Barbell, labret, wrap, banana, segment ring... Unfamiliar names, right? But all of the above are common jewelry for piercings. This article will provide you with information specifically about the segment ring. What kind of decoration is this? What does it look like? What punctures is it used with? And you will get a lot of other information about decoration here.

One of the types of rings for piercing

A segment ring piercing is almost the same thing as a ball clamp ring. But instead of a ball, this version uses a small piece of a ring, or rather, its continuation. When fastened, the segment ring looks like a regular monolithic ring.

What kind of punctures is this jewelry used for?

The segment ring is used to decorate such piercings as a septum piercing (a piercing of the nasal septum), a Daith piercing (which is located inside the auricle, the history of the creation of this piercing is quite interesting (but more on that a little later)), and also lobes. As for fully healed punctures, the segment ring is also inserted into the navel, nipples, lips, nose and eyebrows.

Segment ring sizes and prices

The thickness of such jewelry most often reaches 1.6 millimeters. Their diameter starts from 6 millimeters and their weight can reach 16 grams. Of course, this depends on the dimensions of the ring and the material from which it is made. The average price of a segment ring with titanium anodized material coating is about 200 rubles.

How to wear jewelry correctly

Usually, when meeting with such a piercing device, many people are puzzled and ask the question of how to open the segment ring. It's actually quite simple. You should proceed in exactly the same way as with the ball ring. Simply pull the small segment of the ring towards you with some force. There is no need to unscrew anything because these rings do not have threads. Apply a little force and detach the small segment from the large one.

We all understand that with many piercings it is quite easy to get an infection. It won't make anyone happy, so you should always clean your piercing jewelry before using it. The same applies to the segment ring. Cleaning the ring is quite easy, so don't be lazy. After all, your health depends on you.

To clean and disinfect your ring, you should soak it in a salt solution for about five or ten minutes. To do this, simply mix a quarter spoon of salt and 250 milliliters of warm distilled water. After this, you need to rub the ring with this salt water using a piece of napkin.

If you need to use pliers while putting on jewelry, they should also be disinfected. You can use the same saline solution or a special saline solution. Thoroughly wipe all parts of the tool that may touch your jewelry.

Don’t forget that you also need to thoroughly rinse the puncture site itself. Even when it heals completely, you will need to treat your puncture with a gentle antiseptic (for example, benzalkonium chloride, bactine, or just the most common liquid antibacterial soap, which has never harmed anyone). All this will be greatly reduced possible risk infection, infection of your puncture in the future.

Do not rush to change the first earring at the puncture site. It should be left in place for a period of 8-9 weeks after the piercing procedure itself. The earring can be removed only after this, but the place will be able to fully heal only 12-24 weeks after you got the piercing. Professionals strictly advise against wearing the ring until your piercing is completely healed.

The most difficult part of putting on a segment ring is opening it. As mentioned earlier, simply pull a small part of the segment towards you, applying some force. You can use small scissors, tongs, or pliers to loosen the ring and pull out the small segment. After this, if you have already treated the entire ring with antiseptic agents, insert most of the segment into the puncture. Now return a small part of the ring segment to its original place and, if necessary, compress the ring back using the same pliers.

How to remove a ring

In fact, there is nothing unusual in the process of removing a segment ring, but for some magical reason this is what causes a lot of difficulties for all those who like to impress others with their appearance. Using the same pliers, blunt scissors or a special device for removing piercing jewelry (of course, you should proceed from what is most convenient for you to use), spread the ring and, pulling out a small segment from it, remove it. Depending on where the piercing was done, removing the jewelry can be different. Somewhere there is little space between the skin and the ring, somewhere it’s scary to get hurt yourself or it’s simply inconvenient to get to the ring... If you still can’t get rid of the ring on your own, then it would be best to seek help from specialists in the salon that Where did you once get pierced? In any case, the craftsmen have more experience in “communicating” with such products. Surely, given their experience, you are far from the first who cannot independently remove or put on a piercing trinket...

