Have you ever noticed that you can't stop thinking about someone who hurt you?

When someone offends us, our children or loved ones, gossips behind our back or simply behaves in a way that is incomprehensible to us, it can stick in our heads for many hours or days.

We wash the dishes, drive to work or walk the dog, and in our heads we continue to remember and go over what this person said and did. We think about how dishonest, unfair and selfish it was on his part.

After five hours, days, weeks, we continue to see his face in front of us, even if we have never met him since he offended us.

These 15 simple but effective techniques will help you clear your head of such thoughts. Many of them are based on the recommendations of psychologists. Find the ones that work for you.

1. Less words, more time.

This is a great motto. The less you talk about an unpleasant situation and the more time passes, the better. This will allow you to calm down, let go and rise above your circumstances.

Over time, things that irritate us are often forgotten on their own.

Sometimes we feel the need to react to difficult people or situations right away, so we get angry and nervous while trying to decide what to do next. However, Buddhist psychologist Sylvia Burstein recommends allowing yourself to relax and see what happens.

3. Don't look for someone to blame.

Digging into the past, trying to find someone to blame (even if it’s yourself) is an unproductive path. Troubles and conflicts usually occur as a result of several events, like a domino effect. The end result cannot be blamed on any one person.

4. Try not to adopt someone else's mood.

This point speaks for itself.

5. Solve the main problem first.

Buddhist meditation expert Norman Fisher believes that no matter what happens, the main problem- this is our own anger. Anger creates a cloud of emotions that prevents us from choosing a proportionate, productive response.

This is why anger is the number one problem. Work on yourself: meditate, exercise, walk, talk less and wait longer - and only then deal with other people.

6. Anger is a wrinkle in the mind.

This statement by Sylvia Burstein is similar previous point.

When you are angry, you cannot think clearly and find ways to resolve the situation. If you want to think clearly, stop being angry.

7. Don't try to understand others.

This is another tip from Norman Fisher. Think about it: if others tried to guess your thoughts or understand your motivation, would they succeed? It's unlikely - most likely, they have no idea what's going on in your head.

So why are you trying to understand what others think? Most likely, you will still make a mistake, so don’t waste your time - quit this disastrous business.

8. Your thoughts are not facts.

This is very important to understand. You shouldn't believe everything that comes into your head.

We experience our own emotions very vividly - anxiety, tension, fear. We feel them physically. We often take this as an indication that our thoughts are facts.

Would we feel so bad if our feelings were not justified?

Tibetan Buddhist Tsokini Rinpoch teaches that when we are in captivity strong emotions- worry, regret, fear, anxiety or anger - we need to remind ourselves that our emotional and physical experiences "real, but not true".

9. How will this help your development?

Insight meditation teacher and psychologist Tara Brach says that when we are angry, offended by someone else's words or actions, judgmental of others, or angry at how we are treated, we ourselves increase our suffering. Event + our reaction = suffering.

When we become aware of our feelings and ask ourselves why we experience such strong reactions and what our feelings tell us about ourselves, we have a chance to grow. Event + question + awareness = development.

Focus on development. On green, not red.

10. Never drive anyone out of your heart, not even yourself.

This aphorism from Tara Brach speaks for itself.

11. You can't turn back time.

Looking over the past in our minds, we often try to figure out what we should have done to prevent a stupid conflict or an undesirable result. But what happened yesterday is the same past as what happened a thousand years ago.

We cannot change the events of a thousand years ago - and we cannot change the events of a week ago.

12. Forgive for your own sake.

Buddhist psychologist Jack Conrnfield teaches:

“There is no need to be faithful to your suffering.”

According to him, we often remain faithful to our suffering, “focusing on the drama of what “happened to you.” Yes, it happened. Yes, it's unpleasant. But does this define your essence?”

It is not the other person who needs forgiveness, but ourselves. We forgive in order to get rid of the suffering caused by constant attachment to the past.

13. Go to another mental space.

Conscious stress reduction teacher and psychologist Trish Magyari teaches how to meditate on powerful images. Research confirms that imagery helps relieve inflammatory, stressful thoughts.

Here good exercise: imagine that you are lying at the bottom of a deep blue sea and watch everything float by, including your thoughts.

There is no better relaxation than imagining yourself as a deep, calm, blue sea.

14. Send rays of love and kindness.

Intuitive healing specialist Wanda Lasseter-Lundy offers this advice for stopping thinking about someone who has hurt you or is driving you crazy:

“Imagine sending him a beautiful ball white light. Place it in this ball of light. Surround it, wrap it in light and hold it until your anger fades.”

Try it - it works!

15. Take a break for 90 seconds.

To free your brain, you first need to break down your thoughts. Neuropsychiatrist Dan Siegel says:

“In 90 seconds, an emotion rises and breaks like a wave on the shore.”

Just 90 seconds is enough to get out of any mood, including anger. Give yourself 90 seconds (about 15 deep breaths) to not think about that person or situation. You will break the thought cycle - and you will be able to get rid of the thoughts that haunt you.

One of the questions that worries many people is how to get a person out of their head. Even if you do not suffer from depression, live in abundance and well-being, and, by and large, you have no problems, obsessive thoughts about some person can significantly spoil your mood, and generally interfere with your life. Regardless life situation, “getting stuck” in a person’s head is a net negative to the quality of life.

The situations can be very different. This could be a negative result from a quarrel with a close relative, whose words or actions now haunt you. It could be a feeling of falling in love that - at least not yet - has not resonated, and you can't get rid of thoughts about this person. This, on the contrary, may be a consequence of parting with a loved one, because of which you now cannot enjoy life to the fullest. This, in the end, may be problems about the girl with whom you had your first meeting, and now you are worried about how many days or hours later to write to her, and what exactly :).

This article will be applicable to all situations in which you cannot stop thinking about a person. It doesn’t matter that these thoughts may be “positive”. Even if you uncontrollably indulge in sweet fantasies about someone, you should get rid of them too, otherwise it is only a matter of time before your fantasies hit the wall and turn into suffering. And this should be done step by step. The first step is to realize what happens to you when you constantly replay a certain person in your head.

Step 1: Understand the cause of the problem

The first step you need to take is to realize the nature of the image of the person who haunts you. Understanding the essence of the images that get stuck in your head can not only weaken their impact on your state, but also radically transform your perception of reality towards greater acceptance and harmony.

The main thing you need to do to understand the essence of a person being “stuck” in your head is to ask yourself the question “ What does this image consist of?“. Take this image under a magnifying glass and examine it from all sides - what is the nature of this image?

If you do this work you will see that this image is entirely caused by your mind. You are 100% responsible for this image and you 100% you are to blame for suffering from this person.

To realize this, make sure that the image of a person in your head consists of yours emotions, yours ideas about him yours memories, your his perception of reality, etc. The basis of this image and each of its parts is your Self, Self, Self. It turns out that you are not actually throwing a person out of your head - you don’t have any people in your head. You are just discharging that part of your mind that is associated with the image of this person.

As soon as this realization comes, you immediately see that since 100% of a person’s being stuck in their head is caused by you, you must direct 100% of your efforts to working with yourself.

You are 100% responsible for this image and you 100% you are to blame for suffering from this person.

