This project was led by a 25-year-old woman. She has never given birth and has no history of STDs. Each photo was taken at approximately 10:00 p.m., starting on the first day. menstrual cycle. Throughout this project, she used condoms as a contraceptive method and also to prevent semen from being released during the photo shoot. She did not use tampons during her period.

This cycle is 33 days, which is the norm. The follicular phase of her cycle lasts until about 20–21 days. Favorable days for fertilization lasts several days from the 13th to the 21st day with ovulation on the 20th day. The luteal phase is 13 days (12–16 days is normal).

The above is for this cycle. As you can see, after ovulation on about the 20th day, her temperature began to rise due to increased progesterone, which in turn is produced by the corpus luteum. This temperature shift means that ovulation has already occurred.

She also monitored the position of the cervix throughout the entire cycle. Since the photo does not show whether the cervix is ​​hard or soft, high or low. All this is clearly noticeable upon independent palpation. The uterus is tilted back (retroflexion), you can see in several photos that it is directed upward. These are anatomical changes that are present in 20–30% of women, and most often a genetic trait.

The first day

The blood is red, there are slight cramps in the lower abdomen.
Breasts are slightly swollen.
Feelings are very sexual.

Second day

The blood is dark red.
The breast is normal.

Day three

Blood is brown, sometimes watery dark red.

Day four

Note the fresh blood.

Day five

Brown color.
Tired state.

Day six

Very light brown discharge.

Day seven

The neck is in a low, closed position.
There is sticky liquid on the neck.

Day eight

The neck is low and closed.
Cervical fluid is white and sticky.

Day nine

The neck is low and closed.
Feeling dry.

Day ten

The neck is low and closed.
Note the drop of blood and brown lump near the cervix (right). Perhaps from a stormy conversation on the same day, but later an endometrial polyp was diagnosed.

Day eleven

Cervical fluid is creamy.

Day twelve

Cervical fluid is white milky. Feeling wet.
I feel especially sexy.

Day thirteen

Copious watery discharge.
The neck is softened and moves upward.

Day fourteen

White, transparent, watery cervical fluid that stains underwear.

Day fifteen

The cervical fluid changes to a discharge that resembles egg white.
The neck is soft, open and high.

Day sixteen

Cervical fluid in the form of egg whites, very wet.
The neck is soft and high.

Day seventeen

Cervical fluid is very thin, with whitish-yellow streaks. Sensual breasts, but not painful.
The liquid stretches between the fingers when stretched.

Day eighteen

Egg white.

Day nineteen

Egg white with a white tint.

Day twentieth

Minor back pain and cramps on the left side.
Suspicion of ovulation.
Feeling of strong sexuality.
Cervical fluid like gelatinous egg white.

Twenty first day

Cervical fluid is like glue.
The nipples are very sensitive and painful.

Day twenty two

Painful nipples.
The neck is in the middle position and slightly open.
Basal body temperature begins to rise.

Day twenty-three

Very sensitive nipples.
Feeling dry.

Day twenty-four

Very sensitive nipples.
The neck is firm and high.

Day twenty five

Headache and fatigue.
Cervical fluid is dry/sticky.

Day twenty six

Breasts are swollen.

Basal body temperature is now noticeably higher, by about 1 degree.

Day twenty seven

Painful nipples, swollen breasts.
Cervical fluid is sticky.

Day twenty eight

Feeling dry.

Day twenty nine

Feeling dry.

Day thirty

Feeling dry.
The chest is heavy.

Day thirty one

Feeling bloated.
Dry, (note, fresh blood, a sign of impending menstruation).
Feeling of emotional instability.

Day thirty two

Light brown spots.
The neck is low and open.
Feeling tired.

Day thirty three

Pink spots.
Pain in the lower back.
Menstruation will begin tomorrow after waking up, 13 days after ovulation.

The article was taken from the internet! For those who are not interested, don’t fu... fuck!

27 secrets your gynecologist will never tell you

It is a well-known fact that a gynecologist is the second most intimate doctor, of course, after the dentist. At least, we are afraid of both of them about equally. But now they will tell you what they kept silent about before

First of all, we don’t give a damn whether you shaved your legs or not. Honestly

And pubic hair doesn’t bother us at all either. At least shave the unicorn there

We are chatting with you not because all this is very interesting, but just so that the patient can relax and all that.

