Relatively recently, bathtubs made of acrylic, a plastic previously widely used in dentistry, have entered the ranks of sanitary products. The variety of shapes, strength and hardness, and antibacterial qualities contribute to the popularity of such plumbing fixtures. But since the composite material is quite capricious towards detergents, it is worth finding out in advance how to clean an acrylic bathtub and how to do it correctly.

In order not to spoil the sanitary ware, it should be taken into account that the polymer is sensitive to cleaning powders with abrasives and aggressive chemical solutions. Before you start treating the bath, carefully study the composition of the product and instructions for its use. The following is a list of chemical products that are not recommended for acrylic care.

  1. Any detergents with abrasive particles (including dry soda). They cause micro-scratches to appear on the treated surface of the bathtub, as a result of which it loses its inherent shine and becomes matte.
  2. Chlorine-containing preparations. After their application, the acrylic becomes dull and the gloss disappears. In hot tubs, chlorine can damage silicone gaskets.
  3. Acetone and other organic solvents. They contribute to the destruction of the polymer structure. With prolonged contact, acrylic reacts with the drug and becomes deformed.
  4. Ammonia, liquids with ammonia. They give almost the same effect as solvents, but less pronounced.
  5. Formaldehyde. A cleaning product for acrylic bathtubs should not contain such harmful and dangerous components that have a destructive effect on the material.

Acrylic plumbing fixtures should not be cleaned with concentrated alcohols, alkalis, or acids: they cause small cracks and discoloration of the bathtub.

Important: When caring for a plastic bathtub, do not use hard metal scourers or brushes. It is best to clean acrylic with a soft sponge or rag. Too hot water is also dangerous for plastic: it can cause deformation of the tank.

Store-bought cleaning products

Experienced housewives advise: before starting the procedure and cleaning the acrylic bathtub, you should test the product yourself. To do this, squeeze it onto your hand and “palp” it: there should be no sharp crystals in the preparation.

Another testing option is to apply a small amount of detergent to an inconspicuous area of ​​the surface. If after application the appearance of the coating has not deteriorated, the treatment can be carried out over the entire area. But it is still better to buy special preparations that guarantee that their use is safe for acrylic, or delicate universal cleaning products.

It is important to properly care for your acrylic bathtub to extend its service life.

These days, there are many products that can be used to clean an acrylic bathtub. Here is a list of the most effective developments from well-known manufacturers.


Its popularity is explained by its speed of action and versatility: the drug helps remove residual detergents, get rid of rust, mold, and salt deposits. "Acrilan" does not damage the surface of the bathtub - on the contrary, it becomes glossy due to the creation of a thin protective film.


The line includes several products, each of which performs its own function: cleaning, disinfection, restoration of the protective layer.

"Acrylic Polish"

The brand is represented by a line of drugs from the manufacturer Koipa. In addition to cleaning gels, it includes products for restoring and polishing the bathtub.

"Tim Pro"

This is an environmentally friendly product without harmful ingredients. The drug gently disinfects the surface, eliminates odors, removes salt deposits and greasy stains.


A universal spray or cream suitable for all types of coatings and plumbing fixtures. Due to the absence of abrasives, SIF is safe for acrylic surfaces. With its help, you can wash the bathtub from yellowness, rusty stains, grease, and lime.


This liquid composition is ideal for daily care.


An effective spray, when using it you have to wear a respirator due to the characteristic pungent odor.


A universal cleaner suitable for bathtubs and other sanitary fittings. Gently cleans acrylic from grease and rust stains, and traces of soap. The formula of the drug contains a polymer that prevents the growth of fungus and the adhesion of dirt.

Having solved the problem of choosing a cleaning product, all that remains is to clean the bathtub. Usually the instructions can be found directly on the packaging.

General rules of application household chemicals at home are:

  • liquids are applied with a sponge, left for some time (from 5 to 20 minutes) on the surface, washed off with water under pressure;
  • The spray is sprayed, left for the specified time, washed off;
  • wipe the clean bath with a dry cloth.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub with improvised means

How can you clean an acrylic bathtub if you can’t use household chemicals? The choice of option depends on the nature of the contamination.


A weak solution will help get rid of limescale. citric acid(instead, you can add 1.5 liters to the bath table vinegar). Taking a bath hot water(temperature up to +50 o C), add 50 g of lemon, leave for several hours to soften salt deposits. Drain the working solution and rinse the surface with running water. Finally, remove any remaining moisture with a soft cloth.


