Ecology of business: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Antropov has been growing strawberries professionally since 1976. Currently, the cultivation area of ​​this berry is 2 hectares.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Antropov has been growing strawberries professionally since 1976. Currently, the cultivation area of ​​this berry is 2 hectares. Drip irrigation and a scientifically based system of chemical treatments and biological fertilizing are used:

Three chemical treatments (spring eradication - Preparation 30, spring against insects - Bi-58 + Kuprostat, against ticks at the end of the season - Preparation 30 in lower concentrations);

Biological fertilizing (during the entire season with a frequency of 15 days, a total of 10 sprayings).

The farm uses about 30 different varieties of strawberries, mostly remontant ones, but also early, mid-early, late and mid-late varieties.
The technology used for growing strawberries, along with the variety of varieties, allows us to produce marketable strawberries from May until frost. In addition, the farm grows strawberries for seedlings. The seminar participants were happy to purchase on site not only sweet berries, but also proven varieties in terms of good yield, taste, and disease resistance - “Albion”, “Charlotte”, “Temptation”, “Irma”.

Strawberries are very beautiful and aromatic, and their taste is incomparable to any other berry, but growing them on an industrial scale will require a lot of effort and material resources. And then the question immediately arises - is it worth doing this at all, or is there no point in competing with imported berries, which are in abundance on the market?! A comprehensive answer to this question was given at the seminar, based on many years of practical experience, leaving no doubt that growing strawberries is economically profitable business in the current market conditions.
According to Vladimir Alexandrovich, even with small area you can get a good result if you follow the technology, and those present were presented with a detailed calculation of the economic efficiency for a strawberry growing area of ​​0.5 hectares.

From the presented calculations it is clear that the main costs fall on:

Purchase of seedlings; 20,000 of them will be needed for the specified area. It is better to purchase seedlings in cups. This is an expensive business - 1,200,000 rubles, but such seedlings will take root better and produce a harvest within 2-3 months after planting. The price of ordinary seedlings is in the range of 15 - 20 rubles per 1 piece, but you will have to expect a harvest from them only next year;
- installation of drip irrigation, for this you purchase everything necessary (tape, pipes of various diameters, various adapters, taps, etc.), which will amount to about 29,900 rubles;
- well with good water chemical composition water, so its depth should be about 15 meters. As well as a high-quality pump and other little things to organize an uninterrupted water supply, a total of 28,000 rubles.
- seasonal and off-season treatments against diseases and pests, as well as fertilizers. Everything is according to scientifically based standards and not a ruble should be spent in vain - 21,780 rubles. We must not forget that children will eat the berries;
- covering material or mulching film. Its service life is three years, but you will still need to spend a lot of money - 39,000 rubles. You can, of course, get by with cheaper means, for example, using straw or rice husks, but the berries become contaminated, their presentation is lost, and in wet weather picking them becomes almost impossible. Sunflower seed husks cannot be used - ripe strawberries get pricked by the sharp edges of the husk and lose their presentation;
- the cost of electricity, harvesting and purchasing the very baskets in which we are used to buying strawberries, all together - 300,000 rubles;
- additional costs for transport, fuels and lubricants, purchase of equipment, etc. – 100,000 rubles.

TOTAL we get - 1,718,680 rubles.

The yield of strawberries, for example, in America is about 3 kg per bush. In the region we have different conditions and different technologies, so we will proceed from a yield that is more realistic to our conditions - in the first year, taking into account three harvests (spring, summer, autumn), approximately 1.5 bulbs per bush. The price of strawberries varies at different times of the year - in the spring it is very expensive, in the summer it is much cheaper and in the fall the price of the berries rises again. On average, it turns out to be 100 rubles per basket. Further, it is not difficult to calculate that from a plot of 0.5 hectares where 20,000 strawberry bushes are planted in the first year, you can harvest a crop of 30,000 baskets and sell it for 3,000,000 rubles. Taking into account costs - 1,718,680 rubles, net profit in the first year will be 1,281,320 rubles. Almost no other agricultural production can compare with such profitability.

In the second year the situation looks even more optimistic. Costs are significantly reduced:
- for repair of drip irrigation (tape) – 7,000 rubles;
- electricity – 30,000 rubles;
- chemical and biological treatments – 21,780 rubles;
- harvesting costs – 270,000 rubles;
- additional expenses – 100,000 rubles.

TOTAL – RUB 428,780.

The yield will increase to 2 bulbs per bush and will amount to 40,000 pieces in the total harvest volume. Let’s take the previous price (100 rubles) - we get revenue of 4,000,000 rubles and net profit of 3,571,220 rubles.

It is best to have two adjacent plots of 0.5 hectares each. Since, according to the technology for growing strawberries, in the third year you will have to change the plot and transfer the entire technology to another. If the plots are adjacent, then costs are minimized. published

Everyone talks about super-profits, about the strawberry business - if you listen, only the lazy don’t do it, and missed opportunities. They famously calculate the wild profitability and blatant profit of 144% from 1 hundred square meters. But do you know the ins and outs of beautiful numbers, do you have an idea of ​​all the expense items? Pseudo business plans won’t tell you about them. You can guess about unexpected expenses - it’s easy to go into the minus, easier than to get out of them - much easier than I imagined.

Do you believe in the possibility of making money so easily and simply from a peasant farmstead, but at the same time you have a hard time guessing where strawberry mustaches grow? Then I will try to dissuade you, save your money, energy and time. And also nerves - you will need them if you decide to seriously start growing strawberries for sale.

Strawberry business: why don’t the numbers work?

Why don’t business plans for making money on strawberries work in most cases? And because the figures given are average-ceiling. Many expense items are not taken into account - hence the profitability above 100%.

So, the average yield is up to 25 t/ha - such a yield when growing strawberries is considered enviable, believe me, on average 16-18 t/ha. This means that from our 10 acres we will get about 2000 kg at 3000-3500 v average year on average varieties and up to 450-500 on the most productive ones - the calculations are correct for early ones, for remontant ones - the numbers are completely different.

First, let's estimate the scale of strawberry production: without them, all calculations of profitability are water, suitable only for dropout students of agricultural universities. It’s simple: with a larger gross harvest, the cost per unit of production, in our case 1 kg of sweet strawberries, is less. So, when purchasing seedlings in bulk, a farmer buys them 2 times cheaper than a gardener who buys 5-10 pieces, and 1.5 times cheaper than a small-scale producer who buys a couple of hundred. The same situation is with the wholesale of mineral fertilizers, organic matter and covering material - everyone who wants to know knows about this. So, about the scale.

  • Drip irrigation - on a plot of more than a hundred square meters is not a cheap pleasure: you will need to calculate the cost of the entire system, which also depends on the area being treated.
  • Costs for fertilizers: most agricultural enterprises do not recognize how much and what fertilizers are applied. Trade secret, you know. And in the articles they will only write general recommendations for amateur gardeners. You will have to delve into the art of agrochemistry yourself, look for economical and effective options.
  • Costs of transportation, transportation and storage - no one knows how far a person starting his own business will have to transport goods: where can there be exact figures for transportation costs?

Unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions, human factor - they did not find sales, product damage, etc.

I'll tell you about the expense items first. I will give the figures in conventional units, cu. that is, for the respected Internet community, living in different countries and measuring goods in different countries. I will not describe industrial cultivation - by the way, the expression is not correct: industrial means mechanized collection. Manual - simply producing berries, in my case - small-scale production.

Our wild market is wild, but there is plenty of variability

There are many ideas for industrial cultivation of strawberries - growing in a greenhouse, hydroponically, in bags - we will not touch on these topics. Our grandmothers also started their business of growing Dutch strawberries on their 6 acres; the grandchildren who remained behind the broken trough of the economy continue it - on a larger scale, and not at home, in the front garden, but on plantations, in greenhouses. Of course, indoor soil provides many advantages - but we are not talking about greenhouse farming, but about growing in a private backyard, in the field, so to speak.

About varieties - if you buy seedlings from famous nurseries, you are a wealthy person, but if you buy seedlings from unfamiliar farmers, without a guarantee, you will not be a wealthy person. Pure seedlings are expensive - but it’s worth it: it’s more profitable not to bother with the queen cell, but to make a profit from turnover by purchasing frigo seedlings. However, if there is something to buy for. And if not, we buy expensive ones in trusted nurseries, from well-known sellers, in trusted stores - and grow our own seedlings.

As for the best, they are a separate matter. The main thing is that it corresponds to its intended purpose - industrial, productive, transportable and tasty - there are many main things - but, alas, this is not what we are talking about.

Cost calculation: both as a joke, but seriously

If you are interested in the cost and profitability of strawberry production in Ukraine and Russia, pay attention to this point - practice is practice, it’s not about drawing beautiful numbers on paper. Pay attention, despite the author's humorous tone.

Let’s imagine a small cozy plot of land – a plantation of 10 acres. For every hundred square meters there are on average 500 bushes, 10 x 500 = 5000 pieces.
We further calculate: the price of planting material, each ZKS strawberry bush, is up to 0.2-0.5 USD. depending on the variety, class and type of seedlings - I take frigo class A, A+, A++ - it costs more if we take from 500 pieces. Total – 2500 USD (according to today’s exchange rate CU to UAH – 1:25).

If we want frigo, we will have frigo. And even better, the seedlings are clean, free from all kinds of bacteria, viral and fungal spores, have not seen pests, from nurseries - A class, the highest. This one is so expensive. It is good - there is no risk of a sudden disease of the entire planted plantation, means of prevention are needed, not protection - it is already cheaper. But the cost of production, alas, is rising, and the pocket is scared from such expenses, isn’t it - after all, we were promised a strawberry business with almost zero costs - were we really deceived? No, they simply kept silent about its real side - the real cost.

A small digression: we will talk about early varieties of strawberries. About growing remontant plants for sale - in the next article, a completely different conversation. By the way, in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, industrialists primarily grow early varieties, while remontant varieties are grown in a smaller proportion. Why - oddly enough, it’s more profitable, the turnover is faster despite the visible advantages of a larger number of repairmen, there are fewer risks.


We will plant at the end of summer, when the heat subsides, not reaching autumn. At this time, every day is precious - it pushes back or brings next year’s harvest closer. Late July – August depending on the region.

Saplings are exclusively ZKS. Or transplant with a clod of earth. The later we plant, the more soil there is.
There should be no heat that kills the seedlings - this is the main thing. And watering and mulching must be organized.

About mulch and covering material: under film or on film - you still need it

Mulch – you can’t live without it. It can be planted on agrofibre, on film, or on straw. Vegetable - an economical option. It will protect the soil from drying out, overheating, save watering, and weeds will not break through. But where did you see the same free straw - if you saw it, then tell me - I’ll come running for it. The pleasure is not expensive, but you will have to pay for it: at least 10-15 USD. leave in your wallet a satisfied straw truck who tossed you a couple of bales.

But the economical option is often not the best. Organic mulch, humus + peat on top of straw, will cost more, 30-35 USD. it will work if you're lucky - the option is good for a garden where a dozen bushes grow. Give us something cheaper. And cheaper - expensive film or agrofibre, on which you can plant. Its price - can you handle it? If not, let’s remember about straw and forget about agrofibre and film.

The worst thing is the covering material – 150-180 USD. didn't want to pay for a roll? Like it or not, even if you don’t mulch, you need to cover it from frost in winter and early spring and for early ripening.
Since we are talking about the strawberry business in open ground and its profitability, then let’s think about tunnels, canopies, not to mention greenhouses. No, we are not talking about greenhouses - just about shelter that accelerates ripening. We will cover it with either white agrofibre or film. Will we pay? One more roll please. We won’t - we’ll do without early ripening, when strawberries are so expensive.

So this roll may not be enough, you know. And without it, you can’t cover it with a newspaper. Tea, not in grandma’s garden, when you can mulch the bed with straw and litter: it’ll be covered with snow and everything will overwinter. Once you have decided to seriously engage in the industrial cultivation of strawberries, please, cover them correctly - icing of the roots with subsequent attacks is expensive nowadays.

Without water - not there or the cost of watering

Drip irrigation will cost us about 200 green tugriks, depending on the amount of drip tape. There is no need to be stingy: there is root watering, water saving, fertigation, and optional fog installation - any whim for your money.

Let's feed and feed: how much does garden and field chemicals cost?

Let's draw up our business plan for growing strawberries next. The next cost item is organic matter and mineral fertilizers.
Organics - manure in our style: per 1 hectare there are up to 100-120 tons for planting, i.e. per 1 hundred square meters - up to 10 kg, per 100 - hundred, centner. How much good is there in your places - you know, then enter the number yourself. In Nashensky, for the delivery and for scattering honey with a mechanical cultivator - it cost only 50 USD. – it’s cheap, very cheap – my friends helped in a friendly way. And organic production is good, of course, but it is a costly business - mineral fertilizers are cheaper, and many times cheaper.
Mineral fertilizers - we will calculate the application in the year of planting, and the next year - in the phase before flowering, budding and ripening - we will reach another 55-60 USD. This is also expensive - industrialists, due to wholesale, get sweet berries cheaper, as evil tongues say - or maybe good ones - who knows.

Everything is in the shade!

And also, due to the heat and drought, not only in the south, shading nets have become fashionable. It’s a brilliant invention, you know – the berries don’t bake, the leaves don’t burn: the strawberries stand vigorous and fresh, the berries are filled with juice and sugar.

Protect yourself!

And they haven’t yet calculated the main thing: not only we love sweets, but also pests: beetleworm and strawberry mites, etc. And also diseases - spotting, Alternaria and others like them. What to do - stock up on preventative means so as not to overpay for means of control. The pleasure of using the achievements of agrochemistry will cost 30-35 USD. for our site – not too much, not too little – just right. We will add it to fertigation systems, the newfangled way, but it’s not worth it the old fashioned way - it’s ineffective, and why would a drop sit idle.

