Three things never come back - time, word, opportunity. Therefore: do not waste time, choose your words, do not miss the opportunity.


About Me

Teacher of Tatar language and literature. I live and work in the city of Tetyushi in the Republic of Tatarstan. I am happy to go to work and happy to return home. I love my job, I can’t imagine myself in any other field of activity. I truly love children.

Books that shaped my inner world

Ә. Eniki "Maturlyk"

My view of the world

Recipe for Happiness

Serve daily with a side dish of kind words and heartfelt smiles that warm your heart and soul.

My portfolio

Love the child. Love is the human sun. A teacher must radiate human kindness and love, without which it is impossible to cultivate a humane soul in a person. The pedagogy of love does not tolerate rudeness, pressure, infringement of dignity, or disregard for the life of a child.

Humanize the environment in which the child lives. This means attention to all areas of the child’s communication in order to provide him with mental comfort and balance. Nothing should irritate a child or give rise to fear, uncertainty, despondency, or humiliation.

Live your childhood in a child. This is a reliable way for the children to trust the teacher, appreciate the kindness of his soul, and accept his love. At the same time, this is a way of learning about the life of a child.

The child is not only preparing for life, but is already living... Hence the principle that is the core of the educational process in the School of Life: to develop and nurture life in the child. It is clear that children need a teacher with special spiritual and moral qualities. A teacher must purposefully develop in himself special spiritual, moral and professional qualities: love and kindness, creativity and innovative approach, intuition and wisdom, optimism and patience, courage and devotion, understanding of his greatness as a teacher and modesty: “To a hard-hearted person to an embittered person or the indifferent, humane pedagogy will not come, for him the postulates of the School of Life are not acceptable.” (S.A. Amonashvili).

Add certificate to portfolio

My teaching skills


23 years ago I became a teacher, which means I took responsibility for those whom I would teach and educate, and at the same time for myself, for my professional training, for the right to be a Teacher. My teaching biography is individual. It took many years to develop as a teacher, yesand high level of teaching activityonly emerged with experience.

To become a master, transformer, creator, I had to master the laws and mechanisms of the pedagogical process, accustom myself to think and act pedagogically. To master the skill, it was necessary to be able to perfectly use effective technologies of the educational process, choose them correctly for each specific situation, diagnose, predict and design a process of a given level and quality. The skill of a teacher is expressed primarily in the ability to organize the educational process in such a way as to achieve the required level of education, development and knowledge of students under all, even the most unfavorable conditions. In a small village with traditional and ancient foundations, this is oh so difficult. So I always had to look for a non-standard answer to any question, to approach the student in a special individual way, to ignite his thoughts, to excite him.

Is it possible to learn a skill? The experience of many teachers shows that it is possible through hard, systematic work:
observation of the work of masters, constant self-education, study of specialized literature, introduction of new teaching methods into one’s own practice, self-analysis.

What are the indicators of my teaching skills today?

1. Mastery of teaching the subject.

2. Mastery of preparing and conducting a lesson.

3. Mastery of individual work with students.

4. The skill of observing and analyzing a lesson, transferring the accumulated experience to other teachers.

In every lesson of their native language and literature, I want to help the children feel the happiness of creative work, so that they can show their individuality, uniqueness, and reveal the personality of each of them. I try to convey knowledge through simple forms, life situations, through communication and exchange of experience. And now I understand that in order for a child to learn the educational material, you need to forget about your knowledge and descend to his ignorance. Children more easily remember information that is interesting to them, that reflects their worldview, and is associated with traditions and customs. That's why I'm working on the topic“Cultivating tolerance in the lessons of the native language and literature“, because I believe that modern education can be effective only with maximum proximity to reality, the activity of schoolchildren, and their intellectual abilities. Using non-standard lessons in my practice: travel lessons, business game lessons, role-playing lessons, lessons with didactic games, I concluded that it is precisely such lessons that increase the effectiveness of teaching and education.All these elements are interconnected and form a single entity.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.” This is the master.

I live for my students, so that they go through the steps of ascent to the heights of spiritual wealth, true human beauty, and therefore I strive to conquer my own heights, to win the right to inner self-respect, the right to educate them, the young.My task is to learn to see and appreciate in a child that unique individuality that distinguishes us all from each other, to be able to ensure freedom of self-expression of his personality and to understand that a child is a person who has his own idea of ​​the world, his own experience and his own feelings. The dialectic of life is such that the world is changing, it is in continuous development. To feel the rhythm of time, its demands, to keep up with its pace, not to stop, not to lag behind, to help children accept and understand this world. It is at school that children should have the opportunity to discover their abilities and prepare for life in a high-tech competitive world. The children respond to my work with gratitude: they study without failures, make creative progress in competitions, take prizes at Olympiads, are socialized and active in society.

It is also important for me to share my accumulated experience, lead young teachers, teach them skills through the leadership of the district methodological association, through master classes, seminars, the Internet, certification and advanced training, which I have been doing for the last five years.