In particular, this means that there is no point or need to “sort things out” with this person himself. What you are trying to get out of your head has nothing to do with the person himself NO relationship.

I want to emphasize this again. This person himself, who consists of flesh and is now located at a distance from you, is completely unrelated to the person who is now sitting in your head and consists of your own mental material. Addressing the person himself with some of your feelings or interacting with him in some way is the same as trying to cope with your smoking by talking to a cigarette :).

Besides, there is no point in sharing your problems with anyone. If you have a headache, what will you do - complain about it? headache or take a pill? The same is true here - focus on working with yourself and don’t look for no external solutions.

The second effect of becoming aware of the nature of a person's image is to strengthen your intention to get rid of it. As soon as you understand that this image is a part of yourself, the understanding automatically comes that you need immediately do something. After all, now you see that any negativity you have towards this person is a negativity towards to myself. Any kind of dreams about this person are dreams about myself. Any kind of desire to do something with this person - be it to forgive him or, on the contrary, to punch him in the face - is a desire to do something With myself.

When this, frankly speaking, terrible realization comes, you can no longer continue to live like this - you simply have no alternative but to send this image to hell, that is, to discharge that part of your mind that is responsible for the illusion of this image. Sometimes the sheer force of this intention is enough for a person to fly out of his head like a bullet. And even if this has not happened yet, further steps will help you, but only if you know what you are doing when getting rid of the image of a person.

How to understand all this? To be honest, this understanding came to me personally as a result of long and scrupulous work on clearing my own brain. It’s not an easy task to immediately realize such a thing, because you are not used to perceiving other people this way. Most likely, you are used to thinking that people somehow “influence” you or do something to you, and not that your mind generates some images that are already beginning to influence you, while people have no influence on you. You can read these lines and understand them “with your mind,” but until this understanding hits you, you will not be able to live by it. Therefore, if you do not feel it for yourself, for now I recommend just believing. Then, if you start working with the contents of your mind, you will also inevitably come to this understanding, as well as to many others, much more radical... :)

Even if all you can do now is simply believe that the person stuck in your head is 100% part of your mind, this is already enormous progress. Since your suffering is completely caused by you, it means that you are able to cope with it. Think for yourself - if it were “not your fault,” you would be powerless to do anything. But fortunately, since it is your fault, you are able to defuse this image, that is, start working on it.

Step 2. Develop an image of the person

After you have realized that any images of people are just the contents of your mind, you should “neutralize” these images. The work will be to remove the emotional charge from these images. To achieve this, start by writing down any kind of charged thoughts about this person. Either paper and pen or a word processor will do.

What kind of thoughts? we're talking about? Very different. Absolutely any thoughts that can be found will do. this moment you have about this person. Naturally, factual information, such as a description of the height and weight of this person, can be omitted, but your emotions are what you need :). If you've never done this kind of work before, here's a list of points you can rely on:

  • Describe your emotional state. Any wording will do, even incoherent or obscene ones :). Examples: “ I feel bad because she doesn’t answer...”, “I can’t get rid of the anger at...”, “I can’t get it out of my head...”. Imagine that your paper or monitor screen is your personal confidential psychologist to whom you can tell everything in the world. And let your emotions just flow out of you. In particular severe cases Tears are possible - this is normal, and even good. Don't forget to add tears to your description too emotional state.
  • Any explanation for your condition. Ask yourself “ Why am I experiencing all this?” Any excuses addressed to you will fly here. Can you think of other situations in which you had a person stuck in your head? You can explain your condition by your character traits. If you were insulted, write why you think the behavior addressed to you was wrong. If you can't stop suffering from the breakup, write down why you may never find anyone better again. If you feel like complaining, complain! You can complain about your own upbringing, about women, about men, about people in general, about relatives, parents, about the government, about God. There are no boundaries. Everything that shines in the mind must be written down.
  • Any beliefs about this person. Describe this image in as much detail as possible. If you fall in love with someone, write down all the beautiful things you see in that person. If someone insulted you, write what an asshole, a brute he is, and in general how he could behave like that. If you broke up with someone, write what was in this person that attracted you so much.
  • Any decisions you have made or may make. Write about what you are going to do with this person. Write all your desires or, on the contrary, what you don’t want to happen. If you are planning to go punch him in the face, write so. If you are planning to write or call someone, also describe what you are going to do and why.
  • All that is still left in your head.

Your narrative does not have to be coherent and point-by-point. On the contrary, a certain amount of hysteria is even useful. If one thought gave rise to two, and they generated four in a cascading effect, and so on, write everything down without exception. Let yourself be carried to the fullest - the paper will withstand everything :). If at some point you remember something or realize something, be sure to add to what you wrote.

Depending on your knowledge of yourself, your experience of similar work and the strength of the image of this person in your head, you may end up with from 2 to 10 or even more pages of text. A good sign that the work is finished is the feeling that you are starting to repeat yourself and that there is nothing new to add. If you only have 2-3 pages of text, you shouldn’t squeeze out more material. If you then decide to engage in such work systematically, the required level of awareness and self-knowledge will come to you on its own.

OK, the material has been written out, what to do with it now? My personal recommendation is to work it out, for example, using Turbo Suslik. If you are not yet ready to dive headfirst into completely ridding your head of garbage, you can simply take the resulting material, print it on a printer, if you typed it on a computer, and symbolically burn it. The simple fact of physically destroying this mental garbage will remove a significant portion of the charge from it.

After you have dealt with this material, you can move on to Step 3, which will clear your head even more.

Step 3. Immerse yourself in the moment “here and now”

Have you ever noticed that every time you have a problem, fear or resentment, your attention drifts from the present moment to the past or future? Watch yourself. Take any fear of speaking in public - you cannot have it if your attention is absorbed in the present moment. Fear can only come over you if you fool yourself with expectations about your performance. Or take the pain of resentment that haunts you from a recent quarrel with your husband. You cannot experience this pain if you do not replay the episode of the quarrel with him again and again.

What does this mean for the person stuck in your head? Regardless of whether you use some technique to work through it or simply destroy the associated material, it will take some time to get the person out of your head. To help yourself free yourself from his image, as soon as you complete step 2, immerse yourself in the here and now moment.

The present moment has the power to dissolve whatever problems you are currently preoccupied with. You can imagine your problems, fears or grievances as a big black enchanted scary room. If the lights are off, there will be all sorts of horrors in this room, and you will not know how to get rid of them except to close your eyes and cover your ears. But as soon as you turn on the light for at least a couple of seconds, the darkness instantly dissipates and you see that there was nothing to be afraid of. So the present moment is the light illuminating this room. Therefore, universal advice - do not get stuck in the past, do not fool your head with projections for the future, but strive to live in the present moment.

That's all for now. The first step is to realize that the person stuck in your head is a part of you. The second step is to work through this image, and the third is to immerse yourself in the present moment, allowing this image to disappear. It will take some effort on your part to achieve this, but these steps have been tested by the experience of thousands of people who have cleared their heads of garbage, including the author of these lines. If you add TC work, getting rid of the image of a person is almost guaranteed.

