After a long winter, you always rejoice at the first shoots of lush grass in the clearings and young foliage on the trees. And some are inspired by the rustling of paper dollars in their pockets, which have a light green tint. We will find out what the color green is about in dreams in proven dream books.

The color green in a dream does not come to the dreamer by chance. This may be related to his psycho-emotional state, reflect his character traits, or foreshadow bright moments that will definitely be remembered.

Noticing a lot of greenery around means that in reality you are in harmony with yourself, in unity with nature. This color of life predicts growth, development and the pursuit of excellence. It can reflect the reliability, trustworthiness, generosity, generosity of the sleeper.

In Feng Shui philosophy, green color activates the zone of abundance, wealth and prosperity. All shades of this color have meaning. Green is a kind of symbiosis of yellow and blue, so the interpretation will be twofold, depending on the saturation of the colors. A bright light green shade interspersed with red or orange promises the sleeper boundless energy, slight excitability, emotionality, and high temperament.

If you dreamed of being in a yellow-green space, it means you are friendly and open to people, you prefer to establish as many contacts as possible, strive to meet and communicate with people you are interested in, and learn something new from them. But sometimes you seem too intrusive and noisy, this can alienate a calm interlocutor.

A dark green or swampy appearance in dreams is identified with isolation. It is dreamed of by those who strive for stability and constancy in relationships, are self-confident, fairly restrained, and are not inclined to express unnecessary emotions. It can sometimes be difficult with such individuals, but there is no doubt about their loyalty and devotion.

The blue-green surroundings in dreams bring fresh notes of coolness to life. It personifies heaviness and isolation for those who place too strict demands on themselves, without sparing their strength and nerves. In this situation, the dreamer is accustomed to achieving the intended plan with irreconcilable consistency, but after this he may experience nervous exhaustion and dehydration. Such stories often warn workaholics to be more lenient with the capabilities and resources of their own body, to take care of their health and nerve cells.

The more natural and natural the green color in a dream, the easier and more harmonious the future will be. It instills calm, confidence and gentleness in eccentric people who often doubt their own worth. Finding yourself in a meadow of ripe young grass means realizing the importance personal growth. You don’t want to prioritize comfort and stability; you are looking for new directions for your development that can completely captivate you.

Author's dream books


Natural greenery in a dream is a sign of a happy and blessed life. Watching fruit trees sprout their first leaves means expecting peace and love in full family, where they rejoice at weather events, are proud of the achievements of children and grandchildren, and honor and respect the elderly.

Mow the succulent green grass in the meadow - in reality, through your labor and efforts to achieve prosperity and abundance. For people involved in large projects, this plot promises a difficult but productive period. These days there will be an increase in mental performance, concentration, observation and attentiveness. High vitality and a feeling of complete self-confidence will make you quickly realize and make what you want into reality.

Yuri Longo

Green represents reliability and is trusted and followed. I dreamed of going to a green traffic light - great sign to the dreamer. If you have outlined grandiose plans, you are bursting with ideas, profitable deals, and you have been waiting for the right moment, then this is just the case. You should take the situation into your own hands and act actively while fortune is on your side. Don't be afraid to listen and believe close circle, they will prove their need and devotion more than once.

I dreamed of going through green dollars in my purse - in reality, I was participating in a large financial transaction that promises significant profits. You should carefully check the validity of the transaction so as not to be left without a livelihood. For some, this will indicate that it is time to invest sums of money before they are devalued by the next inflation.

Lyudmila Shereminskaya

All shades of green are the color of optimism, confidence, hope and faith. He is able to predict positive moments for the dreamer in all areas of life, which this moment disturb the sleeping person. For chronically ill patients, such stories can dispel doubts about their own recovery. For people who are in dire need of financial resources to provide for children and purchase housing, this scenario can show the way to financial well-being and constant material wealth.