Tired of cleaning up the economy? No - then we’ll move on externally to next year - we’ll harvest the harvest. Enjoy your profits early, gentlemen, young ladies, ladies and gentlemen: new expenses await us, and at the same time we will finally calculate the income and profitability of growing strawberries.

We waited for the harvest: how much does a meter of strawberries cost?

ABOUT household chemicals– sorry, we talked about fertilizers and protective equipment above. We won't take it into account.
About the covering material - is there enough, is it worn out - even if it is enough for 2-3 years, but 2 rolls are needed. We’ll buy one in the year of planting to differentiate costs and minimize risks - in case we change our minds about suffering with agribusiness, the second - in the second year. We will cover with this material both in winter and spring. And on the third, when you have to arrange the sockets, you will still need it, don’t worry.
Pots for seedlings - in case you want to continue a good cause, for starting your own planting material and saving hard-earned money. they will come in handy. Seedlings in pots as planting material are much more valuable with an open root system.

Waiting for a miracle or the second year

Are you bored again? Then let's get down to the main thing - harvesting. You will need:
Containers (plastic containers, blisters, glasses for retail and others). And also - the same baskets, baskets made of simple veneer - only they are more expensive than plastic. You shouldn’t skimp on capacity: the less containers we fill for the fresh market, the more intact the product, the less losses. Europeans are smart: they pack almost 100 g for supermarkets. And we are baskets and baskets, broad is the Slavic soul!
Jokes aside: the collection container should not exceed 2 kg - bring compote. Delicious, but only you need it. Or maybe it’s not even necessary - because it’s tasteless.

The container will cost at least 20-25 USD. - this is really not enough, considering the area planted with strawberries.

Stop, whoever is coming, we protect what has been grown

As you might guess, it’s not just spider bugs that can encroach on your harvest. Moreover, if your plantation is far from the estate, or even in an open field outside the city. The latter is very risky, since even in the village there will be individuals who do not hesitate to profit from other people’s goods. This point should not be ignored: strengthening the fence, wire, installing an alarm system - I went through all this from my own experience.

Who would have thought that a 70-year-old neighbor would deftly bend under two rows of a stretched homemade signal and harvest our harvest with enviable speed? No, I didn’t even say anything to her - a couple of kilograms didn’t make me poor, and I had to treat her, although people are not poor, children and grandchildren come in such cars - oh, right. But in the event of an invasion by a dysfunctional family living on the outskirts of our dacha village, I had to involve my father as an honored electrician in the matter: he finally got it right.

And there are also video cameras - to see and intimidate potential thieves and other delights of civilization. If we are ready to include them in the budget for commercial strawberry growing, then we add them to our list of expenses.

As a result, modest attempts to protect the territory from invasion will cost from 50 USD. up to 250 – it all depends on your fantasies. I’ll take a modest minimum - for the wire and connection of the alarm system, lighting - lanterns and other Chinese things.

Don’t think down on implementers: when the time comes, you will go yourself. Maybe…

Sales: if you grow strawberries for the fresh market, even with 10 acres you will need lightning-fast sales speed. Lightning fast means fast: a perishable product will not wait. Do you otherwise have refrigerated, stationary circulation refrigeration units? Is a refrigerated minibus good for business - both transportation and storage - are you ready to buy it in case you expand your strawberry fields?

In any case, you will have to spend money on fuel and lubricants for your own transport or someone else’s. How much is fuel now - remember and multiply by the required distances. At a minimum, you will have to spend at least 25 USD in a season. Either toss straws, then run away to get the film, and when the shaft starts moving - oh, how you will run into it.

If not, then again, remember the fresh market and several retail outlets, where everything should be in order with the documentation, paperwork, the so-called. sanitary and epidemiological stations - we have heard about such organizations that love to check goods, and about the patents of an honest trader - individual entrepreneurs, etc. called in different states. By the way, we also need money to officially register our activities - we are law-abiding citizens, and we don’t want to risk our goods and profits.

The surest way is to hand over the good part remaining from the market deduction to good hands wholesalers or supermarkets (they also buy at a favorable price). And give it away quickly - otherwise the goods will be left behind. Another option is to hand it over for processing, but you need to worry about it in advance, at the flowering and ovary phase, so to speak - a spoon is good for processing plants for lunch, and lunch is prepared in advance.

Having managed to find all the points of sale, we will not leave the chance of losing at least a large share of the harvest, which, as it turns out, costs a lot of money.

About the hands of our workers, workers with you

By the way, we forgot about the main thing. The most important expense item in the harvest year is labor. you just won't have time on your own. You won’t have time and that’s it. At a minimum, yours family contract it should consist of 3 people who can deftly handle both gardening equipment and know how to trade and bargain. As necessary, which is most likely the maximum, you will need to hire one or two people for collection - for 10 acres this is enough under conditions of collection every day, and one more seller. How much you will pay is, of course, your commercial little or big secret. Just don’t forget to subtract this amount from the profit amount and add it to the cost of strawberries for sale. And, of course, don’t forget about it when calculating strawberry profitability.

Let's sum it up

Thus, summing up the main costs, we get a large amount.

For beginners - how many strawberries can be collected from one hundred square meters - from 220 to 250 kg at good situation, more often - less. From our site we will count the minimum, subtracting substandard conditions, losses during transportation, etc., 200 kg.

  • The cost of early strawberries on the market fluctuates 1.2-1.7 USD - depending on the region and time: in early May - more expensive, by June it becomes cheaper. Wholesale and processing are even cheaper. Let's take the average.
  • According to our business plan, the cost of strawberry production is approximately as follows: 1 kg – 0.6-0.8 USD.
  • Thus, we earned dirty, so to speak, 3700 USD. How much did you spend? Yes, about the same, count it. If in the first year we paid for all purchases - the same planting material, drip irrigation, film, fertilizers and protective equipment - then we did well. If you make money on top, you’re a svurkhumnitsa.

How so - you ask. But what about the profitability of the strawberry business - at least 50%, they say? This is how it will be in the following years. That is why you need to start with small volumes - if there is no free capital. Do not strive to purchase everything and everyone at once - if you are not prepared for the possibility of going into the red, not making a profit or even a payback.

Thus, to summarize the above - who said that growing strawberries as a business is 100% profitable, who talked about incredible benefits and virtually no costs? And we didn’t talk about possible losses, unexpected expenses and pitfalls awaiting the strawberry plant - the further into the forest, the more wood you can break. However, it is beneficial. This is really beneficial - if you really imagine all the expense items - I described some of them in such an unusual way.

Among the various business ideas, not the least are those related to the cultivation of various vegetables, berry crops. For example, some, and others - strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers. Looking at people earning big money in the gardening industry, you involuntarily begin to think about creating own business. Strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business is one of the most profitable ideas in the field of entrepreneurship related to gardening.

