Anhedonia is a real scourge of our time!

V Ancient Greece there were two schools of thought that put pleasure, pleasure and the absence of suffering on a pedestal: hedonism and epicureanism. However, in our time, most people are subject to the opposite state: there is no joy in life. What is anhedonia and how to deal with it? How to get emotions back?

Anhedonia is a specific impoverishment emotional sphere, characterized by a loss of a sense of joy, a lack of pleasure from what you love, a decrease in motivation to receive positive emotions. A person with this diagnosis does not have good and bad days, they are all equally gray, dull, joyless.

Most often, this diagnosis is made to unsuccessful and uncommunicative people. It turns out a kind of vicious circle: failures provoke a feeling of inferiority, self-doubt, a person limits contacts with others (personal or work), fearing again fail, but because of this does not receive new experience, does not grow, does not develop. Faced again with a similar situation, it repeats previous mistakes.

Symptoms of the disease

  • Loss of interest in life;
  • Lack of aspirations, desires and ambitions;
  • Selectivity of memory: often memories of pleasant moments are erased or dim, while failures constantly reappear in memory;
  • Lethargy, apathy, fatigue;
  • Self-doubt, feelings of inferiority and inferiority;
  • Seclusion, difficulty in maintaining social ties with other people;
  • Lack of emotional response: the person is not happy with the daily little things (delicious food, beautiful sunset) and significant events (promotion, going to a concert of your favorite band);
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and hobbies that were previously enjoyable;
  • Decreased sexual desire.

Classification of anhedonia

Anhedonia is the inability to enjoy. Today, the following forms of this disease are distinguished:

  1. Social anhedonia is characterized by isolation, lack of desire to please people, pleasure from social contacts, desire to achieve career success;
  2. Physical - manifests itself in a decrease in the positive perception of stimuli that are associated with the senses (beautiful color, appetizing smell, pleasant tactile sensations, etc.), the joy of relaxation;
  3. The intellectual and aesthetic form implies a loss of the need for new knowledge, a lack of joy while contemplating something beautiful, a loss of pleasure while reading books, listening to music, and a loss of interest in a hobby;
  4. The somnic form was introduced into use in 2017 after the publication of a scientific article by a domestic scientist - V.D. Mendelevich. It is diagnosed when there is no pleasure in the sleep process;
  5. Sexual and orgasmic anhedonia can be manifested by a decrease in libido, lack of pleasure during intercourse or orgasm (if there are physiological signs).

The disease happens:

  • Partial, that is, affecting one or more aspects of the patient's life. For example, the patient is unable to experience pleasure during sex or watching a good movie, but he enjoys meeting friends;
  • Total: covering the full spectrum positive emotions... In this case, the patient will be diagnosed with manifestations of all 5 forms of anhedonia, as well as an additional serious mental disorder(for example, severe sad-apathetic depression of the psychotic level).

Diagnosis of anhedonia

Despite the fact that the term was introduced into psychiatry more than a hundred years ago, every year doctors pay more and more attention to this deviation. Methods for the diagnosis and treatment of anhedonia are being improved.

Today, there are many questionnaires to identify the deficit in the perception of positive emotions. The most reliable results show:

  • What it is? This is a scale for measuring social anhedonia. High scores on this questionnaire are reliable indicators of predisposition to schizophrenia;
  • SA-SSPS - test to determine the level of pleasure and social security;
  • CPS - Fawcett-Clarke Pleasure Scale;
  • TEPS - questionnaire for assessing the experience of pleasure;
  • SHAPS is a scale for measuring pleasure and joy in the life of Snaith-Hamilton;
  • HDIS is a test for determining the deficit of pleasure and identifying obstacles to its experience, which includes several subscales.

Reasons: why does this disease appear

Decreased mood after stressful situation... It so happens that a person cannot “move away” for a long time from divorce, death loved one, major failure at work. He seems to be afraid to start rejoicing again.

Chronic fatigue, many responsibilities, insufficient rest can "kill" all positive emotions.