The yellowed bottom and walls of the bath are bleached with apple bite, lemon juice or citric acid (20 g per glass of water). The problem areas are wiped with liquids, and after a few minutes they are rinsed with a stream of water under pressure. The surface is blotted with a dry cloth.


Rusty stains are cleaned with soda. Water is first added to the powder. The resulting paste is applied to the “reddened” areas (no need to rub) and washed off after 10-15 minutes.


Deeply ingrained dirt can be removed using toothpaste without abrasive particles. Squeeze a small amount of it onto a cloth and wipe the stains with it.

You can also wash the bath using folk remedies.

Features of washing bathtubs with hydromassage

Special acrylic bathtubs for hydromassage procedures are equipped with nozzles (sprayers) connected to a circulation pump. It creates excess pressure of water, which then comes out with pressure through the small holes of the sprayers in a given direction. If moisture remains on the injectors, this causes mold growth, the proliferation of microorganisms, and the formation of a layer of lime deposits.

What and how is the best way to clean a hot tub? The cleaning and disinfection process is combined, carried out in several stages:

  1. Fill the tank moderately hot water so that its level is 5-7 cm higher than the sprayers.
  2. Turn off the air supply.
  3. Pour in 50 ml of dishwasher cleaning liquid.
  4. For the purpose of disinfection, add a glass of vinegar to the solution.
  5. Turn on the hydromassage mode for 10-15 minutes. During this time, all accumulated dirt will be released from the nozzles into the bath.
  6. Open the plug and drain the dirty liquid.
  7. Collected into a container clean water and start the hydromassage again - this is necessary to rinse all devices of detergent and prepare the bath for use.

Acrylic bathtubs are popular due to their hygiene, ease of installation and lack of corrosion. Such bathtubs require careful maintenance, since the material from which they are made has disadvantages. But there are also benefits . Caring for an acrylic bathtub is the science of cleanliness. Let's try to study it. Acrylic tanks have a good “life span”. They will last for many more children, provided that their surface is properly cared for. In order for a new purchase to “take root” in your home, you need to know how to wash an acrylic bathtub

Features of caring for an acrylic bathtub

Note! Bathtubs made of this material require careful handling! They should not be washed more than twice a month with cleaning products. After each use, rinse the walls of the tank with cool water and wipe with a clean sponge. A couple of times a week, wipe with a sponge and soap, rinse the surface, then wipe with a completely dry cloth. Choose a fabric that is soft and clean.

The bathtub must be wiped dry so that not a drop of water remains in it overnight. And wiping the tank with a sponge every day is a guarantee that your purchase will not have any deposits. This material repels dirt and does not corrode like cast iron.

But if plaque appears, the tank is washed with cleaning agents, and not with soap and water. Because a bath is a hygienic place. If there is plaque on it, it is dirty.

How to choose a cleaning product?

Since comfortable acrylic bathtubs have been installed in apartments in our country, housewives have been asking themselves new problems. : How to clean an acrylic bathtub? Detergents used to wash old cast iron tanks will not work in this case. Acrylic products are not suitable for detergent compositions that contain:

  • chlorine;
  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • formic acid (or other acids).

An acrylic tank cannot be washed with boiling water. It is prohibited to use anti-plaque products containing formaldehyde. ammonia and other corrosive elements. This will cause damage and the bathtub will have to be removed or rebuilt, which is expensive.

Caring for an acrylic bathtub involves the use of special cleaning compounds. But which of them will be of better quality, and what do the manufacturers of these products offer customers? Using "either anything" is not safe for your new bathtub. So which should you prefer? Here is a list of detergents and cleaning products, each of which fully corresponds to its purpose.

Convenient sprayer, delicate aroma of fresh grapes, easy cleaning - just what you need to quickly tidy up your acrylic bathtub

Detergent compositions will help qualitatively. Choose the one from the rating that suits your price category and has a tolerable smell.

Effective cleaning products for acrylic bathtubs

Using cleaning products

Cleaning products are used only in accordance with the instructions for use. These are not abrasive products that are used to wash the surface “until victory”. These detergents and cleaning agents are used differently.

  1. This gel is applied to the surface of the tank (if it is a spray, it is splashed along the surface).
  2. It takes 10 minutes for the product to take effect.
  3. Gently with a sponge and jet warm water dirt is washed away.
  4. Washed again clean water and wipes himself off.

