“Russia is the only country in the world that is really capable of turning the United States into radioactive ashes,” proclaimed the “herald of the Kremlin’s will,” Dmitry Kiselyov, at the peak of the “Russian Spring.” Then, three years ago, no one in our country even thought about a war with America - is it a joke to fight a superpower?

Today the situation is fundamentally different - according to VTsIOM, less than half of our compatriots consider such a war impossible. Meanwhile, the situation in the world is heating up, and the topic the coming war with Russia and China no longer leaves either overseas television screens or the editorial pages of local periodicals. Is a clash in battle inevitable? And if so, what will it be like?

An April poll by VTsIOM exploded like a landmine: 30% of Russians assume a military clash between our country and the United States, and 14% believe that the war between us has already begun. At the same time, only 16% of our fellow citizens consider the military scenario absolutely implausible. In other words, our society is already mentally prepared for war. At the same time, the vast majority of people have no idea what it will be like. Either a copy of the Great Patriotic War, with full-fledged land battles of armies, or “hybrid actions”, as in the south-east of Ukraine, Iraq or Syria, or an exchange nuclear strikes. Our experts, as a rule, do not go into such details, but overseas experts possible scenario Moscow's military clash with Washington was sucked on like a bug's bone. People started talking seriously about the upcoming war in the United States in 2008, after the RAND strategic research center proposed reviving the American economy with the help of war. Our press ignored this signal, but the Chinese press sounded the alarm: all the leading publications in the Celestial Empire reported that RAND analysts were lobbying for the start of a war with a major foreign power - Russia or China - in order to prevent the impending recession and stimulate the American economy. The date of the future collision was also very clearly outlined - “the next decade.” Now this decade is just coming to an end, and deadlines are running out, because, according to military analysts, the United States has a chance of success only if it starts a war before 2018. To be late means to lose the chance to win, because rearmament will be completed in 2018 Russian army, and the Pentagon will lose its advantages.

Scary predictions that are already coming true

It seemed that with victory presidential elections In Donald Trump’s USA, the topic of war with Russia was exhausted, or so the majority of Russians believed. But overseas the situation was seen completely differently. In December, Kissinger’s National Interest, which is maximally loyal to Russia, publishes Robert Farley’s study of five probable military conflicts in the coming 2017 - and the first scenario, North Korean, comes true in less than four months. It is noteworthy that Farley directly pointed out the reason that makes the future big war virtually inevitable: America has entered the most unstable and most uncertain period in its history. And the new owner of the White House, Trump, who has virtually no political experience, “will find it difficult to maneuver between Russia, China, numerous satellites and opponents of the United States.” Here are five military scenarios that can hardly be avoided. The clash with Pyongyang is what we are witnessing today. The second scenario, the Syrian one, is also developing before our eyes. The recent missile attack on Shayrat marked a transition from words to deeds. And here’s what the National Interest wrote about this four months ago: despite the fact that the war has been going on for five years, its escalation, fraught with a direct clash between the American and Russian military, is possible right now. “While Trump does not appear to be seeking confrontation, it could ensue if incidents such as the US Air Force strike near Deir ez-Zor are repeated... A repeat of such an incident by one side or the other could lead to retaliation.” Is this why Moscow refrained from responding to the attack on Shayrat?

On this topic

North Korea has declared its readiness for nuclear disarmament, as well as continued dialogue with the United States. The first mention in the North Korean press of Pyongyang's commitment to denuclearization after the Hanoi summit appeared on the Uriminjeokkiri portal.

The third military scenario did not directly affect Russia, it would seem - it assumed military action between India and Pakistan. And in December, it seemed to many that Moscow would be on the same side as Delhi. Alas! On the eve of the May summit in Beijing with the participation of President Vladimir Putin, fundamentally new outlines of the future Eurasian military alliance - China, Russia and Pakistan - are emerging. This is surprising, but the National Interest expert anticipated the events, warning about Delhi's offense and a possible preventive military strike by the Indians on Pakistani territory. Robert Farley believes that in addition to the Chinese and Americans, our country will also be drawn into this conflict.

The fourth scenario is hardly worth dwelling on in detail, because it is, so to speak, virtual - we are talking about a cyber war between Russian and American hacker groups. But the fifth one is quite tangible. These are clashes in the Baltic states. No wonder from Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn to Lately they are increasingly shouting about the Russian military threat: Trump’s desire to reduce the military presence in Europe and shift security in the region with the United States to the shoulders of European NATO members, Farley writes, could become a signal for Moscow. “Russia may go into confrontation, and then the Americans will have to intervene, which will lead to war.” It is noteworthy that the Ukrainian conflict, according to National Interest experts, “is not capable of becoming a catalyst for a major war.”

Sergei Glazyev, economist, adviser to the President of Russia:

– There is no point in discussing whether we will fight with the United States or not; in fact, we are already in a state of hybrid war, which Washington is waging against all the territories that the Americans seek to control. The center of attack in this hybrid war falls on Russia. The center of US aggression is Ukraine and Syria. At the same time, we clearly underestimate the consistency of the American strategy for starting a war. They say: Trump bombed the Syrian airbase because his emotions got the better of him. But this is not so; such reasoning is, to put it mildly, frivolous. It's not about the emotions of the US President, but about the economy. Its epicenter today is moving from the USA and Europe to Southeast Asia. China has overtaken America in terms of production and investment. The growth of the Chinese economy is five times higher than the growth of the American economy. The American elite has already lost. But the United States remains the first in the military field, and it will certainly use this primacy to restore its economic hegemony. They simply have no other options but to start world war. Even if it’s a hybrid one.