Daith piercing

Now you will finally receive information about what was discussed at the very beginning of the article. What is a dais piercing or a dais piercing? This is a puncture of the cartilage, which is located in the very center of the outer ear. This type of piercing is not popular, but it looks very special. Of course, it is strongly not recommended to do such a puncture yourself at home. This definitely requires some level of skill and professionalism. It is also worth keeping in mind that such a piercing causes terrible discomfort at first, but over time, when the piercing heals, it will never bother you again. The first few days there will be swelling and redness, but after 4-8 months it will heal completely. For this type of ear piercing, a segment ring is also suitable.

Many centuries ago, wild tribes were fond of body punctures. But they were made not only for beauty, but also with meaning.

Let's look at some examples:

  1. In Egypt, only priestesses could pierce the navel.
  2. Some tribes used piercings in rituals so that a man, while enduring pain, could prove his courage.
  3. In India married girls wore a nose ring.
  4. The Indians pierced their tongues for ritual purposes.

Nowadays, piercing is considered decoration. It does not carry any semantic load.

What is piercing?

Industrial. It can be horizontal or vertical. It consists of several punctures in the upper part of the ear. They are connected by one decoration.

Tunnels. The earlobe is pierced and expanded. Diameters greater than 10 mm are not overgrown.

Tragus (tragus). The puncture is located at the level of the ear canal. An earring in the form of a ring or a stud looks beautiful.

- Earlobe. The most painless way. It can be done even for small children.

Helix. It is done on the curl of the auricle in the cartilage area.

2) Navel (popular among the fair half). Emphasizes the beauty of a toned tummy. Let's look at some types of navel piercings:

Multiple center navel piercings.

Standard (done vertically). To avoid discomfort, the top ball of the jewelry should rise slightly above the puncture site.

3) Coccyx (a very rare and painful type of piercing). Healing is progressing long time, it is impossible to sit for about 2 months. The puncture is done horizontally in a strictly designated place, so it is recommended that this be done by a professional.

4) Language (an extravagant way to stand out). The earring is completely hidden in the oral cavity. The healing of the puncture takes a long time.

5) Nipples. Enough dangerous look puncture Not recommended for women. Must bypass the mammary glands. Types of punctures: horizontal, diagonal, vertical, multi-piercing (several holes are made in one nipple).

6) Nails (the most painless). It is done on artificial or medium-length nails to highlight the beauty of the manicure. Decorate with a variety of earrings (rings, with stones or beads, carnations, pendants with chains).

7) Corset (extreme piercing). At a certain distance, punctures are made in several rows, rings are inserted and the tape is retracted. This is very rare view. It is done on the back, arms and legs, hips, neck.

1) Eyebrow. This procedure causes bleeding. A swelling may appear under the eye, but it will go away after healing.

Parallel, the most difficult puncture (done by a professional). Curved “barbell” decorations are used.

Vertical (perpendicular to the eye). The earring sticks out a lot, this look is not popular.

Opposite (under the eye in the area above the cheekbones). Straight “bars” are used. Top part jewelry is located closer to the ear.

Diagonal (common and safer).

2) Lips. To prevent the jewelry from destroying the enamel, the clasp should be comfortable and not touch the teeth.

Monroe. It is done on the cheek, the puncture looks like a mole. The plug on the decoration should be small.

Underlip. The earring is inserted at the junction of the chin and lip.

Lateral part (upper and lower lips can be pierced).

3) Nose (septum or wing is pierced). Not recommended for people with narrow nostrils. Let's take a closer look at what types of nose piercings exist.

Septum puncture (the most painful). It is carried out perpendicular to the nose. Jewelry in the form of a ring or horseshoe looks great.

Bridge - piercing (deep). Above the nose below the eyebrow.

Nose wing (most popular). Healing takes place quickly, without causing discomfort to the owner.

