If this is your first time seeing this touching animal, be sure to read about it to get to know each other better. The capybara is a much larger copy of the guinea pig, but, unlike the latter, this animal loves to splash and dive in bodies of water.

Description of the appearance of capybaras

Not without reason, the second name of the animal is capybara. This herbivorous animal is the largest rodent. The adult individual gains size big dog, her body reaches a length of 100×135 cm. The height at the withers is up to 60 cm. The weight of an adult female ranges from 28 to 67 kg, and that of a male from 30 to 63 kg. The largest rodent was recorded at 70 kg.

The animals are squat and have a large build. Outwardly, they look like a giant guinea pig. The head is massive, the eyes and ears are small. The legs are short, the hind legs are longer than the front ones. There are 4 fingers on the front ones, and 3 fingers on the back ones with swimming membranes.

The capybara's fur resembles that of a beaver - it is just as tough. The length of the brown hair is from 3 to 12 cm (they only have this color). The animal's tail is short.

Gerald Durrell ( English writer, founder of the Jersey Zoo and Wildlife Conservation Trust), describing this animal, said that it is a good-natured, phlegmatic vegetarian with a calm and friendly disposition.

Habitat of capybaras

Capybaras live in temperate and tropical forests South and Central America, from Uruguay to Panama, in northeastern Argentina. For normal existence, they need to have bodies of water nearby, so capybaras settle along the banks of rivers and ponds. They cannot live away from water; during dry periods they settle in entire colonies on the banks big rivers and other bodies of water. In search of food and water, capybaras are able to cover considerable distances.

These animals are excellent swimmers; their eyes and nostrils are located in such a way that when they are in water, it does not get into them. If a capybara notices a dangerous enemy, it will almost completely hide in the water, only its nostrils through which it breathes will be visible. This feature and long dental incisors allow these capybaras to escape from some predators. The enemies of these animals are wild dogs, alligators, crocodiles, caimans, anacondas, jaguars, ocelots. For baby guinea pigs, large animals pose a danger. predator birds, such as vulture-urubu.

Social structure of capybaras

Capybaras live in large families of 10 to 20 individuals. The group is led by a dominant male. Several large adult females also occupy a dominant position. The group also includes subordinate males and cubs. Some capybaras are forced to live as hermits; the number of these individuals does not exceed 10%. This mainly occurs because the dominant male expels male competitors from the family, so they are forced to live alone.

If the capybara habitat is arid, then capybaras gather in herds, the number of which reaches several hundred individuals. Such a herd occupies an area of ​​up to 10 hectares. Capybaras communicate in an interesting way, you can hear them whistling, making barking, clicking sounds.

Capybaras breed mainly in April - May, but they can mate all year round. The female's pregnancy lasts on average 150 days, as a result of which she gives birth to 2 to 8 cubs. Although they weigh only 1.5 kilograms, they are already quite independent, since they are born with teeth, with open eyes and wool. The mother feeds the babies with her milk for 3–4 months. Basically, the female brings one litter per year, but she can become pregnant 2–3 times a year. After 15–18 months, when small capybaras gain a weight of 30–40 kg, they become adults and are capable of reproduction.

You can see these animals with your own eyes in some zoos. If you liked this animal so much that you wanted to buy a capybara, evaluate your options.

How much does an animal cost? The price of a capybara in Moscow is about 90-120 thousand rubles (1200-1800 dollars), throughout Russia the price can jump up to 150 thousand rubles. ($2200). As a rule, it is difficult to buy a capybara from hand; you need to place an order in specialized pet stores.

The animal is very friendly, affectionate, has a wonderful character, but it is demanding in terms of conditions of detention. Capybaras need space, so they need to be bred by providing sufficient territory where grass grows and there is a thornless bush. Under it, the capybara will be able to hide from the sun and also gnaw on twigs. She needs this because she needs to grind down her constantly growing teeth.

