Air is the most universal means of hardening; it is recommended to begin systematic hardening of the body with air baths.

At the same time, air procedures are the easiest form of hardening; But they act on the body from the moment a person is born and for almost his entire life. Fresh air is the basis of hardening. It stimulates metabolism, improves mood and immunity, improves sleep and appetite.

An important and exclusive feature of air procedures as a hardening agent is that they are available to people of all ages and can be widely used not only by healthy people, but also by those suffering from certain diseases. Moreover, for a number of diseases (neurasthenia, hypertension, angina), these procedures are prescribed as a remedy.

The hardening effect of air on the body helps to increase the tone of the nervous and endocrine systems. Under the influence of air baths, digestion processes are improved, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the morphological composition of the blood changes (the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin increase).
Being in the fresh air improves general health person, influencing his emotional condition, causes a feeling of vigor and freshness.

The hardening effect of air on the body is the result of the complex influence of a number of physical factors: temperature, humidity, direction and speed of movement. In addition, especially on the seashore, a person is influenced by chemical composition air, which is saturated with salts contained in sea water.

Japanese doctors say that what more people walks around naked, the longer he will live. Moreover, it is believed that this prevents the development of neuroses, menopause and even cancer. Therefore, you need to dress taking into account the principles of hardening. It is most beneficial to take air baths while undressed.

This type of hardening must begin with developing the habit of fresh air. Great importance Take walks to improve your health.

Outdoor walks are held at any time of the year, regardless of the weather. The duration of walks is set individually for each person depending on their state of health and age. An increase in walking time should be carried out gradually, taking into account both the listed factors and the degree of fitness of the body, as well as air temperature. It is advisable to combine time in the air with active movements: in winter - skating, skiing, and in summer - playing ball and other outdoor games.

Fresh air must be available during morning exercises, other physical exercises, during sleep. To do this, you need to ventilate the room 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes through the transom. At least once a day, conduct through ventilation of the apartment. Take small children to another room during this time.

Nai best time for air hardening - in the morning, after sleep, in combination with hygienic gymnastics. At other times of the day, air baths are not recommended to be taken less than an hour and a half after a meal or on an empty stomach. When hardening with air, in addition to temperature, humidity and air speed must be taken into account. Relative humidity is expressed as the ratio absolute humidity to the maximum at a given air temperature and is calculated as a percentage. Air, depending on its saturation with water vapor, is usually divided into dry - up to 55%, moderately dry - from 56 to 70%, moderately humid - from 71 to 85%, very humid - above 86%.

Air procedures for the purpose of hardening can be used either in the form of a clothed person staying in the open air (walks, sports activities), or in the form of air baths, in which a short-term effect of air of a certain temperature occurs on the naked surface of the human body.

Air baths prepare the body for subsequent hardening procedures, for example, water hardening.

The dosage of air baths is carried out in two ways: a gradual decrease in air temperature and an increase in the duration of the procedure at the same temperature.

You should start taking air baths indoors; as they harden, they are transferred to the open air. The best place for procedures - shaded areas with green spaces, remote from sources of air pollution by dust and gases.

An air bath can be general, when the entire surface of the body is exposed to air, or partial, when only part of it is exposed (torso, neck, arms, legs). The hardening effect is associated with the temperature difference between the air and the surface of the skin.

According to temperature sensations they distinguish the following types air baths: hot (over 30 °C), warm (over 22 °C), indifferent (21-22 °C), cool (17-21 °C), moderately cold (13-17 °C), cold (4 -13 °C), very cold (below 4 °C).

It must be borne in mind that the irritating effect of air has an effect on skin receptors the more sharply, the greater the difference in temperature between the skin and air.

Exposure to cold air over a large surface area of ​​the body causes a certain reaction in the body. At the first moment, due to the large transfer of heat, a feeling of cold arises, then the blood vessels of the skin dilate, blood flow to the skin increases, and the feeling of cold is replaced by a feeling of pleasant warmth.

Cool and moderately cold air baths have a more pronounced effect. By taking increasingly cooler air baths for the purpose of hardening, we thereby train the body to low temperatures external environment by activating compensatory mechanisms that provide thermoregulatory processes. As a result of hardening, first of all, the mobility of vascular reactions is trained, acting as a protective barrier that protects the body from sudden changes in external temperature.

