Even men are not without complexes. One of the most common complexes in men is "short stature complex". Such subjects believe that since they are short, girls do not like them. And sometimes they can begin to hate men, and even women, who are taller than them. Some, even after they grow up, will not stop suffering from this complex.

Low stature complex originates in youth, when the girls you like are taller than short guys. They begin to develop complexes - they close in on themselves and lose self-confidence. Now it is very difficult for them to talk to a girl. Those guys who, despite their height, made their way into the hearts of girls, remain there. And it doesn't matter whether they grew up or not - girls will love them. It’s not a matter of growth itself, but of the ability to show oneself, of self-awareness. Feel tall and everyone will see you that way!

When those suffering from the complex grow up, events in life can unfold differently.

Some men withdraw into themselves, seclude themselves and lead an inconspicuous lifestyle. They avoid women afraid of being rejected and ridiculed. They rarely appear in public, do not visit clubs or discos - they isolate themselves. Such people are prone to suicide: there is no point in living if you are short. Their chance of finding love and overcoming the complex is negligible.

Others, despite the complexity of the situation, begin to try to grow up. Of course, this is not the same age, but they are fighting. Often they lead the same lifestyle as the above-mentioned subjects. If over time they do not give up their dream, then they will definitely will succeed. However, even after increasing growth, their complexes do not always disappear. These are the people who come to our website!

For others it develops "Napoleon syndrome". They believe that if they were unlucky with growth, they will be lucky in great things. Nature has rewarded such subjects with incredible luck and enormous ambitions. Such people live for a purpose that others have never even thought about. They are the ones who accomplish great things. History does not describe them as low, but as great. Among these people we can note: Napoleon Bonaparte- 157 cm, V. Lenin- 164 cm, I. Stalin- 162 cm, B. Juarez- 135 cm, A. Makedonsky- 150 cm and others.

You can get rid of the complex by realizing yourself. Their sense of self depends on how successful the lives of short men are. Nothing can stop a successful short man from conquering a tall lady.

I wish you not to have any complexes about your growth, love yourself for who you are, but do not forget to improve. Good luck!

Most small dicks work as they should. There are no problems with erection, ejaculation and self-satisfaction. And with sex, everything is usually fine, despite the expectations of society small size and does not justify. The main thing is not what, but how!

2. It’s difficult to warn a woman

More precisely, it’s difficult to persuade her to try after she finds out that the gentleman’s pants are thin. Even if it is “sparse” it will give a hundred points ahead to a regular-sized member. On the other hand, if you keep silent about this fact, it can become an unpleasant surprise in bed. Therefore, men still try to avoid early conversations and act according to the situation, especially if they are mutually in love.

3. Let women not lie

Often a lady may say: “What are you saying, he’s fine,” but only to reassure her. Some men are happy and think that she is good and kind, but many are offended: why lie if it’s already sickening? It's best to say that you're happy with everything, rather than argue with him about the size.

4. They get offended by jokes

In the world, especially the virtual one, there are many people who are ready to assert themselves at the expense of others. They make fun of people who are overweight, disabled, tall, short - and those with micropenises too. You should not joke about this topic, even if the person has a good sense of humor.

5. Penis enlargement is a myth

Yes, they exist surgical operations in this area. However, they are painful, expensive and very rarely lead to any significant results. And if they bring you, they are accompanied side effects like decreased pleasure from sex. And the usual 1-2 cm increase does not provide a serious effect comparable to the material and moral costs.

6. No gossip!

The worst thing a woman can do to such a man is to tell her friends and colleagues about his dignity in confidence. It’s the same as if the whole office found out about your huge labia - and your colleagues looked at you with sympathetic glances.

7. Sex can be wonderful

Some men with micropenises simply don't have the opportunity to hone their skills due to constant ridicule. Some people are lucky to find a woman with the right size. And some practice other ways of pleasing women. In any case, life doesn’t end there!

With all the carefully created image of men as the stronger sex, each of them can be subject to the most unexpected complexes. What exactly they are, and what the specifics of these complexes are - all this will be discussed further.

The essential characteristic of the strong half complex is the worry about a certain “weak link” of one’s personality, pain point- imaginary (imaginary) or real (but perceived exaggeratedly - with exaggeration).