Sometimes all attempts to clear the stone from the bathtub remain in vain. It is impossible to clean an old bathtub. Try updating your plumbing. These tanks are restored using the technology of applying a new layer of acrylic. will cost less than buying new plumbing.

It will be difficult to clean an old bathtub, only restoration will save you

Folk cleaning products

If you want to save money, then “home cleaning technologies” are also suitable. Western products are more effective, but they have an aggressive effect on acrylic. Traditional cleaning methods are cheaper. Let's give several ways.

using what is in every home? Soap stains are easier to deal with. It's not as annoying as limescale. You can wash acrylic with a few drops of wine vinegar diluted with water. This mixture is safe, but it works no worse than other expensive care products for acrylic surfaces. Lime deposits are difficult to remove even with cleaning agents. But it is possible to get it out.

You will need to do the following:

  • fill the tank with warm (not hot) water to the top;
  • pour 1 -1.5 liters of vinegar;
  • After 10 hours, drain the water and rinse the bathroom with a sponge.

Another trouble that happens is rusty stains on the side of the bathtub from water flowing from the tap. It’s easier to monitor faucets and change them on time than to remove rust. An acrylic bathtub is not subject to rust. There are no other causes of rust other than leaking taps. But if this happens, how to deal with the pollution? How to clean a bathtub from rust?

To remove rust, they use either special chemicals or traditional methods, which work no worse than their Western cleaner competitors. Citric acid diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2 will help. The secret to preparing the mixture is simple:

  1. A glass of water with citric acid diluted in it is thrown into a bath of water.
  2. Literally after 10 minutes the bath is washed out with water.
  3. It is wiped clean.

Over time, the bathroom becomes yellowish . How to remove yellow stains from a bathtub? Yellow appears on the surface due to rust and salts that city tap water carries with it. This plaque cannot be washed off with abrasives or acid mixtures. You can wash off the yellowness with the same vinegar (9%), or diluted oxalic acid. It is advisable to heat the water in which you will dilute the vinegar or acid, but not too much. Since cheap acrylic does not tolerate high temperatures.

Most used folk remedies for cleaning acrylic bathtubs

Pollution prevention and disinfection

High standard acrylic is guaranteed to last 25-30 years and looks like new. The acrylic bathtub just needs care and careful operation. Let us mention once again the rules of their operation. In an acrylic bathtub, you should never:

  1. Soak and wash clothes.
  2. Allow acids or alkalis to come into contact with the surface. No abrasive cleaners.
  3. Bathe pets. They scratch the surface of the bathtub with their claws. The disadvantage of the acrylic bathtub surface is its softness and low strength.
  4. Place any basins in the tank, be it plastic or steel, and wash clothes in them. This puts the tank at risk. Scratches will appear.

As long as you stick to a weekly bath cleaning schedule and don't allow any damage, she should be fine.

Before installing a new bathtub, plumbers recommend carrying out more thorough repairs and replacing the water pipes with new ones. Then a yellow coating will not appear on the bathtub. The smooth surface is not subject to “attacks” of fungal diseases or corrosion. But it is advisable to carry out disinfection once a year.

It is not recommended to bathe pets in an acrylic bathtub.

How is disinfection carried out?

How to wash an acrylic bathtub so that there is no doubt that it is disinfected and not dangerous for bathing small children? For disinfection, one more product is needed - Ravak Disinfectant. Product from the Czech company Ravak. The company constantly checks its products for quality and ensures that they are safe to use.

The order is:

  1. The tank is filled to the top.
  2. The product is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 and poured out.
  3. Stir and leave for literally 10 minutes.
  4. Then rinse off with clean water and a sponge.

It is not used often, therefore, it is beneficial to purchase 1 bottle. It disinfects not only the tank, but also the entire bathroom. Ravak Disinfectant costs 600-800 rubles. for 500 ml. But remember, the product is highly diluted with water. After the disinfection procedure, you will be confident that the bathtub is clean and the acrylic is safe from bacteria.

To clean a bathtub from rust and deposits, you will have to purchase a bunch of different products and find the right one among them. After all, everything is learned in practice. Traditional methods of washing acrylic are also effective if there is no money for professional plumbing care products.