Very often, the inability to enjoy becomes a person's personality trait. He concentrates only on the bad, constantly complains, is not happy with everything, etc. In this case, we will be talking about a bad habit that needs to get rid of. How used to be a man change attitude, the better.

Constitutional and personal anhedonia is associated with the peculiarities of sensory perception. This form of a deficit of positive emotions is most often inherent in inert, inactive people. The main difference between this type of disease and all others is the persistence and stability of symptoms. That is, there is no joy in a person's life from birth to death. This indicates a high predisposition to the appearance of mental disorders.

Anhedonia can be both a separate, independent symptom complex, and a sign of serious mental illness: schizophrenia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, paranoid, schizoid and anxiety disorders, depersonalization, and also occur against the background of taking antipsychotics.

How to bring joy back into your life?

First you need to find out what reasons provoked the appearance of anhedonia. Treatment will depend on this.

If the lack of positive emotions caused fatigue, then the best solution would be to reconsider the amount of your responsibilities. Some household chores can be entrusted to household members. The daily routine should include the obligatory time for rest. At least 20-30 minutes dedicated only to yourself.

How can you find joy in life if you are used to remembering only negative things? You should start to carefully monitor your words and thoughts, stop complaining. Train yourself to look for pluses in any event and focus on them.

Survive a difficult life situation easier by communicating with other people. Do not withdraw into yourself. Visit friends or make an appointment with a psychologist, psychotherapist or group Gestalt therapy session.

Piggy bank of happiness - great way remember the joyful moments. Start a special box (jar, box). As soon as something good happens, write it down on a piece of paper and put it in your piggy bank. The next time the blues rolls over, re-read the notes (or at least look at their number).

Eat more mood-enhancing foods such as dark chocolate, nuts, or fatty fish, bananas, hot peppers... And it is better to refuse alcohol, coffee and sweets, because they give the opposite result.

Try positive affirmations and happiness meditations. Start and end your day with a smile to yourself. At first it will seem silly, but the result will not be long in coming.

Create artificial stress. Sign up for a rock climbing section, parkour, go on a whole vacation away from civilization (for example, to a remote village or yoga camp). Any extreme and unusual activity for you will do.

Go in for sports. No wonder they say: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind!" This will help improve your physical well-being, raise your self-esteem, and dilute the established routine.

What if you can't manage your symptoms at home? It is best to see a doctor immediately.

How is anhedonia treated?

No one can constantly experience only positive emotions. However, if the lack of pleasure in life, apathy and unwillingness to do anything haunt you for more than 2-3 weeks for no apparent reason, you should think about visiting a doctor. Most likely, the deficit of emotions arose against the background of some other change in the psyche.

The doctor will diagnose, diagnose (or reassure, saying that everything is in order) and prescribe competent treatment.

It is important to conscientiously follow all the doctor's recommendations, observe the terms of treatment and the prescribed doses. Even if you feel much better and do not want to “poison” for another 2 months with “harmful” pills, it is better not to interrupt the therapy without permission, because there is a high risk of an early relapse.

Although anhedonia does not lead to death, it greatly interferes with life. Remember that this condition rarely goes away on its own. Start fighting anhedonia as early as possible so that your world does not become forever gray and bleak.

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No one is immune from the hardships of life. Sometimes problems are stronger than us. They seem to turn into a large, black cloud hanging over every corner of life, casting a shadow over everything that used to give strength and joy. Interest in everything has disappeared - if a person has realized this, it means that he has fallen into the net of deep depression.

In such a situation, concomitant symptoms are not always identified, which can prove the severity of the impending threat. The sufferer may appear to be as positive and able-bodied as before. And this is the great danger of such a depression. The person behaves as usual, while a catastrophe develops within him.

Depression begins to control the mind of its prisoner. Gradually his attitude to events Everyday life and the people around him are changing beyond recognition. The patient ceases to distinguish between minor and global incidents. Everything becomes the same - gray, insignificant, uninteresting, not worth emotions.