Take air baths in a lying, reclining, or moving position. However, if it gets cold or chills appear, immediately get dressed and do a short jog or a few gymnastic exercises. After air baths, water procedures are useful.

Warm baths, while not providing hardening, nevertheless have a positive effect on the body, improving oxidative processes. For healthy people The first air baths last 20-30 minutes at an air temperature of 15-20 °C. Subsequently, the duration of the procedures increases each time by 5-10 minutes and is gradually increased to 2 hours.

The next stage of air hardening is air baths at a temperature of 5-10 ° C for up to 15-20 minutes.

Cold baths can be taken by already seasoned people; The duration of such baths should not exceed 5-10 minutes.

Air humidity in combination with fluctuations in its temperature can have different effects on the body's thermoregulation processes. From relative humidity air depends on the intensity of moisture evaporation from the surface of the skin: and lungs. In dry air a person can easily tolerate significantly more high temperature than in wet conditions. Dry air causes the body to lose moisture.

Air mobility (wind) is also important when taking air baths. The wind affects the body due to its strength and speed, and its direction also matters. It, by helping to enhance heat transfer by the body, increases the cooling power of the air.

So, you need to start taking air baths in a room, regardless of the time of year, at a temperature not lower than 15-16 ° C, and only after some time you can move to the open air. Air baths are taken in a well-ventilated area. Having exposed your body, you should remain in this state at the beginning of the hardening course for no more than 3-5 minutes (further increasing the time). When taking cool and especially cold baths, it is recommended to perform active movements: gymnastic exercises, walking, running in place.

After appropriate preliminary preparation, you can proceed to taking air baths in the open air. They should be taken in places protected from direct sunlight and strong wind. You should start taking air baths in the open air at an indifferent air temperature, i.e. 20-22 °C. The first air bath should last no more than 15 minutes, each subsequent one should be 10-15 minutes longer. Only well-seasoned people can take very cold baths. Their duration is no more than 1-2 minutes, with a gradual increase to 8-10 minutes.

Taking air baths in the open air should begin no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after meals, and finish hardening 30 minutes before meals. An important condition The effectiveness of hardening outdoors is wearing clothing that is appropriate weather conditions. Clothing should allow free air circulation.

A special type of air bath is hardening with an air flow or, simply put, a draft.

To do this you need to take a fan. Hardening should begin with an air flow at a temperature not lower than 21-22 ° C. The distance to the fan should be approximately 6 meters, and the motor speed should be minimal. Then you can bring the fan closer to such a distance that you can feel a barely noticeable air movement. The duration of the first procedure, as a rule, is no more than 20 seconds. In this case, the body should be blown from the front and back for 10 seconds. Every other day, you can increase the duration of the procedure by 20 seconds and reduce the air temperature by 1 °C. Minimum temperature- 9 °C is the lower limit of moderately cold air baths. You can bring the air baths to lower temperatures, but be sure to move at the same time.

As already indicated, the sensitivity of the skin of individual parts of the body to air temperature is different. Parts of the body that are usually covered by clothing are more sensitive to cold. This makes it advisable to carry out air hardening, if possible, naked or semi-naked, in order to influence a larger surface of the body and obtain stronger responses. The hardening effect is also achieved when staying in the cold in lightweight clothing. Therefore, all winter sports are associated with hardening the body. IN summer time year hardening effect during training physical exercise much weaker due to the smaller cooling effect of air. However, due to prolonged exposure to a light suit outdoors under changing meteorological conditions, summer sports are also associated with air hardening. Therefore, with systematic outdoor exercises, there is no need for special air baths.

It is of no small importance in physical education and strengthening the student’s health. It helps increase the body's resistance to temperature fluctuations and so-called colds. The most accessible and effective are the following types of body hardening: air and sun baths and water procedures. The success of hardening, as well as other measures aimed at improving health, can be achieved only with strict adherence to the following rules:

  • systematic implementation of all procedures;
  • their strict dosage depending on age and health status;
  • gradual increase in the intensity of impact procedures;
  • medical observation of the effects of procedures on the body.

