If they say that marriages are made in heaven, then the question is, why do things happen that always looked depressing? Alas, but, most likely, this is also planned by heaven. More precisely, it is provided if people, whether out of ignorance, stubbornness or connivance, do not want to take into account the recommendations of the night luminaries. After all, if you are forewarned, you are forearmed. Therefore, having met a person you like, it would not be a sin to take an interest in his native constellation and compare how well you fit together.

Thoughts and hypotheses

You can believe in astrology and horoscopes, but you can shrug your shoulders skeptically. And the most correct thing, probably, is to try to find something in between, adjusting your feelings and desires with the prompts of the stars. Then you can definitely hope for a harmonious marriage and warm, reliable relationships for many years. As, for example, in a pair of Libra and Scorpio . They have a lot in common, but there are also fundamental differences that can become fatal under some circumstances. But if people are connected and desire to be together, they will be able to overcome the possible negative aspects of coexistence. And they will do this precisely thanks to astrological knowledge.

Libra and Scorpio are signs with well-expressed sexuality. They are characterized by a bright charm and charm that carries their partners into love adventures with them like into a whirlpool - without hesitation or thoughts of retreat. Both have strong will- other signs find it difficult to say “No” to them. Both have a certain touch of theatricality and external mannerism. The most important thing is that Libra and Scorpio are great diplomats. Scorpio is smarter and more experienced than Libra on a spiritual level. And Libra wants to “know everything”; it is difficult for them to come to terms with a supporting role. Therefore, sometimes acting in the role of “teacher-student,” both signs compete with each other. This is a dispute not only between constellations, but also between personalities. And the one who has more wins this moment endurance, resourcefulness, the ability to bluff or bring the necessary counterarguments. This is where their diplomacy clearly manifests itself. What else can complicate the relationship between a Libra and Scorpio couple is the desire for harmony, ease of communication, balance in everything (it’s not for nothing that Libra!) in Libra and gloominess, a certain vampirism, mental breakdown and psychological imbalance in Scorpios. By the way, remember Dostoevsky and his restless heroes - and a lot will become clear to you! But love fervor and attraction to each other in this regard can be a good help for creating a family hearth.

Looking through options

So, if we have a combination of a Scorpio man and where they can lead, a man becomes seriously attached to his soul mate. But, since he is very secretive and vulnerable, they cannot avoid quarrels. And the partner’s response will deprive the “weight” of the much-needed “weight” for a long time. In addition, Scorpio is vindictive. Therefore, the Libra woman should think carefully before deciding to have a serious relationship with this sign. And one more thing: the Libra lady does not want to obey anyone. It cannot be chained in a cage of their three “cs”: “kinder”, “kirch”, “küche”, or translated into Russian, “children, kitchen, church”. Her mind must be nourished by new knowledge; she longs for the realization of her natural potentials. And the Scorpio man wants to collect all the palms and laurels of the winner in his hands. After all, for all its outward confidence, Scorpio is an extremely vulnerable sign. And therefore, if at first She shows her femininity, gentleness and humility in every possible way in order to please Him, this game will not last long, even a completely sincere one. Conclusion: Scorpio needs to try to keep his imperial ambitions in hand and give Libra more freedom. Moreover, women should not occupy this sign common sense. Sometimes they can outdo Scorpios themselves in their desire to do the right thing, “the right way,” and they themselves set the tone in their communication.

What else astrologers advise such couples is to each have their own wallet. The Libra woman will not ask her husband for pocket money, this is not for her. Just as there is no need to interfere with her career. In general, the problem of the union is that the Scorpio man wants peace in his home. And Lady Libra, on the one hand, also dreams of the comfort of a family hearth, but on the other, she longs to conquer the world or something like that. Being contradictory herself, she cannot bring her husband into balance, although she tries very hard. Libra also has a masculine side, which also does not delight Scorpio.

The marriage is a success if a wise, mentally and spiritually developed Scorpio man and a balanced, calm, soft Libra woman meet. There will be a lot of rationality in their feelings, and this will save the family. The main thing is that the girl completely trusts her companion and does not doubt him.