Extreme piercing

Split tongue. It is a surgical splitting of the tongue, like that of a snake. It heals for about a month.

Brain piercing (the most dangerous). Using a drill, several thin holes are drilled into the skull. Decorated with carnations, rings, thorns.

Planar. It is done on any flat areas in the form of paintings.

Eyeball. A platinum plate is implanted into the mucosa.

Piercing jewelry

It will be extremely difficult to choose jewelry, since the huge assortment of earrings is simply amazing. They come in different sizes and shapes, with precious stones and rhinestones, from expensive metals, in the form of flowers or animals, etc. They are made from a variety of metals, which makes it possible for a person prone to allergies to make the right choice.

There are main types of earrings for piercing:

1) Barbell - there are balls at the edges, the base is the rod. Decorate the tongue, eyebrows and lips.

2) Horseshoe - similar to a barbell, but there is a difference in the form of a bend.

3) The ring is a universal decoration, because it can be used for any part of the body.

Name of popular earrings:

  1. Navel (banana pier, navela).
  2. Lips (banana labret, ring).
  3. Language (twists).
  4. Nose (nostrila).
  5. Ear (tunnels).
  6. For intimate places(barbell, rings, horseshoe).

Intimate piercing

Nowadays everything more people resort to this type of puncture. This way of showing your originality is very painful. And the puncture takes a long time to heal. Divided by gender:

Male. Piercing is done in the area of ​​the scrotum, penis and foreskin. For decoration, use a “Prince Albert ring” or a metal pin.

Female (clitoris or labia).

Careful care is required during the healing period. What types of intimate piercings are there? Let's look at some examples.

1) Female.

Inner Labia. Labia minora and labia majora (heals quite quickly). The decoration looks like a ring with a ball.

Christina (clitoral hood piercing). Long lasting look.

Ciltoris. Clitoris (center or base).

Nefertiti. A deep puncture is made along the clitoral nerve.

Hood. The puncture is made on the skin under the clitoris (very painful).

Superficial (on the pubis).

2) Male.

Frenum. The procedure is done at the base of the head and a ring is inserted.

Ampallang (horizontal through head).

Dypoes (the head is pierced on both sides).

- Prince Albert (the puncture is done through the urethra).

Apadravya (vertical).

How is the procedure done?

Piercing is the piercing of a part of the body with a special needle. Its diameter may vary. How is the piercing procedure carried out in the salon?

1) Workplace and the instruments must be sterilely clean; for this, the master prepares them in advance.

2) Before the puncture, the area on the body is treated with a special antiseptic. And a mark is placed where the piercing will be located.

3) A needle with a cap is inserted into a special piercing device, where the selected jewelry is attached.

4) When the needle is removed, the earring remains at the puncture site.

5) After the procedure, all types of piercings are processed by the master.

6) The specialist is obliged to provide care instructions.

Nowadays they use modern methods puncture But there are a number of restrictions prohibiting this procedure:

Allergy to painkillers or materials used;

Colds, including elevated temperature bodies;

Skin rashes, poor blood clotting;

Minors (must have written permission from parents);


Weakening of the immune system;

Especially serious illnesses (diabetes, hepatitis, HIV).

How to properly care?

The puncture is washed with a special disinfectant solution, which can be purchased at any pharmacy (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, Miramistin). All types of piercings are processed for about 2 weeks (until complete healing) twice a day. Take a cosmetic stick, moisten it with the solution and clean around the jewelry with gentle movements. Dried blood can be removed using a moistened cotton swab (apply a compress for 10 minutes). Experts categorically prohibit removing dried crusts.

It is important to know: you cannot pull or turn the jewelry until the puncture has completely healed.

To care for your mouth piercing, you need to purchase rinsing solutions (Stomatidin, Peridex). The antiseptic effect of such drugs minimizes pain and prevents infections from developing. Rinse about 5 times a day. Do not use: alcoholic drinks, salty and spicy foods. During the healing period, refrain from kissing and oral sex to avoid infection.

