Find out when is the best time to go on holiday to the UAE. Weather by month: air and water temperature at resorts, high and low seasons. Bonus - reviews from tourists about their vacation.

What months are the best to travel to the UAE?

The United Arab Emirates is famous for its dry and warm climate, so people come to this country all year round. Unlike South-East Asia, the high and low seasons in the UAE depend not on rain, but on air temperature.

When is the best time to go to the UAE? Beach holidays are ideal in October - December and March - April. Tourists can expect an air temperature of +23...+30°С and sea ​​water+24...+27°С. The warm Arabian winter is also suitable for a trip to the UAE. True, in January and February they usually swim not in the sea, but in pools with heated water.

The low season in the UAE lasts from May to September. During these months, the coasts of the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf are hot, humid and prone to sandstorms.

Weather in the UAE by month


Water and air temperature. In January, the air temperature during the day is +23°C, and at night +18°C. Sea water is heated to +20...+22°С.

Weather. January is the rainiest month of the year, but according to statistics, this month has only one day with precipitation. The sun is shining brightly, and the humidity does not exceed 65%.

Reviews from tourists. Is it worth going to the UAE in January? Definitely yes. What locals call coolness becomes a real gift for tourists. In the midst cold winter It's nice to be under the sun among green palm trees and flowers. While there is no intense heat, vacationers sunbathe on the beaches, go on excursions, ride ATVs in the desert and get acquainted with the life of the indigenous people - the Bedouins.

Camel riders in Dubai (Photo © / @fredrikohlander)


Water and air temperature. It gets warmer in the UAE in February. Daytime temperature +24...+25°С. Sea water is heated to +21.5°C.

Weather. The sun is burning with might and main, and daylight hours last 11-11.6 hours. Pleasant mild weather is popular among beach lovers and fans of outdoor activities.

Reviews from tourists. If you don't know when is the best time to come to the UAE with children, choose February. In winter, the sea is cool, but there are many hotels in the Emirates with heated swimming pools. Comfortable water at +28°C is suitable for a child of any age. According to tourists, jeep and camel rides are popular in February.


Water and air temperature. At the beginning of spring, the air temperature in the UAE is +25...+26°C. The water in the Gulf of Oman is warmed up to +21°C, and in the Persian Gulf - up to +23°C.

Weather. The sun is very active and it is easy to get burned. We advise you to choose morning hours and time after 15:00 for tanning. In March there are 2 to 4 rainy days. Sometimes sandstorms hit the resorts. Weather troubles last from 1 to 4 days, and they try to wait them out in hotels.

Reviews from tourists. In March there is no such humidity as in summer, so small children, elderly travelers and tourists who have problems with the heart and respiratory system feel good in the UAE. During the high season in the UAE, the differences between day and night temperatures are large - 10-12°C. For evening walks by the sea, a fleece and a windbreaker will come in handy.

Dubai (Photo © / @chrumo)


Water and air temperature. In April, the thermometer shows +32°C and above, and at night it drops to +20°C. In Fujairah the sea warms up to +21...+23°С, and in Dubai - up to +27°С.

Weather. Thanks to the temperature difference, tourists can take a break from the heat in the evenings. There is no need to expect rain, and the likelihood of sandstorms remains.

Reviews from tourists. The high season in the UAE continues in April. Pleasant weather is good for beach holidays, excursions, sea ​​trips, diving, visiting water parks and entertainment centers.


Water and air temperature. In May the heat intensifies. Air temperature +36...+38°С, and sea water temperature +24...+28°С.

Weather. The number of cloudless days increases to 30. Almost the entire month the sun heats the land and sea. There is zero chance of rain, but fog and sandstorms are possible.

Reviews from tourists. The high season in the UAE ends in May. Although prices for tours are falling, tourists are in no hurry to take advantage of discounts. With the onset of warm weather, priorities change - resort life on the coast comes to life in Europe Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic.


Water and air temperature. In June, the air temperature during the day is +37...+39°С, and at night +26...+31°С. Sea water is very warm +27°C.

Weather. Air humidity rises to 70%, and this makes the heat feel more intense. Oxygen levels drop slightly, leading to drowsiness and lethargy.

Reviews from tourists. Hot weather is unsuitable for a comfortable holiday by the sea, so you should not vacation in the UAE in June. If you still want to go, choose Fujairah. It's 2-3°C cooler there. In addition to beach activities, this resort has excellent diving conditions.


