Vedic astrologers claim that our moles mean the manifestation of various planetary forces on our body. An experienced astrologer based on such external signs can tell you quite accurately about the location of the planets in your horoscope, as well as give recommendations on their balance. Also, before an Indian wedding, the Brahmin must examine the newlyweds for special signs and moles on the body in order to determine their caste affiliation and select a special ritual.

It must be said that every person has moles. And people have long noted that their location on the body carries some information about the fate and character of their owner. To interpret these signs, you need to pay attention to them appearance and location on the body.

For example, the size of a mole determines the degree of impact it has on a person's life. Thus, round-shaped moles are considered a favorable sign, while irregular, angular shapes are considered a negative sign. Moreover, the darker the color of the mole, the less favorable the meaning. If there are hairs on a mole, this is bad sign, indicating possible failure in financial affairs, and this is directly related to the length of the hairs, that is, the longer they are, the greater the negative impact.

The meanings of moles depending on their location on the body:

* On right side forehead indicates extraordinary intelligence, as well as the fact that a person will most likely have to travel a lot in life.
* On the eyebrows- this is a sign of a long and happy marriage (especially if the “mark of fate” is located on the right).
* At the outer edge of the eye– indicates a calm, modest character.
* On the ear speaks of recklessness.
* On the nose- a very happy sign, indicating a person who is lucky in life. If the mole is on the side, this indicates a passionate nature.
* On the cheek- a sign of a happy marriage, the closer it is to the lips, the more favorable the sign. The owner of a mole on the right cheek is unlikely to recognize need in his life.
*On lips indicates a cheerful and easy-going character, as well as strong sensuality. A large mole on the lower lip increases this indicator, especially in women.
* Mole on upper lip corrects excessive sensuality with subtle taste and good upbringing.
* On the jaw warns of initially poor health. Such a person should take more care of himself.
* On the chin means that a person will be quite successful in all endeavors.
* On the neck, especially on the throat, is considered one of the most favorable signs. Most likely, this person will have a marriage that will give him complete financial well-being, or a successful career that will also bring wealth.
* On shoulders warns of difficulties in life.
* On the chest on the right indicates that this person can experience the vicissitudes of fate: success can unexpectedly give way to complete collapse, and glory - shame. If the mole is on the left (especially in women), this person is sincere and ardent in love, but it is better for him to be more careful so as not to face disappointment. A mole in the center of the chest indicates that great wealth is unlikely, although you will not have to live in poverty either.
* On the ribs on either side indicates hidden cowardice and weakness, which can only be smoothed out by hard work on oneself. You can also assume laziness and some rudeness, but these qualities are softened by the presence of a sense of humor, especially if the mole is on the right.
* Birthmark in the abdominal area warns that a person may be prone to selfishness and greed.
* On the back- speaks of the openness, good nature, generosity of a person who also likes to give advice, is somewhat romantic, and courageous.
*On either wrist promises that a person will find a job to his liking and achieve success in it thanks to his abilities and talents.
* On the back of the hand speaks of exceptional abilities.
*On the thigh- this is an indication that a person will have children with good health(moles on both thighs enhance the prediction).
* On the right knee portends a happy marriage. On the left - it says that a person’s emotions often triumph over reason.
*At the ankles in men they indicate spiritual sophistication, while in women it is a sign of strong energy and great abilities.
* On the right foot indicates a person’s passion for wanderlust and travel. On the left - speaks of extraordinary intelligence and strong intuition.


