Young people, as part of the new generation, amaze and amaze every time with their sparklingness, frankness and wit. Various arguments flowing from the lips of a guy or girl announce their inner world, views on important life theories and situations. Youth quotes are full of criticism, humor, independence and a certain obsession. and the slogans of future adults make them think, get angry or laugh. The main thing is not to ignore. It is worth listening to young people, because they are the people of the future.

“The heart will scream without technical reasons...”

Kisses are needed so that lovers do not think too much. (Irina Molchanova)

Youth quotes about love are striking in their sincerity, desperation, insecurity and selfless morals. IN in social networks often there are phrases and statuses with heartbreaking content, full of naive despair and exciting expectations:

  • “I will take a hundred steps towards you, but not a single one after you!”
  • “I didn’t fall in love at all, I just wanted something like this at home!”
  • “Your love from a distance is hard for me. For me, the neighboring house is already a distance.”
  • “It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t grow together with your loved one... The main thing is that it doesn’t work out with someone you don’t love!”
  • “If you can’t forget a person, then you can learn to live without him.”
  • “I stopped suffering for you... And I became bored.”
  • “Leaving your loved ones is suicide”
  • “If you give up, then only into your arms!”
  • “People are always waiting for something: love, happiness, health, money... Oh, I’m waiting for snow.”
  • “Love comes with a smile and admiration, leaves with tears and disgust.”
  • “They say that when you fall in love, it is difficult to pronounce the name of your chosen one. I agreed with this when I fell in love with Plutarch Kazimirovich...”
  • “In love affairs, love does not exist.”
  • “Crooked legs are systematically corrected by deep necklines.”
  • “When everything is good in love, you don’t want to say anything.”

We have something to talk about

Cool Quotes do not contain stupid thoughts. They bring a new perspective on familiar things, encourage you to think about serious things, help you look at the situation from the other side or laugh at yourself in a good-natured way.

You are the ones who complain about modern youth, do you think we are bad? You should have seen the parents! ("Gossip")

the main problem modern youth is that you no longer belong to them. (Oleg Menshikov)

Young boys and girls talk about life and different situations free and witty. Funny aphorisms and statuses carry a certain amount of truth:

  • “I still keep your photos. My mug of tea sits on them.”
  • “I want the summer to be bright and happy! And to be sad better in autumn when it rains and there are bare trees.”
  • “I want to write a fairy tale, act in a fairy-tale movie and make the fairy tale come true.”
  • “Everything ingenious is simple. And I’m such a simpleton!”
  • “Perfect absurdity - a funny memory.”
  • “Happy “tomorrow”, we need to build “today”.
  • “It’s great when you can allow yourself to be yourself.”
  • “Either we change, or we dream about the wrong things...”
  • “Sometimes they leave in order to come back different!”
  • “Whatever one may say, but in the series of your life, you are in the leading roles.”
  • “I want harmony in my soul and harmony in my hands.”
  • “Even the Snow Woman needs to lose a few kilograms of snow to become an elegant snowflake.”
  • “The most incorruptible line goes to the toilet.”
  • “If you want to look young and slim, be around fat and old people.”
  • “Don't trust your heart. It's knocking!

Young green

The best things in the world are not things at all. (Diana Luginina)

Modern youth quotes and sayings contain a large share of irony and criticism. By making fun of serious things, teenagers and young people hide their fears and worries about the mysterious road to an adult future:

  • “The absence of a law does not protect you from responsibility.”
  • “Superstitious people don’t look in the mirror. So as not to jinx it.”
  • “Everyone dreams of living to be 100, but after 20 they hate every birthday.”
  • “I never argue, but firmly defend my point of view when I am sure that I am right!”
  • “There are no smart atheists.”
  • “Ugly ducklings grow into beautiful swans. And I turned out to be a miracle in feathers.”
  • “I'm looking for a job. Don’t suggest an underground passage!”
  • “What would we do if we had brains?”
  • “People believe anything when they are told it is a compliment.”
  • “You will do anything for money! Even to work."