Everyone loves strawberries, especially children. At the same time, not only juicy and fresh berries are respected and loved, but also preparations from the fruits of this crop - preserves, jams can become an excellent culinary ingredient or a real table decoration in winter. And “their own” fresh berries in the cold months are completely unattainable for many - unless they defrost frozen ones, but that’s a completely different story. That is why fresh and aromatic strawberries have always been and will be in great demand in the market, especially in winter.

Strawberry in own juice- delicious treat for sale

In a typical summer cottage, the strawberry season usually begins in early or mid-summer. If you plant the bushes in a greenhouse, you can get another harvest of berries before the cold weather. But when the warm days are over, strawberries can only be found on store shelves. And, it is worth noting, sometimes for a very immodest price. That is why the strawberry business can rightfully be considered an excellent way to make money.

On a note! Profits from strawberries can be made all year round. In the summer, this is the sale of berries for preparing preparations, but in the winter, most likely, they will end up on the table fresh.

If you believe the statistics, then every year there are more and more strawberry lovers in Russia. The consumption rate of this berry is constantly increasing by about 30%. This is why the idea of ​​investing in strawberry farming is a pretty good one. Moreover, organizing such a business is not that expensive even for a novice businessman, especially if he is an avid gardener who is well acquainted with growing strawberries. Moreover, sometimes you only need to make a capital investment once.

On a note! Don't expect immediate profit from growing strawberries. First you need to work hard so that you can then enjoy the fruits of your labor.

However, it is important to remember that strawberries are a capricious plant; it is important for them to provide constant attention and proper care. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing everything. But a plantation that is carefully looked after will repay you handsomely, giving you a large harvest.

The best way to grow strawberries for profit is to cultivate them in a greenhouse.

Advantages of strawberry business in a greenhouse:

  • the opportunity to get a large harvest on modest areas - about 50 tons of berries can be collected from 1 hectare of soil;
  • good demand for products;
  • independence from weather conditions and climatic zones– the harvest can be harvested throughout the year;
  • minimal investment in an already built business;
  • fairly quick payback;
  • the opportunity to find a regular consumer and establish regular sales of goods.

Disadvantages of growing strawberries as a business:

  • large capital investments at the initial stage;
  • careful and careful care of plants is necessary, the correct pollination process and long daylight hours (or the organization of additional lighting) are especially important.

In order to organize a strawberry growing business, you will have to worry about preparing permitting documents. Of course, you can cultivate this berry illegally, but then you are unlikely to have regular customers, and it will be difficult to expand your business, because you will not be able to legally open retail outlets. The easiest way to register an individual entrepreneurship at first. At the same time, since you will be engaged in agricultural activities, your taxation will be more lenient.

Video - Unified agricultural tax

On a note! You will also need official registration of an enterprise to take out loans from a bank or receive various subsidies and subsidies for small businesses - now similar programs operate almost throughout Russia.

To grow strawberries, you will also need a plot of land of at least 120 m2 on which you will install, which should be equipped with racks for growing berries, lighting fixtures (to at least slightly simplify the process of caring for the plantation). You may also need various gardening tools and labor - all this is important to take into account when creating a business plan and calculating profitability periods.

You can rent a plot of land or grow berries on your own (to begin with, in small quantities). But it is better to immediately tune in to capital production, since “everything that is done for a while remains forever.” This is our mentality.

It is also important to think about how to ensure a constant water supply for the plantation. There is no point in installing it far from pipelines or wells, since you will spend a lot of money on the supply of life-giving moisture.

You will also need equipment for storing the collected berries until they are sold. With an established sales system, it will be snapped up quickly, but until it is transferred to a store or restaurant, it needs to be stored somewhere.

You may also need, among other things, various fertilizers and additives for plants, and, of course, you must buy the plants themselves. You can grow strawberries from seeds yourself or purchase already grown seedlings and simply plant them on your plot. In the second case, fruiting will begin earlier, but the cost of purchasing planting material will be higher.

Profitability and sales

Experts say that growing strawberries pays off quickly. As a rule, it takes no more than one season for profitability to reach 100%. The thing is that there will always be demand for strawberries. In the summer, of course, it drops somewhat, but in the winter you will be able to easily sell all the products grown. And the costs of organizing a business, as we have already said, are high only at first - this is the purchase of a greenhouse and equipment, seedlings, renting a plot, etc.

In order for the strawberry growing business to be successful, it is important to establish connections through which the products will be sold. Sales can be established in three ways.

  1. Sales to shops, supermarkets, restaurants. It is important to establish ongoing supply contracts with these institutions. However, it should be remembered that both restaurants and stores will set high demands on the quality of the berries - they should not only be tasty, but also attractive.
  2. Sales through our own retail outlets. This is not always a successful and profitable option; there are often unsold goods left. But you can sell the berries at a higher price than in the first case. You will also have to spend money on commercial equipment, rent and salary to the seller.
  3. Home delivery of berries. An option that can be organized in a large populated area. You can sell berries through websites or social networks. However, a good, explosive advertising campaign is very important.

On a note! In winter, you can make money on strawberries much faster than in summer, since it is during the cold period of the year that the demand for them increases.

Also, when you have a berry, you will have to obtain another series of documents in order to be able to sell the product. This is a declaration of conformity to GOST and a phytosanitary certificate. Rosselkhoznadzor specialists can tell you how to get them - there are a lot of nuances that only they can explain.

Greenhouse for strawberries

What should a greenhouse be like to grow strawberries all year round? To begin with, it is thoroughly built, equipped, and insulated.

It is best to build a greenhouse for strawberries from polycarbonate - this material retains heat much better than glass, but film is not at all suitable as a covering material in winter. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made greenhouse, install it on the foundation and be sure to consider a heating system for it. It would be good if the structure also had a special vestibule for the winter period, so as not to let out warm air from the premises.

Also, the ventilation system in the greenhouse should be thought out - the plants need fresh air, and besides, the strawberries will be hot in the summer.

Another important aspect is lighting. In the summer, the plants have enough light that will penetrate through the polycarbonate, but in the winter you will have to additionally highlight the berries.

On a note! Strawberries can be grown in garden beds, or they can be cultivated using the so-called Dutch technology - in bags. In the second case, you will need to arrange special shelving. By the way, they will perfectly help to use the space in the greenhouse more efficiently.

The greenhouse must be equipped with a drip irrigation system. The fact is that strawberries do not like chaotic moisture; they like slow and gentle watering, which will not allow water to get on the delicate leaves of the plant and the berries themselves. And this is just a drip.


An important aspect in organizing a strawberry business is the choice of variety. This is also not such a simple matter.

To begin with, it is worth informing that strawberries for growing in a greenhouse are usually chosen:

  • self-pollinating, which does not require the presence of pollinating insects;
  • remontant, which is capable of blooming several times per season and bears fruit constantly.