When can you change your decoration?

Each body is individual and copes with healing differently. If the puncture no longer bothers you, this does not mean that you can change the jewelry. It all depends on proper care.

Approximate piercing healing time:

On the face - about 2 weeks;

Navel - up to 6 months;

Nipples - up to 2 months;

Labia - up to 1 month. Clitoral piercing takes longer to heal (horizontal - about 3 months, vertical - up to 2 months). Only after complete healing can you change the earring.

Possible complications

  1. First of all, all types of body piercings are accompanied by pain, as evidenced by reviews. But more serious complications are also possible.
  2. The puncture disrupts the structure of living tissue, and the wound heals more slowly due to a foreign body. If the procedure or care is not followed correctly, inflammation, blood poisoning, and an allergic reaction may occur.
  3. Poor-quality intimate clitoral piercing can cause frigidity (loss of the ability to feel an orgasm).
  4. Some jewelry, while in the body, brings discomfort.

1) Before decorating your body, you need to think carefully about the location.

3) Heat slows down the healing process, so the optimal period for puncture is the cool season.

4) First, choose the lightest earring made of medical steel so as not to load the wound.

5) The procedure is performed only with disposable instruments.

6) Choose the craftsmen and the salon selectively.

7) If sensitivity to pain is increased, an anesthetic is suggested.

8) The master must tell about all the shortcomings, about making the right choice decorations, about the consequences, to answer all your questions.

9) Proper piercing occurs with minimal blood loss.

Piercing is on the list of services of almost every beauty salon. The imagination of jewelers offering piercing jewelry knows no bounds.

Types of earrings (pierces)

Piercing earrings are called piercings. Their choice is huge: from simple rings to complex designs.

Requirements for decorations

  1. Jewelry must have a smooth, easy-to-work surface.
  2. The carvings on the jewelry should be completely hidden under the ball.
  3. Decorations should not squeeze the fabric.


The most commonly used piers are rings. They use a ball or ring segment as a clasp, which makes it completely smooth. You can insert the ring into almost any part of the body; you just need to choose the right diameter of the circle and the thickness of the wire.


One of the varieties of the ring is the so-called “circular” - a horseshoe-like pier with two twisting balls. Circulars also differ in the diameter of the circle, the thickness of the wire and the size of the closing balls. Depending on this, circulars can be hung, for example, in the earlobe and cartilage, nasal septum, eyebrow, nipple, navel and intimate parts of the body.

And if you imagine a circular coil folded in a spiral, you get a pier called “twisters.” These earrings also come in large, medium and small. They are useful for piercing ears, eyebrows, nipples, and navel.


The main ones among the smoother piers are “barbells”, which means “barbells”. The name comes from appearance, really similar to a bodybuilding apparatus: balls are screwed onto a flat stick on both sides, and for more extreme individuals - cones or balls with spikes.

The longest barbells (22-24 mm) are used for primary tongue piercing. When the tongue is punctured, so-called post-traumatic edema occurs, as a result of which it swells and increases significantly. If the earring “squeezes” at this time, unpleasant complications may arise, for example, the insertion of a ball into the tissue. Smaller “barbells” (sometimes called “dumbbells” due to their association with sports equipment) with a length of 6-10 mm and a wire thickness of 1.2-1.6 mm are suitable for piercing an eyebrow, nasal septum or intimate piercing.

Labret's Carnation

For the upper and lower lips, as well as for the dimple of the chin, an earring called “Labret stud” is used, named after its inventor. It looks like a shortened barbell, ending with a smooth plate on one side and a ball on the other. The plate is located with inside lips. For a feeling of complete comfort, its surface is not absolutely flat, but with a slight bend forward, towards the lip, in the form of a hemisphere. The length of the threaded stick itself is from 6 to 12 mm, the thickness of the wire is 1.2 and 1.6 mm. At the client's request, the outer ball can be replaced with a cone, pyramid, ball with spikes or rhinestones.


