At all stages of his development, man was closely connected with the world around him. But since the emergence of a highly industrialized society, dangerous human intervention in nature has sharply increased, the scope of this intervention has expanded, it has become more diverse, and now threatens to become a global danger to humanity.

Man has to increasingly intervene in the economy of the biosphere - that part of our planet in which life exists. The Earth's biosphere is currently subject to increasing anthropogenic impact. At the same time, several of the most significant processes can be identified, any of which does not improve the environmental situation on the planet.

The most widespread and significant is chemical pollution of the environment with substances of a chemical nature that are unusual for it. Among them are gaseous and aerosol pollutants of industrial and domestic origin. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is also progressing. There is no doubt about the importance of chemical contamination of the soil with pesticides and its increased acidity, leading to the collapse of the ecosystem. In general, all the factors considered that can be attributed to the polluting effect have a noticeable impact on the processes occurring in the biosphere.

The saying “as necessary as air” is not accidental. Folk wisdom not wrong. A person can live 5 weeks without food, 5 days without water, and no more than 5 minutes without air. In most of the world the air is heavy. What is clogged with it cannot be felt in the palm of your hand or seen with the eye. However, up to 100 kg of pollutants fall on the heads of city residents every year. These are solid particles (dust, ash, soot), aerosols, exhaust gases, vapors, smoke, etc. Many substances react with each other in the atmosphere, forming new, often even more toxic compounds.

Among the substances that cause chemical pollution of urban air, the most common are nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides (sulfur dioxide), carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide), hydrocarbons, and heavy metals.

Air pollution negatively affects human health, animals and plants. For example, mechanical particles, smoke and soot in the air cause pulmonary diseases. Carbon monoxide, contained in car exhaust emissions and tobacco smoke, leads to oxygen starvation of the body, because it binds hemoglobin in the blood. Exhaust gases contain lead compounds that cause general intoxication of the body.

As for the soil, it can be noted that the northern taiga soils are relatively young and undeveloped, therefore partial mechanical destruction does not significantly affect their fertility in relation to woody vegetation. But cutting off the humus horizon or adding soil causes the death of the rhizomes of lingonberry and blueberry berry bushes. And since these species reproduce mainly by rhizomes, they disappear along pipeline routes and roads. Their place is taken by economically less valuable cereals and sedges, which cause natural sodding of the soil and impede natural regeneration. coniferous species. This trend is typical for our city: acidic soil in its original composition is already infertile (given the poor soil microflora and the species composition of soil animals), and is also contaminated with toxic substances coming from the air and melt water. The soils in the city are in most cases mixed and bulk with a high degree of compaction. Secondary salinization that occurs when using salt mixtures against road icing, urbanization processes, and the use of mineral fertilizers are also dangerous.

Of course, through chemical analysis methods it is possible to determine the presence of harmful substances in the environment even in the smallest quantities. However, this is not enough to determine the qualitative impact of these substances on humans and environment, and even more so, long-term consequences. In addition, it is only possible to partially assess the threat from pollutants contained in the atmosphere, water, and soil, considering the influence of only individual substances without their possible interaction with other substances. Therefore, the quality control of natural components should be monitored at an earlier stage in order to prevent danger. The world of plants around us is more sensitive and informative than any electronic devices. This purpose can be served by specially selected plant species kept in appropriate conditions, so-called phytoindicators, which provide early recognition of possible dangers to the atmosphere and soils of the city emanating from harmful substances.

Main pollutants

Man has been polluting the atmosphere for thousands of years, but the consequences of the use of fire, which he used throughout this period, were insignificant. We had to put up with the fact that smoke interfered with breathing, and soot lay a black cover on the ceiling and walls of the home. The resulting heat was more important to humans than clean air and smoke-free cave walls. This initial air pollution was not a problem, since people then lived in small groups, occupying a vast, untouched natural environment. And even a significant concentration of people in a relatively small area, as was the case in classical antiquity, was not yet accompanied by serious consequences.

This was the case until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Only over the last century, the development of industry has “gifted” us with such production processes, the consequences of which at first people could not yet imagine. Millionaire cities have emerged whose growth cannot be stopped. All this is the result of great inventions and conquests of man.

There are basically three main sources of air pollution: industry, domestic boilers, and transport. The contribution of each of these sources to air pollution varies greatly depending on location. It is now generally accepted that the biggest source of air pollution is industrial production. Sources of pollution are thermal power plants, domestic boiler houses, which, along with smoke, emit sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide into the air; metallurgical enterprises, especially non-ferrous metallurgy, which emit nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, fluorine, ammonia, phosphorus compounds, particles and compounds of mercury and arsenic into the air; chemical and cement factories. Harmful gases enter the air as a result of burning fuel for industrial needs, heating homes, operating transport, burning and processing household and industrial waste. Atmospheric pollutants are divided into primary, which enter directly into the atmosphere, and secondary, which are the result of the transformation of the latter. Thus, sulfur dioxide gas entering the atmosphere is oxidized to sulfuric anhydride, which reacts with water vapor and forms droplets of sulfuric acid. When sulfuric anhydride reacts with ammonia, ammonium sulfate crystals are formed. Some of the pollutants are: a) Carbon monoxide. It is produced by incomplete combustion of carbonaceous substances. It gets released into the air when burned. solid waste, with exhaust gases and emissions from industrial enterprises. Every year at least 1250 million of this gas enters the atmosphere. t. Carbon monoxide is a compound that actively reacts with components of the atmosphere and contributes to an increase in temperature on the planet, and the creation greenhouse effect.

b) Sulfur dioxide. It is released during the combustion of sulfur-containing fuel or the processing of sulfur ores (up to 170 million tons per year). Some sulfur compounds are released during the combustion of organic residues in mining dumps. US only total sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere amounted to 65% of global emissions.

c) Sulfuric anhydride. Formed by the oxidation of sulfur dioxide. The final product of the reaction is an aerosol or solution of sulfuric acid in rainwater, which acidifies the soil and aggravates diseases of the human respiratory tract. The fallout of sulfuric acid aerosol from smoke flares of chemical plants is observed under low clouds and high air humidity. Leaf blades of plants growing at a distance of less than 11 km. from such enterprises are usually densely dotted with small necrotic spots formed in places where drops of sulfuric acid settled. Pyrometallurgical enterprises of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, as well as thermal power plants, annually emit tens of millions of tons of sulfuric anhydride into the atmosphere.

d) Hydrogen sulfide and carbon disulfide. They enter the atmosphere separately or together with other sulfur compounds. The main sources of emissions are enterprises producing artificial fiber, sugar, coke plants, oil refineries, and oil fields. In the atmosphere, when interacting with other pollutants, they undergo slow oxidation to sulfuric anhydride.

e) Nitrogen oxides. The main sources of emissions are enterprises producing nitrogen fertilizers, nitric acid and nitrates, aniline dyes, nitro compounds, viscose silk, and celluloid. The amount of nitrogen oxides entering the atmosphere is 20 million tons per year.

f) Fluorine compounds. Sources of pollution are enterprises producing aluminum, enamels, glass, ceramics, steel, and phosphate fertilizers. Fluorine-containing substances enter the atmosphere in the form of gaseous compounds - hydrogen fluoride or sodium and calcium fluoride dust. The compounds are characterized by a toxic effect. Fluorine derivatives are strong insecticides.