On a note! Many gardeners consider remontant strawberries to be inferior in taste, but in fact this is not the case. These varieties also produce a tasty harvest.

Table. Strawberry varieties for growing in a greenhouse.

Name, photoDescription
It bears fruit with very large and beautiful, quite dense and juicy berries, which can weigh 50 g, and sometimes even 125 g. The variety has a high yield - from one bush you can collect up to 5 kg of sweet berries per season. The disadvantage is the need to annually renew the bushes to avoid crushing the crop.
Produces smaller (up to 40 g) berries with a unique taste. Sufficiently dense and juicy fruits appear very quickly - just 1.5 months after planting the seedlings in the soil, you can harvest the first harvest. From one bush you can collect up to 1.5 kg of berries.

It produces small, but very tasty and aromatic berries. High-yielding variety (2 kg per bush). It begins to bloom immediately after rooting and therefore bears fruit early. Forms few whiskers.
A variety that does not form a mustache and actively bears fruit. It produces aromatic and sweet berries weighing about 40 g. By the way, these are not even strawberries, but wild strawberries.

When choosing a variety, be sure to think about what conditions a particular species needs for normal development and growth, as well as fruiting. For the strawberry business, the best ones are those that do not react strongly to changes in daylight hours, constantly bloom and bear fruit abundantly, and produce very tasty and aromatic berries.

Growing strawberries

You can grow strawberries by seed or seedlings. The second one is simpler and more reliable, and you will get the harvest faster. Seedlings can be purchased at a specialized nursery. Buy the one that grew from a first or second order mustache. Having purchased seedlings, you need to plant them in a greenhouse. Berries can be grown using various technologies - traditionally in garden beds and in the Dutch way. Let's take a closer look at the traditional method.

Step 1. In the greenhouse, be sure to form the beds correctly. They are usually 1 m wide, with small passages between them. The best soil for strawberries is layers of crushed stone, sand and black soil (layer thickness 6, 10 and 8 cm, respectively).

Step 2. Fertilize the soil by adding a little mineral fertilizer (for example, Sulfoammophos) - approximately 10 g per m 2.

Step 3. Make holes for the strawberry seedlings in a checkerboard pattern, approximately 30 cm apart and 10 cm deep.

Growing strawberries is a promising business area. The demand for berries of domestic origin has increased significantly over the past 4 years. This niche of the agricultural industry is just being explored by entrepreneurs, which means you have an excellent chance of successfully “joining” it.

Do you want to learn how to start a business growing strawberries, how to find buyers and get stable income? Read new article on our website!

Business and product description

Growing strawberries is a business with many advantages. Do you have any doubts? Let's find out!

Strawberries are a healthy, sweet berry. Russians buy it all year round. Peak demand is from May to October, when ground berries bear fruit. This direction is not yet well developed Russian entrepreneurs like growing herbs, potatoes, vegetables, so competition is still low.

Factors of profitability of a strawberry business:

  1. Reducing the volume of imported products.
  2. Greenhouse cultivation does not depend on the season and climatic conditions.
  3. Different ways cultivation (hydroponics, open or closed ground).
  4. Some varieties produce two harvests per season.
  5. According to experts, the costs of starting a business pay off after the first harvest.
  6. Great customer demand even in the off-season.
  7. Annual increase in product prices (on average 25-45%).
  8. The business does not require significant start-up investments.
  9. Strawberries are not fancy. She needs light, warmth and moisture.
  10. It will take only 2-3 months to “launch” the business.

Start your business in small town. In its suburbs it is cheaper to rent a plot of land. It is easier to enter the market and there is less competition.

Description of the sales market

Sales methods depend on the amount of products grown. Think over your sales routes at the stage of drawing up a business plan. The berry quickly loses its marketable appearance; it needs to be sold quickly.

Let's look at ways to sell crops:

  • independent sale on the market. You will need: retail space, counter, refrigeration equipment for storing berries, scales, packaging for packaging goods;
  • sale to supermarkets, food stores, catering establishments. You will need: registration of individual entrepreneur, certificate of product quality from the laboratory;
  • wholesale sales to companies engaged in repurchase of products. You will need: registration of individual entrepreneurs, certificates of product quality.

You will get the maximum price per kilogram of berries only from retail sales on the market. Sales to stores and wholesale resellers are carried out at a low purchase price. This is the way to implement big harvest.

Sales and Marketing

To increase sales and attract customers, advertising is needed.

  1. Bright outdoor advertising. Make effective advertising on cars delivering berries to supermarkets, above trading place in the market, near the greenhouses where the berries are grown.
  2. Advertisements in local newspapers.
  3. Use the Internet. Online trading platforms like Avito, social networks, local forums - use them to find like-minded people, exchange experiences and find buyers.

The more information the consumer sees about you, the more trust you will inspire in him. Your task is to be remembered during the sales season for ground strawberries, so that during the “off-season” buyers have maximum confidence in your berries.

Position yourself as a producer of high-quality berries of domestic origin, focusing on the naturalness and taste of the product. Accompany your advertisements with photographs of strawberries growing in a greenhouse.

Step-by-step production plan

Before installing the greenhouse and starting production, draw up detailed plan actions. Reflect in it all the stages that you have to carry out to produce and sell berries.

A plot of 6 acres is suitable for organizing a business. It is enough to allocate 50 square meters for a greenhouse. m., on 100 square meters you can grow strawberries in open ground.

Let's consider each point of the production plan in detail.

Step 1. Preparation and execution of documents

To sell strawberries to supermarkets and hand them over to wholesale companies, you need to register an individual entrepreneur. Select OKVED code: 01.13.21. It is responsible for the cultivation of berries and fruit crops. This activity relates to agriculture. Complete the Unified Agricultural Tax (USTA). His rate is 6% of profit.

To register as an individual entrepreneur you will need:

  • application for registration;
  • photocopy of all pages of the passport;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for consideration of your application.

You can provide documents for registration in person or by mail.

Step 2. Installation of the greenhouse

A practical and reliable option is to install a polycarbonate greenhouse on a metal frame. The size and number of greenhouses depends on the scale of production.

It is rational to start with the construction of one greenhouse. To save money, build it yourself. There are many ready-made installation diagrams on the Internet. Choose one of them and adapt it to your project. Don't forget the foundation. It serves as the basis for the structure, protects against pests and freezing.

Step 3. Install the necessary equipment

Is the greenhouse installed? Proceed with installation of equipment.

To grow strawberries year-round you need:

  • an irrigation system or a hydroponic system if you are using Dutch soilless growing technology;
  • shelving to increase the usable area of ​​the room and combine different growing technologies;
  • lighting;
  • heating;
  • ventilation system.

At first, you can water the plants manually with a hose. This is the most economical option. For a small greenhouse, a homemade drip irrigation system is suitable.

Another option for saving money at the start is using solar heating. It's not about solar powered, but about improvised means that accumulate heat. With them you will provide plants with heat and stabilize the temperature in the room.