Much of the above applies to another couple - Libra man and Scorpio woman. Men of this sign are characterized by softness and delicacy, while Scorpio women are characterized by inner stamina, will and courage. Therefore, she will answer a hundred arguments of her beloved with one, but the most convincing and striking one. And whatever the strength of his charm, the woman sees her partner as he is. This is also the complexity of relationships. Plus jealousy, which will poison the life of the Scorpio wife, and therefore both. That part of it is completely conditioned!

But! A Scorpio woman can become a wonderful wife, an excellent sexual partner, an honest and faithful comrade. The main thing is that both in a couple spare each other, take care of each other and sincerely desire to be together.

Below is not accurate forecast, and a typical scenario for the compatibility of Libra and Scorpio in love relationships and friendships, and with sufficient wisdom of each partner, strong friendship and happiness in love are guaranteed.

The signs, Scorpio and Libra, have far from ambiguous compatibility in love relationships. They are very different, to be more precise - contradictory. They do not have the inherent characteristic of many, opposites, to be mutually attracted to each other. Such a marriage can only be made in heaven! If both partners really strong feeling love, in love relationships and in marriage, everything will turn out well for them.

Most important point on the path to happiness of the signs Scorpio and Libra are improving one's own personality each of the spouses. The fact is that each of them has quite a lot of different personal qualities, which for some reason are intolerable for spouses. You can and should fight them without waiting for reproaches in your direction. The biggest incentive for self-improvement will be strong feelings. Both spouses must have enough strength to withstand such a transformation of their own personalities.

Scorpio man and Libra woman: a promising union

Scorpio man, Libra woman - this is a rather unusual and unusual combination of signs in the public understanding, where there is a high probability of going through all the thorns to success. They will have to go through many difficulties in love affairs.

Hot-tempered and often conflicting for no reason, Scorpio loves to make fun of a sensual and touchy lady. The wife will be very annoyed by her husband's aggressiveness, and here you need to recommend that your spouse try to control himself more. If he does not learn to do this, and the Libra woman understands this, she will definitely break off the relationship, although she is extremely not interested in this. She has another good reason for this - a feeling of well-being and security in a relationship. Libras in marriage will hope to the last.

In all other respects, they will be very comfortable and interesting together. They will fill each other with positive energy, helping each other on the path to success. Their goals are often very similar, but their methods of achieving them may differ. There is one important point here: each of the partners can learn a lot of interesting things from the actions of their spouse. Often successful The Libra woman sets the tone for solving common affairs. Well, the husband can only listen. They will have great sex and always have fun together. This can only be spoiled by the husband’s excessive jealousy. In general, with mutual respect, they will easily work together joint business. There will be a lot of ideas and good prospects!

Scorpio woman and Libra man: compromise, and that’s all

The Libra man, like the Scorpio woman, will often heat up the situation in relationships. Compatibility in their pairing is extremely complex and confusing. Many people don’t even understand what keeps them together.

The Scorpio woman will strive to take a key position in the marriage, and her husband, with his more restrained character, will allow her to do this up to a certain point. Some Shyness will greatly irritate your spouse, and then there’s the Scorpio woman once again will not be able to remain silent. In a fit of rage, Scorpio and Libra risk breaking off their relationship. The credit for this will primarily go to the Scorpio woman. She is capable of turning even a quiet and shy chosen one into an unrestrained and nervous man. His wife is endowed with this trait by nature.

Libras have fairly high compatibility with different signs. They have the trait and ability to adapt well, but they do not always have patience. The prognosis in a relationship will become favorable only in one case - when both will strive to maintain the marriage and will make all sorts of compromises. Their sex is bright and harmonious. Here they clearly found each other!

There will be no friendship?

Compatibility in this important aspect like friendship does not exist for them. Their natures are too different For true friendship. The deep and demanding Scorpio does not understand the superficiality of Libra.

Scorpio girl at a young age has a lot of friends, among them there are different signs, but Libra and Scorpio compatibility is extremely rare. In more mature age They are not interested in being friends, and there is no need to. Romance, passion, sex are possible, but, unfortunately, not friendship.

At work it will be two rivals for leadership. If they calm down their ambitions and start having a business together, the chances of success are high. The compatibility of a man of this sign with a lady is also not great. Here again there is everything except friendship.

