Most delicious cottage cheese It is obtained only from homemade milk with good fat content. It is very easy to independently regulate the level of humidity, friability, and softness of the cottage cheese, depending on personal preferences. In addition, you can be completely confident in its high quality. A by-product of production will be whey, which in itself is very beneficial for the body, and is also used in some dough recipes or as a base for okroshka instead of kvass. In this article we will tell you how to make cottage cheese from milk, how to choose the right milk, how to ferment it, how to work with curdled milk and how to get delicious homemade cottage cheese from sour milk.
The process of preparing cottage cheese, of course, takes a lot of time, but in fact at each stage you need to perform one or two simple manipulations, the rest will be done by lactic acid bacteria and time.
To make cottage cheese we will use homemade fresh cow's milk good quality, without any impurities or additives. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy homemade milk, then you can use store-bought milk, but you also need to choose it correctly, so store-bought milk for making cottage cheese:
milk should have a high fat content of 3.2%;
Milk should not contain preservatives or antibiotics; very often they are contained in milk with an extended shelf life.

Taste Info Dairy desserts


  • gauze or linen/cotton towel

How to make cottage cheese from milk

Stage 1: Working with milk
First you need to evaluate the quality of the milk. If a layer of cream is clearly visible on the surface of the milk in a can or bottle, then the yield of cottage cheese will be greater.

Such milk must be poured into glass, clay or ceramic containers, where the souring process will take place.

Metal containers are not suitable! Place the jar of milk for about two days in a dark place, preferably closer to a heat source, for example, in a cabinet next to a working refrigerator or stove. In the refrigerator itself, the milk will not sour, but will only spoil! After a couple of days, you need to check the container, in which you can no longer see milk, but good country yogurt.
If you put milk to sour in an open sunny place, it can turn sour very quickly, you need to carefully monitor it, since milk peroxidizes very quickly in the sun.

Properly sour milk turns into a dense, thick mass that separates from the whey. This moment needs to be controlled, because Less acidified milk will produce less cottage cheese, and peroxidized milk will produce cottage cheese that is not as tasty; it will be more sour.

To make milk sour faster, you can add:
a piece of black bread;
a spoonful of sour cream or kefir;
lemon juice or citric acid.
Stage 2: Working with curdled milk
The curdled milk needs to be heated in a saucepan over low heat; I cook the cottage cheese on an electric stove and use the lowest heat possible. Can be heated in a water bath, i.e. in one pan bigger size Place a smaller saucepan with curdled milk.
In order to make cottage cheese, sour milk must be heated, and not brought to a boil, i.e. the temperature should be approximately 40 degrees.

During the cooking process, the easiest way to check the heating of the product is with your finger. If you feel a pleasant warmth and not a burning temperature, then everything is fine. The process lasts about 15-20 minutes. The longer the yogurt is heated, the harder the curd will be. It is advisable to constantly stir the yogurt, or rather, distribute the jelly-like mass throughout the entire volume of the product.

Large parts of sour milk will heat up less well, and cooking will be uneven.

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Stage 3: Working with cottage cheese
We practically talked about how to make cottage cheese from milk; essentially, after heating, the cottage cheese is ready. All that remains is to separate it from the whey. To do this, use a sieve and a clean kitchen towel or gauze folded in several layers. The sieve should be placed over a deep container and lined with a cloth.

After the curd mass is poured into such a structure, most of the whey is filtered into a bowl, and the curd itself remains inside the sieve on the cloth.

But such cottage cheese still contains a lot of whey, so it must be hung in the same towel for the final decantation of the liquid. Under the improvised bag of cottage cheese, of course, you need to place a plate or cup, where some more whey will accumulate.

In this form, the cottage cheese “hangs” for several hours. The longer the whey is expressed, the drier the curd becomes.
Wonderful, tender, healthy homemade cottage cheese made from milk is ready!

To make cottage cheese at home, you do not need any specialized equipment; accordingly, the costs of the production process will be minimal. As a rule, to make cottage cheese it is enough to have:

  • two pans of different sizes;
  • skimmer;
  • sieve.

At the same time, the simplest recipe allows you to get by with just one pan and gauze. It is advisable to use aluminum pans rather than enamel ones, since in enamel pans the milk may burn slightly when heated, which will negatively affect the taste of the final product.