Its own atmosphere

Don't ask me questions and I won't have to lie to you. (O. Goldsmith)

  • “Now I’m worried about you... Did you hurt yourself too much when you fell in front of me?”
  • “You can get along well with me if you bite your tongue in time.”
  • "Your strength is that you are my weakness."

Youth quotes, jokes and aphorisms are successfully used at any party and will amuse an interesting company. Among friends who are young at heart, there is always a place for a new sparkling and funny phrase that can amuse not only contemporaries, but also descendants.

Aren't children a reflection of their teachers?


There can be smart young men and stupid old men. For it is not time that teaches us to think, but early education and nature.


In any country, the younger generation is always foreigners.

Madame de Stael

Anyone who was not a revolutionary in his youth has no heart. Anyone who has not become a conservative in old age has no brains.

Winston Churchill

Benjamin Disraeli

We were young, we were crazy, we were arrogant, but we were right!

Abbie Hoffman

You, the adult generation, will never understand us, young people! You try to separate us with your wealth, status, religion and caste system, but we have hearts! You never try to find out what we want, you are not interested, you don’t want to know anything!

"Forbidden love"

The ocean is made of drops. Unity will lead to storm! The power of unity can break iron, courage shakes rocks! When youth unite, they make the impossible possible! Whether he is a king or a tyrant, he will bow his head. He can't handle the storm!

"Forbidden love"

The surest way to spoil the younger generation is to teach them to value like-minded people more highly than those who think differently.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Live fast, die young (“Live fast, die young”, “Vivre vite, mourir jeune”)

An unofficial slogan of some representatives of rock and roll and punk subculture. The theory according to which one should live a bright, eventful, but short life and die young.

I just can't get along with today's youth. No respect for dyed hair.

Oscar Wilde

The entrepreneurship of young people is worth the experience of old people.

Josephine de Knorr

Who in their youth would carefully enter the sea when there is an opportunity to dive?

Iris Murdoch

The passion for material goods among young people is regrettable. People with material interests have no sense of duty. He who has no sense of duty has no honor.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo. Hagakure

Young people look at the world through the eyes of their idols.

V. Shwebel

Both a society where the elderly are not respected and a society where the youth are not loved are equally imperfect.

Andre Maurois

Young people decorate their home with mirrors. Old people - paintings.

Chuck Palahniuk

Although the world as a whole moves forward, young people have to start over every time.

I. Goethe

Lack of courage is least excused by young people, who usually see courage as the height of human virtue and an excuse for all sorts of vices.

A.S. Pushkin

Almost everything great is done by young people.

Benjamin Disraeli

The most terrible thing about youth is that we ourselves no longer belong to them and cannot do all these stupid things...

Faina Ranevskaya

What is not developed in youth will remain undeveloped throughout life.

D. Pisarev

Youth is characterized by hasty generalizations, and it often comes to the conclusion that everything in the world is false only because some individual things turned out to be truly false.

G. Haggard

You who complain about modern youth. Do you think we're bad? You should have seen the parents.


When I was fourteen my father was so stupid that I could hardly stand him, but when I was twenty-one I was amazed at how an old man Over the past seven years he has become wiser.

M. Twain

The younger a person is and the smarter his reasoning, the easier it is to confuse him. Romance and idealism are not the best advisers.

Matsuo Monroe

We are in transition. Our views, characters, tastes, attitudes towards life are formed, and every now and then we are faced with rudeness, cynicism, hypocrisy and falsehood. Maybe this is good? Let's toughen up?

Liya Simonova

The young know the rules, the old know the exceptions.

Just as a child who learns to walk by watching his parents will eventually become an upright member of society on two legs, so a human cub caught in a pack of wolves will be able to move only on all fours.


If one good thing left with youth, then the rest of the ages human life would have seemed so unbearable that every individual cut his own throat in the thirty-second year. Many squabbles swim in the noisy waves of youth and sail away with them; but still there is nothing better than these waves.

I. Turgenev

The maximalism of youth is an inoculation against fanaticism in more mature years. But some get infected.

