When operating any computer, it may happen that it starts to work slower than usual, slows down, or freezes completely, ceasing to respond to user actions.

What to do in such a situation and why might this happen? Some ways to optimize your computer are covered in the Free Mini Course.

What to do if your computer freezes?

So, first, let’s answer the question: “What to do if the computer has already frozen and stopped responding to all our actions (the program does not close, the mouse does not move, etc.)?”

Firstly, do not bang your fist on the keyboard or bang your mouse on the table.

Secondly, do not rush to turn off the computer with the on/off button. or reboot it with the Reset button. These buttons should only be used as a last resort, as this can lead to serious failures in the operating system.

We launch the Windows task manager with the saving key combination CTRL+ALT+DEL, or CTRL+SHIFT+ESC. In the “applications” tab, select the unresponsive program and click the “end task” button.

If this doesn't help, you can try restarting or turning off your computer. To do this, click on the “Shutdown” tab and select the required action from the drop-down menu.

If the above steps do not produce results and the computer continues to hang, we go to extreme measures and reboot the machine with the Reset button or turn it off with the on/off button.

As mentioned above, you need to use these buttons as little as possible, and if your computer often freezes, then you need to understand the reasons and eliminate them.

Why does the computer freeze? Causes and Solutions.

Possible reason 1: Poor or Inappropriate Program.

One of the reasons for freezing may be the program itself or the game you are using. Perhaps the specifications of your computer are simply outdated or the program (game) you are using has corrupted files. If freezes, for example in a game, occur in the same place, this is sure sign that her files are damaged.


– Before installing any program, always carefully read the necessary system requirements.

– Run the program (game) on another computer from someone you know. If freezes are observed there, then most likely this program is really damaged. In this case, find a higher quality copy.

Possible reason 2: Malicious Programs.

In addition to the fact that various malicious programs (Trojans, viruses, etc.) threaten the security of your computer, they can also significantly reduce performance operating system and lead to freezing.


– Update your antivirus program.

– Scan your computer.

– If your antivirus does not find anything, but you still have suspicions about viruses, download the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool utility from the official Kaspersky website and check your computer with it.

Possible reason 3: RAM overload.

A large number of programs running in the background can also cause your computer to freeze, as they use up RAM resources.


– Click “Start” => “Run” => Enter the msconfig command

– Uncheck those programs that you should not use regularly. Which ones to uncheck and which ones to leave? Here, each user has his own priorities, however, one should not uncheck the antivirus and some system programs.

Possible reason 4: Littering of the Operating System.

During operation, the operating system gradually accumulates unnecessary files that interfere with normal operation and can cause the computer to freeze.


– Download, install and run the utility.

– Clean the operating system of debris.

Possible cause 5: Damage to the Operating System.

Typically, damage to system files can occur when your computer is infected with viruses. However, this can also be caused by incorrect installation of programs or drivers.


– Try booting into safe mode and uninstalling recently installed applications.

– Restore the system. To do this, click “Start” => “All Programs” => “Accessories” => “System Tools” => “System Restore”. Select a checkpoint and start the recovery process.

Possible reason 6: Computer overheating.

If your computer often freezes or restarts spontaneously, it is likely that some of its components are overheating. Most often, this can be a processor or video card. You can monitor the temperature using various programs, such as EVEREST, SpeedFan, etc.


– Disassemble the computer and carefully clean its components from dust.

– Install additional cooling (fans).

Important! When installing additional fans, consider the power of the computer's power supply. If the power supply is weak, you should replace it with a more powerful one.

Possible Cause 7: Computer Component Failure.

If computer components fail, the computer boot freezes even before the operating system starts. Often it is not possible to enter the BIOS.


– Consult a specialist and replace the failed components.


Of course, there are many other reasons for your computer to freeze. To prevent some possible ones, the methods described in the Free mini-course will help you.

Often, malfunctions in the operating system lead to the fact that after turning on the computer, it immediately freezes and does not respond to user actions. Very often, this problem occurs among novice users who do not monitor the condition of the computer and do not devote time to maintaining the operating system.

