Each person on the subtle plane has a totem animal accompanying him. By determining which one corresponds to your Zodiac Sign, you can get to know yourself better and gain the help of your totem throughout your life. life path.

Each of us has a protective animal. “Get acquainted” with him and get to know him better - the right way change your life and find answers to many questions. One of the most simple ways Dating with your totem animal is considered to be determined by date of birth. Esotericists claim that the Zodiac Sign directly influences which particular totem will accompany a person throughout life.

Totem animals of the fire Zodiac Signs

Fire Signs are considered the most temperamental and energetic. The inner flame supports the will to live and great achievements. All Signs corresponding to the fire element have strong will, adhere to their code of honor and are persistent in their desire to achieve success in their chosen profession.

Aries stubborn to the point of stubbornness. If Aries is right, no one and nothing can change his line of behavior. This quality helps Aries in career growth And personal success, but it can cause harm if Aries believes in false ideals.

Most often, the patrons of Aries on the subtle plane are: Bull, Dragon, Lynx, Cat.

Lions have the ability to switch from one task to another without losing efficiency. At making the right choice Leo's life path becomes extremely respected and known to a wide circle of people. Leos love to be recognized as being right, and this can become a way of manipulation if Leo does not notice in time that they are trying to use him.

Totem animals of Lviv: Lion, Deer, Elephant, Tiger.

Sagittarius They are like the bright saving light of a beacon, leading others along. They are sociable, easy-going and generous. Healthy competition only raises the morale of Sagittarius, and overcoming difficulties strengthens their will.

Sagittarius' totem animals are often: Fox, Coyote, Eagle, Panther.

Totem animals of earthly Zodiac Signs

Earthly Zodiac Signs are the most stable, balanced and calm. Having chosen the path, they confidently move towards their goal. Everyday storms and adversities are experienced by these Signs with calm wisdom, because who, if not the earth, knows that sooner or later everything will pass?

Virgo harmoniously combine the spirit of adventure and care for home. The inner core of Virgos is extremely strong and helps them get out of unpleasant situations with honor. It is important for all Virgos that after the next blow in life they can return to a safe haven and restore their strength.

Virgo totem animals: Bear, Wolf, Swan, Eagle Owl.

Taurus at any life situation They stand firmly on their feet and make every effort to achieve success in all endeavors. Loyalty to ideals is undoubtedly positive feature of this Sign, but people can manipulate honest Taurus, knowing their weaknesses and principles.

Totem guardian animals of Taurus: Elk, Sable, Squirrel, Falcon.

Capricorns They have an incredible energy reserve, the ability to renew and restore their energy, as well as the talent of Contemplation. The path of this Sign is often thorny, but life’s troubles are perceived by Capricorn with optimism.

Totemic patrons of Capricorn: Buffalo, Caracal, Ermine, Swan.

Totems of the Air Zodiac Signs

The element of Air influences intuition, the gift of words and creativity. All Air Signs have a talent that can be developed with some effort. The inconstancy and frivolity of representatives of the Air element is compensated by their charm and ability to quickly adapt to any situation.

Twins All their lives they stand at a crossroads: every day they make their choice, not always the right one, but always from the heart. After some time, constant uncertainty begins to be perceived by most Geminis as an integral part of the Path, and it is then that the opportunity arises to radically change their lives.

Gemini totems: Vole Mouse, Hawk, Owl, Raccoon.

Scales is the only Zodiac Sign represented in the form of an inanimate object, but this in no way diminishes Libra’s craving for life and its pleasures. Libra is reasonable, cautious and pragmatic, but the element of Air sometimes takes its toll, and then Libra begins to sorely lack change and adventure.

The totem animals of Libra are: Marten, Otter, Dog, Tit.

Aquarius- inspirers and natural intuitives. Information comes to them as if from thin air, so representatives of this Zodiac Sign are extremely difficult to deceive. Aquarius' easy and changeable disposition often prevents him from achieving great success in his chosen profession, but this rarely becomes a big problem for Aquarius.

