Thanks to its extreme unpretentiousness and phlegmatic disposition, this peaceful rodent would make an ideal pet. Two circumstances interfere: the capybara is too huge to live in an apartment and cannot live without a body of water (pond or pool).

Description of the capybara

Water pig is the official scientific name of the capybara.. The natives of South and Central America call the capybara differently - caprincho, poncho, corpincho, capigua and chiguire. It is believed that the rodent received its most accurate name from the Brazilian Tupi tribes, who nicknamed it “the thin grass eater” (capybara).


The English writer Gerald Durrell compared the rodent (which has a calm, patronizing expression on its muzzle) with a brooding lion, not forgetting to add that the capybara, unlike the king of animals, is a good-natured vegetarian.

One can only wonder how this eater of aquatic plants manages to gain such a record weight (compared to other rodents): males weigh 54-63 kg, females - from 62 to 74 kg. But this is not the limit - it is known that one female individual weighed up to 81, the second - up to 91 kg.

The height at the withers is comparable to that of a large dog and reaches 50-62 cm. The capybara has a wide head with an almost square muzzle, equipped with neat ears, small widely spaced nostrils and small eyes.

The animal has 20 teeth, the most “terrible” of which are the huge bright orange incisors, reminiscent of sharp penknives. Cheek teeth, devoid of roots, grow throughout life. The tongue, thanks to its numerous tubercles, looks thick.

This is interesting! The capybara's coat is coarse and hard, grows up to 3-12 cm, but has no undercoat. Thanks to the latter circumstance, the rodent's skin quickly burns under the sun, which is why the capybara often rolls around in the mud.

The capybara looks like a barrel overgrown with wool, complemented by a massive rump without a tail. On the forelimbs there are four powerful and rather long fingers, connected by swimming membranes, on the hind limbs - three.

The external genitalia of males and females are hidden under the anal sac. The body color varies from reddish-chestnut to dark brown, but the belly is always lighter in color, usually yellowish-brown. Some animals have black spots on their faces. Young capybaras are always lighter than their older relatives.

Range, habitats

Capybara is an indigenous inhabitant of the Central and South America, including Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia (east), Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina (northeast), Panama and Guyana.

The capybara prefers coastal areas of rivers, swamps, lakes and artificial reservoirs overgrown with pistia and water hyacinth. Also lives in Chaco forests, pastures (with palmate pigweed/Guinea grass) and farmland, semi-deciduous forests and flooded savannas.

The rodent can be found at higher elevations (up to 1300 m), as well as in brackish and marshy soils, including mangrove swamps. The main condition is the presence of an open body of water nearby (no further than half a kilometer).


The whole life of a capybara is concentrated in water - here it quenches thirst and hunger, reproduces, rests and regulates body temperature, not forgetting to roll out in the mud.

Rodents form family groups (10-20 animals), reminiscent of a harem: a dominant male, several mature females with children, and males who unconditionally yield to the role of inseminator to the leader. The latter, sensing competition, often expels rivals, which is why 5-10% of males live as hermits.

Capybaras (both males and females) have paired prianal glands near the anus, which secrete an aroma individual to each individual. And the secretion produced by the male’s olfactory gland indicates his position in the herd.

An area of ​​1-10 hectares (and sometimes 200 hectares) occupied by a group is marked with nasal and anal secretions, however, civil strife still occurs. By the way, the struggle for leadership within one herd never ends in death, but such a bleak ending is quite possible if males from different groups fight.

During the rainy season, capybaras disperse over a vast area, but drought forces herds to gather on river and lake banks. At this time, hundreds of capybaras accumulate around the reservoir, sometimes traveling more than 1 thousand km in search of life-giving moisture.

In the mornings, animals bask at the water's edge. The scorching sun drives them into shallow water or into mud. Water pigs do not dig holes, but lay directly on the ground. Sometimes you can see how capybaras take a typical canine pose, sitting on their hips.

They differ from other rodents in that they lack the ability to hold their food with their front paws. The peak of activity is observed after 16:00 and with the onset of dusk, after 20:00. Capybaras sleep little, waking up in the middle of the night to eat.

We mastered two types of ground locomotion – shuffling gait and galloping. When in danger, they move away from the enemy fast jumps. Capybaras are excellent swimmers, which is facilitated by the membranes between the toes and the impressive layer of fat that increases buoyancy.