From many years of piercing practice, it became clear that studs, which are used to pierce the earlobe, are not suitable for constant wear in the nose, or rather in the wing of the nose, as they are easily lost due to the lack of a lock. In addition, they can damage the nasal septum with their sharp tip. Therefore, a special form of nail, twisted in a spiral, was developed, which was called “nostril”, or “nostril screw”. When you put the earring on, you need to screw it into the hole like a screw. Such an earring does not cause any inconvenience to its owner and does not get lost. The outer part of the “nostril” has various shapes, the most common of which is a small ball with a diameter of 2-3 mm or a ball with a rhinestone. But there can also be cones, spirals, pyramids, squares and even flies.


The most commonly used earring for navel piercing is the “banana”. 90% of navel piercing clients are women, and the development of new models is mainly aimed at them. Banana is the most physiological earring for the navel: a slightly curved bar (standard dimensions: length 1 cm, wire diameter 1.6 mm) is very suitable for the curves of the body in this area and does not interfere with movement. In the classic version, the banana ends with balls on both sides. Ball bigger size is located directly in the recess of the navel (diameter 6-8 mm), and the smaller one is located in the upper part of the puncture, at the same time serving as a clasp (diameter 4-5 mm).

It is considered good practice for people who have their belly buttons pierced to have many different earrings and change them depending on their outfits. These could be bananas made of metals different colors, decorated with crystal inserts, precious or semiprecious stones. In place of the bottom ball there may be a butterfly, a lizard, a flower, a dice, or a heart studded with rhinestones made of silver or gold.

Author of the article Team of professionals AYUNA Professional

The main use of barbells is for tongue piercings, but they are great for almost any type of piercing, such as ear piercings, intimate piercings, industrial piercings. Microbars can be used for eyebrow piercing.

In our store you can buy rods made of surgical steel, titanium, bioplast, acrylic, classic and with various inserts.

Bananas for navel piercing

consist of a curved rod with a ball, which is inserted into the puncture and a jewelry pendant or ball with a crystal insert. Surgical steel, titanium, bioplastic are used for the banana rod; pendants are made from jewelry alloys, precious metals, using a variety of crystal inserts.

Bananas for eyebrow piercing

The main use is vertical and horizontal eyebrow piercing, but they are also used for horizontal and vertical tongue piercing, longitudinal earlobe piercing, and intimate piercing.


Rings are universal jewelry for almost all types of piercings. The most common use is earlobe piercing, but rings are also perfect for ear cartilage piercings, nose piercings, lips, and almost all types of intimate piercings. Once the ring is inserted into the piercing, it is sealed with a ball.


They have the same purpose as the rings, but are more convenient to use, since they have screw-on balls.

Tunnels, plugs, guy wires

Tunnels and plugs are a very popular type of ear piercing. Our store has a huge range of tunnels and plugs from the most different materials: surgical steel, titanium, acrylic, silicone. The stretchers presented in our store can be used not only for stretching punctures under tunnels


Labret (labret) is the main decoration for lip piercing. Used for lower lip piercing, Monroe piercing, Madonna piercing, Medusa piercing.

Labrets can also be used for cheek piercings, different types piercing of ear cartilage and earlobe.

Our store has a wide selection of labrets made from 316L Surgical Steel, Anodized Steel, G23 Titanium, Bioflex, Bioplast and Acrylic.


Used for piercing the wings of the nose. They may end in the form of a ball or a spiral (snail). They are made from surgical steel, titanium, bioflex, and precious metals using crystalline inserts.