When, after turning on the computer, it immediately freezes, the first thing you should do is restart the computer. This can be done by pressing the Reset button on the system unit case. And if you have a laptop, then press and hold it until the laptop turns off (usually 5-10 seconds). After the device starts booting (before the Windows splash screen appears), press the F8 key on your keyboard. After which you will see the system boot menu, where we use the arrows to select Safe Mode and press Enter. We wait until the download is complete and go to the Start menu (the computer should not hang in safe mode). Open the Run item and enter the msconfig command, then click OK. In the system configuration utility, go to the Startup section and uncheck all lines except antivirus. After that, go to the services section and uncheck all the services that are in this moment stopped (see Status column). Next, click OK and restart the computer. For owners, setting up startup programs is done through the Task Manager, which can be called up by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Del or Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys.

If after rebooting the computer also freezes, the reason may lie in the network connection or the presence of a virus that blocks the operation of some system files. Pull out the cord local network from the computer, and for laptops, turn off the Wi-Fi module (special function keys are usually used for this) and reboot. If this does not help, then try resetting the BIOS settings. You should enter the BIOS immediately after turning on the computer, usually by pressing the Del key, but for laptops this key may be different (F2, F10, Esc, etc.). In the BIOS itself there is an option to restore default settings or factory settings (Restore Default). Click on it and confirm the reset, then save the changes by pressing F10.

Scanning your computer for viruses will be problematic, since the computer freezes immediately after turning it on, but this can be done in safe mode or boot from a LiveCD. Even if you are confident in your antivirus, it is worth performing such a check. Any offline scanner will be suitable for these purposes, for example!

Also, if you notice that your computer freezes after installing a program, or after installing an update, or after updating drivers for a device. It is advisable to remove such a program or update, and roll back the drivers to the previous version. If the system has the recovery service enabled, you can try to roll back to the previous restore point when the computer was working normally.
It is possible that the reason the computer freezes is, in particular, the video card chip or processor. By the way, if the computer also freezes in safe mode, as during normal operation, then the most likely reason is overheating. On most modern computers, the temperature of the main components can be viewed in the BIOS. But you may need to use additional programs that should be launched from safe mode or from a LiveCD. The most common programs for checking hardware condition monitoring are AIDA64, CPU-Z (for central processor) and GPU-Z (for video cards). Having identified the source of overheating, for example, the video card chip, you should find out the cause of the overheating. There may be several of them. A non-working fan, accumulated dust on the heatsink, or dried out thermal paste between the chip and the heatsink. In any case, if you do not have enough knowledge and skills to work with computer equipment, cleaning the radiator, and even more so

A modern personal computer is a technology that is often characterized by both hardware failures and software failures.

When a PC responds to user actions with a slowdown, or even stops showing signs of life, this is the reason why it is experiencing problems. This mainly happens when installing new programs, watching videos or working with files downloaded from unreliable sources, as well as when turning the computer on and off or incorrectly resuming sleep mode.

If you contact service centers too often, it will cause damage family budget. To save money on more pressing needs, you should independently figure out why the machine freezes and does not respond to user actions, and also learn how to solve this problem using standard methods.

The reset buttons should only be used in extreme cases. When a sudden shutdown occurs, critical errors appear that can lead to irreparable file failures when loading the Windows operating system installed on most home PCs. Therefore, this is not recommended.

To see if the program responds to user actions, you need to launch it using the CTRL, ALT and DEL key combination. When viewed, the dialog box will show all running processes and their status. If the program is “Not responding”, you should use the “End task” button. In the event that this is impossible to do and no measure gives the desired result, you should reboot using the buttons after turning off the PC in the “Start” - “Shutdown” menu. There you can also assign sleep mode. Only if the PC does not respond to this action should you use the “Reset” key.

Let's figure out why a desktop computer freezes and slows down during operation, when turning it on or off, connecting new devices (flash drives, mice, keyboards powered by USB) and how to quickly fix the problem.

Demanding programs

In most cases, the reasons lie in the software itself. Before installing new programs, as well as when connecting new USB devices (flash drives, mice, etc.), it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the technical requirements of the product: very often users install them on outdated hardware. Due to low performance, Windows will look for ways to redistribute computing power, slowing down certain services. The solution to this problem can be to “upgrade” the hardware - do it every few years.


The second reason why the computer does not respond to any manipulations, slows down and freezes even when starting and watching a video, is malicious software, popularly known as “viruses”. They can enter the system from various sources: they can be “picked up” on the Internet, when connecting a flash drive or loading a disk, after installing programs from unreliable sources, etc.