Air baths

The simplest and most common type of hardening of the body can be considered air baths, which can be carried out all year round. Air baths provide beneficial influence on the human body. Depending on the air temperature, air baths are divided into
  • cold - from 12° to 14°,
  • cool and moderate - from 14 to 20°,
  • warm - from 20 to 30°.
It is recommended to start taking air baths in the summer in calm weather at an air temperature of at least 20°. The duration of the first baths is up to 15 minutes, and then the time is gradually increased. The effectiveness of air hardening increases significantly when air baths are combined with outdoor games and any water procedures.

Water procedures

Hygienic and physiological significance water procedures plays an important role in human life. Water removes dirt, dust, salts and sweat from the surface of the skin, cleanses pores and improves skin respiration. The temperature effect of water procedures on the body is similar to air baths and consists of a greater or lesser cooling effect. Water procedures strengthen the nervous system, increase metabolism, and improve muscle tone. They also have a beneficial effect on the human psyche, which is reflected in increased mood, vigor and performance.


The weakest water procedure in terms of its effect on the body is rubdown. It consists of sequentially wiping the entire body with a piece of cloth (canvas, towel) moistened with water at a certain temperature, followed by rubbing the body with a towel until a feeling of pleasant warmth is felt. The water temperature during the first wipes should not be lower than 30-22°. Further, every 2-3 days the temperature can be reduced by 1-2°, but not more than to 12-13°.


Water procedures that are more powerful in terms of their impact on the body include dousing, you can switch to them after 1 - 1.5 months of systematic rubdowns. The temperature of the water during dousing should be higher than during the last rubbing, that is, about 30°, with its subsequent decrease to 20-19°.


The most common and effective type of hardening of the body is bathing. Considering the great irritating and cooling effect of this type of water procedures on the human body, they must be approached very carefully and first obtain a doctor’s permission.
The first bathing should begin at a water temperature of at least 20-22° and continue for 2-4 minutes. The time of subsequent bathing can be gradually extended to 10-15 minutes, but excessive cooling of the body should not be allowed. A very good means of combined hardening is therapeutic and health-improving swimming in an outdoor pool.

are a powerful hardening agent. They lead to increased activity of the whole body, increased metabolism and improved functioning. internal organs. The sun's rays, in addition to their healing effect, have pronounced medicinal properties for a number of diseases. However, inappropriate use sun rays may cause harm.
IN middle lane The best time for sunbathing is from 10 to 12 and from 15 to 18 hours. Their duration is from 5 to 10 minutes at the beginning of taking baths to 1 hour later. Carrying out the above types of hardening of the body teaches a person to react correctly to the adverse effects of the external environment.

Air hardening - taking air baths - is the most “gentle” and safest hardening procedure. It is recommended to begin systematic hardening with air baths.

The hardening effect of air depends mainly on its temperature. However, humidity and air speed must also be taken into account. Air baths, according to the heat sensation they cause, are divided into lukewarm (air temperature +30...+20°C), cool (+20...+14°C) and cold (+14°C and below). This division is conditional and is designed for an ordinary person starting hardening. Naturally, in hardened people, the feeling of cold occurs at a lower temperature.

It is recommended to start taking air baths in a pre-ventilated room. Then, as the hardening progresses, procedures should be carried out outdoors. The best place for hardening is shaded areas with green spaces, away from sources of possible atmospheric pollution with dust and harmful gases. Baths can be taken lying down, reclining or moving. Exercise is essential during cool and cold baths. In damp and windy weather, the duration of the bath is reduced. It is not recommended to carry out procedures during rain, fog and strong wind.

The dosage of air baths is carried out in two ways: by gradually reducing the air temperature or increasing the duration of the procedure at the same temperature. Last method more convenient, since the air temperature largely depends on the weather.

The first air baths for healthy people should last 20-30 minutes at an air temperature of +15...+20°C. Subsequently, the duration of the procedures increases daily by 10 minutes and is thus brought to 2 hours.