This is not the first time that Russians and Americans have fought each other.

Other publications are not far behind the National Interest. In Forbes, analyst Lauren Thompson comes to the conclusion that the American army will undoubtedly lose the war with Russia, while experts from the British Independent, American generals William Hicks and Mark Milley, assure the opposite. Thompson makes the following arguments: the forces of America and Russia are approximately equal, but if the war takes place on the territory of Eastern Europe(read – in the Baltic states), the Yankees will have problems with logistics. In addition, it will be impossible to use the fleet, and this, according to the expert, is the most combat-ready branch of the Americans. And most importantly, Thompson writes: it is not clear whether NATO member countries will be involved in the Russian-American conflict. After all, their intervention could force Moscow to use nuclear weapons. In general, the Yankees have practically no chance of winning the war with Russia. But the generals think differently: Hicks and Milley are convinced that while a future war between the United States, Russia and China is “virtually inevitable,” it will be “short, costly, and victorious for the United States.” At the same time, there is a risk, Hicks believes, that the United States will lose its advantage in the air, and Milley fears “a breakthrough by Moscow and Beijing in the latest military technologies.” However, the same Milly is convinced that a Russian-American war in the very near future is “virtually guaranteed.”

It should be noted that after the American missile attack on Shayrat, the eyes of Russian experts. Thus, political scientist Maxim Shevchenko cuts from the shoulder: “This is the beginning of a big war that can engulf the whole world. Trump is testing how Moscow and Tehran will react. Will they intervene?

Declaring war on America is crazy, obviously. Not declaring war on America, pretending that nothing happened means that politicians are simply running their mouths.”

Such a reaction could be attributed to the ardor of the commentator, but this is how the head of the Center comments on current events international security Institute of World Economy and international relations RAS Alexey Arbatov, known for the extreme balance of his assessments: “Everyone rejoiced at the arrival of Trump. And so Trump won. In the White House there was a politician, to put it mildly, ignorant of either international relations or international law. He is capable of sudden, unpredictable, even, I would say, terrorist actions.” Can Trump start a war? Yes, easily! “Trump’s policy is unpredictable,” explains Pavel Podlesny, head of the Center for Russian-American Relations at the Institute of the United States and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – And his foreign policy doctrine is quite capable of provoking a global crisis. So it’s hardly surprising that the United States launched preemptive strikes against its potential opponents. But the consequences of such attacks can be very different – ​​even to war.”

Are you scared already? It will feel better now. It just seems that the military confrontation between America and Russia will inevitably end with nuclear strikes, scorched earth and an all-out war in which there can be no winners. Let's remember how many times in the last century Russians and Americans shot at each other. Let's cross our fingers: Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Somalia, Angola - off the top of my head. By the way, in Angola, Soviet military experts were opposed not only by their American, but also by their Chinese colleagues. In general, we have fought already, not for the first time.

Andrey Klimov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs:

– How many times over the last 100 years has there been talk about a possible war with America - but it never started! Yes, we have an increased number of those who believe that war between Russia and the United States is possible, but even overseas, a much larger number of people are convinced that such a conflict with our country is possible. I think our indicators are still quite peaceful. People of my generation lived through the Cold War era, when everyone was sure that World War III would begin any day now. But now there is no trace of anything like that, no one hides a gas mask under their pillow or dries crackers in case of war. But my generation also influences the survey results, and, understandably, a certain percentage of respondents express concern that a military scenario is possible. Diplomatic war - yes, probably, local, hybrid conflicts - probably too. But I would be careful not to talk about a direct clash between Russia and the United States.

“The bomb is already ticking” - much more terrible than just war

Well, since we, one way or another, have to fight, then let’s figure out how we will do it. Nuclear warheads - 7,700 American (1,950 missiles ready for deployment) versus 7,000 ours (1,800 missiles ready to launch) - let's put them aside. The Americans have deployed 598 military facilities in 40 countries and 4,461 bases in the United States - this is such a force that, it would seem, you cannot argue against. But, as military experts note, this is the case when a ship can sink to the bottom under the load of its cannons and cannonballs. This whole thing needs to be serviced. And now we count: 1,400,000 military personnel and 850,000 reservists in the United States versus 845,000 military personnel and 2,500,000 reservists in Russia. But we have practically no large military bases abroad; all human resources, so to speak, are at hand. The same cannot be said about the Yankees, who will have to pull in their military from everywhere. Here is a British political scientist, professor at New York University Mark Galeotti, who concludes: although Russia is not able to fully resist NATO, one should not be mistaken about the prospects for a direct Russian-American clash. Yes, the Americans have excellent aircraft, the best radars and electronics in the world, but our fighters are no worse, and even better in handling. However, it may not even come to air combat, warns military expert Ruslan Pukhov. It is known that due to the lag behind the United States in the air, the USSR relied on the development of air defense systems, in which it succeeded. Today our S-300 and S-400 systems are the best in the world. “It’s like in boxing,” explains the expert. – Right hand weak – we work with the left.”