Each of the products listed in the rating has both advantages and disadvantages associated with the composition of the substance. There is no optimal detergent composition. If you don’t find the ones listed in your nearest store, another product for cleaning acrylic bathtubs will do just fine. The main thing is to read the composition and make sure there are no chemicals in it: chlorine, ammonia or acids.

Methods for cleaning the bathroom from rust, limescale and yellowness.

A clean bathroom is an indicator of the cleanliness of the housewife. This is one of the most frequently visited places where a lot of mold, dust and soap scum. In places where the bathtub comes into contact with the faucet or drain, rust and scale often form.

How to clean a bathtub from rust?

Rust often eats into the surface of a metal bathtub and is difficult to remove. Many housewives solve this issue by purchasing expensive cleaning products. But, unfortunately, they also do not always cope well with the problem.

Bathroom cleaning instructions:

  • Take a glass jar and rinse it. Remove moisture and pour in 100 ml of ammonia
  • Add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide to the substance and stir
  • Saturate the fabric with the mixture and rub away any stains.
  • You can pour some of the solution onto the rust and leave for 20 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water, repeat if necessary

Rust is an iron oxide that can be removed using acids and alkalis. It dissolves perfectly with the help of ammonia, vinegar and special aggressive agents.

How to whiten a bathtub from yellowness?

Many housewives regularly use this method to clean sinks and bathrooms. The effect of the method is based on the use of wine vinegar and salt.

Instructions for removing yellowness:

  • Mix 100 ml of wine vinegar and 50 g of salt in a glass bowl
  • Place the vessel in the microwave and heat the solution to a temperature of 70 °C
  • Dampen a cloth with the liquid and rub the dirty areas. Leave for 30 minutes
  • Do not over-expose the solution, as it may damage the enamel.

How to whiten an enamel bathtub?

It is best to clean such products with acid-containing solutions. For the product to work well, you need to warm up the bathroom. Just fill it with hot water, flush it and wipe dry.

Only then apply the cleaning agent. The enamel should not be rubbed with abrasives or a metal scraper. This can cause it to become cracked. These cracks often become clogged with dirt and mold.

Instructions for enamel whitening:

  • Heat the product. This enhances the chemical reaction and cleaning occurs faster
  • Pour concentrated vinegar or essence onto dirty areas
  • Oxalic acid works great for removing dirt, but you shouldn’t apply it for long
  • Leave the product on for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home?

You should not use abrasive compounds or powders to clean acrylic bathtubs. They scratch the polymers and damage the product. It is recommended to use such compositions as “Silit”, “Domestos”, “Cif”. Substances with a high chlorine content (Whiteness) should not be left for a long time, as they are absorbed into the pores of the polymer and cause it to turn yellow.

Instructions for cleaning an acrylic bathtub with citric acid:

  • Dissolve a spoonful of the substance in a glass of hot water
  • Soak a cloth in the solution and apply to stains. You can wipe the entire surface of the bathroom
  • Rinse with warm water
  • You can use special products for plastic bathtubs, these are Riton, Eago, Ravak, Delfin

How to whiten a cast iron bathtub?

A cast iron bathtub can be cleaned using soda and abrasives. It is recommended to clean with liquid chlorine. Do not rub the metal surface with a scraper, it destroys the coating.

Instructions for cleaning a cast iron bathtub:

  • Rinse the product with very hot water or boiling water
  • Dry with a dry cloth or towel
  • Pour in some Bleach or liquid chlorine. You can buy Domestos with chlorine or Hedgehog
  • Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water

How and with what to clean the bathtub using folk remedies?

There are many ways to clean a bathroom from rust and limescale. Of course, it is advisable not to use techniques that destroy the enamel.

Options for cleaning the bathroom with folk remedies:

  • Mix salt with vinegar and heat. Apply the solution to the surface. Rinse with water
  • Mix borax with ammonia and apply to rust or dirt. Wash everything off after 15 minutes
  • Pour citric acid onto a dampened surface and leave for 20 minutes. Wash the surface

How to clean an acrylic bathtub with vinegar?

Acrylic is a unique material that requires careful care. On its surface there is an antibacterial film that protects the container from the appearance of mold and bacteria. Do not use bleach or aggressive substances for cleaning. Use proven and safe methods.

Instructions for cleaning acrylic with vinegar:

  • Rinse the product with hot water and wipe dry
  • Dissolve 20 g of salt in 100 ml of vinegar and place in the microwave. The temperature will speed up the process and you will get rid of dirt faster
  • Pour the solution into the bathtub and leave for 20 minutes
  • Wipe with a damp cloth and wash with water

How to clean a bathtub at home with baking soda?

