There are symbols and signs in dreams that are not difficult to understand or feel on an intuitive level, at least approximately.

Everyone will feel that the beautiful clear sea or the gentle sun promises something good, but danger signs do not foretell happiness.

One of these, not the most pleasant symbols, is a knife. A sign of aggression, strength, danger and injury - a knife comes into dreams not to scare, but to warn, to protect from a wrong step, to advise the right course of action.

Do not rush to open the dream book - a knife can mean a lot, but in order not to risk getting a wrong interpretation, you should first remember all the details and nuances of your dreams. Then just determine what the knife is for in a dream and draw conclusions.

It is important to understand that we often dream of edged weapons during periods of life when we have reached a dead end, or our heart is filled with anger. When our thoughts are occupied by bad plans, the desire for revenge or harm, then we dream of daggers, a predatory steel shine and everything that is connected with it - an evil maniac, scarlet blood, murder, a stab wound or a knife in the back, or even in the stomach...

All this is scary, but don’t be afraid - these are useful dreams that will help you avoid danger in reality. What are the types of dreams involving knives? There are a lot of options, for example:

  • You see a knife or dagger in your dream.
  • You dream of rusty or broken blades.
  • Penknife or folding knife.
  • You dreamed of a maniac, attack or murder.
  • In a dream, you yourself are a maniac, trying to hurt someone, stick a knife in someone’s stomach or back.
  • You are hurting yourself.
  • You dream of being stabbed in the throat, back, stomach, and so on.
  • You see a lot of knives.
  • You play with a knife in your sleep.
  • Sharpen it.
  • You are cutting something.
  • Throw the knife.
  • You receive it from someone.
  • Find or search.
  • Hold in your hand or on your belt.

Dreams with knives come in various forms, and often resemble thrillers. A maniac, an attack, a murder - all this looks like a scary movie, but dreams are different, so there is nothing to be surprised about. Instead of empty panic, let’s figure out what the knife means in dreams and try to draw conclusions.

See but don't take

First, let's look at dreams in which edged weapons (or simple kitchen appliance) seen from the outside, but no bright events or there were no active actions in the dreams. The very image of the knife will prompt the interpretation and show the right path.

So, we’ll understand why we dream about a knife if we remember what it was like.

1. Seeing a harmless kitchen knife in a dream from the outside is not at all scary. This dream promises an invitation - expect that someone will invite you to visit or take a walk, on a date or on a trip.

2. But, as the dream book says, a hunting knife is a dangerous sign, a warning. Someone nearby is preparing a “knife in the back” for you, an unexpected attack, betrayal or an insidious, evil act.

Be alert, do not succumb to provocations, you have enemies. Be prepared to defend yourself from them, and do not enter into conflicts.

3. A dagger in a dream promises danger from loved one, an imaginary comrade. There is a hypocrite nearby - he is dangerous and can do something mean. Try to identify this unkind person to protect yourself.

4. A lot of sharp knives in a dream is also a disturbing dream. If you dream of a lot of knives or daggers, this indicates that there are many dangers lurking around you.

In particular, these can be dangerous temptations that bring bad consequences - be especially careful and extremely reasonable in your daily actions and deeds.

5. A folding or penknife in a dream portends illness. Take measures in advance to protect yourself from illness.

6. If a woman dreams of a knife covered in blood, this indicates that in reality she harbors anger towards her friends or some women in her environment. This anger destroys your conscience and energy, get rid of it, be kinder.

Otherwise, you will face a lot of trouble from yourself. Evil people who harbor evil are not happy, remember this.

7. As the dream book testifies, a rusty knife seen in a dream promises problems with a loved one, conflicts, troubles. Appreciate the person you love, try to avoid quarrels, otherwise everything may end in separation.

8. It’s curious why you dream about a broken knife. Such a dream foreshadows the collapse of hopes - everything you count on will let you down and will not come true. Be objective and strong, do not create illusions, otherwise you will be disappointed.

9. A beautiful, polished, shiny dagger dreams of danger. This could be an attack by insidious enemies, gossip, evil deeds, meanness - you should be on your guard.

10. If you dream of knives lying on dining table, expect poverty - you will have to go through a difficult period. But if you are hardworking, you can get through it.