Aquarius totems most often become: Hare, Wolf, Sparrow, Raven.

Totem animals-patrons of the Water Signs of the Zodiac

Water Signs Zodiac signs from the moment of birth are highly sensitive and emotional. Representatives of the element of Water understand early that all words and actions carry consequences, and unconsciously learn to live according to the laws of the Universe. This often helps them gain respect and recognition in the second half of their life.

Cancers- the most emotional and unstable of all Water Signs. The vulnerability and sensitivity of this Zodiac Sign often forces Cancers to pretend to be callous and soulless, saving their inner world from the supposed pain. Anyone who recognizes and loves Cancer will be devoted to him with all his heart.

Cancer totem animals: Cancer, Wild Duck, Stork, Dolphin.

Scorpios strong and cunning: representatives of this Sign stand firmly on their feet and adhere to the chosen path. Own principles are extremely important for any Scorpio, and he is ready to defend them even at the cost of personal losses.

Scorpio totems: Pike, Alligator, Scorpio, Snake.

Fish often endowed with the gift of foresight from birth, and this helps them avoid danger and difficult situations. Most often, Pisces know exactly what they want and achieve what they want with relative ease. Representatives of this Sign can only be prevented from achieving their goal by their inherent daydreaming, which takes up the lion’s share of time.

Pisces totem animals: all Pisces, Snake, Dove, Seagull.

Totem animals can not only protect and protect a person throughout his life, but also directly influence his character and destiny. As you prepare to get to know your totem, listen to your heart and look inside your essence. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, be happy and don’t forget to press the buttons and

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The origins of totemism as the very first religion on Earth go back to ancient times, when our ancestors worshiped representatives of the animal world. The totem was a symbol of an animal deity and was a material object of worship with the image of its patron. Ancient ancestors believed that certain qualities inherent in animals were able to help people in difficult moments in life. These special properties surpassed the entire human race in their power: thus, vigilance was attributed to the eagle, and vigilance to the bear. great power, to the wolf - fearlessness. Therefore, ceremonies and rituals were organized in honor of animals, in which they asked their patrons for protection and help.

Totemism has not disappeared from people’s consciousness even in modern world, but acquired new forms - today the totem patron animal can be identified by the zodiac sign of the person under which he was born.

Totem animals-patrons of the zodiac signs of the fire element

People born under a fire sign have a bright and energetic temperament. The fiery will to live, gifted by the elements, helps them accomplish great things, which is why they stand out among other signs with their ardent sense of purpose.


The totem animal of stubborn and persistent Aries is a wise bull, possessing enormous power and a fiery temper. His impulsive behavior accurately reflects the character of Aries.


Leos are distinguished by their ability to do several things at the same time, without losing vigilance. Proud Leos are always convinced that they are right and demand recognition from others. There could be no other option than to find a patron for oneself in the person of the King of all animals - a calculating and full of self-esteem lion.


Sagittarians are leaders by nature - many people see them as their mentors, they respect them, they listen to them. Therefore, the totem animal for Sagittarius is the elk - a symbol of wisdom for our ancestors, embodying the ability to retain power in their hands under any set of circumstances.

Totem animals-patrons of the zodiac signs of the earth element

Zodiac signs belonging to the earth element are known for their balance and calmness. They are confident in themselves, always rational in making decisions and go through all the obstacles life has in store with their characteristic composure.


Virgos embody the harmony of two opposing aspirations - the desire for adventure and the desire to create a family home. Virgos easily manage to endure all the blows of fate, thanks to their strong inner core. They find themselves devoted friends and faithful companions, therefore their patronizing animals are the bear and the dog, as the brightest representatives of the animal world possessing these qualities.


Representatives of the Taurus sign are maximalists in all endeavors, who are guided by one rule: “If you go, then go to the end.” They are true to their principles, always extremely honest and insightful. Such qualities of Taurus were reflected in their patron animal, the falcon, a free and mannered animal.


Capricorns are unique people who have hidden reserves of energy power that opens up at the most needed moment. They have an optimistic attitude and know how to contemplate, but cannot tolerate loneliness. The patronizing animal, which also needs a mate, for Capricorns is the antelope - graceful and playful.