For a woman to be in a green garden full of fruits, berries and vegetables is a sign of family harmony and stability. In this case, you are not at risk of loneliness, betrayal or childlessness. Women's happiness will be exactly the amount you imagined.

For men, eating unripe things in a dream green apple- in reality, trying to achieve success and recognition without much difficulty. But your actions and deeds will not be appreciated; rather, on the contrary, they will undermine your excessive self-confidence and agility.

Finding your path to success will be predicted by a dream where you were walking along a path through a field of sprouted wheat. In fact, this is a direct indication that you need to decide on your life goals, act calmly, overcome obstacles, and wait for a worthy reward for your work soon.

Sigmund Freud

A brown-green environment in a dream can express the sensual passivity of the dreamer. You want to enjoy a state that has a beneficial effect on your senses, emotions that relax your mind and promote intimacy. You seek excitement through contemplation and enjoyment of your loved one. But your romanticism exists in parallel with your infantility. To your partner, you appear to be an egoist and a cynic. Therefore, you often have to be in search of your other half.

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A dream where there is green color can be interpreted in two ways, since this color has more than one meaning. In combination with various objects and things, it can acquire individual meaning and foreshadow various things. Here are the main names for which such a dream occurs: well-being, travel, joy, health, hope. And also: jealousy, envy, greed.

What if you dream about the color green?

People's colors reflect their emotional mood at a certain period life path, the character of a person and his predispositions. The same thing happens in dreams. In order to accurately determine what the color green is in a dream, you must first find out its symbolism and what it is usually associated with, and then isolate it from the general plot of the dream individual fragments and the most important details. After this, everything needs to be compared. If you pay close attention to this process, the interpretation of the dream will be correct.

The color green symbolizes new beginnings, life, health, rebirth and harmony. But there are also negative meanings of this color, since for many peoples of the world this color is a symbol of selfishness, inexperience, sadness, failure and frustration. For example, if you dreamed about the color green with things that are interpreted positively in dream books, then the dream will be interpreted for the better.

To interpret a dream, it is important to pay attention Special attention saturation of colors. If they are bright and juicy, then only for this reason we can conclude that the dream will most likely come true. If the colors are faded or barely noticeable, then such a dream either represents a bad event, or, most likely, it does not carry any meaning.

If you dreamed of green trees, then this indicates that the dream owner’s hopes will soon come true. It can also mean the birth of a new life - a tree in combination with green complement each other positive values. If you dreamed of something vague, and there were no negative objects in it, then such a dream symbolizes well-being and money.

If you often dream about gardens in which evergreens grow, then this indicates that a person’s life will be peaceful and calm. But if you walk across a field among green grass and suddenly see dried grass or dry branches, then you should think about your health - it may be undermined. Eating green, unripe fruits or vegetables promises problems at work or quarrels in the family. Green animals dream of getting rid of problems and negative emotions.

What does it portend?

So, green color can portend both bad and good events. But here it is also important to take into account emotional condition person. For example, a person dreams of a dream in which there seem to be no negative characters, and the plot of the dream is quite benevolent, but in the dream the person cries, screams or swears, then such a dream cannot foretell anything, since in this case it may indicate that the seer has dream something is wrong with the psyche.

Dreams “communicate” with people in the language of symbols and therefore, when interpreting them, you need to know their meaning. If you dream of a green lemon, then this portends viral disease. If we consider this interpretation in detail, it becomes clear that lemon is associated as an antiviral agent. And this is where the subconscious comes into play. That is, it is necessary to combine real values things as they exist in life.

Our subconscious mind contradicts our mind - the subconscious mind is able to look facts in the eye, but the mind distorts everything. Dreams appear to us on a subconscious level, and therefore, when interpreting them, it is important not to discard fragments that our subconscious considers shameful or ugly, but you just need to look at them in the form in which they were dreamed.

From the above we can conclude that green color in dreams cannot be considered as separate element, but you need to remember all the details of the dream, and if necessary, even write everything on a piece of paper bright events or objects that a person dreamed about. In this case, the likelihood of error in interpretation will be minimal.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about shades of Green?

