Ethical Standards official relations are based on universal human values, norms and rules of behavior, but have some features.
Business ethics in a broad sense is a set of ethical principles and norms that should guide the activities of an organization in the field of management and entrepreneurship.

It includes elements different order: ethical assessment of both internal and foreign policy the organization as a whole; moral principles of organization members: professional morality; moral climate of the team; business ethics standards are ritual external norms of behavior.
The level of moral development of both an individual and an organization as a whole is currently determined by an orientation towards the universal principles of justice, equality of human rights and respect for human dignity that emerged in the 20th century; the principle of goodness is the power of life.
Based on this, the organization is required to solve the following social problems: improving the quality of life of employees, protecting environment; charity. Common basis professional ethics is the understanding of labor as a moral value, in contrast to the ancient idea of ​​labor as a measure of punishment, curse.

Labor becomes a moral value if it is perceived not as a source of existence, but as a way of forming human dignity. Individual morality in professional field also presupposes an awareness of professional duty. Achieving success in any profession is associated with the definition of self-restraint, without which professional realization of the individual is impossible and is expressed in the desire to develop in oneself such qualities as discipline, organization, efficiency, accuracy, and perseverance. The leaders of the organization are responsible for the implementation of the professional capabilities of employees, their careers, and therefore for social status and ethical standards of behavior.

The moral and business qualities of people for a personnel management manager are the object professional activity. They should contribute to the development of the following qualities in their employees:
professional - professional level of knowledge, skills, abilities, knowledge of foreign languages;
moral and psychological as professional - determination, endurance, honesty, adherence to principles, exactingness;
moral - kindness, humanity, dignity, respect for others, decency, courage, honesty, justice.

The administration needs to know what ethical standards exist in the team. The work of the organization depends on their quality. The main task is to ensure that workers are perceived not as a workforce, but as individuals, with the same rights and dignity as managers, and that labor relations are formed as a partnership. Labor Relations require mental, physical and spiritual strength from a person. Many managers do not take into account the state of mind of their employees. In such cases, the employee cannot work long and effectively. All transnational corporations in the world pay great attention to issues of business ethics, and this is no coincidence, since corporate morality makes it possible to strengthen the self-organization and self-discipline of employees.

Ethical standards of behavior are the secret of well-being in any society

Hello friends, guests and regular readers of my Blog. Have you ever denied yourself something because you were afraid that the result of your action, or even the action itself, would be judged by others? I decided today to discuss with you the ethical standards of human behavior.

Let's start with the simplest

You can imagine that we all live in a huge dormitory, where the rooms are our personal space, and everything else is common areas. In order for life not to turn into a nightmare, going beyond the confines of our rooms, we all must follow certain, both public and unspoken rules - the social norms of society.

Social norms can be divided into:

  1. Ethical
  2. Legal
  3. Religious
  4. Political
  5. Aesthetic

With the development of all mankind, almost every one of these norms has changed. The changes practically did not affect only ethical standards, as an unshakable foundation in human relations.

Ethical Standards of Conduct

Let's figure out what ethical standards are and what they are. Ethics (from the Greek etos - custom) is a branch of philosophy that studies morality.

It is believed that the first person who decided to combine several concepts about human behavior under one word was the well-known Aristotle. In his treatises, he proposed the concept of “ethics” as “virtues or virtues manifested in human behavior.” In his opinion, ethics should help to understand which actions are permissible and which are not.

In a nutshell, today ethical standards mean the totality of values ​​accumulated by society and the moral responsibilities of a person in relation to both these accumulations and to society itself as a whole.

Rules of etiquette, culture of behavior, morality - all these are ethical standards of behavior that are regulators of relationships. They affect absolutely all interpersonal actions between people: from simple friendly communication to a large set of rules of corporate or professional ethics.

The main secret of well-being in any society is a single rule for everyone: “Act towards others as you want others to act towards you!”

Informally, norms of behavior are divided into types:

  • Real are, in fact, any actions that a person performs;
  • Verbal is a verbal or speech form of communication.

These two concepts are inseparable. You will hardly be considered polite if your, even very cultured the word goes contrary to uncivil behavior. Imagine a person who greets you while savoring his teeth with a fork. Not very nice, right?