Capybaras can cluck, scream, bark, whistle, squeal, whine, click and grind their teeth.

This is interesting! They use screaming, like barking, to notify the herd of a threat, and squeal if they experience pain or anxiety. When communicating with relatives, they make clicking sounds, and grinding of teeth usually accompanies fights between males.

Capybaras kept in captivity have learned to beg for food using sounds similar to whimpering.


Aquatic pigs found in zoos or private owners exhibit higher life expectancy than animals living in wildlife. Capybaras live 10-12 years, and free capybaras live from 6 to 10 years.

Nutrition, capybara diet

Capybaras are herbivorous mammals, including a wide range of vegetation (mainly with a high protein content) in their diet. Natural food for capybaras are:

  • semi-aquatic plants (Hymenachne amplexicaulis, Reimarochloa acuta, Panicum laxum and Leersia rice);
  • annual grass Paratheria prostrata;
  • drought-resistant species of Axonopus and Sporobolus indicus;
  • sedge (at the end of the rainy season);
  • tree bark and fruits;
  • pigwort, wood sorrel and crabgrass;
  • hay and tubers.

Water pigs often wander into fields with sugar cane, grains and melons, which is why the rodents have been blacklisted as agricultural pests.

During periods of drought, they become a food competitor for livestock feeding on pastures.. Capybaras are typical coprophages, consuming their own feces to help the animals digest the cellulose contained in the food.

Capybara breeding

Capybaras indulge in lovemaking all year round, although they mate more often at the beginning of the rainy season, which occurs in April/May in Venezuela and October/November in Brazil.

Getting ready for procreation, the male half lures partners, marking the surrounding plants with their secrets. The female's estrous cycle lasts 7-9 days, but the receptive stage lasts only 8 hours.

The male pursues the female, who is ripe for copulation, first on land, then in shallow water. As soon as the female has stopped, the partner positions herself behind her, making 6-10 energetic thrusts. Often, a female can endure up to 20 sexual acts with minimal breaks (with one or different partners).

Gestation takes 150 days. Most births occur in September-November. The female, as a rule, gives birth once a year, but repeated births are possible if there are no enemies and there is a lot of food around.

The capybara gives birth in spartan conditions, right on the ground, giving birth to from 2 to 8 toothy, fur-covered and completely sighted cubs, each of which weighs 1.5 kg. All females of the herd care for the offspring, and the mother feeds the babies with milk until 3-4 months, although soon after birth they chew grass on their own.

Fertility in capybaras occurs at 15-18 months, when they weigh up to 30-40 kg.

According to the eastern calendar, 1983 is the year of the Water Pig. People born this year are naturally endowed with certain character traits, the main ones of which are cleanliness, responsiveness and kindness.

Thanks to his hard work, the Pig always persistently achieves his own goals, thanks to which he provides for himself prosperous life. At first glance, people born under the sign of this animal are weak-willed and can follow a lead, but behind their sweet appearance lies a persistent character, a stable worldview and self-confidence.


The Pig man is a calm and reasonable person. He values ​​his friends and takes care of his family members. IN labor activity he does not spare himself and always achieves good results. Due to their cleanliness, such men prefer to live in comfort and prosperity.

The Pig woman is very attractive, sophisticated and friendly, and always enjoys great success with the opposite sex. Representatives of the fair sex, born in 1983, are wonderful and faithful friends who forgive acquaintances and friends for mistakes.

In general, people born in the year of the Boar (Pig) can be called peaceful, open and honest, and their main trait is hard work. If the Pig is focused on the goal, he will always achieve his goal despite obstacles.

Influence of zodiac signs

Along with the year in which a person was destined to be born, it makes adjustments to his life and exact date birth, according to which the zodiac affiliation is determined. The table below will help characterize people born in the year of the Pig, taking into account their zodiac sign.