11. If a knife lies at the head of your bed in a dream, this is a good sign. And dream books foretell great unexpected luck in this case.

Knife in hand - what's the point?

Often in dreams one has to not only see dangerous steel, but also participate in events - not always pleasant ones. Active, effective dream scenarios can be seriously frightening. For example, you could dream of an evil maniac or murderer, an attack or even a murder, a wound or a fight, a bloody stomach or hands...

Don't be afraid, these dreams never portend real troubles or even more serious dangers to life. These are symbols, albeit unpleasant ones. But it’s worth explaining what the knife means in dreams, taking into account all the actions and events of the dream.

1. If in your dream you, for example, cut something with a shoe knife, wait for a period of sadness and tears. Life is not all about white streaks and good fortune, so you have to endure sad days. They will pass, have no doubt.

2. If in a dream you, like a maniac or criminal, walk with a large knife in your hand, as if waiting for someone to kill or wound, this a strange dream promises benefits from some dangerous business. Your courage and risk appetite will pay off and you will make a profit.

3. If you had to play with a knife or dagger in a dream, this means that you cherish anger in your heart and are hatching a bad, unkind plan. Stop, it is dangerous and risky, first of all, for yourself.

4. If you had to stick a knife into someone’s stomach in a dream, see a lot of blood around, kill a person or seriously injure him, this does not bode well for you. The belly symbolizes life, and if you happen to kill in a dream, it means you will do bad things.

This promises you a long dark streak, failures that will arise through your fault, because of your character or unkind deeds. Try to strictly control your affairs and do no harm to anyone.

5. A similar dream - if you, like a maniac or murderer, rush at someone in a dream to kill or injure. The dream book advises you to show kindness, forgive, not harbor evil plans and forget about the desire to take revenge.

Even if you were seriously offended, caused damage in reality, try to forgive and forget it, no matter how difficult and unpleasant it may be.

6. Finding a knife covered in blood or clean in a dream means that in reality you will meet a new friend, but an unkind and bad person.

It’s better for you to avoid making new acquaintances for a while, and not to let strangers, unfamiliar people, get too close to you. It's safer for you now.

7. A dream in which you sharpen a knife to commit murder or attack someone means possible reconciliation with your enemy. This will happen by chance, or on his initiative.

8. If in a disturbing night dream a maniac suddenly attacked you, inflicted a serious stab wound on you, wanted to kill you, especially if he hit you in the stomach - be careful, problems will begin in your family.

  • If in a dream a maniac was aiming at the back, expect deception and treacherous betrayal.
  • And if he stuck a knife in the stomach, there will be serious consequences from conflicts, maybe even insoluble.
  • When in a dream they want to kill you, but you escape, there is a chance that you can avoid conflict in the family.

In any case, take care of your relationships with loved ones as best you can, so as not to kill the peace in your family. After all, returning everything will not be so easy.

9. If in a dream you carry a knife on your belt, this promises an unsuccessful romance. Do not build false illusions about your relationship with your partner, evaluate him soberly.

10. If you accidentally or even intentionally hurt yourself in a dream, expect profit.

11. Cutting something with a knife in a dream means separation from your partner, and on your initiative.

12. If in your dreams you threw a knife into the ground or into a tree, you will start an argument, incite a conflict with someone. Is it worth doing?

13. And the knife that someone gave you in a dream promises a promotion in the service, new position, career advancement.

14. If in your dreams you lose a knife, you are in danger of losing property or even ruin. Be careful, don't take risks.

Daggers and simple kitchen cutters are dangerous and are not associated with anything good. You may see different things in a dream, and try to soberly evaluate and understand why you dream about a knife.

Undoubtedly, the meanings of such dreams are often unpleasant, but your task is to analyze, look back at your real life and avoid mistakes. remember, that evil person will always lose, no matter how strong he is.

So clear conscience and good thoughts will help you avoid the most serious dangers. Take care of yourself and do not hold the slightest grudge against others.
Author: Vasilina Serova

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A knife in a dream is a symbol of lies, betrayal, deceit and danger. Taking a knife from someone in a dream is a sign of caution. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows that you are in real danger due to the machinations of your enemies.

Giving a knife to someone in a dream indicates that you will deliberately enter into dangerous game with your ill-wishers, trying to quarrel between them.