Step 4. Selection and purchase of seedlings

At this stage you need good theoretical preparation. Explore agricultural forums, chat with those who have already succeeded in growing strawberries. For year-round cultivation, different varieties are needed: early, mid-season, late.

The most popular varieties: Honey, Darenka, Victoria, Sonata, Rusanovskaya, Octave, Alba.

Buy seedlings from those who professionally grow strawberries. These are greenhouse complexes and nurseries. Take several varieties to get to know their characteristics. Choose those that ripen faster and bear fruit longer.

Step 5. Pollination and berry care

The main principles of berry care are the creation of optimal conditions of humidity, light, and temperature. Strawberries do not like overflow, so it is better to water them using the drip method. Along with water, additional feed is introduced through a drip system. This irrigation system is convenient for greenhouse production and open ground.

In open ground, flowers are pollinated by wind and insects. In greenhouse conditions, pollen is moved using fans. The second way is to transfer it from flower to flower with a soft brush. Flowers are pollinated by hand only on small plantations.

Plant flowering is affected by light. During the flowering period, plants need more light and warmth.

The video will tell you in detail about planting berries in greenhouse conditions, lighting and watering:

Organizational structure

At the initial stage, to maintain the strawberry beds, you will need two or three auxiliary workers, as well as two security guards (if you rented a plot for a greenhouse complex and did not build it in your yard).

Personnel cost table:

Job title Number of persons Salary per month (RUB) Expenses for the year (rub.)
Security guard 2 10 000 240 000
Handyman 2 15 000 360 000
Total: 50 000 600 000

As production volumes increase, the staff will expand. You will need a driver to deliver products to the place of sale, general workers, and an accountant. Hire an outsourcing specialist to reduce the cost of paying an in-house accountant.

At the initial stage, engage in production yourself. Many entrepreneurs who choose to produce herbs, mushrooms or other crops at home work themselves together with family members. This way you will save on personnel, try out production technologies, and get a feel for the specifics of the industry.

Financial plan

This part of the business plan reflects all the costs associated with starting a business. This includes the costs of purchasing materials for constructing a greenhouse, purchasing seedlings, advertising, wages employees.

Costs are divided into starting and ongoing.

They are displayed in the summary table:

Start-up costs Amount (rub.) Monthly expenses Amount (rub.)
Purchasing equipment for greenhouses 300 000 Rent land plot 35 000
Purchase of fertilizers and seedlings 150 000 Feeding and fertilizers 25 000
Registration of business with government agencies 2000 Staff salaries 50 000
Communal expenses 12 000
Taxes 8 000
Total: 452 000 Total: 130 000

The cost depends on how you grow garden strawberries and on what scale: at home, in closed greenhouses, in open ground, in bags, on racks with a hydroponic system in your own basement, or in several greenhouse complexes.

In addition to expenses in financial plan projected profit is included. The price of strawberries in the “off season” reaches 600 rubles. In summer it fluctuates between 230-270 rubles. The average net profit will be 150-170,000 rubles. If you organize sales of your products well, you will recoup your starting costs for the first harvest.

Risk factors

Risk factors for this agribusiness sector:

  • low yield due to violation of production technologies, climatic features region;
  • plant diseases;
  • sales problems.

If you don’t want to depend on climatic conditions, set up greenhouse production that allows you to get a good harvest even in winter.

The risk of crop failure is reduced by the correct choice of seedlings, treatment of plants against diseases, and adherence to production technologies. Invite a specialist for consultation. His recommendations will help you comply with technological conditions and properly organize the process of planting, care, and harvesting.

How to avoid implementation problems? Study the market, analyze competitors' offers, offer competitive prices, and actively advertise for yourself.

Berries that have lost their marketable appearance will be used for jam. Jam is another profitable type of business, but that's another story.

Additional details on this topic can be found in our article. Strawberries in a greenhouse all year round as a business.

Download business plan

The path of every entrepreneur begins with a business plan. It includes the goals and objectives of the project, schedule, costs of starting a business, description of risks, marketing plan, production plan.

What will writing a business plan give you?

  1. A clear action plan.
  2. Control of all production launch processes.
  3. Forecast of income and payback.
  4. Possibility of obtaining investments from a bank or government agencies.
  5. Insurance against errors and unnecessary expenses.
  6. Saving time and effort.

To prepare a business plan, it is not necessary to hire a specialist. Download a sample with calculations on the Internet.

You can't blindly follow a pattern. This is an example for drawing up a document reflecting the features of your project.

We have prepared one of these for you. This is a plan for the production and sale of vegetables in greenhouse conditions. It provides sample calculations, describes varieties, irrigation systems, etc.


The most profitable type of “strawberry business” is the industrial cultivation of berries in a greenhouse. It is considered profitable even taking into account the fact that its opening requires start-up capital to purchase equipment, purchase or rent land, and seedlings.

Your main task is to establish sales, plant plants and harvest all year round.

(3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Everyone talks about super-profits, about the strawberry business - if you listen, only the lazy don’t do it, and missed opportunities. They famously calculate the wild profitability and blatant profit of 144% from 1 hundred square meters. But do you know the ins and outs of beautiful numbers, do you have an idea of ​​all the expense items? Pseudo business plans won’t tell you about them. You can guess about unexpected expenses - it’s easy to go into the minus, easier than to get out of them - much easier than I imagined.

Do you believe in the possibility of making money so easily and simply from a peasant farmstead, but at the same time you have a hard time guessing where strawberry mustaches grow? Then I will try to dissuade you, save your money, energy and time. And also nerves - you will need them if you decide to seriously start growing strawberries for sale.

Strawberry business: why don’t the numbers work?

Why don’t business plans for making money on strawberries work in most cases? And because the figures given are average-ceiling. Many expense items are not taken into account - hence the profitability above 100%.

So, the average yield is up to 25 t/ha - such a yield when growing strawberries is considered enviable, believe me, on average 16-18 t/ha. This means that from our 10 acres we will get about 2000 kg with 3000-3500 in an average year on average varieties and up to 450-500 on the most productive ones - the calculations are correct for early, for remontant - completely different figures.

First, let's estimate the scale of strawberry production: without them, all calculations of profitability are water, suitable only for dropout students of agricultural universities. It’s simple: with a larger gross harvest, the cost per unit of production, in our case 1 kg of sweet strawberries, is less. So, when purchasing seedlings in bulk, a farmer buys them 2 times cheaper than a gardener who buys 5-10 pieces, and 1.5 times cheaper than a small-scale producer who buys a couple of hundred. The same situation is with the wholesale of mineral fertilizers, organic matter and covering material - everyone who wants to know knows about this. So, about the scale.