Zodiac sign Pig Woman Pig Man
Aries Assiduous and patient. Loves difficult tasks and easily copes with them without unnecessary conversations, tears or complaints. Love relationship builds relationships only with those men who admire her and idolize her A leader by nature. He is diligent, hardworking, sociable, but at the same time knows how to maintain the necessary distance from the people around him. He prefers passionate relationships; he gets bored with modest and shy girls extremely quickly.
Taurus Sociable and energetic. Good wife and a hostess who will be glad to see many guests in her home He prefers physical labor to mental labor, but despite this he is well-read and intelligent. Knows the value of money. Romantic and monogamous
Twin Has many talents. A bright and interesting personality, she loves the attention of men and noisy companies. Freedom-loving Sociable, likes to give advice even when he is not asked for it. Charming and charismatic. Achieves success in work, especially if it is connected with people. Faithful husband
Cancer She is attentive and efficient, but rarely takes initiative in her work. She cannot be in a team where her work is not appreciated. Vulnerable, needs a caring man In his work he is demanding of himself and others. Monogamous, caring father and husband
a lion Justice is paramount to her. She can only get along with an honest and kind person and will never forgive betrayal Selfless and hardworking, ready to take on the most difficult tasks and projects. Appreciates warmth hearth and home. Monogamous
Virgo She is thorough in her work, for which she is highly valued by her colleagues and boss. Does not accept frivolity in relationships, puts it first family values and caring for loved ones He does all his work conscientiously and expects that his work will be appreciated. Good friend. Has a great sense of humor
Scales She is sociable, has a delicate taste and excellent organizational skills. Loves to surprise and give surprises to his soulmate. Often encounters internal contradictions Fair and ambitious. Sometimes stubborn when it comes to his principles. He is self-critical, which is why he spends a lot of time evaluating his activities and their results. He is courteous with women, and family life prefers equality
Scorpion Loves to be the center of attention. Capable of bewitching a man from the first minutes of communication. Bright and cheerful Cheerful and enterprising. A conflict-free person who will gladly come to the rescue. Likes it when women have their own opinions. He always takes the first steps in a relationship himself.
Sagittarius Smart and talented. Around her family, she is caring and gentle. Easy to communicate, prefers to lead an active lifestyle Moral pleasure in work is more important to him than the material part. Ambitious, approaches business with all seriousness. Needs an understanding woman who has her own opinion
Capricorn She is practical, smart and even calculating, but at the same time she knows how to be gentle and soft. Creates coziness and a comfortable atmosphere in family life Sociable and generous. Can be too stubborn at times. Caring husband and father
Aquarius Reliable and communicative. Achieves success thanks to logical thinking. The family values ​​respect and teamwork Inventive and diligent. Optimist. In family life, he prefers to share responsibilities and strictly follow family rules
Fish Receptive and vulnerable. Often suffers because of men. Tries not to fall in love and subconsciously seeks stability Ambitious and optimistic. He will never choose easy money; he believes that stability is better than risk. He often becomes a victim of intrigue because of his trust in women. He needs a gentle and understanding woman as a companion.


In order to create strong family, The Pig does not need to put in too much effort. Everything rather depends on who he will build these relationships with. The Pig will be able to come to harmony and understanding with the Ox, Tiger, Goat, Dog and Pig, but couples where the Snake or Monkey will be his partners are considered a bad combination.

With Rat

The compatibility of the Pig - Rat pair is 67%.

  • general views on life;
  • understanding;
  • passion in bed;
  • joint desire for stability.
  • ebbs and flows of feelings are possible;
  • competition in relationships;
  • desire for personal gain.

Mutual sympathy quickly arises between the Pig and the Rat. The pig is able to let the partner relax and forget about internal pettiness and aggressiveness. If the Pig and the Rat are intellectually developed, then the likelihood of conflicts between them is significantly reduced. If their relationship is built on love, then over time they find an approach to each other, which leads to mutual respect.

With the Bull

Compatibility of the pair Pig - Ox is 81%.

Positive sides in a relationship:

  • mutual sincere feelings;
  • respect;
  • devotion and mutual understanding.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • despotism in relationships is possible;
  • struggle for the role of leader.

The Pig's naivety and openness are initially perceived by the Ox as stupidity. After closer communication, he changes his attitude towards the Pig and begins to take his partner more seriously. The Ox makes the Pig experience reverent respect, which, in turn, is reflected in the distribution of roles in relationships, where he becomes an authority. The boar, being under protection, will give him warmth and affection.

With Tiger

The compatibility of the Pig - Tiger pair is 96%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • sincere mutual feelings;
  • understanding;
  • warm friendly relations;
  • the ability to create comfort in the family.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • struggle for the role of leader.