Describing general psychology men with the complex, several features (characteristic symptoms) should be mentioned:

  • “distortions” in the sphere of communication in men (extremes can occur - either individuals are too unsociable, or those striving for universal recognition and with increased talkativeness);
  • "distortions" in emotional sphere (excessive sentimentality and emotionality, or shyness and reluctance to show emotions);
  • inadequacy in the area of ​​self-esteem(with its low version - seeking approval, focusing on the opinions of others; with high self-esteem - excessive criticism, “destroying” authorities, suspicion and pickiness);
  • socialization disorder(the feeling that no one understands you, alienation and uselessness; the feeling that you have not lived up to your expectations, that there are only unfriendly people around).

Complexes of men

It is hardly possible to imagine the life of modern society without complexes. Often it is they who push the male half of humanity to conquer heights, accumulate capital, make discoveries, and benefit society.

But the same complexes can turn a person into a failed, weak personality with a lot of prejudices and misconceptions about his own psyche.

Complexes in men can take on the most unexpected form and are most often caused by:

  • peculiarities of upbringing(overly strict or overly loyal);
  • defective, broken family(a child who grew up without a mother, deprived of maternal care and cut off from necessary emotions, will be more susceptible to developing complexes; however, this also applies to any boy who grew up without a father and paternal care - then there is no guiding example of male behavior);
  • various psychological trauma and shocks (loss of loved ones, failed love or marriage, stressful activities);
  • mental characteristics And mental development person (specific temperamental traits and character traits of an individual);
  • stereotypes imposed by society(who exactly is considered a loser, a failed person, how exactly you need to show yourself in this or that difficult situation etc.).

What is my weakness?

In men, the inferiority complex is expressed through mental and emotional condition, in which the individual is unconditionally confident in his own insolvency (defectiveness), along with the unfounded belief that all the people around him, without exception, are completely superior to him.

The complex is accompanied by low mood, even depression, and a feeling of one’s own insignificance and abnormality.

In adolescence and young adulthood, men tend to mask feelings of inferiority with:

  • increased aggression;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • status symbols (expensive car, smartphone, fashion clothes and accessories);
  • arrogance (with an internal feeling of oneself as an unworthy person);
  • jealousy in love and marriage relationships.

Short person complex

Another name for this complex is Napoleon. It manifests itself through a man’s inflated ambition, exaggerated level of aspiration and global goals.

People of short stature - or rather men who consider themselves short - strive with all their might to realize their own ambitions in life. They display a biased, extremely negative attitude towards taller people.

Followers of Alexander the Great

Owners of this complex painfully experience possible situations of looking unmanly in the eyes of other people - or simply, homosexuals.

It was the ancient king from Macedonia (Alexander) who had a penchant for sexual relations with other men - hence the name.

Men with this complex strive to demonstrate their “masculinity” through rudeness and aggression, bragging and humiliation of others.

King Oedipus and the complex named after him

This type of male deviation takes its content from the myth of the ancient king from Greece - Oedipus, who unwittingly kills his own father and marries his mother.
It is the fixation on the mother as an object of desire and rivalry with other men that distinguishes the Oedipus complex from the rest.

Some of its manifestations:

  • avoiding any sexual relations long time(the mother is unconsciously perceived as the main object of love, communication with other women loses its meaning);
  • building a relationship with a woman(often older in age), reminiscent of the mother;
  • ambivalent, contradictory feelings towards parents: towards the mother (as an object of love) - attraction, towards the father (as a competitor) - rejection.

Zealous Othello

Jealousy complex (Othello): develops in men as exaggerated attention to comparing oneself with other men and the expectation of betrayal from a partner.

The feelings are very negative:

  • inferiority (“what can I say, I’m worse than others, that’s why they cheat on me!”);
  • sacrificial pursuit (a man is a hunter and a hare “in one package”);
  • dominion and possession as an end in itself (“if it’s not mine, then it’s nobody’s!”);
  • feeling abandoned, abandoned (as in childhood - a kind of betrayal when the mother left him alone and did not come for a long time).

Complex of retirement (pensioner)

With a pensioner complex - and it forms long before a man actually retires - the individual experiences a discrepancy between the desire to “not slow down” and a growing feeling of fatigue.

He can no longer cope with the volume of load that a man shouldered “on his shoulders” at a young age (up to 35-38 years), but psychologically he strives to realize everything, even though little is achieved.

Complexes in the field of sexual life

This type of complex manifests itself either directly in bed, or in a sexual or similar situation.