However, it may well turn out that Moscow and Washington will not come to war this time either. For example, a representative of the expert council of the board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, Viktor Murakhovsky, having analyzed the statements of American generals, came to the conclusion that behind their menacing escapades there is nothing but banal populism: “It seems that American generals are completely divorced from reality and live in some imaginary world. They talk about some kind of “fleet war” with Moscow and Beijing, but at the same time they are unable to win either quickly or slowly in either Iraq or Afghanistan. We see that the wars are protracted and no high technology allows America to end them quickly.” What if you have to fight not with the “steppe armies”, but with well-oiled Chinese or Russian military machines? Economist Mikhail Khazin also believes that Moscow and Washington will not have a war in the traditional sense: “Trump’s bombs and missiles are 90% a spectacle for American domestic consumption. This is how Trump solves his internal problems. However, the bomb is ticking primarily under the global economy, but it can explode in such a way that any war will seem like a child’s prank.”

“Russia is the only country in the world that is really capable of turning the United States into radioactive ashes,” proclaimed the “herald of the Kremlin’s will,” Dmitry Kiselyov, at the peak of the “Russian Spring.” Then, three years ago, no one in our country even thought about a war with America - is it a joke to fight a superpower?

Today the situation is fundamentally different - according to VTsIOM, less than half of our compatriots consider such a war impossible. Meanwhile, the situation in the world is heating up, and the topic of the coming war with Russia and China is no longer leaving either overseas television screens or the editorial pages of local periodicals. Is a clash in battle inevitable? And if so, what will it be like?

An April poll by VTsIOM exploded like a landmine: 30% of Russians assume a military clash between our country and the United States, and 14% believe that the war between us has already begun. At the same time, only 16% of our fellow citizens consider the military scenario absolutely implausible. In other words, our society is already mentally prepared for war. At the same time, the vast majority of people have no idea what it will be like. Either a copy of the Great Patriotic War, with full-fledged land battles of armies, or “hybrid actions”, as in the south-east of Ukraine, in Iraq or Syria, or an exchange of nuclear strikes. Our experts, as a rule, do not go into such details, but those overseas have sucked every possible scenario of a military clash between Moscow and Washington like a bone. People started talking seriously about the upcoming war in the United States in 2008, after the RAND strategic research center proposed reviving the American economy with the help of war. Our press ignored this signal, but the Chinese press sounded the alarm: all the leading publications in the Celestial Empire reported that RAND analysts were lobbying for the start of a war with a major foreign power - Russia or China - in order to prevent the impending recession and stimulate the American economy. The date of the future collision was also very clearly outlined - “the next decade.” Now this decade is just coming to an end, and deadlines are running out, because, according to military analysts, the United States has a chance of success only if it starts a war before 2018. To be late means to lose the chance to win, because the rearmament of the Russian army will be completed in 2018, and the Pentagon will lose its advantages.

Scary predictions that are already coming true

It seemed that with the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election, the topic of war with Russia was exhausted, or so the majority of Russians believed. But overseas the situation was seen completely differently. In December, Kissinger’s National Interest, which is maximally loyal to Russia, publishes Robert Farley’s study of five probable military conflicts in the coming 2017 - and the first scenario, North Korean, comes true in less than four months. It is noteworthy that Farley directly pointed out the reason that makes a future major war virtually inevitable: America has entered the most unstable and most uncertain period in its history. And the new owner of the White House, Trump, who has virtually no political experience, “will find it difficult to maneuver between Russia, China, numerous satellites and opponents of the United States.” Here are five military scenarios that can hardly be avoided. The clash with Pyongyang is what we are witnessing today. The second scenario, the Syrian one, is also developing before our eyes. The recent missile attack on Shayrat marked a transition from words to deeds. And here’s what the National Interest wrote about this four months ago: despite the fact that the war has been going on for five years, its escalation, fraught with a direct clash between the American and Russian military, is possible right now. “While Trump does not appear to be seeking confrontation, it could ensue if incidents such as the US Air Force strike near Deir ez-Zor are repeated... A repeat of such an incident by one side or the other could lead to retaliation.” Is this why Moscow refrained from responding to the attack on Shayrat?

The third military scenario did not directly affect Russia, it would seem - it assumed military action between India and Pakistan. And in December, it seemed to many that Moscow would be on the same side as Delhi. Alas! On the eve of the May summit in Beijing with the participation of President Vladimir Putin, fundamentally new outlines of the future Eurasian military alliance - China, Russia and Pakistan - are emerging. This is surprising, but the National Interest expert anticipated the events, warning about Delhi's offense and a possible preventive military strike by the Indians on Pakistani territory. Robert Farley believes that in addition to the Chinese and Americans, our country will also be drawn into this conflict.

The fourth scenario is hardly worth dwelling on in detail, because it is, so to speak, virtual - we are talking about a cyber war between Russian and American hacker groups. But the fifth one is quite tangible. These are clashes in the Baltic states. It is not without reason that Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn have recently been increasingly shouting about the Russian military threat: Trump’s desire to reduce the military presence in Europe and shift security in the region from the United States to the shoulders of European NATO members, Farley writes, could become a signal for Moscow. “Russia may go into confrontation, and then the Americans will have to intervene, which will lead to war.” It is noteworthy that the Ukrainian conflict, according to National Interest experts, “is not capable of becoming a catalyst for a major war.”