Causes of the problem

Lost interest in life - this problem is so subjective that you can hardly fit here full list reasons that led to this state. But soul experts identify the main factors that can trigger depression.

Problems in personal life "Amorous" affairs have always been at the head of human interests. Unfortunately, we do not always meet reliable, loyal people. Relationships often fall apart hopelessly, depriving us of faith in the future and rewarding us with a bouquet of mental disorders.
Difficulties at work Work is the main crutch on which our everyday life is based. If this crutch breaks or cracks threateningly, the soul cannot be in a positive state. A person is constantly in a state of stress, which sooner or later will do its job.
Personal qualities Someone will walk on a string above the lava flow and will not flinch. And for someone, every burnt pancake becomes a reason for hysteria. People are different, but such qualities as infantilism, vulnerability, impressionability, suspiciousness often become the causes of depression and low self-esteem.
Severe stress It happens that you give a dream for many years and all your strength without a trace, and it suddenly turns to you reverse side like a fabulous hut. Yes, life sometimes shows us terrible things, not fabulous. Sometimes their imprint remains on the psyche, and it is impossible to come to balance on your own.
Negligence to the nerves Many cases of depression (including those leading to suicides) could have been prevented if the patient had consulted a psychotherapist in time. But for some reason, people are sure that visiting a spiritual healer is voluntarily admitting oneself insane. "Am I such a bastard that I can't cope?" - the person thinks. And, alas, it cannot cope. And long years of treatment could in due time be replaced by 2-3 conversations with a specialist who would bring the patient out of a negative mood.

If you have lost interest in life, and you don't want anything, and this has been going on for more than a week, it's time to sound the alarm. Depression is fraught with serious consequences.

The danger of inner indifference

Psychiatrists warn: it is not depression itself that is terrible, but what a person turns into who does not treat it. The main dangers that lie in wait for every patient with depression:

If the interest in life has disappeared, it is necessary to identify the exact reason that caused this condition. If a person is depressed from unrequited love, and they begin to teach him not to be afraid of heights, the disease will progress. If the exact cause is not identified, any treatment will be useless.

Fortunately, depression can be corrected, but it is always a long and complex work. And no matter how skeptical you are about psychotherapy, you will not be able to do without it, alas, in the case of an advanced form of depression. Tips from the series “Get it simple, go outside, hug a cat, buy yourself a Snickers” is unlikely to help a depressed patient. Although establishing a rest and sleep regimen, taking vitamins and a desire to recover are important help in this difficult struggle.

Every person has a limit in life. It happens that a person is so overworked that he loses the meaning of his whole life. Phrases begin to appear: "I'm tired of living", "I'm very tired", "I can't do this anymore." What to do? How to deal with the problem and prevent suicide?


It is possible to identify factors due to which a person loses vital interest:

  • Problems that interfere with the implementation of the planned.
  • A stereotyped life is hard work, you have to obey generally accepted rules.
  • Long-term.

Quite often, many people plan ahead. For example, getting married at a certain age, having children, making a career, building their own model of the future. However, you don't get everything you want. Therefore, there is melancholy, despondency.

In some situations, you have to obey a certain group of people, agree with someone else's opinion. For example, parents like to choose a prestigious profession for their child, but he does not like it at all, he wants to find himself in another area. But still, the parents win, and then the person is tormented all his life, doing the unloved work. Therefore, it is important to choose a profession not according to your salary, but to your liking. Believe me, in what you love, you can develop more.

Constant hassle drives a person into depression. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to contact a psychotherapist in order to prevent suicide. He will prescribe the necessary therapy, relieve him of, restore interest in life.

The problem is typical for people with childhood traits. Most often appears in men. It is known that it is difficult for the strong half to overcome various difficulties, so a man often withdraws into himself, is depressed.

Of course, it is very difficult for those who are losing a loved one, going through a divorce and other serious situations. In this case, you can see the “mask of detachment” on the face. It is difficult to help here, it takes time, the support of friends, the work of a specialist.