Don’t put off throwing a person out of your head. No one but you needs you to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head. If you can't get rid of thoughts about someone, start working on them today at free time. Yes, it will take time, but as for me, freedom from any obsessive thoughts is a priority in life. Because no matter what you are doing at the moment - working, walking, having fun, skydiving or conquering Mars - if your attention is absorbed by some person, life will mercilessly slip away and flow through your fingers like sand. And with a clean brain, every moment is mystic.

Share your thoughts, express your opinions, ask questions and good luck! :)

How to get a person out of your head? 11 tips from psychologists for living with clean slate. How to throw a person out of your head and heart psychology

How to get someone out of your head

In particular, this means that there is no point or need to “sort things out” with this person himself. What you are trying to get out of your head has NOTHING to do with the person himself.

I want to emphasize this again. This person himself, who consists of flesh and is now located at a distance from you, is completely unrelated to the person who is now sitting in your head and consists of your own mental material. Addressing the person himself with some of your feelings or interacting with him in some way is the same as trying to cope with your smoking by talking to a cigarette :).

Besides, there is no point in sharing your problems with anyone. If you have a headache, what will you do - complain about the headache or take a pill? The same is true here – focus on working with yourself and don’t look for any external solutions.

The second effect of becoming aware of the nature of a person's image is to strengthen your intention to get rid of it. As soon as you understand that this image is a part of yourself, the understanding automatically comes that you need to do something immediately. After all, now you see that any negativity you have towards this person is negativity towards yourself. Any kind of dreams about this person are dreams about yourself. Any kind of desire to do something with this person - be it to forgive him or, on the contrary, to punch him in the face - is a desire to do something with oneself.

When this, frankly speaking, terrible realization comes, you can no longer continue to live like this - you simply have no alternative but to send this image to hell, that is, to discharge that part of your mind that is responsible for the illusion of this image. Sometimes the sheer force of this intention is enough for a person to fly out of his head like a bullet. And even if this has not happened yet, further steps will help you, but only if you know what you are doing when getting rid of the image of a person.

How to understand all this? To be honest, this understanding came to me personally as a result of long and scrupulous work on clearing my own brain. It’s not an easy task to immediately realize such a thing, because you are not used to perceiving other people this way. Most likely, you are used to thinking that people somehow “influence” you or do something to you, and not that your mind generates some images that are already beginning to influence you, while people have no influence on you. You can read these lines and understand them “with your mind,” but until this understanding hits you, you will not be able to live by it. Therefore, if you do not feel it for yourself, for now I recommend just believing. Then, if you start working with the contents of your mind, you will also inevitably come to this understanding, as well as to many others, much more radical... :)

Even if all you can do now is simply believe that the person stuck in your head is 100% part of your mind, this is already enormous progress. Since your suffering is completely caused by you, it means that you are able to cope with it. Think for yourself - if it were “not your fault,” you would be powerless to do anything. But fortunately, since it is your fault, you are able to defuse this image, that is, start working on it.

After you have realized that any images of people are just the contents of your mind, you should “neutralize” these images. The work will be to remove the emotional charge from these images. To achieve this, start by writing down any kind of charged thoughts about this person. Either paper and pen or a word processor will do.

What kind of thoughts are we talking about? Very different. Absolutely any thoughts that you currently have about this person will do. Naturally, factual information, such as a description of the height and weight of this person, can be omitted, but your emotions are what you need :). If you've never done this kind of work before, here's a list of points you can rely on:

  • Describe your emotional state. Any wording will do, even incoherent or obscene ones :). Examples: “I feel bad because she doesn’t answer...”, “I can’t get rid of the anger at...”, “I can’t get it out of my head...”. Imagine that your paper or monitor screen is your personal confidential psychologist to whom you can tell everything in the world. And let your emotions just flow out of you. In especially severe cases, tears are possible - this is normal, and even good. Don't forget to add tears to your description of your emotional state.
  • Any explanations for your condition. Ask yourself, “Why am I experiencing all this?” Any excuses addressed to you will fly here. Can you think of other situations in which you had a person stuck in your head? You can explain your condition by your character traits. If you were insulted, write why you think the behavior addressed to you was wrong. If you can't stop suffering from the breakup, write down why you may never find anyone better again. If you feel like complaining, complain! You can complain about your own upbringing, about women, about men, about people in general, about relatives, parents, about the government, about God. There are no boundaries. Everything that shines in the mind must be written down.
  • Any beliefs about this person. Describe this image in as much detail as possible. If you fall in love with someone, write down all the beautiful things you see in that person. If someone insulted you, write what an asshole, a brute he is, and in general how he could behave like that. If you broke up with someone, write what was in this person that attracted you so much.
  • Any decisions you have made or may make. Write about what you are going to do with this person. Write all your desires or, on the contrary, what you don’t want to happen. If you are planning to go punch him in the face, write so. If you are planning to write or call someone, also describe what you are going to do and why.
  • All that is still left in your head.

Your narrative does not have to be coherent and point-by-point. On the contrary, a certain amount of hysteria is even useful. If one thought gave rise to two, and they generated four in a cascading effect, and so on, write everything down without exception. Let yourself be carried to the fullest - the paper will withstand everything :). If at some point you remember something or realize something, be sure to add to what you wrote.

Depending on your knowledge of yourself, your experience of similar work and the strength of the image of this person in your head, you may end up with from 2 to 10 or even more pages of text. A good sign that the work is finished is the feeling that you are starting to repeat yourself and that there is nothing new to add. If you only have 2-3 pages of text, you shouldn’t squeeze out more material. If you then decide to engage in such work systematically, the required level of awareness and self-knowledge will come to you on its own.

OK, the material has been written out, what to do with it now? My personal recommendation is to work it out, for example, with the help of Turbo-Gopher. If you are not yet ready to dive headfirst into completely ridding your head of garbage, you can simply take the resulting material, print it on a printer, if you typed it on a computer, and symbolically burn it. The simple fact of physically destroying this mental garbage will remove a significant portion of the charge from it.

After you have dealt with this material, you can move on to Step 3, which will clear your head even more.

Have you ever noticed that every time you have a problem, fear or resentment, your attention drifts from the present moment to the past or future? Watch yourself. Take any fear of speaking in public - you cannot have it if your attention is absorbed in the present moment. Fear can only come over you if you fool yourself with expectations about your performance. Or take the pain of resentment that haunts you from a recent quarrel with your husband. You cannot experience this pain if you do not replay the episode of the quarrel with him again and again.

What does this mean for the person stuck in your head? Regardless of whether you use some technique to work through it or simply destroy the associated material, it will take some time to get the person out of your head. To help yourself free yourself from his image, as soon as you complete step 2, immerse yourself in the here and now moment.

The present moment has the power to dissolve whatever problems you are currently preoccupied with. You can imagine your problems, fears or grievances as a big black enchanted scary room. If the lights are off, there will be all sorts of horrors in this room, and you will not know how to get rid of them except to close your eyes and cover your ears. But as soon as you turn on the light for at least a couple of seconds, the darkness instantly dissipates and you see that there was nothing to be afraid of. So the present moment is the light illuminating this room. Therefore, universal advice - do not get stuck in the past, do not fool yourself with projections for the future, but strive to live in the present moment.