The most common complexes are:

  1. "Wrong size". The man is worried about physical dimensions own genital organ. The foundations of the complex are laid in childhood, when a boy accidentally compares his own organ with his father’s, or with older children. A man is overwhelmed by the idea that “with this” there can be no success with women.
  2. “How does everything work there for her?!”. Men may be especially worried about satisfying a woman during sex. Not bringing her to orgasm is not only a frightening fact, but sometimes forces her to refuse sexual intercourse. Or the other extreme is avoiding even attempts to carry out the necessary foreplay - even if, they say, I myself am not “mindful” of this.
  3. "Animal Instinct". The complex appears in men suffering from lack of attention. With unbridled (= rude and aggressive) sexual temperament and behavior, such an individual seeks to achieve self-affirmation - after all, he is, quite undeservedly and unfairly, underestimated (in the team, among friends, in the family).
  4. “Loud means high quality”. This complex manifests itself in a man’s dependence on the reverse audio reaction of a woman during sexual intercourse (the reason is the influence of stereotypes from porn films) - loud screams and moans, praise and activating phrases. If they are absent, it means that everything is being done “wrong” and the man feels himself thrown into the abyss of uncertainty and insolvency.

"Physiological" complexes

People who are unsure of themselves may suffer due to their own physiological characteristics, forming their own inadequate attitude towards them and negativism.

Among the multiplicity of such complexes, we can consider their main varieties:

  1. Shaggyness or complex of increased hairiness. A man is forced to refuse to visit resorts, recreation areas and beaches - he is afraid of being in the center negative attention others, comparisons with animals. Although it is unlikely modern society so many people will pay attention to this.
  2. Complex of a balding (or bald) person– Kotovsky complex. Although there is nothing special about a bald man, many individuals are genuinely horrified by hair loss or “sparseness” on their heads. This is due to the stereotype of inferiority - it seems that you are missing something, very important and integral.
  3. A complex of crooked or uneven teeth. It forces men to avoid situations in every possible way where they must show a smile or involuntarily open their mouths, and behave in an extremely unnatural manner. This only aggravates the situation - but relaxed, friendly and natural behavior, a pleasant manner of communication, can completely distract the attention of others from exaggerated “ugliness”.
  4. Lack of appearance complex(in the scientific community - dysmorphophobia). More often it occurs as a rejection of any sign or detail of one’s own appearance (asymmetry of the face, long nose, protruding ears, etc.). The man imagines that he only causes disgust among the people around him, that his “defect” is global and insurmountable.

Avoid or get rid of?

Possessing a complex, every man is free to choose:

  1. Find a strategy for peaceful coexistence with him, which leads to stagnation of the psyche, even to the degradation of a man, psychological disorder.
  2. Try to cope with psychological problem , preventing development - and sometimes simply corroding the personality. This creates favorable conditions for the destruction of psychological stereotypes and expansion of the consciousness of a man’s personality.

Several consecutive procedures will help turn the energy of the complex in a positive direction.

1. Let's try to understand the features of our own complex

The purpose of the procedure should end with one result - awareness of the problem situation. Each person with the complex finds their own approaches:

  • question-answer technique(questions about the complex are consistently asked - what exactly is happening, how it is happening, when, what is the danger, what is the result - and detailed answers are given to each);
  • “own limitations” technique– the boundaries of comfort and discomfort of the man’s personality are determined (a circle is drawn that includes two nested ones: in the center there is a zone of ease and comfort, it is surrounded by a zone of surmountable difficulties, then there is a zone of the insurmountable, where the complex is located).

2. We identify key areas of the complex

Here it is important for a man to monitor the emotional load of his own behavior in different life events - what exactly causes the greatest anxieties, concerns and fears. Connecting a chain of components will help: “sphere of life” – “obstacle” – “fear”.

For example: financial sector - poverty and uncertainty - I’m afraid of instability, afraid of going broke, afraid of taking risks.

3. We are trying to apply an “outside view”

It is necessary to achieve the separation of oneself and fear: it is, as it were, cut out from the man’s personality, observation is carried out - separately on him and on one’s own behavior.

You need to implement steps to overcome fear:

  • we focus on the opinions (condemnation) of the people around us - we do those things that are important to us, although they are perceived with censure by others;
  • We are afraid to get acquainted - we go and get acquainted.

Another procedure is to simply sit in a crowded place and try to feel the “taste of life” by observing people and events, noting every detail and feature of the environment.

4. Recording positives and achievements

It is important to always remember that the main thing in defeating complexes is to act. This is the only way to see the result - for some it will take a couple of attempts, for others - countless of them.