Totem animals-patrons of the Air Element Signs

Representatives of the zodiac signs of the air element are naturally talented people, endowed with good intuition and the gift of charm.


Geminis always feel as if they are standing at a fork in the road - a feeling of constant uncertainty makes them doubt own decisions. But the choice they ultimately make always comes from the heart. The fussiness and darting from side to side of the twins is expressed by the nimble vole mouse, which patronizes this zodiac sign.


Libras are characterized by pragmatism and caution. They are always in high spirits and good spirits. They prefer to work in a team, because it is with the support of others that Libras demonstrate their abilities most clearly. This feeling of “belonging” to a team is characteristic of bees, which is why the bee is the totemic patron of Libra.


Enthusiastic Aquarians are inspirers and motivators. They know how to instill hope and faith in people, they can give useful advice and almost never make mistakes about people. Aquarians inherited such a wise “beginning” from the horse, the most noble totem animal.

Totem animals-patrons of the Signs of the water element

Water zodiac signs are like a bunch of bare emotions: they are always extremely sensitive, vulnerable and understanding. Thanks to these qualities, they are especially popular among members of the opposite sex, who always see in Scorpios a “kindred” soul, ready to listen and offer help.


Cancers are distinguished by their hard work. They prefer to lead a measured lifestyle, where everything should be laid out “on the shelves.” This desire for organization is very reminiscent of the behavior of the beaver, the totem animal of Cancers.


Scorpios are always mysterious and mysterious; their true essence is always difficult to unravel. They can be unpredictable, which causes an extreme degree of curiosity and interest among others. Snakes, the patrons of Scorpios, beautiful in their mystery, have such “tortuosity.”


Pisces always know what they want; they seem to be able to foresee the future, which they gladly use for their own purposes. They are always full of romance, sometimes naive, but all the more attractive. Pisces-dreamers found their totemic patron in the form of a seagull, and, like her, they “hover somewhere in the clouds.”

Dream theme:

Each zodiac sign has its own special characteristics and energy, and they also have their own symbols, including totem animals that personify the character of a person of a particular sign. Let's find out which animal might represent your zodiac sign!

1. Aries: Dog

The most suitable animal for Aries is a loyal and brave dog. You've probably watched dogs trying to dig something out of the ground or get a toy from under the sofa: they will never stop until they get their way. Dogs are also brave protectors and very loving creatures who will always come to the aid of their loved ones.

2. Taurus: Turtle

The bull and the turtle have more common features than it might seem at first glance. They are both slow, clumsy and have an amazing gift for coping with all problems - albeit long and leisurely. Taurus, like the turtle, cannot quickly change the direction of its actions, but will approach the ideal solution step by step.

3. Gemini: Dolphin

The dolphin, as an animal with high intelligence, as well as a desire to be in the company of its fellows, is ideal for this sign. Dolphins swimming alone are very rare, as they are very vulnerable on their own. The same can be said about Geminis, who are terribly afraid of being left alone.

4. Cancer: Penguin

Penguins, like crustaceans, have a strong bond with their home and loved ones, which helps them travel long distances to food and shelter. The ability to create and maintain coziness and comfort even in the most difficult circumstances, plus developed intuition, are the main advantages of Cancer.

5. Leo: Wolf

The wolf is a strong and strong-willed animal. Lions and wolves are social animals, they are able to recognize a leader and they themselves know how to manage a pack. Wolves, like lions, are in constant motion, they need active activity, and they can always control the situation around them.

6. Virgo: Raccoon

The raccoon is a very curious and intelligent animal. This little animal always knows exactly what he wants, and most often he gets it. Despite the fact that he has a couple of questionable habits, he is very careful and selective, for example, when it comes to food. And the way he carefully washes his paws very well reflects Virgo’s desire for cleanliness and order.