How to throw a person out of your head and heart, forget the man you like

Every time you lose a relationship, the question arises of how to get the person out of your head. There are many ways to forget your ex-lover. Some will find salvation in a new hobby or meet a new love, others will be helped by friends and spending time in noisy company. And someone will find advantages in this situation and will soon begin to enjoy life again. Each person will have their own individual method.

Feelings are fickle

Any relationship can come to an end, because a person’s feelings are fickle and not always logical. If a man and a woman are in love with each other, then they are not critical of everyday difficulties, their partner’s shortcomings, outlook on life, etc. But passion alone cannot build a strong relationship for a long time; one should expect that the riot of colors will soon fade. According to statistics, love lasts from two to seven years. Falling in love should be successfully replaced by cooperation, kinship of souls and mutual respect for the partner.

But there are no guarantees that the partner will not fall in love with another person after a while or become uncomfortable in the relationship. The easiest way to leave a relationship is for someone who made this decision and fell out of love. And the one who was left will have a much more difficult time, because it is impossible to immediately stop loving a person and forget him. But it is necessary to take into account that each person has his own opinion and that only he makes decisions in his life and is responsible for their consequences. It is necessary to take into account that a person will not stay close if you remind him of his own promises and tell him that he owes something.

The fight for love does not at all involve putting pressure on your partner. Most often it means manifestation own feelings so that the partner is sure that he is loved. But only he himself will make an important decision in his life.

How to forget a person who doesn't love you?

Relationships without prospects

When a relationship is just beginning to develop, it is possible to interrupt it (in many cases painlessly) if someone in the couple does not see the prospects for its development. IN similar relationships Often there are vulnerable people who have low self-esteem and fear of being alone. A person often chooses a stormy relationship instead of taking care of his appearance, education or career. If you slow down in time, then the question of how to forget a person will not arise. A relationship that does not continue can be chosen by both partners. This could be a holiday romance, mutually beneficial use of each other, or simply a sexual relationship.

But even such a relationship without obligations does not guarantee that one of the partners will not fall into psychological attachment and will not worry when the romance comes to an end. You can find examples of cases where such relationships turn into deeper and longer lasting ones. But a person initially takes risks, hoping for continuation love relationship, tied to service or resort. Sometimes a person does not take into account the signs of a relationship that promises nothing and is an insurmountable obstacle:

  • Significant shortcomings or lifestyle that your partner absolutely does not like.
  • There is a big difference in age, development or upbringing.
  • Most often, separation is inevitable if parents or other important people in life are against the relationship.
  • Different emotional, personal or financial returns to a couple.
  • Lack of any mutual interests other than sex.

How to stop loving a man who is indifferent to you?

Main misconceptions

The main myth is the idea that everything will be forgotten over time. But it is impossible to ignore the main stages of the experience and one cannot help but be sad deep in one’s soul about the loss loved one. This is one of the reasons not to experiment on yourself and not to start a relationship without a future. But over time, you can learn to cope with the pain and leave it deep in your soul, living and satisfying your needs. Even when loved ones pass away, sharp pain smoothed out and displaced from an important place after several months (at most, one year).

There is a misconception that they knock out a wedge with a wedge, which means you need to start a new relationship. You need to understand that doing this is unfair to the new partner. After all, it does not have to be used because of someone’s mental suffering, which should rather be gotten rid of. This tactic is also not rational for the reason that a person needs to independently go through all the stages of grief and draw certain conclusions. If the necessary conclusions are not drawn, then the person will continue to do the same thing, again wondering how to get his ex-partner out of his head forever.

It will become much easier if a person comes to terms with reality and agrees with his partner’s decision to leave. Most often, the hope smolders for a long time that something else can be done to restore the relationship. If a person has a soft character, then he can give the relationship a second chance, then a third, etc. The relationship itself does not get better, and the partners lose themselves as individuals.

To get a person out of your head without allowing hatred to arise, you need to respect someone else's decision to break up and not blame anyone for it. Feelings disappear in a couple not because one of them is worse than the other, but because being together has become uncomfortable. There is no point in thinking about what would have happened in this or that case and being carried away mentally into the past. You need to pay attention to the present moment and do everything to avoid repeating mistakes.

What can you write to the guy you like?

How to forget a married man?

If a woman ends her relationship with married man and there is no way to forget it, then the following tips from psychology will come in handy:

  • It is recommended to first analyze the situation. If for a long time the partner did not leave his wife, which means he always loved her. It is unlikely that he would ever leave his wife, no matter how much one would like to hope for it.
  • You can follow a man and understand that he is happy. This method is quite effective, although it may seem cruel. It is recommended to walk past his house incognito or observe from afar. If it turns out that he feels great with his wife, then it will be unrealistic to destroy such a relationship.
  • It is recommended to think about the shortcomings in a relationship with a married man. For example, you often have to hide from your wife, sit alone in holidays and watch your loved one get ready for his wife. Such a relationship is hardly needed. But finding a more worthy company is quite possible.
  • Reflect on the fact that the position of a mistress in many cases is quite humiliating.
  • It is worth considering that every woman has a reason to love. AND real family really create with another man, becoming his wife legally, and not just his mistress.

How to forget a guy if he is a colleague?

It is much easier to forget a person if you never see him again after he leaves. It is much more difficult to get a person out of your head if you work with him and see him every day. Many glossy publications and TV programs shout that love affair at work It often doesn't end well. But once the two have set foot on this slippery path, it is necessary to find the right solution.

There are the following self-help ways to forget the man you like if you have to work with him:

  • The best place to start is to get distracted. It is recommended to take some time off and travel a bit.
  • You need to force yourself not to look for someone else's fault for what happened. This happens to many people. You can remember the good moments in the relationship, mentally thank your partner and let go of the situation.
  • If you have to see this person often at work, then there is no need to be rude to him. There is no need to show your ex-beloved your Bad mood, irritability. It is recommended to learn to remain calm.
  • Living by work alone is strictly not recommended even for avid careerists. It’s better to find a suitable hobby (take a makeup course, Gym etc.). This is necessary so that after working day live a full life, and not sob into your pillow at home.

Whose fault?

Both are always to blame for the end of a relationship. The two did not want to cope with difficulties and try to understand each other. One decided to leave, and resentment crept into the soul of the other (this is how children react to the fact that their wishes did not come true). But no one can bear responsibility for not living up to other people’s hopes. When love disappears, each partner must determine for himself whether he should move on with this person or whether it’s time to part ways. Every person has the right to choose whether to stay in this relationship or go further on their own path.

When two people first start dating, everyone wants to appear better than they are. For this reason, it is recommended to take a closer look at how your lover behaves with other people. If a person ended his previous relationship unworthily, then we can assume that with new girl he will behave in the same way. In order for grievances to go away, you should not remember what happened, but you need to learn to live in the present moment. And first, you need to stop looking for someone to blame for the fact that the relationship ended.


I want to dream about something or remember something most often in those moments when there are no activities. To prevent unnecessary thoughts from entering your head, it is better to choose an activity you enjoy or plunge headlong into work. It is better that the activity pleases and distracts well. It is necessary to plan your waking hours so that there is no opportunity to sit back and think. If possible, it is recommended to take a vacation and go on a trip.

Pleasant melodies have a healing effect. It’s worth attending concerts of your favorite bands, and then discussing the events on forums on the Internet. But you need to do this consciously, that is, while enjoying the music, do not wait for a call. It is recommended to abandon all hopes of changing the decision young man and enjoy a concert or other event.