g) Chlorine compounds. They enter the atmosphere from chemical plants producing hydrochloric acid, chlorine-containing pesticides, organic dyes, hydrolytic alcohol, bleach, and soda. Chlorine molecules and vapors are found in the atmosphere as an admixture. of hydrochloric acid. The toxicity of chlorine is determined by the type of compounds and their concentration. In the metallurgical industry, when smelting cast iron and processing it into steel, various metals and toxic gases are released into the atmosphere.

h) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfuric anhydride (SO3). In combination with suspended particles and moisture, they have the most harmful effect on humans, living organisms and material assets. SO2 is a colorless and non-flammable gas, the odor of which begins to be felt at a concentration in the air of 0.3-1.0 ppm, and at a concentration above 3 ppm it has a sharp, irritating odor. It is one of the most common air pollutants. Widely found as a product of the metallurgical and chemical industries, an intermediate in the production of sulfuric acid, the main component of emissions from thermal power plants and numerous boiler houses operating on sulfur fuels, especially coal. Sulfur dioxide is one of the main components involved in the formation of acid rain. Its properties are colorless, toxic, carcinogenic, and have a pungent odor. Sulfur dioxide mixed with solid particles and sulfuric acid, even at an average annual content of 0.04-0.09 million and a smoke concentration of 150-200 μg/m3, leads to an increase in symptoms of difficulty breathing and lung diseases. Thus, with an average daily SO2 content of 0.2-0.5 million and a smoke concentration of 500-750 μg/m3, a sharp increase in the number of patients and deaths is observed.

Low concentrations of SO2 when exposed to the body irritate the mucous membranes, higher concentrations cause inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi, and sometimes lead to nosebleeds. With prolonged contact, vomiting occurs. Acute poisoning with fatal outcome is possible. It was sulfur dioxide that was the main active component of the famous London smog of 1952, when a large number of of people.

The maximum permissible concentration of SO2 is 10 mg/m3. odor threshold – 3-6 mg/m3. First aid for sulfur dioxide poisoning is fresh air, freedom of breathing, oxygen inhalation, washing the eyes, nose, rinsing the nasopharynx with a 2% soda solution.

Within the boundaries of our city, emissions into the atmosphere are carried out by the boiler house and vehicles. These are mainly carbon dioxide, lead compounds, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides (sulfur dioxide), carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide), hydrocarbons, and heavy metals. The deposits practically do not pollute the atmosphere. The data confirms this.

But the presence of not all pollutants can be determined using phytoindication. However, this method provides earlier, compared to instrumental, recognition of the potential dangers emanating from harmful substances. The specificity of this method is the selection of indicator plants that have characteristic sensitive properties when in contact with harmful substances. Bioindication methods, taking into account the climatic and geographical characteristics of the region, can be successfully applied as an integral part of industrial industrial environmental monitoring.

The problem of controlling the release of pollutants into the atmosphere by industrial enterprises (MPC)

The priority in the development of maximum permissible concentrations in the air belongs to the USSR. MPC - such concentrations that affect a person and his offspring through direct or indirect influence, do not worsen their performance, well-being, as well as the sanitary and living conditions of people.

Summarization of all information on maximum permissible concentrations received by all departments is carried out at the Main Geophysical Observatory. In order to determine air values ​​based on the results of observations, the measured concentration values ​​are compared with the maximum one-time maximum permissible concentration and the number of cases when the MPC was exceeded is determined, as well as how many times the highest value was higher than the MPC. The average concentration value for a month or a year is compared with the long-term MPC - the average sustainable MPC. The state of air pollution by several substances observed in the city's atmosphere is assessed using a complex indicator - the air pollution index (API). To do this, normalized to the corresponding value, the MPC and average concentrations of various substances using simple calculations lead to the concentration of sulfur dioxide, and then summed up.

The degree of air pollution by major pollutants is directly dependent on the industrial development of the city. The highest maximum concentrations are typical for cities with a population of more than 500 thousand. residents. Air pollution with specific substances depends on the type of industry developed in the city. If enterprises of several industries are located in a large city, then a very large number of high level air pollution, but the problem of reducing emissions still remains unresolved.

MPC (maximum permissible concentrations) of some harmful substances. MPCs, developed and approved by the legislation of our country, are the maximum level of this substance that a person can tolerate without harm to health.

Within the boundaries of our city and outside it (in the fields), emissions of sulfur dioxide from production (0.002-0.006) do not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (0.5), emissions of general hydrocarbons (less than 1) do not exceed the maximum permissible concentration (1). According to UNIR data, the concentration of mass emissions of CO, NO, NO2 from boiler houses (steam and hot water boilers) does not exceed the maximum permissible limit.

2. 3. Atmospheric pollution by emissions from mobile sources (vehicles)

The main contributors to air pollution are gasoline-powered cars (about 75% in the US), followed by airplanes (about 5%), diesel cars (about 4%), and tractors and agricultural machines (about 4%). , rail and water transport (approximately 2%). The main air pollutants emitted by mobile sources (the total number of such substances exceeds 40%) include carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons (about 19%) and nitrogen oxides (about 9%). Carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) enter the atmosphere only with exhaust gases, while incompletely burned hydrocarbons (HnCm) enter both with exhaust gases (this accounts for approximately 60% of the total mass of emitted hydrocarbons) and from crankcase (about 20%), fuel tank (about 10%) and carburetor (about 10%); solid impurities come mainly from exhaust gases (90%) and from the crankcase (10%).

The largest amount of pollutants is emitted when a car accelerates, especially when driving quickly, as well as when driving at low speeds (from the most economical range). The relative share (of the total mass of emissions) of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide is highest during braking and idling, the share of nitrogen oxides is highest during acceleration. From these data it follows that cars are particularly polluting air environment during frequent stops and when driving at low speeds.

The "green wave" traffic systems being created in cities, which significantly reduce the number of traffic stops at intersections, are designed to reduce air pollution in cities. The quality and quantity of emissions of impurities is greatly influenced by the engine operating mode, in particular, the ratio between the masses of fuel and air, ignition timing, fuel quality, the ratio of the surface of the combustion chamber to its volume, etc. With an increase in the ratio of the mass of air and fuel entering the chamber combustion, emissions of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are reduced, but emissions of nitrogen oxides increase.

Despite the fact that diesel engines are more economical, they emit no more substances such as CO, HnCm, NOx than gasoline engines, they emit significantly more smoke (mainly unburned carbon), which also has unpleasant smell created by some unburned hydrocarbons. In combination with the noise they create, diesel engines not only pollute the environment more, but also affect human health to a much greater extent than gasoline engines.

The main sources of air pollution in cities are motor vehicles and industrial enterprises. While industrial enterprises within the city are steadily reducing the number harmful emissions, the car park is a real disaster. Switching transport to high-quality gasoline and proper traffic management will help solve this problem.

Lead ions accumulate in plants, but do not appear externally, because the ions bind to oxalic acid, forming oxolates. In our work, we used phytoindication based on external changes (macroscopic characteristics) of plants.

2. 4. The influence of air pollution on humans, flora and fauna

All air pollutants, to a greater or lesser extent, have a negative impact on human health. These substances enter the human body primarily through the respiratory system. The respiratory organs suffer directly from pollution, since about 50% of impurity particles with a radius of 0.01-0.1 microns that penetrate the lungs are deposited in them.