Everyone has their own limits of ethical standards; they depend, first of all, on the people around them, the level of upbringing and education. The standard of cultural human behavior– when ethical norms cease to be rules and become personal norms, internal convictions.

Etiquette as a set of rules

The rules of etiquette also dictate the boundaries of our behavior. Remember, just recently we talked to you about. Etiquette is nothing more than that very necessary template that regulates our communication with each other.

If you accidentally step on someone's foot, you apologize, a polite man will open the door for a woman, and when we receive change at the store, we all say "Thank you." The way we follow the norms of behavior, including etiquette, can characterize us as a cultured or uncultured person.

Personal and general

It's interesting that in different countries ethical standards of behavior are different. For example, in Spain, just by entering the elevator, you will hear a friendly “Hola” from everyone who is already there. In our country, greeting complete strangers in public for no reason is not practiced. And no one will be offended at you if, when you enter the pool locker room, you don’t start shaking everyone’s hands. That is, our communication traditions are completely different.

This is another principle of dividing ethical standards - personal and group.

“I’m an artist, I see it that way!”

Personal norms are what I talked about above - our internal framework determined by society, upbringing and education. This is ours inner world, self-awareness. Following personal ethical standards can be defined as the level of internal dignity. For example, only you decide whether you can throw an ice cream wrapper into the bushes if no one sees you.

Group behavior

All humanity, one way or another, is united in groups. From a family or a team at work to the whole state. From birth, a person belongs to some society, and cannot but obey certain rules. Including ethical standards of behavior. Group ethics are the rules of interaction within such a group.

Once in any group, a person is forced to accept the rules generally accepted in this society. Remember the saying - you don’t go to someone else’s monastery with your own rules? This is a reference to group ethical standards. Moreover, each team, as can be seen from the example above about greetings in Russia and Spain, has its own principles of communication: including linguistic or even moral.

You say: norms, patterns, rules, frameworks - where is the freedom? We live in a society where the boundaries of our freedom are strictly limited by the boundaries of another person's freedom. That's why rules are needed. It's easier to live with them.

Man is a social being, therefore, willy-nilly, he has to constantly communicate with other people. And given the fact that all people are different, certain rules were formed to regulate our relationships. These rules are nothing more than centuries-old concepts of good and evil, right and wrong actions, justice and injustice of actions. And every person spontaneously or consciously tries to adhere to them. Depending on what concepts are included in moral norms and ethical rules, and whether they are taken into account at all, each of us can make it difficult or easier to communicate with our own kind. And, therefore, the speed of achieving your goals, the quality of communication and life will depend on this. Therefore, every citizen needs to know at least the basics of ethics. The rules of good manners have never harmed anyone.

What is ethics

The word “ethics” was first used by Aristotle. Translated from Greek, it means “concerning morality” or “expressing certain moral beliefs.” Ethics is the doctrine of the rules of communication between people, the norms of human behavior, as well as the responsibilities of everyone towards other people. And most of us, even those who have not specifically studied the code of etiquette, are aware on a subconscious level of the main rule of interpersonal relationships: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” One of the main aspects of ethics is morality. What is morality? This is nothing more than a system of values ​​recognized by man. This is the most important way to regulate relationships in different areas our lives: in everyday life, family, work, science, etc. In addition to moral foundations, ethics also studies the rules of ethics - etiquette.

Etiquette - a system of signs

Our actions carry some information: when we meet, we can pat a friend on the shoulder, nod our head, kiss, hug someone by the shoulders, or throw ourselves into a hug. A pat on the shoulder indicates familiarity; when a man stands up, if a woman enters the room, this indicates his respect for her. The postures taken by a person, the movement of the head - all this also has etiquette significance. In phraseological units one can also observe forms of etiquette: hitting with the forehead, bowing one’s head, kneeling, turning one’s back, throwing down a glove, putting one’s hand on one’s heart, stroking the head, bowing, a beautiful gesture, etc.

Etiquette is not only a historical, but also a geographical phenomenon: not all signs of etiquette that are perceived positively in the West will be approved in the East. And some gestures that are acceptable today were categorically condemned in the old days.

Rules of good manners

Every person should know what ethics is and what rules it includes. Below we will present the basic concepts of good manners.