Sergei Glazyev, economist, adviser to the President of Russia:

– There is no point in discussing whether we will fight with the United States or not; in fact, we are already in a state of hybrid war, which Washington is waging against all the territories that the Americans seek to control. The center of attack in this hybrid war falls on Russia. The center of US aggression is Ukraine and Syria. At the same time, we clearly underestimate the consistency of the American strategy for starting a war. They say: Trump bombed the Syrian airbase because his emotions got the better of him. But this is not so; such reasoning is, to put it mildly, frivolous. It's not about the emotions of the US President, but about the economy. Its epicenter today is moving from the United States and Europe to Southeast Asia. China has overtaken America in terms of production and investment. The growth of the Chinese economy is five times higher than the growth of the American economy. The American elite has already lost. But the United States remains the first in the military field, and it will certainly use this primacy to restore its economic hegemony. They simply have no other options but to start a world war. Even if it’s a hybrid one.

This is not the first time that Russians and Americans have fought each other.

Other publications are not far behind the National Interest. In Forbes, analyst Lauren Thompson comes to the conclusion that the American army will undoubtedly lose the war with Russia, while experts from the British Independent, American generals William Hicks and Mark Milley, assure the opposite. Thompson makes the following arguments: the forces of America and Russia are approximately equal, but if the war takes place in Eastern Europe (read - in the Baltics), the Yankees will have problems with logistics. In addition, it will be impossible to use the fleet, and this, according to the expert, is the most combat-ready branch of the Americans. And most importantly, Thompson writes: it is not clear whether NATO member countries will be involved in the Russian-American conflict. After all, their intervention could force Moscow to use nuclear weapons. In general, the Yankees have practically no chance of winning the war with Russia. But the generals think differently: Hicks and Milley are convinced that while a future war between the United States, Russia and China is “virtually inevitable,” it will be “short, costly, and victorious for the United States.” At the same time, there is a risk, Hicks believes, that the United States will lose its advantage in the air, and Milley fears “a breakthrough by Moscow and Beijing in the latest military technologies.” However, the same Milly is convinced that a Russian-American war in the very near future is “virtually guaranteed.”

It should be noted that after the American missile attack on Shayrat, the eyes of Russian experts were finally opened. Thus, political scientist Maxim Shevchenko cuts from the shoulder: “This is the beginning of a big war that can engulf the whole world. Trump is testing how Moscow and Tehran will react. Will they intervene?

Declaring war on America is crazy, obviously. Not declaring war on America, pretending that nothing happened means that politicians are simply running their mouths.”

Such a reaction could be attributed to the ardor of the commentator, but here is how the head of the Center for International Security at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexei Arbatov, known for the extreme balance of his assessments, comments on current events: “Everyone was happy about the arrival of Trump. And so Trump won. In the White House there was a politician, to put it mildly, ignorant of either international relations or international law. He is capable of sudden, unpredictable, even, I would say, terrorist actions.” Can Trump start a war? Yes, easily! “Trump’s policy is unpredictable,” explains Pavel Podlesny, head of the Center for Russian-American Relations at the Institute of the United States and Canada of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – And his foreign policy doctrine is quite capable of provoking a global crisis. So it’s hardly surprising that the United States launched preemptive strikes against its potential opponents. But the consequences of such attacks can be very different – ​​even to war.”

Are you scared already? It will feel better now. It just seems that the military confrontation between America and Russia will inevitably end with nuclear strikes, scorched earth and an all-out war in which there can be no winners. Let's remember how many times in the last century Russians and Americans shot at each other. Let's cross our fingers: Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Somalia, Angola - off the top of my head. By the way, in Angola, Soviet military experts were opposed not only by their American, but also by their Chinese colleagues. In general, we have fought already, not for the first time.

Andrey Klimov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs:

– How many times over the last 100 years has there been talk about a possible war with America - but it never started! Yes, we have an increased number of those who believe that war between Russia and the United States is possible, but even overseas, a much larger number of people are convinced that such a conflict with our country is possible. I think our indicators are still quite peaceful. People of my generation lived through the Cold War era, when everyone was sure that World War III would begin any day now. But now there is no trace of anything like that, no one hides a gas mask under their pillow or dries crackers in case of war. But my generation also influences the survey results, and, understandably, a certain percentage of respondents express concern that a military scenario is possible. Diplomatic war - yes, probably, local, hybrid conflicts - probably too. But I would be careful not to talk about a direct clash between Russia and the United States.

“The bomb is already ticking” - much more terrible than just war

Well, since we, one way or another, have to fight, then let’s figure out how we will do it. Nuclear warheads - 7,700 American (1,950 missiles ready for deployment) versus 7,000 ours (1,800 missiles ready to launch) - let's put them aside. The Americans have deployed 598 military facilities in 40 countries and 4,461 bases in the United States - this is such a force that, it would seem, you cannot argue against. But, as military experts note, this is the case when a ship can sink to the bottom under the load of its cannons and cannonballs. This whole thing needs to be serviced. And now we count: 1,400,000 military personnel and 850,000 reservists in the United States versus 845,000 military personnel and 2,500,000 reservists in Russia. But we have practically no large military bases abroad; all human resources, so to speak, are at hand. The same cannot be said about the Yankees, who will have to pull in their military from everywhere. Here is a British political scientist, professor at New York University Mark Galeotti, who concludes: although Russia is not able to fully resist NATO, one should not be mistaken about the prospects for a direct Russian-American clash. Yes, the Americans have excellent aircraft, the best radars and electronics in the world, but our fighters are no worse, and even better in handling. However, it may not even come to air combat, warns military expert Ruslan Pukhov. It is known that due to the lag behind the United States in the air, the USSR relied on the development of air defense systems, in which it succeeded. Today our S-300 and S-400 systems are the best in the world. “It’s like in boxing,” explains the expert. “The right hand is weak - we work with the left.”