Olga Muravyova

Some reporter gave these people the nickname “golden youth” - a nickname that they ridiculed in public, but which they were secretly proud of

Sydney Sheldon

Most young people think that they are natural when they are only impolite and rude.

F. La Rochefoucauld

For youth, novelty lurks in cliched phrases.

Bel Kaufman

I don’t regret the drunken years that have passed by, I’m not ashamed of their crazy fun, there is idleness that is higher than work, there is work that is more shameful than idleness.


Youth is selfless in thoughts and feelings, therefore it most deeply understands and feels the truth.

Heinrich Heine

Young people willingly listen to bad advice.


Youth is unhappy while we are young, and impossible when we are already experienced.

Georgy Alexandrov

This is always the case with young people: they set their own limits, without asking themselves whether their body can handle it. And the body always endures.

Paulo Coelho

We are Young. It's normal that we sometimes get drunk, behave badly and fuck each other. We are meant for parties. Just like that. Yes, some of us do not know the limits and go crazy. But Charles Darwin said, “You can’t make an omelette without breaking a couple of eggs.” And this is what I’m explaining to you. Broken eggs. Like eggs broken into some kind of, *** knows, cocktail. Just look at you... You're breaking my heart. You put on cardigans. But we had everything. We crap worse than all previous generations combined! We were so wonderful...

There is this idea of ​​dividing age by seasons. Accordingly, 0-25 years is spring (early youth), 25-50 years (summer) is youth, 50 - 75 years (autumn) (aging), 75-100 years (winter) is withering.
What do you think? Quotes about youth can help you understand the concept of “youth.” Let's figure it out together!

Youth has become a special class of society. Roger Vadim

Young people don't know what they want, but they are determined to achieve it. Federico Fellini

What I don't like most about the younger generation is that I don't belong to them anymore. Buddy Ebsen

This is always the case with young people: they set their own limits, without asking themselves whether their body can handle it. And the body always endures. Paolo Coelho

Although the world as a whole moves forward, young people have to start over every time. I. Goethe

Either I’m getting old and stupid, or the youth of today are like nothing else! - Ranevskaya complained. “Before, I simply didn’t know how to answer their questions, but now I don’t even understand what they are asking.”

Youth, with its noble enthusiasm, with its vague aspirations for the pure, the just, for social truth, is one of greatest powers progress. Nikolai Vasilievich Shelgunov

Youth dreams of what will never come true, old age remembers what never came true.

Youth ends the moment you stop choosing your enemies and are satisfied with those that are at hand.

Young people should not be looked down upon. It is very possible that, having matured, they will become outstanding men. Only those who have achieved nothing, having lived to be forty or fifty years old, do not deserve respect. Confucius

Boundless hope and enthusiasm are the main wealth of young people. Rabindranath Tagore

Mentors who think they understand young people are pure dreamers. Youth does not want to be understood at all, it wants one thing: to remain itself. Erich M. Remarque

Youth is a dream. This is faith. This is a desire for achievement. This is lyricism and romance. These are big plans for the future. This is the beginning of all prospects. Hikmet Ran Nazim

Youth are like butterflies: they fly into the light and end up in the fire. Vasily Klyuchevsky

You often hear young people say: I don’t want to live in someone else’s mind, I’ll think it over myself. Why should you think about what you have thought about? Take what is ready and move on. This is the strength of humanity. Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

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Dear friends, we are very glad to see you on this page! Dear friend, you may be looking for Youth Quotes with Photos on this topic. Cool! You found what you were looking for here. We wish you delightful reading and self-knowledge!

Don't regret the past, don't be afraid of the future and enjoy the present.

Your kiss was so sweet that I was simply inspired with happiness!

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless. Faina Ranevskaya

The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us. A. S. Pushkin

From the length of life we ​​will never be able to deduce the measure of its meaningfulness. Frankl V.

Rich is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough.

Even at the very bottom there are holes into which you can fall. Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

If God delays, this does not mean that he refuses.

To make our way in the world, it is useful to take with us a large supply of forethought and forbearance: the first will protect us from losses and losses, the second from disputes and quarrels. A. Schopenhauer

When men forgive, they immediately forget everything, but women only know how to forgive.