The communication that we allow ourselves at home with loved ones is not always acceptable in society. And keeping in mind the statement that you will not have a second chance to make a first impression, we try when meeting with strangers adhere to generally accepted rules of behavior in society. Here are some of them:

  • in a company or at an official meeting, it is necessary to introduce strangers to each other;
  • try to remember the names of the people introduced to you;
  • when a man and a woman meet, a representative of the fairer sex is never introduced first, the exception being the situation if the man is the president or the meeting is of a purely business nature;
  • the younger ones are presented as the older ones;
  • when presenting, you must stand up if you are sitting;
  • after an acquaintance, the conversation starts with someone older in position or age, with the exception of the case when an awkward pause occurs;
  • finding yourself with strangers at the same table, before you start eating, you need to get to know your neighbors;
  • When shaking hands, look into the face of the person you are greeting;
  • the palm should be extended strictly vertically, edge down - this means “communication as equals”;
  • remember that any non-verbal gesture means no less than the spoken word;
  • when shaking hands on the street, be sure to take off your gloves, with the exception of women;
  • When meeting, the first question after greeting should be “How are you?” or “How are you?”;
  • during a conversation, do not raise questions that may be unpleasant to the interlocutor;
  • do not discuss anything that concerns opinions and tastes;
  • don't praise yourself;
  • watch the tone of the conversation, remember that neither work, nor family relationships, nor your mood give you the right to be impolite with others;
  • It is not customary to whisper in a company;
  • if, when saying goodbye, you know that you will meet soon, you should say: “Goodbye!”, “See you!”;
  • when saying goodbye forever or for a long time, say: “Goodbye!”;
  • at an official event you must say: “Allow me to say goodbye!”, “Let me say goodbye!”.

Teaching children secular ethics

In order for a child to grow into a worthy member of society, he must know what ethics is. The child must not only be told about the rules of behavior in society, at the table, at school, but also by example demonstrate and confirm these rules. No matter how much you tell your child that it is necessary to give up your seat to older people in public transport, without setting an example for him, you will never teach him to do this. Not every child is taught the basics of secular ethics at home. Therefore, the school is trying to fill this gap. Recently in school curriculum includes the subject “Fundamentals of Secular Ethics”. During lessons, children are taught about the rules and norms of behavior in various places, teach culinary etiquette, proper table setting and much more. Teachers also talk about moral principles and discuss what is good and bad. This item is extremely necessary for the child. After all, knowing how to behave correctly in society will make life easier and more interesting for him.

What's happened

There is such a thing as a code of professional ethics. These are the rules governing professional activities. Each profession has its own code. So, doctors have a rule of non-disclosure of medical confidentiality, lawyers, businessmen - everyone adheres to a code of ethics. Every self-respecting company has its own corporate code. Such enterprises value their reputation more than their finances.


A man without etiquette is a savage, a barbarian. It is the rules of morality that give a person the right to consider himself the crown of creation. By teaching your child what ethics is from an early age, you increase his chances of growing up to be a full-fledged member of society.

For thousands of years, people of different eras and social structures were looking for the most correct way to communicate with each other. The best representatives of philosophical and religious thought worked on how to bring universal human relations to harmony. As a result, it turned out that, despite the difference in eras and historical realities, the “golden rules of ethics” remain unchanged throughout the years. This is determined primarily by their universal human character.

Treat people the way you want to be treated

It is precisely this principle, which is the basis of morality and has become the “golden rule of ethics,” in one form or another, preached by all the major world religions, both of our time and of times gone by. Back in the 5th century BC, this ethical rule was formulated in the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata". In later history it was reflected in Old Testament, and then was attested by the evangelists Matthew and Luke as words spoken by Jesus Christ.

This seemingly simple rule is often difficult to follow. The reason lies in our natural human weaknesses, which force us to be guided primarily by our own interests and neglect those of others. Selfishness, which is inherent to one degree or another in every person, does not allow him, neglecting his own benefit, to make efforts to make another person feel good. Answer to the question: “How do I understand the golden rule of ethics and what does it mean to me?” often becomes decisive in the formation of a person as an individual.

Concepts of norms of behavior among the ancient Sumerians

Based general principles universal human relations, throughout its history, humanity has developed its own golden rules of ethics. One of the first such attempts can be observed among the ancient Sumerians who inhabited Mesopotamia. According to the written monuments of that era that have come down to us, the sun god Utu and the goddess of justice Nanshe vigilantly monitored the observance of the inhabitants of the state.