The correct solution and prevention of this problem is an antivirus - a program that scans Windows for the presence of such software. In most cases, with a thorough check and elimination of the virus, the system will be cured, however, if it has managed to spread through the root folder, you should think about reinstalling it. A high-quality antivirus can protect the OS from the penetration of malware; during scanning, it will monitor every USB device connected to it, as well as every page on the Internet for viruses. It is worth noting that the antivirus itself will offer to do this when connecting a new device. In addition, you can protect your PC in a simple way: do not connect flash drives and other USB devices, and also do not launch a disk that came to you from a dubious source and do not visit suspicious sites while traveling on the Internet.

Extra files

Also, in most cases, the computer slows down due to clutter in the OS. The answer to the question “why?” very simple. During operation, Windows leaves a huge amount of unnecessary files occupying memory hard drive, which in itself affects the stable operation of the system. For example, when watching movies, videos and pictures on the Internet, they are loaded into the browser cache, taking up space in the hard drive memory. A computer freeze can occur when the disk is completely full. A solution to this problem can be the installation of programs and utilities that allow you to clear memory of unnecessary “garbage” without user intervention.

It slows down the operating system and software running in the background. Even if the user does not use this program, it still uses RAM to maintain operation. To solve this problem you need to do the following: enter the system settings menu, go to the “Startup” tab and uncheck the unnecessary programs that turn on at startup.

Freezes when watching videos on the Internet or from a hard drive are the main problem with most outdated computers. To solve this problem, you should upgrade your hardware or reinstall codecs.

The computer also freezes due to an incorrect device driver. In this case, the PC does not respond to manipulations and slows down even at startup. In addition, such an error very often causes a blue screen of death, even when turning on or off the computer. Before you start looking for a solution to this problem, it is worth understanding what this failure is and why it causes the system to freeze.

Blue screen

A blue screen of death is a message indicating a critical error in Windows.

Blue screens aren't just related to device drivers. In case of any hardware, software or system crash, a blue screen appears before the user’s eyes, on which an error code will be written. In Windows 8, at startup, the blue screen does not report an error, but displays an image with a sad emoticon and a request to reboot.
Depending on the cause, the problem that causes the blue screen can be resolved in different ways. If the failure occurred due to device drivers, you should start the PC from safe mode and use the restore function from the last point of stable operation of the system created when you exit the system. A blue screen due to hardware failures and overheating of the processor, RAM, or unstable operation of the hard drive will disappear only after replacing one of these parts, and a system error leading to blue screen, will be resolved after reinstalling Windows.

Sleep mode

Quite often, users complain that the computer freezes when loading the system when resuming from sleep mode. Mostly, this problem occurs among laptop and notebook users. The freezing of these devices is explained by the fact that they are connected to a huge number of different USB devices (flash drives, external hard drives, USB mice, webcams, etc.), which must be CORRECTLY disabled if you want to use the capabilities of sleep mode . If the devices were disconnected incorrectly, after “waking up” the system will try to find them, which will lead to a critical error, and therefore freeze. It is worth making sure that the device was installed correctly when connecting. Another reason why a PC freezes is when it goes into sleep mode while watching a video. To fix this problem, before turning on sleep mode, you need to turn off the video or remove the video disc from the drive.


Another reason why your computer freezes and slows down is updates. Most background processes during update (antivirus, center Windows updates etc.) use RAM, which affects the performance of the computer as a whole. A pirated copy of Windows installed on most users' PCs cannot connect to the update server, causing a system conflict. What can I do to avoid this? Windows Update should be disabled.

Reinstalling Windows (which can be done from a flash drive or any other USB source) is one of the most effective solutions for eliminating computer freezes and slowdowns. Most companies (including Microsoft) often focus on modern PCs when releasing a new product, forgetting to optimize their own creations for older generation machines, which is why problems arise when connecting new devices or installing programs and their updates.

If your computer freezes and slows down even when watching a video and you want to fix this problem once and for all, you should pay a little more attention to it: regular cleaning of the system, replacing components, updating some programs and developing a cleaning schedule will help protect it from such problems and make it more reliable!