Water and air temperature. The hot summer continues in the UAE. Air temperature +40...+42°С, and sea water temperature +28°С.

Weather. There are no cloudy or rainy days in July. The scorching sun shines 13.5 hours a day. At night the temperature does not drop below +33...+34°C. It's hard to breathe. Tourists and local residents are forced to spend almost the entire day under air conditioning.

Reviews from tourists. Not everyone can withstand hot weather, so the number of tourists at the resorts is small. In July it is much more pleasant and cheaper to relax closer to home.

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, Abu Dhabi (Photo © / @julianasnaps)


Water and air temperature. In August the weather is as hot as in July. Air temperature +40...+41°С. The water temperature in the Gulf of Oman is +25°С, and off the coast Persian Gulf+32°С.

Weather. The feeling of heat is enhanced by high humidity. In August it exceeds 70%. It doesn't rain, but the probability of getting sunburn and heat stroke is very high.

Reviews from tourists. According to vacationers, the August weather is not suitable for beach activities and excursions.


Water and air temperature. At the beginning of autumn the heat subsides a little. Air temperature +36...+40°С during the day and +25...+30°С at night. In Abu Dhabi, Ajman and Sharjah the water is heated to +27°C, in Fujairah - up to +24°C, and in Dubai - up to +33°C.

Weather. Daylight hours are decreasing, but the sun is active like summer. There is no cloudy weather in September. The sea water is too warm, so swimming is not refreshing.

United Arab Emirates - oriental tale and the world of skyscrapers. We'll tell you which months are the best to go there on vacation to swim in the sea and see the sights.

You can vacation in the Emirates all year round. There are several seasons that differ weather conditions:

  • High (beach)
  • Low (very hot)
  • Excursion and sales time.

When does the season start


Autumn and spring - best time for a beach holiday. You can bask in the warm rays of the sun, sunbathe and feel like a full-fledged person. Tickets are more expensive at this time, but there are options. The temperature remains at the optimal level of +30-35˚С.


Comes with the onset of summer. The hottest time of the year. If you can’t stand the heat well, then it’s better not to go to the Emirates. It's 45˚C outside. There were times when it was as hot as +60˚C.

Even the sea is not refreshing. The water is heating up and it’s burning your head. The optimal time for swimming is evening or morning. During the day, everyone hides from the scorching rays of the sun. Some in hotels, some in shopping centers where there is air conditioning.

When to go on excursions

  • Artificial palm islands in Dubai. The islands are shaped like date palms. In front of each of them is a crescent moon. It conceals within itself double meaning: Represents a symbol of Islam and is also a breakwater that prevents waves from eroding artificial islands. Barrier reefs located around land are made in the form of quotes on Arabic.
  • Singing and dancing fountains. One of the main ones. Fountains are a kind of symbol of the prosperity of the Emirates, because water in this desert country is equal to gold.
  • Aquarium in mall Dubai. 33 thousand species live here sea ​​creatures. The tank of the aquarium is filled with 10 million liters of water. Of interest is the arched tunnel, which allows you to look at undersea world from the inside. The scale is impressive! The aquarium is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world.
  • Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. It amazes with its beauty and size - 22,400 sq. meters. The mosque is open to visits by people of any faith; the main condition for women is to put on a burqa before entering.
  • Jumeirah Mosque in Dubai. Built in the spirit of the early Middle Ages, it has magnificent decoration.
  • Al Jahili Fortress. National Monument. The fortress was built in 1898 to protect the oasis of the city of Al Ain. The walls and rooms inside have retained their historical appearance.

Sale time

Sales take place in winter in Dubai. This is a grand event, it's time for huge discounts and time for real shopaholics. There is a wide selection of jewelry and fur products, perfumes, home textiles, various types of equipment, clothing and even real estate. During this period, the influx of tourists increases greatly, so it is worth taking care of early hotel reservations.

Planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help you save money while preparing for your trip.

Air and water temperature

The entire territory has a desert climate. It rains extremely rarely, only 10 days a year. But the sun, burning and scorching, always ensures clear weather. Extreme hot weather overtakes the country in mid-late summer, but in winter the country is affected by the winds and the unbearable heat recedes.