Every year she judged people, mercilessly punishing those who, following the path of vice, committed arbitrariness, evaded rules and agreements, and also sowed enmity between people. The angry goddess also suffered from all sorts of swindlers who deceive gullible buyers in the markets, and those who, having sinned, did not find the strength to admit what they had done.

Etiquette standards in the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the first manuals appeared, which formulated the basics of people's behavior in relation to civil and church authorities, as well as to household members. By this time, a certain standard of behavior in certain situations had been developed. The rules determined by it were called etiquette.

Not only the successful career of a courtier, but sometimes his very life largely depended on the ability to behave in society, observing etiquette. Even monarchs were obliged to follow similar rules that strictly regulated all aspects of communication between people. This was not ethics of behavior in the sense we accept. At their courts, etiquette took the form of a certain ritual and was intended to exalt the august persons and consolidate the class division of society. Etiquette dictated literally everything, from the shape and size of shoe buckles to the rules for receiving guests.

Rules of etiquette in Eastern countries

There are many known cases where failure to comply with the rules of etiquette caused the disruption of important diplomatic missions, and sometimes led to the outbreak of wars. They were observed most pedantically in the countries of the East, and especially in China. There were complex ceremonies of greeting and tea drinking, which often put foreigners in an extremely awkward position. In particular, this was encountered by Dutch merchants who established trade relations with Japan and China at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Agreements for the exchange of goods and permission to trade were achieved by them by fulfilling numerous and sometimes humiliating etiquette requirements. It is known, for example, that the director of a Dutch trading post, together with his employees, was forced to regularly appear with gifts to the reigning person called the shogun. It was believed that in this way they expressed their loyalty and devotion.

Both in eastern countries and at the courts of European monarchs, the requirements of etiquette were so complex that specially trained people - masters of ceremonies - appeared to monitor their compliance. It should be noted that this science was not taught to everyone, but only to aristocrats. The ability to behave in compliance with all the rules of etiquette was considered a sign of social superiority and an important feature that separated the privileged strata of society from the rude common people.

Old Russian printed collections of rules of conduct

In Rus', ethical principles of behavior were first quite fully set out in the famous “Domostroy” - the immortal creation of Archpriest Sylvester. In the 16th century, he made an attempt to formulate basic rules of behavior, which included not only instructions on what should be done, but also explaining how to achieve a better result.

Very much in it echoes the biblical Ten Commandments given to Moses at the Domostroy and advice not to do to others what you do not wish for yourself. This is by no means accidental, because the “golden rules of ethics” are the foundation on which all ethical principles are based.

The next step in establishing norms of social behavior in Rus' was a set of rules published during the time of Peter I, known as “An Honest Mirror of Youth...”. He included detailed explanations of how to behave in a variety of life circumstances. On its pages it was explained what is decent and what is not in society, at home, at work, and so on. There were specific instructions on the permissibility or impermissibility of certain actions when communicating with other people, during a conversation, at a table or on the street. In this book, the “golden rules of ethics” were outlined in relation to specific situations.

Harm from formalism in following ethical standards

It is important to note that, by mastering certain norms of behavior that are certainly necessary in Everyday life, a person is exposed to the danger, blindly following the instructions laid down in them, of falling into a very undesirable extreme - hypocrisy and the tendency to evaluate the merits of the people around him not by their human qualities, but only by apparent respectability.

IN old times Among the metropolitan aristocracy there was a fashion to adhere to a lifestyle called by the French expression “comme il faut”. By his followers, indifferent to their inner content, the ethics of behavior were reduced only to strict adherence to established high-society norms, which concerned mainly external attributes - clothing, hairstyles, manner of behavior and speech. A striking illustration of this from Russian literature is the image of Eugene Onegin in the early period of his life.

Rules of conduct among the common people

All official treatises concerning norms of behavior were aimed exclusively at representatives of the privileged classes and in no way concerned peasants and artisans. Their ethics of relations were regulated mainly by religious commandments, and their attitude towards a person was determined by his business qualities and hard work.