  • You need to gradually “catch on” to positive changes and base further actions on them.
  • Leaving the comfort zone, a man should not give in to the fear that arises - it is important to accustom himself to being in discomfort, it will gradually disappear.
  • Helps you take your mind off psychological stress exercise stress– you can run or go to the gym.

Whatever complexes men have, the real indicator strong man there will be no careful concealment or disguise of them behind defiant behavior, aggression and pickiness towards others, but constructive overcoming of complexes (sometimes existing since childhood and continuing to torment a person even in adulthood).

Video: TOP 5

He and I appeared in this semi-basement cafe almost simultaneously - I was a little earlier, he followed me. His name was Andrey. He was wearing the same glasses as me - thick horn-rimmed. And in general, he gave the impression of a person who, under favorable conditions, could become my friend - a nice guy from a good family. But in this particular situation, I almost hated him. Because as soon as he appeared, I lost to him - all the girls now looked only at him.

He was six centimeters taller than me or even a little more. Although by the age of 35 I could have gotten used to this state of affairs.

I was almost always shorter than everyone else. At school, my already humiliating position (in physical education - at the very end of the line, even after the girls) was aggravated by excess weight. So much weight had accumulated that my cheeks could be seen from behind. It is clear that I was not particularly popular, although I started smoking with everyone else at the age of 13. Hence the complexes, “nobody loves me...” As a child, when you had not yet heard of Woody Allen (this balding, bespectacled man, 165 cm tall, had such women that not a single Brad Pitt even dreamed of), the feeling “I’m short “can cause hellish self-doubt or even worse - serious psychological trauma.

By the way, I started smoking under the influence of my friend Dima. He was the coolest guy in the class - the girls hung on him. Indeed, a tall handsome man. High! I remember I even hung on the horizontal bar for several minutes every day. Someone told me that in this simple way you can add a couple of centimeters to your height. It turned out that it was complete nonsense - the horizontal bar did not help.

Hiking, which entered my life in high school along with the now hated bard song, my first love and my first alcohol, helped me cope with excess weight. But the problem of short stature has remained with me to this day. Of course, I no longer have any childhood complexes of paranoid power. But sometimes, like in that cafe, I feel inferior. A tall guy with glasses, Andrei, perhaps in a fair fight you will lose to me. Then it may turn out that I am a better conversationalist, and I have a subtler sense of humor, and I read more, and I play the guitar like a god, and in general my penis is longer. But the moment we appear together before girls’ eyes, I know that you have more chances. At least because you can be seen better.

A tall person does not need to prove that he is cool - he is cooler than you by the very fact of his existence. Faster, higher, stronger! And a short person is full of problems. Yes, I'm a man, albeit a small one. But you need to make an effort to approach a tall woman and say: “Girlfriend, come with me, I’m the best!” This also needs to be explained that you will give a head start to anyone, while jumping from behind the backs of taller opponents. Hey, why don't you look at me?! What about my rich inner world?

Such efforts, of course, are constraining. Maybe you know someone who can look devilishly elegant while pushing. I'm not like that.

The most unpleasant thing is that right before my eyes there is a completely different example, family friend Uncle Misha. This is a real man - he loves to drink, he skillfully handles firearms, deftly drives any car and can sometimes bark so loudly that the walls shake. In Israel, where Misha lives with his family (wife and two children) recent years 15, he has not changed his habits - plus he enjoys eating fried pork on Saturdays and refuses to learn Hebrew. After drinking vodka, Misha loves to tell stories from his childhood, and each of them begins with the words: “Then I was the smallest...” You might think that he has now grown taller - from the pot, as they say. But his height does not for a second prevent him from feeling like the master of the situation. And at the most crucial moments I remember him, Uncle Misha is my role model. Regardless of his height, he became a confident guy with solid biceps, a voice and a look.

Although wait, what am I saying - “regardless of height”? Is it in vain that Uncle Misha every time starts a bagpipe about “and I was the smallest ...” It is clear that it was this “flaw” that forced him to bend over backwards, daily assert himself and show character, while tall handsome men lay relaxed on their sofas. And, by the way, Misha’s wife is half a head taller than him. The Napoleon complex, named after one of the greatest short men on Earth, is wonderful. By the same principle, energetic and unprincipled provincials in the career race outperform relaxed Muscovites, who received a view of the Kremlin by birthright.