  • Drip irrigation - on a plot of more than a hundred square meters is not a cheap pleasure: you will need to calculate the cost of the entire system, which also depends on the area being treated.
  • Costs for fertilizers: most agricultural enterprises do not recognize how much and what fertilizers are applied. Trade secret, you know. And the articles will contain only general recommendations for amateur gardeners. You will have to delve into the art of agrochemistry yourself, look for economical and effective options.
  • Costs of transportation, transportation and storage - no one knows how far a person starting his own business will have to transport goods: where can there be exact figures for transportation costs?

Unforeseen circumstances such as weather conditions, the human factor - they did not find sales, product damage, etc. are not taken into account.

I'll tell you about the expense items first. I will give the figures in conventional units, cu. that is, for the respected Internet community, living in different countries and measuring goods in different countries. I will not describe industrial cultivation - by the way, the expression is not correct: industrial means mechanized collection. Manual - simply producing berries, in my case - small-scale production.

Our wild market is wild, but there is plenty of variability

There are many ideas for industrial cultivation of strawberries - growing in a greenhouse, hydroponically, in bags - we will not touch on these topics. Our grandmothers also started their business of growing Dutch strawberries on their 6 acres; the grandchildren who remained behind the broken trough of the economy continue it - on a larger scale, and not at home, in the front garden, but on plantations, in greenhouses. Of course, indoor soil provides many advantages - but we are not talking about greenhouse farming, but about growing in a private backyard, in the field, so to speak.

About varieties - if you buy seedlings from famous nurseries, you are a wealthy person, but if you buy seedlings from unfamiliar farmers, without a guarantee, you will not be a wealthy person. Pure seedlings are expensive - but it’s worth it: it’s more profitable not to bother with the queen cell, but to make a profit from turnover by purchasing frigo seedlings. However, if there is something to buy for. And if not, we buy expensive ones in trusted nurseries, from well-known sellers, in trusted stores - and grow our own seedlings.

As for the best, they are a separate matter. The main thing is that it corresponds to its intended purpose - industrial, productive, transportable and tasty - there are many main things - but, alas, this is not what we are talking about.

Cost calculation: both as a joke, but seriously

If you are interested in the cost and profitability of strawberry production in Ukraine and Russia, pay attention to this point - practice is practice, it’s not about drawing beautiful numbers on paper. Pay attention, despite the author's humorous tone.

Let’s imagine a small cozy plot of land – a plantation of 10 acres. For every hundred square meters there are on average 500 bushes, 10 x 500 = 5000 pieces.
We further calculate: the price of planting material, each ZKS strawberry bush, is up to 0.2-0.5 USD. depending on the variety, class and type of seedlings - I take frigo class A, A+, A++ - it costs more if we take from 500 pieces. Total – 2500 USD (according to today’s exchange rate CU to UAH – 1:25).

If we want frigo, we will have frigo. And even better, the seedlings are clean, free from all kinds of bacteria, viral and fungal spores, have not seen pests, from nurseries - A class, the highest. This one is so expensive. It is good - there is no risk of a sudden disease of the entire planted plantation, means of prevention are needed, not protection - it is already cheaper. But the cost of production, alas, is rising, and the pocket is scared from such expenses, isn’t it - after all, we were promised a strawberry business with almost zero costs - were we really deceived? No, they simply kept silent about its real side - the real cost.

A small digression: we will talk about early varieties of strawberries. About growing remontant plants for sale - in the next article, a completely different conversation. By the way, in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, industrialists primarily grow early varieties, while remontant varieties are grown in a smaller proportion. Why - oddly enough, it’s more profitable, the turnover is faster despite the visible advantages of a larger number of repairmen, there are fewer risks.


We will plant at the end of summer, when the heat subsides, not reaching autumn. At this time, every day is precious - it pushes back or brings next year’s harvest closer. Late July – August depending on the region.

Saplings are exclusively ZKS. Or transplant with a clod of earth. The later we plant, the more soil there is.
There should be no heat that kills the seedlings - this is the main thing. And watering and mulching must be organized.

About mulch and covering material: under film or on film - you still need it

Mulch – you can’t live without it. It can be planted on agrofibre, on film, or on straw. Vegetable - an economical option. It will protect the soil from drying out, overheating, save watering, and weeds will not break through. But where did you see the same free straw - if you saw it, then tell me - I’ll come running for it. The pleasure is not expensive, but you will have to pay for it: at least 10-15 USD. leave in your wallet a satisfied straw truck who tossed you a couple of bales.

But the economical option is often not the best. Organic mulch, humus + peat on top of straw, will cost more, 30-35 USD. it will work if you're lucky - the option is good for a garden where a dozen bushes grow. Give us something cheaper. And cheaper - expensive film or agrofibre, on which you can plant. Its price - can you handle it? If not, let’s remember about straw and forget about agrofibre and film.

The worst thing is the covering material – 150-180 USD. didn't want to pay for a roll? Like it or not, even if you don’t mulch, you need to cover it from frost in winter and early spring and for early ripening.
Since we are talking about the open-ground strawberry business and its profitability, let’s remember about tunnels, sheds, not to mention greenhouses. No, we are not talking about greenhouses - just about shelter that accelerates ripening. We will cover it with either white agrofibre or film. Will we pay? One more roll please. We won’t - we’ll do without early ripening, when strawberries are so expensive.

So this roll may not be enough, you know. And without it, you can’t cover it with a newspaper. Tea, not in grandma’s garden, when you can mulch the bed with straw and litter: it’ll be covered with snow and everything will overwinter. Once you have decided to seriously engage in the industrial cultivation of strawberries, please, cover them correctly - icing of the roots with subsequent attacks is expensive nowadays.

Without water - not there or the cost of watering

Drip irrigation will cost us about 200 green tugriks, depending on the amount of drip tape. There is no need to be stingy: there is root watering, water saving, fertigation, and optional fog installation - any whim for your money.

Let's feed and feed: how much does garden and field chemicals cost?

Let's draw up our business plan for growing strawberries next. The next cost item is organic matter and mineral fertilizers.
Organics - manure in our style: per 1 hectare there are up to 100-120 tons for planting, i.e. per 1 hundred square meters - up to 10 kg, per 100 - hundred, centner. How much good is there in your places - you know, then enter the number yourself. In Nashensky, for the delivery and for scattering honey with a mechanical cultivator - it cost only 50 USD. – it’s cheap, very cheap – my friends helped in a friendly way. And organic production is good, of course, but it is a costly business - mineral fertilizers are cheaper, and many times cheaper.
Mineral fertilizers - we will calculate the application in the year of planting, and the next year - in the phase before flowering, budding and ripening - we will reach another 55-60 USD. This is also expensive - industrialists, due to wholesale, get sweet berries cheaper, as evil tongues say - or maybe good ones - who knows.

Everything is in the shade!

And also, due to the heat and drought, not only in the south, shading nets have become fashionable. It’s a brilliant invention, you know – the berries don’t bake, the leaves don’t burn: the strawberries stand vigorous and fresh, the berries are filled with juice and sugar.

Protect yourself!