Intradermal implantation of microdermals is an extremely popular area of ​​modern piercing and body painting, in which one or several intradermal bases are installed, and various jewelry is screwed into them. When implanting microdermals, their good survival rate is very important, therefore the bases of microdermals are made exclusively from Titanium G23. Replacement heads can be used from Surgical steel 316L

The art of piercing has an ancient and glorious tradition. Since ancient times, rings and other inserts have marked military victories and significant stages of human life.

Piercing of intimate areas was an ancient secret of initiates, allowing priests and shamans to produce more vivid impression. Today all secrets are revealed. At your service are experienced craftsmen with at least 5 years of experience, sterile conditions, disposable materials and excellent surgical steel.

Piercing consultation is free. For your convenience, pre-registration is available. The master will definitely be able to spend time with you and you won’t have to wait in line.

Which piercing do you prefer? Defiant, erotic? Secret? Want something special? Piercing is special art fearlessness and frankness. Don't be shy to ask "uncomfortable" questions.

Are you a foodie and want a little more excitement in life? Tongue piercing is an unobtrusive demonstration of a sophisticated nature. It is not for nothing that the tongue is considered the most sensitive part of the body. Piercing will help expand the boundaries of sensuality.

Graceful and elegant decoration, primarily for girls who feel the beauty of their body. A small surprise that allows you to maintain mystery in any situation. Nothing worse than a stylish hat.

Piercing of the wings of the nose and nasal septum can be a very promising accessory or a stylish decoration - depending on the mood and the chosen jewelry. A little more beauty and shine.

Add lightness and mischief to your look. A small ring, perhaps with a diamond, in the eyebrows will add playfulness and radiance to the look. Eyebrow piercing heals very quickly and does not cause problems.

Do you want it to be impossible to take your eyes off your lips? Lip piercing will help highlight the natural beauty and sensuality of delicate curves. We guarantee new and unique sensations when kissing.

Ear piercing is easy and quick if you are in a piercing studio and in the hands of an experienced piercer. In about 20 seconds you will be able to show off your new earring. No blood painful sensations and problems.

Refers to secret signs attracting attention. The priestesses of Aphrodite pierced their left nipple to become irresistible in the secret arts and love magic. What's stopping you from trying it too?

No worse than a delicate dimple, but looks cooler. Only you decide what will decorate the graceful hollow on the cheek - a round steel pea, a sharp thorn or a precious stone.

This means that a ring or other object can be implanted into almost any part of the body. And it will fit in well for many years. We recommend discussing with a specialist by appointment.

The art of female intimate piercing is thousands of years old. Secrets available only to special classes are now available to everyone. But not everyone can decide to become a real goddess.

For those who are ready to pump iron not only in the gym. At Taurus Salon, male genital piercings are truly safe. Make your wildest dreams come true in a pleasant atmosphere.

Compact jewelry implanted into the skin. Treat yourself with special chic and sparkle. Consult with experts in creating microdermal patterns on the skin.

Tongue splits and other complex modifications should only be performed in a showroom environment. Come for a consultation, we will discuss and realize all your fantasies in the safest possible way.

Special needles are used for piercing. Round, triangular, tetrahedral, flat. Caring for your piercing is necessary to maintain the shape and aesthetic appearance of the hole.

Have you dreamed of learning the art of piercing? Great idea. Go to medical school, we will teach you everything else and provide you with extensive practice. In close contact with artists, real masterpieces are created in the studio.

The salon's masters are far from beginners and are ready to give useful advice, if you need it. Or simply fulfill your desire without further ado.

A simple piercing is performed within a few minutes. Immediately after the pain relief begins to take effect (you can skip the pain relief and opt for a nice cup of tea or coffee instead)

* The standard price does not include complex body modifications. We are ready to discuss various ideas and safely realize your wildest fantasies. Don't be shy to talk about your desires. Artistic and medical education masters, extensive experience - completely at your disposal.

Body modification prices

Prices for piercing in St. Petersburg are quite reasonable and do not change after being announced at the consultation. The price of the piercing includes the selected aftercare jewelry made from surgical alloy steel.