Particles that penetrate the body cause a toxic effect because they: a) are toxic (poisonous) by their chemical or physical nature; b) interfere with one or more mechanisms by which the respiratory (respiratory) tract is normally cleansed; c) serve as a carrier of a toxic substance absorbed by the body.




3. 1. About methods of phytoindication of pollution of terrestrial ecosystems

Phytoindication is one of the most important areas of environmental monitoring today. Phytoindication is one of the methods of bioindication, i.e. assessing the state of the environment based on the reaction of plants. The qualitative and quantitative composition of the atmosphere affects the life and development of all living organisms. The presence of harmful gaseous substances in the air has different influence on plants.

The bioindication method as a tool for monitoring the state of the environment has become widespread in recent years in Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, and Central Europe. The need for bioindication is clear in terms of monitoring the ecosystem as a whole. Phytoindication methods acquire particular significance within the city and its environs. Plants are used as phytoindicators, and a whole complex of their macroscopic characteristics is studied.

Based on theoretical analysis and our own, we have made an attempt to describe some original methods of phytoindication of pollution in terrestrial ecosystems, available in school conditions, using the example of changes external signs plants.

Regardless of the species, the following morphological changes can be detected in plants during the indication process:

Chlorosis is a pale coloration of leaves between the veins, observed in plants on dumps left after the mining of heavy metals, or pine needles with low exposure to gas emissions;

Redness – spots on leaves (anthocyanin accumulation);

Yellowing of edges and areas of leaves (in deciduous trees under the influence of chlorides);

Browning or bronzing (in deciduous trees this is often an indicator of the initial stage of severe necrotic damage, in conifers it serves for further exploration of areas of smoke damage);

Necrosis - the death of tissue areas - is an important indication symptom (including: point, interveinal, marginal, etc.);

Falling of leaves - deformation - usually occurs after necrosis (for example, a decrease in the lifespan of needles, their shedding, falling of leaves in lindens and chestnuts under the influence of salt to accelerate the melting of ice or in shrubs under the influence of sulfur oxide);

Changes in the size of plant organs and fertility.

In order to determine what these morphological changes in phytoindicator plants indicate, we used some techniques.

When examining damage to pine needles, shoot growth, apical necrosis and needle life expectancy are considered important parameters. One of the positive aspects in favor of this method is the ability to conduct surveys year-round, including in urban areas.

In the study area, either young trees were selected, spaced from each other at a distance of 10–20 m, or lateral shoots in the fourth whorl from the top of very tall pines. The survey revealed two important bioindicative indicators: the class of damage and drying out of the needles and the life expectancy of the needles. As a result of a rapid assessment, the degree of air pollution was determined.

The described methodology was based on the research of S.V. Alekseev and A.M. Bekker.

To determine the class of damage and drying of needles, the object of consideration was the apical part of the pine trunk. Based on the condition of the needles of the section of the central shoot (second from the top) of the previous year, the needle damage class was determined on a scale.

Needle damage class:

I – needles without spots;

II – needles with a small number of small spots;

III – needles with a large number of black and yellow spots, some of them large, covering the entire width of the needle.

Needle drying class:

I – no dry areas;

II – the tip has shrunk, 2 – 5 mm;

III – 1/3 of the needles has dried out;

IV – all the needles are yellow or half dry.

We assessed the lifespan of needles based on the condition of the apical part of the trunk. The increase took several recent years, and it is believed that for each year of life one whorl is formed. To obtain the results, it was necessary to determine the full age of the needles - the number of sections of the trunk with completely preserved needles plus the proportion of preserved needles in the next section. For example, if the apical part and two sections between the whorls have completely preserved their needles, and the next part has preserved half of the needles, then the result will be 3.5 (3 + 0, 5 = 3.5).

Having determined the damage class and life expectancy of the needles, it was possible to estimate the class of air pollution using the table

As a result of our studies of pine needles regarding the class of damage and drying out of the needles, it turned out that in the city there are a small number of trees in which drying out of the tips of the needles is observed. Mostly these were needles 3-4 years old; the needles were without spots, but some had drying out of the tip. It was concluded that the air within the city is clean.

Using this bioindication technique for a number of years, it is possible to obtain reliable information about gas and smoke pollution both in the city itself and its surroundings.

Other plant objects for bioindication of pollution of terrestrial ecosystems can be:

➢ watercress as a test object for assessing soil and air pollution;

➢ lichen vegetation – when mapping the area according to their species diversity;

Lichens are very sensitive to air pollution and die when there is a high content of carbon monoxide, sulfur compounds, nitrogen and fluorine. The degree of sensitivity varies between species. Therefore, they can be used as living indicators of environmental cleanliness. This method The study is called lichen indication.

There are two ways to use the lichen indication method: active and passive. In the case of the active method, leaf lichens of the Hypohymnia type are displayed on special boards according to an observation grid, and later damage to the body of the lichens by harmful substances is determined (an example was taken from the data used to determine the degree of air pollution near an aluminum smelter using a bioindication method. This allows one to draw direct conclusions about the existing in this place there is a threat to vegetation. Within the city of Kogalym, Parmelia swollen and Xanthoria wallata were found, but in small quantities. Outside the city, these types of lichens were found in large quantities, and with intact bodies.

In the case of the passive method, lichen mapping is used. Already in the middle of the 19th century, a phenomenon was observed that, due to air pollution with harmful substances, lichens disappeared from cities. Lichens can be used to differentiate both areas of air pollution over large areas and sources of pollution operating in small areas. We assessed air pollution using indicator lichens. We assessed the degree of air pollution in the city by the abundance of various lichens

In our case, various types of lichens were collected both in the city and in the area adjacent to the city. The results were recorded in a separate table.

We noted weak pollution in the city and no zone of pollution outside the city. This is evidenced by the types of lichens found. The slow growth of lichens, the sparseness of the crowns of urban trees in contrast to the forest, the effect of direct sun rays on tree trunks.

And yet, phytoindicator plants told us about low air pollution in the city. But what? In order to determine what gas the atmosphere is polluted with, we used table No. 4. It turned out that the ends of the needles acquire a brown tint when the atmosphere is polluted with sulfur dioxide (from the boiler room), and at higher concentrations the lichens die.

For comparison, we carried out experimental work, which showed us the following results: indeed, discolored petals of garden flowers (petunia) were encountered, but a small number of them were noticed, since the growing season and flowering processes in our area are short-lived, and the concentration of sulfur dioxide is non-critical .

As for experiment No. 2 “Acid rain and plants”, judging by the herbarium samples we collected, there were leaves with necrotic spots, but the spots were along the edge of the leaf (chlorosis), and under the influence of acid rain, the appearance of brown necrotic spots was observed throughout the leaf blade .

3. 2. Study of soil using indicator plants - acidophiles and calcephobes

(phytoindication of soil composition)

In the process of historical development, plant species or communities have emerged that are associated with certain living conditions so strongly that environmental conditions can be recognized by the presence of these plant species or their communities. In this regard, groups of plants associated with the presence in the soil composition have been identified. chemical elements:

➢ nitrophils (white pigweed, stinging nettle, angustifolia fireweed, etc.);

➢ calciphiles (Siberian larch, Echinaceae, lady's slipper, etc.);

➢ calcephobes (heather, sphagnum mosses, cotton grass, reed grass, club moss, club moss, horsetails, ferns).

During the study, we found that nitrogen-poor soils had formed in the city. This conclusion was made thanks to the species of the following plants we noted: angustifolia fireweed, meadow clover, reed reed grass, maned barley. And in the forest areas adjacent to the city there are a lot of calcephobe plants. These are types of horsetails, ferns, mosses, cotton grass. The presented plant species are presented in a herbarium folder.