Raw materials

The main raw material for making cottage cheese is milk, but kefir can also be used. Some recipes will require additional ingredients, such as sour cream. All products used must be natural.– pasteurized milk, which can be purchased at the store, cannot be used.


Of course, there are no special requirements for the premises for organizing home production - an ordinary kitchen is quite suitable, the main thing is that it is clean and that there is enough space for work.

Expanding production

If you want to make not only ordinary, but also skim cheese, you will need a milk separator - a special device that separates milk into skim milk and cream. There are also separators for working with cottage cheese. They separate fermented milk into curds and whey. But such equipment, as a rule, is used only in industrial production.

Technology and recipes

As we wrote above, there are a huge variety of recipes for making cottage cheese, and each of them involves its own technology. Let's describe a couple of the simplest of them - they allow you to produce a product as quickly as possible.

Recipe No. 1

Fresh milk should be poured into a small saucepan and placed in warm place– you can just leave it on the table. The pan must be kept warm for at least 30 hours, without touching the milk during this entire period - this will deteriorate the quality of the curd curd.

After the specified time, the milk will turn into curdled milk and whey liquid. Now you need to put the pan on the stove over very low heat. The curdled milk needs to be heated, but it should not be brought to a boil. To better control the temperature, you can use a water bath - place a saucepan with fermented milk in another larger saucepan with water, and the water should reach no more than the middle of the saucepan with yogurt.

If fermented milk is overheated, the curd may become too hard, which will cause it to crumble, and if the curdled milk is not heated enough, the curd will probably turn out sour, since the whey will not separate well enough.

During heating, the milk mass should not be stirred with a spoon - this will disrupt the process of whey separation. During heating, you need to periodically check the temperature by simply touching the pan to prevent overheating. You need to heat until the characteristic curd clots and clear whey appear, that is, about half an hour. After this, the pan must be removed from the heat and left to cool - it will take about six to eight hours until it cools completely.

Then you need to put the cottage cheese with a slotted spoon on a sieve, or pour the contents of the pan into a jar through cheesecloth, after which you should leave the cottage cheese for a while to drain. If the cottage cheese was placed in gauze, it must be hung over the sink or bathtub; if in a sieve, it must be placed above any container so that the liquid has somewhere to drain. Before full readiness the curd should drain for about an hour and a half: if you leave it for a longer period, the product may become excessively dry.

Recipe No. 2

This technology allows you to get ready-made cottage cheese even faster.

You need to pour the milk into a jar, put a few tablespoons of sour cream or kefir in there (about 50 grams per liter of milk), and leave it in a warm place for fermentation. Adding fermented milk products will give the cottage cheese a special taste, and in addition, it will significantly speed up this process - depending on the temperature, ripening can take from 12 hours to a day. The milk should not be stirred during fermentation.

When the milk mixture turns into curdled milk, you will need to take a clean saucepan, place a jar in it and pour in enough water so that it is approximately at the same level with the curdled milk. After which you need to remove the jar and put the pan on the fire. After bringing the water to a boil, turn off the heat and place in a saucepan with hot water a jar of fermented milk. Cover the jar with a lid and leave for about half an hour.

After the specified time has passed, the jar must be removed from the water and allowed to stand for another 40-45 minutes. After this, the contents of the jar should be poured onto cheesecloth and the resulting curd clot should be hung over the bathtub or sink for two hours.


Based on the fact that to make one kilogram of cottage cheese you need about three liters of milk, a small subsidiary farm with two cows producing up to ten liters of milk per day, it can produce an average of six kilograms of cottage cheese daily. average cost one kilogram of medium-fat homemade cottage cheese on the market - 250 rubles. Low-fat cottage cheese costs about 300 rubles per kilogram. Net profit per month will thus be about 45-50 thousand rubles. Additional profit can be obtained by selling production by-products - whey and, if a separator was used when processing milk, cream.

There are no particular difficulties in producing cottage cheese at home, and it can bring significant profits, while taking very little time. This is an ideal option for receiving additional income from personal subsidiary plot.