So, I don’t work as a teacher, I live as a teacher. I live for my children and my colleagues. My goal is to teach children to love learning, to interest them, and then they will find their own path. The life of a teacher is, first of all, creativity. You can simply create a good atmosphere around you. The teacher's mind, combined with his kindness, is wisdom, which brings the teacher a good name, a calm conscience and lasting happiness. It is precisely such wise people who work next to me and, communicating with them, I tested for myself that “personality educates personality.” My pedagogical skill lies in the ability to educate by personal example.


Results of participation in competitions

(competition within the framework of the implementation of the priority national project “Education”,

professional skills competitions, methodological competitions, etc.)

Competition name


Year of participation

VIII republican competition “50 best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan” in the category “Innovations in Education”



year 2012

The second All-Russian project of competitions for methodological development of lessons and extracurricular activities for teachers in the category “Best teacher’s work program”



year 2014

The second All-Russian project of competitions for methodological development of lessons and extracurricular activities for teachers in the category “Best of Work Experience”



year 2014

All-Russian competition with international participation
"Best open lesson"



year 2014

Source of knowledge: “History of Russia 19th century”


1 place

year 2014

Source of knowledge: “Chuvash literature”


1 place

year 2014

All-Russian master class for teachers of native languages



year 2014

Competition "Teacher of the Year" in the category "Class Teacher of the Year"





Results of student participation in full-time subject Olympiads


Level (educational institution, district, city, republican, federal, international level)

Result (place taken)

Date of the Olympiad

Chuvash language and literature


3rd place



Chuvash language and literature


1 place



Results of participation of students (pupils) in competitions,

shows, concerts, competitions and other events on the subject

(profile of the educational program implemented by the teaching staff)

both in person and remotely

Type, name of event

Level (educational institution, district, city, republican, federal, international level)

Result (place taken)

the date of the

Documents (materials) confirming the results (if there are high results)

XV Republican holiday of Chuvash culture “Uyav”, competition “Uyav peaks”


1 place

July 3, 2010


Drawing competition “We live in a world where there is AIDS”, third age group


3rd place

December 6, 2010


Correspondence competition “Cognition and Creativity”, autumn round



November 20, 2010



3rd place




1 place

October 25, 2011


V Republican youth festival-competition of folk art "Vatan", nomination "Artistic word"


3rd place

November 4, 2011


Competition of creative and research works for school graduates “Do you know your native land?”, nomination “Reader’s preference”


1 place


Internet protocol

Interregional competition-game “Chuvash Swallow” - linguistics for everyone


1,2,3 places



Competition of creative and research works for school graduates “Do you know your native land?”


1.3 seats



All-Russian children's drawing competition “I draw Japan” at the Japanese Embassy in Russia


1 place



Competition-festival of children's groups "Spring Freaks", nomination vocal performance of a song among rural educational institutions, second age group


1 place



Song competition “Chuvash Nightingale – 2011”


3rd place



Reading competition for the 130th anniversary of the birth of the poet N. Polorussov-Shelepi


2nd place



Competition of Chuvash song performers for the 130th anniversary of the birth of the poet N. Polorussov-Shelepi


2nd place



II Republican Scientific Research Readings named after K. Timbikova





Interregional competition of creative works of students “Atalanu – 2012”



November 6, 2012


Municipal Month of Native Languages, in the category “Leisya, song!”





VI Republican Youth Festival-Competition of Folk Art "Vatan", nomination "Artistic Word"


3rd place



VI Republican youth festival-competition of folk art "Vatan", nomination "Vocal solo"





Interregional correspondence Olympiad "Do you know the Chuvash language?" at ChSPU named after I. Yakovleva


2nd place



Regional distance Olympiad in toponymy


2nd place



Competition of local history works of students "Tatarstan - great and dear", nomination "Best local history work"


2nd place


Certificate of honor

Decade of Native Languages, nomination “Best Folk Song”


2nd place



All-Russian distance competition “Umka” among primary school students of general education institutions


3rd place



Interregional competition-game “Chuvash Swallow” - linguistics for everyone


1 place




2nd place



All-Russian competition 2014 “I am an encyclopedia”


1 place



Decade of Native Languages ​​in the Ethnofashion nomination"


2nd place

March 2015


Polorussian readings within the framework of the decade of native languages ​​in the category “Artistic reading of poetry and prose works about the native land”


3rd place

March 2015


Polorussian readings within the framework of the decade of native languages ​​in the nomination “Test of the Pen”


1 place

March 2015


Decade of Native Languages ​​in the “National Song” nomination


2nd place

March 2015


Interregional competition-game “Chuvash Swallow” - linguistics for everyone


1 place



Erudite of the Year


1 place



Results of student participation in scientific and practical conferences

Theme of the conference, who organized it, date

Topic of speech

Level (educational institution, district, city, republican, federal, international level)

Result (place taken)

Documents (materials) confirming the results (if there are high results)