Soil acidity is determined by the presence of the following groups of plants:

Acidophilus - soil acidity from 3.8 to 6.7 (oats, rye, European sedum, white barley, maned barley, etc.);

Neutrophilic – soil acidity from 6.7 to 7.0 (urchin grass, steppe timothy, oregano, six-petalled meadowsweet, etc.);

Basophilic – from 7.0 to 7.5 (meadow clover, horned sweet grass, meadow timothy, awnless brome, etc.).

The presence of acidic soils of the acidophilic level is indicated to us by such plant species as meadow clover and maned barley, which we found in the city. On a short distance from the city, such soils are evidenced by the types of sedges, bog cranberry, and podbel. These are species that historically developed in wet and swampy areas, excluding the presence of calcium in the soil, preferring only acidic, peaty soils.

Another method we have tested is to study the condition of birch trees as indicators of soil salinity in urban conditions. This phytoindication is carried out from early July to August. Downy birch can be found on the streets and in the forested area of ​​the city. Damage to birch foliage under the influence of salt used to melt ice manifests itself as follows: bright yellow, unevenly spaced marginal zones appear, then the edge of the leaf dies, and the yellow zone moves from the edge to the middle and base of the leaf.

We carried out research on the leaves of the downy birch, as well as the mountain ash. As a result of the study, marginal leaf chlorosis and pinpoint inclusions were discovered. This indicates degree 2 damage (minor). The result of this manifestation is the addition of salt to melt the ice.

Analysis species composition flora in the context of determining chemical elements and soil acidity under environmental monitoring conditions acts as an accessible and simplest method of phytoindication.

In conclusion, we note that plants are important objects of bioindication of ecosystem pollution, and the study of their morphological characteristics in recognizing the environmental situation is especially effective and accessible within the city and its environs.

4. Conclusions and forecasts:

1. In the city, the method of phytoindication and lichen indication revealed slight air pollution.

2. On the territory of the city, acidic soils were identified using phytoindication. In the presence of acidic soils, to improve fertility, use liming by weight (by calculation) and add dolomite flour.

3. Minor contamination (salinization) of the soil with salt mixtures against road icing was detected in the city.

4. One of the complex problems of industry is the assessment of the complex impact of various pollutants and their compounds on the environment. In this regard, it seems extremely important to assess the health of ecosystems and individual species using bioindicators. As bioindicators that allow us to monitor air pollution at industrial facilities and in urban environments, we can recommend:

➢ Hypohymnia inflated foliaceous lichen, which is most sensitive to acidic pollutants, sulfur dioxide, heavy metals.

➢ The condition of pine needles for bioindication of gas and smoke pollution.

5. The following can be recommended as bioindicators for assessing soil acidity and monitoring soil pollution at industrial sites and in urban environments:

➢ Urban plant species: meadow clover, maned barley to determine acidic soils at the acidophilic level. At a short distance from the city, such soils are evidenced by the species of sedges, bog cranberry, and pommel.

➢ Downy birch as a bioindicator of anthropogenic soil salinity.

5. Widespread use of the bioindication method by enterprises will make it possible to more quickly and reliably assess the quality of the natural environment and, in combination with instrumental methods, become an essential link in the system of industrial environmental monitoring (IEM) of industrial facilities.

When implementing industrial environmental monitoring systems, it is important to take into account economic factors. The cost of instruments and apparatus for TEM for only one linear compressor station is 560 thousand rubles

4.2 Impact of pollution on human health

The mass of our planet's atmosphere is negligible - only one millionth the mass of the Earth. However, its role in the natural processes of the biosphere is enormous. The presence of an atmosphere around the globe determines the general thermal regime of the surface of our planet and protects it from harmful cosmic and ultraviolet radiation. Atmospheric circulation affects local climatic conditions, and through them - on the regime of rivers, soil and vegetation cover and on the processes of relief formation.

The modern gas composition of the atmosphere is the result of a long, centuries-long historical development of the globe. It is mainly a gas mixture of two components - nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). Normally, it also contains argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.03%) and small amounts of inert gases (neon, helium, krypton, xenon), ammonia, methane, ozone, sulfur dioxide and other gases. Along with gases, the atmosphere contains solid particles coming from the surface of the Earth (for example, products of combustion, volcanic activity, soil particles) and from space (cosmic dust), as well as various products of plant, animal or microbial origin. In addition, water vapor plays an important role in the atmosphere (11, p. 117).

The three gases that make up the atmosphere are of greatest importance for various ecosystems: oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. These gases are involved in major biogeochemical cycles.

Due to the rapid development of motor transport and aviation, the share of emissions entering the atmosphere from mobile sources has increased significantly: cargo and passenger cars, tractors, diesel locomotives and airplanes. The greatest amount of pollutants are emitted when a car accelerates, especially when driving quickly, as well as when driving at low speeds. The relative share (of the total mass of emissions) of hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide is highest during braking and idling, the share of nitrogen oxides is highest during acceleration. From these data it follows that cars pollute the air especially heavily when stopping frequently and when driving at low speeds.

In the last 10 - 15 years, much attention has been paid to the study of the effects that may arise in connection with the flights of supersonic aircraft and spaceships. These flights are accompanied by pollution of the stratosphere with nitrogen oxides and sulfuric acid (supersonic aircraft), as well as aluminum oxide particles (transport spaceships). Since these pollutants destroy ozone, it was initially believed (supported by appropriate model calculations) that the planned increase in the number of flights of supersonic aircraft and transport spacecraft would lead to a significant decrease in ozone content with all the subsequent harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation on the Earth’s biosphere (1, p. 56).

Noise is one of the harmful air pollutants for humans. The irritating effect of sound (noise) on a person depends on its intensity, spectral composition and duration of exposure. Noises with continuous spectrums are less irritating than noises with a narrow frequency range. The greatest irritation is caused by noise in the frequency range 3000 - 5000 Hz.

Working in conditions of increased noise at first causes rapid fatigue and sharpens hearing at high frequencies. Then the person gets used to the noise, sensitivity to high frequencies drops sharply, and hearing deterioration begins, which gradually develops into hearing loss and deafness. When the noise intensity is 140 - 145 decibels, vibrations occur in the soft tissues of the nose and throat, as well as in the bones of the skull and teeth; if the intensity exceeds 140 dB, then the chest, muscles of the arms and legs begin to vibrate, pain in the ears and head, extreme fatigue and irritability appear; at noise levels above 160 dB, rupture of the eardrums may occur (1, pp. 89 – 93).

Noise has a detrimental effect not only on the hearing aid, but also on the human central nervous system, the functioning of the heart, and causes many other diseases. One of the most powerful sources of noise are helicopters and airplanes, especially supersonic ones.

The noise created by airplanes causes hearing impairment and other painful phenomena among airport ground service workers, as well as among residents of populated areas over which airplanes fly. The negative impact on people depends not only on the level of maximum noise generated by the aircraft during flight, but also on the duration of the effect, total number flights per day and background noise level. The intensity of noise and the area of ​​distribution are significantly influenced by meteorological conditions: wind speed, its distribution and air temperature at altitude, clouds and precipitation.

The noise problem has become especially acute in connection with the operation of supersonic aircraft. They are associated with noise, sonic boom and vibration of homes near airports. Modern supersonic aircraft generate noise whose intensity significantly exceeds the maximum permissible standards.