If you are looking for simple instructions on how to quickly make cottage cheese from milk, we have to disappoint you: preparing cottage cheese is a rather lengthy process.

The “raw materials” for making homemade cottage cheese are usually: kefir, milk that has curdled during the boiling process, as well as milk that has soured during room temperature, - in other words, curdled milk. This is exactly what we propose to use.

In order for the cottage cheese to turn out healthy, tasty and not like store-bought cottage cheese, several conditions must be met.

  • Firstly, prepare cottage cheese only from fresh homemade milk bought in the village or at a dairy farm. As a rule, from three-liter jar cow's milk it turns out (at best) almost 1 kg of cottage cheese and half the amount of sour cream. Buy milk in a can.
  • Secondly, milk must be prepared in a special way. Let it sit for a few hours and a layer of yellow cream will form on the surface. The fattier the milk, the thicker this layer. Sometimes owners drain the cream in advance and sell the milk without it. But still, more often the milk is shaken before sale, and you don’t see the cream. Either way, once the cream has risen, carefully remove it with a spoon and pour it into a suitable container. You don’t have to do this: just wait for the milk to sour and remove the layer of sour cream, not cream.
  • Third, Milk should be fermented at room temperature. In the refrigerator, it does not sour, but deteriorates: it develops a suspicious smell and a bitter taste. Even if you didn’t intend to cook cottage cheese, but just bought fresh homemade milk, put it in the refrigerator, and it began to sour, take out the jar and move it, for example, to the windowsill: in this way you will “save” the product that has not yet completely spoiled and get a delicious curdled milk.

If you purchased milk specifically for making cottage cheese, do not put it in the cold at all. The higher the room temperature, the faster the milk ferments. IN warm time year, this process takes no more than 12 hours, in cold weather - about a couple of days.

As soon as the curdled milk is ready (the consistency will be similar to soft jelly), make the cottage cheese.

If for some reason you cannot immediately proceed to making it, put the fermented milk in the cold. The milk left in the heat will soon turn sour, and the cottage cheese from it will turn out tasteless. Ready-made yogurt has a delicate, pleasant smell, while peroxided milk has a rather pungent and unappetizing smell. You need to start making cottage cheese no later than 2-3 days after fermenting the milk.

To make milk ferment faster, add a couple of tablespoons of rich homemade sour cream, cottage cheese or sour milk to it (while it’s fresh). Microorganisms that live in fermented milk products will begin to multiply rapidly in the new environment, which will lead to souring.

If you try to ferment milk with kefir or yogurt, you will end up with exactly these products. To produce these drinks, dairies use special bacteria that only vaguely resemble those living in milk. Accordingly, they give a completely different taste.

High-quality, fresh yogurt produces cottage cheese that is tender and tasty. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

How to make cottage cheese at home

You will need:

Cow's milk, preferably full fat - 2-3 liters,

Sourdough (optional)


Preparing the milk takes two days, and preparing the cottage cheese itself takes about 15 hours.

Homemade cottage cheese: cooking stages

Remove the sour cream

Remove the sour cream from the finished yogurt. Sour cream, like cream, rises to the top and forms a rather thick layer on the surface of the curdled milk.

1. To remove the sour cream, carefully take the jar and tilt it slightly over the plate.

2. Start slowly rotating the jar, gradually increasing its angle.

3. When the sour cream begins to separate, there is no need to shout “Hurray! Happened!" On the contrary, you need to maintain maximum concentration and calm. You must calmly continue the monotonous rotational movements of the can and increase the angle of its inclination. Your main task is to prevent the rest of the jar’s contents from slopping onto the plate along with the sour cream.

4. Some of the sour cream is already in the plate. Everything is going according to plan, but it’s too early to relax. We monitor our breathing and with confident hand movements we continue to carefully tilt the jar.

5. The sour cream gradually moves from the jar to the plate. Your hands can already feel the movement of each sour cream lump in the jar. In your heart you are proud of yourself, now even your mother-in-law has opened her mouth and looks at you with admiration.