However, it may well turn out that Moscow and Washington will not come to war this time either. For example, a representative of the expert council of the board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, Viktor Murakhovsky, having analyzed the statements of American generals, came to the conclusion that behind their menacing escapades there is nothing but banal populism: “It seems that American generals are completely divorced from reality and live in some imaginary world. They talk about some kind of “fleet war” with Moscow and Beijing, but at the same time they are unable to win either quickly or slowly in either Iraq or Afghanistan. We see that the wars are protracted and no high technology allows America to end them quickly.” What if you have to fight not with the “steppe armies”, but with well-oiled Chinese or Russian military machines? Economist Mikhail Khazin also believes that Moscow and Washington will not have a war in the traditional sense: “Trump’s bombs and missiles are 90% a spectacle for American domestic consumption. This is how Trump solves his internal problems. However, the bomb is ticking primarily under the global economy, but it can explode in such a way that any war will seem like a child’s prank.”

Predictions and forecasts for 2017 are alarming and negative. This is the year of the Red Fire Rooster, centenary October revolution. For Russia it will clearly not be an ordinary year. The crisis, the fall in oil prices, the collapse of the ruble - all this is prophesied by contemporaries and visionaries. But most of all, ordinary citizens are afraid of war, destruction and death of loved ones. Whether it will come to war with America is a rhetorical question. Although many consider the current conflict in Donbass to be a war between Russia and the United States at the hands of Ukrainians.

The history of the Russian State is a long series of wars, campaigns, and conquests of new territories. Russia is an empire. And an empire is not able to exist without local conflicts and confrontation with the rest of the world. Suffice it to recall Ermak’s campaigns, the conquest of Kazan and Crimea, and the wars with the highlanders.

The centuries-old fear of losing the depths of Siberia and the endless expanses of the Arctic forces the authorities to rattle sabers and show new military space developments.

Why are the prerequisites for war especially relevant today:

    Availability large quantity hot spots on the planet.

    Frozen conflicts.

    Sponsoring unrecognized republics.

    The presence of large military potential after the collapse of the USSR.

    Low cost human life in Russia.

    A centuries-old attitude towards self-sacrifice, for the good of the king and the fatherland.

    Corruption in the upper echelons of power, which helps military commanders and generals enrich themselves.

    An excellent opportunity to distract the population from solving real economic problems.

Modern Russia, after the collapse of the USSR, has more than a dozen wars in which it took indirect and direct participation: several Chechen wars, war in Transnistria, Georgian conflict of 2008, assistance to Donbass separatists. New to the season is fraternal Syria, which has already begun the countdown to new casualties among Russian military personnel. And this conflict is unlikely to end before the beginning of 2017.

Opinions of fortune tellers and psychics

Anxiety about tomorrow makes people more often turn to astrologers and seers with one question: “War in Russia is inevitable in 2017, or maybe it will blow over?” Interpreters from the FSB are trying to decipher the secret notebooks of Wolf Messing, who more than 50 years ago declared that there would be no more world wars. The famous Bulgarian seer has a gloomier forecast. Vanga did not rule out a bloody war in Russia after 2010. It is for 2017 that she predicts a terrible destructive war with many casualties, hunger and a struggle for power. Religious conflicts will add fuel to the fire. But from this terrible war the country must emerge victorious, saving other nations.

You can watch her prophecies in more detail in this video:

The war in Russia in 2017 is clearly described in the predictions of the deceased Paisius of Athos. This is a conflict between Russia and Turkey, as a result of which the latter will disappear from the political map of the planet. And Istanbul will once again return to the Greek flag. Latest events in Syria, the obvious confrontation between Turkey and Russia does not exclude a similar scenario. The most positive forecast for 2017 comes from Pavel Globa. If there are wars, they will be small ones. And Russia will emerge victorious from them, strengthening its position in the international arena.

Many psychics try to score extra points for themselves when forecasting war. achievement list predictions that came true. After all, you don’t have to be a great genius not to feel the proximity of such a tragedy and the smell of gunpowder. The adequate and pragmatic opinion of experts from the fields of economics and politics denies the possibility of a big war in 2017. There are no economic prerequisites for this. After all, the main reason for the current global crisis is the decline in the population's income. This leads to a drop in demand for goods, which fill all warehouses and logistics centers. And only a few earn money on military equipment and supplies.

What's stupid to be afraid of?

For many Russians, war means massive destruction, famine and millions of human lives. The tactics of modern wars have changed significantly. Enough to grab command post, cut communications and cut off power to ATMs - and the enemy is almost defeated. It is stupid to be afraid of being captured by the Americans. The United States has long conquered the world by making the dollar the universal world currency. By exercising control over the global circulation of dollars, it is possible to create an economic crisis in any country that depends on the export of resources. To “take away” Russia’s mineral resources, it is enough to print several tons of oil dollars, which will then simply be withdrawn from circulation. An ideal exchange of paper for raw materials!

