/batteries battery/batteries
CD player CD player
speaker(stereo) speaker
happento happen
tuneto tune

Grammar help:

Most English adjectives form their degrees of comparison using the suffixes " -er " And " -est »:

  • This radio is small. That radio is smaller. And this one is the smallest. — This radio is small. That radio is smaller. And this is the smallest .

However, with an excellent education and comparative degree to some polysyllabic words the words “ most " And " more " Eg:

  • This TV is expensive. That TV is more expensive. And that one is the most expensive. — This TV is expensive. That TV more Expensive. And this one is the most dear.

Be sure to follow Homework:

  1. Re-read the dialogue at the beginning of the lesson. Practice with friends.
  2. Translate the following expressions into English and copy them into your workbook:
  • I want to buy my daughter a small radio.
  • Can you help me?
  • Show me a more expensive radio.
  • I need a small TV for my wife.
  • The most expensive TV costs $416. It has great stereo sound

Be sure to put the acquired knowledge into practice! I wish everyone Have a good mood and holidays any day! See you later!

Words on the topic “Car” are a fairly large layer of vocabulary in the English language. It includes numerous terms about the structure of the car, the road, the rules traffic. In this article we will look at the most commonly used vocabulary, which is used not by auto mechanics, but by everyone who drives a car.

The selection of words and expressions is divided into five topics. The first three are nouns (car parts, interior parts, road), I did not add example sentences to them, because there should be no difficulties in using them. Verbs on the topic “Driving”, “Accident” are given with examples to make it clearer how they are used.

Please note that the automotive vocabulary in English contains many words that differ in the British and American versions of the language. They are marked with the abbreviations UK (British) and US (American).

Main parts of the car in English

headlights headlights
low beams low beam headlights
high beams high beam headlights
bumper (UK) bumper (UK)
fender (US) bumper (US)
windshield (US) windshield (US)
windscreen (UK) windshield (UK)
wipers (windshield wipers) wipers
boot (UK) trunk (UK)
trunk (US) trunk (US)
rear view mirror rearview mirror
side mirrors side mirrors
tire (UK) tube, tire (UK)
tire (US) tube, tire (US)
flat tire flat tire
wheel wheel
steering wheel steering wheel
bonnet (UK) roof, hood (UK)
hood (US) roof, hood (US)
tank tank
taillights rear lights
door door
silencer (UK) muffler (UK)
muffler (US) muffler (US)
spare parts spare parts
spare tire spare wheel
petrol (UK) petrol (UK)
gas (US) gasoline (US)
license plate license plate
license plate number car number
make car model
model Car model


  • With the word fender(bumper) there is an interesting expression fender-bender(to bend - bend). This is the name given to a small accident with minor damage to the vehicle.
  • The car number may be called differently, more officially vehicle registration number. In conversation they usually don’t speak at such length, preferring the following options: registration number, plate number, license plate number, license plate.
  • You may encounter words licenSe and licenCe. In all varieties of English except American, licenCe is a noun and licenseSe is a verb. American English does not use the word licenCe, and the word licenseSe can be both a verb and a noun. In this regard, the car number may be called license plate(USA) or license plate(other countries).

In the car (interior parts)

dashboard dashboard
back seat backseat
front seat front seat
seatbelt safety belt
door lock door lock
door handle door knob
glovebox (glovie) glove compartment
horn beep
accelerator gas pedal
brake brake pedal
clutch clutch pedal
handbrake hand brake
lighter cigarette lighter
manual transmission (UK) manual transmission (UK)
standard (US) manual transmission (US)
automatic transmission Automatic transmission
gearshift gear shift lever (manual)
gear selector gear shift lever (on automatic transmission)
airbag air bag


  • horn- this is the beep itself, signal - to honk(the horn).
  • With the word back seat(back seat) there is an expression back seat driver– literally, “back seat driver.” This is what they say about a passenger who tells the driver how to drive, and also, in a broader sense, about a person who likes to explain “how to do it right,” although he himself is not involved in the process.

English words on the topic “Road”

road road
route highway, highway
motorway (UK) mainline (UK)
highway (US) mainline (US)
onramp exit to the highway
lane lane
lane marking (road surface marking) road markings
speed bump speed bump
crossroad (UK) crossroads (UK)
intersection (US) crossroads (US)
road sign road sign
traffic light traffic light
pavement (UK) pavement (UK)
sidewalk (US) sidewalk (US)
crosswalk crosswalk
pedestrian a pedestrian
car park (UK) parking (UK)
parking lot (US) parking (US)
parking space parking space
traffic traffic
traffic jam cork
rush hour peak hour

Expressions on the topic “Driving a car”

  • to buckle up– buckle up

Make sure that the passengers are buckled up. – Make sure passengers are wearing seat belts.