1) A mole in the area of ​​the “third eye” indicates that a person has excellent logic, intuition and a predisposition to esoteric sciences
2) Such a mole is a sign of a passionate and jealous person
3) This mole reveals a poetic character and a penchant for intellectual work
4) The owner of such a mole can completely surrender to love and remain faithful to it for many years, bestowing the object of love with caresses and tenderness
5) Such a sign reveals a sharp character, leading its owner to short-term and confusing love affairs
6) This is a sign of love for travel, creativity and fantasy
7) Such a mole is a sign of jealousy and desire for unquestioning submission of family and friends
8) The owner of such a mole is a sensitive person, looking for new experiences and sensations
9) A sign of a tendency to feel guilty and quarrel
10) This mole reveals the owner of an excellent memory and the ability to benefit
11) This sign indicates psychological blocks, craving for the forbidden and difficulties in matters of the heart
12) Such a person gives himself over completely to passion, which is why he has difficulties in relationships
13) This mole reveals a person prone to quarrels over trifles, after which he, however, easily goes for reconciliation, since he cannot live without intimacy
14) This is a sign of a sublime and mystical mindset, a feeling of universal love and extraordinary destiny
15) Such a mole occurs in independent people who act as they see fit
16) Owners of such a mole strive to give themselves to their family
17) This mole is a sign of a seductress, prone to shocking behavior and scandalousness. Such people strive for variety in love, although they behave responsibly in marriage
18) Such a mole indicates a sensitive nature with developed imagination and originality
19) A person with this mole may seem jealous and scrupulous, however, this is only because he strives for great and only love
20) This sign indicates a tendency towards depression
21) People with a mole in this place strive for variety, which affects relationships with loved ones and can lead to promiscuous relationships
22) A mole located in this way indicates infidelity and the desire to consume other people's beauty
23) This is a sign of a clear mind, intolerance of chaos and desire for order. These people develop spiritually and materially
24) Such a mole indicates the danger of damage to the psyche or health. Such people may feel powerless, vulnerable and unprotected
25) People with this mole strive for a strong and traditional family, peace and stability

Based on materials from the site

Why do moles appear on various parts bodies? What to do if the cute “fly” in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle begins to increase? Is it true that the owners large number moles are considered the happiest?

Close attention to moles (or nevi) is caused by the desire to unravel the “marks of fate” covering the body. Esotericists offer their interpretation of the meaning of neoplasms. Doctors do not always agree with them and often see moles as a source of potential danger.

Types of moles

There are formations throughout the body different shapes, size and color. There is no area where there are not brownish or almost black spots. For some people, large nevi that grow on the face or other open areas worsen their appearance.

Why are they so different? The reason is in the nature of the formations.


  • flat. Most people have just such nevi. The formations arise from melanocyte cells and are located in upper layers epidermis. Nevi practically do not react to UV rays, do not change in size without serious reasons and do not bother a person;
  • angiomas. This type occurs when the capillary vessels thicken. Red springs are not dangerous. Non-vascular hemangiomas resemble warts;
  • large pigment spots. Often this species covers the body from birth. Brown or gray growths grow as a person gets older;
  • blue. The surface is smooth, the shape is hemispherical. Blue nevi in ​​the facial area are a noticeable cosmetic defect;
  • convex. They are often found in inconvenient places and subject to friction. The diameter rarely exceeds 1 cm; hairs sometimes grow from the central part.

What do moles on different parts of the body mean?

Can doctors give an accurate answer? In the case of moles, several options are possible. It all depends on the type of education. Some cases make it possible to establish a clear relationship between the location of the “marks of fate”, others do not.

Moles on the face

The meaning of moles on the face, cheek, lips in women and men. The following may appear here:

  • blue nevi;
  • flat variety;
  • "wine stains";
  • lentigo, especially the solar variety.

Convex formations are often located:

  • closer to the wings of the nose;
  • on the eyebrows or immediately above them;
  • near the temporal area.

Vascular formations (hemangiomas) in the facial area appear less frequently, because there are not as many large vessels here as, for example, on the lower extremities.

Take note:

  • if nevi do not bother you, then there is no reason to say that they appeared on the body due to serious malfunctions internal organs. Often the main cause is heredity;
  • Only with a change in condition or a sharp increase in the number of formations can one suspect problems with the endocrine system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, failures in other systems, or exposure to high doses of radiation.

Note! Solar lentigo is a reaction of the skin to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Without protective equipment, the person constantly experiences the effects sun rays. We can safely say that there is a direct correlation between exposure to the active sun and the appearance of this benign formation.