If there is no bush, then tree branches must be periodically placed in the pen. An essential condition for keeping capybaras is a swimming pool. It should be spacious so that the capybara can swim whenever she wants, dive without limiting her movement. During the cold season, the capybara is kept in a warm, spacious indoor area, where there is a heated pool and enough light.

The capybara is unpretentious in food; it eats mainly grass, grain, zucchini, melon, and aquatic plants. If you decide to keep your animal at home, feed it with rodent pellets that contain essential minerals and vitamins, fruits and vegetables, and also hay in the cold season. Give them vitamin C occasionally.

If you do not plan to breed capybaras, when is it better to castrate the male, since, having entered puberty, he may perceive his owners as an object of courtship. In captivity, capybaras live 12 years.

Capybaras are quite smart animals and can be taught some simple tricks. They love to lay their head on their owner's lap to be scratched and petted. Capybaras love to have their bellies stroked; such caress often makes them fall asleep.

Video about capybaras - how to keep them at home and what to feed them:

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The capybara animal, or as this animal is also called, capybara, is a herbivorous mammal leading a semi-aquatic lifestyle. Externally, capybaras resemble guinea pigs, but are much larger in size.


The capybara is the largest rodent living on the planet today. An adult animal reaches the size of a large dog. The capybara reaches 60 cm at the withers, and its body can be from 100 to 135 cm in length. The weight of adult males ranges from 30 to 63 kg, and females from 36 to 67 kg. The largest capybara weighed 70 kg.

The animals are large and look well-fed. Externally they resemble a guinea pig. The head is massive, the ears and eyes are small. The legs are short, with the front legs being longer than the hind legs. The front paws have four webbed toes, and the hind paws have three.

The capybara's fur is tough, a bit like the skin of a beaver. The hairs are brown, from 3 to 12 cm in length. The tail is short. The capybara was also described by Gerald Darrell, who pointed out that the animals are phlegmatic and good-natured.


The capybara lives in tropical and temperate forests of the Central and South America. This cute animal is not called a capybara for nothing. They simply need reservoirs for normal life. Animals settle along the banks of rivers, lakes, and ponds. They can be found in the Amazon, Orinoco and La Plata basins.


Capybaras cannot live far from water. During periods of drought, they flock to the shores of large bodies of water in the hundreds; during the rainy season, they disperse throughout the area. Animals can travel considerable distances in search of food and water.

Capybaras don't just live on the shores. They feel great in a river or lake and are excellent swimmers. Their eyes and nostrils are positioned so that liquid does not enter them. And if a capybara notices danger, it can simply dive and hide in the water. The animal does not hold its breath; its nostrils remain on the surface.

The capybara can also defend itself from predators with the help of its powerful large incisors. Capybaras are hunted by both aquatic and terrestrial predators - jaguars, ocelots, anacondas, caimans, crocodiles. Small pigs should also be wary of large birds of prey.


What does a capybara eat? The mammal is a herbivore and feeds on a variety of plant foods. The animals scour the shallow waters, looking for tasty herbs growing on the shore. Since the ears, nostrils and eyes are located at the top of the head, the capybara can wander through shallow water, almost completely submerged. It is almost impossible to notice a group of grazing animals from the shore due to the short grass.

The capybara is a rodent that leads a predominantly diurnal lifestyle. Animals feed in the morning, evening or at night. On a hot afternoon they rest. However, if animals are often disturbed by people and terrorized by predators, they can switch to a completely nocturnal lifestyle.

The capybara animal feeds on grass, aquatic plants, tubers, vegetables and various fruits. The rodent cuts plants with its incisors and chews with the help of its molars. The capybara's teeth are large and yellow. They grow throughout their lives.

Social connections

Capybaras live in large families of 10-20 adults. During drought, they can gather on the banks of large bodies of water in large groups of more than a hundred individuals. A capybara family is headed by a dominant male and several females, as well as cubs and subordinate males. It happens that a high-ranking male drives out male competitors, and they are forced to live alone. Capybaras actively communicate with each other using various sounds, reminiscent of barking, clicking, and whistling.