The Pig - Tiger pair is capable of creating a strong and reliable union. They understand each other perfectly because of a similar worldview and are able to withstand any problems, maintaining honor and dignity. According to the horoscope, Pig and Tiger are wonderful friends, lovers and allies for whom it is easy and simple to understand each other’s thoughts and feelings.

With Rabbit

Compatibility of the pair Pig - Rabbit is 68%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • support and mutual assistance;
  • help to reveal best qualities each other;
  • know how to forgive each other.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • Outbursts of jealousy may occur;
  • struggle for leadership.

Having met the Rabbit, the Pig understands that she no longer needs a big company to have fun; they really enjoy spending time together having friendly conversations. The rabbit is capable of giving to the Boar good advice, thanks to which the latter achieves success in business.

With the Dragon

The compatibility of the Pig - Dragon pair is 68%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • mutual understanding and support;
  • warm friendly relations;
  • the ability to forgive each other.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • frequent quarrels due to jealousy;
  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • Feelings may cool down.

Boar and Dragon complement each other well. Beauty, harmony and complete mutual understanding reign in their relationship. They do not make their experiences and quarrels public, trying to resolve conflicts through constructive dialogue. Mutual respect for each other allows them to create a strong and reliable union.

With a Snake

Compatibility of the pair Pig - Snake is 41%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • passion in bed;
  • good friendly compatibility.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • quickly get bored with each other;
  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • Feelings may cool down over time.

This couple only sees negative traits each other's character. The Snake's reticence seems something wild to the Pig, and he tries his best to stir it up, to which it either reacts reluctantly or gets irritated. The longer these partners stay together, the more tension will grow between them, which will ultimately lead to constant scandals. This couple will have a chance of starting a family only if the Pig is a woman and the Snake is a man, but even in this case they will have to for a long time get used to each other, cultivate respect for your partner and take into account the personal characteristics of your other half.

With a horse

The compatibility of the Pig - Horse pair is 65%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • mutual fidelity;
  • good friendly compatibility;
  • harmony in relationships;
  • complete mutual understanding.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • alertness;
  • difference in temperament.

The couple will achieve success in love, which will be based on the ability of the Pig and Horse to compromise. They prefer to spend time in noisy companies and playing active sports. Controversial issues can only arise from the fact that the Horse loves change, and the Pig, on the contrary, prefers stability.

With Goat

The compatibility of the Pig - Goat pair is 74%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • similar views on life;
  • passion;
  • pursue common goals and know what they want.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • obstinacy and selfishness;
  • loud scandals.

These signs have a great opportunity to create a strong and harmonious union. These people enjoy each other, spending evenings together having a pleasant conversation. Both partners are self-sufficient, thanks to which they know the value of themselves and their own actions, so the likelihood of cheating in such couples is negligible.

With Monkey

The compatibility of the pair Pig - Monkey is 50%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • passion;
  • know what they want;

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • quarrels and jealousy;
  • frequent deceptions.

It is easier to call such an alliance a business one than a friendly or love one. Because of opposite characters It is difficult for these people to find common ground even despite great mutual desire. It will be more difficult for the Pig in such a relationship, since she may face betrayal and lies from the Monkey.

With Rooster

Compatibility of the pair Pig - Rooster is 61%.

Positive aspects of the relationship:

  • know what they want;
  • passion;
  • can think in one direction.

Negative aspects of the relationship:

  • struggle for the role of leader;
  • mistrust;
  • competition.

In these relationships, the Pig acts as a noble spectator of all the intricate fantasies of the Rooster. But after a while this comes to an end. And the Pig understands that most of what the Rooster says is just wishful thinking, presented as reality. These people can develop strong relationships only with the great desire of the Pig to come to terms with the pompousness of the Rooster and begin to treat him with condescension.

  • can think in one direction.
  • Negative aspects of the relationship:

    • struggle for the role of leader;
    • grievances;
    • stubbornness.

    This union is built on mutual trust; they are not afraid of intrigues or conflicts. From the first minutes of communication, a spark flashes between them, which over time turns into a bright fire that warms them for many years. In quarrels, they are ready to make concessions in order to maintain harmony in the family. It happens that one of the partners may begin to show possessive feelings towards their other half; at this moment it is very important for the couple to discuss the problem and come to a compromise.