Throwing a knife at someone is a sign of discord that will develop into hostility. After such a dream, you need to restrain your emotions so as not to make an enemy.

Throwing a knife at someone in a dream means that you will enter into open combat with your enemies. Next, see who hurts or kills whom. It is better to see that you have injured or killed someone, since such a dream predicts victory over your enemies, which, however, will cause you a lot of worries and troubles.

If you lose in this battle, are wounded or killed, then you are in danger of all sorts of troubles, losses, damages, poverty and, possibly, separation from a loved one. See cut, divide.

A table knife in a dream is a symbol of domestic squabbles. For spouses, such a dream predicts that they will divorce and divide property. Cutting yourself with a knife in a dream means that you will have a quarrel with a loved one. A broken knife in a dream foreshadows the collapse of your plans. See by name what you cut.

Why do you dream about a knife according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

In a dream, a knife means events, enemies, betrayal.

Cutting your hand with a knife in a dream:
In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels.

The knife fell out of my hands in a dream:
A dream in which a knife falls out of your hands means that a stranger is rushing into your house

Stab in the back with a knife in a dream:
To see in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife warns you that in real life ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner. Be careful!

Attack by a stranger armed with a knife in a dream:
If in a dream some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand tries to attack you, this dream promises you changes in your personal life.

Hitting someone with a knife in a dream:
In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and it became stained with the victim’s blood - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by the unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people.

Receive a set of knives as a gift in a dream:
If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, this means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.

Why do you dream about a knife according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a knife, this is a warning of betrayal, a sign of aggressiveness. Admiring a knife means harboring a grudge against someone. Fencing with a dagger means quarrels and disputes. Being wounded by a knife means illness, unfavorable circumstances. A pocket knife portends a long separation from family and friends. A shoemaker's knife means significant financial losses. Garden knife - you will be unfairly punished. A jagged knife foreshadows the division of property and disagreements with relatives. Broken knife - you will be forced to commit an unseemly act. Rusty knife - you will soon find yourself in the unenviable position of a supplicant. Find a knife - do not trust secrets to the people around you. Losing a knife - not working out love relationship. Dull knives mean emotional unrest and anxiety for loved ones. Sharpening a knife - you will have an activity that does not suit your inclinations. Cutting yourself very badly with a knife means trouble at home.

Why do you dream about a knife according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a table knife, a division of inheritance awaits you; a penknife in a dream is a favor from a friend; if you dreamed of a hunting knife, be careful, you might get ambushed; find a knife in a dream - be careful, weigh all your words so that there are no annoying misunderstandings; buying a knife in a dream means a profitable acquisition; cutting with a knife in a dream means financial gain; to receive a knife as a gift means to be invited to a name day.

Having seen a knife in a dream, the dreamer should be seriously wary, regardless of who exactly this bladed weapon was used against, because this symbol is the personification of aggression and cruelty. And in order to understand exactly why you dream of throwing a knife, it is recommended to use a dream book.

What if you dream of throwing a knife?

Thus, a dream in which a person happened to throw a knife at someone is discussed in some detail in the interpreter of the famous psychologist Meneghetti, who often associated this weapon with a phallic symbol. And if a man saw this image, then it is likely that in the depths of his soul he passionately dreams of taking possession of the object at which he threw knives in a dream. The Oedipus complex cannot be excluded here, since it is quite possible that the culprit is the dreamer’s too modest physical characteristics, which haunt him, causing him unbearable mental torment.

At the same time, a dream in which a person had to throw a knife at an enemy for the purpose of self-defense is not considered bad and most likely we're talking about about his readiness to withstand all the trials sent to him by fate. This same image is interpreted completely differently in Women's dream book, the authors of which describe knives as a symbol of betrayal and serious problems in the family. So, it is believed that if the dreamer happened to throw a rusty knife at someone or something, then in reality she will have to experience a breakup with her loved one.

But before you panic, you should take into account that sometimes such dreams promise a fight for your own happiness in love, and if the knife blade was smooth and shiny, then it is not at all impossible that the sleeping woman will be lucky enough to defend her family and emerge from the battle as a real winner.