Summer is the driest time. The heat is still gaining momentum - 39˚C. Water approximately 25˚C. Humidity is 70%. An excellent alternative to relaxing on the beach is a trip to a water park or a trip to ski resort With artificial snow.


Not the best time to travel to the Emirates. The sun heats up the atmosphere to 44˚C. The water warms up to 30˚C. Despite the high humidity of 80%, heat and drought are felt.


The heat doesn't let up. The thermometer shows 44˚C. Water as in thermal spring. Very warm, 33˚C. During the day, it is advisable to avoid open-air areas.


The first month of autumn is very similar to August, but already tolerable. The water is still too hot (31˚C). The heat doesn't want to go away yet. The air warms up to 40˚C.


This is the best time to go to the beach, so have your swimsuit ready. Humidity reaches 60% and from this point begins to fall. Air temperature during the day is 35˚С. The nights are quite warm 26˚C. The water is very pleasant - 27˚С.

In the Arabian paradise, summer is hot and humid. Temperatures on summer days vary between 33 and 43 degrees Celsius, and in some places even higher - about 50˚C. However, there is no need to be alarmed ahead of time, since the UAE is equipped with air conditioning everywhere. All buildings at the resorts, including shops, entertainment complexes, restaurants, and hotels are air-conditioned. Even the shops at the market, souvenir stalls and cars that you rent or order from a taxi service are also equipped with powerful air conditioners, so don’t worry, it’s possible that you won’t feel any special manifestations of the heat, of course, if you choose favorably time to go to the beach. Although on the beaches in the Emirates there are often recreation areas with cabins and gazebos equipped with air conditioning. Even swimming pools in respectable hotels are equipped with a cooling system. So, caring local hospitable residents want everything to make you comfortable even in fifty-degree heat.

No matter how unusual it may sound to you, but the best time for a beach holiday in UAE resorts- winter, autumn and spring - from September to May inclusive. It's the other way around and it's quite entertaining. When there is a blizzard in your homeland, it is snowing, and cars become snowdrifts overnight, you can lie on the sand, enjoying the gentle sun and warm, literally steamy-feeling water. However, be prepared for temporary changes in the atmosphere - fogs that often appear in the Emirates from February to May and rains that water the desert in the area New Year's holidays. Meanwhile, the presence of such phenomena is not at all necessary - both fogs and rains may pass the country when you are there, but you should be warned in order to most successfully plan your trip to the Arabian fabulous land. As for the average air temperature in winter, it is about 18 degrees Celsius, however, sometimes there are periods of decrease to 10˚C and increase to 25˚C. Should we expect frost in the Emirates? Most likely not, the temperature drops below 0˚C only in rare cases - once every few decades.
The sandy winds that we mentioned above often come to visit during the winter-spring period and blow mainly from the north or northwest.

Humidity in resort areas

In the summer months, and especially August and September, the hospitable Emirates experience increased humidity. Don't be surprised if you find your camera lens, video camera, or glasses fogging up a lot when you step outside an air-conditioned building. The abrupt transition from a cool and dry zone to a hot and humid zone has an effect. Just stock up on absorbent wipes for wiping lenses and glasses, always carry them in your purse while moving around the resorts, and nothing will stop your vacation from being enchanting. It should be noted that the coastal areas of the United Arab Emirates are wetter than the central ones. Despite the fact that the humidity along the coastline often reaches 50-60%, or even 90%, in the hot summer months and early autumn, rain is rare in the UAE. As you understand, they can be expected throughout December-January, and the duration of the rainy season is short - only a week, maximum 10 days. By the way, local residents rejoice at the life-giving moisture that so rarely pours from heaven, like little children, so don’t be surprised. Meanwhile, the Arabs are not blessed with precipitation every year; sometimes the drought continues for several years in a row.

Water temperature at UAE resorts

The good news is that you can swim in the UAE all year round, and you will never freeze, since the minimum water thermometer mark is 15˚C in January-February, and the maximum is about 35˚C at the end of summer. Even if the water suddenly seems cool to you, you can move to the pool, where the local “wizards”, who care about the comfort of tourists, maintain the water temperature, regardless of the time of year, around 26-28 degrees Celsius. As you understand, in winter the water in the pools is heated, and in the summer, on the contrary, it is cooled. So enjoy the pleasant waters, no matter what months you choose to travel to the UAE.