7. Libra: Otter

A suitable animal for Libra is the otter. Otters often sacrifice themselves for the sake of their offspring, which reflects Libra's tendency to neglect themselves in favor of others. Interesting fact is that in nature, otters help maintain the ecological balance in a body of water, which is also very similar to Libra in their desire to bring everything into harmony and balance.

8. Scorpio: Cat

The most suitable animal for Scorpio may be a cat. Our cat friends, like Scorpios, often behave mysteriously, persistently and even arrogantly. But as soon as they realize that you are worth their attention, they will show you all their tenderness and kindness.

9. Sagittarius: Parrot

The parrot is the cutest and very smart bird. They can adapt to any circumstances and conditions. They are sociable and friendly. And the ability of these birds to fly (and sometimes fly away, breaking out of the cage) reflects Sagittarius’ desire for constant movement and freedom.

10. Capricorn: Owl

Owls in mythology, like Capricorns, are considered very wise creatures. They save inner peace and can give good advice. An owl will always find without outside help The best way, how to take yours. In addition, these birds are dispassionate and unemotional, just like Capricorns, who hide their emotions deeply, so it is sometimes difficult to understand what they really feel.

11. Aquarius: Unicorn

The unicorn is one of the most original and unreal creatures, living only in fairy tales and myths. His rebellious spirit, poise and independence fit perfectly with the qualities of Aquarius. Sometimes it may seem that Aquarius himself is living in his own myth, however, like this mysterious creature, he often makes sacrifices for the benefit of those around him.

12. Pisces: Chameleon

As you know, the chameleon has an amazing ability to completely adapt to environment and merge with her. Being a fickle sign, Pisces acts in exactly the same way, pretending to be who other people want them to be, and skillfully disguising their true self.

There is an invisible energetic connection between a person and an animal, and the totem animal depends on the zodiac sign under which we were born. The talisman animal will bring happiness and good luck, protect against negativity and negative influences.

Aries - bull, sheep. They are charming, impulsive, stubborn, and have a strong character. Next to talismans (figurines of a sheep and a bull), Aries will gain confidence and calm. Hold the talisman better at home or in the office. Material – metal, glass, stone, color – red, yellow, crimson.

Taurus – bear, owl, turtle. The turtle symbolizes the slowness of Taurus, which still leads to the goal. The Owl is wealth, the Bear is the owner of the forest, rarely attacks first, but is ready to repel an attack on himself and his family. It is better to wear amulets around the neck. Material – stone, wood, color – green, yellow, blue.

Gemini - crow, dolphin. Crow is a cunning bird with high level intelligence, dolphin - symbolizes friendship, kindness, and the ability to win over others. All these are the qualities of Gemini. The talisman can be either in the form of a figurine or an amulet around the neck. Material – any. Color – gray, green, yellow, but especially purple.

Cancer - crab, hamster, penguin. Penguins are distinguished by their affection for their relatives, hamsters are simply cute and harmless, the crab symbolizes strength, endurance, and closedness. Talismans can be made in the form of a figurine, or depicted on canvas and hung on the wall. Astrologers recommend getting a hamster.

Leo – ladybug, lion, wolf. Leo - restraint and pride, wolf - a predator with incredible strength, building relationships in the pack, ladybug - lightness and charm that balance the character of Leo. Amulet ladybug It is better to wear it around the neck, the material is gold. Keep lion and wolf figurines at home.

Virgo - raccoon and dog. The raccoon is a good-natured, neat, clean animal. The dog is incredibly smart and devoted to loved ones. Getting a dog will be an ideal option for Virgos. But a figurine will also do. Material – malachite, jasper, color – green, blue, white.

Libra - tit and bee. The bee works a lot, knows how to survive in difficult conditions in a flock of relatives. The tit is a bright, charming, light bird. If it is an amulet, then it is on the neck and made of bronze or crystal. The figurines are the same.

Scorpio - snake, cat, scorpion. The cat is an arrogant animal that knows its worth. Scorpio is simply a symbol of the sign. The snake is an unpredictable, incredibly intelligent, cunning and dangerous animal. Wear an amulet on the body, color – white.