At the same time, a dream in which the dreamer stabbed someone with a knife indicates the baseness of her spirit, so after such visions it would not hurt her to reflect on her own behavior. If the sleeping woman stabs her in the back in a dream, then in reality she will commit some kind of vile act, the consequences of which will make her bitterly repent of what she has done. Sometimes such images indicate the presence of shame or guilt in the dreamer’s life, which haunts him. IN old dream book Veles's image of knives is described as the personification of murder and aggression.

If a person happened to throw several knives at once at an artificial target in a dream, then in reality he will be tormented by resentment and anger at his own helplessness. Having seen such a dream, lovers should also be seriously concerned, because it is quite possible that they will have to go through far from the easiest period in life. But the worst is considered to be the vision in which the knives were folded crosswise, because the vast majority of interpreters agree that this is a harbinger of war.

What does it portend?

It is noteworthy that in Russian People's dream book the knife that the dreamer himself threw is considered an exclusively positive symbol, indicating his ability to defend himself in his real life. Unfortunately, less positive forecasts on this matter are given by the authors of the Gypsy Dream Book, who believe that knives are evidence of an acute thirst for revenge and physical reprisal against enemies, tormenting the sleeping person.

Another confirmation of the relevance of this interpretation is the pile of knives and other sharp objects, despite what larger size she will have in a dream, the heavier the heart of the sleeping person will be in reality. In the Erotic Dream Interpreter, the image of a knife is deciphered as a harbinger of an upcoming quarrel between lovers, so the sleeper will have to come to terms with the fact that future fate will not be at all favorable to his person. If at the same time he happened to sharpen knives, then in reality he himself will become the cause of a scandal, with all the ensuing consequences.

It is noteworthy that in the dream book of the Twenty-first century, a vision in the plot of which the sleeper happened to throw knives is considered sure sign that he has embarked on too slippery a path that will not lead him to good. The same interpretation is also relevant if the dreamer threw a sharpened disk.

Interpretation of the dream Knife in Miller's dream book

Seeing a knife in a dream - Bad sign, since it foreshadows separation, quarrels, and losses in business. Seeing rusty knives means dissatisfaction in family matters or a break with a lover. Sharp and polished knives mean future troubles. Broken knives mean the collapse of all hopes. Seeing that you are wounded with a knife foreshadows domestic troubles or the machinations of your opponents. For unmarried people, this dream portends dishonor. To dream that you yourself rushed at someone with a knife means that you will show baseness of character. You need to make a lot of effort to develop a high sense of justice.

Knife in Vanga's dream book

In a dream, this symbol means events, enemies, betrayal. In a dream, you were preparing dinner for your family and cut your hand with a knife - in reality, your loved ones will try to curb your character, but all this will develop into family squabbles and quarrels. A dream in which a knife fell out of your hands means that an unfamiliar man is rushing into your house. Seeing in a dream how someone stabs you in the back with a knife warns you that in real life ill-wishers will try to deal you a treacherous blow from around the corner. Be careful! If in a dream some mysterious stranger with a knife in his hand tries to attack you, this dream promises you changes in your personal life. In a dream, you hit someone with a knife and it became stained with the victim’s blood - in reality you will be haunted by misfortunes caused by the unclean thoughts and self-interest of your ancestors. You can avoid disasters and misfortunes only if you devote your life to serving people. If in a dream you received a set of knives as a gift, this means that in reality you will be cruelly deceived.

Dream Knife in an intimate dream book

A knife seen in a dream foreshadows separation, quarrels with your loved one, as well as material costs for hobbies and recreation. It is likely that soon you will be offered to spend a night at a club or attend a striptease show.

The meaning of the dream Knife according to L. Morozova’s dream book

If you dreamed of a table knife, a division of inheritance awaits you; a pocket knife - a favor from a friend; if you dreamed of a hunting knife, be careful, you might get ambushed; find a knife in a dream - be careful, weigh all your words so that there are no annoying misunderstandings; buying a knife means a bargain; cutting with a knife in a dream means financial gain; to receive as a gift - to be invited to a name day.

Interpretation of the dream Knife in the English dream book

If you dreamed of polished knives that can be used for a feast, this means that you will have to while away your life in poverty. To see knives exceptionally shiny and sharpened - such a dream may mean that your enemies may be plotting something evil against you. For participants in a trial, a dream serves as a harbinger of a negative outcome. For family people, the dream prophesies a possible betrayal of the other half, and for lovers - the betrayal of a loved one and his marriage with a rival or rival. For those involved in trade, a dream about knives tells that they will face losses, the machinations of competitors, and various troubles.