Would Charlie Chaplin (165 cm) have become a brilliant artist if he had a gigantic height? And if Tamerlane (145 cm) touched the clouds with his head, would he have the idea to conquer half the world? Or would he calmly herd the sheep, satisfied with himself? Nikita Khrushchev, Laurence Olivier, Aristotle Onassis, Yuri Gagarin, A. S. Pushkin (who, by the way, enjoyed success with tall women)… Lucky is the one who became infected with the Napoleon complex. But why am I so calm and balanced? Apparently the problem is that I was born too tall (still 172 cm) to acquire this useful psychological disorder. I am Gulliver among Napoleons, what a pity.

Although... Tall Andrey from the basement cafe, if you are reading these lines, we will meet again. In a fair fight.

From confidence comes confidence! You know that you are the best and... soon everyone will believe it! For some reason, I remembered Perrucho’s famous book “Toulouse Lautrec”... The brilliant artist was not just “short”, he was a dwarf, a freak. But women, including high society persons, hovered around him like flies. He never lost his self-esteem.

Now we treat many of these things much more simply. So what if the guy wasn’t tall enough? Is a man’s height even a reason for discussion? Can just a few centimeters change the attitude towards a person? It turns out they can. In any case, psychologists say: many short men often do not have a good personal life. And... immediately, refuting themselves, they give many examples of how small men struggled to overcome their inferiority complex, achieved success in life, and were loved by the first beauties.

True, whatever one may say, there are subconscious moments that are in one way or another connected with the small height of the spouse. You will laugh, but some women associate a loser man with a short male representative. It even happens that short stature becomes a kind of taboo for a lady on dating and marriage. It also happens that the short stature of a spouse or lover becomes a reason for discord, quarrels and divorce. It’s simple: subconsciously a woman attributes all life’s hardships, failures, and disagreements to the fact that she once chose the “wrong” man. And I would choose a tall, handsome man, and-.. How could something go wrong with his career (with health, with sex, and so on)?

Paradox: many ladies don’t even suspect that by joining their fate with a man half a head shorter than themselves, they “acquire” a much more reliable stronghold than the one who “grabbed” a two-meter giant.

Growth is not a hindrance to love!

Since childhood, small children always try to be first in everything. Because from childhood we understood that short stature must be compensated for by great achievements. Otherwise...

And such little things as height don’t bother smart girls at all. They are able to appreciate both an extraordinary mind and sparkling humor.

An older man considers his own complexes due to his height to be a “childhood disease.” Well, if one of the wife’s friends touches on a “sore” topic, she will not interrupt her. He will simply tell another story confirming his husband’s extraordinary abilities and personal qualities. Fortunately, there are many such stories. And the man himself is firmly convinced that short stature is not a hindrance to career and love!

The river will show who is taller!

In all centuries, as we know, ideas about beauty have been different. It is unlikely that the busty Rubensian beauties will seem truly feminine and attractive to the modern Don Juan. Perhaps only human growth in the canons of beauty has always been strictly regulated. A woman should not be “Uncle Styopa,” unless, of course, she is a commoner (formerly) or a fashion model (nowadays). Well, a man... Just remember the folklore heroes. In the Icelandic and Swedish sagas, tall height was an indispensable feature of masculinity. He was associated with the strength of a hero. And Ivan Tsarevich? What about the heroes? Well, of course, tall, and therefore strong. These good fellows, jokingly and playfully, thanks to their remarkable strength and growth, coped with life's and fairy-tale obstacles. While the Thumb Boys achieved something thanks to their cunning.

Why is it that today women whose height is above average are called slender and graceful, and not big? And why are men under one meter seventy considered almost runts, shorties? It's all about stereotypes... So, male height is not just an aesthetic stamp. Everything is much deeper. Masculinity, representativeness, maturity - these are all the features of a stately man. The short guy... can't be very strong. Because in any case, he weighs less than a tall one. This means that he will not be able to defeat the beast on the hunt. He will not feed his family, and his children will be in poverty. This is how this stereotype developed in ancient times. Back then, almost all vital problems were solved from a position of strength and growth. In any case, the two most important ones: to feed and protect yourself and your family so that the lineage continues.

We are not ancient people. And few people today “harvest” a mammoth with a club in their hands, and certainly no one guards the hearth with the same club, but... the stereotype is in no hurry to change following the changing conditions of life. And somewhere there, deep in the subconscious, it is rooted: short people are less successful in life.
However, men are partly to blame themselves. After all, many of them “accepted” the stereotype. Reconciled. It is not without reason that psychologists have noticed that short men (by the way, men up to sixty meters tall are considered such) have three problems: concern about their height, discrimination from society and a lack of female attention. Hence all the troubles. But, probably due to “balance”, it is the short representatives of the male tribe that nature often rewards with many talents. Such men, as a rule, are much more tactful, know how to listen to their interlocutor, and are well versed in human relationships. In addition, in order to cope with their own complex, they work a lot on themselves. This means they improve their intelligence and have a great sense of humor. In short, if you can’t “take” a woman with her beauty (and male height and male beauty are synonymous for many people), then you can show off your knowledge of science, sports achievements, and who knows what...