All air pollutants, to a greater or lesser extent, have a negative impact on human health. These substances enter the human body primarily through the respiratory system. The respiratory organs suffer directly from pollution, since about 50% of impurity particles with a radius of 0.01 - 0.1 μm that penetrate into the lungs are deposited in them (15, p. 63).

Particles that enter the body cause a toxic effect because they:

a) toxic (poisonous) by their chemical or physical nature;

b) interfere with one or more mechanisms by which the respiratory (respiratory) tract is normally cleansed;

c) serve as a carrier of a toxic substance absorbed by the body.

In some cases, exposure to one pollutant in combination with others leads to more serious health problems than exposure to either one alone. Statistical analysis made it possible to fairly reliably establish the relationship between the level of air pollution and diseases such as damage to the upper respiratory tract, heart failure, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, and eye diseases. A sharp increase in the concentration of impurities, which persists for several days, increases the mortality rate of elderly people from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In December 1930, the Meuse Valley (Belgium) experienced severe air pollution for 3 days; as a result, hundreds of people became ill and 60 people died—more than 10 times the average death rate. In January 1931, in the Manchester area (Great Britain), there was heavy smoke in the air for 9 days, which caused the death of 592 people (21, p. 72).

Cases of severe air pollution in London, accompanied by numerous deaths, became widely known. In 1873, there were 268 unexpected deaths in London. Heavy smoke combined with fog between 5 and 8 December 1852 resulted in the deaths of more than 4,000 residents of Greater London. In January 1956, about 1,000 Londoners died as a result of prolonged smoke. Most of those who died unexpectedly suffered from bronchitis, emphysema or cardiovascular disease (21, p. 78).

In cities, due to constantly increasing air pollution, the number of patients suffering from diseases such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, various allergic diseases and lung cancer is steadily growing. In the UK, 10% of deaths are due to chronic bronchitis, with 21 per cent of the population aged 40 to 59 suffering from the disease. In Japan, in a number of cities, up to 60% of residents suffer from chronic bronchitis, the symptoms of which are a dry cough with frequent expectoration, subsequent progressive difficulty breathing and heart failure. In this regard, it should be noted that the so-called Japanese economic miracle of the 50s and 60s was accompanied by severe pollution of the natural environment of one of the most beautiful areas of the globe and serious damage caused to the health of the population of this country. In recent decades, the number of cases of bronchial and lung cancer, the occurrence of which is facilitated by carcinogenic hydrocarbons, has been growing at an alarming rate (19, p. 107).

Animals in the atmosphere and falling harmful substances are affected through the respiratory organs and enter the body along with edible dusty plants. When absorbing large quantities of harmful pollutants, animals can suffer acute poisoning. Chronic poisoning of animals with fluoride compounds is called “industrial fluorosis” among veterinarians, which occurs when animals absorb feed or drinking water containing fluoride. Characteristic features are the aging of teeth and skeletal bones.

Beekeepers in some regions of Germany, France and Sweden note that due to fluoride poisoning deposited on honey flowers, there is an increased mortality of bees, a decrease in the amount of honey and a sharp decline in the number of bee colonies (11, p. 120).

The effect of molybdenum on ruminants was observed in England, California (USA) and Sweden. Molybdenum penetrating into the soil prevents plants from absorbing copper, and the lack of copper in food causes loss of appetite and weight in animals. In case of arsenic poisoning on the body of a large cattle ulcerations appear.

In Germany, severe lead and cadmium poisoning of gray partridges and pheasants was observed, and in Austria, lead accumulated in the bodies of hares that fed on grass along highways. Three such hares eaten in one week are quite enough for a person to become ill as a result of lead poisoning (11, p. 118).


Today there are many environmental problems in the world: from the extinction of some species of plants and animals to the threat of degeneration of the human race. The ecological effect of polluting agents can manifest itself in different ways: it can affect either individual organisms (manifest at the organismal level), or populations, biocenoses, ecosystems and even the biosphere as a whole.

At the organismal level, there may be a violation of certain physiological functions of organisms, changes in their behavior, a decrease in the rate of growth and development, and a decrease in resistance to the effects of other adverse factors. external environment.

At the population level, pollution can cause changes in their numbers and biomass, fertility, mortality, changes in structure, annual migration cycles and a number of other functional properties.

At the biocenotic level, pollution affects the structure and functions of communities. The same pollutants have different effects on different components of communities. Accordingly, the quantitative relationships in the biocenosis change, up to the complete disappearance of some forms and the appearance of others. Ultimately, ecosystems degrade, deteriorate as elements of the human environment, reduce their positive role in the formation of the biosphere, and depreciate in economic terms.

Thus, based on all of the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Over the past hundred years, the development of industry has “gifted” us with such production processes, the consequences of which at first people could not yet imagine. Factories, factories, and millionaire cities have arisen, the growth of which cannot be stopped. Today there are three main sources of air pollution: industry, domestic boiler houses, and transport. The contribution of each of these sources to total air pollution varies greatly depending on where they are located. However, it is now generally accepted that industrial production pollutes the air the most.

2. Any form of water pollution causes great harm natural ecosystems and lead to harmful changes in the human environment. The effects of anthropogenic impact on the aquatic environment are manifested at the individual and population-biocenotic levels, and the long-term effect of pollutants leads to a simplification of the ecosystem.

3. The Earth's soil cover is the most important component of the Earth's biosphere. It is the soil shell that determines many of the processes occurring in the biosphere. Essential soil consists in the accumulation of organic matter, various chemical elements, and energy. Soil cover functions as a biological absorber, destroyer and neutralizer of various types of pollution. If this link of the biosphere is destroyed, then the existing functioning of the biosphere will be irreversibly disrupted.

At the moment, there are many theories in the world in which much attention is paid to finding the most rational ways to solve environmental problems. But, unfortunately, on paper everything turns out to be much simpler than in life.

Human impact on the environment has reached alarming proportions. To fundamentally improve the situation, targeted and thoughtful actions will be needed. Responsible and effective environmental policies will only be possible if we accumulate reliable data on current state environment, reasonable knowledge about the interaction of important environmental factors, if he develops new methods for reducing and preventing harm caused to nature by humans.

In our opinion, to prevent further environmental pollution, it is first of all necessary:

Strengthen attention to issues of nature conservation and sustainable use natural resources;

Establish systematic control over the use of lands, waters, forests, subsoil and other resources by enterprises and organizations natural resources;

Increase attention to issues of preventing pollution and salinization of soils, surface and groundwater;

Pay great attention to preserving the water protection and protective functions of forests, preserving and reproducing flora and fauna, and preventing air pollution;

Strengthen the fight against industrial and household noise.

Nature conservation is the task of our century, a problem that has become social. Time and again we hear about the dangers threatening the environment, but many of us still consider them an unpleasant but inevitable product of civilization and believe that we will still have time to cope with all the difficulties that have arisen. Environmental problem is one of the most important tasks humanity. And now people should understand this and take an active part in the struggle to preserve the natural environment. And everywhere: and in small town Balashov, and in the Saratov region, and in Russia, and throughout the world. Without the slightest exaggeration, the future of the entire planet depends on the solution to this global problem.