Compatibility with other signs:

Libras are pleasant friends who will happily share with you all the pleasures of your life. They will readily agree to accompany you to the cinema or theater, accept an invitation to sit in a restaurant, join you on an easy trip and become your partner in playing billiards. True, the cinema should show a comedy or melodrama, the prices in the restaurant should not lighten the wallet, the trip should be of a pleasure type, and billiards should not tire. Did you get the hint?

To put it very simply, Libra loves when everything is good and does not like when everything is bad. Do you think that all people behave exactly the same? But no! The difference between Libra is that they masterfully avoid unpleasant situations, refusing to take part in them, elegantly slipping away at the slightest storm cloud on the horizon. There is only one reason for this - Libra cannot tolerate “heavy” emotions at all.

Representatives of this sign are prone to logical thinking, aesthetic pleasure, intellectual work. By the will of the stars, they are simply not able to experience deep feelings. This causes them anxiety and rejection. If Libra nevertheless has to face emotions that are unbearable for them, most often they fall into a stupor for a while. They do not know how to show sympathy in a timely manner, to fiercely defend a friend, or to instantly find a way out of the situation. The only activity they are good at is peacemaking.

It may seem to you that Libra makes unimportant friends. However, reconsider your expectations for them. Yes, they are not able to give up everything to defend your well-being. However, their prudence and sobriety can serve you well and keep you from taking the wrong step. Yes, they are unlikely to lend you money even in the most difficult times. But you can count on a bowl of soup. Not bad already, isn't it?

So don’t demand from Libra what they are unable to give. Enjoy them instead cheerful company, wonderful easy-going disposition, entertaining conversation. No one better than them can distract you from heavy thoughts and help you “unwind.” People born under the sign of Libra are so airy that sometimes it seems that around them you can observe a slight trembling of the air, a kind of unsteady aura. Of course, this is a psychological effect. You just perceive them that way. Others think that Libra seems to glide through the air, like fairy-tale elves. Do not burden these amazing creatures with your problems, do not darken their radiant radiance!

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is Libra, then you should develop a special attitude towards their advice. Most often, Libras hate giving advice, but they really like to reason. They will thoroughly outline to you all sides of the issue, outline all acceptable solutions, and then look up at you with their heavenly gaze. That's right - the decision is yours to make! Libra did everything they could - they provided you with all the necessary information. If you do try to put pressure on them - which is already a mistake - Libra, like a computer, will give you the most logically (even mathematically) correct answer. You should take it into account, but be sure to take into account your own inner voice, check with your intuition - and be sure to take full responsibility for the result.

Compatibility of Libra with other zodiac signs:

Libra and Aries friendship: Aries needs to “mute” his intolerance and demandingness so as not to create discomfort for Libra. In return, they will gain a little peace and balance.

Libra and Taurus friendship: Excellent and mutually beneficial relationship. Libra will entertain Taurus, who in turn will reassure them. And if Taurus also sponsors this friendship a little, it will be absolutely wonderful.

Libra and Gemini friendship: They come together easily, diverge easily and never miss each other. A million topics of conversation and empty pockets - this is an accurate description of their relationship.

Libra and Cancer friendship: For everything to work out, Cancers should moderate their possessive impulses. Despite the difference in characters, friendship can be very pleasant if Libra can be “tamed” a little.

Libra and Leo friendship: Harmonious relationships. Libra feels the power of Leo and is not averse to manipulating him a little for their own purposes. In return, they will provide Leo with such a flow of compliments that he will finally feel satisfied.

Libra and Virgo friendship: But you won’t fool a Virgo with airy smiles. She will quickly twist the careless Libra hand and foot and demand that they play strictly by the rules. After several attempts at communication, Libra will walk around such a friend a kilometer away.

Libra and Libra friendship: Full mutual understanding. However, business cooperation is doomed to failure if one of them does not take on the role of leader - and all the responsibility, of course.

Libra and Scorpio friendship: Scorpio loves to provoke Libra, testing all facets of their character. Such relationships are too exciting for Libra, so much so that they often become exhausting.

Libra and Sagittarius friendship: This is where you can remember the expression “Don’t spill the water.” Or the saying “Truth is born in dispute.” Sagittarius throws up a hot idea, Libra's logical mind picks it up - and the flame of conversation flares up with renewed vigor.