Heat the bathtub with warm water and wipe dry. Mix baking soda with calcined and apply to a damp bath. Do not rinse off the baking soda and let the paste dry. Pour vinegar into a glass and pour it over the surface. The vinegar and baking soda will react chemically and the dirt will disappear.

You can use this method:

  • Mix baking soda and water until you get a paste
  • Apply the paste to the surface and leave for 20 minutes
  • Rub the surface with a sponge and rinse thoroughly

How to clean a bathtub with citric acid?

This method is used to clean cast iron and acrylic bathtubs from limescale and rust.

Cleaning instructions:

  • Wet the contaminated areas with warm water
  • Add citric acid. It will stick to a wet surface, forming a concentrated solution
  • Leave for 25 minutes
  • Wipe with a clean cloth and rinse

How to clean a bathtub with hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is commonly used to remove yellow stains from the bathroom. It is a weak acid that eats away dirt. At the same time, the solution does not smell of anything and is completely safe for health, unlike chemicals.

Cleaning instructions:

  • Mix ammonia and peroxide in a ratio of 2 to 1
  • Apply the prepared solution to a warm and dry surface.
  • Leave for 30 minutes
  • If the bathroom is very dirty, you can leave a cloth soaked in the prepared solution on the surface

As you can see, cleaning the bathroom from rust and yellowness is quite simple. It takes a little time and effort.

VIDEO: Cleaning the bathroom

If you are interested in the question " How to clean an acrylic bathtub?", then this article is just for you. The peculiarity of acrylic bathtubs is that they are completely unstable to mechanical damage, although they have beautiful shape. This is something to keep in mind when choosing a cleaner for your plumbing fixtures.

Let's look at the main types of products that should not be used to clean an acrylic bathtub:

  • solvent;

  • solid powders.

Since an acrylic bathtub is a rather delicate piece of plumbing, it must be treated with great care. The use of products containing the above substances, as well as the use of boiling water and hard powders, can significantly reduce the quality of the top coating layer, lead to yellowing or cause scratches on the surface of the bathtub.

“Then how can you clean an acrylic bathtub at home?” - you ask. We will tell you more about this.

Today household chemicals can offer a large number of cleaning products for acrylic sanitary ware. With their help, you can easily wash an acrylic bathtub from yellowness, as well as get rid of limescale and water stone that is deposited at the bottom, thanks to the quality of the water entering our house. In addition, an acrylic bathtub requires particularly careful daily care. Firstly, after any water procedure, the plumbing fixtures must be wiped dry with a cloth, avoiding the presence of moisture on the acrylic surface. This leads to the appearance of plaque and yellowness. Secondly, such a bathtub should be looked after daily by wiping it with a soapy cloth or sponge, rinsing with water and wiping dry. In this case, the appearance of spots and yellowness is unlikely. But if you do neglect the plumbing, then returning it to its previous appearance will not be very difficult. To do this, you need to choose the right cleaning agent and our article will help you with this.

Cleaning chemicals

Product name

Mode of application

The method of application depends on the consistency of the product. It can be in the form of cream, spray and paste. The spray should be sprayed on the surface of the bath, and the cream and paste should be spread on problem areas. You need to leave the product for the amount of time specified in the instructions, then rinse it off with plenty of water and wipe the surface dry. This product is very effective in cleaning the bathtub.

Apply foam to the problem area and leave for a while, then rinse thoroughly warm water and wipe dry. Do not allow the product to dry out and do not mix it with other products.

Acrilan effectively fights all types of plaque and mold formation, and also helps prevent their reappearance.


The product is sprayed onto the bath and washed off with plenty of water after the time indicated on the package has expired.

Apply the product to the surface, leave for seven minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. When using, it is better to wear rubber gloves and a face mask, as the product has a rather pungent odor.

This product should be applied to the problem area and, after the time indicated on the package, rinse with water. Excellently fights soap stains, deposits and corrosion, and also prevents their reappearance.


Spray or spread the product onto the acrylic coating and leave for the time indicated on the package. Then rinse thoroughly with running water.


Apply to the surface of the bath, after the amount of time indicated on the package, rinse thoroughly with water. The product actively fights unpleasant smell, helps restore the shine of the bath and prevent subsequent contamination.