We will perform Disk Cleanup and clear the system of “garbage”. We launch the standard cleaning program.
For Windows 7: "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Cleanup" (right click ->
For Windows XP: "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Cleanup"
If your computer has several hard drives installed (or one is divided into several logical drives), then a window will appear asking which of these drives to clean. Select the desired system drive on which WINDOWS is installed. (Then it is better to carry out this procedure with all computer disks).
Check the boxes for all the items suggested in the box, click “OK” - and wait. You may have to wait a long time, depending on how dirty the system is

Now let's check the computer's hard drive for errors and failures. First close all running programs and remove all external media (flash drives, hard drives, etc.). For Windows XP and Windows 7, the procedure will be the same.
Open the “My Computer” window in Explorer. Right-click on the system disk or partition of this disk and select “Properties”. In the window that opens, go to the “Service” tab, and there click on the “Run check” button. A small window will open in which you need to check the boxes for the 2 check points presented and click the “Launch” button.
A message will appear stating that Windows cannot check the disk that is currently in use and will prompt you to do so after rebooting. Click "Schedule Check Disk" for Windows 7 and "Yes" for Windows XP. Restart your computer. After the reboot, a scheduled disk scan will begin in text mode. Until it completes, the operating system will not start. The scan will most likely take a long time, so it would be more advisable to run it at a time when the computer is not needed (for example, leave it checked overnight).

The next step will be to defragment the system disk. We launch a standard disk defragmentation program.
For Windows 7: "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Defragmenter" (right click -> "Run as administrator").
For Windows XP: "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Defragmenter"
In the window that opens, select the disk on which the operating system is installed and click on the “Disk Defragmentation” button. (Then it is better to carry out this procedure with all computer disks).

Now let's play around with the size of the paging file.
For Windows XP: "Right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Performance -> Options -> Advanced -> Virtual Memory -> Change."
For Windows 7: "Right click on Computer -> Properties -> Advanced settings -> Performance -> Options -> Advanced -> Virtual memory -> Change."
In the window that opens, select “Specify size” (“Special size” for XP)
Now we multiply the entire amount of your RAM by 1.5 (if there is very little of it, then by 2). We write the resulting value in the fields "Original size" and " Maximum size"
(And as an exception, if the computer has 4 gigabytes of RAM and Windows XP is installed, then you can install small value, for example 512 megabytes)

Disable unused services. "Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services." In that big list We study the names and descriptions of all services. We decide that all of this can be disabled without damaging the state of the system. (Specific advice on the advisability of disabling a particular service can be easily found on the Internet). Stop the selected services (double-click on the selected service “Startup type -> Disabled” and click on the “Stop” button)

Disable unused startup items. First, let's go to "Start -> All Programs -> Startup" and remove all unused shortcuts from there. Then run the standard system startup setup program: “Start -> Run” and write “msconfig” in the line, go to the “Startup” tab and disable all unused programs. (You can easily find specific advice on the advisability of disabling a particular program in startup on the Internet by typing the name of the program into a search engine)

Let's turn off visual effects.
For Windows XP: "Right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Performance -> Options -> Visual Effects."
For Windows 7: "Right click on Computer -> Properties -> Advanced Settings -> Performance -> Options -> Visual Effects."
In the window that opens, switch the item “Ensure the best performance” -> OK

Disable unused devices.
For Windows XP: "Right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager."
For Windows 7: "Start -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Device Manager"
In the window that opens, disable unused devices (right-click on the selected item -> "Disable")
You can disable unused camera, network card, IEEE 1394 controller, COM and LPT ports, etc. If something happens, a disabled device can always be “used” if needed

We clean your computer from viruses using an antivirus with up-to-date antivirus databases. You can use both permanently installed anti-virus programs and free “one-time” ones for routine scanning, such as CureIT from Dr. Web,

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Helpful advice

Do not store large amounts of data on the “desktop”; in most cases, this consumes RAM resources, which in turn leads to a slowdown of the computer. It’s better to transfer the information somewhere to “logical” drives or delete it altogether if it is not particularly valuable. Ideally, only shortcuts to folders and frequently used programs should remain on the desktop.

Sometimes this is convenient: insert a disc and immediately the music, video, game starts, a program or document opens. This is especially important if the disk is intended for an inexperienced user. How can I make the file run automatically when I insert a disc? We will help you answer this question.