6. Yes! You did it! You did it! Now you can shout “Hurray!”

Cooking cottage cheese

1. To ensure that the yogurt warms up evenly, use a long knife to make deep cross cuts (to the bottom) in it.

2. Take a deep saucepan and place a jar of yogurt in it. To prevent the jar from bursting later, place a piece of cotton fabric folded several times under it. Pour into the pan cold water– on par with curdled milk in a jar. Turn on low heat and wait until the temperature of the yogurt in the middle of the jar reaches 35-40 °C. This will happen in about 10 minutes. Previously, the temperature was checked with a finger, but you can also use a thermometer.

3. After making sure that the curdled milk has warmed up, turn off the stove, but do not take out the jar: the curd should “come up”. If the curdled milk becomes too hot, immediately remove the jar and let it cool at room temperature. Remember that if curdled milk is cooked, the curd will turn out hard and tasteless.

4. The mass should cool for several hours. During this time, the curds will separate from the whey. It should become dense, uneven, and decrease in volume. Cottage cheese, like sour cream or cream, rises to the top. But in some cases, it first sinks to the bottom, and only then floats up.

5. Line a colander with gauze (in several layers) and place it over an empty pan. Drain the curd mass into a colander or transfer it with a spoon.

6. Tie the gauze into a knot and hang it over the pan. Please note that the curd should not be too liquid, otherwise it will begin to seep through the cheesecloth along with the whey. There is no need to wring out the gauze.

7. It's easy to say, "Hang the bundle over the pan." What to do if you can’t hang it or you’re just lazy? There is a solution: leave the knot in a colander over the pan. The effect will be the same - checked!

8. Use the drained whey to make pancakes or cosmetic masks, and cottage cheese is best consumed fresh, with sour cream or jam. Note that the sooner you remove the cheesecloth, the softer and juicier the curd will be. If the gauze hangs longer, the product will become dry and grainy.

The taste of properly prepared cottage cheese, regardless of its consistency, is amazing.

Now you know how to make homemade cottage cheese from milk. Having learned to apply this knowledge in practice, you will no longer depend on dairy product manufacturers, who do not always care about maintaining the quality of their products at the proper level, and you will be able to spoil your family with real “village” cottage cheese from time to time, juicy pies and sweet casseroles.

Cottage cheese prepared independently at home is considered many times higher quality than its store-bought counterpart, since it does not contain additives in the form of preservatives or stabilizers.


Cottage cheese is a perfect food product that combines all the beneficial properties of dairy products. High-quality cottage cheese provides the body with easily digestible protein, fats, vitamins, amino acids and minerals (calcium, potassium, phosphorus). It is useful for pregnant and lactating women, for young growing organisms, people with increased physical activity and the elderly.

Features of preparing cottage cheese

The modern method of preparing cottage cheese at home, which cannot be said about the industry, has not undergone any changes at all and is no different from the process that our ancestors used. Still this nutritious sour milk product obtained from well-heated curdled milk (sour milk), placed in a linen bag to separate the dense part (cottage cheese) from the liquid part (whey).

Classic cottage cheese recipe at home

There is an ideal “long-term recipe” when the extraction of a valuable product goes on its own, without your direct intervention. The whole process is simple, and you can get cottage cheese from milk on the second or third day after its natural ripening, when under the influence of temperature factors the whey is separated from the curdled milk due to the action of living lactic acid bacteria.

To get 1 kg of cottage cheese, prepare:

  • 3 liters of fresh, preferably homemade, milk;
  • 2 spacious containers: one larger, the other smaller;
  • colander;
  • clean cotton paper cloth or thick gauze.
Instructions for making cottage cheese at home:
  1. Pour the milk into a sealed container, do not disturb it, leave it to sour for a couple of days (the speed of fermentation will depend on temperature factors).
  2. Afterwards, place the container with the fermented, already dense, mixture over low heat in a water bath. Cook, stirring gently, for 15-20 minutes until curds form.
  3. As soon as the slightly heated mass separates into cottage cheese and whey, leave it alone until it cools completely.
  4. Next, prepare a spacious dish, place a colander on it, which is covered with a thick, clean cotton cloth (a sieve is not suitable for such manipulation).
  5. Pour the mixture onto the prepared cloth, tie it in a knot and hang it over the prepared container so that the separated whey can drain into it. As soon as the whey stops dripping, the cottage cheese is ready.