The capybara animal becomes sexually mature at 15-18 months. Mammals can mate all year round, but the breeding season usually occurs at the beginning of the rainy season. The female's pregnancy proceeds quickly. Babies are born after 150 days. The female can give birth to up to 8 cubs.

Babies weigh approximately 1.5 kg. They are born independent, covered with fur. Their eyes are already open, their teeth have erupted. Small capybaras feed on their mother's milk for another 3-4 months, after which they begin to feed on their own. Usually the female brings one litter, but in good conditions can give birth 2-3 times a year.


The capybara animal is bred on farms in Venezuela. Their meat is used for food and tastes like pork. Application is also found on the skin of animals, and their subcutaneous fat used in pharmaceuticals.

Since capybaras live in wetlands, their breeding is seasonal. During the rainy season, they disperse over a wide area and reproduce, and during the dry season they gather in a limited area, where part of the herd is selected for slaughter.

IN Lately An animal such as the capybara is becoming popular. Photos of these cute animals are spreading across the Internet. Many people dream of having such a charming pet. And this is entirely possible if you live in a tropical climate.

The capybara, whose photo cannot leave you indifferent, can really become an excellent companion. The animals are completely non-aggressive, affectionate, trusting, quickly become attached to humans and are capable of learning. Some gifted individuals can be taught various tricks and commands.

Capybaras are clean. They can be walked on a leash, like dogs. In captivity, animals can live up to 12 years. The capybara needs a large enclosure with a pond. A shadow is required in which the animal can hide from the sun. Capybaras are fed rodent pellets, hay, aquatic plants, grass, and vegetables. They also need branches of bushes and trees on which to grind their teeth.

Here are some interesting facts about capybaras.

  1. The capybara is the only species in the family Hydrochoeridae. However, some scientists identify a separate dwarf species of mammals, significantly inferior in size to ordinary capybaras.
  2. The capybara is recognized as the largest rodent in the world living on this moment. But the distant ancestors of rodents were the size of a modern bear.
  3. In the language of the Guarani Indians, the animals are called capiyuwa, which means “master of the herbs.”
  4. During the time of the conquistadors, the Pope declared that capybaras are fish because they spend most of their time in water. This decree allowed the consumption of rodent meat even during fasting.
  5. In many countries, capybaras are hunted because they are believed to be harmful to agriculture. In fact, rodents feed mainly on aquatic and marsh plants.

Capybaras are peaceful and friendly mammals with a cute appearance and interesting behavior. Thanks to their sociability and good nature, they can become pets.

Capybara (lat. Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is the largest herbivorous rodent on our planet. Some particularly well-fed animals reach a weight of up to 80 kg. It is also called the capybara, which belongs to the capybara family (Hydrochoeridae).

The species was first described in 1766 by Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus. Due to lack of reliable information, he assigned it to the genus Pig (Sus).

Relationships with people

Many Indian tribes living in South America have a widespread belief that every person is born into this world in two guises.

One double is born a human, and the other a capybara. By killing her, you can cause irreparable harm to his double.

This belief does not prevent the Indians from widely using the skin and teeth of this animal in everyday life and feasting on its meat. True, its meat has a sharp, specific smell, so lovers of this delicacy live mainly in the deep forests of Venezuela and have their own idea of ​​haute cuisine. Before eating, the Indians dry or salt it.

In Argentina and Uruguay, capybaras are used to prepare mainly a variety of sausages with hot pepper. There are even farms where large rodents are bred exclusively for this purpose. In local medicine, capybara fat, which contains a lot of iodine, is widely used. Among Europeans, eating capybara meat often causes severe allergies and skin diseases.

The animal is a big eater of grass, so in the language of the Guarani Indians it is called capi igva, which literally means “lord of the grass.” In Venezuela and Colombia it is called chiguiro, in Argentina - carpincho, in Ecuador - capiuara, in Peru - ronsoco, and in Brazil - capivara.