You will need

  • - computer
  • - disk drive
  • - disk
  • - mouse
  • - keyboard


Create on disk C: folder 1. This is where you will then create the startup file.

Create a file called autorun.inf in this folder. To do this, create a text document. If it looks like "Text document.txt", this means that extensions for registered types are displayed for you. Rename the file to autorun.inf. Open the file. Type in the following:

open=programm.exe In this file, programm.exe is the name of the program that will start automatically. If this is in a folder, specify the path to it in the form open=Folderprogramm.exe. Go to step 7.

In the case of hidden extensions (the created file is simply “Text Document”), go to any folder, select “Folder Options” from the “Tools” menu. In the “View” tab, uncheck the “Hide extensions for known file types” option.

Close folder properties. Visit them again. If the check mark next to the “Hide extensions for known file types” option appears again, this may mean that the extensions are hidden by some kind of . In this case, proceed through .

Click “Start”, “Run”, and type cmd in the program launch line. Will open. Type copy con c:1aurorun.inf there. Press enter. On a new line, enter . Press enter. Then type open=programm.exe. Press enter. Press the combination Ctrl-Z, enter. Close the line. In this file, programm.exe is the name of the program that will run automatically. If this program is located in a folder, specify the path to it in the form open=Folderprogramm.exe.

Copy the resulting file to disk.

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On CD-ROMs and DWD-ROM read-only cannot write files. In particular, you cannot write to the autorun.inf file.

Helpful advice

If you suspect a virus is present on your computer, check your antivirus. Update it if necessary.


To keep the Windows operating system running smoothly, you need to constantly perform a number of simple steps. Some of them can not only fix system errors, but also improve its performance.

You will need

  • - CCleaner.


First, delete all unused files. Special attention You should pay attention to temporary files created when working with Internet applications. Open the list of local disks and go to the properties of the one on which the operating system is installed. In the General menu, click the Disk Cleanup button.

After preparing a list of files that can be deleted, select unnecessary data with checkmarks and click Ok. It is recommended to reboot before this to free up the files created for this session.

Clean the system registry. If you are not an advanced user, then it is better to use special utility. Download CCleaner from http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download. Install the program and run it.

Go to the Registry menu and click the Search for Problems button. After completing the analysis of the system registry, click the “Fix” button and select “Fix marked” in the window that appears. Go to the "Tools" menu and open the "Uninstall programs" item. Uninstall any unused utilities. This will slightly improve your computer's performance.

Go to "Erase Disk". Select the checkbox next to the partition on which the operating system is installed. In the “Erase” column, set the “Only free place", and in the item "Security" - "7 passes". Click the Erase button and wait for this process to complete.

Increase the page file size. Open the “Advanced system settings” menu, find the “Options” button in the “Performance” sub-item and click it. Select the Advanced tab and click the Edit button. Set your paging file size targets, save your changes, and restart your computer.

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When the computer starts to not work as expected - it glitches, freezes, slows down, it is necessary to take at least some measures. The first priority for many in this case is to restore the system, or “ rollback».

You will need

  • A system restore point created in advance (manually or automatically);
  • Computer administrator rights.


And finally, for the most rollback and you need to click on “Recovery” in the “System Protection” tab. Click “Next” (will only be done if there is at least one point). In the list that opens, select the control point we need, “Next”. Recovery has begun. After reboot it will report the result rollback A.

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The instructions were written for Windows 7 (since the author did not have XP).

Helpful advice

Create system restore points as often as possible so that if you need to rollback, you have more options.

Tip 5: How much RAM do you need to keep your computer from slowing down?

When you increase the amount of RAM, for example from 1 GB to 2 GB, the computer starts to run much more fun. How much memory is needed so that nothing slows down?


Typical motherboards contain a maximum of six memory slots. The maximum size of one stick is 32 GB. This means that you can install a maximum of 6*32 = 192 GB. If the board is simpler, then there are only four slots. This means the maximum is 128 GB.

However, if the system is 32-bit, then the maximum is reduced to 4 GB. Such a system will not see it again. In fact, the available volume is even smaller for technical reasons - a little more than 3 GB. Switching to 64-bit will remove the limitation, but you will still be able to install no more than what is specified in point 1.

Check what system you have. Press Win+Pause and you will see a message about 64-bit. If not, then you have 32-bit Windows.