    Representatives of this sign are very sympathetic and kind people. The Year of the Water Pig, which awarded its charges with a golden heart and immeasurable generosity. Pigs usually have a wide range of interests completely in different areas life, if they have chosen a path for themselves, then, as a rule, they become very successful in it. Although these are mostly creative people, an analytical mind is practically not characteristic of them.

    1983 according to the eastern calendar: year of the Water Boar (Pig)

    In this article you will learn:

    What year is 1983 according to the Eastern calendar?

    This year is quiet and calm, which leaves a certain imprint on the character of people born in it. This is the year of the Water Pig, the kindest and most gullible of the representatives of this sign.
    Representatives of this year prefer to live quite quietly and modestly, which, however, does not prevent them from sometimes going out into the world and shining there in all their glory. Due to their passion for different areas of life, this year’s boars have a widely developed lexicon and intelligence. In a company, they sometimes become the center, which usually happens extremely rarely with boars.

    Pigs have a very developed sense of duty and responsibility, although they are somewhat lazy and slow, they cannot afford to fail to fulfill a promise or abandon a task halfway, especially if this is not done for themselves.

    Boars are quite conservative. It is almost impossible to pull them out of their comfort zone. They quickly become attached to people, to things, to places, and it is very difficult to part with what has already outlived its usefulness and must go away. Therefore, they often fall into an apathetic state and experience stress.

    Features of the Water Boar (Pig) sign according to the Chinese calendar

    The boar is a rather extraordinary sign eastern calendar. He can be passionate and with a huge craving for pleasure, on the other hand he is naive and gullible.
    At its core, the boar is more of a wild creature than a tame one. It is difficult to catch him, so most often in life he is haunted by loneliness. But again, the duality of nature allows him to be a tame pig who loves comfort and tranquility.
    Representatives of this sign gravitate toward luxury and comfort; they are materialists in everything. The practical side of life often plays a dominant role for them.

    The eastern horoscope Pig endowed its wards with the ability to sympathize and empathize. They rarely label people and try not to make hasty and unambiguous conclusions.

    Boars don't like conflict situations, trying in every possible way to avoid them. They constantly look for the good even in the worst, which often leads pigs to disappointment in people.

    Representatives of the Pig sign have a very developed sense of justice, and in this they often go too far.
    The thirst for knowledge is absorbed into the boar with mother's milk; they are ready to study absolutely everything that appeals to them, but they almost never get to the very essence, which makes them quite superficial.

    Advantages and disadvantages of people born in the year of the Water Boar (Pig)

    • People who were born under the sign of the Pig can become good and true friends who are always ready to help out and help. But the wards of the boar star cannot stand betrayal and anger at all, they do not forgive such things and simply leave them once and for all.
    • People born in the years of the Rooster eastern horoscope, They are distinguished by honesty; they can lie in very rare cases.
      Often these are people who constantly doubt everything, and even after making a decision, they continue to doubt its correctness.
    • Boars are very difficult to lift, it is difficult to move them from a dead point, but if they decide to do this, then there is no stopping them and they will go towards their goal with wild fanaticism and determination.
    Published: 2016-08-10, Modified: 2016-11-23,

    Zodiac sign Pig, Pig, by year of birth: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031.

    Water Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/16/1923 - 02/02/1924; from 02/13/1983 - 02/02/1984;
    Wooden Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/04/1935 - 01/24/1936; from 01/31/1995 - 02/19/1996;
    Fire Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/22/1947 - 02/10/1948; from 02/18/2007 - 02/07/2008;
    Earth Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 02/08/1959 - 01/28/1960; from 02/05/2019 -
    Metal Pig, Boar, Year of birth of the sign: from 01/27/1971 - 02/15/1972;

    Metal Pig, year of birth: 1911, 1971, 2031.

    What distinguishes Metal Pigs from other brothers is their most pronounced ambition. These are purposeful, open, energetic people who are engaged in the most different areas human activity. They hold certain views and are principled, but they tend to take many things at face value and show excessive gullibility. Boars of this type of sign are endowed with an excellent sense of humor and love all kinds of entertaining activities. Possessing an affable, friendly character, they acquire a large number of fans and friends.
    The only thing that the Metal Pig could use some work on is excessive gullibility.

    Water Pig, year of birth: 1923, 1983, 2043.