Moles on the upper body

A few facts:

  • Most people have small birthmarks on their hands. Flat nevi do not protrude above the skin and are not a sign of any disease. There is no itching, burning or discomfort;
  • the color of benign formations ranges from light brown to chocolate or almost black. There is no harm from them as long as the dimensions are stable;
  • the back is often covered with numerous birthmarks. It is in this area that after many hours of exposure to the scorching sun, with frequent visits to the solarium, new formations grow most actively, and the color and shape of old ones change.

The upper part of the body - the chest, the abdomen is often covered with single hemangiomas, not large sizes– up to 3–4 mm. Vascular formations that are red or purple in color are not dangerous. Doctors have established a relationship between the nature of the pathology of internal organs and the location of angiomas.


  • in diseases of the pancreas, liver, and gastrointestinal tract, hemangiomas are located precisely in the upper part of the body;
  • confirmation of the version - after treating diseases of these organs, angiomas gradually decrease and disappear without a trace.

Note! Have you noticed that there are a lot more birthmarks? For early detection of pathologies, be sure to visit a dermatologist. Perhaps some processes inside the body are going wrong, and uncharacteristic pigmentation or convex formations are a manifestation of these changes.

Moles on the lower body

Take note:

  • On the thighs, usually ordinary flat nevi of various sizes are noticeable, most often with a diameter of 1–3 mm. There is no need to fear them;
  • Sometimes port-wine stains appear in the area of ​​the buttocks, outer thighs, and legs. Crimson-red, purple formations are the result of dilation of several vessels. Often these manifestations are noticeable in infants. A cosmetic defect is eliminated using a laser;
  • The buttocks are one of the places where blue moles are located. They do not pose a serious danger. Sometimes it is necessary to remove formations that are large in size and have a high risk of injury;
  • Hemangiomas may appear along the veins of the lower extremities. Scientists still do not know the exact cause of vasodilatation. Red moles on the legs sometimes reach large sizes when adjacent veins are affected. Be sure to visit a dermatologist to monitor the condition of large hemangiomas;
  • a type of growth called dermal growths appears on the genitals. The cause is that dead particles of the epidermis and blood clots accumulate under the skin when the capillaries are damaged. The result is growths up to 1 cm in size. The same formations are sometimes noticeable on the legs;
  • moles on the knees, ankles, ankles, and feet appear more often in women. The trouble is that these areas are subject to friction (shoes, tights, lace-up sandals, and so on). Doctors recommend removing benign formations as early as possible. Do not forget about the warning from oncologists: the danger of cancer increases sharply when nevi are injured.

Are moles dangerous?

The doctors’ findings refute the assertion of esotericists and fans of Eastern practices that “numerous moles are a sign of a happy destiny.” In many cases, in the lives of such people, everything happens exactly the opposite.


  • some types of neoplasms are malignant, in other words, they can degenerate into malignant ones;
  • Skin cancer is a problem that owners of numerous nevi face when certain rules are violated.

How to prevent dangerous manifestations? Really a large number of birthmarks – a reason to “get acquainted” with an oncology clinic?

The rules are simple:

  • avoid prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • do not rip off, comb, or rub nevi during and after water procedures;
  • do not treat birthmarks, hemangiomas, blue nevi and flat formations with chemicals;
  • Do not try to remove formations yourself using dubious methods.

When should you visit a dermatologist immediately? Remember main reasons for visiting a doctor:

  • a sharp increase in the number of moles;
  • change in color, shape, size of the formation;
  • without visible reasons the nevi began to itch or became painful;
  • finding convex formations in “inconvenient” places: on the neck, face, fingers, feet;
  • damage to nevi due to trauma, burns, contact with chemicals;
  • growth of hairs, appearance of cracks, inflammation around the spot;
  • leakage of fluid through the thickness of the nevus.

Now you know what moles on various parts of the body mean from a medical point of view. You may be interested in knowing what a “spot” on the face or a birthmark on the chest means according to the Eastern tracts on esotericism.

You can explain the appearance of nevi in ​​a different way, “read” a person’s character by his moles. There is plenty of literature on esotericism and morphoscopy - the science of the influence of prints and various marks on fate - in bookstores.