How to make cottage cheese quickly

If you don’t have time for 2-3 days, try making “instant” cottage cheese, where you can “play” with the final result of the taste of the product and its characteristics. You will get a solid consistency of cottage cheese when the curdled milk drains for a day; soft, tender cottage cheese is prepared almost immediately - by the usual mechanical squeezing of the whey by hand. The fat content and amount of the output product will depend on the fat content of the original ingredients.

To get 200 g of cottage cheese you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • 500 ml kefir.
The cooking process looks like this:
  1. Pour the milk into a container of sufficient capacity (at least 1.5 liters) and bring it to a boil.
  2. As soon as the milk begins to boil, reduce the heat and immediately begin pouring kefir into the boiling liquid in a thin stream.
  3. Then add a little heat and begin to slowly stir the mass.
  4. When the process of coagulation (separation of whey from protein) begins, turn off the heat, cover the dish with a lid and leave the mixture alone for a while (the curdling process will still occur in the cooling workpiece).
  5. Next, do everything as usual: throw the cooled mass onto thick gauze and, tying it in a knot, hang it to drain the whey.

Subtleties of making cottage cheese at home

You can make cottage cheese at home from either homemade whole milk or pasteurized store-bought milk. A product made from rural cow's milk will be fattier, more delicate in taste and cheaper in cost. Cottage cheese made from milk from the counter will be less fat, lighter, fine-grained, less tender and twice as expensive.

Whatever milk you initially choose for making cottage cheese, there are certain nuances, without knowledge of which you may end up with a low-quality product:

  • Milk souring should be natural, without your intervention and under no circumstances in the refrigerator.
  • When heating already sour milk, the main thing is not to overheat it, since if the curdled milk is exposed to excessive temperature, the curd will turn out to be fine-grained, and its taste will be hard and dry.
  • If, on the contrary, you do not bring the semi-finished product to the required temperature while heating it in a water bath, you will end up with a rubber mass that tastes completely different from cottage cheese.
  • The green color of the whey, which appears when sour milk is heated, indicates that the curdled milk has “ripened” sufficiently.

It is worth considering that the final mass of the prepared product will also differ: the yield of cottage cheese from three liters of homemade milk will be much greater (about 1 kg) than from the same amount of store-bought milk (600-700 g).

Types of cottage cheese

Like the rest fermented milk products According to production technology, cottage cheese is usually classified. With this product, this is done according to the method of preparation (separate and traditional) and according to the fat content.

What kind of cottage cheese is there?

Based on fat content, cottage cheese is divided into:
  • low fat (% fat up to 1.8);
  • low-fat (fat content less than 3%);
  • bold (9%);
  • classic (from 4-18%);
  • fatty (% fat content not less than 18).
The traditional method of preparing cottage cheese is acidic (prepared on the basis of skim milk using a starter) and acid-rennet (pasteurized milk is used, in this case the starter is supplemented with the enzyme pepsin).

With the separate method, grain-free skim cottage cheese is obtained, which is prepared from separated skim milk. Using this method, by adding cream, you can get cottage cheese of any fat content.

Making cottage cheese from milk

At home, all the specifics and technology for preparing cottage cheese from milk are the same and simple. The milk is pasteurized, cooled and seasoned with starter (kefir, sour cream, yoghurt, fermented baked milk). Standard proportions: 3-4 tablespoons of starter are used for 1 liter of milk.

The prepared mixture is mixed and placed in a warm place for 8-10 hours. Afterwards, the curd curd is separated from the whey. The finished cottage cheese can be flavored with sour cream, if you want a product with more calories, cream or fruit.

Homemade kefir cottage cheese

Cottage cheese made from kefir will have a delicate, soft consistency, but will have sour taste. It would be good to use such cottage cheese for preparing a variety of cottage cheese products or as an independent dish with the addition of fruit or sweet jam. The preparation of cottage cheese from kefir is similar to the process of obtaining it from milk: kefir can be heat treated, after which the cottage cheese is separated from the whey.

An interesting recipe for making cottage cheese from frozen kefir is considered: place a lump of sour milk frozen in the freezer at room temperature in a fabric bag. A few hours later, after the process of separating the liquid part from the solid is completed, you will receive the long-awaited delicious product.