How nice it is when you know that someone secretly and sincerely admires your every move.

How grateful I am to my ex-spouse behind new life! Only thanks to him, I understood what it means to be truly joyful!

If you seek to solve any problem, do it with love. You will understand that the cause of your problem is a lack of love, for this is the cause of all problems. Ken Carey

Be human - do you want to love? Love it! But don't let yourself be used!

family like balloon someone has to manage, but there’s no way without ballast. A. Markov.

In love adventures there is everything except love. L. La Rochefoucauld.

Spring. Sun. Joy. Happiness. smile on your face. Jeans. Sneakers. Positive. Love.

Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love. M. Gorky

Anger towards a person will never develop into love.

My mother told me as a child that money doesn't matter. Truth and honesty will lead to success in any field. However, she was wrong about many other things Barzan

Love is not enough. She has happiness, but wants heaven; she has heaven, but wants heaven.

Crooked legs are simply corrected by a very deep neckline.

As long as a person does not give up, he is stronger than his destiny.

Only the unhappy know what happiness is

Old love gets younger with age. Arkady Davidovich

If love has passed, remain human!

Children are the anchors that hold their mother in life. Sophocles

The art of being a parent is to sleep when the child is not looking. American proverb

Not a single man who intends to do something important in this world has the time and money for such a long and expensive hunt as the hunt for a woman. George Bernard Shaw

I have heard so many times about people who die of love, but in my entire life I have never seen any of them actually die. M. Valois.

Success does not come, only the most persistent and hardworking get there. Marva Collins

Loving means looking not at each other, but together, in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Sadness ruins lives far more often than promiscuity.

At the stop at Destiny our souls got wet, sometimes we wait half our lives for happiness, but it’s only a step away.

You can survive grief alone, but it takes two to experience joy. — E. Hubbard..

The meaning of being, for which my only place in being is recognized as unimportant, will never be able to comprehend me, and this is not the meaning of being-event. Bakhtin M.M.

Love is limitless, it has no boundaries and no visible horizons!

A woman loves a man because he loves her.

Happiness comes with right judgment, right judgment comes with experience, and experience comes with wrong judgment.

The equanimity of the sages is nothing more than the ability to hide their worries. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

calm a man’s heart with a look, this is the whole strength of a girl.

When it all ends, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the love experienced. It is difficult to withstand this pain, because the person immediately begins to be tormented by memories.

And someday I will feel good! On the street near my house, a truck loaded with gingerbread will overturn.

Poor wisdom is often the slave of rich stupidity. William Shakespeare

It only takes a minute to notice someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, and a lifetime to forget.

Family life is hard work. Washing dishes, cleaning the apartment, making the beds. And three months later it’s all over again... MARRIAGE

The young man becomes an adult three years earlier than his parents think, and two years later than he himself thinks.
Lewis Hershey

That's not what youth is good for. what gives the opportunity to do stupid things, but what gives time to correct them.
Tristan Bernard

Youth was invented in the same era as the steam engine.
Frank Musgrow

Happy youth is an illusion of those who have lost their youth.
Somerset Maugham

If youth knew how short it is, it would be even shorter.
Arkady Davidovich

Is this normal for young people like us? already approaching forty?
Gabriel Laub

Sooner or later the time comes when you realize that your youth is over. But goals later you see that it ended much later.
Mignon McLaughlin

The secret of eternal youth is developmental delay.
Eilis Roosevelt

Youth is a disadvantage that quickly passes.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Every age has its own charms, but in youth there are also strangers.
Gennady Malkin

Youth is an era of missed opportunities.
Cyril Connolly

The first twenty years are the longest half of life.
Robert Southey

Youth ends badly - because it ends.
Leszek Kumor

When we are young, we move mountains, and then we try to get out from under them.
Kazimierz Chyla

What is abundantly enough for happiness in youth is no longer always enough even for pleasure.
Jacques Deval, edited by Dm. Pashkova

Only those who dream of becoming older are truly young.
Vladislav Grzeszczyk

Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later.
Herbert Asquith

Youth is America's oldest tradition, dating back three hundred years.