Libra and Capricorn friendship: Capricorn will require from Libra not only reliability, but also humility. It will be more like a grandfather-grandson relationship. Libra will be depressed and depressed, and therefore will quickly run away.

Libra and Aquarius friendship: A little crazy relationship. Libra's sobriety will undoubtedly stabilize Aquarius somewhat. But Libra themselves can get very tired. In addition, the question will be acute - who is in charge?

Libra and Pisces friendship: Libra has a hard time withstanding the deep mental tossing of Pisces. At first, they are forgiven for their talent and elegance, but over time, Libra may even become depressed. They need lighter feelings.

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Representatives of these zodiac signs have a lot of contradictions in their habits and outlook on life. The development of relationships between these people depends entirely on their desire to find a common language. Undoubtedly, Scorpio will be the leader in this pair, but he does not always know how to keep his emotions under control, but Libra has enviable self-control. The last word always remains with Scorpio, but he often does not suspect that the calm and indecisive representative of the sign of Libra could push him to act in a certain way, of course, for his own benefit.

SCORPIO man and LIBRA woman

These people enjoy each other's company, but at times mutual irritation creeps in. For a Scorpio, the Libra woman is mysterious and alluring, but he often catches himself thinking that behind her external restraint there may be hidden thoughts and emotions that he has no idea about. Distrust on the part of a man will always stand between him and this woman.

For Libra, this union is often beneficial. As an indecisive person, the fairer sex wants to unite with someone stronger who will not refuse her a solution to her problems. If there is only calculation on her part, the Scorpio man will notice this very quickly.

♏ + ♎: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— A Libra girl has every chance of attracting the attention of a Scorpio. He does not like flashy appearance and rude manners; in his opinion, a girl should be feminine and gentle. The representative of the Libra sign is sweet and delicate, looks dim, but attractive. He will notice it immediately.

The guy can’t even imagine how much his beloved needs this relationship. A young man can give a more sober assessment of what is happening, so she will consult him on any matter. Scorpio will be proud that he has become a support and a reliable shoulder for the girl, but if he has doubts about the sincerity of her feelings, he can completely distance himself from participating in the concerns of his chosen one.

No matter what tests a guy puts on his beloved, he never recognizes her true attitude towards himself. Decide future fate Only time can help this couple. If Scorpio catches a girl in a lie at least once, most likely the couple will break up.

♏ + ♎: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— In marriage, the life of a Scorpio man and a Libra woman is very multifaceted. The husband values ​​comfort and order, and the wife copes with this very well. The home of this couple is furnished aesthetically, and it is unlikely that you can find at least one dusty corner in it. The Libra woman is not pedantic, she just loves to surround herself with beauty.

The material standard of living of this couple is stable, the Scorpio husband tries very hard for the family. Some of his wife's purchases will not cause his approval, because he primarily evaluates the quality of the product, and his wife appearance. However, serious disagreements will not arise on this basis.

IN intimate life not everything is smooth. The husband is passionate, but his other half is romantic and restrained in emotions. Scorpio often regards this as coldness on her part, in addition, he has a much higher need for sex. If the wife, to please him, begins to pretend to be a more temperamental woman than she actually is, the husband will immediately see through the deception, and this will upset him.

Divorce in such families is not uncommon. The husband often becomes the initiator, but if he decides to separate from his wife, then this will be preceded by a series of unpleasant conversations on this topic, so that the wife will gain time to correct the situation.

♏ + ♎: In friendship

The family connection between Scorpio and Libra will make the couple more inclined to communicate. The young man will constantly solve the girl’s problems and help her make serious decisions. She will gratefully accept his care, but there will be no reciprocity on her part.

LIBRA man and SCORPIO woman

As in the previous couple, all responsibility for the relationship of this couple will fall on the shoulders of Scorpio. The Libra man is gentle and helpful, but often for the benefit he sees in this union. If these people work together, thanks to the participation of Scorpio, things will go uphill for Libra, but the latter is unlikely to be able to achieve success on his own. He is afraid of responsibility like fire; any, even the slightest difficulties can make him panic. A Scorpio woman who is confident in her abilities will definitely rush to help, but constantly take care of everything passive person not included in her plans.