1. Agadzhanyan, N.A., Torshin, V.I. Human ecology / Ed. V. I. Torshina. - M., 1994.

2. Agess, P. Keys to ecology / P. Agess. - L., 1982.

3. Artamonov, V.I. Plants and the purity of the natural environment / V. I. Artamonov. – M., 1986.

4. Bogdanovsky, G. A. Chemical ecology / Responsible. ed. G. A. Bogdanovsky. – M., 1994.

5. Bolbas, M. M. Fundamentals of industrial ecology / Ed. M. M. Bolbas. – M., 1993.

6. Vladimirov, A. M. Environmental protection / A. M. Vladimirov et al. - St. Petersburg, 2001.

7. Dobrovolsky, G. V., Grishina, L. A. Soil protection / G. V. Dobrovolsky. - M., 1985.

8. Dronova, T. Ya. Influence of atmospheric pollution on soil properties / T. Ya. Dronova. - M., 1990.

9. Israel, Yu.A., Rovinsky F.Ya. Take care of the biosphere / Yu. A. Israel et al. - M., 1987.

10. Ilyin, V.B. Heavy metals in the “soil-plant” system / V.B. Ilyin. - Novosibirsk, 1991.

11. Kriksunov, E.A., Pasechnik, V.V., Sidorin, A.P. Ecology. Uch. allowance / Ed. E. A. Kriksunova and others - M., 1995.

12. Kruglov, Yu. V. Soil microflora and pesticides / Yu. V. Kruglov. - M., 1991.

13. Cullini, J. Forests. Seas / G. Cullini. – L., 1981.

14. Plotnikov, V.V. At the crossroads of ecology / V. V. Plotnikov. – M., 1985.

15. Protasov, V.F. et al. Ecology, health and environmental management in Russia / Ed. V. F. Protasova. – M., 1995.

16. Rautse, N., Kirsta, S. Combating soil pollution / N. Rautse et al. - M., 1986.

17. Sokolova, T. A. et al. Soil changes under the influence of acid deposition / Ed. T. A. Sokolova. - M., 1993.

18. Fedorov, L. A. Dioxins in drinking water/ L. A. Fedorov // Chemistry and life. - No. 8. – 1995.

19. Hefling, G. Anxiety in 2000 / G. Hefling. - M., 1990.

20. Shchebek, F. Variations on the theme of one planet / F. Shchebek. – M., 1972.

21. Chernyak, V.Z. Seven miracles and others / V. Z. Chernyak. - M., 1983.

Annex 1

Substance intake (in million tons/year) in a city with a population of 1 million people

Name of substance Quantity

Pure water 470.0

Air 50.2

Mineral construction raw materials 10.0

Crude oil 3.6

Ferrous metallurgy raw materials 3.5

Natural gas 1,7

Liquid fuel 1.6

Mining chemical raw materials 1.5

Non-ferrous metallurgy raw materials 1.2

Technical plant raw materials 1.0

Food industry raw materials,

prepared food products 1.0

Energy chemical raw materials 0.22

Appendix 2

Emissions (in thousand tons/year) into the atmosphere

cities with a population of 1 million people

Air Emission Ingredients Quantity

Water (steam, aerosol) 10800

Carbon dioxide 1200

Sulfur dioxide 240

Carbon monoxide 240

Hydrocarbons 108

Nitrogen oxides 60

Organic matter

(phenols, benzene, alcohols, solvents, fatty acids) 8

Chlorine, hydrochloric acid aerosols 5

Hydrogen sulfide 5

Ammonia 1.4

Fluorides (in terms of fluorine) 1.2

Carbon disulfide 1.0

Hydrogen cyanide 0.3

Lead compounds 0.5

Nickel (in dust) 0.042

PAHs (including benzopyrene) 0.08

Arsenic 0.031

Uranium (in dust) 0.024

Cobalt (in dust) 0.018

Mercury 0.0084

Cadmium (in dust) 0.0015

Beryllium (in dust) 0.0012

Appendix 3

Solid and concentrated waste (thousand tons/year) of a city with a population of 1 million people

Type of waste Quantity

Ash and slag from thermal power plants 550.0

Solid precipitation from the public sewer

(95% humidity) 420.0

Wood waste 400,0

Halite waste 400.0

Raw pulp from sugar factories 360.0

Solid household waste* 350,0

Ferrous metallurgy slag 320.0

Phosphogypsum 140.0

Food industry waste

(without sugar factories) 130.0

Non-ferrous metallurgy slag 120.0

Sludge from chemical plants 90.0

Clay sludge 70.0

Construction waste 50.0

Pyrite cinders 30.0

Burnt earth 30.0

Calcium chloride 20.0

Tires 12.0

Paper (parchment, cardboard, oiled paper) 9.0

Textiles (rags, fluff, lint, oiled rags) 8.0

Solvents (alcohols, benzene, toluene, etc.) 8.0

Rubber, oilcloth 7.5

Polymer waste 5.0

Fire from industrial flax 3.6

Waste calcium carbide 3.0

Cullet 3.0

Leather, wool 2.0

Aspiration dust (leather, feathers, textiles) 1.2

* Municipal solid waste consists of: paper, cardboard - 35%, food waste- 30%, glass - 6%, wood - 3%, textiles - 3.5%, ferrous metals - 4%. Bones - 2.5%, plastics - 2%, leather, rubber - 1.5%, non-ferrous metals - 0.2%, other - 13.5%.

Appendix 4

Wastewater (thousand tons) of a city with a population of 1 million people

Indicator Quantity

Suspended solids 36.0

Phosphates 24.0

Petroleum products 2.5

Synthetic surfactants 0.6

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If we consider environmental problems, one of the most pressing is air pollution. Environmentalists are sounding the alarm and calling on humanity to reconsider its attitude to life and consumption of natural resources, because only protection from air pollution will improve the situation and prevent serious consequences. Find out how to solve such a pressing issue, influence environmental situation and maintain the atmosphere.

Natural sources of clogging

What is air pollution? This concept includes the introduction and entry into the atmosphere and all its layers of uncharacteristic elements of a physical, biological or chemical nature, as well as changes in their concentrations.

What pollutes our air? Air pollution is caused by many reasons, and all sources can be divided into natural or natural, as well as artificial, that is, anthropogenic.

It’s worth starting with the first group, which includes pollutants generated by nature itself:

  1. The first source is volcanoes. When they erupt, they emit huge quantities of tiny particles of various rocks, ash, poisonous gases, sulfur oxides and other equally harmful substances. And although eruptions occur quite rarely, according to statistics, as a result of volcanic activity, the level of air pollution increases significantly, because up to 40 million tons of hazardous compounds are released into the atmosphere every year.
  2. If we consider natural causes air pollution, it is worth noting such as peat bogs or forest fires. Most often, fires occur due to unintentional arson by a person who is negligent about the rules of safety and behavior in the forest. Even a small spark from a fire that is not completely extinguished can cause the fire to spread. Less often, fires are caused by very high solar activity, which is why the peak of danger occurs in the hot summer.
  3. Considering the main types of natural pollutants, one cannot fail to mention dust storms, which arise due to strong gusts of wind and mixing of air currents. During a hurricane or other natural phenomenon Tons of dust rise, causing air pollution.

Artificial sources

To air pollution in Russia and others developed countries often cites the influence of anthropogenic factors caused by the activities carried out by people.