Scientific conference “Current problems of modern society and the role of education in solving them”, UNESCO Department, MAOU VPO “Nizhnekamsk Municipal Institute”, 03/22/2011

Features of the creativity of Efrem Elliev

All-Russian with international participation


Methodical collection

Theme of lullaby in literature


3rd place


II Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Schoolchildren “Young Linguist”, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “KFU”, April 4, 2013

Pushkin motifs in the works of Mikhail Sespel


4th place


VII Regional Scientific Conference of Students, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KFU", 03/16/2014

Russian and foreign literature




Scientific and practical conference and readings for schoolchildren in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, 2015

Chuvash philology




XIV Interregional youth research readings named after Kayum Nasyri in the nomination of local history, KFU, April 4, 2016

Home village – Starye Savrushi



Printed works:

  1. “Tutarpa chavash elekren yultash” methodological development of a lesson in Chuvash literature for grade 9, November 6, 2009, newspaper “Suvar”.
  2. Research work “Sergey Timryasov - an associate of Ivan Yakovlev.” Vasikova M. 9th grade \\ Suvar. “Shankarav” No. 6 (59), December 3, 2010
  3. Simun muchi yurri. Kalav. Vasikova M., 8th grade. \\ Suvar. “Shankarav” No. 6 (59), December 3, 2010
  4. Creative works of Vasikova M, Vasikova P., Vasikova V. On the topic of space.// Suvar. 2011

4? T.trel.hre =eltersem chemomertana==.? Vasikova I? WITH?\\ Suvar. No. 1 (881), 06.01. 2011

5? Chevash sevvin sar kayyok.? Methodological development of an extracurricular activity?\\ Suvar. 2011


"Thank you, creator,

That I'm in the mess of life

Not unemployed, not a writer -

A simple teacher on Earth!..


teachers of native language and literature





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Methodological commentary on the Chuvash literature lesson “Tutarpa chăvash ĕlĕkren yultash” (“The Chuvash and the Tatar are old friends”)

The native language (Chuvash) and native literature are studied in our school according to the curriculum for schools with an ethnocultural component. Children communicate freely in their native (Chuvash) language. At school they also study Russian, Tatar, and English, therefore they are in a multicultural space. And my primary task, as a teacher of my native language, is to instill a tolerant and respectful attitude towards other languages ​​and cultures, using local history material. This lesson of Chuvash literature is introductory in the study of the new section “Chuvash literature of the 60-70s. XX century". Lesson type – learning new material. The form is a lesson-research. The objectives of the lesson are to reveal the peculiarities of the development of Chuvash literature of this period through the interconnection of related literatures, and to cultivate respect for the culture and literature of different peoples. The content of the lesson uses materials on Tatar and Chuvash literature. The main teaching method used in the lesson is research. The main methodological technique: analysis and synthesis.

The lesson includes 5 stages. The objectives of the motivational-target stage are to update existing knowledge and experience, formulate a problem, and set goals for educational and cognitive activity. To update students' knowledge, a poem by the Tatar poet G. Tukay was used, as well as information about the centuries-old friendship between the Chuvash and Tatar peoples. The situation encourages students to ask questions about the unknown. The forecasting technique is also used. At the indicative stage, together with students, we plan activities, determine sources and resources with the help of which they can obtain the necessary information to solve the identified issues.

The search and research stage defines the following tasks: to organize and didactically ensure students’ independent search for a solution to the problem and the construction of new knowledge. At this stage, techniques for developing critical thinking are used: creating a cluster, a double diary. This type of work is carried out in groups, which contributes to the development of students' communicative competence. Students systematize new information obtained using the Internet and personal observations through the compilation of a cluster and a double diary. Also at this stage, students work independently with literary texts. A presentation of the research results is organized, we come to the conclusion that the directions, styles, themes, motives and translations in literature are the same and intertwined. So, during the search, children integrate information from different disciplines: Chuvash language and literature, Tatar language and literature, history and social studies, local history, geography.

At the practical stage, students create an information stand or booklet. Using these techniques, the teacher turns learning - the progression from ignorance to knowledge - into a joint and interesting search. By receiving new information, students learn to consider it from different points of view, compare it, and draw conclusions regarding its value. The ability to analyze and generalize the received material develops.

The reflective-evaluative stage involves students analyzing their own actions aimed at achieving a goal, identifying successes and shortcomings in their work. The reflexive technique “Continue the phrase” is used: “I was surprised...”, “I didn’t know that...”, “I was interested...”. A psychological task on satisfaction with one’s activities in the classroom was also proposed. The analysis showed that 66% of students worked very well, 33% worked well, but could do better. Successful activities of students in the classroom stimulates their interest in the subject and in different languages ​​in general.

Homework is organized differently: 1. Basic task: Write a mini-essay on the friendship of peoples 2. Advanced level task: prepare a mini-research for presentation at a school conference.