Take note:

  • when studying such treatises, do not blindly believe the statements, do not pass a “sentence” on yourself and your loved ones according to ancient teachings;
  • think critically about the material you read. A woman with a mole under her ribs is not always capricious, and a nevus on the crown of her head does not necessarily indicate a penchant for philosophy.

Don’t fit yourself into molds; it’s better to take care of your health and control the condition of moles on your body. The benefits of a visit to a dermatologist are greater than from reading treatises and trying to justify an eccentric nature with “signs of fate.”

From the following video you can learn even more about moles on the body:

Moles are commonly called pigmented formations on the skin. They can have a variety of appearance and color: brown, black, gray and even blue; convex or flat, smooth or rough. Such formations exist on the skin of absolutely any person.

Astrologers' opinion

Vedic astrologers believe that the powers of some planets manifest themselves on a person in the form of moles. The most experienced astrologer can easily tell a person about the planets in his horoscope, looking at his moles, or rather their location, and give the necessary advice on balancing these planets themselves.

There is also an opinion that the fate of each person and their characters can be recognized by the location of moles on the body. These specific marks are full of mystical and sometimes fateful meaning. Scientists and philosophers are studying the location of these peculiar spots on humans and trying to determine their impact on life.

Fateful spots

All people, young and old, are awarded moles or birthmarks on your body. Various ancient teachings connect their existence with a person’s character, with his inclinations and even with fate. You just need to guess them correctly. Of course, you shouldn’t completely trust and rely on these spots; they only indicate some abilities in a person and are not at all the basis of the basics. Successful meanings should be developed, helped in their implementation, bad meanings should be corrected, and attempts should be made to make changes in one’s destiny. Interestingly, moles are similar to lines on the hands in that they can also change throughout life and there are thoughts that this is the reason for certain changes in life, that is, a person has made or ignored one or more important events, chose a different path. That is, in short, the appearance/disappearance of spots on the surface of the body is a consequence of our actions in life. Often the definition of spots on the body of a girl, woman or man is the same.

Not only a certain distribution on the body affects the personality, but also the shape of the marks has its effect. Happy sign A mole is round in shape, and, accordingly, an angular shape is unfavorable. Darker formations have a less favorable effect. A hair on a mark implies a negative sign, it is a sign of problems and failures in financial matters, and this directly depends on the length of the hair itself: the longer it is, the more negative it is.