Some people get too bored, so they appear negative thoughts... To avoid this condition, follow these rules:

  • Make changes to your daily schedule. For example, change your route to work, give up transportation - get out early, you can pump music into your smartphone and relax on the way. Such walks are quite useful, while strengthening the nervous system.
  • Experiment! Don't be afraid to try new things. You should not constantly stuff yourself with monotonous food, walk with the same hairstyle for many years, buy almost the same things. Change every day, enjoy the innovation.
  • Decorate the interior. You can make repairs or just sort out old things, throw out the trash, buy something new. Add to the interior bright colours, uplifting.
  • Be a little selfish. There are many different responsibilities in our life. All of them negatively affect the psyche, lead to the development of depression. Love yourself, excessive obedience, tightness is bad. You must show your confidence to everyone.
  • Enjoy life and appreciate every moment, do not miss it.

How to return the desire to live?

First of all, you need to accept the world, yourself, be grateful to everything. For some reason, many are sure that in order to achieve something, you need to lose all moral principles. In fact, life always responds in the same way you do to it. In order not to suffer in the future, not to lose interest, it is necessary to remain human in any situation!

The desire to live is self-realization, the development of an independent thought process... You should be completely satisfied with yourself, with your actions. We draw your attention to the fact that inner satisfaction cannot be obtained without. Just don't confuse success and a large number of of money. It often happens that a poor person who counts a penny is much happier than a rich person.

Success is not expensive car, big house, villa. All these are just little things in life. A successful one who has fully realized himself in his favorite business, every day returns home to close and dear people. Such people do not lose the meaning of life, because they know what they live for, build their plans, and have certain goals.

How can you help yourself?

There are some points that will help you get out of apathy, depression:

  • Balance your diet. Avoid all kinds of unhealthy snacks. The main thing is to eat regularly, take food on schedule. The menu should be calculated so that you do not need additional intake of vitamins and minerals. You can afford to eat some dark chocolate, it releases endorphins.
  • Start your own diary, in which you write down all the successes, trifles.

Sometimes a person comes back to life when he is in shock. That is, something is happening, and urgent action is needed. In this case, the patient forgets about depression, joins in the work, solves the problem. The main thing is that the actions are still controlled by a specialist, otherwise there may be serious, negative consequences.

Don't feel like living? Pay attention to your day and night routine, whether you are sleeping properly, whether you are getting enough rest. Normalize sleep, and find yours favorite hobby, which will help to distract from all the bad things.

Isn't everything going smoothly in your life? Remember that life is rich in different events, so revisit it, take an optimistic view. Perhaps everything will change in better side... A person likes to exaggerate a lot, carefully analyze the situation in which you find yourself. Is it all that scary? Maybe you come up with a lot, but in fact everything is fine. Look around, start noticing the beautiful - bright sun, clear sky, green grass, beautiful flowers. Rejoice in everything that surrounds you. Become really happy!

Hello. I'm 28 years old. Now I feel that I have lost interest in life, interest in people, even in those close to me. I tried with all my might to find some goal, to understand what I want, but I fail. Also, I constantly change my mind. 10 times a day. I can't stay at work for more than a year. I'm leaving myself. I just become not interested and health problems immediately begin (either my head gets sick - I have to quit, then my eyes, etc.). Over the years, she changed many jobs in different areas activities: from a bank employee to a fitness trainer. In all jobs, it turned out to be perfectly corrected with their duties.
I'm at a dead end now. I hardly work. Because I don't know where to go. Who I want to be. Today I want one thing, tomorrow another, the day after tomorrow a third.
I do not want to communicate with people. I don't understand what to talk to them about. I'm not interested in reading books, watching movies, etc. Although I used to be quite a sociable person, I had clear goals, read a lot, loved to travel.
Also there are fears related to transport and speed. I don’t travel by metro, trains, elevators. By car, every trip is not easy. I don't leave the house almost all the time. I don't see the point in that.
I'm married. We have no children. Today I want children, I don’t want tomorrow. I'm afraid I won't be able to love them. I'm afraid it will be all the same. I like my husband, but maybe not. Do not know.