The next stage is air baths at a temperature of +10...+15°C for up to 15-20 minutes. At this time, it is imperative to perform vigorous movements. Only well-seasoned people can take cold baths and only after a medical examination. The duration of such baths should not exceed 5-10 minutes. Cold baths should be completed with body rubbing and a warm shower.

When hardening with air, you need to make sure that chills do not appear. At the first signs of severe cooling, you need to jog and do some gymnastic exercises.

Water hardening

Water procedures are a more intense hardening procedure, since water has a thermal conductivity 28 times greater than air. The main hardening factor is water temperature. The systematic use of water procedures is a reliable preventive measure against harmful influences random various coolings of the body.

During the procedures, a person should not experience discomfort or chills. You must always remember that the main hardening factor is the temperature of the water, and not the duration of the water procedure. Therefore it is necessary to adhere next rule: the colder the water, the shorter the time of its contact with the body should be.

Rubbing is the initial stage of hardening with water. For several days, wipe with a towel, sponge, or just a hand moistened with water. At first, this procedure is done only up to the waist, and then they move on to wiping the entire body. Rubbing is carried out sequentially, starting from the upper half of the body: having wiped the neck, chest, arms and back with water, wipe them dry and rub them with a towel until red as the blood moves towards the heart. After this, the lower limbs are also wiped. The entire procedure, including rubbing the body, should not exceed 5 minutes.

Pouring is the next stage of hardening with water. In this procedure, a small pressure stream of water is added to the effect of low water temperature on the body. When dousing, water pours out of a vessel or hose. For the first douches, water with a temperature of about +30° is used, later the temperature drops to +15°C and lower. After dousing, the body is vigorously rubbed with a towel. The duration of the entire procedure is 3-4 minutes.

A shower is an even more effective water procedure. At the beginning of hardening, the water in the shower should be +30...+35°C, and the duration of the procedure should be no more than one minute. Then the water temperature gradually decreases, and the shower time increases to 2 minutes. The procedure must end with vigorous rubbing of the body with a towel.

Swimming in open water is one of the most effective ways hardening. When bathing, air, water and water have a complex effect on the body.

For hardening, along with general ones, it is recommended to use local water procedures. The most common of them is washing the feet and gargling. cold water. These procedures play an important role in increasing the body’s resistance to colds, because at the same time the parts of the body that are most vulnerable to cooling are hardened.

Washing the feet is carried out throughout the year every day before going to bed. Washing begins at a water temperature of +26...+28°C, and then brought to a temperature of +12...+15°C. After washing, the feet are thoroughly rubbed until reddened.

Gargling should be done every day, morning and evening. The initial water temperature should be +23...+25°C, gradually after a week it decreases by 1-2°and is brought to +5...+10°C.

Air hardening - the most accessible and most common form of hardening the body. Almost everyone can do these procedures: children and adults, healthy and sick. There are even diseases (hypertension, angina pectoris, neurasthenia, etc.) for which air hardening is prescribed as one of the additional treatment methods. Yes, there are other ways to harden the body, for example, with the help of the sun or water, but it is best to start health procedures with air hardening.

There are several methods of air hardening:

  1. Stay outside in light clothing;
  2. Sleeping in the fresh air;
  3. Air baths.

But what should you choose first?

Staying outside in light clothing is the first method of air hardening.

The first type of hardening is useful when you have a good route through a forest, field, seashore or river. But avoid rotting swamps, stagnant bodies of water, polluted industrial waste, especially wastewater from chemical plants. Air saturated with vehicle exhaust gases is also harmful to health. significant amount dust (so stay away from major highways or railways).

Some people may experience complications even from the aroma of flowering gardens or meadows, an allergic runny nose, skin rashes, bronchitis, etc. In this case, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause of the allergy, and change your walking route accordingly.

Sleeping in the fresh air - II method of air hardening.

Sleeping in the fresh air is also good for health. Let's say that the majority of long-livers in the Caucasus rest this way. However, even in temperate latitudes at warm weather It is very useful to sleep on the balcony or veranda.

Air baths - III method of air hardening.

Hardening with the help of air baths is done by undressing completely or to the waist. Baths can be cold (air temperature does not exceed 6-14 0 C), cool (14-20 0 C), indifferent (20-22 0 C), warm (22-30 0 C), hot (over 30 0 C) .