    It can be said without exaggeration about representatives of this type of sign that these are people with a heart of gold. Their generosity knows no bounds; Water Pigs strive to have and maintain friendly, even relationships with everyone around them. They are gullible, which periodically makes them suffer due to someone's bad intentions.
    People born in these years prefer to live modestly and very quietly. Nevertheless, they also really like being in society; Often, Pigs of this type become the life of the party. These people have very broad interests and for the most part work very successfully in their chosen professional field. This is helped by the presence of hard work and a developed sense of duty.
    To improve their life, the Water Pig should learn to distinguish between white and black, pay more attention to their own interests, and show more firmness.

    Wooden Boar, year of birth: 1935, 1995, 2055.

    Wooden Boars are quite friendly; their speeches are very convincing. They make new friends and like-minded people with extraordinary ease. They like to own complete information about what is happening. It happens that people born in these years take on too much, shouldering an unbearable burden.
    These people, devoted to their loved ones, gladly help those in need of their support. They themselves are endowed with a sense of humor, optimism, and most of them lead an active lifestyle.
    To improve quality own life Wooden Pigs must learn to periodically say the word “no,” since goodwill and dependability often cause damage to their interests.

    Fire Pig, year of birth: 1947, 2007, 2067.

    Fire Pigs are energetic, enterprising people who are straightforward in their statements. They take a thorough approach to everything and can take risky steps for the sake of the goal. At the same time, they can, obeying momentary hobbies, easily and quickly be distracted from the main thing and lose all interest in their work. People of this type of sign are very attentive, caring, generous towards their loved ones, and are lucky in matters related to money.
    It would be good if the Fire Pigs, who tend to take on any task without hesitation, showed more caution.

    Earth Pig, year of birth: 1959, 2019.

    People born in these years have pronounced organizational skills, are knowledgeable in business, and know how to handle money well. They are usually social activists and have a kind, generous soul.
    Earth Pigs should keep in mind that they are prone to alcohol abuse, so you must always control yourself.

    1983 who? — People born under the sign of the Black Water Pig in 1983 have quite unpredictable character. They can start something with enthusiasm and just as quickly stop it because they quickly got bored with it or found it too difficult. When things don't go as planned, the Black Pig becomes angry. Therefore, it is too difficult for her to build a career associated with stress resistance and monotony. At the same time, the Pig, doing what he loves, goes forward in the face of all adversity.

    An excellent sense of humor helps her overcome life's failures. He falls, gets up and again continues to go towards his goal and completes the job. The Pig deserves all victories herself, and does not go betraying her friends and other half, which delights even her ill-wishers. The Pig will never dwell on failures and will continue to act, albeit slowly, as is typical of its character. This is her strength and steadfastness of spirit.

    The main difference between the Black Water Pig of 1983 is the refusal to accept social order, because the Black Pig is too independent and does not take into account the opinion of the majority. Pigs are very impulsive: they either fall in love, then suddenly begin to despise their loved one, then again they are crazy about him. The intuition of the Black Water Pig of 1983 is at the first level, so it easily guesses the good and negative intentions of another person.

    Pigs are very friendly, they have many friends with whom they are open and honest, which endears them to any person. The Pig's kindness is simply off the scale and in this world she considers only her to be the main thing. But this is precisely what lets her down; she is easily deceived and misled by bad people.

    The pig will not fight during an argument, but will solve the problem through conversation and persuasion, which earns respect. He easily defends his point of view and can convince anyone that he is right.

    Black Pigs of 1983 are very reasonable, they always weigh the pros and cons of a decision, but due to their independence, it is difficult to convince them to accept their point of view.

    Thanks to the fact that the Pig first thinks and then acts, it wins in all its affairs. The Pig solves all problems on its own; it will be difficult for it to ask someone for help, because pride does not allow it.

    Black in life Water Pig 1983 counts important creation family hearth and does everything for the benefit of this. She is even ready to work at an uninteresting job, the main thing is that the family lives in abundance. In the first place in her life is a sense of duty and responsibility to her family, so she is very hardworking. In the family, the Black Water Pig does not tolerate discord and always tries to quickly end the dispute peacefully.

    Although the Black Pig of 1983 has a thirst for knowledge, all knowledge, due to its fickle nature, is only superficial. But Pig has a lot of money, and she is always lucky in this matter. Most often, Pigs turn out to be heirs to a decent fortune or are in demand for high-paying jobs.