I don't feel any emotions. No joy, no sorrow. Nothing. I don’t cry, I don’t get hysterical, I always smile at people.
In general, I live like an amoeba. It's scary that it will always be this way. The feeling that you are in a dream.
Help, please! How to regain interest in life, emotions? Find a goal and understand what you want.

I don't feel any emotions.

Unfortunately, this is the whole problem. All "I want", including a steady interest in some business, love for him - these are feelings. And if feelings are suppressed (and you, judging by the description, that's exactly how it is) - then it will really be difficult for a person to decide something and want to rely on himself. If you don't believe your feelings, then why? head? - well, you saw how it is to live with your head: she always has "on the one hand, on the other side ... on the third side ..." ...
Read this article here:
It just describes the mechanisms of avoidance and suppression of feelings, how this happens, why, and what you can start to do about it.
And try exactly what it says. If possible, without reflections on whether "it will help me or not." You can stay in these reflections for the rest of your life and do nothing. So just try to get started.
And if it seems difficult on your own or it is not entirely clear what to do with the results, then you will probably have to turn to specialists for this, which you, among other things, can choose on our website.

Lost interest in life: how to regain interest in life and emotions

Hello Alena!

To regain interest in life and emotions, you need to understand how and when you lost them.

Although I used to be quite a sociable person, I had clear goals, read a lot, loved to travel.

At what point and why did you change? In my opinion, it is in that moment of change (situation / event / life period) that the key to your feelings, interests and meanings lies.

Perhaps something has happened in your life that everything has become meaningless for you. I understand you that it is very scary - to live constantly without meaning, without desires, without interest, without joys.

I don’t cry, I don’t get hysterical, I always smile at people.

Here I have a hypothesis that perhaps you are afraid to show your feelings to people. Maybe there was some situation that you decided that it is dangerous / meaningless to demonstrate your feelings / they will not understand you / you cannot influence anything - and then it is easier not to feel anything at all.

In general, your story clearly shows some kind of traumatic situation, after which you have changed and lost interest in life. And then, in order to return feelings, you will have to return to that situation and understand its meaning - the key to feelings, most likely, is there.

Your psyche protects you well from painful feelings that you may find in your past experiences. Therefore, it can be difficult to analyze and understand how to get your feelings back on your own. Then you can turn to a psychologist for help, who will help you carefully and carefully find the path to what you have lost and want to return.

Psychologist Galina Uraeva


Hello, my name is Tatiana. recent times I lost interest in life. I eat, sleep, watch TV and sit at the computer. I do my household chores with strength. I AM long time took care of the old grandmother, the three of us lived, she, my child and me. My communication with people for a long time was limited, no interesting events happened. Last year my grandmother died. I suffered her death very hard. We were left alone with my son, he is 11. years. I got a job as a dispatcher in a taxi. This job seemed to be created for me. But I had to leave because of a conflict with my superiors. Then I got a job at hairdressing courses, I had to go to another city, I found myself in a completely different world. creative people with eyes burning with thirst for life, it was very fun and interesting to study, and I was always in the center of attention. Since I am a sociable person, I like to joke, at school I was always a leader in the class, in companies - a ringleader. At the end of my studies, I returned home, and in my heart there was a feeling that I was going to bury myself alive, although there were plenty of plans and energy to fulfill them at that time. I did not manage to get a job and did not manage to open my own business. .Self-realization failed again. I have clients, but they are few and they come very rarely. And I want to see them less and less. I decided to move to the city where I studied, many friends and mentors remained there, everyone was happy about my move and were waiting for me. But it was at that moment that I found out that I was pregnant. My civil husband and child were very happy about this news. Husband said that we must legitimize our relationship. In general, everyone is happy, congratulates us, and I am more and more depressed. I live for my son and husband, that is, their life. And nothing happens in mine, I degrade, turn into a plant. I don’t want to sit around my husband’s neck, but I do not see self-realization and I cannot understand what to do next. I can’t do hairdressing now. Advise, how can I continue to live?