Most often, the symbolism of this color is determined by its connection with vegetation. In most cases, seeing the color green in a dream is good sign. However, as in any color dream, for its correct interpretation it is important to decide which group of shades it belongs to.

  • Green color - green color, dreams in which there are bright plant, emerald, apple shades? They tell the dreamer that prosperity and harmony await him in the future.
  • The shades of early natural greenery you dreamed of may indicate haste and immaturity in the decisions you are about to make.
  • If you saw faded, poisonous neon or grayish, bluish tones in a dream, then you need to beware of psychological stress, which can lead to illness.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did you dream about Green colors?

  • If you dream of a green tint, like a combination of yellow and blue, the dream expresses the mystical connection between the natural and the supernatural.
  • Deep green color in a dream promises stability and peace of mind. The dream will lead to prosperity.
  • Seeing bright green shades of young foliage in a dream means other people’s secrets and innermost thoughts will be revealed to you.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about the color Green?

  • Sick green tones in a dream represent envy and jealousy that you will soon encounter.
  • Young people dream of green foliage, according to the dream book, to their first love, fragile, but joyful.
  • A married man dreams of deep green shades - don’t worry about your relationship, the dream promises eternal love and a happy family life.
  • If a woman sees a bright green tint in a dream, expect a new addition to the family.

New and most complete dream book 1918

Why do you dream about the color Green?

  • Green as such in a dream means hope, financial success, long trips.
  • Seeing a green dress foretells the fulfillment of hopes. Use paper - in reality you will experience neglect in love or failure in business.
  • Seeing lawns means that a meaningful future awaits you in reality. A green hedge foreshadows joy and profit, a spruce - pleasure.
  • Young coffee foretells insolent enemies from whom you should not expect mercy, and if you do not take this dream as a warning, they will seek to harm you in every way.
  • Roasting unripe coffee warns against the bad intentions of strangers.
  • Green acorns on a tree or lying under it are a sign of good changes. However, tearing them and collecting them foreshadows, on the contrary, bad events and meetings.
  • Peas, seen, portend good health and income growth.
  • Seeing mustard greens growing portends success and joy for everyone involved in agriculture.
  • Green lemon foretells an infectious disease or injury; eating it in a dream means humiliation and disappointment.
  • Why do you dream of the color green? According to the dream book, there is a bright green gooseberry - a sign of happiness that will visit you after worries.
  • Cooking gooseberry jam - you will make a mistake, striving for pleasure, and even be involved in a whirlpool of sensational events.
  • Seeing succulent leaves means the opportunity to receive a rich inheritance or marry wealthy person.
  • A fresh meadow foretells happiness, health and prosperity that will accompany you for many years.
  • Taking a blade of grass into your mouth and chewing it means profit.

English dream book

Why see green color in a dream

Green is the color of nature, of everything growing, and therefore it symbolizes fertility. People who have extraordinary success growing plants are said to have “green fingers.” It is also calming. However, on the other hand, it is associated with jealousy. Dreams may be tinted green if you are green yourself - for example, new to work or entering into a relationship for the first time.

Why do you dream about the color green? The predominance of green color may indicate a certain perception environment and the need to take care of it, especially if the action in the dream takes place in a natural setting, in the open air. On the other hand, it means envy and jealousy. Depending on who played what role, ask yourself whether someone is jealous of you or you are jealous of the person, and why.

Assyrian dream book

Green eyes - what do they mean to the dreamer?

  • Green is generally considered the color of healing and prosperity. American dollars, trees and herbs that give health and life. According to the dream book, this symbol also means that a project or idea is given the “green light” for its implementation.
  • Soft shades of green mean peace. Green things mean arranging things, calming down, healing.
  • Why do you dream of a green plant - to improve health and relationships.
  • Green animals mean fullness of feelings, getting rid of negative emotions.
  • An object of bright green color - good dream; only hope will get you out of a difficult, obviously losing situation; cash receipts await you; concentrated thoughts will do you good: you will see your path more clearly and from now on you will never take on anything that could damage your honor.