Let us list the main artificial sources causing air pollution:

  • Rapid development of industry. It’s worth starting with chemical air pollution caused by the activities of chemical plants. Toxic substances released into the air poison it. Metallurgical plants also cause atmospheric air pollution with harmful substances: metal processing is a complex process that involves huge emissions as a result of heating and combustion. In addition, small solid particles formed during the manufacture of building or finishing materials also pollute the air.
  • The problem of air pollution from motor vehicles is especially pressing. Although other types also provoke, it is machines that have the most significant impact on it. negative impact, since there are much more of them than any other vehicles. The exhaust emitted by motor vehicles and generated during engine operation contains a lot of substances, including hazardous ones. It's sad that emissions are increasing every year. An increasing number of people are acquiring an “iron horse”, which, of course, has a detrimental effect on the environment.
  • Operation of thermal and nuclear power plants, boiler installations. The life of humanity at this stage is impossible without the use of such installations. They supply us with vital resources: heat, electricity, hot water. But when any type of fuel is burned, the atmosphere changes.
  • Household waste. Every year the purchasing power of people increases, and as a result, the volumes of waste generated also increase. Their disposal is not given due attention, but some types of waste are extremely dangerous, have a long decomposition period and emit fumes that have an extremely adverse effect on the atmosphere. Every person pollutes the air every day, but waste from industrial enterprises, which is taken to landfills and is not disposed of in any way, is much more dangerous.

What substances most often pollute the air?

There are an incredibly large number of air pollutants, and environmentalists are constantly discovering new ones, which is associated with the rapid pace of industrial development and the introduction of new production and processing technologies. But the most common compounds found in the atmosphere are:

  • Carbon monoxide, also called carbon monoxide. It is colorless and odorless and is formed during incomplete combustion of fuel at low volumes of oxygen and low temperatures. This compound is dangerous and causes death due to lack of oxygen.
  • Carbon dioxide is found in the atmosphere and has a slightly sour odor.
  • Sulfur dioxide is released during the combustion of some sulfur-containing fuels. This compound provokes acid rain and depresses human breathing.
  • Nitrogen dioxides and oxides characterize air pollution from industrial enterprises, since they are most often formed during their activities, especially during the production of certain fertilizers, dyes and acids. These substances can also be released as a result of fuel combustion or during operation of the machine, especially when it is malfunctioning.
  • Hydrocarbons are one of the most common substances and can be contained in solvents, detergents, and petroleum products.
  • Lead is also harmful and is used to make batteries, cartridges and ammunition.
  • Ozone is extremely toxic and is formed during photochemical processes or during the operation of transport and factories.

Now you know which substances pollute the air most often. But this is only a small part of them; the atmosphere contains a lot of different compounds, and some of them are even unknown to scientists.

Sad consequences

The scale of the impact of air pollution on human health and the entire ecosystem as a whole is simply enormous, and many people underestimate it. Let's start with the environment.

  1. Firstly, due to polluted air, a greenhouse effect has developed, which gradually but globally changes the climate, leads to warming and provokes natural disasters. It can be said that it leads to irreversible consequences in the state of the environment.
  2. Secondly, acid rain is becoming more and more frequent, which has a negative impact on all life on Earth. Through their fault, entire populations of fish die, unable to live in such an acidic environment. A negative impact is observed when examining historical monuments and architectural monuments.
  3. Thirdly, fauna and flora suffer, since dangerous fumes are inhaled by animals, they also enter plants and gradually destroy them.

A polluted atmosphere has an extremely negative impact on human health. The emissions enter the lungs and cause disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory system, severe allergic reactions. Together with the blood, dangerous compounds are carried throughout the body and greatly wear it out. And some elements can provoke mutation and degeneration of cells.

How to solve the problem and save the environment

The problem of air pollution is very relevant, especially considering that the environment has deteriorated greatly over the past few decades. And it needs to be solved comprehensively and in several ways.

Let's consider several effective measures to prevent air pollution:

  1. To combat air pollution, it is mandatory to install treatment and filtering facilities and systems at individual enterprises. And on especially large ones industrial plants it is necessary to begin introducing stationary monitoring posts for air pollution.
  2. To avoid air pollution from cars, you should switch to alternative and less harmful energy sources, e.g. solar panels or electricity.
  3. Replacing combustible fuels with more accessible and less dangerous ones, such as water, wind, sunlight and others that do not require combustion, will help protect atmospheric air from pollution.
  4. The protection of atmospheric air from pollution must be supported at the state level, and there are already laws aimed at protecting it. But it is also necessary to act and exercise control in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  5. One of the effective ways that air protection from pollution should include is to establish a system for disposing of all waste or recycling it.
  6. To solve the problem of air pollution, plants should be used. Widespread landscaping will improve the atmosphere and increase the amount of oxygen in it.

How to protect atmospheric air from pollution? If all of humanity fights it, then there is a chance of improving the environment. Knowing the essence of the problem of air pollution, its relevance and the main solutions, we need to jointly and comprehensively combat pollution.

Clean air is necessary for a person to maintain and maintain normal health. For a long time the issue of its pollution was not given the necessary attention. However, with the development of industry and the growth of transport per capita, the atmosphere in cities is rapidly becoming polluted, people breathe air poisoned by various toxic chemical compounds.

Therefore, this problem directly concerns each of us. After all, according to the data World Organization healthcare, air pollution and human health are directly related - an atmosphere filled with chemical waste is one of the main factors in the development of many dangerous diseases.

The impact of air pollution on human health

Doctors have long identified a connection between the atmosphere of large cities, filled with harmful substances, and the increase in the number of respiratory diseases. A city dweller inhales huge amounts of gases, dust, and particulates every day. They come into direct contact with the surface of the lungs, and penetrate into the body many times faster than through the stomach, and act several tens of times more powerfully.

Therefore, the development of asthma and the appearance of allergies are directly associated with inhalation of air, which contains sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust, as well as hydrocarbons, which contain chlorine and fluorine.

Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, some skin diseases may appear due to the presence of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere. The occurrence of angina pectoris is also associated with this chemical compound.

The presence of high iron content in the air is one of the reasons for the development urolithiasis, and the presence of copper contributes to obesity and leads to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Air pollution is called one of the significant factors in the development of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. The most dangerous for humans are nitrogen dioxide and fine dust. These harmful compounds, even in relatively low concentrations, increase the risk of early death in people under forty years of age.

Industrial enterprises and heating systems that burn coal are often located near cities and towns. Their emissions into the atmosphere, together with car exhaust, saturate the city air with tiny harmful particles, which, when constantly inhaled, provoke excessive thickening of the blood. This, in turn, leads to the formation of blood clots in the cavities of blood vessels, significantly increasing the risk of developing hypertension.

In addition, regular inhalation of air filled with various harmful substances provokes nervous disorders, reduces performance, and has a negative impact on immune system, weakens the body as a whole.

According to statistics, approximately five percent of all hospitalizations in megacities occur precisely due to the direct impact of air pollution on human health.

It is impossible not to note the extremely negative impact of various harmful substances in the atmosphere on the health of newborns.

In addition, many substances affect the intrauterine development of the fetus.
In particular, if a pregnant woman regularly inhales air in which the content of ozone and carbon monoxide is high, the likelihood of giving birth to a child with developmental defects - cleft lip, cleft palate, or various heart valve defects - increases.
This is especially dangerous at the very beginning of pregnancy - the first three months.

Fighting air pollution or how to protect air from pollution...

Our country is doing a lot of work to clean up the atmosphere and prevent its pollution. Thus, with the adoption of the Law on the Protection of Atmospheric Air, various measures are being taken, in particular, to prevent urban air pollution from road transport.