Distribution and behavior

The habitat is located in South America. It extends south from the northern regions of Panama through Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Paraguay to the northeastern corner of Argentina. There are smaller populations in Bolivia, Guyana and Uruguay.

This animal lives in tropical forests located in lowlands near large but shallow bodies of water. He also likes floodplain swamps overgrown with tall vegetation.

During the rainy season, huge rodents go to farm plantations to feast on young greens, causing enormous damage to local planters. Nowadays, in most Latin American countries there is a ban on the shooting of capybaras, which greatly outrages workers Agriculture, but contributes to the conservation of the species.

Capybaras live in family groups. They usually consist of a dominant male and 2-5 females with offspring. There are also married couples.

Often single males join the resulting herd. The aliens unconditionally recognize the authority of the leader.

The group occupies its own home site, which all its members unanimously mark with fragrant secretions from the infraorbital glands. Whoever has the largest glands is the leader. These rodents do not tolerate strangers on their lands and always violently drive them away.

During the rainy season, the herd can contain up to 40 individuals, and during drought, up to a hundred. At dawn, capybaras feed intensively, after which they rest with obvious pleasure. On a hot afternoon, well-fed rodents take cool baths, slowly swimming in search of appetizing young vegetation.

Capybaras dive into the water, leaving only part of their head on the surface. In the afternoon they come out onto land to feed on the bark of young trees in the evening. In addition to grass, their diet includes aquatic plants, a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Around midnight, happy and well-fed rodents settle down for the night together. The main threats to them are jaguars (Panthera onca) and (Eunectes murinus). During collective feeding, any animal coughs loudly and hoarsely at the slightest danger. Hearing such a signal, everyone freezes in combat readiness so that at any moment they can rush into the water and quickly swim away.

Capybaras are excellent divers and can stay underwater for up to five minutes. They communicate with each other by quiet whistling and coughing.


The babies are born fully developed and with soft brownish fur. A few hours after giving birth, the female returns to her native group, but periodically comes to the den to feed her babies. On the fourth day of life, babies go with their mother to meet their relatives.

The cubs immediately begin to nibble the grass, constantly communicating with their mother using quiet grunts. Females allow not only their children, but also the rest of the family group to feed on their milk.

Adults never come to the aid of their offspring in trouble, but only warn of approaching danger, which is why many teenagers die in the first year of life.

Only the most careful animals survive. Capybaras become sexually mature at 18 months of age.


The body length of adult individuals is 100-130 cm, and the height at the withers is about 50-60 cm. average weight ranges from 30 to 60 kg. The body is short and muscular.

The color is reddish-brown, with the presence of yellowish or grayish hairs. The coat is short and hard to the touch. The head is large and massive. At the end of the blunt muzzle is a nose with large nostrils.

The ears are rounded and have irregular shape. Small eyes are set at the top of the head. Above the nose are the scent glands. The limbs are short and muscular. The forelimbs end in small four fingers, and the hind limbs end in three. The fingers are connected to each other by swimming membranes.

Lifespan of a capybara natural conditions about 10 years.

The capybara (capybara) is a herbivorous semi-aquatic mammal, the only representative of the capybara family. It is the largest modern rodent. Translated from the Guarani Indian language, “capybara” means “lord of herbs.” In the countries of South and Central America, this animal is called differently - corpincho, capugia, caprincho, poncho.

The body of an adult capybara reaches a length of 1-1.35 m, the height at the withers of the animal grows 50-60 cm. The weight of males is 34-63 kg, females - 36-65.5 kg. (all measurements were carried out in the llanos of Venezuela). As can already be seen from measurements, females are usually larger than males.

The capybara has a heavy build. Outwardly, it resembles a huge guinea pig with a large head. The capybara has a massive, large head and a blunt, wide muzzle. Thick upper lip, rounded, short ears, widely spaced nostrils. Small eyes are located high on the head, somewhat at the back. Vestigial tail. Quite short limbs. The front ones have four fingers, the back ones have three.