Sagittarius - partridge, parrot, elk. The parrot is a bright bird that personifies the cheerful and kind disposition of Sagittarius. Elk - wisdom. Partridge is a symbol of love and family well-being. You can have talismans at home (a parrot), or in the form of photos and paintings on the walls, made in shades of blue, light blue and purple.

Capricorn - turtle, goat, black cat. The black cat is shunned by all of humanity, but for Capricorns it is a talisman that protects against negative energy. Worn on the body, you can make a tattoo. Ideally, have a black cat. Keep a goat figurine at home in your office. The turtle symbolizes non-fussiness, but always achieving the goal. The colors of the talismans are green, gray, blue, black.

Aquarius - dove, unicorn. The unicorn is the main mascot. The mythical animal symbolizes the eternal craving of Aquarius for new sensations, for the search for the unknown. Dove – luck and peace. The color of the talisman is white and blue.

Pisces – fish and snail. The talisman itself suggests itself - it is an aquarium with fish that heal ailments, and with snails - symbolizing strength and endurance, despite fragility. It is worth giving preference to steel, blue and purple colors.

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about talismans and amulets for the zodiac sign - Aquarius. And about Slavic amulets suitable for this date of birth. The patron planets of this most interesting sign of the celestial sphere are Uranus and Saturn. Element – ​​Air, with characteristics: frosty, fresh, healing.

There is a theory, repeatedly confirmed, that the Aquarius amulet saves its wearer from chaos, deceit, unreliability, makes him less eccentric, less annoying to others, while maintaining all the advantages of an intellectually sensitive personality. Strong amulets of the Aquarius horoscope sign help him find a way out of any situation.

What talismans bring good luck to these people?

It is a symbol of transformation and agility. He needs new impressions, he constantly strives for renewal. His time is a time of change. His insightful analytical mind is always ready to produce new ideas and conceptual plans. When he has an inner incentive, he is able to do truly great things. What kind of amulet does Aquarius need to buy for this magical artifact to show its power and help its owner in his life?

Metals that can bring good luck and give strength, becoming amulets for the zodiac sign Aquarius:

  • silver
  • cupronickel
  • aluminum
  • lead
  • titanium
  • various alloys

Plants are helpers and patrons that carry the energy of a magical birthday talisman:

  • gladiolus
  • chestnut
  • rose hip
  • radish
  • oregano
  • water lily
  • geranium
  • violet

Amulets that you can buy to protect your horoscope sign Aquarius.

Totems (patron animals that have an energetic connection with Aquarius, strong amulets by date of birth):

  • pigeon
  • horse
  • peacock

Figures of these animals can always be kept in the field of your presence for defense against troubles, and how good luck sign of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

The colors that best suit this air sign accompany it and bring good luck:

  • indigo
  • silver
  • yellowish

Common talisman stones for the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Talismans of high vibrations, which are energetically suitable for people of the Aquarius horoscope sign, can be different, for example:

  • amethyst
  • turquoise

Particularly popular is purple amethyst, which is ideal as a talisman for the horoscope sign Aquarius. It can be worn constantly. Amethyst rings are good for men. With the power of this crystal, a person becomes confident, more sociable and open. Teaches you to see people and understand their true intentions. Moreover, yours is attuned and, in addition to strong magical properties, also has healing properties. Amethyst has a positive effect on nervous system, relieves stress, gives peace and tranquility.

Other amulets suitable for the Aquarius horoscope, from the world of natural gemstones:

  • pearl
  • cornelian
  • Moonstone
  • lapis lazuli

For the zodiac sign Aquarius, according to magicians and astrologers, many semi-precious and precious crystals with magical properties, which can be important both as a money amulet for them, and as a talisman against the forces of evil, and even as a talisman that brings good luck. These minerals include:
  • nacre
  • Hawkeye
  • fluorite
  • hyacinth
  • obsidian
  • colorless topaz

Which talisman best suits the zodiac sign Aquarius

Everyone has it successful person there is some unusual thing that he hides from everyone, or, conversely, wears in plain sight, but does not reveal its secret. And this is a talisman for good luck according to the sign of the zodiac, or a talisman created by a sorcerer, or an amulet that combines several functions - the same magic item, which protects its wearer and grants him success in all endeavors.