Weather in the Emirates by month

Below you will see the average air temperature day and night, as well as water temperature (in degrees Celsius) at the main resorts of the wonderful Arab country. The first indicator is the air temperature during the day, the second - at night, and the third - water in its natural state.
So, let's begin? What will New Year's January bring us in terms of temperature in the Arabian paradise?

Dubai - 24/13/19;
Abu Dhabi - 23/11/19;
Sharjah - 23/12/19;
Fujairah - 24/17/18;
Ajman - 24/14/19.

Weather in the country in February:

Dubai - 24/14/18;
Abu Dhabi - 24/13/18;
Sharjah - 24/13/18;
Fujairah - 26/18/19;
Ajman - 25/15/18.

Weather in the Emirates in March:

Dubai - 27/17/23;
Abu Dhabi - 28/15/23;
Sharjah - 28/16/23;
Fujairah - 26/19/21/;
Ajman - 28/17/23.

Weather in April in the UAE:

Dubai - 32/20/27;
Abu Dhabi - 33/19/27;
Sharjah - 32/19/26;
Fujairah - 30/23/21;
Ajman - 32/20/27.

Weather in May in the Emirates:

Dubai - 36/23/27;
Abu Dhabi - 38/22/27;
Sharjah - 37/23/27;
Fujairah - 37/29/23;
Ajman - 37/24/27.

Weather in the Emirates in June:

Dubai - 38/26/27;
Abu Dhabi - 39/24/27;
Sharjah - 40/25/27;
Fujairah - 37/31/25;
Ajman - 39/26/27.

Weather at UAE resorts in July:

Dubai - 40/28/29;
Abu Dhabi - 42/27/29;
Sharjah - 41/28/30;
Fujairah - 37/32/26;
Ajman - 41/29/29.

Weather in the Emirates in August:

Dubai - 40/29/32;
Abu Dhabi - 41/28/32;
Sharjah - 40/28/32;
Fujairah - 36/21/25;
Ajman - 40/29/32.

Autumn weather at UAE resorts in September:

Dubai - 38/26/27;
Abu Dhabi - 40/25/27;
Sharjah - 38/25/27;
Fujairah - 36/30/24;
Ajman - 39/26/27.

Weather in the country in October:

Dubai - 35/22/27;
Abu Dhabi - 35/21/27;
Sharjah - 35/21/26;
Fujairah - 33/27/24;
Ajman - 35/23/27.

Weather in the Emirates in November:

Dubai - 30/18/25;
Abu Dhabi - 30/17/25;
Sharjah - 30/17/25;
Fujairah - 28/22/23;
Ajman - 31/18/25.

Winter weather at UAE resorts in December:

Dubai - 26/15/24;
Abu Dhabi - 25/14/24;
Sharjah - 25/14/24;
Fujairah - 26/20/20;
Ajman - 26/15/24.

The United Arab Emirates is located in the southwestern part of Asia in the east of the Arabian Peninsula. The Emirates' neighbors to the west and south are Saudi Arabia, on the southeastern and northeastern border - with Osman. The UAE has access to the Ottoman and Persian Gulfs.

The UAE consists of 7 emirates, which due to their natural beauty are considered the pearls of the country. Dubai, Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain, Abu Dhabi and Ras Al Khaimah - these cities should be visited by every inquisitive tourist. The capital of the country is the city of Abu Dhabi.

Climate and season in the UAE

Thanks to the warm sunny days, the amount of rain does not exceed 10 days a year. Most precipitation falls in winter, but it is short-lived and irregular. On the coast, air humidity reaches 95%. The climate in the UAE is dry subtropical. In winter it is warm and average temperature at midday it is about +23°C, and in summer it rises to +45°C and above. The water temperature on the coast in winter is not lower than +19°C, in summer it reaches +35°C.

“In winter, the temperature can drop to +7°C at night and then it gets really “cold.”

The season for visiting tourists in the UAE can last 355 days a year, because all these days the sunny and dry weather pleases travelers. The landscape consists of huge sandy deserts, which alternate with rocky mountains. A mass of natural and artificial islands that are located along the coast and surrounded by stunning coral reefs They look great and seem to attract you.

UAE in summer

Weather in June. Hot and sunny weather. The air temperature in Abu Dhabi is +39°C, in Sharjah +37°C. At night about +26 °C. At this time it is very hot in the UAE and not everyone can tolerate too high a temperature. Therefore, there are not many tourists in the country.