The fingers are connected by small, incomplete swimming membranes, and are crowned with short, strong claws. The body is covered with long (3-12 cm), coarse hair, so sparse that the skin is visible through it; there is no undercoat.

The color of the upper body ranges from grayish to brownish-red, the abdominal part is usually brownish-yellow. Young animals are painted in lighter colors. Sexually mature males have a skin area in the upper part of the muzzle with many large sebaceous glands, females have six pairs of nipples on the belly.

The capybara has a massive skull, the zygomatic arches are strong and the frontal bones are long and wide, and the nasal bones are wide. The occipital part of the skull is relatively narrow and does not have a sagittal crest. Large lacrimal bone, relatively small auditory drums.

The infraorbital foramen does not have a canal through which the nerve passes. The bony palate is narrowed in front. There are twenty teeth in the mouth. The cheek teeth do not have roots throughout the animal's life.

The left and right rows of cheek teeth come closer together in the anterior part. The third molars on the lower and upper jaws are larger than all other molars and are formed from transverse plates connected by cement. The incisors are white and wide. The upper incisors have a longitudinal groove on the outer surface. The tibia and fibula are partially fused to each other. The animal does not have a collarbone. There are 66 chromosomes in the diploid set.

Capybaras can be found on the shores of various bodies of water in temperate and tropical parts of South and Central America, east of the Andes - from northeast Argentina and Uruguay to Panama. It is also found in Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and French Guiana. In addition, the distribution area includes the Amazon, Orinoco and La Plata river basins.

The main factors that limit the spread of capybaras are water and air temperature. In the mountains, these animals can be found up to an altitude of 1.3 km. above sea level.

Some people consider the pygmy capybara as a separate species, calling it the capybara. It is found from Northwestern Venezuela and Colombia to Northern Panama. The size of the capybara lags noticeably behind that of the ordinary capybara.

Starting from the Upper Miocene, one can trace what fossil capybaras looked like, and specifically the capybara - from the Upper Pliocene. All species of this family lived exclusively in North and South America.

Capybaras lead a semi-aquatic lifestyle, rarely moving further than 0.5-1 km from a body of water. The distribution of these animals is influenced by seasonal fluctuations in water: with the onset of the rainy season, capybaras disperse throughout the entire territory, and when the dry season begins, they gather on the banks of large rivers and other permanent bodies of water. They often travel quite long distances in search of water and food.

The capybara is an excellent diver and swimmer. The ears, eyes and nostrils located high on the head allow them to be held when swimming above the water.

The only enemies of capybaras are crocodiles, wild dogs, alligators, ocelots, jaguars, and anacondas. From attacks by land predators, they hide under water, while breathing through their nostrils remaining on the surface.

In the wild, capybaras feed on fruits, tubers, hay and grass, and aquatic plants. In captivity, their food is fish and pellet food.

Capybaras are social animals, living in groups, the number of which reaches 10-20 individuals. The group includes: a dominant male, several mature females (they have their own internal hierarchy), cubs and subordinate males who are on the periphery of the group. About 5-10% of the total capybara population, mostly males, live alone. The dominant male often expels competing males from the group.

The drier the area the capybaras live in, the larger their groups. And in the dry season, near large bodies of water, it happens that several hundred animals accumulate there. On average, a capybara herd owns a territory of approximately 10 hectares, but the main area where the animals most often spend time is limited, as a rule, to 1 hectare. Animals mark the area with secretions from the anal and nasal glands. Conflicts sometimes arise between its permanent inhabitants and strangers.

Capybaras communicate through barking and clicking sounds, whistling, and the smell of secretions from the olfactory gland located on the males’ face. When mating season arrives, males leave marks on the vegetation with the secretion of this gland, thereby attracting females.

Capybaras are capable of breeding all year round, but they usually mate when the rainy season begins: in Venezuela this is April-May, in Brazil, Mato Grosso - October-November. The mating process takes place in water. The duration of pregnancy is approximately 150 days. Most cubs in Venezuela are born between September and November. Childbirth does not take place in a shelter, but simply on the ground.