Let's take a closer look at how the distribution of moles on the body affects us

    1. The spots in the face area are endowed with the most important meaning. There are more than a hundred different areas on the face, indicating the fate and disposition of the owner in life.
    2. If a person has a large mole on the forehead, temple or bridge of the nose, then most likely early age certain events occurred that served as the starting point for a path that should be followed throughout life. If the middle zone of the face has a spot, then this indicates important phenomena in a person’s life in youth or adulthood. In the area of ​​the lips or chin - characteristic feature a person who begins to live only closer to old age.
    3. Spots on the body also have an effect on the life of the owner and often indicate well-being and a tendency to certain diseases.
    4. The marks on the neck of a man and a woman have slightly different meanings. This sign gives the owner his own opinion, which denies generally accepted norms. Such people doubt the traditions and experience of generations. Basically, these are people who are critics.
    5. Men with moles on the neck are unbalanced, weak in character, lacking determination and willpower. Emotions are subject to frequent changes, even the weather can have an impact. This type of man has a hard time showing his mental and creative talents in life, because often luckier competitors get ahead.
    6. Women who have a mole in the neck area are changeable in life principles and in tastes. In special circumstances, they are capable of cheating on their husband, but they will not hide this fact; they will immediately admit everything. But, basically, they are honest, loving, gentle, good housewives, real guardians hearth and home. There is absolutely no point in imposing anything on them, since they have their own opinion on everything that happens. These women often live the lives of their mothers, repeating everything down to the smallest detail.
    7. In the shoulder area, moles predominate in lucky people. But, if such a spot is located on the left shoulder, then the owner’s life may be very full of financial difficulties. Certain beliefs believe that this kind of moles are a clear sign of karma, which represents unresolved issues or difficulties in the past and which are passed on from generation to generation. In ancient times, it was believed that this heavy load could burden all descendants until someone broke this circle. The energy and correctness in the actions of a given individual can have an impact on the lives of his descendants. People with these markings are quite resilient as individuals, but sometimes they lack the courage to act. Most often, they are very stubborn and inflexible in life.
    8. Moles in the upper back indicate people who are demanding not only of others, but also of themselves. Their health is not the best and that's why they get carried away in a healthy way life. The location of moles in this area of ​​the body indicates possible difficulties in men with the lungs, and in women with the bronchi. In Slavic beliefs, spots on the back are a clear sign of deception and betrayal from loved one in a past or this life. Often women experience this feeling; they become nervous and suspicious. If you don’t fight this in any way, then mental disorders are possible. People with such signs are usually reliable at work, thoughtful, and professional in their field. They often have different talents.
    9. A spot on the hand brings good luck and happiness. Moles are located on the inner surface of the wrist, usually in vulnerable and very susceptible people. The mark on the right wrist of women draws attention to the ability to manipulate the male gender. Happy marriage- also a striking feature in people with moles on the right wrist.
    10. Men with spots on right hand, endowed with excellent energy. They are devoted comrades and reliable companions. Such people are independent, cheerful, and know how to earn decent money.
    11. Vulnerable, vulnerable and incapable individuals have spots in the elbow area. Often they are participants in various stupid stories, and triumphs and achievements in life are very difficult. These individuals take everything upon themselves, their life is difficult.
    12. In the area of ​​the hand, moles tell of luck in moving up the career ladder and promise happiness and wealth. Markings on the palms influence the fate of the owner. These spots can appear/disappear throughout life.
    13. A mole on the chest is a sign of many ups and downs. Their owners often go from one extreme to another. A woman with a mole on her left breast is not very happy in her personal life, but on her right breast she is faithful and constant. Men are characterized by the ability for selfless love. In the area under the chest, a mole represents deceit, especially if it is on the left. These people go to all sorts of intrigues for the sake of high feelings; they build their happiness on someone else’s grief. A mark under the right breast indicates that the woman is businesslike. In this case, her cunning is aimed at her career. She easily destroys competitors and goes head-to-head towards her goal. Such marks for men increase their vices and virtues.
    14. The mark on the waist is found in people who are capable of having numerous offspring. The owner of such moles can cause a scandal for some reason or just because. Men with these moles are cowardly by nature. They are big egoists who think only about themselves.
    15. A mole on the stomach predominates in people who depend on their desires. This is either excess in food, alcohol, or carnal pleasures.
    16. The hip area is typical for irritable people and is easily thrown out of balance. A mark on the back of the thigh appears with prophetic abilities and increased intuition.
    17. The mole is located on the knees of impatient people. They are always nervous about any reason, they are in a hurry even when just walking, they often start families with the so-called first people they meet. If these people work on themselves and their vices, they can become outstanding personalities.
    18. The location of the mark on the right leg of the fairer sex gives them the opportunity to positively influence their partner, they are happy in marriage and very often the husband’s career goes up thanks to such wives.
    19. Moles on the lower leg are observed in easy-going individuals. On the ankle - for independent, hardworking people. They are very energetic and purposeful. Women are very desirable, but they come across as unapproachable. They are women in all situations.
    20. A spot on the toe indicates an unstable psyche, suspiciousness. If this is not dealt with, then these features can transform into mania and obsessions.
    21. Moles located on the feet greatly affect general health. For example, a mole on the heel indicates vitality. A mark indicates a disease if its location is in the center of the foot, at the base, on the joints or between the toes.

    All these spots can increase or decrease throughout life and this is completely normal, but if they change on the face or body, then it is necessary to visit a specialist in a timely manner. The danger lies in the fact that under certain factors, moles transform into malignant formations, the consequence of which in the future may be cancer. The most important symptoms include a change in color, an increase in size, the appearance of blood, redness of the skin around the spot, and itching.