The item of Power can be a figurine or image of an angel. It will be powerful amulet for an Aquarius man, as well as for a girl of this sign. This figurine can be worn by a child in a clothing pocket or as a decoration. An angel is a strong protector of any representative of this. Made of rock crystal, porcelain or glass, this is a strong amulet for Aquarius by date of birth and can decorate a bedroom or stand in a study.

Making a talisman for the zodiac sign Aquarius is permissible from any materials suitable for this constellation. So, an angel can be made of any suitable metal or natural stone, because... Such material is already a good amulet in itself.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Slavic amulets of the Svarog Circle by date of birth

Vintage Slavic amulets for women, as well as for men of the zodiac sign Aquarius, are associated with the ancient Slavic horoscope, where the complete cycle is Great Svarogy Circle, has 16 palaces. The sign of Aquarius of the modern Western horoscope coincides with the palace of the Bear (January 8 - February 1) and the palace of the Stork (February 1 - February 20).

Those who were born in the palace of the Bear according to the ancient times Slavic calendar, focused on the goal of achieving family well-being and prosperity. They are determined and know how to overcome difficulties. The great Svarog himself patronizes the Bear. Beech is considered a sacred tree, as is raspberry. What are Slavic talismans for attracting money? will be effective for the Aquarius sign, i.e. that part of it that falls during the period of the Bear’s activity? Obviously this is:

  • bear totem figurine
  • raspberries
  • Slavic amulet by date of birth - a magical symbol of the palace of the Bear, enclosed inside the sacred Star of England

People whose sign in the ancient horoscope of our ancestors is the Stork are open to the world, generous, moderately generous, and have good intuition. Storks are fertile, and the god Rod helps them leave healthy offspring. The sacred tree is willow. It is recommended to cut amulets for a pregnant woman from this tree. Should Aquarius wear Slavic talismans if, according to his date of birth, he is in the Stork’s palace? The following will be more powerful:

  • stork totem figurine
  • Star of England with magical symbol Stork
  • figurine of Rod, carved from willow

Magic amulets necessary for a man of the zodiac sign Aquarius

Witchcraft artifacts have magnetic powers. They can distract from unnecessary things, they can give confidence, calm, and bestow good luck. Money talismans Aquarius by date of birth opens financial channels, attracts money luck and material security and stability. Such talismans can be stones, crystals, metal or a totem. The so-called universal talisman - an angel, a key or a lock - can also give prosperity.

What talismans to wear for people born in the zodiac sign Aquarius depends on his own choice. What a person ultimately wants to achieve is the main criterion for searching for a magical item, an item of Power. These are the embodiment of intelligence, analysis, impressionability, and emotionality. But the main thing here is inconsistency. They are characterized by stability, willingness to help, and goodwill. And at the same time - the incomprehensibility of the mind and the unpredictability of the heart.

They are dreamers, but not passive, but energetic and daring. And in this they are supported by unique magical objects, such as ancient unique Slavic amulets by date of birth with the Star of England, the sacred star of the race. Simple-looking objects can also be magical talismans for Aquarius, such as, for example, a key and an icon.

These are strong good luck talismans for the horoscope sign Aquarius.

Sapphire - for many centuries it has personified purity, heaven, fidelity, modesty, chastity. Blue color extinguishes nervous excitability, calms the mind and heals the soul. An Aquarius man needs such a talisman at certain moments in his life. But sapphire is not for constant wear. The energy of this crystal is very strong, and therefore, being in constant contact with a person, sapphire can cause harm. If handled carefully, this stone can be an amulet for an Aquarius woman; on long trips he gives good luck, and creative people brings inspiration. Sapphire clears the mind. The one who wears this stone becomes confident and calm.