After the lesson, the students had a desire to hold annual “Polorussian readings” at school in three languages ​​of the peoples living in the Aksubaevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. The idea has been implemented. Also, research activities on this topic continued as part of school museum activities. The students presented their work on the topic “In the Land of a Hundred Thousand Words.”


Subject% " Tutarpa chevash.l.kren yultash"(“Chuvash and Tatar are old friends”)

Lesson t.s.% shyravpa tishker\ (Lesson-research)

P.l\ t.llev.% Achasen shukheshne: kala=evne atalantarassi?

P? Husankay

Pallashtarassi? Sövösene tishkeres y.rkene


Saperlekh t.llev.%Tutarpa chevash tuslekhne tuima

V.rentessi? Tövanla halehsen

Literaturine yonlanma v.rentessi? Vöhöt

T.llevne kura spărlakhpa chetemlyokha atalantarassi?

Ileml.x t.llev.% Sövösene u=emlö vulama v.rentessi?

Ileml.he tuima khenyohtarassi?

Dictionary.=.% p.r-p.rne salamlakan semakhsene: tutarla tata chevashla kalani: semakh =avrenesh.sen yonlantarassi% “we are strung on a single thread”: “tus yultashna es pi=ikhhi an pool”: “purnyo = whisper Yunel."?

Lesson month.sempe mel.sem%shirav: ir.kl.n tukhsa kala=ni: ha=at-journalti materialpa =ir.pletni: tishker\ tuni: shukhyosha p.t.mletni?

Pupleve atalantaras hönöhusem%

  • ileml. wulav:
  • Tukhsa kala=ni:
  • p.r-p.rne ytusem pani:
  • Yyteva Tullin Tata K.sken Khuravlani:
  • =yrav=yosem =inchen kalasa pani:
  • semah =avryonesh.sene yonlantarni:
  • shukhyosha p.t.mletni?

Theory ytev.sem% sövö temi: genre.: lyricella hero: rhyme rhythm: author shuhyosh.?

Kuremlyoh hat.r.sem%=yrav=yosem kalanyo semakhsem: sen-\kerch.ksem: ha=atri articlesem: săvă tishkerĕvĕn plan.: textbook: P? Husankay k.nekisem?

Keele.=% 1 ushkan. Bazari vĕrenÿ shayĕ - kĕske composition by çırmalla. 2 uushkan - Yivărlatnă ĕç - tĕpchev ĕçĕ çyrmalla.

Yuhyeom lesson.

1? Klasa y.rkeleni? - 45 sec?

What about the lesson hat.rine pehsa =avrenni?

Why sirĕn payan kămălăr mĕnle? Smiley çĕklĕr, pĕr-pĕrne kătartar-ha. Mattur!

2? Temine lesson: t.llev.sene pallartni?

  1. Yură itleni “I, you, he, she...” - 1 min.
  • Achasem: m.nle shutlater: mĕn çinchen ku yură?
  • Payan urokra epir chen ta tuslekh =inchen kala=yoper? +insen: halekhsen tusleh. payan kun aktualle-i?
  • M.n led tuslyoh? Yultashlyoh?
  • Tuslekh m.nre e kamsem hushshinche pulma pultarat?
  • Vel Pulmasan m.n pulat?
  • Athior: lesson temine palertar? Tutarpa chevash halyoh hushshinchi tuslyoh =inchen kala=ar? 1 slide

3? Shyravpa tishker\?

Ik. halekh tuslekh. Should I smoke? Cluster tăvatpăr (Kartochkăsem pană, ushkănpa ĕçleççĕ.) – 30 sec.

  • +apla tutarsempe chevashsem tusle puryonaschen pulnine =ir.pleteken =itel.klekh? Tuslyoh literary and palerat? 2 slide
  • Itlese pyohar-ha: interesting. shuhyoshsene ikĕ hutlă diary çırsa palărtar, tetrade = ırsa pyryor (Çĕr tenkĕ pulichchen çĕr tus pultăr, G. Efimov sămahĕsem)? – 30 seconds? 3 slide
  • Board = inchi semakhsene vulasa parer-ha?
  • M.n tessh.n led?

Teacher semakh.% 4-5 slidesem - 1 min?

M? Jalil ik. halekh numai tyoreshnyo? Did uyremah Ya? Uhsaypa: P? Husankaipa: S? Shavlipe tusle pulne? WITH? Shavli tutar poech.n 14 sevvine 1975 =ulta chevashla ku=arnyo? Akyo tata malarakh asyonnyo Gabdulla Tukaya iler: led m.n kalanyo tuslyoh =inchen? Vulasa parer? Aka uyăkhĕn 26 chyslinche led =uralneranpa mi=e =ul =itet.nt. (130)? Un semah.sene m.nle yonlanater?

G? Tukay sevvine vulani%

We laid a trail on Russian soil:

Are we a pure mirror of past years?

We sang songs with the people of Russia:

There is something common in our life and morality:

Years passed one after another:-

We joked: have we always worked together?

Our friendship cannot be broken forever:

Are we strung on a single thread?