The number of offspring ranges from 2 to 8 cubs, covered with hair, with already teethed and open eyes. The weight of newborns is about 1.5 kg. All females of the group care for the cubs. Soon after they are born, babies can move independently and eat grass. However, mother's milk remains in their diet for up to 3-4 months. In a year, one female in favorable conditions can bring 2-3 litters, but more often she brings one.

Capybaras reach sexual maturity at 15-18 months, when their body weight becomes 30-40 kg.

Capybaras are closely associated with water, and this once led to a curious incident. About 300 years ago, they were classified as fish by the Catholic Church, which lifted the ban on eating their meat during Lent. A similar thing was once done in Europe with a beaver. And nowadays, in South American markets, capybara meat is in great demand, although its taste different people Conflicting opinions are expressed.

The capybara is not a protected species. The development of agriculture and livestock farming often benefits them, as new lands are developed, pastures are created, and therefore, in case of drought, capybaras will have more food and water. Based on this, we can conclude that the number of these animals on undeveloped lands will be less than near pastures. The densest populations of capybaras are 2-3.5 individuals per 1 hectare.

Nowadays, semi-wild capybaras are bred in Venezuela on special farms to obtain meat and skin, as well as fat used in pharmaceuticals. Capybara meat appearance and tastes like pork.

Here is what Gerald Durrell writes about the capybara in his book “Three Tickets”:
“The capybara is a huge rodent, a fat animal with an elongated body, which is covered with shaggy, coarse fur of a brown motley color. The front pair of legs is longer than the back, and there is no tail on the massive rump. Therefore, the animal always looks as if it is about to sit down. The paws are large, the toes are broad and webbed. The claws on the front paws are blunt, short, and very similar to small hooves. The capybara has a rather aristocratic appearance - a wide flat head and a blunt, almost square muzzle give it a patronizing and benevolent appearance, somewhat similar to a brooding lion. On the ground, capybaras move with a shuffling characteristic gait or gallop in a waddle, and in the water they dive and swim with amazing dexterity and agility.
Capybaras are phlegmatic, good-natured vegetarians, lacking the bright personality that is inherent in some of their relatives. But this disadvantage is more than compensated by his friendly and calm disposition.”

The lifespan of capybaras is 9-10 years, in captivity up to 12 years. These animals are easy to domesticate and tame; you can even teach capybaras various tricks. For the local population, they are not only a source of meat, but also pets.

This is how capybaras are caught at a Venezuelan capybara farm in El Frio during the dry season. Animals, when they see horsemen, jump strangely and take flight. The cowboys wave their clubs and their wide-brimmed hats and scream shrilly, thereby cutting off the capybaras' path to the water. The animals begin to puff strangely and make hoarse, alarming sounds.

Pregnant females and young animals are the first to succumb to persecution. They fall behind and their pursuers gallop past them. The circle is getting smaller. Some animals manage to slip between the horses. And the rest huddle together and finally stop.

It is difficult to say who was the first to decide to implement a project to breed capybaras on farms. But in our time, there are a lot of them - from large ones, the number of which reaches 30 thousand animals, to small ones, with the number of animals from 600 to 2 thousand.

So why did you decide to start breeding capybaras? Isn't it more profitable to keep sheep or cattle on a farm? It turns out not. The productivity and survival of livestock is reduced due to alternating floods and droughts. During periods of drought, it happens that there is not enough feed, and then the farmer is forced to purchase it. In addition, after living there for ten years, a rare cow will give birth to more than four calves.

But capybaras are remarkably adapted to such conditions. It turned out that they are ideal for breeding on Venezuelan farms, since they do not have aggression, the process of reproduction and growth is fast, and they are easy to care for. Even adult capybaras are easy to tame, they are obedient and affectionate, and are friendly with humans and dogs.

A study was conducted on a large farm in Venezuela that found that capybaras are more efficient at converting grass into protein than rabbits or sheep. In addition, they do not compete with cattle on pastures. And the weight of the offspring of these animals exceeds the weight of the offspring of other herbivores by five times.