Why it is useless to fight with Russia:

    The presence of nuclear weapons. Its use will harm everyone.

    Boundless geographical expanses.

    Difficult climate and terrible roads.

    Russian unpredictability, patriotism and the power of self-sacrifice.

    Inexhaustible natural resources.

    Generals willingly sell defective weapons to those with whom they are fighting.

Modern mass technologies for destroying large numbers of the planet's inhabitants are viruses and bacteria. Moreover, the population falls into hysterics not so much from the destructive effects of microorganisms, but from psychosis and panic. But they quickly die in a body that has been repeatedly disinfected with moonshine.

Terrorist attacks, armed conflicts and disputes between the leaders of leading countries... Recently, such events are happening more and more often and give rise to thoughts of a new war that will affect all states of the globe. There is an opinion that the Third World War has already begun. It is being waged not on the battlefield, but on the Internet: through mutual attacks and distortion of data. Alas, if the battles become reality, others may use nuclear weapons. This threatens a huge number of casualties and destruction. No wonder everyone more people are wondering: is the planet facing World War III? There are a great many opinions on this matter. We have collected all available information to present you with the big picture.

Clairvoyant prophecies

In difficult times, even skeptics turn to psychics in the hope of positive forecasts. Unfortunately, this is not the most reliable source. Often, fictitious “revelations” are published under the name of a famous or not so seer. On the Internet you can find surprisingly detailed “prophecies” of Vanga, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and other outstanding clairvoyants.

Many clairvoyants predict a cataclysm, but will it be a world war?

Many of the predictions relate to World War III, the role of Russia and Ukraine in the battles, the conflict in Donbass, and so on. Such data should be carefully checked. The older the prediction, the less clear information it provides. As a rule, real clairvoyant prophecies are very vague and can be interpreted in different ways. We present you with several such forecasts. Believe them or not - the choice is yours.

Vanga's predictions

At the end of the last century, a Bulgarian seer promised the beginning of destructive battles: “ War will be everywhere, between all nations" According to Vanga, the events she described will be equal in scale to the biblical Apocalypse. They will begin, " when a person loses the ability to compassion" The cause of the conflict must be religion.

It can be assumed that the danger comes from the Islamic East, where the terrorist organization ISIS operates. According to Vanga, the war will be accompanied by a huge number of disasters and natural Disasters. But exact dates the seer did not name. She told her listeners that it was not they who would see the war, but their children – today’s youth.

Prediction of Matrona of Moscow

A blind Russian seer made similar predictions. One of the saint’s latest predictions has become the subject of much controversy. " There will be no war, without war you will all die, there will be many victims, you will all lie dead on the ground... Without war, war goes on!" - this is how these words sound. But what would that mean? One of the interpretations involves a cosmic catastrophe, the other - an incurable disease from which many people will die. An environmental disaster is being considered as an option.

According to Matrona’s predictions, it is not the Third World War that awaits the earth, but an inevitable environmental disaster

You can read on the Internet that Matrona’s words refer to 2017. But that's not true. The seer, like many of her colleagues, rarely mentioned specific dates. By the way, the terrible prophecy has a continuation: “ At sunset, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different." Matrona promised salvation and rebirth to the Russian people.

Nostradamus's prediction

The legendary seer interpreted the future based on the movement of celestial bodies. He passed on his knowledge in collections-almanacs consisting of quatrains - one for each year. These quatrains should not be taken literally. This mysterious verse refers to the coming 2017:

“Out of rage, someone will wait for water,
The army was in great rage.
Nobles loaded onto 17 ships
Along the Rhone; The messenger arrived late."

Most likely, the predictor had in mind a disaster at sea. The Rhone River is in France, and the events described are most likely to occur there. But this quatrain hardly foreshadows a global conflict. As for the near future, alarming hints can be seen in the following quatrain. The verse dates back to 2018 and contains the following lines:

“The fortress has been undermined, and the old freethinker
He will show the Genevans the traces of Nir."

According to one interpretation, World War III will break out in Iran

The mysterious "Nira" is considered an anagram of the word "Iran". Accordingly, the threat of World War III may come from this country. The Non-Aligned Movement becomes a possible initiator of war. By “Genevians” we can mean the United Nations. Its headquarters are located in the Swiss city of Geneva.

Prediction by Pavel Globa

Famous Russian astrologer I am sure that the confrontation between the superpowers will not go beyond the Cold War. At the same time, serious things await the world. In many countries, poverty and unemployment will reach peak levels. The United States and Europe will lose their positions on the world stage.

But Russia will improve its well-being thanks to energy resources. Subsequently, former Soviet states will join the Russian Federation: Kazakhstan, Belarus, and perhaps even Ukraine. Russia's eastern ally, China, will also become stronger. The world is facing natural disasters. However, Globa believes that things will not come to global conflicts and a third world war.

Prediction by Malakhat Nazarova

A modern prophetess originally from Baku also gives quite clear predictions. In her prophecies, she speaks of 2017 as a turning point in history. According to Nazarova, in September it will become clear whether the Third World War is coming. At the end of every century, give or take ten years, chaos reigns on Earth. This period will end in 2017.