  • to fasten (put on) seatbelt– put on a seat belt

Fasten your seatbelts, please. – Please fasten your seat belts.

  • to brake- to brake

Do you know how to brake? - Do you know how to brake?

  • to hit the brakes(colloquial) – slow down (colloquial)

I had to hit the brakes when I saw a pedestrian. – I had to brake when I saw a pedestrian.

  • to stall– stall (about the engine)

Can you help me? My car stalled. - Can you help me? My car stalled.

  • to step on the accelerator– press on the gas

Shift into first and step on the accelerator. – Shift to first gear and press the gas.

  • to accelerate (to speed up)– speed up

You can speed up on a highway. – You can speed up on the highway.

  • to reverse- give back

Please, reverse carefully. There is a lemo behind us. - Please back up carefully. There's a limousine behind us.

  • to honk (the horn)- honk (beep)

He couldn't hear the car honkingbehind him. “He didn’t hear the car honking from behind.

  • to make a U-turn- turn around sharply

He struggled with the steering wheel, attempting to make U-turn. “He struggled with the steering wheel, trying to make a sharp turn.

  • to follow the speed limit- obey the speed limit

We can drive where we want, but we have to follow the speed limit. “We can drive wherever we want, but we must obey the speed limit.”

  • to exceed the speed limit (to speed)- exceed the speed

Don't exceed the speed limit, speeding may cause collisions with animals. – Do not exceed the speed limit; speeding may result in a collision with animals.

  • to run a red light- go through a red light

I was in hurry and ran a red light. “I was in a hurry and ran a red light.

  • to tailgate– drive close (to the car in front), do not keep a distance

Tailgating causes many car accidents. – Failure to maintain distance leads to many accidents.

  • to pull over (off)– stop (and move off the roadway)

If your car starts to overheat, pull over immediately. – If your car starts to overheat, stop immediately.

  • to pull out of– leave (for example, from a parking lot)

The bus pulled out of the parking lot. – The bus left the parking lot.

  • to cut (someone) off- trim

I speeded up and someone cut me off. “I accelerated and someone cut me off.”

  • to park– park

Sorry, you can't park here. - Sorry, you can't park here.

  • to pass a car- overtake a car

The “Do Not Pass” sign indicates that passing a car is prohibited. – The “No Overtaking” sign means that you cannot overtake a car.

  • to change lanes- move to another lane, change lanes

The driver decided to change lanes but didn’t make sure that it was safe to do. – The driver decided to change lanes, but was not convinced that it was safe.

  • to change gear– change gear

Learn how to change gear first. – First learn how to shift gears.

  • to run out of gas (petrol)– use up fuel

Where is the nearest gas station? We are running out of gas. – Where is the nearest gas station? We're running out of gas.

  • to fill up (the car)- fill the car)

Always fill up the car before a long drive. – Always refuel your car before a long trip.

  • to flag (someone) down \ wave someone down- brake the car (gesture)

The police officer flagged me down and asked for a drivers license.

  • to get in- get in the car

Get in! Get in the car! - Sit down! Get in the car!

  • to get out- get out of the car

I'd like to get out at the post office. – I would like to get off at the post office.

  • to pick (someone) up– pick up a passenger

Can you pick me up at nine o'clock? -Can you pick me up at nine o'clock?

  • to drop (someone) off– disembark the passenger

Drop him off at the nearest subway station. – Drop him off at the nearest metro station.

  • to indicate– show turn

Never turn without indicating. – Never turn without showing the turn.

  • to drive off- leave somewhere

I shut the door and the cab drove off. “I closed the door and the taxi drove off.”

  • to give (someone) a lift (UK)– give a lift (UK)
  • to give (someone) a ride (US)– give a lift (US)

Can you give me a ride, please? – Could you give me a ride?

Expressions on the topic “Accident, problems with the car”

  • car accident (car crush)- car accident

In the beginning of the movie a few people died in a car accident. – At the beginning of the film, several people died in a car accident.

  • to have a flat tire (puncture)- puncture the wheel

On the way to the airport, we had aflat tire. “On the way to the airport we got a flat tire.