An important place in everyday life ordinary people dedicated to honoring the father of the family. According to unwritten, but strictly enforced laws, the sons were supposed to take off their hats in his presence, and were forbidden to be the first to sit down at the table and start eating. All attempts to contradict the head of the house were subject to special condemnation.

Women and girls were required to physically and moral purity, the ability to bear children, the ability to manage a household and at the same time remain cheerful, thrifty and patient. The beatings they often received from their husbands were considered not humiliation, but “science.” Wives caught adultery, were severely punished for the edification of others, but, as a rule, they were not expelled from the family, so as not to deprive the children of maternal care.

Timeless laws

Over time, the way human life changed, giving way to new forms due to social and technical progress. In accordance with this, many rules of conduct that were purely formal and limited by time and class boundaries became a thing of the past. At the same time, the “golden rules of ethics” remained unchanged. Having overcome the time barrier, they have firmly taken a place in our lives today. We are not talking about the fact that some new types of the “golden rule” have appeared; simply, along with the previous ones, its modern forms have emerged.

The need for comprehensive education

Even without taking into account the observance of any specific rules of behavior by others, it is not difficult to distinguish among them cultural people, with whom there is a desire to continue communication, and ill-mannered ones, who repel oneself with overt rudeness and rudeness. This indicates their low internal culture, which cannot take shape without its purposeful development. external forms. Every person has deep down certain desires, emotions and impulses. However, only a well-mannered person will not allow them to express themselves in public.

This determines the need to teach every person, and young people in particular, those rules of behavior that will not allow, as the outstanding Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky put it, “to pour salt into the wounds and knock with boots where it is appropriate to hold your breath.” The lack of elementary education, which is based on culture and ethics, can do a very disservice even to a talented and in his own way remarkable person.

There is no need to mention that every person wants kindness, attention and sympathy. Wanting to receive them from others, many people nevertheless remain stingy in their manifestation. Taking offense at other people's rudeness, they do not hesitate to show it at every opportunity. It would seem that the elementary foundations of ethics, dictated by life itself, should teach a person to respond with a smile to a smile, to give way to a woman, or to be able to maintain a friendly tone during an argument, but this happens very rarely. That's why good manners and are, as a rule, not a natural gift, but the result of upbringing.

Appearance is the key to a favorable impression

It is important to note this detail: among the factors that form the overall picture of our communication with others, there cannot be trifles. Therefore, it is extremely erroneous to believe that in this issue appearance plays a secondary role. This also follows from the conclusion of many psychologists who claim that most people tend to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses based on appearance, since it is largely a characteristic of internal content. Here it is appropriate to recall the biblical wisdom that says: “The spirit creates its own form.”

Of course, over time, when people get the opportunity to get to know each other more thoroughly, their opinion of each other, which was based on purely external perception, can either be confirmed or change to the opposite, but in any case, its formation begins with appearance, which consists of a number of parts.

In addition to neatness, charm and physical beauty, a person’s ability to dress in accordance with his age and in accordance with fashion is noteworthy. It would be wrong to downplay its role in the life of society, because fashion is nothing more than one of the standards of human behavior, although sometimes having a very short-term form. It is formed spontaneously under the influence of prevailing influences. this moment in a society of moods and tastes, but its influence on people’s behavior is undeniable.

In addition to reasonable adherence to fashion, a person who wants to make a favorable impression on others must take care of the proper condition of his own body. This should be understood as observing and practicing physical exercise, which will not only improve your appearance, but also give you a feeling of self-confidence. The connection between satisfaction with one’s own appearance and confidence both in solving personal issues and in professional activities. For more complete self-realization, one should take into account the need to adhere to strictly professional

Business and service ethics

Office ethics is usually understood as a whole set of norms for those engaged in a specific activity. It consists of a number of general and specific components. This includes professional solidarity, which sometimes takes on the form of corporatism, the concept of duty and honor, as well as the awareness of responsibility imposed by one or another activity. Also, office ethics determines the norms of relationships between managers and subordinates, the culture of office communication within the team and the behavior of its members in the event of certain emergency situations and conflicts.

Business ethics is commonly understood these days as a set of business laws, sometimes not legally formalized, but generally accepted in business circles. They are the ones who often determine the order and style of work, partnerships and documentation circulation. The ethics of modern business is a set of norms developed over a long historical period under the influence of the cultures of various peoples and their ethnic characteristics.

communication business etiquette

Human communication is based on certain ethical principles, norms and rules. Without their observance, communication will slide down to satisfying one’s own needs, which will lead to the destruction of relationships between people.