♎ + ♏: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— Love unions between Libra and Scorpio are very rare. Most likely, the young people ended up together faster than they had time to get to know each other even a little. The Libra guy could hardly be the initiator of this connection. Firstly, he is indecisive and unsure of himself, and secondly, even if he shows signs of attention to the Scorpio girl, they are so ambiguous that they will go unnoticed. The young man is afraid of his beloved’s refusal, so he acts veiledly and very carefully.

Scorpio's initiative will be the engine of this relationship. Sometimes a girl will get the impression that if she doesn’t make herself known, her lover will completely disappear from her life. In fact, the guy’s passivity does not indicate his indifference, he just thinks about every step for a very long time, and the girl is ahead of him with her actions.

The relationship will last as long as the Scorpio needs it. If a Libra guy bothers her with his slowness, or she suspects him of self-interest, none of his attempts to maintain a connection will be crowned with success.

♎ + ♏: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Marriages between Libra and Scorpio rarely last long. The Libra man is happy with his wife. She thinks and works for two, while making almost no attempts to push him to be more active, because she doesn’t see the point in it. The spouse is too passive, the role of breadwinner is too difficult for him. His occupation is often creative in nature, and he spends his odd earnings on his own needs. If his wife demands more practicality from him, the family will face a series of conflicts, but not a concrete result.

The wife is trying to achieve success in her career; the husband will readily take on household responsibilities. Dispose of family budget his wife is unlikely to trust him, and if this happens, she will not be happy with the result. Libras tend to spend money on beautiful but impractical things; they are attracted by expensive travel, going to concerts and exhibitions, and at the same time they do not think that there is a significant period of time left until their next paycheck. Very soon the wife will take control of all her husband's expenses, and this will greatly offend him.

The spouses do not have common interests and friends; each of them lives a separate life. Most often, such marriages break up on the initiative of the Scorpio wife.

♎ + ♏: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- between Scorpio and Libra is hardly possible. The young man does not inspire confidence in the girl at all; she sees in him a very secretive person who pursues his own benefit in all situations. Libras are drawn to Scorpios more because they tend to surround themselves strong people, on whom you can count on difficult situations. If there is extreme frankness on the part of the guy, he will arouse sympathy from this girl, but such cases are rare.

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Compatibility of zodiac signs according to the horoscope is an important point, and it should be taken into account when building relationships. We are not saying that you need to be based on this, but this means that in any case, relationships can be developed, and incompatibility according to the horoscope should not arise between people. In this publication we will look at the compatibility of Libra and Scorpio. How will the relationship develop between representatives of these signs?

It has been proven many times that the zodiac sign can influence both the character and destiny of a person. Let's find out who Libra and Scorpio are.

General characteristics of Scorpio

Scorpio is a Water sign. He has a strong character and seems to attract people to him, because he is naturally endowed with magnetism.

  • Anyone born under the sign of Scorpio, whether a man or a woman, strives for self-improvement all his life, wants to change both people and the whole world for the better.
  • Scorpios are hardy individuals; they are not restrained in their emotions.
  • Friendship with such people is always valued, because Scorpios know how to keep other people's secrets, they believe in family values and value loyalty.
  • These people bring everything they start to completion. Hardy both mentally and physically. Scorpios are hardworking and conscientious workers, they love money and power.

It is impossible to understand a Scorpio man at first glance; he is a very temperamental person, endowed with endurance and passion. Scorpios never lash out, they wait only for the most opportune moment, and then begin to act with all their might, giving their best.

Scorpios do everything not to remain within the limits; they try to live as in last time. As for love and friendship, Scorpio looks closely at a person for a long time, tests him. If Scorpio falls in love, beware! He will achieve his goal, even if he has to take his lover away from his rival, or steal him. Scorpios also devote themselves to their favorite work.

Scorpio Disadvantages:

  1. These are vindictive and treacherous people. They do not tolerate competition, and will do everything to become leaders (is it a minus?).
  2. People born under this sign, not finding a use for themselves in life, begin to engage in self-criticism, destroy themselves, and are subject to all sorts of bad habits.
  3. Being in constant internal tension, Scorpios may have difficulty sleeping at night and are susceptible to depression.
  4. These are pessimists, not the most sociable people, they are very secretive.