The list of household chemicals indicated in this table is far from final, because this moment There are dozens of different products for caring for acrylic bathtubs. You can determine for yourself which one suits you best, but before doing so, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with traditional methods cleaning acrylic bathtubs.

Cleaning an acrylic bathtub with folk remedies

If you are not impressed with household chemicals, you don’t want to spend money, and these products are of little use - try using folk ways cleaning an acrylic bathtub. Most of them have been tested over the years and help to cope with most of the problems that arise when using such delicate plumbing fixtures.

    Lemon acid will help get rid of limescale and whiten the bathtub. To do this, you need to fill the bath with hot (not boiling water), then pour a packet of citric acid into it and leave for two hours. After this, drain the water, rinse the bathtub with plenty of water and wipe dry with a cloth. It is recommended to carry out this procedure no more than once every six months.

    To get rid of various stains, try applying toothpaste with whitening effect and rub it over the problem area with your fingers. Leave the paste on the surface of the bath for a few minutes, then rinse with water and wipe dry.

    By using Soda and soap solution you can get rid of most contaminants. To do this, apply the solution to problem areas, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. Do not forget to wipe the bathtub after each water procedure.

    Helps fight rust solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. To do this, mix them in equal proportions, take a sponge, dip it in this solution and wipe the problem area. As a rule, the effect will not be long in coming.

    If the bathtub is too dirty, this can be corrected using vinegar. To do this, fill the bath with hot water and add a liter of ordinary table vinegar to it. Leave the water in the bath for 12 hours, then drain and rinse with plenty of water, then wipe the surface of the bath dry.

The effect of one method or another may be different. It depends on your bathtub, how it is used correctly and the composition of the water that gets on the plumbing. Any of these methods may help some, while others will have no luck with any of them. This is an individual indicator, so do not rush to criticize the product if it fails. As a last resort, if you follow the basic rules for caring for an acrylic bathtub, you won’t have to resort to cleaning it from stains or rust. Below is a video with details.

They are gradually replacing the clumsy, bulky acrylic models we inherited from Soviet era. They are distinguished by a variety of shapes, light weight, low heat transfer and a beautiful glossy shine.

Many homeowners note with regret that acrylic containers lose their original whiteness and smoothness over time, and scratches appear on them. Most often this happens due to improper use and failure to follow recommendations for caring for an expensive product. In this article we will tell you how to polish acrylic bathtubs with your own hands.

Causes of scratches

Taking a bath if its surface is covered with scratches and becomes rough is a dubious pleasure. In addition, dirt gets clogged into microcracks in acrylic, which is very difficult to remove, resulting in a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Scratches on the surface of acrylic bathtubs spoil the appearance of the product and pose a threat to human health. They appear as a result of the following factors:

Important! Acrylic bathtubs are considered to be quite high-maintenance plumbing fixtures. If you do not follow the manufacturer's recommendations, they will short time lose the aesthetic appearance of the new product. Before the condition of the washing container becomes neglected, polish the surface with your own hands.

Polishing technology

Polishing is the process of removing the top layer from the scratched surface of bathtubs using an abrasive agent, which is performed to restore the shine and smoothness of the product. Acrylic is a rather delicate material that requires gentle handling. Therefore, polishing bathtubs made of this material is done using soft wax polish, vinegar, zero-grade sandpaper and a soft cloth.

The technology for polishing an acrylic bathtub at home consists of the following steps:

Note! It is strictly not recommended to polish acrylic using a power tool, since the thickness of the walls of bathtubs made of this material is not large, so there is a real risk of literally rubbing it into holes.


Since the walls of acrylic bathtubs are quite thin, it is not recommended to frequently resort to surface polishing. To avoid premature wear of this by no means cheap product, you must strictly follow the manufacturers' recommendations for the use and care of the bathtub.

The bathtub will serve for many years if you follow these simple rules:

  • Do not use detergents containing abrasive particles, formaldehyde, aggressive acids or organic solvents to clean the hot tub.
  • Rinse with water after each use and clean with soapy water at least once a week.
  • Dry the product after each use with a soft towel.
  • Do not use hard brushes or sponges to clean your bathroom.
  • Do not wash animals in an acrylic bath that can damage the surface with their claws.
  • Use only specialized cleaning products for cleaning.

Please note that only compliance with the correct means and regular care of an acrylic bathtub guarantees many years of service, as well as safety appearance products.

Video instruction