The main thing in business communication is the exchange of information that is significant for the participants in the communication. In order for communication to be effective and to contribute to the achievement of the goals of its participants, it is necessary to clarify the following questions: a) what are the means of communication and how to use them correctly in the communication process; b) how to overcome communication barriers of misunderstanding and make communication successful.

Ethics verbal communication determined by the culture of speech. Ethics prescribes rules of moral behavior for people, etiquette determines behavior in certain situations and specific formulas of politeness. A person who observes etiquette but violates ethical standards of communication is hypocritical and deceptive. Ethical and highly moral behavior with non-compliance with the rules of etiquette also looks rather strange from the outside and does not inspire confidence.

The concepts of ethics of speech communication and speech etiquette must be considered together. Basic ethical principles and moral standards of communication are always considered along with specific rules for conducting a conversation: greeting, request, question, gratitude, farewell, etc. And if almost everyone is familiar with speech etiquette (methods of greeting, gratitude, congratulations, expressing gratitude and sympathy, etc. are familiar to many), then we often forget about ethical principles and norms.

The main function of business etiquette can be defined as the formation of such rules of behavior in society that promote mutual understanding between people in the process of communication.

Business etiquette is based on the same moral standards as secular etiquette:

  • - politeness;
  • - tact;
  • - modesty;
  • - correctness;
  • - nobility;
  • - accuracy.

Politeness - required condition business communication, which is an expression of respect for a person. To show politeness means to show goodwill.

Tactfulness is a sense of proportion observed in conversation, in personal and work relationships, the ability to sense the boundary beyond which, as a result of our words and actions, a person becomes offended, upset, and sometimes irritated. A tactful person always takes into account specific circumstances: differences in age, gender, social status, place of conversation, presence or absence of strangers. Respect for others is a prerequisite for tact, even between good comrades.

Modesty is restraint in assessing one's merits, knowledge and position in society. A modest person never strives to show himself better, more capable, smarter than others, does not emphasize his superiority, his qualities, does not demand any privileges, special amenities, or services for himself. At the same time, modesty should not be associated with either timidity or shyness, since these are different categories.

Correctness is neutral, official, restrained, dry politeness. The ability to behave in accordance with generally accepted rules of decency in any circumstances, including conflict situations.

Nobility is the ability to perform selfless acts, not to allow humiliation for the sake of material or other gain.

Accuracy - correspondence of words to deeds, punctuality and responsibility in fulfilling obligations in business and social communication.

Business communication etiquette involves respectful and courteous

attitude towards people; certain forms of introduction, address and greeting; rules of conversation, conversation and negotiations, etc.

There is a so-called golden rule of communication, the essence of which is that you should treat others the way you would like to be treated by others. This rule can be extended to any situation. Based on this, the following basic ethical principles of communication are considered:

  • - altruism (willingness to sacrifice something for the sake of another),
  • - virtue (establishing relationships with others from the standpoint of goodness and goodness),
  • - exactingness (making demands on oneself and others to fulfill a moral duty, responsibility),
  • - justice,
  • - parity (equality between people), etc.

Thanks to goodwill, sincerity and openness, trust arises between people, without which communication is impossible. Communication also reveals the following moral qualities of a person: honesty, truthfulness, kindness, respectful attitude towards others, caring for others, politeness, etc.

Also, ethical principles of communication affect the content of the speech itself. It must be logical, understandable to both parties, polite, meaningful, truthful and expedient. Everyone decides for themselves whether brevity is the sister of talent. Some people find short speech unnatural (it just depends on personal characteristics person).

Ethical standards of communication can be divided into mandatory and recommended. A mandatory ethical norm is adherence to the principle “Do no harm.” To avoid causing harm to a person through communication, it is important to restrain negative emotions, do not insult others, do not humiliate, do not be rude and do not envy.

Ethical standards are also determined by the motives of communication:

  • - emotionally positive motives;
  • - motives are emotionally neutral;
  • - emotionally negative motives

Motives are emotionally positive - to bring joy, to satisfy the interlocutor’s need for understanding, respect and love, to interest.