In addition, measures are taken for landscaping, since green spaces help maintain a clean atmosphere - they saturate it with oxygen, clean it of dust and solid particles (harmful substances settle on the leaves). Poplars and lilacs are especially good in this sense.

To maintain clean air and prevent air pollution, many cities water the streets in the summer. Abundant watering prevents dust particles from rising into the air.

It is legally prohibited to burn garbage, dry grass, and fallen leaves in parks and gardens, since when they are burned, many harmful and sometimes toxic substances are released into the atmosphere.

In order to reduce the impact of a polluted atmosphere on health, city residents are advised to travel outside the city more often, engage in feasible sports, and drink more clean, filtered water.

In order to purify the air, in many in public places– air conditioners are installed in hospitals, large stores, theaters, concert halls, etc. IN educational institutions, kindergartens carry out wet cleaning several times a day, play rooms, bedrooms, and classrooms are ventilated more often.

Experts recommend that city residents, pregnant women, as well as those who suffer from various diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, go outdoors more often, especially on hot, dry days, and spend their vacations outside the city.

Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus

Educational institution

"Gomel State Medical University"

Department of General Hygiene, Ecology and Radiation Medicine

The influence of atmospheric air pollution on human health and sanitary living conditions

Completed by student gr. L-226

Korzon A.V.


Stratyeva T.G.

Gomel 2012

Introduction 2

1. Sources of air pollution 4

2.1 The influence of the greenhouse effect on nature and humans 7

3.1 Influence ozone holes on human health and nature 8

4.1 Impact of acid rain on nature and humans 9

5.1 The impact of smog on nature and people 11

Conclusion 13

References 14


The economic activities of mankind over the last century have led to serious pollution of our planet with various industrial wastes. The air, water and soil in areas of large industrial centers often contain toxic substances, the concentration of which exceeds the maximum permissible. Since cases of significant excess of permissible concentrations are quite frequent and there has been an increase in morbidity associated with environmental pollution, in recent decades, specialists and the media, and after them the population, have begun to use the term “ecological crisis.”

At the end of the century before last, Friedrich Engels warned: “However, let us not be too deluded by our victories over nature. For each such victory, she takes revenge on us. Each of these victories, however, has, first of all, the consequences that we were counting on, but second and third, completely different, unforeseen consequences, which very often destroy the consequences of the first.”

There is an inexorable deterioration of the environment on a global scale. Carbon dioxide is rising in the atmosphere, the Earth's ozone layer is being depleted, acid rain is falling, harming all life, species loss is accelerating, fishing is declining, declining soil fertility is undermining efforts to feed the hungry, water is being poisoned, and the Earth's forest cover is becoming less and less.

All these problems affect not only the state of the environment, but also the health of the person himself. Consideration of these major environmental problems in modern world and this work will be dedicated.

1. Sources of air pollution

Atmospheric air is polluted by the introduction or formation of pollutants in it in concentrations exceeding quality standards or the level of natural content.

A pollutant is an impurity in the atmospheric air that, at certain concentrations, has an adverse effect on human health, flora and fauna, and other components of the natural environment or causes damage to material values.

In recent years, the content in the atmospheric air Russian cities and industrial centers, such harmful impurities as suspended substances and sulfur dioxide have decreased significantly, since with a significant decline in production, the number of industrial emissions has decreased, and the concentrations of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide have increased due to the growth of the vehicle fleet.

The most significant influence on the composition of the atmosphere is exerted by ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, the chemical and petrochemical industries, the construction industry, energy enterprises, the pulp and paper industry, motor vehicles, and in some cities, boiler houses.

Ferrous metallurgy. The processes of smelting cast iron and processing it into steel are accompanied by the release of various gases into the atmosphere. Dust emissions per 1 ton of pig iron are 4.5 kg, sulfur dioxide - 2.7 kg, manganese - 0.1-0.6 kg.

The source of air pollution with sulfur dioxide is sintering factories. During ore agglomeration, sulfur burns out from pyrites. Sulfide ores contain up to 10% sulfur, and after agglomeration it remains 0.2-0.8%. The emission of sulfur dioxide can amount to up to 190 kg per 1 ton of ore (i.e., the operation of one belt machine produces about 700 tons of sulfur dioxide per day).

Emissions from open-hearth and converter steelmaking shops significantly pollute the atmosphere. The melting of steel is accompanied by the combustion of certain amounts of carbon and sulfur, and therefore the exhaust gases of open-hearth furnaces with oxygen blast contain up to 60 kg of carbon monoxide and up to 3 kg of sulfur dioxide per 1 ton of steel smelted.

Non-ferrous metallurgy. Harmful substances are formed during the production of alumina, aluminum, copper, lead, tin, zinc, nickel and other metals in furnaces on crushing and grinding equipment, in converters, places for loading, unloading and transfer of materials, in drying units, and in open warehouses. Basically, non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises pollute the atmospheric air with sulfur dioxide (SO2) (75% of total emissions into the atmosphere), carbon monoxide (10.5%) and dust (10.4%).

Chemical and petrochemical industry. Emissions into the atmosphere in the chemical industry occur during the production of acids, rubber products, phosphorus, plastics, dyes and detergents, artificial rubber, mineral fertilizers, solvents (toluene, acetone, phenol, benzene), and oil cracking.

The variety of feedstocks for production determines the composition of pollutants - mainly carbon monoxide (28% of total emissions into the atmosphere), sulfur dioxide (16.3%), nitrogen oxides (6.8%), etc. Emissions contain ammonia (3. 7%), gasoline (3.3%), carbon disulfide (2.5%), hydrogen sulfide (0.6%), toluene (1.2%), acetone (0.95%), benzene (0.7% ), xylene (0.3%), dichloroethane (0.6%), ethyl acetate (0.5%), sulfuric acid (0.3%).

Oil refining industry enterprises, the concentration of which is especially high in Bashkortostan, Samara, Yaroslavl and Omsk regions, pollute the atmosphere with emissions of hydrocarbons (23% of total emissions), sulfur dioxide (16.6%), carbon monoxide (7.3%), nitrogen oxides (2%).

The development of oil and gas fields with a high content of hydrogen sulfide poses a particular environmental hazard.

Construction materials industry. The production of cement and other binders, wall materials, asbestos-cement products, building ceramics, heat and sound insulating materials, construction and technical glass is accompanied by emissions of dust and suspended substances into the atmosphere (57.1% of total emissions), carbon monoxide (21.4% ), sulfur dioxide (10.8%) and nitrogen oxides (9%). In addition, hydrogen sulfide (0.03%) is present in the emissions.

Woodworking and pulp and paper industry. The largest enterprises in the industry are concentrated in the East Siberian, Northern, Northwestern and Ural regions, as well as in the Kaliningrad region.

Among the largest air pollutants is the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill (7.5% of total industry emissions). Typical pollutants produced by these enterprises are solids (29.8% of total atmospheric emissions), carbon monoxide (28.2%), sulfur dioxide (26.7%), nitrogen oxides (7.9%), hydrogen sulfide (0.9%), acetone (0.5%).

In rural areas, sources of air pollution are livestock and poultry farms, industrial complexes for meat production, enterprises servicing equipment, energy and heat power enterprises. Over areas adjacent to premises for keeping livestock and poultry, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other foul-smelling gases spread over considerable distances in the atmospheric air.