When taking air baths, you need to take into account the effect of the wind. It not only changes the air temperature at any moment, but also excites the skin receptors of open parts of the body (as if massaging them, therefore, activating the formation of heat in the body). It is best to start hardening with air baths in the summer at a temperature of about 20-22 0 C, gradually accustoming the body to colder air.

The first procedures should be performed in the room, but after 2-3 days you can already go outside.

The first time for 5 minutes, and then daily increase the duration of the baths by the same amount, bringing the stay in the air to 40-60 minutes. First, it is best to go outside when there is no wind or find a secluded place. In the future, once you get used to it, you can do exercises even in worse weather.

When hardening with air, it is important to learn how to accurately determine weather, seasonal and meteorological factors environment. This will help you choose the right clothes and hardening products. For example, it is useful to know that in a calm wind the leaves on the trees are motionless, in a light wind individual leaves sway, in a fresh wind small branches tremble, in a strong wind dust rises and large branches sway.

If you feel unwell, do not take air baths without your doctor’s permission.

There are many subtleties in air healing. For example, it is not recommended to perform even light procedures on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. It is important to choose the right position in which you will take air baths: moving, lying down or reclining. In cool weather, it is best to perform gymnastic exercises in the air, and then move on to water procedures.

In winter, the safest temperature for outdoor exercise is from 18 0 C to -20 0 C, and if there is no wind, even -25 0 C. If you are tempered by air in a light sports suit, you feel normal at temperatures from -5 0 C to - 10 0 C, then consider that you have achieved good results.

Many people believe that hardening is more difficult than gymnastics. “Like,” they say, “pouring cold water? I'll get sick right away! In addition, I have radiculitis, pyelonephritis, an allergy to cold and rhinitis, and, in addition, blood pressure... No, this is not for me!”

Hardening- This is a kind of training of the body’s defenses, preparing them for timely mobilization. This is a set of methods for purposefully increasing the functional reserves of the body and its resistance to the adverse effects of environmental factors through systematic training dosed exposure to them.

Hardening does not cure, but prevents illness, and this is its most important preventive role. A hardened person easily tolerates not only heat and cold, but also sudden changes in external temperature, which can weaken the body's defenses.

The main thing is that hardening is acceptable for any person, i.e. it can be practiced by people of any age, regardless of degree physical development. Hardening increases the performance and endurance of the body. Hardening procedures normalize the condition emotional sphere, make a person more restrained, balanced, they give vigor, improve mood. According to yogis, hardening leads to the merging of the body with nature.

Main factors: water hardening,air hardening, sun hardening.

Hardening is based on the use of natural factors, namely air, water and sunlight. When starting hardening, remember a few simple rules:

  • hardening procedures should be carried out daily, possibly 2 times a day;
  • gradually reduce the temperature of the air and water;
  • gradually increase the duration of exposure to these factors;
  • In case of mild illness, there is no need to stop hardening. When health is weakened, procedures to harden the body should be treated with greater caution. It is necessary to reduce the force of influence (increase the water temperature and reduce the dousing time), but it is necessary to carry out these procedures;
  • If you are still seriously ill, you can temporarily cancel the procedures, but the break should be no more than 5-7 days. If for some reason the break between hardening lasted more than two weeks, you need to start all over again;
  • For children, hardening should be carried out under the supervision of adults.

Hardening with water.

Pouring feet.

In the evening, after work, or half an hour to an hour before bedtime, you need to pour the coldest water from the tap on your feet (approximately up to the middle of the shin). You can use a shower or a ladle - whatever.

People with a nervous, excitable system, suffering from sleep disorders, react to late douches (as well as to barefoot, cold and hot shower etc.) in different ways. In some cases, strong evening effects are undesirable, but very often after a cold shake, insomniacs fall asleep like babies. After a week or two, the douches will bring real pleasure; the person will feel that in this way he is relieved of fatigue, nervousness, and in some way is being reborn. Hardening with cold water should begin with dousing your feet.

Time is not limited: 5, 10 seconds, 1 minute - depending on how you feel.

Cold and hot shower.