The water temperature off the coast of the Persian Gulf is +25°C. Air humidity 70%.

The price for tours for two will vary from 130,000 to 170,000 rubles, depending on the level of the hotel.

More information about weather and prices in UAE in June.

Weather in July. Hot and dry weather. The air temperature in Dubai is +40°C and above. In Abu Dhabi +41°С…+42°С. Along the entire coast the temperature is not lower than +28°C. Humidity rises to 80%. Very comfortable in Fujairah +37°C.

The water temperature off the coast of the Persian Gulf reaches +29°С…+30°С. Off the coast of the Gulf of Oman +26°C.

The price of tours will remain stable almost all summer. For two, a week of vacation will cost up to 150,000 rubles, depending on the level of the hotel and food.

More information about weather and prices in UAE in July.

Weather in August. The most unpredictable weather all month. Air temperature +40°С…+41°С.

The water temperature reaches +32°C off the coast of the Persian Gulf, in the cities of Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah, and off the coast of the Gulf of Oman up to +25°C.

The price of tours will depend on the region and the level of the hotel. A 5* hotel for two for seven nights will cost about 150,000 rubles. The all-inclusive service in a 4* hotel will cost 130,000 rubles.

More information about weather and prices in UAE in August.

UAE in autumn

Weather in September. The air temperature in the capital is +40°C, in Sharjah +38°C, in Fujairah +36°C. Humidity is high +70°C.

The water temperature in the Gulf of Oman is +24°C, in the Persian Gulf +27°C.

The price of tours is noticeably reduced; there can be huge discounts of up to 43%. On average, a tour for two will cost about 100,000 rubles, depending on the level of the hotel and service.

More information about weather and prices in UAE in September.

Weather in October. Start tourist season. The air temperature is +35°C on the west coast, in Fujairah +33°C. Air humidity is up to 60% and is decreasing every day closer to normal.

Water temperature is +27°C, in Fujairah +24°C.

The price for tours for two in a 5* hotel will range from 200,000 to 300,000 rubles. In a 3* hotel, 7 nights will cost about 130,000 rubles.

Weather in November. The peak of the season. The air temperature rises to +30°C, in Fujairah +28°C, Dubai +32°C. At night up to +17°С…+22°С.

The sea water temperature off the coast of the Persian Gulf is +25°C, in the Gulf of Oman +23°C.

Prices for tours in a 3* hotel from 90,000 rubles, in a 4* hotel from 100,000 rubles and in a 5* hotel from 150,000 rubles for a week for two.

UAE weather and prices by month for 2019

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
January+24 +13 +19 from 55,000 rub.
February+24 +14 +18 from 50,000 rub.
March+27 +17 +23 from 50,000 rub.
April+32 +20 +27 from 70,000 rub.
May+36 +23 +27 from 50,000 rub.
June+38 +26 +27 from 70,000 rub.
July+40 +28 +29 from 70,000 rub.
August+40 +29 +32 from 80,000 rub.
September+38 +26 +27 from 90,000 rub.
October+35 +22 +27 from 110,000 rub.
November+30 +18 +25 from 90,000 rub.
December+26 +15 +24 from 70,000 rub.

The United Arab Emirates, especially, is favorite place for the holidays of many tourists from all over the world.

The dry subtropical climate makes it quite easy to tolerate temperatures above 40 degrees, and the dunes, golden sands and oriental landscapes will immerse you headlong in the tales of Aladdin.

Climate features in the regions of the United Arab Emirates at different times

  • is the coldest month in the Emirates - the air temperature is quite warm for sunbathing, but not for swimming - the water is too cold. At this time it is quite cool in Abu Dhabi, especially at night. It rains most in Sharjah and Fujairah.
  • In the Emirs it rains en masse, and fogs cover the coast. Most often, this weather occurs in Fujairah and Sharjah.
  • March.

    Starting this month in the Emirates beach season– no longer cold, but not yet scorching weather is most popular among tourists. But there is a chance of light rain.

    It's really warm in Ras Al Khaimah and Sharjah, while Abu Dhabi and Fujairah are a little cooler.