Knife in the French dream book

In many cases, a dream about a knife is a predictor of conflict in the family. An open penknife foreshadows the machinations of enemies; when closed, a possible love affair.

The meaning of the dream Knife in Hasse’s dream book

Find - weigh your words; buy - you can easily acquire property; to cut them - to observe one’s own benefit; lose a knife - you will be ambushed; receive as a gift - they will invite you to the table.

Dreams about sharp, cutting objects are usually negative character. Why does a woman or a man dream about a knife, and how is such a dream interpreted? If you dreamed of a knife, the dream book advises not to take such a dream literally, as a threat of real danger. The most common interpretation of what knives mean in dreams is a reflection of some kind of internal conflict that you cannot figure out on your own.

If a woman or man dreams of a knife, what does it mean? Interpretation of the meaning of sleep according to various dream books, taking into account the details.

Girls and women should be especially attentive to such dreams - in a dream, a knife contains a masculine, aggressive element. Seeing a knife in a dream is a symbol of fears, internal imbalance and uncertainty. However, it is necessary to divide the influence of such dreams according to the situations in which they occurred. If you see such a dream, try to analyze it latest events in your life - at what point were you very dissatisfied with yourself, which could have caused you to lose confidence in yourself and your capabilities?

Who saw the dream: man, woman, child

If a woman dreams of a man with a knife who threatens her, or if in a dream she has a feeling of fear for her life, this may portend some unpleasant situations in which she will experience a feeling of uncertainty and depression. If another woman attacks a woman with a knife, this is an alarming sign! This is often how one expresses one’s own aggression directed at oneself.

For a man, seeing another person with a knife does not mean a physical threat in reality. Rather, it is a threat to his emotional and mental state. Alternatively, we can assume that if in a dream you threaten a woman with a knife, this is a subconscious desire for sexual aggression towards her, since the knife represents the male Ego.

Interpretation of the meaning of a dream about a knife. What does it mean and how do dream books interpret it?

A dream in which a child saw a knife often means emotional discord, depression, or even a serious systemic illness. Usually such dreams are seen by children who have experienced some kind of discord in their family life and they blame themselves for their parents' divorce.

What kind of knife did you dream about?

Let's take a closer look at what kind of knife you dreamed about. Sometimes one small hint makes the interpretation of a dream more complete. The dream book interprets knives in a dream depending on their purpose. Interpretations vary in type, purpose and action with a knife.

Seeing a hunting knife in a dream is a sign of danger from outside. Someone is preparing to stab you in the back. Perhaps this is a betrayal of people close to you. All you need is to be alert and not succumb to provocations, this will reduce the negative actions of your enemies.

  • A folding tourist knife promises separation from friends and family, it can also symbolize the presence or development of a serious disease that requires treatment in the initial stages;
  • A large butcher knife is a dangerous, serious illness, and sometimes death. Read also: .
  • A souvenir knife in a dream symbolizes wealth, but not one that will accidentally “fall” on your head, but one that will be obtained with great difficulty;
  • A carved knife, inlaid, warns of danger and the risk of losing something valuable to you;
  • Knives with sharpened, polished blades warn of future troubles.

What actions did you perform in your dream?

Why dream of sharpening a knife in a dream is a premonition of impending danger or trouble, and the initiator of this danger may be the dreamer himself. If the knife blade has become sharper after sharpening, this promises a worsening of relations with relatives; if the blade, on the contrary, remains dull and smooth, conflict situations will be smoothed out.

  • Squeezing a knife in your hands means that you are most likely constantly experiencing attacks from ill-wishers, and knives in a dream are a sign of self-defense from these attacks;
  • If you were injured, in reality you will attract a lot of minor discord and everyday scandals in the family, among people close to you;
  • What does the dream mean in which the knives were in large quantities? If they are piled up, expect big troubles and quarrels, and blades lying crosswise mean cataclysms of a global nature.
  • Do you dream about washing a knife? This means they are looking for a meeting with you, or unexpected but pleasant guests will soon arrive. Read also: .
  • Why do you dream of a man with a knife? This is the personification of a lie that will definitely be revealed. Moreover, the revealed truth will be a shock and will serve as an impetus for stress or prolonged depression.
  • Knife in women's hands predicts the appearance of a stranger in your life, who will soon become your good friend.