    Treatment of moles on the body is best done by specialized doctors using a laser. The laser device quickly and effectively removes any tumors from any part of the body. This procedure is non-contact and therefore there is absolutely no risk of infection. The laser does not injure the skin and after all manipulations it remains smooth and without scars.

Signs on the body appear for a reason, but with meaning.

Since ancient times, they have been considered fortune tellers.

Why do they appear, are they dangerous or not, what do moles on the body mean?

Markings on the body have always been given great importance, so a whole science has appeared that studies them.

Moleosophy - the science of nevi

It is difficult to find a person who does not have moles or nevi. They can appear and then disappear, it depends on the behavior, as well as the lifestyle of the individual.
The main thing is that a small speck contains a lot of information about a person’s inclinations, character, and even fate. For an individual with dark skin important They have flat spots of black color, for those with light skin they have convex spots.
Shape and color also matter:
Round-shaped marks have a positive effect on karma. Oval, oblong ones promise success in business, good luck. Angular, irregular shape they speak about the uncertainty of their owner, difficulties in business. Color also matters. Black people talk about difficulties in life. Red is a symbol of wealth and power.

What does the appearance of new marks mean?

The appearance of new spots must be taken seriously. If they appear, but do not grow, do not change in color, then it’s okay. And if they begin to grow and change color, then you need to be wary.
Neoplasms can develop into cancerous tumors.
If your mark predicts something that you don’t like in your destiny, you can find reasons to try to change your behavior, get rid of bad traits character.
The karmic meaning is embedded in the shape and color of the spots. Convex ones show what is laid down by fate.
Large, large ones can enhance their purpose. Thin and pale hint at upcoming changes.
If there is a whole constellation of spots on the body, then in front of you is the favorite of fate, living a bright, rich life. If a child has a lot of marks, this is good sign. Thus, fate protects from troubles, poverty, and meetings with bad people.

The significance of moles on the body

Their karmic meaning depends on the location of nevi. Moreover, it is interpreted differently for men and women.
By looking at open nevi on the neck, one can guess the character of a person. In men, they hint at the inconstancy of their owner. He's not sure about own strength, has a weak character. Knowing this, a man can try to strengthen his character in order to become stronger.
For women, these marks indicate that she will have to work hard, especially in her youth, in order to have everything she needs for life in adulthood. If they are located closer to the collarbone, then the woman will live in wealth. This is also a sign that the woman will repeat the fate of her mother.
On the chest, if in the center - a symbol of sensuality, as well as constancy and well-being. The remaining meanings are interpreted differently for men and women.
For women, on the right breast is a symbol of motherhood, care, on the left – passion, ardor. Men look for this particular sign, looking at the person’s chest.
For men - on the right - a sign of fidelity, on the left - happiness, luck. But on the nipple it means health problems. This is worth paying attention to.
The location on the ear is of great importance:
On the lobe on either side is a sign of wealth, success in life, ability to handle banknotes. On the right at the base is an indicator of shyness, in the hollow - religiosity, good attitude to others. Bottom right - a sign of an explosive character. At the base on the left - a stamp of goodwill. On the back - a stamp of demands not only towards others, but also towards oneself, and this quality is more pronounced if the location is closer to the shoulders.
At the same time, their owner is a generous, talented, reliable person. He can be a faithful partner, friend, excellent professional and conversationalist.
If a nevus has chosen the shoulder, then the person carries his and his ancestors’ karmic burden throughout life, and then passes it on to his children. Seeing this sign on the shoulder, a person can break this circle.
He will have to reconsider his life, understand what he is doing wrong, gain determination to change his behavior, get rid of wrong thoughts. There is no need to envy other people, but try to achieve the same success yourself.