General characteristics of Libra

Libra is an Air sign, and the only inanimate sign of the Zodiac.

Connoisseurs of everything beautiful, be it the creation of nature or man. Diplomats, purposeful and strong-willed individuals. Reliable, constant and creative - this is Libra!

  • Both in love, and in friendship, and business, they are difficult partners, as they are demanding, try to weigh and evaluate everything, but always for equality.
  • They often have doubts about choosing the right business or person; it is difficult for them to make decisions quickly, and this becomes a real problem in everything.
  • Libra's appearance is often attractive, they are pleasant to talk to, and endowed with excellent manners. Often those who are unsure of themselves need a stronger partner, and if we talk about the compatibility of Libra and Scorpio, then the couple should turn out to be good! But more on that later.
  • People born under this sign have a good sense of humor, are sociable and sociable guys and girls who attract attention attract people.
  • They are very jealous and can make a scene of jealousy in public. Libra will stage a scene of fidelity to their partner even over the purchase of a new outfit or a gift given to a colleague.

Disadvantages of Libra:

  1. In both friendship and love, Libras are observers, and this can irritate their partner.
  2. Too judicious, too harshly evaluate the actions of other people, all this is negative sides character.
  3. In love, they allow themselves to be loved more, but they themselves try to remain reasonable, and when choosing a partner they are often guided by their mind rather than their heart. Equal status in society is important to them.

Compatibility of Libra man and Scorpio woman

How will relationships in love or marriage of these signs be built? Everything is not quite as smooth and ideal as many would like. But it's not that bad. The main thing is the ability to find a compromise and give in to each other. Let's talk about relationships in more detail.

In a love relationship

Libra guys love to control everyone and everything; women cannot understand such men, but they are clearly attracted to Libra. In love, they are detached, self-absorbed, and this style makes them similar to the heroes of women's novels, where a passionate handsome man breaks many hearts.

Libras do not tolerate boundaries and are very demanding of their partners, so being married to them will be oh, how difficult it will be. Egoists. They love beautiful women, encourage them to sacrifice themselves, and also demand constant self-improvement.

The Scorpio girl is naturally endowed with the art of seduction and an attractive character, which is why people are drawn to her. She has a deep nature, very measured and calm, but if feelings appear, she will drink them to the dregs! Faithful, does not tolerate betrayal, is careful in choosing a partner, and distrustful in love.

These are completely different people, they are absolutely different in character. The Scorpio woman is passionate, as they say, loves love. The Libra man is aloof in love and may not give his woman attention.

And yet, there are such unions, and they are strong. The compatibility of zodiac signs here depends more on the man, on his tolerance. If a guy makes compromises for the sake of the relationship, then everything will work out. A Libra man is very comfortable with a Scorpio woman in the sense that she gives him self-confidence, the guy becomes less timid, and a passionate partner can melt his inner ice.

But Scorpio also needs a man like Libra, with whom she can become a little more feminine and find peace.


The leader in this family is a woman, despite the attempts of a man to take the reins of power. The Scorpio spouse will quickly interrupt the attempts of the Libra spouse to gain power in the house, and even bite him painfully in the end, so as to discourage him!

The breadwinner in the family is often Libra; he is more diplomatic. The wife will be the full-fledged ruler of both her husband, children, and the entire financial state. The Libra man and the Scorpio woman will initially understand whether they can live together and build a strong unit of society. And if they decided to seal the union with a stamp, then it will be indestructible.

In friendship

It's rare, but friendship can begin between such different people. As in the family, in friendship the Scorpio girl will dominate the Libra guy. She will choose entertainment, perhaps a girl for him. Does Libra need this? Probably yes, if he follows his fighting girlfriend everywhere! Such people will become for each other kindred spirits, they will zealously protect each other, keep all secrets.

Sexual compatibility

In bed for this couple, not everything will be as smooth as the woman would like. She is passionate and ardent, she needs experiments, she wants to make all her most immodest desires come true. He is timid and shy, for him sex is precisely “marital duty”, and not passionate pleasure. Libra cannot fully satisfy a Scorpio woman.