(Tutarlaran S? Lipkin ku=arno)

Teacher Syomakh.% 1954 = Ulta Husanta “Chuvash Stories” why should it go out? Yona Ah? Kelkan puhsa kölarnö? 1967 =ulta Pet.r Husankai töröshnipe “Tuslekh k.neki” go out? 1974 =ulta chevash kalav.sene =.n. “Gift for neighbors” yatlö k.nekepe G? Efimovpa G? Krasnov kelara==.? Untan Shupashkarta tutar kalav.sen “White lilac” k.nekene G? Minsk hushamatlyo =yn kyolarat?

Achasem: tuslyoh m.nren pu=lanat: yră sămakhran mar-i?

Physical exercise? – 30 seconds?

Veuyo “+.n. vyren yishyon"? Conditions.% kam t.r.s salamle: yesh semah kalat: =av.=n. Are you ready to talk? Temi=e hut kalama juramast? Tutarla kalanisem te shuta

4? Textbookpa.=laziness ? - M.nle numai yr semah esir p.let.r?

  • Hal. k.nekesene 263 pages? u=er-ha? Saspa Ileml. vulasa parer?
  • Kam = inchen kunta semakh to pierce? - 2 minutes?
  1. +yrav=yo pultaruleh.? 6-7 slidesem

Petĕr Khusankay pultarulăkhĕpe kăçal ikkĕmĕsh hut tĕl pulatpăr. Un cinchen mĕn pĕletpĕr? (Achasen huravĕsem) Tavta pu=!

  • Hal. unyon sevvipe pallashar-ha? Ileml. kyona vulasa parer? Mattur: avan wularen?
  1. Sövö tishker.v.? Mallalla plan tёrekh.=letp.r? 8 slide

Sövö m.nle kömöl = uratat? M.nsh.n?

Sövö temine kalör?

Sövvön hösh y.rkisem t.p shukhösha palerta==.?

Sjövö genre. m.nle?

Lyrics t.sne kaler-ha? M.nsh.n?

Sövöri imleml.h mel.sene kalasa tuhör? mel.sem tuslekha m.nle kurma pulyosha==.?

Sövö vi=ine \kerse kötarter? (anapaest: h.resle rhyme (abab?)

5? Palertulle vulav?Hal. sevva palertulle vulasa parer-ha? Yona epir pöhmasör v.renmelle? (Vula==.?)

6. Pĕchĕk project hatĕrletpĕr. – 3 min. Hăvăr shuhăsharsene palăartsa hăvaratăr. Sĕtel çinche mĕn kirli pur (Yachĕ, epigraphĕ, ÿkerchĕksem, săvă yerkisem). Khotĕleme hatĕrlenĕr.

7. Kile.= lady % 9 slide

1 ushkan. Bazari vĕrenÿ shayĕ - kĕske composition by çırmalla.

2 ushkan - Yivărlatnă ĕç - tĕpchev ĕçĕ çyrmalla.

8? Lesson p.t.mletn. Samant (Reflection)? - 1 min?

Apla achasem: purnyo=ra tus-yultash tupas tesen syvlekh sunsa: hiseplese: yeshyo semakhsem p.r-p.rne kalama p.lmelle ikken?

Man alera "Suvar" ha=at? Unta = apla = yrnyo% “Ik. Tövanla halekhen tuslekh. muzykeri: sönarlö tata theater iskustinchi tachö =yhyonusenche te avan palerat??? +ak factsem purte tutarsempe chevashsem hushshinche literature: culture =ykhyonev.sem =ir.ppi =inchen kala==.?

Now! Umărti table çyrăr. 10 slide (Mĕn kilĕshrĕ? Mĕn çĕnnine pĕltĕr? Mĕn interestlĕ pulchĕ? Manăn assessment -) Mana parăr. Smailiksen yătăr-ha, kămălăr mĕnle. Çakănta larakansene parăr.

Slide captions:

Tutarpa chăvash ĕlĕkren yultash / Chuvash and Tatar are old friends/ Shyravpa tishkerÿ lessonĕ / Lesson-research/ 7th grade. Chăyour literature Vĕrentekenĕ Vasikova I. S.

Çĕr tenkĕ pulichchen çĕr tus pultar. Vattisen sămahĕ Yultashpa es pul yultash, Usalpa es an pallash, Tăshmanpa an pul yăvash... Vyrăspa ta tăvanlash, Tutarpa ta es tuslash... P. Husankay. Săpka yurri.

M. Jalil ik ĕ halăkh tuslăkhĕshĕn numai tărăshă. J. Ukhsaypa, P. Husankaipa, S. Shavlipe tuslă pullnă . S. Shavli tutar poechĕn 14 săvvină 1975 çulta chăvashla kuçarnă . P. Khusankay “Tuslăkh kĕneki” kălarma pulăshna.

Purinchen ytla tutar çıravçisenchen P. Husankay Hadi Taktashpa, Adel Kutuypa, Hasan Tufanpa, Musa Jalilpe tuslă pullnă .