Ideally, a contrast shower is done like this. A person gets into the bath and pours water at a pleasant temperature. The water is then made as hot as possible (without scalding, of course).

After 30-60-90 seconds, turn off the hot water and let in one cold one. After pouring over the whole body (20-30 or more seconds), turn on the hottest water again, pour over the whole body and, without basking for too long, turn on the cold water. This time it is better to stand under a cold shower longer (until
minutes or more).

Then again a not very hot long shower and a final cold one. When performing a contrast shower, you need to pour over all parts of the body, without staying in one place for a long time. In total, three contrasts are made (transitions from hot to cold). Always finish with cold water. Before cooling your entire body, it is advisable not to forget to wet your face.

Here is an approximate diagram of a contrast shower:

  • Warm (to get your body used to it)
  • Hot (still nice)
  • Cold (20-30 or more seconds)
  • Hot (20-40 seconds)
  • Cold (up to a minute or more)
  • Hot (20-60 seconds)
  • Cold (how pleasant)

You need to get used to the contrast shower, as well as to any new influence, gradually. First, take a comfortable shower (shower at a pleasant temperature) every day for 2-4 weeks. Then do only one contrast and not stand under cold water for very long (5-10 seconds), after a week or two, switch to two, and then three contrasts.

Sometimes at first you can reduce the temperature difference, that is, douse yourself with not the coldest and hot water, but warm and cool. To “build up” very sick organisms, it is advisable to do this. But, having reached the feeling of obvious cold, you still need to make a sharp leap and
go straight to ice water.

Without knowing this rule, many beginners cold and hot shower“burning”, trying to further reduce the temperature gradually. They reach, say, 19-20°C, and then, continuing hardening, they start to hurt. The secret here is simple. Water of this temperature already significantly cools the body, but it is not yet cold enough to “turn on” dormant protective forces. A sharp, short-term dousing with cold water does not have time to take away much heat, but has a powerful effect on the nervous system and triggers the thermoregulatory and immune mechanism.

What to do if the soul (or hot water) No? Dousing yourself with a bucket or taking a cold shower. You can always find a way out if you want.

It is highly advisable to do a contrast shower at least once a day, in the morning, after gymnastics (but not after yoga routines!) Although it is better to wash the body twice a day.

With daily dousing with cold water, there is no need to frequently wash with soap. People with oily skin are advised to use soap no more than once a week (except for washing hands and hairline), and for dry skin - no more than once a month. Even washing with soap once a quarter is enough. Both the skin and the sebaceous glands and, accordingly, the whole body will benefit from this.

Pouring with cold water.

You should douse yourself with cold water every morning and evening. Pouring is already a fairly serious hardening method. Get started cold water hardening right off your feet. Gradually, over a few days, pour your body higher and higher. There is no need to pour your head. Do not dilute cold water with warm water; it is better to immediately pour over a smaller part of your body until you get used to it. Over time, your body will get used to cold water, just like your hands, which you wash in any water without any consequences. This procedure should happen every day, just like you brush your teeth and wash your face every day, because if you miss one day, it is very difficult to start again. Those who have the opportunity to shower themselves on the street have extraordinary capabilities and very powerful medicine. So take it. This is a treatment using the element of water, and remember: the colder the water, the stronger the healing effect.

Effect. Pouring cold water is ancient pagan rite worship of the element of Nature, Water. In addition, under no circumstances should you start a prayer, spell, or conspiracy without washing yourself. Having doused yourself with cold water in the morning, you will feel cheerful all day long, your body will glow with a pleasant, gentle tingling sensation, this is health.

You can shower in the evening even after warm water, after which your sleep will be deep and pure. External condition greatly affects our internal state. Pouring cold water is the most the best remedy from impotence, and the colder the water, the stronger the effect. Colds will leave your body forever, especially effective for those people who walk wrapped up and are afraid of drafts and freezing. Go under cold water, even if after the first douche your nose is stuffy.

You must break that invisible but existing barrier. In addition, by suppressing your desire, you strengthen and increase the power of your Spirit. You don’t want to go under the cold water, but you go, suppressing your reluctance. The spirit is perfected only in this way, only by suppressing its desire or reluctance. Every day you become higher and higher in the level of your Spirit. All diseases can be cured only by the state of your Spirit. This is an internal medicine that can cure all diseases. Build up this medicine with this simple and affordable method!