World War will be the inevitable outcome of the conflict between the superpowers

The start of a war depends on the situation in the political arena. If the conflicting superpowers reach a compromise, the threat can be avoided. Nazarova believes that in 2017 the world will be hit by many natural disasters. States will devote all their efforts to combating disasters, and it will not come to international clashes. The seer also believes that in 2017 China will face a conflict with Japan. However, it is unknown whether it will affect other countries.

The clairvoyant does not believe that the war will end. Life on earth is eternal, says Nazarova. According to the theory of hierarchical catastrophes, the end of the world awaits us in 2017. But let us note that almost every year followers of one or another teaching wait for the Apocalypse, and so far in vain. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on the opinions of seers. It is better to pay attention to the statements of politicians and experts.

Military-political forecasts

The prospect of World War III scares not only ordinary people, but also those who influence the fate of the world. In 2015, American political analyst and former military man Joachim Hagopian published an article on the GlobalResearch portal. The expert draws attention to “warning signals” that indicate the approach of war. Hagopian writes that the strongest powers - the USA and Russia - are preparing for possible conflict. The parties enlist the support of their allies. The States are guided by the EU, Russia by China and India.

The depletion of natural energy resources, on which the well-being of many countries rests, is another prerequisite for hostilities. The expert believes that America is facing bankruptcy in the near future. This will lead to war. The opponents will be the USA, NATO and Israel on the one hand, and Russia, India and China on the other. Australia will side with the US. But between South and North Korea a separate conflict will begin. Hagopian predicts that entire nations may be destroyed during the war.

The most likely parties to the conflict are the United States and Russia

Another American officer, former NATO chief Alexander Richard Shirreff, presents his forecast in the book “2017: War with Russia.” The work is not a documentary, but behind the fictional events it is easy to discern the main idea: the rash policy of the United States leads to a conflict with the Russian Federation. The result will be the defeat of the United States.

According to the plot, Russia captures the Baltic states, which are members of NATO. This event marks the beginning of the war. Reducing funds allocated for the needs of the army leads to defeats for the United States... Western media found this version of events plausible. But the Russians themselves have a hard time believing in the capture of the Baltic states. Such a decision would be reckless for the Russian government, whose position is stronger than ever.

Possible outcome of a clash between the USA and Russia

But if you imagine that the events described will happen, you can estimate the strengths of both sides. According to British air colonel and international relations lecturer Ian Shields, the number of NATO military units significantly exceeds the resources of Russia. Let’s compare: the North Atlantic Alliance has more than 3.5 million soldiers, Russia – 800 thousand. The number of NATO is 7.5 thousand versus 2.7 thousand for the Russian Federation.

But in battle, not only the amount of resources is important. Many factors can become decisive. According to Shields, World War III will be little like World War II. Ultra-modern technologies, including computer ones, can be used in battles. The battles will become less protracted, but there will be more losses than in any of the previous wars.

There is a possibility that World War III will become a war not of arms, but of minds

Unlike many political scientists, Shields does not consider risk nuclear war seriously. Usage atomic weapons will entail global destruction, which neither side wants. The expert shares this opinion with regard to chemical and bio-technologies. If a weapon of this type is used, it will not become the main weapon.

Alas, this does not mean that World War III will not bring significant consequences. Shields believes that the conflict will affect all areas of human life. The so-called “ information war”, which will unfold on the Internet, television screens and newspaper pages. In addition, the war will affect the economy, finance, politics, and so on. The expert believes that the battles will even move into outer space.

Predictions of Vladimir Zhirinovsky

The threat of World War III is talked about not only in the United States. In April 2016, the head of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, said that the West was preparing for a world war, which would be carried out “by the hands of the Slavs.” According to the politician, the American method is for Ukraine to fight against Russia, and the United States to receive financial benefits.

Zhirinovsky emphasized that the United States entered all wars at the very end, when the outcome was clear. After the end of the conflict, the United States imposed conditions favorable to America on the remaining states. If you believe Zhirinovsky, the same will happen this time. The states will enter the war when Russia captures the capital of Ukraine, and will dictate to the Russian Federation which regions of the country to transfer to neighboring states. When will these events happen?

One of the likely scenarios is a clash between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

The politician is confident that war could break out from 2017 to 2025. After this, the world will experience a technical breakthrough comparable to human space flight. Russia will have such military resources that no country will dare to confront the Russian Federation. This radical scenario is fully consistent with the spirit of the Liberal Democratic Party. But Zhirinovsky's statements rarely come true.

Endless terrorist attacks, ongoing armed conflicts, and ongoing disagreements between Russia, the United States and the European Union indicate that peace on our planet is literally hanging by a thread. This situation is alarming for both politicians and ordinary people. It is no coincidence that the issue of starting the Third World War is being seriously discussed by the entire world community.

Expert opinion

Some political scientists believe that the mechanism of war was already launched several years ago. It all started in Ukraine, when a corrupt president was removed from office and new government the country was called illegitimate, but simply a junta. Then they announced to the whole world that it was fascist and they began to scare one sixth of the land with it. First mistrust and then outright enmity were sown in the minds of the people of the two fraternal peoples. A full-scale information war began, in which everything was subordinated to inciting hatred between people.