Friends and support

At first you will want to lock yourself at home and not go anywhere, so that no one can see your experience. But it happens that you can’t forget and get distracted for a long time. At such moments, it is better to turn to friends. They can let you talk, provide the necessary support and invite you to take a break in the cinema, theater, etc.

It is often believed that after a breakup, you need to get rid of all the objects in the house that remind you of a failed relationship. But not all things can be just taken and thrown away. Therefore, it is recommended to simply put them out of sight. When some time has passed and the memories are not so painful, you can decide what to do with all these things.


15 ways to get ANY person out of your head!

The psychologist tells.

Have you ever noticed that you can't stop thinking about someone who hurt you?

When someone offends us, our children or loved ones, gossips behind our back or simply behaves in a way that is incomprehensible to us, it can stick in our heads for many hours or days.

We wash the dishes, drive to work or walk the dog, and in our heads we continue to remember and go over what this person said and did. We think about how dishonest, unfair and selfish it was on his part.

After five hours, days, weeks, we continue to see his face in front of us, even if we have never met him since he offended us.

These 15 simple but effective techniques will help you clear your head of such thoughts. Many of them are based on the recommendations of psychologists. Find the ones that work for you.

1. Less words, more time.

This is a great motto. The less you talk about an unpleasant situation and the more time passes, the better. This will allow you to calm down, let go and rise above your circumstances.

Over time, things that irritate us are often forgotten on their own.

Sometimes we feel the need to react to difficult people or situations right away, so we get angry and nervous while trying to decide what to do next. However, Buddhist psychologist Sylvia Burstein recommends allowing yourself to relax and see what happens.

3. Don't look for someone to blame.

Digging into the past, trying to find someone to blame (even if it’s yourself) is an unproductive path. Troubles and conflicts usually occur as a result of several events, like a domino effect. The end result cannot be blamed on any one person.

4. Try not to adopt someone else's mood.

This point speaks for itself.

5. Solve the main problem first.

Buddhist meditation expert Norman Fisher believes that no matter what happens, the main problem is our own anger. Anger creates a cloud of emotions that prevents us from choosing a proportionate, productive response.

This is why anger is the number one problem. Work on yourself: meditate, exercise, walk, talk less and wait longer - and only then deal with other people.

6. Anger is a wrinkle in the mind.

This statement by Sylvia Burstein is similar to the previous point.

When you are angry, you cannot think clearly and find ways to resolve the situation. If you want to think clearly, stop being angry.

7. Don't try to understand others.

This is another tip from Norman Fisher. Think about it: if others tried to guess your thoughts or understand your motivation, would they succeed? It's unlikely - most likely, they have no idea what's going on in your head.

So why are you trying to understand what others think? Most likely, you will still make a mistake, so don’t waste your time - quit this disastrous business.

8. Your thoughts are not facts.

This is very important to understand. You shouldn't believe everything that comes into your head.

We experience our own emotions very vividly - anxiety, tension, fear. We feel them physically. We often take this as an indication that our thoughts are facts.

Would we feel so bad if our feelings were not justified?

Tibetan Buddhist Tsokini Rinpoch teaches that when we are caught up in strong emotions—worry, regret, fear, worry, or anger—we need to remind ourselves that our emotional and physical experiences are “real, but not true.”

9. How will this help your development?

Insight meditation teacher and psychologist Tara Brach says that when we are angry, offended by someone else's words or actions, judgmental of others, or angry at how we are treated, we ourselves increase our suffering. Event + our reaction = suffering.

When we become aware of our feelings and ask ourselves why we experience such strong reactions and what our feelings tell us about ourselves, we have a chance to grow. Event + question + awareness = development.

Focus on development. On green, not red.

10. Never drive anyone out of your heart, not even yourself.

This aphorism from Tara Brach speaks for itself.

11. You can't turn back time.

Looking over the past in our minds, we often try to figure out what we should have done to prevent a stupid conflict or an undesirable result. But what happened yesterday is the same past as what happened a thousand years ago.

We cannot change the events of a thousand years ago - and we cannot change the events of a week ago.

12. Forgive for your own sake.

Buddhist psychologist Jack Conrnfield teaches:

“There is no need to be faithful to your suffering.”

We often stay true to our suffering, he says, "by focusing on the drama of what 'happened to you.' Yes, it happened. Yes, it's unpleasant. But does this define your essence?”

It is not the other person who needs forgiveness, but ourselves. We forgive in order to get rid of the suffering caused by constant attachment to the past.

13. Go to another mental space.

Conscious stress reduction teacher and psychologist Trish Magyari teaches how to meditate on powerful images. Research confirms that imagery helps relieve inflammatory, stressful thoughts.

Here's a good exercise: Imagine lying at the bottom of a deep blue sea and watching everything float by, including your thoughts.

There is no better relaxation than imagining yourself as a deep, calm, blue sea.

14. Send rays of love and kindness.

Intuitive healing specialist Wanda Lasseter-Lundy offers this advice for stopping thinking about someone who has hurt you or is driving you crazy:

“Imagine sending him a beautiful ball of white light. Place it in this ball of light. Surround it, wrap it in light and hold it until your anger fades.”

Try it - it works!

15. Take a break for 90 seconds.

To free your brain, you first need to break down your thoughts. Neuropsychiatrist Dan Siegel says:

“In 90 seconds, an emotion rises and breaks like a wave on the shore.”

Just 90 seconds is enough to get out of any mood, including anger. Give yourself 90 seconds (about 15 deep breaths) to not think about that person or situation. You will break the thought cycle - and you will be able to get rid of the thoughts that haunt you. Source

This is also very interesting:


Novels are different - long-term and fleeting, long-awaited and accidental, light and burdensome. Unfortunately, not all romances end with a wedding and a long “once upon a time.” Most of them end very poorly, causing pain and suffering to one of the partners. As a rule, this partner is a girl, because it is rare that a lady remembers a relationship with the phrase “it was just sex” or “we met and broke up.”

Out of sight, out of mind

Down with resentment against the person you still love!

Stop crying!

No contact with someone you can't get out of your head

It's time to slow down!

Favorite hobby

Coming back to life


  • Your favorite foods and drinks.

Opening our hearts and preparing for new love


Novels are different - long-term and fleeting, long-awaited and accidental, light and burdensome. Unfortunately, not all romances end with a wedding and a long “once upon a time.” Most of them end very poorly, causing pain and suffering to one of the partners. As a rule, this partner is a girl, because it is rare that a lady remembers a relationship with the phrase “it was just sex” or “we met and broke up.”

Having experienced disappointment in love, girls remember the object of their adoration for a long time, attributing to it a lot of virtues and dreaming of reunion. Even more torment is brought by thoughts about his real pastime, when a woman begins to be jealous of the hypothetical new girlfriends of her former lover. Such masochism does not lead to good, since it is followed by a complete loss of self-respect and apathy towards the world around us.

How to throw a person out of your head and heart? Proven advice from psychologists will help you get rid of obsessive thoughts about love failure.