And they haven’t yet calculated the main thing: not only we love sweets, but also pests: beetleworm and strawberry mites, etc. And also diseases - spotting, Alternaria and others like them. What to do - stock up on preventative means so as not to overpay for means of control. The pleasure of using the achievements of agrochemistry will cost 30-35 USD. for our site – not too much, not too little – just right. We will add it to fertigation systems, the newfangled way, but it’s not worth it the old fashioned way - it’s ineffective, and why would a drop sit idle.

Tired of cleaning up the economy? No - then we’ll move on externally to next year - we’ll harvest the harvest. Enjoy your profits early, gentlemen, young ladies, ladies and gentlemen: new expenses await us, and at the same time we will finally calculate the income and profitability of growing strawberries.

We waited for the harvest: how much does a meter of strawberries cost?

We talked about household chemicals - sorry, we talked about fertilizers and protective equipment above. We won't take it into account.
About the covering material - is there enough, is it worn out - even if it is enough for 2-3 years, but 2 rolls are needed. We’ll buy one in the year of planting to differentiate costs and minimize risks - in case we change our minds about suffering with agribusiness, the second - in the second year. We will cover with this material both in winter and spring. And on the third, when you have to arrange the sockets, you will still need it, don’t worry.
Pots for seedlings - in case you want to continue a good cause, for starting your own planting material and saving hard-earned money. they will come in handy. Seedlings in pots as planting material are much more valuable with an open root system.

Waiting for a miracle or the second year

Are you bored again? Then let's get down to the main thing - harvesting. You will need:
Containers (plastic containers, blisters, glasses for retail and others). And also - the same baskets, baskets made of simple veneer - only they are more expensive than plastic. You shouldn’t skimp on capacity: the less containers we fill for the fresh market, the more intact the product, the less losses. Europeans are smart: they pack almost 100 g for supermarkets. And we are baskets and baskets, broad is the Slavic soul!
Jokes aside: the collection container should not exceed 2 kg - bring compote. Delicious, but only you need it. Or maybe it’s not even necessary - because it’s tasteless.

The container will cost at least 20-25 USD. - this is really not enough, considering the area planted with strawberries.

Stop, whoever is coming, we protect what has been grown

As you might guess, it’s not just spider bugs that can encroach on your harvest. Moreover, if your plantation is far from the estate, or even in an open field outside the city. The latter is very risky, since even in the village there will be individuals who do not hesitate to profit from other people’s goods. This point should not be ignored: strengthening the fence, wire, installing an alarm system - I went through all this from my own experience.

Who would have thought that a 70-year-old neighbor would deftly bend under two rows of a stretched homemade signal and harvest our harvest with enviable speed? No, I didn’t even say anything to her - a couple of kilograms didn’t make me poor, and I had to treat her, although people are not poor, children and grandchildren come in such cars - oh, right. But in the event of an invasion by a dysfunctional family living on the outskirts of our dacha village, I had to involve my father as an honored electrician in the matter: he finally got it right.

And there are also video cameras - to see and intimidate potential thieves and other delights of civilization. If we are ready to include them in the budget for commercial strawberry growing, then we add them to our list of expenses.

As a result, modest attempts to protect the territory from invasion will cost from 50 USD. up to 250 – it all depends on your fantasies. I’ll take a modest minimum - for the wire and connection of the alarm system, lighting - lanterns and other Chinese things.

Don’t think down on implementers: when the time comes, you will go yourself. Maybe…

Sales: if you grow strawberries for the fresh market, even with 10 acres you will need lightning-fast sales speed. Lightning fast means fast: a perishable product will not wait. Do you otherwise have refrigerated, stationary circulation refrigeration units? Is a refrigerated minibus good for business - both transportation and storage - are you ready to buy it in case you expand your strawberry fields?

In any case, you will have to spend money on fuel and lubricants for your own transport or someone else’s. How much is fuel now - remember and multiply by the required distances. At a minimum, you will have to spend at least 25 USD in a season. Either toss straws, then run away to get the film, and when the shaft starts moving - oh, how you will run into it.

If not, then again, let’s remember about the fresh market and several retail outlets where everything should be in order with the documentation, the paperwork, the so-called. sanitary and epidemiological stations - we have heard about such organizations that love to check goods, and about the patents of an honest trader - individual entrepreneurs, etc. called in different states. By the way, we also need money to officially register our activities - we are law-abiding citizens, and we don’t want to risk our goods and profits.

The surest way is to hand over the good part remaining from the market deduction to the good hands of wholesalers or supermarkets (they also take it at a favorable price for themselves). And give it away quickly - otherwise the goods will be left behind. Another option is to hand it over for processing, but you need to worry about it in advance, at the flowering and ovary phase, so to speak - a spoon is good for processing plants for lunch, and lunch is prepared in advance.

Having managed to find all the points of sale, we will not leave the chance of losing at least a large share of the harvest, which, as it turns out, costs a lot of money.

About the hands of our workers, workers with you

By the way, we forgot about the main thing. The most important expense item in the harvest year is labor. you just won't have time on your own. You won’t have time and that’s it. At a minimum, your family contract should consist of 3 people who deftly operate both gardening tools and know how to trade and bargain. As necessary, which is most likely the maximum, you will need to hire one or two people for collection - for 10 acres this is enough under conditions of collection every day, and one more seller. How much you will pay is, of course, your commercial little or big secret. Just don’t forget to subtract this amount from the profit amount and add it to the cost of strawberries for sale. And, of course, don’t forget about it when calculating strawberry profitability.

Let's sum it up

Thus, summing up the main costs, we get a large amount.

For beginners - how much strawberries can be harvested per hundred square meters - from 220 to 250 kg in a good situation, more often - less. From our site we will count the minimum, subtracting substandard conditions, losses during transportation, etc., 200 kg.

  • The cost of early strawberries on the market fluctuates 1.2-1.7 USD - depending on the region and time: in early May - more expensive, by June it becomes cheaper. Wholesale and processing are even cheaper. Let's take the average.
  • According to our business plan, the cost of strawberry production is approximately as follows: 1 kg – 0.6-0.8 USD.
  • Thus, we earned dirty, so to speak, 3700 USD. How much did you spend? Yes, about the same, count it. If in the first year we paid for all purchases - the same planting material, drip irrigation, film, fertilizers and protective equipment - then we did well. If you make money on top, you’re a svurkhumnitsa.

How so - you ask. But what about the profitability of the strawberry business - at least 50%, they say? This is how it will be in the following years. That is why you need to start with small volumes - if there is no free capital. Do not strive to purchase everything and everyone at once - if you are not prepared for the possibility of going into the red, not making a profit or even a payback.

Thus, to summarize the above - who said that growing strawberries as a business is 100% profitable, who talked about incredible benefits and virtually no costs? And we didn’t talk about possible losses, unexpected expenses and pitfalls awaiting the strawberry plant - the further into the forest, the more wood you can break. However, it is beneficial. This is really beneficial - if you really imagine all the expense items - I described some of them in such an unusual way.