Latvian poet Jan Subrabkalnpa. Riga, 1963 Pălhar poetry Lamarpa. 1962 ç.

Lak halăkh poetry Yusup Happalaevpa. Dagestan, Kumug, 1960 ç. Pălhar çĕrşyvĕnce. Sullahairan syltmalla: Nikolay Marangozov, Suleiman Rustem, Petĕr Husankay, Angel Todorov. Sofia Khuli, 1960, Yupa.

1. Săvă mĕnle kămăl ç uratat? Mĕnshĕn? 2. Is Săvă mĕn cinched? 3. Săvvăn hăsh yĕrkisem tĕp shuhăsha palărtaççĕ ? 4. Lyrics tĕsne kalăr. Mĕnshĕn? 5. Lyrikăllă hero kam (author xăy e urăkh ç yn)? Ă çtan pĕletpĕr? 6. Săvări ilemlĕkh melĕsene kalasa tuhăr. Ilemlĕkh melĕsem sămah hăvatne mĕnle kurma pulăshaççĕ ? 7. Săvă vi ç ine calăr. Tishkerÿ planĕ

Pĕchĕk project hatĕrletpĕr Yachĕ Tĕllevĕ Formi Epigraphĕ Ilemlĕkh melĕsem Ÿkerchĕksem Sămahlăkh Pĕtĕmletÿ Khotĕlev

1 ushkan. Bazări vĕrenÿ shayĕ - Khalăhsen tuslăhĕ çinchen kĕske composition çırmalla. 2 ushkan. Yivărlatnă ĕç - tĕpchev ĕçĕ tumalla. Kiele ĕç

We have laid a trail on Russian soil, We are a clear mirror of the years we have lived. We sang songs with the people of Russia, There are common things in our life and morality. Years passed one after another, - We joked, we always worked together. Our friendship cannot be broken forever, We are strung together by a single thread. (G. Tukay. Tutarlaran S. Lipkin kuzarna.)

I, Vasikova Irina Sevastyanovna, in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

I agree

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, located at the address: Kazan, st. Kremlevskaya, building 9 for the processing of my personal data.

I am notified and understand that the processing of personal data means the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction and any other actions (operations) with personal data. data.

Personal data also means any information related to me as a subject of personal data, including his last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of residence and any other information.

Teacher's full name, contact phone number

Information about the teacher (position, qualification category, total length of service at the last workplace)


423068, RT, Aksubaevsky district, village. Starye Savrushi, st. Central, 25; 84344 4-82-33

Vasikova Irina Sevastyanovna,


Teacher of the highest qualification. category, 23 years old




P Diners and participants, as well as teachers and coordinators, are awarded Diplomas and Certificates upon application ONLY. We recommend that you check your application carefully before submitting it to avoid errors in the documents. When re-applying to redo documents (in case of incorrect execution of the application), you must attach a copy of the document confirming payment for REPEATED DOCUMENTS (the cost of a “paper” Diploma is 130 rubles, the cost of an electronic Diploma is 20 rubles). These innovations apply to everyone without exception (free and paid documents).

All winners (I, II, III places), as well as their teachers, have the right to receive a free Winner Diploma in electronic form.



Dear friends!

We are trying to reduce the time it takes to produce award documents, and therefore the rules for submitting applications for them have changed!

Participants who became winners ( I, IIorIIIplace) are entitled to free electronic diplomas.

The winner's diploma in “paper” form is paid, the cost is 130 rubles, a scanned receipt of payment must be attached to the letter with the application and indicated in the TEXT OF THE LETTER!!! full mailing address and full name of the recipient.

Participants who did not take a prize are entitled to receive a Participant Certificate (paid, costs 20 rubles, if there are 10 or more participants from one teacher, then free).

The certificate of participation in “paper” form is paid, the cost is 130 rubles, a scanned receipt of payment must be attached to the letter with the application and indicated in the TEXT OF THE LETTER!!! full mailing address and full name of the recipient.

Teachers of the winning participants (I, II or III place) are entitled to free electronic diplomas.

Teachers of participants (less than 3) who did not take prizes have the right to receive a Certificate of Teacher of Participants (paid, costs 20 rubles).

The winner(s) coordinator is entitled to a free email thank you.

Coordinators of participants (less than three) have the right to receive a coordinator’s gratitude (paid, costs 20 rubles).

Dear teachers and coordinators!!!

If you have prepared 3 or more participants to participate in the quiz, you have the opportunity to order a teacher’s document either in “electronic” or “paper” form, confirming the participation or victory of your students IN YOUR NAME FOR FREE.

If you have prepared less than 3 winners or participants to participate in the quiz, then you have the opportunity to order a document in “paper” form confirming the victory or participation of your students IN YOUR NAME. The document is paid, the cost is 130 rubles.

Coordinators who have signed up 3 or more participants for the quiz have the opportunity to order either in “electronic” or “paper” form a document confirming the participation or victory of your students IN YOUR NAME FOR FREE.