How can you get a loved one out of your head if every day you are reminded of him by his photographs, his forgotten mug or the music CD given to him for Christmas? Such a task is only possible for strong-willed individuals who are capable of squeezing their hearts in an icy fist and turning a blind eye to such “psychological anchors.”

It's time to start cleaning! Need to throw away:

  • The things that remained from him were slippers, a T-shirt and other forgotten wardrobe items.
  • Gifts given to them (you can temporarily hide them in the pantry or give them to a friend).
  • General photographs and videos, including those on electronic media. No photos of him on the phone!
  • Discs with music or films that evoke moments spent together.

Such simple actions first of all help get rid of annoying memories. Let's move on to the next steps.

After a painful breakup, it is common for a person to feel offended. Perhaps his hopes and expectations were not met. Maybe he was angry that he never achieved reciprocity. Cheating is, without a doubt, a cause for anger and resentment. But is it worth accumulating negative emotions?

Psychologists advise you to stop wasting your energy on such manifestations of feelings as quickly as possible. "Savoring" heartache, the woman remains in the current situation for a long time, preventing her liberation from thoughts about the person.

  • Think about the reason for your anger or resentment. Once the sources negative emotions will be identified, it will become easier to get them out of your head.
  • Turn the situation around! Perhaps you should not be angry with a person, but thank him? Mentally say “thank you” to the man for the pleasant moments spent together. And if the relationship was painful, then its end is rather a reason for joy. Then thank your ex-lover for freedom, peace and independence.

Many girls consciously seek to meet their ex-lover, preferring to spend their time in those places where he is guaranteed to appear. But if you are determined to throw a person out of your life, such places should be avoided.

There is no need to run to his favorite cafe or walk under the windows of his house with his girlfriends. If you are invited to the same party, it is better to stay home. This does not mean that the ex-boyfriend has “won” and you can no longer go anywhere. You’ll just have to temporarily not meet with him until the emotions subside.

This rule also applies social networks. How to get thoughts about a person out of your head if you regularly look at his VKontakte page and monitor his activity? Did he become friends with some girl? Has the status changed? marital status? Whose photos is he commenting on? Stop!

  • Only go on social media to interact with positive people.
  • Set yourself a time limit for staying online – no more than 10-15 minutes. This time is barely enough for friends’ feeds, so it won’t reach your lover.
  • Refrain from Facebook and VKontakte completely. If self-control is not enough and you admire his photos every day, then you should stop torturing yourself and temporarily give up social life online. It's time to go out into the real world!

Doing what you love is a great way to get rid of thoughts about a failed romance. Any hobby that makes you happy will do. Let it be sports training, needlework or drawing - the main thing is that you find it interesting. If there is no time left for pleasant activities, during the crucial period of recovery from love it would not be a bad idea to rearrange your schedule.

How to get a person out of your head when the hobby simply doesn’t exist? The novel took so much time that you were completely lost in it, forgetting your friends and favorite things. So, it's time to open up to new impressions. Try everything that is available, even if it seems crazy - ethnic dancing, skydiving or lute courses.

Believe me, there will be no time left for the blues, and thoughts about ex-lover will gradually disappear. In addition, your horizons will expand significantly, and you will become even more interesting person for others.

Look at a failed romance from the other side. It was just a “binge hobby”, and after it you will have to endure the natural hangover. Let them get rid of it gradually, but over time, clarity of consciousness and a fresh look at the world around will still return!

An exciting relationship in which a woman completely dissolves gradually obliterates her as a person. She thinks only about making her loved one feel good, forgetting about her own interests and desires. It's time to put everything back in place.


  • Your favorite foods and drinks.
  • Lovely habits that had to be suppressed because they irritated Him.
  • Your favorite songs and movies.

Those little things that were an integral part of your calm and happy life before the ex-boyfriend appears in her, they will allow you to return to a sense of yourself in order to feel like a person again.

Tell your friends that you don't know how to get thoughts of a person out of your head. They will definitely help you solve the problem! A reclusive lifestyle is strictly contraindicated, and only old faithful friends will draw you out of your shell for at least an hour a day. In addition, walking in the fresh air is good for health even for those who do not suffer from unhappy love.

So, all the healing stages end, and the time comes to announce a “vacancy” in your heart.

After all, after you returned to thoughts about your beloved self, you began to breathe deeply again and exercise interesting things to do, we can say with confidence that that person has been erased from life.

Only now, when the suffering over the ex-boyfriend has come to an end and thoughts of spying on him and his life are a thing of the past, can one sincerely think about new love. Otherwise, the heart will not open to tender feelings for another person.

If you are truly ready to move forward towards your future, then it’s time to celebrate your victory over your mind and feelings and wait for your soul mate in full combat readiness.

Video: How to get a person out of your head? 11 tips from psychologists for living from scratch


How to throw a person out of your head and heart

Remember the comic riddle about how to get an elephant out of the refrigerator: open the refrigerator, get the elephant, close the refrigerator?

Ah, if only the task of getting a person out of your head could be solved just as simply! But alas, there are no magic ways here...

However, if you are ready for non-magical, but still effective actions, the women's site sympaty.net will tell you how to get thoughts of a person out of your head.

What to remember in order to forget?

Psychology says that all people tend to remember better and more clearly what brought them certain pleasant sensations and positive emotions. This also applies to memories of past relationships - more often good, warm moments pop up in the head and heart. But women tend to forget, downplay, justify those cases when a partner offended, hurt or did something bad...

This psychological mechanism, of course, is generally useful to people - thanks to the ability of a healthy human psyche to forget grief, we do not become depressed, we do not suffer for a long time because of something we once suffered. physical pain, etc. But back side– we can really underestimate how bad it was for us and convince ourselves that the good outweighs it.

Even if the bad thing was actually so bad that there can be no talk of any “superiority”: for example, you cannot forgive and throw out of your memory the assault of your “beloved”, remembering how this man once gave you a bouquet or took me to the sea!

So here it is. “Beautiful and Successful” claims that the first key to getting a person out of your head and heart is to remember the bad things well! Take offense! Get angry! Tell yourself that you shouldn’t want to go back to this artiodactyl under any circumstances, because things are bad with him! It is a strong resentment in the heart and anger that can become the catalyst that will trigger the above-described mechanism of forgetting the bad: you realized that your former loved one was not a gift, you began to think about him in a negative way - and your brain, trying to free you from sad thoughts, I began to slowly block out all memories on this topic.

What else can you do to stop thinking about the one you love?

Knowledge of psychology can be a great help if you can’t get someone out of your head and feel unrequitedly in love. The fact is that any psychological attachment can be overcome if three points are present:

  • A sufficient number of impressions not related to the object of love;
  • The company of other people with the possibility of active communication;
  • Another sexual partner.

With the first two points, in general, everything is more or less clear - in order to throw a person out of your head, you just need to leave yourself less time and emotional resources to think about the fact that you love him, but he doesn’t love you, etc. d.

If you go on an interesting trip, dive into an exciting project, join new company etc. – then you can “get over” thoughts about your loved one much easier and faster.

But intimate relationships with another person involve a very interesting biological mechanism. The fact is that during sexual intercourse the hormone oxytocin is released - this is the “attachment hormone”. If you have satisfying sex with the same partner with some regularity, your brain will associate the surges of oxytocin with his personality, meaning you will want to date him again and again. And in this situation, the once beloved person will cease to be so significant, attachment (including psychological!) to him will disappear.