  • to break down- break down (about a car)

Sorry, I'm gonna be late, my car broke down. - Sorry, I'll be late, my car broke down.

  • tow truck– tow truck

There is nothing you can do, call a tow truck. “There’s nothing you can do here, call a tow truck.”

  • to tow– evacuate

Cars parked on the road will be towed. – Cars left on the road will be towed away.

  • to run into (someone)- bump into someone

The first time I was driving a car, I ran into a tree. – The first time I drove a car, I crashed into a tree.

  • to slam on the brakes- brake sharply

The driver in front of me slammed on thebrakes and I nearly ran into him . “The driver in front of me braked sharply, and I almost crashed into him.

  • to run over (someone)- run over someone

It looks like they are going to run over someone. “It looks like they’re about to run over someone.”

  • to sideswipe- hit the side of the car

See those scratches? I got sideswiped by some idiot. – Do you see these scratches? Some idiot hurt me.

  • to rear-end- drive into a car from behind

I broke suddenly and she rear-ended me. “I braked sharply, and she drove into me from behind.

  • to veer into oncoming traffic– drive (sharply) into the oncoming lane

His car vered into oncoming trafficand ran into a tractor. “His car swerved into oncoming traffic and crashed into a tractor.

  • to drive on the wrong side of the road– drive on the wrong side (on the oncoming side)

And then I noticed that we were driving on the wrong side of the road. “And then I noticed that we were driving in the oncoming lane.

  • to lose control- can't handle control

The driver lost control and the car ran into a brick wall. – The driver lost control and the car crashed into a brick wall.

  • to skid - get into a skid

The car skiddedon a patch of ice and veered into a snow bank. “The car skidded on the ice and ended up in a snowdrift.

  • to roll over - roll over

The driver was thrown from his car when it rolledover. “The driver was thrown out of the car when it overturned.

  • drunk driving– drunk driving

There are laws against drunk driving, but not against driving with a hangover. There are laws against drunk driving, but not drunk driving.

  • reckless driving– dangerous driving

Their car rolled over, possibly as a result ofreckless driving. – Their car overturned, possibly as a result of dangerous driving.

  • distracted driving– inattentive driving

Distracted driving is the act of driving while engaged in other activities such as talking on the phone. – Inattentive driving is driving in which the driver is engaged in unrelated activities, such as talking on the phone.

  • to hit and run- knock down a person and escape

She was hit and run but fortunately she was not heavily injured. “She was hit by a car, which then fled, but fortunately she was not seriously injured.

  • to have a head-on collision- crash head-on, make a direct collision

When Robert tried to pass a car he had a head-on collision with a truck. – When Robert tried to overtake the car, he made a direct collision with the truck.

  • a driving ban– deprivation of rights

I got a two years driving ban for drunk driving. – I was deprived of my license for two years for driving while intoxicated.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “GUIDING DEVICE” in dictionaries.