Old acquaintances are made only in youth.
Vladislav Grzegorczyk

Only youth gets more than it spends.
Vladislav Grzegorczyk

Where there are no good old people, there are no good young people.

It seems to us: youth has no wear and tear,
But the years roll down the slope like stones.
Al Ma'arri

Blessed are the days of youth. Old age loves to return to them through the fog. The elder remembers at dusk the sundial hours of the morning.
D. Byron

Youth dreams of fame.
D. Byron

We spend a good part of our lives weeding out what we grew in our hearts in our youth. This operation is called acquiring experience.
O. Balzac

In youth, everyone is more accessible than at any other age to everything that is lofty and beautiful. It is good for him who preserves his youth until old age, without allowing his soul to cool down, harden, or petrify.
V. Belinsky

Human youth is a beautiful, luxurious spring, a time of activity and ebullience of strength; it happens once in a lifetime and never comes back.
V. Belinsky

Young men who pass into old age past maturity are disgusting, like old men who want to seem like young men.
V. Belinsky

Young people chase what they want to acquire, and old people become attached to what they are afraid of losing.
J. Bernardin

The decisions of youth are made with great haste, but the next repentance flies to her on wings and leaves her on leaden legs.
J. Bernardin

From youth to old age, take wisdom as a reserve, for there is no more reliable asset.

To be a conservative in your youth is to start life upside down. It is understandable if old people are conservatives, but if young people become conservatives, then the death knell is probably already ringing over the nation.
G. Beecher

When we are young, we are all too busy with ourselves to see and understand the world. Over the years, interest in oneself is lost. And it’s strange: it is then that we discover the most spiritual and intimate things in ourselves.
E. Bogat

Youth is the only time to think and make important decisions. Then comes maturity, when you need to act, but it’s scary to be forced to change your whole life at an age when time has passed and strength has gone.
R. Browning

When a person is young, there are so many sorrows that a whole night of healthy sleep will not help him overcome.
F. Bret Harte

Young people are more inclined to invent something than to judge something, to implement than to advise, to rush around with different projects than to do a certain thing.
F. Bacon

Young people don’t know well what passion is: they only know passion.
L. Vauvenargues

Youth is unselfish in its thoughts and feelings, therefore it most deeply embraces the truth in thought and feeling...
G. Heine

In his youth, a person conceives sublime thoughts that should later make him famous.
K. Helvetia

Youth is always selfless.
A. Herzen

Youth, wherever it has not dried up from moral corruption by philistinism, is always impractical. To be impractical is far from being a lie; everything directed towards the future certainly has a share of idealism. A certain kind of enthusiasm protects you from falls better than any moral teachings.
A. Herzen

Youth is courageous and full of heroism, but in old age a person is cautious and rarely gets carried away.
A. Herzen

Although the world as a whole moves forward, young people have to start over every time.
I. Goethe

Youth is happy because it has a future.
N. Gogol

The blessings of youth are strength and beauty, the blessings of old age are the flowering of intelligence.

There can be smart young men and stupid old men. For it is not time that teaches, but early education and nature.

Youth has wings with feathers of poetry and nerves of illusion; on them she rises to the sky-high heights, from where the world is seen in a light colored by all the rainbows, and life sounds like hymns to greatness and glory, but the storms of experience break poetic wings, and youth falls to the ground - into a world similar to a distorting mirror, where everyone is reflected in a distorted form.
D. Gibran

Youth is delusion, middle age is struggle, old age is regret.
B. Disraeli

Almost everything great is done by young people.
B. Disraeli

Youth makes mistakes, maturity struggles with them, old age regrets them.
B. Disraeli

Youth is a big disadvantage for someone who is no longer young.
A. Dumas (father)

That’s how it’s supposed to be: youth has fun, old age scolds.
A. Dumas (father)

The sad thing is not that old age is approaching, but that youth is leaving.
A. Dumas (son)