By the way, if you move away from the moral and ethical aspect and pay attention only to the biological, then you can imagine another option for how to get a person out of your head. Namely, to have several sexual partners. The point is that if sex occurs with equal frequency, but with different people, oxytocin is produced, but attachment to someone most often does not arise: since when changing partners, the brain does not associate the “oxytocin high” with someone specific - but simply wants more sex. From a biological point of view, this is quite natural.

But since we are still people, and not animals, then only you can decide whether to start another relationship after the one that didn’t work out, and in what format these new relationships will be - whether it’s about real sympathy or just “health-improving sex.”


33 ways to get rid of unnecessary things from your head and not worry

Eckhart Tolle, one of the most famous enlightened spiritual teachers in the Western world, has repeatedly noted that we create and maintain problems because they give us a sense of identity. Perhaps this explains why we often hold on to our pain far longer than its ability to serve us.

We replay past mistakes over and over again in our heads, allowing feelings of shame and regret to shape our actions in the present moment. We cling to feelings of confusion and worry about the future, as if this fixation somehow gives us strength. We hold stress in our minds and bodies, potentially creating health problems for ourselves, and accept this state of tension as normal.

There will never be a time when life will be simple and at the same time develop the way you want. But there will always be time to practice taking it for granted. Every moment you live is a chance to let go of your problems and start living in peace. Here are a few ways to get started - they apply to all sorts of areas of your life - work, relationships, etc.:

1. Develop a new skill instead of whining about what you can't do and how you can't do something. Every time you do something, you by definition think less. This does not mean that you become an idiot - rather, unnecessary mental processes come to naught when you are busy with something, and therefore it is worth taking on board.

2. Change your perception - see any failures as a chance to adjust something in your behavior and, as a result, achieve what you want. Learn to disidentify with your problems and look at them from the outside. In this case, the “pain” will disappear, but you will definitely learn something new.

3. Cry it out. According to Dr. William Frey II, a biochemist in Medical Center Ramsey in Minneapolis, when you cry out negative emotions, you release harmful substances that accumulate in the body due to stress. Cry to your heart's content, gentlemen.

4. Channel your frustration in a constructive way by turning it into immediate positive action - making a few calls about new openings or visiting charitable foundation and inquire about volunteer opportunities. The message is similar to the first point - less snot, more action.

5. Use meditation or yoga to bring yourself back to the present moment (instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future). All your problems exist only in the past or future. Once you narrow your perception to the present moment, you will see that all problems seem to dissipate.

6. Make a list of your achievements - even small ones - and add to it daily. This will force you to let go of the negative emotions associated with disappointment from something and instead create space for self-satisfaction.

7. Visualize a box in your head labeled “Expectations.” Every time you start obsessing about how something should be or should have been, imagine putting the thoughts that arise in that box. At the same time, you will increase your ability to distinguish reality from your ideas about it.

8. Keep yourself busy physical activity. Exercise reduces stress hormones and promotes the release of endorphins, chemical substances that improve mental state.

9. Focus all your energy on what you can actually control, instead of obsessing over what is beyond your control.

10. Express your feelings through creative activities such as blogging or painting. Add this item to your to-do list, and cross it off when you're done. This will be a visual reminder that you have actively made the decision to release these feelings.

Let go of anger and bitterness

11. Feel them fully. If you suppress your negative emotions, they can leak out and spill out on the people who are nearby at that moment - and these will not necessarily be those who provoked the anger. Before you can let go of any emotion, you must fully process it through yourself. It should be noted that this is not so easy to do - your ego will in every possible way interfere with the passage of emotions through, because it clings to these emotions in order to thereby declare itself. But you may realize the role your ego plays in all your problems.

12. Give yourself a break. Refrain from contact with the person who angered you for one day. Ideally, work through the emotions you have. This can defuse the hostility and give you time to plan a rational response.

13. Remind yourself that anger hurts you more than the person who upset you. The very realization that you are primarily influenced by your own emotions, and not by other people, will help to quickly dispel any negative emotions.

14. If possible, express your anger to the person who offended you. Let him/her know how you feel and this will help you let go of your negativity and move on. Keep in mind that you cannot control and are not responsible for how a person reacts to what you say. You can only control how clearly and convincingly you express your thoughts and emotions.

15. Take responsibility. Very often, when you are angry, all your attention is directed towards the bad things that the other person has done. You replay in your head those episodes in which he behaved wrong, and thereby only intensify negative emotions. If you focus on what mental processes you are going through at such moments, you will clearly see that you yourself are creating negative experiences. And since you create them yourself, then the best thing to do in terms of saving energy and effectively resolving the situation is to take responsibility for your emotions and focus not on what someone did wrong to you, but on what you could have done in this or that situations so that similar episodes do not recur.

16. Put yourself in the shoes of the person who offended you. We all make mistakes, and the odds are that you could snap in some situation, just like your boyfriend, your husband, your girlfriend, your friend, and so on. Compassion is one of the the best ways dissolve any negative emotions.

17. Remind yourself that in any situation you have only three options: remove yourself from the situation, change the situation and accept it. Each of these actions, with a competent approach to a specific situation, helps to dissolve negative emotions. And each of them excludes holding your bitterness within yourself - the sooner you release it, the better for you and your mental health.

Let go of past relationships

18. Identify what this experience taught you. By understanding what you learned from the experience of a particular relationship, you will decide for yourself why you needed this relationship, and this will allow you to put an end to it.

19. Write down everything you want to express. Even if you don’t do anything further with what you wrote (although I strongly recommend that you work through what you wrote!), you will still gain a deeper understanding of your feelings, and this will help you come to terms with reality as it is.

20. Remember both the good and the bad. The past wasn't perfect, even if it doesn't seem that way to you now. Acknowledging this on a logical level will help reduce your feelings of loss.

21. Drop any romance you associate with love. Of course, you should feel bad and hurt if it seems to you that you have lost your “half”. But if you look at reality, throwing away any ideas about love and “romance,” you will realize that there are no unique people, and there cannot be. Accordingly, if you were able to find such an amazing love, it means that you can find another, and more than one, and understanding this will help you move on.

22. Remember who you were before the relationship - remember the person you were before you met your past love. That person was very cool, and now you have the opportunity to be that person again.

23. Throw the person out of your life at the level of your environment. Remove/delete/archive all photos, messages, letters. There is no reason to keep something in your life that you no longer have, be it something “positive” or “negative”.

24. Post the following statement somewhere visible. “Loving yourself means letting go.”

25. Replace your emotions with facts. If you have the attitude “I won’t have love anymore!” in your head, don’t suppress these thoughts. Instead, turn your attention to other thoughts, like “I felt good alone, and I will feel good in the future,” and notice which thoughts resonate more strongly with you.

Let go of stress

26. Engage in group activities. If you're doing something with other people, being with those people tends to be enjoyable. In addition to this, communicating with people in this context helps to fit your problems into the overall picture of life more organically.

27. Use Eckhart Tolle's quote: “Worry seems necessary, but serves no useful purpose.” Ask yourself how your stress helps you in your life and how it hinders you, and write down your thoughts on paper. Just looking at the proportion of negative aspects of stress will be enough to, at a minimum, create the intention to get rid of stress.