We are aware of all human excretions. Women may vomit on us, sometimes urine and feces ended up on us

When you see 100 vaginas a week, you’re not surprised at all. And there is no need to be shy even if the gynecologist is a man. First of all he is a doctor

Dear women, you should be aware that vaginas are not repeated, and in this intimate matter there is no concept of the norm, the correct color and size of the clitoris. Just understand that all genitals are different. Like markers

If you meet a gynecologist at a party, believe me, you don’t need to ask him about his work, ask him to consult on his avatar and tell him about your discharge

Most of us have surgical skills, but when visiting a gynecologist, you don’t need to ask him to recommend something else for back or stomach pain

We are the best at being patient when you want to go to the toilet, because during childbirth you cannot tell the patient “hold the baby there, I’ll go pee.”

In our work, there is no such thing as a “diet regime.” We just eat when we can

Like all doctors, we love unusual cases. Don’t be offended when we tell you “there’s nothing interesting here, do this and that.” We understand that your case is unique for you, but we are more interested in dealing with something like this

We may have photographs of cysts and some incredible cases on our phones. But for purely scientific reasons. No doctor can afford to photograph patients without their consent.

A gynecologist can really be a man and an excellent specialist in women's health

We treat women and do not judge their sexual experiences and preferences, so you must be as open as possible during your appointment so that we can help you

Like many doctors, we get very tired at work.

If your STD test results are positive, we still cannot and do not want to discuss the topic of infidelity. We really don’t know and don’t want to know how everything was there. We just want you and your partner to start treatment.

We are simply beside ourselves when you walk into the office and pronounce a ready-made diagnosis from the Internet.

We don’t gather with proctologists over a cup of whiskey to laugh about what was found in someone’s anus or vagina. But, believe me, there are a lot of strange finds!

As with any other job, it happens that we are left without holidays and weekends

And our colleagues become our friends and our family

Curious journalists asked several gynecologists: what was the most unpleasant experience for them in their entire practice? It is better not to read doctors' answers to this question while eating - they can suppress your appetite for a long time!

“One of my patients had an ovarian tumor that actively secreted testosterone. Because of this, her clitoris grew to an enormous size.”


"I've had to deal with a lot of unpleasant things. But the worst case was a woman with genital warts the size of cauliflower florets. Her vagina was practically invisible under these warts."


"A tampon left in my vagina. It gave off the worst stench I've ever encountered in my years of practicing medicine."

Chronic agitation

“I had a patient who complained that she had endless orgasms. This obsessive state brought her a lot of discomfort. This phenomenon is called “permanent sexual arousal syndrome.” I could not help her and was forced to refer her to a psychiatrist.”


“The most unpleasant thing is the massive presence of HPV, or human papillomavirus, in women. According to statistics, it is diagnosed at least once in 80% of women, but I believe that this figure is very, very underestimated. I always tell my patients that if they did not marry their first man as virgins, and that if he was not also a virgin at that time, then they may well have HPV.”

Dermoid tumors

“I must say that any patient weighing over 100 kilos is usually, hmm, not very pleasant. But there are things much more disgusting. For example, dermoid tumors filled with fat and hair. And in first place, I’ll probably put one embryo from triplets , who died in the womb at about 15 weeks of age and was born at term naturally, along with his two fully alive and well-developed two brothers."

billiard ball

“A billiard ball in the vagina. As I remember now, behind number 8. Although surgeons and emergency doctors find much funnier things in patients than we, gynecologists.”

Premature delivery

"A patient came to our hospital at 21 weeks of pregnancy with placenta previa. She started bleeding, and no matter how hard we fought, we could not stop it. In the end, we had to give her an emergency C-section, although it was clear to us that the child was not yet able to live outside the mother’s body. It was really terrible."

Tactless patient

“Once I met a patient in a supermarket, and she shouted to me throughout the store: “Hello! It’s kind of strange to see you here after you looked at my vagina!” Since then, I have been embarrassed when I accidentally meet patients in a store or on the street.”


“When during childbirth you are accidentally doused with amniotic fluid, and at two o’clock in the morning you are running through the hospital, covered in blood, poop and amniotic fluid and thinking: “Well, Christmas trees!”


“There is nothing worse than attending a labor where a woman has a stillborn baby.”

Ectopic pregnancy

"Emergency abdominal surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, during which we removed fallopian tube a completely untouched and already fully formed embryo."

Postoperative anorgasmia

"After surgery for a bladder hernia, the patient complained of complete absence orgasm. But this is impossible to predict - such an effect may well occur, it depends on the individual location of muscle and nerve fibers."

Vaginal lacerations

“Ruptures are always unpleasant. But keep in mind: whether they occur depends on the natural elasticity of the tissues, the size of the child, the speed of labor, and only fourthly - on the skill of the doctors who conduct the birth.”


"Forgotten tampons are not that uncommon. I encounter this once or twice a year. Patients are always very embarrassed. And once I had to remove a safety pin - thank God it was closed - from the vagina of a 4-year-old girl. It was all rusty and, Apparently, she stayed there for at least a year."