Coordinators who have registered less than 3 participants for the quiz have the opportunity to order a paper document confirming the participation or victory of your students. The document is paid, the cost is 130 rubles.

To receive diplomas you need to download from the link

SAMPLES OF APPLICATIONS , select the tables you need and fill them out according to the sample (the sample is printed in red in the first lines of the tables).

After which you should send a letter with completed tables attached and, if necessary, receipts to the following

If you order both electronic and paper award materials, you must fill out the appropriate tables for both paper and electronic award materials (the names of the tables are signed).

Within a month after submitting the application, diplomas will become available for downloading (the usual production time for diplomas is from 3 to 10 days from the date of receipt of the application, so we recommend that 5 days after submitting the application for diplomas, check the link to see if they have appeared in the download folder).

We are always happy to help and answer your questions, as well as listen to your suggestions, which should be sent by email

MBOU "Chuvash-Kishchakovskaya secondary school of the Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan"


"My teaching skills"

Municipal stage of the All-Russian competition

Master class for native language teachers “Tugan Tel”

Kildyusheva Irina Mikhailovna,

teacher of Russian language

first qualification category

I'am a teacher.

Being a teacher is a calling

And a diagnosis for many of us.

We not only bring knowledge to children,

Sometimes we give them our hearts...

M. Goreslavets

One of the great people of the past said: “Each of us is born twice...”. We are born for the second time when we choose a profession that determines our path in life.

Who to be? This question sooner or later arises before every person. One becomes a musician, another an engineer, a third a doctor, and I always wanted to be a teacher, just the kind of teacher without whom school would be boring, about whom children would talk many years after graduation: “How we miss your lessons.” ! Now I feel joy when I meet former students, and they tell me what has changed in their lives, what they read, what they are interested in, and admit that they re-read the works they studied at school, they like it and perceive everything differently. This means that my lessons were not in vain.

I'am a teacher! I know that this is the most wonderful profession, but also the most difficult. The work of a teacher is daily work on oneself. I am sure that a teacher is one who learns himself. From your students. From your colleagues. Every day. All my life... I believe that I must give all of myself to my work - otherwise it would not be worth starting. After all, in no profession is a person’s personality, character, beliefs, moral development, and attitude towards people of such decisive importance as in the profession of a teacher.

What should a real teacher be like? I often asked myself this question at different stages of my teaching journey. And I always found different answers. In the early years, I believed that a teacher should be kind and cheerful. Then I realized that a real teacher is one who knows how to work on himself and develop. Now I am sure that a real teacher is a teacher who is constantly improving, trying something new, constantly improving for himself and his students.” The words of V.O. Klyuchevsky are the best confirmation of this: “To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach.”

The teaching profession attracts me with its humanity and nobility. It is very important to me that my students leave the lesson, not only having gained a certain amount of knowledge, but also having become a little kinder, fairer, better.

I believe that a teacher’s talent is revealed when he manages to interest a student in a lesson, when a student himself wants to solve some problem, when a student’s eyes light up, when he feels confident, strong and desires to create. That is why in my lessons I try to use techniques and methods of developmental education, critical thinking, and collaboration technology that do not leave any student indifferent in the lesson, involve children in cognitive activity, encourage them to think, analyze, and draw independent conclusions.

Getting ready for class, I remember the words: “Everything should be clear and interesting.” Of course, the path of knowledge is difficult and thorny, but along this difficult path the student and the teacher always walk together.

They say that we do not choose the roads, but the roads choose us. The idea is beautiful, but not always true. In any case, people choose the difficult path of teaching themselves.

I made my choice. I chose the teaching profession with my heart many years ago and have never regretted it. On the contrary, I consider myself the happiest person in the world!

I am a happy person because I do what I love.

I am a happy person because I have the opportunity to constantly communicate with children, who are extraordinary and amazing.

I am a happy person because I try to provide help to those who need it, and my help is accepted.

I am a happy person because I am in a state of continuous development, learning about the world, people and myself.

I am a happy person, so I go through life with a smile next to my students!

Children's eyes, their souls and hearts

Nature has created something unique.

To be with them as a friend and creator -

Fate gave me this right.

I teach you to create, to be more tolerant, kinder,

I awaken love in the hearts of children.

And together with them I become wiser -

I don’t know a more important role than this!

O. Feofanova



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To use the preview, create a Google account and log in to it:


Link to the master class “Such different roles” by Irina Mikhailovna Kildyusheva, teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Chuvash-Kishchakovsky secondary school of the Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan”


Link to the video “My region, my school, my professional activity”, Irina Mikhailovna Kildyusheva, teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU “Chuvash-Kishchakovsky secondary school of the Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan”


Evaluation of teaching activities

teacher of Russian language and literature of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Chuvash-Kishchakovskaya secondary school"

Buinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan "

Kildyusheva Irina Mikhailovna

General information

Date of birth: 06/01/1967

Education: Higher. Yelabuga State Pedagogical University (1988), Tatar State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University (2010) qualification for the diploma “Teacher of Russian Language and Literature”.