  • April- most comfortable month rest without precipitation and suffocating heat. Water and air temperatures are slightly higher than in March. This month is the hottest month in Fujairah.
  • is the last month before the hot Arabian summer, although the weather is already quite hot and the sea is ideal for swimming. During this period there is the greatest influx of tourists and vacationers. In Fujairah heat does not go away even at night.
  • June. The highest temperature is in Abu Dhabi, and Fujairah has the most optimal temperature of both water and air. From this month the hot season begins - the water temperature in the sea can even exceed 30 degrees. But this heat is easily tolerated due to the subtropical climate. It practically never rains.
  • The air temperature in the Emirates reaches 50 degrees or more. This is a period of real heat. Air humidity increases. Precipitation is unlikely. Fujairah experiences the mildest weather at this time, while Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah experience the hottest.
  • very similar to July - just as hot and windless. Air humidity reaches its maximum. In Fujairah the air warms up to 35 degrees, and in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah - up to 45 degrees.
  • . The highest temperatures are still in Abu Dhabi, and only Fujairah can boast of cool seas during this period.
  • At this time, although the temperature does not drop, the heat goes away until next summer. The water temperature in the sea is slowly decreasing. The lovely velvet season begins.

  • October. The most favorable weather for all those who want to relax without the stifling heat and mercilessly scorching sun. Fog is possible in the morning. The hottest places are in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ajman, and the most comfortable in Fujairah.
  • November considered the peak of the holiday season. The heat subsides, the water in the sea becomes cool. The “hottest places” are Dubai and Fujairah; in other regions the temperature gradually drops - if it’s warm enough during the day, you can freeze at night.
  • IN December The Emirates is quite warm during the day and cool at night. The water in the sea warms up from 20 to 25 degrees. High probability of rain and fog. The most comfortable weather is in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Ras al-Khaimah.
  • High season

    The most favorable period For holidays in October, March and April are considered. These months have the mildest and “average” climate - not as hot as in summer, and not as cool as in winter.

    What is the weather “pattern” throughout the year?


    Winter in the Emirates quite chilly, the sea cools down overnight, so many people prefer to spend this time in the sea rather than on the beach. Also, winter in the UAE is rainy season and cool winds.

    • December the air temperature is stable at 26 degrees during the day and 23 at night. The sea temperature at this time of year changes depending on precipitation and varies from 18 to 23 degrees.
    • In winter, the temperature in the Emirates is quite cool for swimming, but it is suitable for sunbathing and walking, as well as visiting all kinds of excursions and shops - in the winter months there are big discounts on all goods.

    • IN January the temperature is slightly lower than in the previous month - 23-25 ​​degrees during the day and 20-23 degrees at night. Sea temperature is from 17 to 21 degrees.
    • IN February During the day on the thermometer you can see the numbers 24-26, and at night 21-23. The sea still remains cool.


    It's that time of year is the best time to visit resorts UAE – the summer heat has not yet come into its own, and the rainy season has already passed.

    Spring in Dubai and other popular resorts perfect fit for walks and excursions around this eastern country and beach holiday, including beach volleyball and water skiing.


    Summer months in the Emirates the hottest. The sea warms up to such a high degree of hotness that many people prefer to swim in the pools.

    • In the first month of summer During the day, the air temperature does not fall below 38 degrees, and at night - below 30. The sea temperature is almost equal to the air temperature - about 32 degrees.
    • In the heat, it is very difficult to stay under the scorching sun for a long time, so many tourists at this time of year prefer to stay in hotels and entertainment centers.

    • In July the situation remains virtually unchanged - the day is also hot (39-42 degrees), the night is not particularly cool (32-34 degrees). The sea this month is rough at a temperature of 29 - 32 degrees.
    • August almost identical to July - the same 40 - 42 degrees during the day and 32-33 degrees at night. The sea also does not have time to cool down, and its temperature is equal to the air temperature at night.


    Like spring, autumn is a fertile period for a trip to the United Arab Emirates.

    At this time in the Emirates you you can go anywhere: to travel around the area, to the beach, to a flea market or to stay in air-conditioned hotels. Also in autumn, flowers bloom everywhere - plants literally cover the state.

    Before going to the Emirates, you need decide on a resort. Abu Dhabi has excellent service, beautiful, fabulous landscapes, beautiful fountains. Ajman famous for the free sale of alcohol, and the emirate itself is quite provincial.

    Dubai– the most famous Emirate region in the world, the most “European”. There are a lot of different hotels, shops and entertainment here. Sharjah distinguished by its strict compliance with Shariah, good area for divers and excellent for family vacation. Fujairah