But computer performance will not increase with every gigabyte of RAM! Then it will come down to the performance of the remaining components of the system. Therefore, the ideal volume for a modern gaming computer is 8 GB. No more! And for an office computer, 4-6 GB is enough.

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Modern Windows versions 7 and 8.1 are good at working with large amounts of memory. So if you open the task manager and see that free memory little, then know that in new systems free memory is synonymous with wasted memory.
The small amount of free memory is explained by the fact that the system uses part of the memory for cache so that applications receive the data they need faster.

Helpful advice

Before you go to the store for memory, be sure to make sure that you have a free slot. You also need to determine the type of memory in order to buy the right one.

A system failure is never a small problem. It becomes impossible to work on the computer, as it starts to slow down, does not open the necessary programs, and freezes. Most often this occurs due to an infiltrated virus, but there may be other reasons.

You will need

  • Damaged computer, Internet access.


In the dialog box you need to find the function for optimal BIOS settings: "Load Optimized Defaults". Activate it using the arrow keys and the "Enter" key.

It wouldn’t hurt to take such a measure as creating an image of the system disk (most often this is drive C). As a rule, this can be done immediately after installing the operating system. To create a backup copy, follow this path: “Start” -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories” -> “System Tools” -> “Backup”. When you launch this function for the first time, you should uncheck the “Always run as a wizard” option, so you will need to do all the steps yourself. Then go back to archiving, but without the wizard. To do this, in the window for selecting drives and folders to copy, find “Documents and Settings”, “Program Files” and “Windows”. Be sure to check the “System State” item.

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Remember the name of the backup file and its path so that if you need to restore, you can easily find it.

Helpful advice

Finding a reliable antivirus today is not difficult - there are quite a lot of sites on the Internet where experienced users share free and paid versions of such software. In addition, almost every provider can offer you the use of a stable and constantly updated antivirus for a fee.

Agree, much nicer play into a game with real players - for example, next door neighbors or work colleagues. To play over the network, not only the game itself must support the network mode, but also your computer must have certain qualities. First of all, these are functional network services and working network equipment.


Connect your computer to the network if you have not done so before. For this you will need LAN card(in modern computer oh it's built in motherboard) and at least a patch cord to the nearest switch. If you do not have a built-in map in your personal computer Yes, contact a specialized computer center where you will be provided with all the materials. Laptops usually have built-in network cards.

Check your network connection. Start the Network Neighborhood service, or Network and Sharing Center if you are working in an operating room Windows system 7. The network connection shortcut must be active and labeled “Connected”. If you have a USB modem, it connects when you click the “Connect” button. Standard modems connected using , connect automatically when turned on computer A.

Enter the necessary network adapter settings - your internal network IP address, default gateway, subnet mask. Turn off Windows Firewall and tell your antivirus program that the network connection is trustworthy. Check that your network connection is working by going to an open folder on your computer from another computer and local network. If you can transfer data to each other over the network, then your computer ready to play online.

If your computer is incorrectly configured, or has non-working software - an operating system with damaged system files and constant mistakes, be prepared that play It won't work over the network. The game will slow down, and other participants will easily beat you in the game.

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Many users are wondering how to clean their computer so that it doesn’t slow down and works stably under everyday loads. To do this, you should not only delete all unnecessary files, but also use special services.

When any computer is running, it sometimes happens that the computer either starts to slow down, or even freezes completely (for example, when watching videos, playing games, or in any other cases), without reacting in any way to user actions: any program does not close, the mouse “doesn’t work”, etc...

What to do in such a situation? Wait? Forcefully turn off the computer using the shutdown button and start it again? Or are there other options?

To decide what to do in this situation, let’s first answer the question: why does the computer freeze?

There can be a lot of reasons, but in this article I want to draw attention, in my opinion, to the most basic reasons for this problem that a novice user may encounter and solve them on their own.
Why does my computer freeze? Five main reasons

Firstly, you need to understand that any technique and program is not perfect! During the operation of programs, various errors may occur, which is natural. Moreover, in addition to the operating system itself, you have to install additional third-party programs, which can sometimes lead to various conflicts between the software.

Secondly, each computer has its own information processing characteristics (processor, RAM, video card), which directly affects the processing time of running programs. The more programs with high performance requirements ( modern games, graphic editors, etc.) works simultaneously on a computer, the greater the load on information processing.