How to make low-fat cottage cheese at home

Cottage cheese made from skim milk is a dietary and at the same time complete energy product containing all useful substances. Low-fat cottage cheese is ideal for consumption by people on a fat-restricted diet; 100 g of this product contains less than 1.8% fat.

Pasteurized low-fat or one percent milk is used for this process. The entire preparation procedure is similar to producing cottage cheese from regular milk, the only difference is that the fermentation of such a product naturally will take much longer, so to speed up the process, starters in the form of low-fat yogurt or kefir are used. To sour one liter of milk you will need 2-3 tbsp. l. sourdough

How to make grainy cottage cheese

A variety of ordinary cottage cheese - granular cottage cheese - is a dietary low-calorie food that has no contraindications. It is prepared from skim pasteurized milk using a special starter - calcium chloride. The special flavor of this product is achieved by saturating low-fat curd grains with milk cream and salt.

To make this cottage cheese at home, you will need the following products:

  • 1 liter of low-fat milk;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. calcium chloride;
  • 6 tbsp. l. cream (the fat content of the prepared cottage cheese will depend on the initial % fat content of the cream);
  • salt to taste.
The cooking process is quick and simple:
  1. In a non-enamel container, heat the milk well, almost bringing it to a boil.
  2. Then, turning off the heat, add calcium chloride and mix thoroughly.
  3. The composition must stand for a while so that the curd grains separate from the liquid.
  4. Separate the curds from the whey.
  5. Salt the already dry product and add cream. Homemade granular cottage cheese is ready.

Making cheese from cottage cheese

You can try making another healthy and nutritious dairy product yourself - cottage cheese.

To do this you will need the following products:

  • 200 g homemade fat cottage cheese;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • a mixture of one egg and 50 g of butter;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda;
  • salt, spices to taste.
Getting ready homemade cheese So:
  1. Place homemade cottage cheese (it is better if it is grainy, with a low whey content) in a bowl, pour milk over it and bring the whole mixture to a boil.
  2. Once boiling, reduce the heat, stirring gently, making sure that the entire contents of the pan are heated evenly.
  3. As soon as the whey separates from the bowl, discard the resulting lump of curd in a colander or thick layer of gauze.
  4. Transfer the dry curd mass into a casserole, in which you will then cook the cheese.
  5. Add a mixture of butter, eggs, soda and salt to the semi-finished product. Stir.
  6. Next, cook the whole mass over low heat for 5-8 minutes, stirring constantly.
  7. It is easy to determine the readiness of the cheese: it will stretch, become sticky, viscous and begin to lag behind the walls of the cauldron.
  8. Pour the hot cheese into the prepared form and leave to harden.
How to make cottage cheese at home - watch the video:

After making homemade cottage cheese, you will have useful product- a serum that can be used both in cooking for preparing various baked goods, and in home cosmetology. 126

Health 03.10.2014

Dear readers, today we will talk about how to make cottage cheese at home. Probably every family hardly goes a day without this product. We eat the cottage cheese itself and prepare various dishes from it. Including, probably, everyone’s favorite cheesecakes. But let’s ask ourselves the question: “The cottage cheese that we buy in the store, is it good for us?” I think everyone will agree that homemade cottage cheese and store-bought cottage cheese cannot be compared in quality, right? And if anyone has small children, then the issue is not discussed at all. I think every mother will definitely find time and prepare homemade cottage cheese for her children. There is no chemistry in it, our love is put into the process of making cottage cheese, so today I propose to talk in more detail about how you can make cottage cheese yourself at home.

U Slavic peoples Since ancient times, cottage cheese has occupied one of the main places in the diet; people ate it almost every day, knowing about its benefits for the body. And there was a lot of milk, and since there was nowhere to store it, it fermented quickly, so cottage cheese was made from yogurt. Once upon a time in Rus', cottage cheese was called cheese, and all dishes prepared from it were called cheese, so the name of our favorite cheesecakes came to us from ancient times.

In those days, peasant farms also made homemade hard cheese; it was made from pressed cottage cheese, which was placed in a hot oven, put under the press again, and again into the oven, and this was done several times. As a result, the cottage cheese turned into a dry dense mass, which was stored for a very long time, literally helping out many families during the long cold winters.