28. Metaphorically release it. Write down all your stresses for later processing, and then throw the paper into the fire.

29. Go to the sauna in your free time. Research shows (this, this, this, this, this, this and this) that saunas reduce the levels of stress hormones in the body, as well as lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Don't worry ;)

30. Imagine your life in ten years. Then look twenty years into the future, and then thirty. This will help you realize that many of the things you worry about now are not true. of great importance in the big picture.

31. Organize your desk. Performance small task will help you increase your sense of control and reduce your stress levels.

32. Take your stress practically. Make two lists: one with the underlying causes of your stress, and the other with actions to eliminate them. As you complete these tasks, watch how the energy you previously spent on stress is now transferred to other tasks.

33. Have a laugh. Laughter relieves stress and improves your immune system, and even relieves pain. In the short term, you can just watch a funny video on YouTube, but don’t ignore effective techniques, which will help you, in principle, eliminate negativity from your life - then laughter will come to you on its own, and much more often.

Life again

Women put their souls into any relationship. “Just sex” or “we just met, met, and broke up” does not happen. How can you get rid of thoughts about him from your head, if so many things are connected with him, dear and beloved - both good and bad?

So it turns out that there are many areas of life - work, career, friends, hobbies, relatives - but all the thoughts in my head are only about the one thing, the former loved one. You can’t just “uproot” it - this “baobab” has taken strong roots in the sensitive female soul.

To live again, without him you will have to learn, perhaps painfully and for a long time...

"Hooks" that we cling to

Women are characterized not only by romance, but also by its consequences. Words spoken at “that very” moment, “ special days”, which are remembered so painfully and sweetly even years later. The music you listened to together, the places you visited. All these are nothing more than triggers that evoke memories. And before you get rid of thoughts about it from your head, you need to take care of the “spring cleaning”.

After the first stage of grief - the loss and its denial - passes, slowly begin to think about it and remember. Don’t add sweet poison to your memories - just replay in your head everything as it was. Where they went, what they said. And gradually you will begin to notice new subtexts, meanings, colors. You will understand what motivated this person. What really happened while you were enjoying the romance.

Eloquent proof successful completion This stage is a calm, even attitude towards “your melody” to which you danced. You no longer flinch from excruciatingly sweet pain when visiting the places where you spent time.

Taking ourselves back

At the earliest, romantic (“candy-bouquet”) stage of the relationship, until the couple encounters difficulties and contradictions, the chosen one seems ideal to us. And we happily dissolve in this ideal - we lose ourselves. That's why thinking about how to get thoughts of him out of your head becomes so painful.

Just remind yourself that after every intoxicating affair there is a severe hangover.

Return to your previous interests, activities, or find new ones.

Slowly bring yourself back - yourself. Study your tastes, habits, passions. What do you like better - hockey or ballet? Folk songs or foreign pop music? What do you drink in the morning - tea or coffee? And, in the end, which foot do you prefer to get up in the morning?

The “little things” that are our cute little habits have the power to bring us back to a sense of ourselves, a return to the value of our unique and unrepeatable personality.

If we continue the comparison, this stage is similar to the design of your apartment or house. What kind of person he should be, how you prefer to live, what you will do with four walls - depends only on you.

What are they - thoughts “about him”?

After regaining rights to your identity, take care of the final stage of “cleaning up”. To make sure that you are not throwing away something useful or important, you should carefully consider and even, perhaps, sort out the “mental garbage” you throw away.

  • Let go of the extra burden - thoughts that perhaps you were unworthy of him. Or that your relationship, for example, could be better. That you weren't patient enough or that he wasn't good enough. That you missed out on all the benefits you would have gotten with it. Throw them away without regret- but first make sure they are useless.
  • Consider every single thought. I remembered something (it made me sad, inspired me with romantic nostalgia) - don’t drive away these thoughts. You have become yourself and you have become stronger. Now you can face the truth.

And the truth is this:

Everything in your life together happened “for some reason.” It wasn't all in vain. There was a feeling of happiness, joy, pleasure - thank you. There was grief, it was hard - give thanks too. Let go of the situation. And think about this.

Despite what you remember, you only have a subjective opinion - the opinion of one side. While you were carried away into the heavens by a kiss or lit up by a touch, your loved one may have been thinking about pizza or about going to a bar with friends to watch a football broadcast. Or vice versa - when you were burning with anger, tormented by discontent and believed that “he was doing this on purpose” - this person quite sincerely believed that he cared about you and was careful about your feelings.

I am 22 years old. More than a year ago I broke up with my boyfriend, with whom I had lived together for more than two years. I still don’t understand why they separated and on whose initiative this happened. The overall picture looks like this: for a year and a half we lived almost in perfect harmony, but I was the clear leader in the relationship, it was embarrassing from time to time that he was driven, loving, and actually lacking initiative, somewhere this pleased my vanity, but also sometimes made me think, Do I love this person or am I just playing around with being the head of the family; but at some point everything changed dramatically: I myself noticed how I became apathetic, uninteresting, no longer wanted anything or anyone, and by that moment everything was getting ready for the wedding; scandals (exclusively with my claims) alternated complete absence interest in what was happening, then the desire to break off the relationship, which remained only a desire, and finally - termination intimate relationships(moreover, I was looking for “excuses” every time, and when this happened, it reached the point of absurdity - it seemed to me that I was almost being raped). I was turning into a “vegetable” - boring, uninteresting, unkempt, but he blossomed, became more confident, he had his own interests, his mother arrived very opportunely (who didn’t like me at all), he became more and more rude, and I kept on " It's a pity." I still can’t believe that I wrote this malicious: “I’ve had enough. Let’s just stop talking. Drop off the keys tomorrow. This is the end.” Why am I doing this?.. Just a conversation with questions and answers was what I needed. So we separated, and a week later he and his parents left for Egypt. They gave him a gift (which they promised us for exactly three New Years in a row - ironic). And after that it started: I suddenly took care of myself, started looking for someone new (by the way, he was my first man), in public I was the embodiment of cheerfulness, and at night and with my parents I simply climbed the walls, I don’t have such a state it never happened: I didn’t eat, smoked a lot, refused to take sedatives, and cried at home for days. And then this destructive thought “I really love him” came. By the way, I tried to get him back a month after that, even offered just sex, hoping that he would feel something for me again (after all, he directly said that he had stopped loving him), and then I gathered my will and all my pride and cut off contacts ( and he didn’t try to restore them). Success at work began, new guys appeared. And now I’ve been dating a guy for six months, but I don’t feel anything for him at all - nothing, emptiness. I constantly remember my ex, I understand that I idealize our relationship. And when he congratulated him on his birthday (this is the second year now - we congratulate each other, we text each other all night and no more contacts throughout the year), I wanted to write after the first message: “I miss you madly.” I endured, I endure... I remember, I think... constantly. And his life is in full swing, he lives in a way that I would never have imagined when we were together. Somewhere I understand my guilt: I pressed, oppressed... most likely, I went too far with my domineering character, and in the end I also let myself down (in many respects); I understand that it’s very sweet for him without me, but I feel bad.. I firmly believe in what I love. But I can't do this anymore. How to forget?