Hello Tatiana! I can disappoint you, because do not write out prescriptions describing how a person should live on. He must make such decisions independently, since only he bears responsibility for his life. Let's try to understand your situation, but this will require additional information from your side. The first thing to understand is what do you want for yourself? Where did you work before when you lived with your grandmother? How will you understand that you have realized yourself, and do not continue to degrade, i.e. what will your life look like in self-realization? Do I understand correctly that the lack of work, the inability to be in the center of attention of others and the lack of communication, do you perceive as degradation or is it expressed in something else? In your words, I found some contradiction: on the one hand, you learned to be a hairdresser, but for some reason you do not want to see the small number of clients that you have, although you tried to get a job in this specialty and open your own business. What do you think is the reason? You write that everyone is happy to hear about yours. And you yourself are happy about this and are you ready to legalize your relationship with your common-law husband? I look forward to your answers.


Yes, you understood me correctly in what I consider degradation when I cannot work and communicate with other people. And I don't even know whether or not I should be happy about my pregnancy. Having a baby and caring for him will take me two or three years. All this time I will have to devote only to him. I am scared that I will lose my skills during this time, I will lag behind fashion and new technologies in the profession. I am unsure of the future and do not appreciate now those few clients that I have, because I believe that I will lose them anyway due to the birth of a baby. The husband says that we will definitely legalize the relationship, but does not say exactly when. I tried to talk about this topic, but he does not answer anything concrete and I decided not to pressure him. When I looked after my grandmother, I did not work anywhere. I tried several times to get a job, but every time I had to leave work when my grandmother was sick, in the end I decided to devote myself entirely to caring for her, because she raised me instead of my mother and I could not leave her. Communication with other people was limited for me then, as it is now. I became a very insecure person due to all these events. Therefore, I cannot present anything concrete, how I can be realized. I want to work, communicate with people and bring them positive emotions. Something like that.

Good evening, Tatiana! You know, you now remind me of the clever Elsa from the Brothers Grimm fairy tale. In the tale, the parents sent their daughter to the cellar to buy beer for the matchmakers. She went down to the cellar and suddenly noticed a pickaxe on the wall above her, which the masons had forgotten there by mistake. And then Clever Elsa began to cry and lament: "If I marry Hans, and we have a child, and he grows up, and we send him to the cellar to strain beer, suddenly a pickaxe will fall on his head and kill him to death." Here she sits and cries, wailing with all her might about the upcoming misfortune. Likewise, you have not lost your clients yet, but already grieve about this. You have not yet lost your skills, but you are already afraid of losing them. Think, you do not live in the wilderness, you have the Internet and communicate with professionals, find out the latest fashion trends, exchange opinions on the forums or in real time. You can also learn something new in hairdressing through webinars without leaving your home. This way you can always keep up with the times. As for practical skills, you can discuss this issue with your husband and, for example, one hour or at any other time convenient for you, go home to a client or to a nearby salon. There are many options, choose the one that suits you best. It’s sad only because you don’t know whether or not you are happy with your future child. As a rule, we are either happy or not, but we do not need to think or do not need to do it. You write that you want to bring positive emotions to people, but unfortunately, you still cannot or don’t allow yourself to bring positive emotions to yourself, but you have to start with that. You consider the child as an obstacle on the way to your self-realization, but for some reason you do not see him as a gift from above, through which your self-realization can also come. Start bringing joy to your child today and delight him with your good mood and an optimistic attitude! Read the children's book "Polyanna" by Eleanor Porter, you will not only like it, but also provide good food for thought. As for the relationship with your husband, choose a date and time when both you and he can calmly discuss the issue of legitimizing your relationship, because both of you are responsible for the child! I would recommend that you, if possible, seek an in-person consultation with a specialist in order to work out your fears, work with negative attitudes and replace them with positive ones, find your resources and consider possible areas for your self-realization. An important issue is the analysis of your childhood and your relationship with your grandmother, but this question can be postponed for now due to your situation, and primarily focus on yourself, your child, your family. Peace of mind and harmony to you!