Green is the color of sensual Venus, the planet of love, beauty, harmony and material wealth. Like Mars, Venus is also responsible for desires and instincts, but Venus satisfies its desires in a gentle, non-violent way.

“Green” dreams come when you are looking for satisfaction in a relationship, want to improve financial situation. Often, subsequently, a period of luck begins when a person receives gifts of fate that he has long dreamed of. Someone finds a job that suits them completely, others receive gifts, others enjoy the attention of others, listen to compliments and praise addressed to them. Dreams in which you see green objects, flowers, houses, or where you are wearing green clothes or shoes foretell that your feelings will be satisfied, you will receive what you lack for happiness.

Venus is a feminine passive planet, and changes after “green” dreams do not come immediately. Venus is associated with feelings, so dreams promise changes in love and relationships with people. As a rule, changes for the better occur - harmony and pleasant emotions. An aesthetic feeling may appear, there will be a desire to change your hairstyle, clothing style, furnishings in your apartment, and take care of your appearance. Some begin to learn a craft and make beautiful things.

Venus is responsible not only for feelings, but also for choice. Maybe you decide to put things in order around you, like in literally, and figuratively, to understand your thoughts, feelings and desires, to get rid of the unnecessary. But it’s better not to wait for something or someone to force you to make a choice, but to put things in order around yourself. If you want pleasant changes to come into your life, ask yourself the question: “What do I expect from life and those around me, what do I lack for happiness?”

Over time, many desires accumulate, and if you are inconsistent with them, then some of them are forgotten, or you no longer want them to be fulfilled. But even forgotten and unwanted now, they can come true. For example, before you wanted others to appreciate your new hairstyle or a new acquisition, but then no one did it. And if someone does this now, you won’t be happy, because you yourself don’t like it anymore. Or you dreamed of an interesting job in a beautiful, bright office, and now you have been offered such a job, but you no longer need it because you want to work from home.

Think about what you want. If you are looking for a job, then clearly define for yourself what kind of work you need. If you lack emotional support, think about what exactly and how it could be expressed. Choose what works best for you, discover your true desires, so you can get what you really need.

If you often have “green” dreams, but nothing happens after them, you should show your talents. These dreams show that the goddess of love and harmony, Venus, is favorable to you, so that you are endowed with the ability to bring beauty into life, have good taste or artistic talents, but do not use them.

The color green as such in a dream means hope, financial success, long trips.

Seeing a green dress in a dream foretells the fulfillment of hopes.

Using green paper in a dream means that in reality you will experience neglect in love or failure in business.

Seeing green lawns in a dream means that in reality a meaningful future awaits you.

A green hedge foreshadows joy and profit, a green spruce - pleasure.

Green coffee in a dream foreshadows arrogant enemies from whom you should not expect mercy, and if you do not take this dream as a warning, they will seek to harm you in every way.

Roasting green coffee in a dream warns against the bad intentions of strangers.

Green acorns on a tree or lying under it are a sign of good changes.

However, tearing them and collecting them foreshadows, on the contrary, bad events and meetings.

Green peas seen in a dream foretell good health and increased income.

Seeing mustard greens growing portends success and joy for everyone involved in agriculture.

Green lemon foretells an infectious disease or injury; eating it in a dream means humiliation and disappointment.

Eating green gooseberries in a dream is a sign of happiness that will visit you after worries.

Making green gooseberry jam - you will make a mistake in seeking pleasure, and will even be involved in a whirlpool of sensational events.

Seeing green leaves in a dream means the opportunity to receive a rich inheritance or marry a wealthy person.

A green meadow in a dream foreshadows happiness, health and prosperity that will accompany you for many years. Taking a green blade of grass into your mouth and chewing it means profit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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