The motives are emotionally neutral - to convey information.

Emotionally negative motives - to be outraged in response to a bad deed, to express anger at injustice.

All of them are considered ethical because they are based on high moral motives. But when a person comes from base motives (to deceive another, to take revenge, to spoil the mood), this is not ethical, although it can be dressed in an acceptable form.

The principles of business communication ethics are a generalized expression of moral requirements developed in the moral consciousness of society, which indicate the necessary behavior of participants in business relations.

There are six basic ethical principles of business conduct.

  • - punctuality;
  • - confidentiality;
  • - courtesy, goodwill and friendliness;
  • - attention to others;
  • - appearance;
  • - literacy.

Punctuality - (do everything on time). Only the behavior of a person who does everything on time is normative. Being late interferes with work and is a sign that the person cannot be relied upon. The principle of doing everything on time applies to all work assignments. Experts who study the organization and distribution of working time recommend adding an extra 25% to the time that, in your opinion, is required to complete the assigned work. Violation of this principle is considered disrespect for the recipient, which may affect the course of the subsequent conversation.

Confidentiality (don't talk too much). Secrets of an institution, corporation, or specific transaction must be kept as carefully as secrets of a personal nature. You should not retell to anyone what you have heard from a colleague, manager or subordinate about their official activities or personal life.

Courtesy, friendliness and friendliness. In any situation, it is necessary to behave with clients, clients, customers and co-workers politely, affably and kindly. This, however, does not mean the need to be friends with everyone with whom you have to communicate on duty.

Consideration for others (think about others, not just yourself) should extend to co-workers, superiors and subordinates. Respect the opinions of others, try to understand why they have a particular point of view.

Appearance (dress appropriately). The main approach is to fit into your work environment, and within this environment - into the contingent of workers at your level. It is necessary to look your best, that is, dress with taste, choosing color scheme to the face. Great importance have carefully selected accessories.

Literacy (speak and write good language). Domestic

documents or letters sent outside the institution must be written in good language, and all proper names must be conveyed without errors. You cannot use swear words; Even if you just quote the words of another person, those around you will perceive them as part of your own vocabulary.

These principles are present to varying degrees and recognized as valid in various business cultures. Fundamental principles V business world are: responsibility, respect for human dignity and the interests of those involved in business.

The ethics of business communication should be taken into account in its various manifestations: in the relationship between the enterprise and the social environment; between enterprises; within one enterprise - between a manager and subordinates, between a subordinate and a manager, between people of the same status. The task is to formulate principles of business communication that would not only correspond to each type of business communication, but also would not contradict the general moral principles of human behavior.

When the ethics of verbal communication are not respected (a person is rude, insults, opposes himself to others, imposes his own opinion on others, etc.), this leads to damage for both the speaker and the listener. A moral person always feels shame not only when he himself, voluntarily or unwittingly, does something unethical, but also when others do it. In addition, non-compliance with rules and regulations can lead to disruption of communication, barriers and interference in communication.

Along with general ethical principles, the business world also has its own additional rules and norms of communication. The main difference between business communication and ordinary, everyday communication is the presence of a greater number of formalities. Almost the same laws and moral standards apply here.

Morality lacks absolute truth and the highest judge among people.

You always need to start with yourself: we praise others, we make claims against ourselves; We don’t make mountains out of molehills when others make mistakes and do the opposite in relation to ourselves.

The moral attitude of others towards us depends only on ourselves.

The basic ethical principles of communication in the business world are considered not only in relation to any interpersonal interaction, but are also divided into communication vertically (subordinate-manager) and horizontally (employee-employee).

Any organization should strive to improve ethical communication: developing ethical standards, creating special ethics commissions, training and instilling ethical standards among employees. Thanks to this, the moral atmosphere of the entire enterprise will improve, which will lead to increased loyalty of employees, the implementation of the right moral choice when making decisions, and strengthening the reputation of the company.

In any communication, with friends, relatives or colleagues, you must adhere to basic ethical standards and rules. This will allow you to build trusting relationships with others, give and receive support and help from them, satisfy your own and others’ needs for respect, recognition and love. In order to raise a highly spiritual society and pass on moral values ​​to other generations, it is worth starting, first of all, with yourself. Perhaps this small contribution of each individual person to their own development and education will change the world.