Zircon - this crystal is the best amulet according to the zodiac sign for a man of the constellation Aquarius. A crystal of a blue hue is ideal, although other varieties are possible. The magic of zircon is that it enhances the brightest aspects of the wearer’s personality. Strong man it makes the one who has a hare soul stronger, makes him hesitate and fear even more.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would not guess which amulet for Aquarius is most in demand and effective, but I still call zircon the best male amulet. Zircon will give its wearer vigor, confidence and inner strength. It will attract love, make you experience new emotions and give you bright, lively impressions.

Protective amulets for women of the Aquarius sign

Using natural crystals of the woman's sign air element They can gain popularity, a pure and clear consciousness, and cultivate self-control and fortitude.

What talismans bring good luck to the Aquarius sign? This popular question can probably be answered as follows: all natural crystals of high vibrations, which are like birthday talismans.

Garnet - A dark red garnet is considered a magnificent amulet for an Aquarius woman. Good and yellow in color. This gem protects the feelings of the one who wears it and helps to establish connections with others. Positively affects mood and well-being, gives vigor. This is a true sign of good luck for the Aquarius zodiac sign, with it a woman will gain self-control and power over others.

Chrysoprase - I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise girls of the zodiac sign Aquarius to pay attention to chrysoprase - a pure green crystal that personifies strong feelings– . With this amulet according to the horoscope, a woman can easily establish spiritual connections with those people who are dear to her.

Obsidian - for those women who have ill-wishers or outright enemies, obsidian will become a strong talisman horoscope. He will protect the girl from negative influence people, will strengthen the will, make a woman psychologically resistant to stress and unpleasant situations. It will drive away pessimistic thoughts and keep you from rash words and impulsive actions.

Plant amulets for the zodiac sign Aquarius

Having considered many plants that can be grown in an apartment or at home, I recommend that people born under the constellation Aquarius opt for violets and geraniums.

Geranium - modest and beautiful geranium has very strong energy. It can become a protective amulet for the Aquarius zodiac sign, which with its strength will help a person maintain a calm, sober mind in any situation. Geranium suppresses negative emotions, softens anger and irritability. With the help of this flower, Aquarius will be able to create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and positivity in his home. Violet - this plant acts as a sedative.

What talisman does an Aquarius who has lost his inner harmony need?

Trust the magical power of this flower, and it will help you maintain composure and not spoil your nerves over everyday trifles. If flower pot Keep a violet in your workplace, it will become an effective money amulet for Aquarius, attract financial luck, and clear money channels. In general, violet, like geranium, are very useful plants.

How to charge and activate personal talismans and amulets

It is useful to know how to charge talismans and other witchcraft items of Power, the help and protection of which you rely on. This is done, if necessary, by magical rituals. The magician performs the ritual according to all the rules of witchcraft, as they have done since ancient times knowledgeable people, setting up and activating amulets with solar signs. Today, warlocks perform special rituals to create a personal item of Power. Such rituals may involve natural or egregoric energy. The magician can call upon the spirits of assistants, through whose mediation he performs his practices.

If we are talking about natural protective stones according to the zodiac sign, then no special rituals are required to set up the talisman. The magic stone itself has energy and power, and all you need is to frequently contact the stone, tuning into its high vibrations. If the energy of the crystal is close to the feminine energy of this airy one, it will become a strong amulet for the Aquarius woman. Exactly the same can be said about magic stones for men according to the Aquarius horoscope, as well as about those personal talismans and amulets that a person creates for himself.

Speaking objectively, making a talisman based on your zodiac sign- the matter is not so complicated. Over time, the power of the magical item increases. The older he is, the stronger. But you shouldn’t give someone personal items of Strength and protection. The same goes for accepting gifts from others. Therein lies the threat. There is a danger of taking on other people's misfortunes, as well as giving someone else your luck.

And I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, warn you - you cannot steal someone’s talisman!

Remember: this is a magical item. And magic is magic. If you are wrong, it will come back to you, especially if you are not a sorcerer and are not aware of what is happening in the invisible world around you. And if you received something as a gift and decided that it should become your good luck talisman, ask about its history. Especially if this thing is not new.