If you dream that you cut yourself

If you dream that you cut yourself or inflicted a wound on yourself with a knife, this portends the possible serious illness. Pay close attention to your health, maybe even undergo an emergency examination.

If the wound was inflicted by a loved one, then, oddly enough, this positive dream- that they think and worry about you, they are ready to do a lot for you. Such a dream does not threaten your health and life.

If you received a wound from a stranger, be prepared for big losses. They can touch both the material and spiritual spheres. You may lose everything that forms the basis of your peace and balance - relationships with loved ones, your favorite job.

You yourself attacked someone in a dream

If in your dream you attack another person with a knife, this reflects your inner feelings of insecurity. Most likely, such a dream means imminent troubles for you that you will not be able to resist. These could be health problems or some kind of career difficulties.

Be careful when communicating with colleagues - it is possible that one of them is aiming for your place or simply wants to show you in an unsightly light in front of your superiors. The possibility of related problems arising is not excluded; you may be accused of something, they may require you to take some actions that affect your personal interests.

In a dream, they gave a knife to a woman, what is this for?

If you were given a knife in a dream

A knife presented in a dream carries a rather negative charge. Such a gift promises you a lot of trouble, and perhaps your ill-wishers will try to hinder you in achieving your goals.

If a gift in the form of a knife is given by someone special person- this means that he doesn’t love you too much, or even harbors a grudge for something and dreams of harming you in some way.

If the knife is presented in a beautiful gift packaging, and you did not immediately discover what kind of gift you received, it means that disappointment and pain await you in the future.

If the knife given to you is a double-edged dagger or a hunting knife, get ready for a long and painful separation from your loved one. Maybe you will even break up forever.

Seeing knife wounds in a dream

Why do you dream of a knife in the back - be on your guard. Enemies, ill-wishers, competitors are plotting some kind of action against you. Most likely, they will succeed if the outcome of the dream turns out to be unfavorable. However, if during the dream you managed to pull out the knife, then troubles will pass you by.

In most interpretations, stabbings sound very positive. As the dream book says, an attack with a knife - expect a person to appear in your life who will become your support and support. If you have been left with cuts, be more attentive to those around you; perhaps among them there are hypocrites waiting for any opportunity to “annoy” you.

Why dream of killing a person with a knife? In reality, you will have to win a stunning victory over spiteful critics and gossips. And, the more difficult the battle turned out to be before the denouement, the more dangerous the fight against enemies in reality will become.

Do you dream about committing suicide with a blade? Unexpectedly, this turn of events is interpreted very favorably. Success and favorable completion of important matters await you in the near future. Such a dream prophesies and good health for many years.

If you dream that you were stabbed directly in the heart, this may mean betrayal of the person closest to you. Or the body itself is trying to warn you about serious problems with heart. After such a dream, it would be a good idea to seek advice from a cardiologist.

If you were hit in the throat with a knife in a dream, you will soon face difficult circumstances, you will have to make a difficult choice between very important things in life. As the dream book says, a knife wound in the stomach means you risk losing everything most valuable in your life. Be careful, the consequences of such losses will remain with you for life.

If in a dream a knife serves you for self-defense, then in reality you suffer from attacks from ill-wishers, envy and gossip, and subconsciously need someone’s protection. You are trying with all your might to get rid of the company of the person who manipulates you, and you want to make important decisions on your own.