This confrontation was painful for the families, relatives, and friends of the two fraternal peoples. It has reached the point where politicians in the two countries are ready to pit brother against brother. The situation on the Internet also speaks to the danger of the situation. Various discussion platforms and forums have turned into real battlefields where everything is permitted.

If anyone still doubts the likelihood of war, they can simply go to any social network and see what intensity the discussions of topical topics reach, from information about oil prices to the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

If it is possible to quarrel two fraternal peoples who have shared grief and victory for more than 360 years, then what can we say about other countries. You can call any nation an enemy overnight by preparing timely information support in the media and the Internet. This is what happened with Turkey, for example.

Currently, Russia is testing new methods of war using the example of Crimea, Donbass, Ukraine, and Syria. Why deploy multimillion-dollar armies, transfer troops, if you can carry out a “successful information attack”, and to top it off, send a small contingent of “little green men”. Fortunately, there is already positive experience in Georgia, Crimea, Syria and the Donbass.

Some political observers believe that it all started in Iraq, when the United States decided to remove the allegedly undemocratic president and carried out Operation Desert Storm. As a result, the country's natural resources came under US control.

Having gained a little fat in the 2000s and having carried out a number of military operations, Russia decided not to give in and prove to the whole world that it had “rose from its knees.” Hence such “decisive” actions in Syria, Crimea and Donbass. In Syria, we protect the whole world from ISIS, in Crimea, Russians from Bandera, in Donbass, the Russian-speaking population from Ukrainian punitive forces.

In fact, an invisible confrontation has already begun between the United States and Russia. America does not want to share its dominance in the world with the Russian Federation. Direct proof of this is present-day Syria.

Tension in different parts of the world, where the interests of the two countries come into contact, will only increase.

There are experts who believe that tension with America is caused by the fact that the latter realizes the loss of its leading position against the backdrop of a strengthening China and wants to destroy Russia in order to take over it natural resources. Various methods are being used to weaken the Russian Federation:

  • EU sanctions;
  • decline in oil prices;
  • involvement of the Russian Federation in the arms race;
  • support for protest sentiments in Russia.

America is doing everything to ensure that the situation of 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, is repeated.

War in Russia is inevitable in 2018

This point of view is shared by the American political analyst I. Hagopian. He posted his thoughts on this matter on the GlobalResears website. He noted that there are all signs of the US and Russia preparing for war. The author notes that America will be supported:

  • NATO countries;
  • Israel;
  • Australia;
  • all US satellites around the world.

Russia's allies include China and India. The expert believes that the United States is facing bankruptcy and will therefore make an attempt to seize the riches of the Russian Federation. He also emphasized that some states may disappear as a result of this conflict.

Former NATO leader A. Shirreff makes similar forecasts. For this purpose, he even wrote a book about the war with Russia. In it, he notes the inevitability of a military confrontation with America. According to the plot of the book, Russia is seizing the Baltic states. NATO countries are coming to its defense. As a result, World War III begins. On the one hand, the plot looks frivolous and implausible, but on the other hand, considering that the work was written by a retired general, the script looks quite plausible.

Who will win America or Russia

To answer this question it is necessary to compare military power two powers:

Armament Russia USA
Active Army 1.4 million people 1.1 million people
Reserve 1.3 million people 2.4 million people
Airports and runways 1218 13513
Aircraft 3082 13683
Helicopters 1431 6225
Tanks 15500 8325
Armored vehicles 27607 25782
Self-propelled guns 5990 1934
Towed artillery 4625 1791
MLRS 4026 830
Ports and terminals 7 23
Warships 352 473
Aircraft carriers 1 10
Submarines 63 72
Attack ships 77 17
Budget 76 trillion 612 trillion

Success in war depends not only on superiority in weapons. As military expert J. Shields said, the Third World War will not be like the two previous wars. Fighting will be conducted using computer technology. They will become more short-term, but the number of victims will be in the thousands. Nuclear weapons are unlikely to be used, but chemical and bacteriological weapons as an auxiliary means are not excluded.

Attacks will be launched not only on the battlefield, but also in:

  • areas of communications;
  • Internet;
  • television;
  • economics;
  • finance;
  • politics;
  • space.

Something similar is now happening in Ukraine. The offensive is on all fronts. Blatant misinformation hacker attacks on financial servers, sabotage in the economic field, discrediting politicians, diplomats, terrorist attacks, shutting down broadcast satellites and much more can cause irreparable damage to the enemy along with military operations at the front.

Psychic predictions

Throughout history there have been many prophets who predicted the end of humanity. One of them is Nostradamus. As for world wars, he accurately predicted the first two. Regarding the Third World War, he said that it would happen due to the fault of the Antichrist, who will stop at nothing and will be terribly merciless.

The next psychic whose prophecies came true is Vanga. She told future generations that World War III would begin with a small state in Asia. The fastest is Syria. The reason for military action will be an attack on four heads of state. The consequences of the war will be terrifying.

The famous psychic P. Globa also said his words regarding the Third World War. His forecasts can be called optimistic. He said that humanity will end World War III if it prevents military action in Iran.

The psychics listed above are not the only ones who predicted World War III. Similar predictions were made by:

  • A. Ilmayer;
  • Mulchiazl;
  • Edgar Cayce;
  • G. Rasputin;
  • Bishop Anthony;
  • Saint Hilarion and others