Qualification : First qualification category.

Refresher courses: In 2017, she took advanced training courses for teachers of the Russian language and literature on the topic “Current problems of methods of teaching the Russian language and literature in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Total work experience: 29 years, including 29 years of teaching experience at the last job.

Availability of state and industry awards, who issued them, year of award: Certificate of honor from the education department of the Buinsky district, RK trade union of educators for achievements in training and education of the younger generation, August 2017;

Quality of knowledge:



Academic performance

Quality of knowledge

2014 -2015 academic year

Russian language


2015–2016 academic year

Russian language


2016-2017 academic year

Russian language




Academic performance

Quality of knowledge

2014 -2015 academic year



2015–2016 academic year



2016-2017 academic year



OGE results in Russian language



Academic performance

Quality of knowledge

Average score

average rating

2015-2016 academic year



2016-2017 academic year




event title






3rd place

(Zaitsev D., 7th grade)


All-Russian Subject Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian literature for schools with native (non-Russian) language of instruction



winner (Danilov Yu., 9th grade),


(Voronova K., 11th grade)


All-Russian public speaking competition “My Russian Language” among students in grades 8-9 of rural schools with a native (non-Russian) language of instruction



1st place Danilov Yu, 9th grade

Scientific and practical conferences


event title




Regional scientific and practical conference named after. L.N. Tolstoy


Diploma, 2nd place in the category “Young Creativity”


Regional local history conference “I sing you, my land!


Certificate in the category "Countrymen"

Conducted open lessons, classes, events


event title



"Dear Courage"

Open lesson on the Russian language in the 9th grade at the EMD on the basis of the MBOU "Chuv. Kishchakovskaya Secondary School of the Buinsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tatarstan"



“P.P. Bazhov. Tale of the “Mistress of the Copper Mountain” Open lesson on literature in the 5th grade at the municipal stage of the All-Russian master class competition for teachers of the native language and literature “Tugan Tel”,

Based on the MBOU "Secondary school No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects" in Buinsk, Republic of Tatarstan


Methodological publications:

  • “Preparation for writing an essay - reasoning (lesson-workshop on part C of the Unified State Exam) in 11th grade), lesson development, 5 pages. Sat. “Features of teaching the Russian language and literature in preparation for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation of educational institutions”, Kazan, 2013.
  • “Dedicated to the tribune poet...” (lesson – presentation on the works of V.V. Mayakovsky in 11th grade), lesson development, 4 pages Sat. "Literature. Preparation for the Unified State Exam", Kazan, 2015
  • “War does not have a woman’s face” (extracurricular activity in 8th grade), development of the event, 4 pages.
  • "Russian language and literature. Everything for the teacher." Scientific and methodological journal, No. 6, 2016
  • Has publications on the website.

Assessment of professional competencies and employee productivity

Irina Mikhailovna is distinguished by such personal qualities as general culture, friendly attitude towards people, love for children. The teacher takes a humanistic position in relation to students, pays attention to the student’s personality, and is a model of ethics for others.

Irina Mikhailovna has a broad outlook, is well-read, and attracts students with her erudition. When faced with difficulties, all students fearlessly turn to the teacher for help. Kildusheva I.M. is a good organizer: she knows how to organize her activities and the activities of students to achieve all the intended goals of the lesson, reacts constructively to errors and difficulties that arise in the process of implementing teaching activities, and makes timely adjustments to the planned plan depending on the current situation. The teacher knows well and puts into practice information about the age characteristics of children and their individual differences. This knowledge helps her create situations of success: the joint actions of the teacher and students lead them to achieve the planned result.

In the field of setting goals and objectives of pedagogical activity, Irina Mikhailovna knows how to competently formulate and justify the goals and objectives of her own pedagogical activity.

The teacher is characterized by a good level of training in the field of implementing the competence of ensuring the motivation of students to carry out educational activities. Possesses motivation skills and has the necessary knowledge for this. Stimulates interest in the subject at the level of vivid examples from the content of the subject. Uses an individual approach in assessing students. Includes elements of practical significance of the material for students, transforming normative tasks into personally significant ones. Creates conditions for involving students in additional forms of knowledge in the subject: olympiads, competitions.

In the field of providing the information basis for activities, the teacher is characterized by knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of educational standards. Has a high level of mastery of the basic content of the subject being taught. Presents the material being studied logically, in an easy-to-learn form that is understandable to students of varying abilities. Irina Mikhailovna very appropriately and successfully applies new information and communication technologies: she uses materials from multimedia disks, Internet materials, presentations and an interactive whiteboard.

Teachers are distinguished by a creative attitude to organizing interaction with students, a desire to demonstrate methodological mastery in their activities, and a responsible attitude to their responsibilities. Everyday painstaking work to introduce effective methods, techniques, means of teaching and education is reflected in the solid knowledge, skills and abilities of students.