But all is not lost! We need to listen to each other's wishes. Scorpio is advised not to put pressure on her timid partner, and Libra should understand the ardent temperament of her beloved.

How compatible are Scorpio men and Libra women?

It seems that the signs are still the same, but the couple’s relationship will be built somewhat differently than described above.

In a love relationship

Scorpio guys are passionate, proud and courageous people, overwhelmed with emotions. She has a domineering nature, and she will not tolerate pressure on herself from the woman she loves. An excellent lover, passionate and ardent. In love, he is an owner, it is very difficult to build relationships with him, since Scorpio requires complete dedication to himself. Other interests and the work of the woman he loves do not interest him at all. If he finds shortcomings, he will begin to correct them with all his might (I’m not talking about himself, but about the shortcomings of his beloved). Both in relationships and in friendship, he does not tolerate falsehood.

The Libra woman always looks good, works a lot on her appearance and manners, and achieves success both in her work and with the opposite sex. In friendship they are ideal, in relationships they are difficult. They demand material well-being from a man and evaluate human actions from the very top of established morals.


Scorpio takes the lead in the marriage, but the Libra woman will compete for the position of treasurer. Both partners want unconditional control over finances. The Scorpio man is hot-tempered, but his calm and measured wife will influence this like water on a fire - it will hiss and calm down.

Libra is very demanding of their spouse, this applies to both appearance, grooming, and professional success. But these are not hangovers; Libra women themselves often achieve success, they never give up, and are not satisfied with little. They believe that since they can do it themselves, they have the right to demand the same from their partner.

Here the leader is a man. A woman born under the sign of Libra will not at first even feel how skillfully the poisonous Scorpio manipulates her. He will lead her further and further, and soon the lady will feel the pressure and weight of the shackles.

The Scorpio man will demand that his woman give herself completely to him. She will have to be content with rare meetings with her friends (only on the territory, and preferably in the presence of Scorpio), the most modest hobby.

In a marriage with Scorpio, you can only do household chores, give birth and raise children. If a woman agrees to this state of affairs, then there will be harmony, harmony and understanding in the family. Scorpio will become a teacher for his partner, will open up new facets of life and pleasure for her, and teach her self-confidence. Libra will give a man a lot of fresh emotions, allow him to protect and love himself, and will be a submissive and devoted partner.

In friendship

A Libra woman and a Scorpio man can become great friends. Both are erudite, they will always have something to talk about. The guy will teach his girlfriend to be relaxed, and the Libra girl will share her calmness and moderate her friend’s ardor. Such friends will either party at parties or spend long hours in a calm environment in nature simply talking about existence. Scorpios are very sociable, Libras are a little timid, but for both it is important to have a small but close circle of friends, and they will become ideal comrades for each other.

Sexual compatibility

In bed, Scorpio also takes the lead.

He is passionate and sensitive, not a single centimeter of his girlfriend’s body will be left unattended. Libra Woman will get real pleasure, and over time she will liberate herself, because Scorpio simply infects with sexual charisma.

  1. In friendship, the tandem of Scorpio and Libra is unbreakable. If two such people found a common language different people, then they will carry their relationship throughout their lives. Even when they grow up, start a family, and move to different parts of the world, they will not forget about each other, always congratulate each other on their birthday, happy new year, and so on.
  2. In love relationships, not everything is so simple. In any situation (a Scorpio woman and a Libra man, or vice versa), one will put pressure on the other, it will take a long time to build relationships, to seek compromises. The main thing is to understand that you are one team, and you need to listen to each other’s feelings and desires.
  3. Quarrels often occur in the family of Scorpio and Libra, and for the most part the blame lies with Scorpio. Libra can endure for a long time, but in anger they are terrible, and if Scorpio goes too far, then he will only have to wait until his partner calms down. If the spouses can find a compromise, they will perfect family, strong and friendly, and one can only envy!

The compatibility horoscope is only a guide for getting acquainted with possible problems, and not a specific indication of them. The stars can also be wrong, and a person born under one sign or another may turn out to be its absolute opposite in character. Therefore, before drawing conclusions after reading the horoscope, get to know the person well!