Air hardening.

Air hardening (air baths) are useful at any age; these hardening procedures are recommended for both a newborn child and an elderly person. If you wrap up a child from birth, create “greenhouse” conditions for him and, thus, deprive his defense mechanisms of “work,” then the latter, being inactive, will not develop properly. And then even a small breeze is already a threat to the child, he becomes defenseless and falls ill. Therefore, the thermoregulatory apparatus should be trained.

Air hardening(air baths) are carried out in a room that has been previously ventilated, it is better if it is through ventilation. IN warm time a little draft won't hurt. The temperature in the room should be +20C, with further reduction through ventilation to 15-16C. The duration of the air baths at the beginning will be only 4-5 minutes, but then strive to gradually increase this time to half an hour. When this temperature is mastered, you can go out into the colder open air.

Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on health and condition nervous system. It is advisable to walk for at least 1 hour; the pace of walking is chosen individually. When hardening at an ambient temperature of 5-10 degrees and below, you need to help your body by performing any exercises. Running is useful race walking, skis. We dress according to the weather, sportswear.

Sun hardening.

Sun hardening(sunbathing) is widely used by each of you in your Everyday life, and especially if you are relaxing near the river and the sea. The main thing here is a sense of proportion; any extremes are harmful to health. And don’t forget to put a Panama hat on your head, preferably a light one. The recommended time of day for sunbathing in the south is 8-11 and 17-19 hours, in central Russia 9-13 and 16-18 hours. Initially, it is recommended to sunbathe for no more than 15 minutes, especially for those with fair skin. By gradually increasing the duration of sunbathing by 5-10 minutes, you can reach 2-3 hours, but you should take a break of 10-15 minutes every hour. Another caution: eating an hour before and after these procedures is also not recommended.

Walking barefoot.

Barefoot– this is another method of hardening, no worse than a contrast shower, dousing with cold water, etc. All these methods cannot be compared because they affect the body differently. It is very useful to walk or run barefoot on the ground at least once a day, or better yet twice, morning and evening. And in summer, and in winter, and in the off-season, in any weather - all year round. What does this give?

Firstly, actually hardening. First of all, resistance to colds increases, since the feet are reflexively connected to our six tonsils. By cooling our feet, we harden our throat. But the tonsils are an immune shield that stands in the way of many diseases.

Secondly, barefooting helps revitalize internal organs. After all, the zones of the feet are not only reflexively, but also energetically connected with all systems of our body. Therefore, barefoot walking is beneficial for diseases of the liver, eyes, stomach and pancreas, intestines, heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.

Third By standing barefoot, we release accumulated static electricity.
Usually you can start barefoot walking without special preparation (although in winter it is still advisable to pour cold water on your feet for two to three weeks before walking barefoot on the floor). In summer you can walk as much as you want. In winter, for starters, it’s better to just step on the snow and immediately return. Then very gradually increase the time, guided by your feelings. By the end of the first winter, it is advisable to bring it to 2-5 minutes.

In severe frost, it is better to walk or run, since if you stand still, you may get frostbite at first. Upon return, wash your feet only with cold water. It is impossible to describe the feeling of revitalization and renewal, especially strong in the first months of classes. This is joy and goodness, a special kind of ecstasy.

Influenced air hardening,hardening with water And sun rays the body's resistance and endurance to changing environmental conditions increases: immunological resistance to diseases increases, thermoregulation mechanisms improve, and the state of nervous processes is balanced.

If you start hardening starting tomorrow, you have a chance to start moving towards healthy image life one day faster!

First of all, I want to say that it is impossible to determine which type of hardening is definitely better and where it is better to start. Because All methods and methods, from air hardening to water hardening, have different effects on the human body.

Based personal experience I can say that contrast shower is perfect for beginners. If it's hard to start, try pouring cold water on your feet.

In a word, try and look for the most optimal options and practice. The main thing is without fanaticism!

Publication date: Mar 13, 2009 Author of articles: admin