  • GUIDING DEVICE - guiding arrangement, guide device, guiding rig, guiding system, guide unit
  • GUIDING DEVICE - guiding device, guide, track
  • GUIDING DEVICE - guide
  • DEVICE - n. apparatus, arrangement, device, system, organization; machine, computer; digital counting device, digital computer; analog device, analog computer
    Russian-English Dictionary of the Mathematical Sciences
  • DEVICE – Arrangement
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • DEVICE - 1. (action) arrangement; organization for arranging his affairs - to settle one's affairs he is busy arranging his apartment - ...
  • DEVICE - p. 1. (action) arranging; for ~and your affairs to see to one`s affairs; 2. (system) system, set-up; structure; 3. (design) ...
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  • DEVICE - setup
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  • DEVICE - The system(device)
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  • DEVICE - device
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  • DEVICE - p. 1. (action) arrangement; organization for arranging his affairs - to settle one's affairs, he is busy arranging his apartment...
    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary
  • DEVICE - decoding device: decoder switch known good device: known good unit
    Russian-English Edic
  • DEVICE - apparatus, appliance, arrangement, facility, fitment, convenience, device, element, gadget, gear, mechanism, motion, rig, structure, system, widget
    Russian-English dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation
  • DEVICE - Wed. 1) (action) arrangement; organization for arranging his affairs - to settle one's affairs he is busy arranging his apartment - he ...
    Russian-English short dictionary on general vocabulary
  • DEVICE - arrangement, implement, project, apparatus, appliance, assembly, attachment, contrivance, conformation, device, element, mechanism, facility, fix-up, gear, motion, organization, widget, structure, system
    Russian-English dictionary on construction and new construction technologies
  • DEVICE - arrangement, constitution, device, mechanism, organization, (organizations) set-up, structure, system
    Russian-English economic dictionary
  • DEVICE - see charger (device)
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • DEVICE - p. 1. (action) arranging; for ~and your affairs to see to one`s affairs; 2. (system) system, set-up; structure; 3. (construction) construction, design; (layout) arrangement, lay-out; 4. …
    Russian-English Dictionary - QD
  • DEVICE - constitution, device, organization, structure
    Russian-English legal dictionary
  • DEVICE - see also. general ~ . All shear connectors must have some provision (or arrangement , or contraption) to ...
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  • DEVICE - 1) appliance 2) device 3) gadget 4) gear 5) station 6) unit
    Russian-English explanatory dictionary of terms and abbreviations for VT, Internet and programming
  • DEVICE - n device
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  • DEVICE - see antenna feeder device; sewage disposal and sanitary installation; receiving device; electronic software device; electronic computer; syn. unit...
    Russian-English dictionary of idioms on astronautics
  • DEVICE - device 1) (action) arrangement organization for arranging one's affairs - to settle one's affairs he is busy arranging an apartment - he ...
    Large Russian-English Dictionary
  • DEVICE - device device
    Russian-English Dictionary Socrates
  • VALVE WING - valve guide rib
  • UNIT - noun 1) integer 2) unit of measurement monetary unit rental unit 3) mat.; honey. unit 4) military. Part; subdivision; connection to...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • TRACK - 1. noun. 1) a) trace be on the track of be in the track of lose track of keep track ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • TAP GUIDE - guide device (for fishing tap)
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • STORAGE - noun 1) a) preservation, storage Syn: keeping custody, storing b) accumulation; accumulation 2) a) base, warehouse, storage Syn: ...
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  • ROPE GUIDE - rope guide
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • PRINTER - noun. 1) printer; printer; typographer 2) text. printer 3) printer, printing device daisy-wheel printer dot-matrix printer laser printer letter-quality printer ...
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  • POINTING MIRROR - guide mirror
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  • PILOT HOLE - guide hole
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • PILOT BIT - 1. guide bit 2. coreless diamond tip; blade type bit (with a protruding middle part of the end)
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  • PERMANENT SEABED GUIDE BASE - permanent bottom guide base
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    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • LEAD DRILLING BIT - guide drill bit
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • LEAD BIT - guide bit; lead bit
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • LANDING BASE - permanent guide base
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • GUIDE WHEEL - 1. guide wheel 2. guide roller; support roller
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • GUIDE RIB - guide device (for aligning the ends of screwed pipes)
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • GUIDE - 1. noun. 1) conductor, guide; guide a tour guide ≈ guide to take a guide ≈ find/hire a guide, conductor 2) …
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • GROWLER BOARD - 1. wooden support for the jack 2. guide device to facilitate pipe screwing
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • FOLDING MIRROR - a mirror that directs the beam along a broken path
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  • DRIVER - noun 1) person sending movement of something. a) cattle driver, grunter b) coachman Syn: charioteer, coachman, cabman c) driver, carriage driver...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • DIRECTOR - noun 1) an official in the hierarchy of such persons a) director, member of the board of directors, member of the board The theater was turned permanently ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • DEVICE - noun 1) device, device; mechanism; apparatus, machine, device listening device ≈ listening device detonating device ≈ detonator intrauterine device ≈ ...
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  • CASING GUIDE - casing guide device
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  • GUIDE - guide.ogg 1. gaıd n 1. guide; guide; guide museum guide - museum guide, tour guide trustworthy experienced guide - reliable experienced ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • GUIDE - 1) guiding device, guiding device, guide || direct 2) forge. conductor, guide (for cage or skip) 3) guide...
    Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • GUIDE - 1) guiding device, guiding device, guide || direct 2) forge. conductor, guide (for a cage or skip) 3) guide ruler, wiring (in a rental ...
    Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • GUIDE - 1. n 1. guide; guide; museum guide ~ - museum guide, trustworthy guide ~ - reliable [experienced] guide...
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • GUIDE - 1. gaıd n 1. guide; guide; guide museum guide - museum guide, tour guide trustworthy experienced guide - reliable experienced guide ...
    Free online English dictionaries and word translations with transcription, electronic English-Russian vocabularies, encyclopedia, Russian-English handbooks and translation, thesaurus.