Marks of fate on the fingers

Here everything depends on the hand, as well as on the gender of their owner.
Ring finger for men on the right hand - quick career growth, respect. For women - loneliness, bad luck in love.
On the left hand for men - family troubles, difficulties in life.
For a woman, on the contrary, happiness is in the future, in marriage.
Little finger. On the left hand, regardless of gender, is a good sign for life.
Pointing finger - the finger of a leader, career growth, the presence of all the benefits.
On the left middle finger- a person is not given the opportunity to make money with his talent, although it will bring great fame. On the right - there will be fame and material well-being.
Thumb. The mark speaks of the sleight of hand of their owner. Such people make unsurpassed surgeons, but also good pickpockets. It is also a sign of a happy marriage.
If the signs are on the toes, then the person suffers from suspiciousness and is mentally unstable. If you know this shortcoming of yours, then you can fight it.
Spots on the palm are rare, but if they exist, then their significance is considered very significant. They can be located on the lines of fate, which means they can tell a lot about the future of their owner. Palmists pay special attention to them.

Markings on the abdomen

A spot on your stomach can tell you a lot. If the signs are located in the center of the abdomen, then this person can achieve a lot in his life. It is also a sign of passion for carnal pleasures and excessive gluttony.
Or maybe it's the other way around. He is able to give up alcohol and delicious dishes. Also, their owner likes to often change sexual partners. If this does not work out, then he has a desire to commit a crime on this basis.
It wouldn't hurt to know that a seal on the stomach can predict sudden death from a heart attack. It is important to monitor your heart health.

Marks on the face

Above the lip a woman is said to be cunning. This is a sign of a domineering nature. They are not affectionate towards their husband or children. It is more important for them to make a career and achieve all the blessings of life.
On the nose, above the lip, on the cheek- this triangle attracts the attention of men, but be careful - this is a very eccentric person in front of you.
On the nose- a mark of a good-natured, easy-going personality. A woman can be frivolous, but it is impossible to be angry with her. Such people can often change jobs. Everything about them is somehow temporary, unsteady.
Spot on chin reveals a man with a powerful, even despotic character.
Women with a mole on their chin those on the left side have a happy destiny. They are generous and optimistic.
Mole on temple on the left talks about a sentimental character.
On the right– ladies have fortune-telling abilities. In childhood, these people had many complexes, over time they acquire solid knowledge and get on their feet.
Telling about character will help mark in the center of the chin. This is a stubborn person, the larger the nevus, the more stubborn. This is a dictator domestic tyrant. It is impossible to work with him at work.
If there is a point under the armpit, then this is an ideal worker, and in the family - a gentle, good-natured person.

Unusual moles on the body

Some moles are called "witches' marks." Why did they fall into such disgrace?
Spot on temple In a woman, she reveals a special personality that is able to recognize any lie and recognize the future. Such a person cannot be fooled.
For a dot on inside knee in the Middle Ages they could have been burned at the stake. It was believed that their owner was connected with evil spirits, endowed with incredible abilities to keep in touch with the dead and receive information from them.
A woman with a mark above her upper lip has hypnosis. She can jinx it, cause damage. Men go crazy about such a person and often cannot get rid of her charms. These people need to watch their words so as not to influence the fate of other people.

Triangle on the body

Even experts cannot find a definite answer about triangle nevi. But we can say for sure that he has an extraordinary personality. These people are morally stable and are almost always happy in life.
However, not all points can be added to this figure. They should be the same size, color and accurately create a triangle. Example - a triangle on the head means ability to science. In the palm of your hand - interaction with people.
And here double nevi mean duality of character. If there is a nevus on one wrist, then there is one on the other. Such double dots can be located anywhere, for example, on the cheek, leg, or arm. Two moles located nearby mean 2 loves, that is, a person can get married 2 times, if the marks are on a girl, then be married twice.
Symmetrical nevi also indicate the duality of nature, for example, if they mark both cheeks or both legs.
In some people, paired spots can be found. To get to know them correct interpretation, it is worth considering their location on the body. For example, paired moles on the stomach, separated by a line running down the center, mean illness. After treatment they may disappear.
Do not try to interpret their meaning yourself, so as not to instill fear in yourself. Only specialists can do this. They say that the fewer marks on the body, the freer a person is from the influence of fate. But many moles are also a good sign.
Dear friends, looking at your marks is a fascinating activity, but you should not take this activity too seriously, because all scientists have very different interpretations. Only take changes in color and shape seriously. especially to the redness of the nevus. This can be very dangerous!