For those who have not studied in their youth, old age can be boring.
Catherine II

The young have hopes, the old live in memories.
F. Zanders

Young people love to talk about women and money, old people love to talk about the vices of youth and diseases.
V. Zubkov

The peculiarity of young people is that they want all the benefits, certainly now and without much effort.
V. Zubkov

What you sow in youth, you reap in maturity.
G. Ibsen

In my youth, I demanded more from people than they could give: constancy in friendship, fidelity in feelings. Now I have learned to demand less from them than they can give: to be close and silent. And I always look at their feelings, their friendship, their noble deeds as a real miracle - as a gift from God.
A. Camus

Youth is a wonderful era of our existence! The heart, in the fullness of life, creates for itself a future that is dear to it; everything seems possible, everything is close. Love and glory, two idols of sensual souls, stand behind the veil in front of us and raise their hands to shower us with their gifts.
N. Karamzin

Of the young people, those who blush are better than those who turn pale.
Cato the Elder

Eternal youth is impossible; even if there were no other obstacle, self-observation would make it impossible.
F. Kafka

Young people are like butterflies: they fly into the light and end up in the fire.
B. Klyuchevsky

The entrepreneurship of young people is worth the experience of old people.
J. Knorr

Youth - spring time a person into which seeds are sown for future years of life.
Ya. Knyazhnin

Excess in youth is a bill of exchange in old age, which must be paid with interest for thirty years.
C. Colton

Only that in a person is strong and reliable that was absorbed into him in the first period of life.
J. Komensky

Youth is a geyser of possibilities.
V. Krotov

Most young people think that they are natural when they are only impolite and rude.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Almost always, according to a person’s adolescent inclinations, it is already clear what his weakness is and what will lead to the downfall of his body and soul.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Youth changes its tastes due to the ardor of feelings, but old age keeps them unchanged out of habit.
F. La Rochefoucauld

Perhaps youth is a vice, but only too quickly cured by age.
D. Lowell

Youthful pessimism is a real disease of youth.
I. Mechnikov

When they are young, they do not know how to hide their feelings.
A. Maurois

Exceptional minds take pleasure in the tactlessness, arrogance and even hostility of ambitious young men against them, these are the pranks of hot horses that have not yet carried riders and yet will soon proudly wear them.
F. Nietzsche

Life gives every person an invaluable gift - youth, full of strength, youth, full of aspirations, desires and aspirations for knowledge, for struggle, full of hopes and hopes.
N. Ostrovsky

Whoever in his youth did not connect himself with strong ties to a great and wonderful cause, or at least to simple, but honest and useful work, can consider his youth lost without a trace, no matter how fun it was and no matter how many pleasant things it left behind.
D. Pisarev

Youth and average age We must dedicate our old age to ourselves.
Pliny the Younger

In young people, if their ambition is superficial, fame and honor acquired too early extinguish, as it seems to me, the thirst for fame and quickly quench it, giving rise to a feeling of satiety, but for deep and stubborn natures, honors give shine and encourage action.

Let youth sing of love!

Blessed is he who was young from his youth,
Blessed is he who matures in time.
A. Pushkin

Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe!!

Youth is the greatest magician.
A. Pushkin

But to think that it is in vain
We were given youth.
A. Pushkin

A young man without talent is an old man.
J. Renard

Young is someone who has not yet lied.
J. Renard

Taste the delights of youth!
Don't expect joy in old age:
Beauty will fade like a flower.
P. Ronsard

Youth has stronger shoulders, old age has stronger heads.

Old fools and young people have no life.

What he boasts in his youth, he will repent of in his old age.

Young with feasts, and old with pillows.

Youth is the time to acquire wisdom, old age is the time to apply it.
J. J. Rousseau

A young man who has never cried is a savage, and an old man who does not laugh is a fool.
D. Santayana

No one feels how youth is leaving, but everyone feels when it is already gone.
Seneca the Younger

In our youth we live to love, in mature age we love to live.
C. Saint-Evremond

He who has fun and feeds himself dissolutely from his youth will become a slave and end in suffering.