Cottage cheese can be called a perfect food product, in which all the beneficial properties of milk are concentrated, and especially if the cottage cheese is homemade, prepared at home.

How to make cottage cheese at home

When we prepare cottage cheese ourselves, we are confident in its quality, and the taste of homemade cottage cheese is unusually pleasant, and it is not at all difficult to prepare. There are several ways, you can make cottage cheese from milk, or from kefir, but there are certain general rules, without which high-quality cottage cheese will not be produced.

It is very important to separate the whey in time when heating curdled milk; if it is overheated, the curd will turn out hard, it will crumble, and if the fermented milk is not heated enough, the whey will not separate well and the curd will turn out sour.

Don’t worry if something goes wrong the first time, skills, as always, come with experience, and over time this process will seem very simple to you.

For any recipe, first take 1 liter of milk and try to cook it. As I already said, it is important to remove the cottage cheese from the stove in time so that it turns out especially tender, and this can only be achieved with practice. The amount of cottage cheese is difficult to predict; it depends on the fat content and quality of the milk.

Homemade cottage cheese made from milk. Recipe. Photo

Liter raw fresh milk pour into a saucepan, cover with a lid and place in a dark place; at normal room temperature, the milk sours in about a day.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and place it under the lid in a dark place until it ferments.

Next, it is best to use a water bath, placing a saucepan with sour milk in another, larger saucepan, this makes it easier to control the process of separating the whey. But sometimes I put a saucepan with yogurt directly on the stove, placing a special metal stand under it, reduce the heat to minimum and do not leave the stove so as not to overheat.

Place the saucepan with yogurt in a water bath.

Watch when the yogurt moves away from the edges of the pan, yellowish whey appears, and characteristic curd clots appear, this takes about 25-30 minutes, then remove the pan from the stove and leave until it cools.

Keep it on the fire until curd clots appear and the whey is completely separated (it took me 35 minutes)

Drain the cooled cottage cheese in a colander, but preferably onto a clean gauze napkin, tie the corners of it and hang it so that the whey drips off. The cottage cheese will be very tasty!

Pour the contents into a colander and squeeze a little.

This is how the cottage cheese turned out.

And this is the serum left.

The most delicious and healthy cottage cheese it turns out precisely from raw milk, but when I don’t have the opportunity to buy farm milk, I make pasteurized cottage cheese, which turns out to be an excellent product that is much tastier than store-bought milk.

Making cottage cheese at home from kefir

To prepare cottage cheese, take a liter of kefir, it is advisable that the kefir is fresh, for better separation of the whey you can add a spoon sugar syrup, but this is optional.

Place the kefir in an enamel bowl in a water bath and heat it over low heat for about half an hour, then leave it covered to cool. During this time, the curd will finally separate from the whey, and we again pour all this onto a sieve or cheesecloth and get a delicate, nutritious product.

Cottage cheese at home. Video

For those who don’t quite understand the process of making cottage cheese from kefir, I invite you to watch the video.

Making low-fat homemade cottage cheese

As a rule, farm milk is quite fatty, and the cottage cheese produced from it is also high in fat; this must be taken into account if, for any indication, a low-fat diet is recommended to you.

Low-fat cottage cheese can also be prepared at home, but it requires low-fat milk. There is pasteurized one percent milk on sale, and you need to make low-fat cottage cheese from it.

This kind of milk takes much longer to ferment, and to speed up the process you just need to add two tablespoons of kefir to a liter of milk. Otherwise, we do everything the same as with regular milk, the cottage cheese will not be so loose, but tasty and containing all the useful substances.

Low-fat cottage cheese is good for everyone who has problems with excess weight, who has problems with the liver, pancreas, so as not to overload them.

How long can cottage cheese prepared at home be stored?

You can store this cottage cheese for 3 days in the refrigerator. Now imagine how much extra there is in store-bought cottage cheese, if it has a shelf life of 2-3 weeks, or even more. It's all chemistry. It is up to everyone to decide whether to buy such cottage cheese or prepare cottage cheese at home.

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I wish everyone good mood, healthy recipes, prepare everything with Love and wisdom.

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