This has been of interest to many people since ancient times. What do moles say? The designation of moles on the body has a long history. Ancient healers associated the appearance of each new mole with the fate of a person. Often in Rus' they believed that if a mole pops up in a visible place, then it speaks of misfortune, and not something invisible means good things. But this was not something terrible, the only exception can be attributed to very large spots that were covered hairline. But even now many are interested in this topic.

What do moles say?

We will give you a few signs about how the location and shape of a mole affects a person’s life.

Many believe that the size of a mole indicates the degree of its influence on a person and, depending on the location, it will bring either a lot of trouble or a lot of good luck;

If the mole has the shape of a circle, then this is fortunate. With an oblong shape, it brings good luck, but not very much. A mole that has an angular shape brings both good and bad;

Depending on the color saturation, the effect will intensify: the darker the mole, the stronger its effect on fate;

Location affects women and men differently.

Designation of moles on the body of women:

A mole on the right eyebrow indicates a successful marriage. On the left - unsuccessful;

A mole in the corner of a woman’s eye means calm and tranquility;

A mole on the right cheek means a stormy love life;

A mole on the left cheek speaks of a path to success with a lot of troubles;

The designation of a mole on the nose means success in all matters;

A mole on the lower lip is a rather cheerful character;

The designation of a mole on the upper lip indicates a flirtatious character;

A mole on the right breast means inconstancy of character, which is accompanied by disappointment and disappointment in life;

The designation of a mole on the left breast is frivolity in character. Many believed that a woman would certainly become unhappy;

Designation of a mole on the waist - there will be a large number of children;

A mole on the buttock means a woman will spend her whole life in poverty;

A mole in the bikini area is an opportunity to become the mother of a brilliant child;

Designation of moles on the body of men:

A mole on the forehead on the right - will be happy;

A mole in the middle of the forehead - will find happiness in love;

Designation of a mole on the ear - all life will pass in luck and without special worries;

A mole on the side of the neck means a hard life with a lot of failures;

A mole on the front of the neck indicates that you will be very lucky in career growth;

A mole on the chin - a man’s opinion will be highly valued in the team;

Mole on the jaw - your health will be very poor throughout your life;

A mole on the shoulder indicates that life will be spent in constant struggle with difficulties.

What else do moles say?

The general meanings of moles are:

The mole is on the forehead. A person with such a mole can get into politics; he is very smart and diplomatic. As an example, we can cite Prince Menshikov. He had a mole above his right eyebrow. These people often have significant energy potential, but for some reason they waste it over trifles. Also, a mole above the eyebrows often gives the gift of foresight. In religion, they were often possessed by divine beings. This mole served as a “third eye”. Finding it at the top of the forehead indicates good organizing abilities;

Identification of moles on the cheek and under the eye. This is often an intelligent person who is very kind;

The mole is located on the cheekbone. These are determined people who devote their entire lives to fighting for their ideas;

The mole is located under the scalp hair. Often these are philosophers and thinkers. Their nature is secretive;

Identification of a mole on the right temple. This suggests that a person has subtle intuition and the gift of foresight. It must be hidden from prying eyes;

The mole is on the ear. These are quite boastful people. Often they use their quality only for self-defense;

Designation of a mole on the tongue. Such people can never listen to their interlocutor to the end;

The mole is on the neck. If this is a man, then he is very intellectually and spiritually developed. If this is a woman, then she has a very changeable character. She often lives her life like her mother;

Designation of a mole on the shoulder. This person has a lot of problems, both in the past and in the present. This is also a very strong personality who has very little determination;

The mole is on the chest. For many, this indicates danger. What can be said about a man with such a mole is that he has only pure intentions. For women, this mole characterizes unhappy love;

The mole is on the cheek. Men in this case are very extraordinary and have a lively character. A woman enjoys the attention of men much more often than others;

The mole is on the eyelid. This person often cannot control his emotions. Often his whole life is spent in dreams;

The mole is located above the lip. In this case, for the female sex it is a sign of deceit. Such people often achieve success in their careers.

In order to more fully know the designation of moles on the body, it is necessary to read the relevant literature. This article is for informational purposes only.