During the dry season, when capybaras gather near water bodies, farmers count their exact numbers and decide how many animals can be sold (about a third of the herd). By the way, to preserve the population of wild capybaras, no more than 10% of the population can be shot.

Farms where capybaras are bred have become profitable also because their owners always respect certain rules. For example, they will never slaughter an animal that has not reached a weight of 18 kg, a pregnant female or a female with cubs. In addition, they never disturb the natural environment in which wild animals live.

Moderately dried and salted capybara meat can be bought at the city market for the same price as beef. It is said to have a pleasant taste. There is such a great demand for it that one large El Frio farm can provide them with only one Big City in the country. The area of ​​this farm is about 81 thousand hectares. land. She was one of the first to choose capybara breeding as her specialty.

But until recently, capybaras were under threat of extinction, as they were considered competitors of cattle on pastures and even pests that destroy crops. And, as surprising as it may sound, the capybara saved human interest in them as meat animals.

Nowadays, biologists from Venezuela believe that the production of capybara meat may be even more promising than the procurement of cattle products.

Fattened to the size of a large piglet. From the language of the South American Indians, where it comes from, the name translates as “Lord of Herbs.” The capybara is simply enormous in size, it is the largest rodent on Earth, and there is a belief that their ancestors were the size of a rhinoceros. Unlike guinea pigs, capybaras are natural environment They spend most of their lives in water, hence the second name. But they also feel great in city apartments as pet.


Habits and character of a rodent

The first rule is to discard the stereotype that since you are a rodent, you are stupid. The capybara has a fairly developed intelligence and herd instinct. IN wildlife they live in small communities of about 20 individuals with a strict hierarchy. The dominant male owns all the females, to which other animals are denied access. These same instincts of possessiveness will persist at home, but you won’t see any aggression; rather, the animal will simply attract more attention to itself, poking your leg with its muzzle and inviting you to play.

But there is one problem with care - they constantly need water. Don't drink, just swim. Of course, you can fill the bathroom with water every day, but this will end up with the neighbors below. To solve this problem, it is better to get a capybara who has a country house with a swimming pool or a clean pond - there the rodent will feel at home.

Capybara among people

Animal characteristics:

  • Body length – up to 1.5 m;
  • Height – up to 65 cm;
  • Weight – up to 65 kg;
  • Life expectancy is up to 12 years in captivity.

Looking at the photo above, all doubts about the existence of a large rodent disappear.

Rodent care

The domestic capybara does not require any care at all. Just feed, give somewhere to swim, and play. Teeth, eyes, ears, fur - the animal will take care of everything itself.

Capybara with a cat

If you have little free time, then the capybara will find friends among your pets. You don’t have to worry about them - the capybara will not touch any animals, small children, or guests; they begin to show aggression only in self-defense. The first warning will be a sharp bark, reminiscent of dogs. But as soon as you hear a whistle, clicking, or rumbling, everything is fine, the animal is calm and everything is happy.

Capybara reading a book

The rodent has sufficient intelligence to be trained and can be taught simple tricks.


The diet is not complicated:

  • Grass, hay;
  • Vegetables fruits;
  • Canned dog food and dry food;
  • Food for rodents.

This is a rare case for animals, but you can even feed them food from our table, but only with a minimum of chemicals, preservatives, and other rubbish.


The first conquerors of America, unfortunately, appreciated the taste of capybara meat; it is very tender and tasty. In the wild they have few enemies - crocodiles, anacondas, and the king of cats, but the most merciless enemy has appeared - man. The number of rodents has become so small that they almost became a thing of history.

Incredible, but Catholic Church classified them as fish, thereby giving them permission to eat during Lent.

But this is in the past, in our time their numbers are growing, and there is no longer a threat of extinction.

Buying a rodent

You can buy capybaras only in specialized nurseries, which can be counted on one hand. The price for an animal is very high - from 120,000 rubles.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!