Thank you very much, Svetlana Nikolaevna! I will try to follow your advice. And you are right about my childhood - it was terrible. I do not have the opportunity to consult a specialist in person, after all, I live in the wilderness. And communicate with good specialists I can only through the Internet. Therefore, I hope for our further communication with you.

Tatiana, good evening! If you have any questions or you just want to discuss any situation that worries you, do not hesitate, write. When you read the book, share your impressions, I will be interested to know about them. I recommend that you watch the movie "The Kid" (Bruce Willis in starring), perhaps he will help you understand yourself regarding the choice of a profession. The film is very light and positive; it is available on the Internet at Good luck to you!


Hello, Svetlana Nikolaevna! I read the book "Pollyanna", I really liked it. She reminded me a little in childhood, when I was the same naive and kind girl. And once again she confirmed my opinion that we all come from childhood. But it seems to me that in adulthood It’s impossible to stay in this state all the time. Because life brings us so many disappointments. Although I think it’s worth trying to look for more positive moments in everything. Imperceptibly for myself, lately I began to look for more positive emotions, began to laugh more. But communication with people is still limited, so I cannot yet share my joys with others, with the exception of my loved ones. But I already consider this my small victory over my oppressed state. For which I sincerely thank you, Svetlana Nikolaevna. You shook me up and showed me the right direction. Once again, thank you and hope for further communication.

Tatiana, good evening! Thank you for your feedback on the book, I was pleased to know that you not only liked the book, but that it reminded you of itself in childhood. I am also glad that you are not sitting with a seat, but are already taking the first steps to pull yourself out of the "oppressive swamp". It is also important that you began to laugh, that you make your loved ones happy, and when close people are happy, then this is doubly joyful! Super! As for disappointments, you know that life is like a zebra: the stripe is white, the stripe is black. If only white stripes, then sooner or later, life will become insipid and boring. But all kinds of obstacles and crises, this is a great chance for spiritual growth, because the word "crisis" in translation from Chinese means "danger" and "chance". True, in the first place, as a rule, we only notice the negative side, but the advantages are seen later, although many of them also lose sight of them. And if the situation is negative and it is no longer possible to change it, then you should at least try to change your attitude towards it. I am reminded of a parable on this subject. "Two angels stayed overnight in a house rich family... The family was inhospitable and put them to bed in a cold basement. When the owners made the bed, the elder angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why he did it, the older one replied: - Things are not what they seem. The next night they came to the house of a very poor but hospitable man and his wife. The couple fed the angels and put them to sleep in their beds. In the morning, the angels found the owners of the house crying. Their only cow, whose milk was the family's only income, died. The younger angel asked the older one: - How did you allow this? You helped the first family who had everything, and you let the poor family lose their only cow. Why? “Things are not what they seem,” the elder angel repeated. When we were in the basement, I realized that there was a treasure with gold in the hole in the wall and I repaired the wall, that the owners could not find it. When the next night we slept in a poor family, the angel of death came for the owner's wife. I gave him the cow. Things are not what they seem! "Now let's talk about your limited communication. Tell me, by whom or what exactly is this communication limited? What exactly prevents you from communicating? Lack of work? So you can communicate according to your interests! What interests, hobbies do you have? ? What is there in your city that might interest you, where you could express yourself? Maybe it's dancing or fitness for expectant mothers, or maybe it's some courses, or maybe it's communication on Internet forums on professional interests , or maybe this is singing at karaoke, embroidery or drawing with your fingers? Please write down 2 steps that you are ready to take in the near future to remove the restriction from communication and put the exact date when you do. If you have not registered on the site yet, do it. It describes in detail how to download movies. I recommend watching very positive films: 1) "Last Vacation" (American with Gerard Depardieu) and 2) Always Say "Yes" (with Jim Carrey). I look forward to your new victories!