There is one more thing... Genetics confirm: short men are much sexier than their tall counterparts. By the way, representatives of almost all southern peoples Not that they are very tall, but they have a great libido! Folk wisdom confirms this. Remember: everything went to the “spine”?

By the way, there is also a stereotype about the fact that short men are less successful in their personal lives. Don’t women neglect them, don’t fall in love with them, don’t marry them? What about Napoleon? With a height of 158 centimeters, in addition to Josephine, he was a huge success with many ladies. Finally, our contemporaries: Dustin Hoffman, Valentin Yudashkin, Tom Cruise, Paul Newman, Rolan Bykov, Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Michael Douglas, Alain Delon do not seem to fit the standard of “tall”. Runts, and that's all! But they are not just loved, they are adored. They are not deprived of love and are quite successful in their careers. So the “trouble” is not in the man’s short stature, but in how the man relates to his “shortcoming.” If he doesn’t have complexes, then his girlfriend won’t have complexes either.

Although in fairness it must be said: studies by Western sociologists and surveys of women have shown that representatives of the fair sex are still skeptical about the prospect of meeting and loving a short man. Often men meet a woman taller than themselves and... get rejected. For some reason, it is in short men that women look for many unpleasant masculine qualities: passivity, pessimism, and even... femininity. Such is the power of a prevailing stereotype. Only when a man himself destroys this stereotype, increasing his own self-esteem, does he inevitably grow in the eyes of his girlfriend.

If your lover or husband is a respected person, earns good money, can provide for his family, if you can be proud of him, then what does his appearance and height matter? Well, what if not? Let's say a woman hasn't gotten married for a long time. Finally I met him and fell in love. And although she was somewhat embarrassed that he was far from ideal in appearance, the love force of attraction won. They merried. And then life began with all its sorrows and joys. And now the wife begins to understand: the hero is sluggish, lazy, incompetent, and does not know how to stand up for himself. Irritation builds up. And subconsciously the thought matures: what else should he be? He is also short in stature. He cannot cope with the complex. She is jealous of tall men. Still would! Eh, what did you find in him? Why did you get married? Did you notice? The husband's height acts as his shortcoming along with his other “unmasculine” qualities. With those character traits that the wife does not accept. It seems to change concepts. She is not satisfied with his human qualities, and not at all with his appearance. But the stereotype works. And one day, in the heat of the moment, in the heat of a quarrel, a woman can easily hit a man’s vanity. Well, let’s say he’ll call him “shorty” or even ruder. You can be sure that this will offend the man and he will not forget such insensitivity. Who knows, maybe it will be the last straw, an ordinary quarrel will develop into a chronic one, and...

So, dear ladies, also fight your complexes and do not transfer them to your loved one. You married a short man because you were afraid you wouldn’t get married at all? What do you mean, you felt some kind of flaw? Agree, all this is not worth a damn. But such stereotypes can destroy love and destroy a family. So if you have believed since childhood that tall means handsome, smart, brave, kind, then you are unlikely to succeed happy marriage with a short man, no matter how good your husband is.

On a note!

Fight stereotypes and don’t let them enslave you. Go towards happiness “of any size”! Otherwise, you can really miss this happiness.

Do you have a complex about your lover’s height? Most likely, you don’t truly love your man. So, it seemed... Or perhaps you yourself are a complex person. It will be difficult for you even with a very tall man. You are extremely low self-esteem. And this sometimes even requires special treatment.

Psychological training is sometimes required by a complex of other men due to their small stature (by the way, Dustin Hoffman is 168 centimeters tall) specially undergoing treatment from a psychotherapist in order to cope with his inferiority complex.

A man's short stature has its advantages. Such people always strive to stand out in some way. And they often achieve a lot in life.

Next to a short man, it is easier for a woman to look like a queen! Just don’t slouch or pull your head into your shoulders! Remember the happy couple: Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti. And being a queen is always more pleasant than breathing under the armpit of your two-meter-tall gentleman. However, as we have already found out, the height of our beloved is not at all a guarantee of harmony and happiness in our life together!