And other interesting interpretations:

  • If a woman dreams of a knife covered in blood, but the blood is not hers, she will become a participant in some other person’s drama, affecting her very indirectly, but delivering a lot of negative emotions.
  • Sharpening a knife in a dream - for a woman this means that there is a need to take a closer look at family relationships. Maybe you pay too little attention to your partner and he is offended by you for this.
  • Why do you dream about a lot of knives? This means an expansion of the conflict zone; not only your interests may be affected, but also your family and friends will be involved in a cycle of mutual claims and misunderstandings.
  • Throwing a knife in a dream is an obvious attempt to unsuccessfully try to resolve your internal conflict. In this case, it is better, if possible, to reduce communication with strangers and limit your contacts to family and loved ones - only they can help you restore your inner balance.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud and others

A knife is a fairly common universal household item. For some, this is a common element. kitchen utensils, which can be used to cut vegetables. And for some, it is a dangerous edged weapon, which is most often associated with the manifestation of aggression and masculinity, a sign of power over the weak. Therefore, the interpretation of a knife in a dream, what it means in a dream, is most often twofold. In addition, in addition to interpreting the dream book, it is necessary to analyze the events occurring in reality. Most often, seeing knives in a dream does not bode well; it promises troubles, hostility, and the collapse of hopes and undertakings.

As Miller’s dream book says, a knife in a dream indicates the imminent loss of something significant to you.

Miller's Dream Book - losses and losses

As Miller’s dream book says, a knife in a dream is an extremely alarming sign, promising separation, loss, and possibly monetary losses. A rusty knife represents family disagreements, and a broken one symbolizes the collapse of hope.

Vanga's dream book - family conflicts

A knife in a dream is a symbol of betrayal, conflicts, or any ambiguous events. If you are given a blade in a dream, expect insidious deception and meanness. If you cut yourself with a knife while preparing food for your family, your loved ones will try to rein you in, and this will result in scandals and confrontation.

Who attacks you - expect changes in your personal life. In a dream, injure someone and see a knife in the blood - you will pay for the mistakes of your ancestors, following karma, for their self-interest and wickedness. The severity of such a family heritage can be reduced only by serving for the benefit of people.

Freud's Dream Book - you are not confident in yourself

A knife in a dream reveals a hidden feeling of deep uncertainty and vulnerability in the subconscious, which gives rise to a hidden unconscious craving for all kinds of vices. For men, this is also a signal of a possible disease of the genitourinary system.

A knife lying on the table means that you are afraid of new acquaintances, it is very difficult to get along with new people. This comes from the fact that once upon a time you were very mistaken about a person. Try to let go of these fears and open up to people. A beautiful blade is a sign of a gift. Only this gift contains a catch. If you are trying to cut something in a dream, but the knife is dull, you have strong complexes that come from adolescence. It's time to move away from them in order to move on to new stage of its development.

Losing a knife in a dream and not finding it means that now you are in a state of severe fatigue and moral decline, so you treat sex as a duty without any pleasure. In the case of a man, this often means that he perceives his partner solely as a sexual object without any spiritual intimacy. And this, like a vicious circle, exhausts both.

Buying a decorative knife signals that you are always too eager to control your partner so that he always does what you want. If you go too far, you will have no one to control.

Modern dream book - you would be deceived

Lies, strife, disagreements and troubles - this is the meaning of this dream. After such a dream, the dream book advises being less frank with people, both acquaintances and strangers. This will help avoid unnecessary quarrels and conflicts.

Cutting food with a knife in a dream means sequentially solving all problems in reality, one after another.

Dream interpretation of Kananita - beware of adventures

You are holding a knife - to get involved in an adventure, to agree to a dangerous proposal. Visiting dubious places, extreme sports, etc. Gambling is especially dangerous. A dream about someone threatening you with a knife - unreliable and irresponsible acquaintances will let you down and cause you trouble.

Chinese dream book - you desire wealth

A beautiful unusual knife in your hands means envying someone else’s wealth, wanting someone else’s thing. Holding a bloody knife means a quarrel with blood relatives over property issues. Fighting with someone with knives means quarrels over money.

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor - you are a good cook

Cutting food with a kitchen knife is a culinary triumph, preparing a wonderful dish. Seeing yourself with a knife in your hands in a situation inappropriate for this - you are too careless in your expressions. Threatening someone with a knife in a dream is a minor violation, administrative liability, or a fine.


Of course, a knife in a dream does not evoke positive emotions and pleasant sensations. But it is always a kind of signal about possible troubles, which allows you to significantly minimize them. To avoid the negative consequences of such a dream, it is best to reduce social activity for a while. You can take a few days off and spend them alone with yourself, take a walk, read books. It’s good at such a moment to meditate or go to some quiet corner to come to emotional balance, find peace and restore faith in yourself.

Video “Why do you dream about a Knife”