And when the computer “cannot cope” with processing a huge flow of information for it, it may begin to slow down or even freeze.

Third, during the operation of the computer, especially due to the removal of various programs, a lot of different “garbage” accumulates, which also worsens the performance of the computer and can significantly slow down its operation.

Therefore, just as any home requires regular cleaning to remove various debris, the computer requires similar attention to itself. To do this, it is necessary to periodically clean it not only externally, removing dust, but also internally, using special “cleaning” programs.

Fourth If you use your computer intensively, your computer files become fragmented over time, which can also cause your computer to slow down. And just as the house requires not only cleaning, but also arranging objects in their places, it is also necessary to put things in order in the computer special programs on defragmentation.

And fifthly, the computer may become infected with some kind of virus, which, depending on the specific virus, sometimes manifests itself in the computer slowing down or completely blocking it.

Of course, there are other reasons why your computer freezes. If necessary, we will discuss them in the comments or maybe in other notes. In the meantime, taking into account the above main reasons, let's talk now about what should be done first if the computer freezes or slows down.

What to do if your computer freezes or slows down?

Most easy way What novice PC users resort to when the computer is frozen is to use the computer shutdown button. But, despite its simplicity, this solution should be tried only as a last resort!

The fact is that if you forcibly turn off the computer in this way while the computer is running, this can lead to both the loss of unsaved information of those programs that are currently running, and to a serious malfunction in the operating system, due to which It may even require a complete reinstallation.

Therefore, first of all, it is advisable to complete the three steps preceding this extreme:

1. Be patient! In many cases, from a few seconds to several minutes (even up to half an hour) is enough for the computer to solve this problem itself, processing the flow of information that has rushed into it or coping with any program conflict that has arisen.

2. Close “heavy” programs. If the computer has not completely frozen, but simply started to slow down, try closing one program that may be taking away greatest number system resources.

First of all, it could be some running game that requires large resources to process information. It could also be a video player or some kind of graphic editor.

Moreover, when closing a program, after clicking on its close icon, you need to wait a little without immediately clicking on it again, allowing the computer to process the task given to it.

3. Launch task manager. If the above two steps do not help, you can use the Task Manager, which can be used to shut down applications that are not responding. To open the task manager, simultaneously press the three key combination CTRL+ALT+DEL on your keyboard:


By the way, do not press the combination of the above keys several times. We pressed it once, waited a few seconds, if the Task Manager did not appear, we tried again.

In the Task Manager, in the Applications tab, select the program that is not responding and click the End task button:

When the system shuts down the hung program, it will disappear from this list of running programs. But it happens that after clicking the Cancel task button, the frozen program is not always canceled immediately. In this case, you should wait a couple of minutes and then try again.

Shutdown and reboot

If disabling unresponsive tasks still did not help bring the computer back to normal, in this case, in the same task manager, you can click on the Shut down button so that the computer ends all processes and turns off. After that, you can turn it on again.

If we can’t launch the Task Manager and the computer hasn’t responded in any way to attempts to “revive” it for half an hour, well, then we’ll go to extreme measures, i.e. turn it off using the on/off button (if a laptop), or the reset button on system unit(if a desktop computer).

Clearing junk and organizing files

As I mentioned above, it is necessary to periodically remove accumulated “garbage” and also do defragmentation. Read about how to clean Windows from “garbage” in the CCleaner article -quick cleaning Windows, and I’ll also tell you about defragmentation someday.

Checking your computer for viruses

Some viruses can paralyze the operation of both the entire computer and its individual programs, including calling the Task Manager. Therefore, I recommend periodically or forcefully scanning your computer for malicious elements, for example using the free Dr.Web CureIt utility. Or updated antivirus databases of an installed antivirus, for example, Avast Free antivirus.

2. Clean the metal contacts from oxide on the memory modules by removing them from the system board. This can be done with an ordinary eraser.

3. After purging and replacing the memory modules, check all connectors.

4. Check that all fans are spinning after turning on the computer. Overheating causes freezing.

5. Reinstall the operating system.

6. If the above tips do not help, contact a computer repair specialist, since a computer is a complex hardware and software device, and there is no general template for troubleshooting its problems.