Youth is a time of courage.

Mourning youth is the same as regretting beautiful woman who deceived us.
L. Stern

In youth, the new overshadows the old, but over the years it gradually turns into warm, rainbow tones.
R. Stevenson

The young man feels that the whole world is small for him.
R. Stevenson

Over the years, emptiness and disappointment develop in those young people whose adolescence was a thoughtless satisfaction of their needs.
V. Sukhomlinsky

To be young means to take up a lifestyle that is inappropriate for your age late.

In youth, all forces are directed towards the future, and this future takes on such diverse, living and charming forms under the influence of hope, based not on the experience of the past, but on the imaginary possibility of happiness, that only understood and shared dreams of future happiness constitute the true happiness of this age .
L. Tolstoy

Many squabbles swim in the noisy waves of youth and sail away with them; but still there is nothing better than these waves.
I. Turgenev

O youth! Youth!.. Maybe the whole secret of your charm lies not in the ability to do everything, but in the ability to think that you will do everything.
I. Turgenev

Human life would have stood still at one point if youth had not dreamed, and the seeds of many great ones had not ripened invisibly in the iris of youthful utopias.
K. Ushinsky

A young man is like wax.
D. Fonvizin

Remembering our youth is like visiting the grave of a friend whom we offended and have no way to make amends for.
D. Foster

Well-known life experience says that in order for a person to lead a calm, reasonable life, it is usually useful that in his youth - during the prime of his strength - he “goes crazy”, i.e., that at the appropriate time the valves are open for the free exit of rebellious forces of mental life and thereby eliminate the excess of their pressure on the restraining layers of consciousness.
S. Frank

Youth, money, power and ignorance bring evil even separately. How much more fraught with evil are they all together?

Frivolity is characteristic of a blooming age.

I like in young man any good features of old age, and in an old man any good qualities youth.

I praise the young man if he has something of the old man in him, and the old man if he has something of the young man in him; whoever follows this rule will grow old in body, but not in soul.

Young people think old people are fools; but old people know that young people are fools.
D. Chapman

Youth is a time of freshness of noble feelings.
N. Chernyshevsky

Often in early youth we declare some current opinion or custom absurd; however, over the years we begin to understand their meaning, and they seem not so absurd to us. Doesn't it follow from this that people needlessly laugh at certain conventions? Sometimes you can’t help but think that they were established by those who read the entire book of life, but they are judged by people, albeit smart, who have read only a few pages in this book.
N. Chamfort

Youth is so happy because it knows nothing, old age is so unhappy because it knows everything.
F. Chateaubriand

Youth without love, old age without wisdom is a lost life.

There is the beauty of youth, and there is the beauty of old age.
I. Shevelev

The young need edification, the old need justification.
I. Shevelev

The young are unsteady, the old are unsteady.
I. Shevelev

The mistakes of youth are correctable, the mistakes of old age are tragic.
I. Shevelev

Youth tends to sin with haste.
W. Shakespeare

Youth, with its noble enthusiasm, with its vague aspirations for honesty, justice, and social truth, is one of the greatest forces of progress.
N. Shelgunov

That’s why youth is given to be ebullient, active, life-affirming.
M. Sholokhov

Morning is the youth of the day: everything is more cheerful, fresh, lighter; we feel stronger, more cheerful, we have more freedom at our disposal... Evening, on the contrary, is the old age of the day.
A. Schopenhauer

Youth, which does not forgive itself anything, is forgiven everything; and old age, which forgives itself everything, is forgiven nothing.
B. Shaw

The night brings peace to the old and hope to the young.
B. Shaw

When we are young, we believe that fairness is the minimum we can expect from others. In adulthood, we become convinced that this is the maximum.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

In youth they learn, and in old age they understand.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Blooming youth is pleasant, serene old age is comfortable.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

A person remains young as long as he is able to learn something, adopt new habits and listen patiently to contradictions.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Youth is not a number of years, but a state of mind.
D. Enescu

What we sin in our youth we have to atone for in old age.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

If only youth knew, and old age could!
A. Etienne